AP Gov Chapter 18

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visas, Tehran

*State department also assigns ___ to foreigners and issues passports as well. Before 9/11 the State Dept. was lax in assigning student and work visas. We have an embassy in every country we have relations with. Embassies are individual territories, invading them is an act of war—___, Iran (Argo)

national security council

-created in 1947, the NSC helps the president integrate foreign, military and economic policies that affect national security -the National Security Advisor has emerged as one of the most influential foreign policy advisors, sometimes rivaling the Secretary of State or becoming it Condoleeza Rice was a National Security Advisor

US Foreign Service,

-US embassies are staffed by the ___; there are about 4000 of them if you believe you are being threatened somehow, you can go to the embassy. -they gather political, economic and intelligence data for American policy makers -the Foreign Services has had difficulties in recruiting officers with Arab language skills which weakens our intelligence gathering capability The consulate is where American businessmen will go to other countries and find what their culture is like and how their business is run.

foreign dictators

-critics say that we have often given aid to ____ we did that particularly during the Cold War-we helped put the shah of Iran in place and gave him a lot of aid. We give more foreign aid to Israel than any other country in the world. They're surrounded by some enemies (Syria, Iraq) and they are the only democracy in the US. Carter helped a treaty between Israel and Egypt and now we are giving some aid to Egypt.

axis of evil, north korea, iraq, iran

-he said Iraq was part of an ____ that threatened the world and he made a case for removing Saddam Hussein from power because he was a brutal dictator used chemical weapons on his own people. "Axis of evil" was ____. Right now we're afraid Iran has weapons of mass destruction. -there was no connection between Iraq and the 9-11 attacks; they were the work of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden -the House and Senate passed a joint resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq -we assumed Iraqi oil production would help pay for the war but it did not -we assumed we would find weapons of mass destruction but we did not nuclear and chemical weapons. They did not have weapons of mass destruction

400, Eisenhower

-more than ___ billion is spent on contractors providing weapons and services to the military contractors are private companies who make the weapons, ships, and airplanes. President ____ (the one formal general) warned the US about having too much power in the military industrial complex. Said we should spend some money on education instead.


-sanctions have not been successful in __ -if sanctions are to work, they must be imposed by many nations, not just the US It must be multi-lateral-if US just puts on an economic sanction the country will just buy goods from another country


-the Founding Fathers decided that foreign policy was a national, not state responsibility states are legally not allowed to declare war. -they concentrated the decision making power over foreign policy and defense with the ____. Joint Chief of Staff must report to the President -they did give Congress the power to declare war, raise an army and navy, and ratify treaties with a 2/3 vote of the Senate

2011, Saddam Hussein

-the Iraq War ended in ___ Was it a success? 4500 American died, ____ was removed from power and executed and Iraq elected its first democratic govt in 2005 The first Iraq war was in 1991-some say Bush Sr. should've gotten Saddam Hussein then. The original Iraq war lasted about 2 months. We were told the Iraq war (with W. Bush) would end quickly—but it dragged on for several years. Saddam Hussein did not have much to do with 9/11-we were attacked by Al Qaida. Another bad assumption was Iraqi oil would help pay for the war. Saddam Hussein was executed by his own people.

economic development and international understanding

-the Peace Corps has helped many Third World countries by sending Americans to teach, improve water and sanitation systems, and do community development work

united nations

-the ___ was supposed to be a forum for world peace, but has been largely ineffective in many areas the Korean War was started by the UN-sometimes the UN gets involved in hard diplomacy too. -the UN has often been hostile to American interests

chairman of the joint chiefs

-the ____ exercises power over the forces in the field and is responsible for overall military planning -however, the president may occasionally ignore his advice because the president is still the commander in chief -there are often rivalries between the different services; the Army and Air Force may quarrel over who should provide air support for ground troops -*the US has replaced the draft with an all-volunteer force but 18 year old boys have to fill out papers to register for a draft in case one comes up

Defense Intelligence Agency, office of the director of national intelligence

-there are many other agencies such as the______ that have to coordinate with the CIA; the Department of Homeland Security also works closely with the CIA -the goal after 9-11 is to get these agencies to communicate with each other better to prevent future terrorist attacks -Congress created the ____ in 2004 to coordinate the activities within the intelligence community

tariffs, imports, interest groups

-there was a big debate over granting China permanent normal trade relations status because of its history of violating basic human rights, but Congress did grant China normal trade relations (fewer ___ and restrictions on ___) this happened during the 1990s-one of the reasons people said we shouldn't give normal trade relations with the Chinese is they don't respect human rights. -we love cheap goods made in China, but what are they paying those people?? Is there slave labor in China?? As a country becomes more developed, they start expecting more even though it is a communist government Most of our business_____ are really pushing free trade agreements. We want to develop our markets all over the world.

Kyoto Treaty

1. Addressing Global Climate Change- rising world temperatures could cause polarize caps to melt and global flooding. The ____ in 1997 said nations should reduce greenhouse gases; 85 nations signed, but the US never ratified it. The US believed it gave too many exemptions to developing countries (China). China has a ton of pollution.


1. Should the US be isolationist or internationalist? Isolationists want US to stay out of Afghanistan and Iraq while internationalists say the US needs to protect its own interests overseas isolationism is ____

Unilateralists, Obama

2. Unilateralism or multilateralism? ____ say the US has the right to act alone in response to threats. The Bush Doctrine said US could attack any nation that harbors terrorists favored in preemption and unilateralism. Multilateralists say the US should act with the active support of other nations. ____ believes more in this. With the first Iraq War we had more countries supporting our actions. After 9/11, we were primarily on our own.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

2. _____ (WMD) nuclear weapons are the biggest concern, but also chemical and biological weapons- in 2010, the US and Russia agreed to reduce nuclear warheads to 1,550 (by almost 50%) We are concerned about the use of biological and chemical weapons by North Korea, Iran and Syria Terrorists can get ahold of smallpox virus and other viruses. Bush did not want "Axis of Evil" to be irresponsible with WMDs.

Preemption, Dick Cheney

3. Preemption or provocation? ____ assumes the US may attack first when another country is a serious threat. ___ advocated this when he thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. We can attack before they threaten us or our allies. Other countries may look at us as aggressors—there is a lot of debate.

Fighting Terrorism

3. ____ (biggest concern right now) - although Osama Bin Laden is dead and Al-Qaeda is hurt, there are still terrorist attacks around the world e.g. Mumbai, India, London, Madrid and Boston Marathon bombing

detterence, soft power

4. Hard power or soft power? Hard power wants military and economic strength to deter attacks from others (___) America is the most powerful nation when it comes to military power-we also spend the most. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) was an example of this when it involved nuclear weapons. ___ __ involved the use of traditional diplomacy through treaties, financial aid. We use our power or threaten to use our power-hard power.

middle east peace, israel, syria, iraq, iran

Continued Priorities _____- the region is locked in a violent struggle between Israel and Palestinians who live in the occupied West Bank area -the US has called for Israel to withdraw settlements from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but we want the Palestinians to stop the violence against Israeli civilians -Iran may threaten __ with nuclear weapons ad that is a big concern -the US has been a good ally to the Israelis since its founding in 1948 Israel became a state for Jews primarily in 1948 A lot of Syrians are fleeing the country. We're concerned mostly about ___

harm, economic interests, human rights, russians

Defining Vital US Interests -the biggest goal is to protect the US from ___ (terrorism, attack) -we also want to protect our ___- Oil traveled through the Persian gulf in the Persian Gulf war -defining our interests requires balancing of some competing goals e.g. we want cheap imports, but don't want to lose American jobs -we want to enhance ____, but not if it means too many Americans will die in the process -our new goal is to fight terrorism around the world before it reaches America. we are uniting with ___ on terrorism-they are especially scared because of the Olympics. We are both united in trying to get rid of the terrorists.

department of homeland security

Newest cabinet department -it includes the Border Patrol, Coast Guard, Customs Service, the Secret Service, the Immigration Service and the Transportation Security Administration -its goals are to prevent terrorists from entering the country, reduce the chances of a terrorist attack, and help the country recover should one occur -it screens airline passengers, cargo, patrols our borders, provides disaster aid -our seaports, nuclear power plants, and chemical factories are now considered "soft targets" because they may be the next things to be attacked by terrorists

triad, submarine based

The nuclear ___ describes 3 ways to launch nuclear missiles. 1) Bomber planes e.g. stealth 2) Ground based nuclear missilies 3) ____ * BEST WAY The president is the only who can give the word to launch a nuclear weapon. Takes about 20-30 minutes to find the targets. i

central intelligence agency

___ they spy and get involved in covert operations (very problematic) intelligence means information. Muslim spies are more able to fit in with spying on terrorist groups-human intelligence. There is also technology intelligence-tapping into people's phone calls, satellites. -it was created in 1947 to coordinate the gathering and analysis of information from all over the world; basically it spies on other countries -but much of its work is routine

covert operations

___-CIA trying to affect things that happen in another country. Bay of Pigs invasion-we were training Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and try to overthrow Castro. The invasion was not successful. We tried to kill Castro several times- CIA operations.

The department of defense, pentagon, joint chiefs of staff

___Headquarters is the ___ head of all armed forces -does the day to day organizing for defense of our country -the Pentagon has 17 miles of corridors and 23,000 military and civilian personnel -the ____ act as the chief military advisors to the president highest ranking military leaders to help the president. President does not know as much about military tactics. -they are appointed by the president

international trade, free trade, NAFTA

____- the world is more interdependent and competitive economically -the US generally favors a policy of ___ (free movement of goods across international borders without tariffs) this causes debate. Most presidents lately have been in favor of free trade Raising tariffs against other countries has not helped our economies-Tariff imposed during the Depression may have made it worse-other countries put tariffs on our goods and then we can't sell overseas. In the long run most people believe ___ did help their economy.

foreign aid (soft power)

____-since 1945, the US has provided about $400 billion in economic aid to foreign countries, but its % of our total spending has gone down -most aid goes to countries that are important to our national security such as Israel, Egypt, Ukraine, Jordon, India, Russia we use foreign aid to get people on our side. We used the Marshall Plan after WWII. -Americans often say that they oppose foreign aid, but it's not that much compared to our total GDP

Military Intervention (hard power)

______experts agree that military force is most effective when used against small countries for short engagements (Grenada, Panama, Kuwait, and Afghanistan) hard power means bringing in the military -it is often ineffective in the context of national civil wars such as Vietnam the North Vienamese were more dedicated to the cause than South Viatnamese and Americans -many in the military are reluctant to send troops for humanitarian efforts that don't affect our vital interests -Does this explain why we did little in Rwanda?

conventional diplomacy (soft power)

_____much of our foreign policy is conducted by the Foreign Service, ambassadors, at summit meetings -President Bush created the Office of Global Communications to enhance the reputation of the US abroad; they produce good propaganda for the US. -we can recall ambassadors or cut off diplomatic ties completely to show our dissatisfaction with a country This is an example of hard power. -this cuts off travel to that nation as well as economic ties

economic sanctions (soft power)

____a denial of imports, export, or financial relations with a target country to affect their policies that we don't like -sanctions were placed on South Africa to end apartheid -sanctions on Libya helped end its nuclear weapons program -some say that sanctions often hurt the people of a country and not the leaders who we want to affect the idea of this is that if the people of a country are hurting enough they might rebel against leaders-In Egypt there was the Arab spring

state department, john kerry

helping the president negotiate using soft power. ____ (secretary of state) is actively involved in developing treaties and sanctions in Iran. -it is responsible for the diplomatic realm of foreign and defense policy -negotiates treaties, protects US citizens abroad, promotes US commercial interests in other nations, grants visas to foreign visitors -the State Dept. was criticized for being to lax in granting visas to almost anyone who could afford to come here; many 9-11 hijackers had expires visas -some say the State Dept. did not have enough employees to review each visa carefully

Saudi Arabia

the Bush administration was concerned about Iraq and the possibility that it had weapons of mass destruction, but it was not a top priority publicly until after 9-11. Sending troops to Iraq was the most controversial thing Bush did- people felt we were pushed in under false pretenses. Almost all the 9/11 terrorists were from ____-who were our "friends". Now we are not so dependent on foreign oil—get most of it from America now. -he ordered that the military plan an attack on Iraq only six days after 9-11


the CIA has engaged in many covert military actions to get rid of leaders we did not like because they were socialists or communists; some of these covert actions backfired such as when we attempted to assassinate ___ in Cuba -ironically our aid to Afghan rebels who fought the Soviets in the 1970's led to the rise of the Taliban who aided Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda

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