ap gov chp 11 + 12 test

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The Supreme Court's decision in Shaw v. Reno (1993) is most applicable to which of the following scenarios?

A state legislature approves a redistricting plan that draws district lines on basis of race.

https://assets.learnosity.com/organisations/537/VR029082.g05.png Based on the data, which of the following is the most likely consequence for the legislative process in Congress?

An increase in gridlock and failure to compromise on legislation

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the reasoning for the decision in Baker v. Carr (1962) ?

Because rural districts had fewer people, representation was unevenly distributed; thus, Baker was denied equal protection under the law.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of checks on the legislative branch and checks on the executive branch?

Check on Legislative Branch: President may veto bills passed by congress Check on Exec Branch: Senate must confirm judicial nominees

Which of the following accurately describes the composition of congressional committees?

Committees are organized by the majority party to maintain control of the policy-making process.

When a bill passes the House and the Senate in different versions, the bill is resolved by which of the following types of committee?


In 1998, Goodyear employee Lilly Ledbetter filed suit against her employer for pay discrimination based on her gender. Though Ledbetter was initially successful, Goodyear appealed the decision and the case went to the Supreme Court. In Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. (2007), the Supreme Court ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires that sex discrimination complaints must be made within 180 days "after the alleged unlawful employment practice occurred," which Ledbetter had failed to do. Which of the following actions could be taken to reverse the impact of the decision?

Congress could enact legislation to amend Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

All of the following are ways that the legislative branch can check the powers of the executive branch EXCEPT:

Congress may pass a law declaring a presidential action unconstitutional.

On February 9, 2016, President Barack Obama released his budget proposal for the 2017 fiscal year. Facing a Republican Congress, many declared the plan "dead on arrival." Among the cited issues was Obama's request for $582.7 billion in discretionary spending for defense, which many Republicans believed was not enough. Which of the following most accurately explains the interaction between the president and the Congress regarding the defense budget?

Congress passes a budget for the entire federal government, including defense, but it must consider the president's proposal because the president may veto the bill.

Which of the following is an example of Congress using its implied powers?

Congress passing occupational safety regulations for the private sector

Which of the following pairs accurately identifies the methods used by Congress and the president to hold the bureaucracy accountable to the other branches?

Congress: Holding a committee hearing President: Appointing a Cabinet

Congress is most likely to exert oversight of the executive bureaucracy in which of the following ways?

Controlling an executive agency's annual budget

Which of the following best reflects the holding in the case Baker v. Carr (1962) ?

Created a one-person, one-vote standard for reviewing congressional districts.

Which of the following accurately compares the formal and informal powers of the president?

Formal Power: Acting as commander in chief of the military Informal power: Signing executive agreements with foreign nations

If Congress wanted to effect a change in the Social Security payroll tax, to what congressional committee would the task initially be assigned?

House Ways and Means Committee

To which of the following congressional committees would a proposal to reform the national income-tax system initially be sent?

House Ways and Means Committee

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate?

House of Representatives: Debate on bills is limited Senate: Debate on bills can be unlimited

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate?

House of Representatives: The Constitution's framers intended it to reflect the will of the people. Senate: The Constitution's framers designed it to represent the interests of the states.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the rules for debate used by the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate?

House of Reps: Debate is limited Senate: Members can filibuster

Which of the following is true of an executive agreement made between a United States President and another head of state?

It does not require Senate approval, but may require congressional allocation of funds for implementation.

Which of the following is true about the pocket veto?

It occurs when the President takes no action on a bill for ten days during which Congress is adjourned.

On July 9, 2018, after the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, President Trump, a Republican, nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Many Democrats in the Senate feared that the appointment of Kavanaugh would swing the Court in a more ideologically conservative direction and attempted to block his nomination. After a heated Senate confirmation hearing, Kavanaugh was eventually confirmed by a 50-48 vote in the Senate. The scenario best highlights which of the following statements about court appointees?

Life tenure for appointed justices alongside the power of judicial review increases the stakes in the confirmation process for nominees to the Supreme Court.

The majority party in the Senate is concerned that the Supreme Court has made a number of ideologically dangerous and controversial rulings. Which of the following actions could be taken by the Senate to limit the Supreme Court's power?

Pass legislation already passed by the House that would limit the impact of the Supreme Court's recent rulings

If Congress adjourns during the ten days the president has to consider a bill passed by both houses of Congress, but which the president has not yet signed, what is the result?

Pocket veto

Which of the following situations is an example of the president using the bully pulpit as a tool for agenda setting?

President Reagan delivering a televised address urging a reduction in federal taxes

"fourty more years!!!!!!!!' Which of the following best illustrates the point being made in the cartoon above?

Presidents can have an influence on public policy far beyond their terms of office.

Which of the following describes the ruling in Shaw v. Reno (1993) ?

Racial gerrymandering was ruled unconstitutional.

In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the United States Supreme Court ruled that a Georgia law violated the U.S. Constitution. In response to Chief Justice John Marshall's majority opinion, President Andrew Jackson said, "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it." Which of the following ideas regarding government does President Jackson's statement exhibit?

Since the Supreme Court has no enforcement mechanism, the executive and legislative branches can restrict its decisions.

Based on the issues addressed in a bill, a bill will be recommended to a particular _______________ and placed on its calendar

Standing committee

Which of the following is an example of the executive branch implementing a public policy passed by Congress?

The Department of Health and Human Services determines eligibility requirements for government assistance.

A person claiming that the House can pass legislation with a simple majority, but the Senate is unlikely to pass legislation unless a bill has the support of a 60-vote supermajority is most likely to cite which of the following institutional differences as the cause of this trend?

The House has strict limits on debate, while the Senate allows unlimited debate.

Of the following, which is the most powerful figure in Congress?

The Speaker of the House

Robert Dallek, "Power and the Presidency, From Kennedy to Obama," Smithsonian magazine, January 2011 Which of the following explains why the author believes presidential power has expanded?

The United States has emerged as a global power, which has enhanced the power of the president in foreign affairs.

Which of the following statement best summarizes this excerpt from Senator Rand Paul's speech?

The United States should decide on war-like action on its merits, not along with other legislation.

Which of the following is true of the seniority system of Congress in relation to committee leadership and committee staffing?

The chairs of congressional committees tend to be senior members of the body's majority party.

In the early part of the twenty-first century, public opinion polls showed that a majority of Americans believed it should be illegal to burn the American flag. As a result, many members of Congress introduced amendments to make it illegal to burn or desecrate the American flag. However, these efforts have been unsuccessful. Which of the following statements best explains why these efforts have been unsuccessful?

The framers made the amendment process difficult in order to protect individual rights.

Which of the following is an example of checks and balances in action in the United States government?

The president vetoes a bill passed by Congress.

https://assets.learnosity.com/organisations/537/media.academicmerit.com/d1ab88fc98748ba1bb9df7408a26df90/original.jpg Based on your knowledge and the diagram, which of the following is true regarding the leadership structure of Congress?

The role of the minority leader in both the House of Representatives and the Senate is to coordinate a strategy for the minority party.

All of the following serve as checks on the power of the federal courts EXCEPT:

The voters can oust federal judges in national elections.

Critics of the winner-take-all aspect of the electoral college are most likely to make which of the following arguments?

The winner-take-all system of the electoral college encourages presidential candidates to focus their time and effort disproportionately on battleground states with larger populations.

Which of the following statements about motions for cloture is true?

They are used by senators to end a filibuster and bring a bill to a vote.

Which of the following is true of most federal judges appointed by the president?

They serve for life on good behavior unless impeached and convicted by Congress.

Which of the following is true of independent regulatory agencies?

They tend to be freer from presidential control than are cabinet departments.

In which of the following scenarios would a presidential veto most likely be upheld?

Two-thirds of the representatives and senators are members of the same party as the President.

The Twenty-fifth Amendment, passed in 1967, provides the vice president to assume presidential duties if the president is incapacitated or disabled. The Amendment also provides for the president to officially hand over temporary decision-making authority to the vice president. Besides this succession, what are the top four slots for the ascendance to the presidency if the president becomes incapacitated?

Vice President, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Sectary of State

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/479526643879378954/1048007999261777990/image.png Which of the following statements is most accurately supported by the data in the table?

While President George W. Bush issued fewer signing statements than President Clinton, his included more objections than President Clinton's.

Which POTUS briefly enjoyed the use of the line item veto?

William Jefferson Clinton

A committee chair in the House of Representatives is always

a member of the majority party in the chamber

In selecting members of the White House staff, Presidents primarily seek people who

are personally loyal to the President

In 2012, after negotiations on a bill in Congress failed, President Obama issued an executive order that protected from deportation individuals illegally brought to the United States as children by their parents. The president took this action because

disagreement between congressional leaders and the president on the issue meant that a compromise on a bill was not likely

Since the 1970's, Presidents have made use of executive orders at an increasing rate because executive orders

do not need to be passed by Congress

The term "bicameralism" refers to the

establishment of two legislative chambers that have different structures and rules

Congressional oversight refers to the power of Congress to

exercise some control over executive agencies

Congress adopted the War Powers Resolution to

limit the president's authority to commit troops overseas

Constitutional checks and balances, especially applied to the president, are designed to

minimize the threat of tyranny from any one branch of government

Congressional legislative powers include all of the following EXCEPT

pardoning felons

The boundary lines of congressional districts are drawn by

state legislatures

One example of constitutional checks and balances is

the House can impeach federal judges and the president, and the Senate holds the impeachment trial

The committee system is more important in the House than in the Senate because

the House is so large that more work can be accomplished in committees than on the floor

The Constitution states that all revenue bills must originate in

the United States House of Representatives

The House Appropriations Committee disagrees with a proposal in the president's annual budget request to increase the number of people eligible for food stamps, consequently leading to the House of Representatives passing a budget that does not increase funding for the program. This ability to check presidential actions is best described as

the power of the purse

All of the following are examples of a linkage institution influencing the policy process EXCEPT

the president delivering the State of the Union speech

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