AP Gov Final Exam Review

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You believe in expanding gun-control legislation, and you support more affirmative action efforts. You oppose the death penalty. Which party best aligns with your beliefs? (A) Libertarian (B) Democratic (C) Republican (D) Green


Under what circumstance can police conduct searches? (A) Only if a court issues a warrant (B) If they have slight suspicion of wrongdoing (C) As long as they have probable cause of criminal activity (D) If they have been tipped off by a reliable source


Which interest group action would most greatly influence rulings in the courts? (A) Rating senators and representatives based on roll call votes (B) Directly lobbying House and Senate members (C) Filing an amicus curiae brief (D) Purchasing an ad in a newspaper


During political campaigns before an election, the news media is said to cover the campaigns like a horse race. Which of the following statements best explains the reason for this analogy? (A) The press relies heavily on measurements like poll numbers as a constant comparison of candidates' relative success in a campaign (B) The results of an election, like the results of a horse race, can't be predicted until the very end (C) The candidates are groomed and trained for the campaign just as race horses are groomed and trained for a race (D) As gatekeepers, members of the press officially begin horse race


The words "I'm Ready for Hillary" appeared on bumper stickers and T-shirts during the 2016 presidential campaign. Which of the following campaign messages do those words convey? (A) The candidate's name recognition and an argument for progress (B) The candidate's foreign policy stance (C) The candidate's pick for vice president (D) The candidate's compassion and approach to governing


What is one effect of consumer-driven media? (A) It replaces content from professionals with content from nonexperts (B) It increases the quality of public debate by engaging so many people (C) It helps establish the importance of fact and research before sharing stories (D) It overcomes ideological divides and brings people together


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of objective news and commentary? (A) Factual accounts of events and people (Objective) Opinions of experts or people with political goals (Commentary) (B) Includes endorsements as long as they are on the editorial pages (Objective) Less common today than in the past and found in fewer places (Commentary) (C) Delivered by the guests on a talk show (Objective) Avoids criticizing government or government officials (Commentary) (D) A hallmark of talk radio after the removal of the Fairness Doctrine (Objective) Usually found on the front pages of traditional newspapers (Commentary)


Shortly after Richard Nixon resigned the presidency, Bob and I were asked a long question [which] we answered with a short phrase that we've used many times since to describe our reporting on Watergate and its purpose and methodology. We called it the "best obtainable version of the truth." It's a simple concept for something very difficult to get right because of the enormous amount of effort, thinking, persistence, pushback, removal of ideological baggage and the sheer luck that is required, not to mention some unnatural humility. Underlying everything reporters do in pursuit of the best obtainable version of the truth, whatever our beat or assignment, is the question "what is news?" What is it that we believe is important, relevant, hidden, perhaps, or even in plain sight and ignored by conventional journalistic wisdom or governmental wisdom? I'd say this question of "what is news" becomes even more relevant and essential if we are covering the president of the United States. Richard Nixon tried to make the conduct of the press the issue and Watergate, instead of the conduct of the president and his men. We tried to avoid the noise and let the reporting speak. Which of the following reasons likely explains why Bernstein thinks the question of "what is news" is especially important when covering the president? (A) The question of "what is news" is easier to determine when covering Congress than the president (B) The president can get a strong message out to the public asserting his interpretation of events (C) The Freedom of Information Act provides access to virtually unlimited presidential documents (D) News reports about the president help increase a newspaper's circulation


Shortly after Richard Nixon resigned the presidency, Bob and I were asked a long question [which] we answered with a short phrase that we've used many times since to describe our reporting on Watergate and its purpose and methodology. We called it the "best obtainable version of the truth." It's a simple concept for something very difficult to get right because of the enormous amount of effort, thinking, persistence, pushback, removal of ideological baggage and the sheer luck that is required, not to mention some unnatural humility. Underlying everything reporters do in pursuit of the best obtainable version of the truth, whatever our beat or assignment, is the question "what is news?" What is it that we believe is important, relevant, hidden, perhaps, or even in plain sight and ignored by conventional journalistic wisdom or governmental wisdom? I'd say this question of "what is news" becomes even more relevant and essential if we are covering the president of the United States. Richard Nixon tried to make the conduct of the press the issue and Watergate, instead of the conduct of the president and his men. We tried to avoid the noise and let the reporting speak. Which of the following statements best summarizes Bernstein's views? (A) Journalists' egos often get in the way of determining what stories to cover (B) For a variety of reasons, most journalism is unfortunately shallow (C) Reporters use professional judgement about what to cover as they filter out a variety of distractions and follow the facts (D) Partisan spokespeople color the facts and are not reliable sources of information


Which is the most democratic institution of government that represents the framers' commitment to a limited republic? (A) US Senate (B) Supreme Court (C) House of Representatives (D) Electoral College


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of Millennials and members of the Silent Generation? (A) Favor tough punishments for criminals (Mil) Favor lenient punishment for criminals (Silent) (B) Generally opposed same-sex marriage (Mil) Generally support same-sex marriage (Silent) (C) Tend to believe the United States should stay out foreign countries (Mil) Tend to see the United States as a world guardian of freedom and democracy (Silent) (D) Tend to be Republicans (Mil) Tend to be Democrats (Silent)


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of challengers and incumbents? (A) Tend to win in a bad economy (Challengers) Spend less money (Incumbents) (B) Have an easier time raising money because of their fresh appeal (Challengers) Are viewed skeptically because they have an open voting record (Incumbents) (C) Have generally fewer resources than incumbents (Challengers) Use the tools of their office to help support their candidacy (Incumbents) (D) Mainly use federal matching money (Challengers) Coordinate with Super PACs (Incumbents)


Which of the following statements about interest groups and lobbying is true? (A) Lobbying is protect by the Fourth Amendment (B) Lobbyists spend most of their time persuading lawmakers to change their political views (C) A Capitol Hill lobbyist's most precious asset is access (D) Free riders rarely benefit from interest group activity


Which statement about recent trends in grassroots lobbying is true? (A) Only citizen groups employ grassroots lobbying (B) Grassroots lobbying uses mail and telephone, but not television (C) This technique is often used to target particular congressional districts (D) The average citizen and the grasstops are of equal value to a lobbyist


[T]he largest empirical study of actual decisions by our government in the history of political science, published last year, related what our government did to the attitudes of the economic elites, organized interest groups, and the average voter. What they found was, what our government actually did was strongly correlated with the views of the economic elites. If zero percent of the elites something, very low chance it's going to pass, if 100% support something, very high chance it's going to pass. Same thing for organized interest groups. But for the average voter, it's a flat line. Which says it doesn't matter whether zero percent of the public believes something or 100% of the average voters believe something-it doesn't affect the probability that that thing will be enacted... There's a whole raft of studies that look at the voting behavior of Senators. And they relate their voting behavior to the average views of voters in their district, to the party view, and to the funders' or donors' view. What they find is: almost no relation to what the average voter wants, some relation to what the party wants, but a very tight relation to what the donor wants. Which of the following best reflects Lessig's argument in this passage? (A) Organized interest groups have little actual effect on policy (B) The economic elites and organized interest groups share policy priorities (C) If people want to influence policy, they should support interest groups whose ideas they share (D) Unlike interest groups, the economic elites buy their power through lobbying efforts and campaign contributions


[T]he largest empirical study of actual decisions by our government in the history of political science, published last year, related what our government did to the attitudes of the economic elites, organized interest groups, and the average voter. What they found was, what our government actually did was strongly correlated with the views of the economic elites. If zero percent of the elites something, very low chance it's going to pass, if 100% support something, very high chance it's going to pass. Same thing for organized interest groups. But for the average voter, it's a flat line. Which says it doesn't matter whether zero percent of the public believes something or 100% of the average voters believe something-it doesn't affect the probability that that thing will be enacted... There's a whole raft of studies that look at the voting behavior of Senators. And they relate their voting behavior to the average views of voters in their district, to the party view, and to the funders' or donors' view. What they find is: almost no relation to what the average voter wants, some relation to what the party wants, but a very tight relation to what the donor wants. Which of the following legislative initiatives would Lessig be most likely to support? (A) Congressional term limits (B) Reform of nonprofit tax status (C) Campaign finance reform (D) Automatic voter registration


The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (A) lowered limits on soft money (B) lowered limits on hard money (C) raised limits on soft money (D) raised limits on hard money


Which of the following is a chief argument in James Madison's Federalist No. 10? (A) A Bill of Rights is necessary to secure liberty (B) Free speech should be added to the Constitution (C) Judicial review will prevent harsh laws against the citizenry (D) A large, diverse republic will tame factions


Which statement best describes the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment? (A) The 14th Amendment has restricted the application of judicial review (B) The 14th Amendment prevents States from taxing agencies of the federal government (C) The 14th Amendment's due process clause makes most rights contained in the Bill of Rights applicable to the states (D) The 14th Amendment's equal protection Clause to find certain classes of people who are not eligible for equal protection


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of congressional and presidential campaigns? (A) Are conducted at 3-year intervals (Con) Are conducted every 4 years (Pres) (B) Have lower turnouts than presidential elections (Con) Are decided by the Electoral College (Pres) (C) Nominate candidates at national conventions (Con) Second-highest vote-getter in primaries becomes vice presidential candidate (Pres) (D) Have candidates that compete for federal matching money (Con) Can accept higher donations from individuals than congressional candidates (Pres)


"The Congress has the power... to create all laws that are necessary and proper..." can be found in which part of the Constitution? (A) Article 1 (B) Article 2 (C) Article 3 (D) The Bill of Rights


A US district judge in Alabama has a dispute in his court in which an employee is suing her employer over improper termination. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court of Kansas have both ruled on highly similar cases under the same law and sided with the employee. Which of the following is the likely action this federal judge will take? (A) The judge must rule in the same way because of binding precedent (B) The judge will read the other two courts' opinions and consider them before making a ruling (C) The judge will ask the Justice Department for guidance (D) The judge will refuse to hear the case because the federal courts have no jurisdiction in this matter


A photo identification requirement imposes some burdens on voters that other methods of identification do not share. For example, a voter may lose his photo identification, may have his wallet stolen on the way to the polls, or may not resemble the photo in the identification because he recently grew a beard. Burdens of that sort arising from life's vagaries, however, are neither so serious nor so frequent as to raise any question about the constitutionality of SEA 483 [the Indiana law requiring photo IDs]; the availability of the right to cast a provisional ballot provides an adequate remedy for problems of that character. Which of the following constitutional provisions did the Supreme Court follow in letting states implement the policy referred to in the opinion? (A) Article 1, Section 4 (B) Suffrage Amendments (C) Necessary and Proper Clause (D) Commerce Clause


A wage-earner who identifies as a political independent has heard a Senate candidate promise to push for an increase in the national minimum wage while her opponent does not support that. The citizen votes for this candidate primarily for this reason so his own pay might increase. Which of the following models best explains this citizen's voting behavior? (A) Rational-choice voting (B) Retrospective voting (C) Prospective voting (D) Party-line voting


In what way do the decisions in Engel v. Vitale and Wisconsin v. Yoder differ? (A) One suggests a public policy creates an establishment of religion, while the other suggests a public policy denies a free exercise of religion (B) One was decided on free speech grounds and one was decided on free press grounds (C) One preserved the governmental policy and the other struck down a governmental policy (D) One decision resulted from judicial activism and one resulted from judicial restraint


It is now clear that the challenged laws burden the liberty of same-sex couples, and it must be further acknowledged that they abridge central precepts of equality. Here the marriage laws enforced by the respondents are in essence unequal: same-sex couples are denied all the benefits afforded to opposite-sex couples and are barred from exercising a fundamental right. Especially against a long history of disapproval of their relationships, this denial to same-sex couples of the right to marry works a grave and continuing harm. The imposition of this disability on gays and lesbians serves to disrespect and subordinate them. Which of the following constitutional provisions would the author cite to support the opinion? (A) The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (B) The establishment clause of the First Amendment (C) The reserved powers clause of the Tenth Amendment (D) The due process clause of the Fifth Amendment


Millennials' political socialization was colored by the 9-11-2001 attacks by al-Qaeda terrorists, showing most clearly which effect on the formation of political views? (A) The generational effect (B) the lifecycle effect (C) The effect of social media (D) The effect of globalization


Which of the following constitutional provisions is at issue in Schenck v. United States? (A) The necessary and proper clause in Article 1 (B) First Amendment free speech and free press rights (C) Congress's power to declare war in Article 1 (D) Fourteenth Amendment due process clause


The Commerce Clause should be limited to is proper sphere. The current approach under the Commerce Clause requires courts to defer to congressional judgment that a regulated activity has an effect upon interstate commerce, provided that there is any rational basis for that judgment. This standard grants judicial power to the legislative branch and removes an important check on legislative power. Deference to the judgment of a coequal branch of government on a specific issue is only appropriate where the Constitution gives that branch the power to decide that issue. Here, the Constitution grants the Judicial Branch the power to decide whether Congress is acting within its enumerated powers, so no deference is due. Simply put, "The constitution is either a superior paramount law, unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts, and, like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it." This passage best aligns with which of the following opinions in United States v. Lopez? (A) We hold that the [Gun-Free School Zones] Act exceeds the authority of Congress "[t]o regulate Commerce...among the several States...." --Justice Rehnquist (B) Congress's power to regulate commerce in firearms includes the power to prohibit possession of guns at any location because of their potentially harmful use.-- Justice Stevens (C) A look at history's sequence will serve to show how today's decision tugs the Court off course. -- Justice Souter (D) [T]he statute falls well within the scope of the commerce power as the Court has understood that power over the last half century.-- Justice Breyer


The president will be elected to four years and as re-eligible as often as the people of the United States think him worthy of their confidence ... we must conclude that the permanency of the President's four-year term is less dangerous than a three-year term for the top official in a single state. The president of the United States can be impeached, tried, and, on conviction of bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors, removed from office. Afterwards he would be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law. Which amendment to the Constitution has made some of the argument in the passage above moot? (A) 22nd Amendment (B) 12th Amendment (C) 20th Amendment (D) 25th Amendment


To find how much money a political candidate spent on a campaign for the US House, Senate, or the Presidency, which agency should one consult or contact? (A) Federal Election Commission (B) Internal Revenue Service (C) Federal Bureau of Investigation (D) Office of Management and Budget


Which of the following constitutional amendments did Congress seek to enforce when it passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965? (A) 15th Amendment (B) 23rd Amendment (C) 26th Amendment (D) 27th Amendment


Which of the following demographic voting blocs has the most identifiable partisan voting behavior? (A) African Americans (B) Jewish voters (C) Catholics (D) Voters aged 18 to 24 years old


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of Cabinet-level departments and regulatory agencies? (A) Fifteen Cabinet departments, each with a secretary or head that serves on the president's Cabinet (Cabinet-Level) Created and empowered by Congress to monitor particular industries and enforce unique laws (Regulatory Agencies) (B) Cabinet Secretaries can run their department in their own way and cannot be removed without Senate approval (Cabinet-Level) Regulatory agencies are usually larger than departments in both employees and funding (Regulatory Agencies) (C) Include the Federal Election Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission (Cabinet-Level) Senior level agency directors get an automatic seat on the president's cabinet (Regulatory Agencies) (D) Nine federal organizations that carry out the nation's business (Cabinet-Level) Are usually within a department and work under the direction of a White House staff member (Regulatory Agencies)


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of Democrats and Republicans? (A) Lost the Solid South in a regional realignment (Dem) Have shifted the party ideology from a more liberal stance to a more conservative stance over time (Rep) (B) Constitute the majority party in the Mountain West (Dem) Became a strong party after the creation of the New Deal coalition (Rep) (C) Have stronger support among Asian Americans (Dem) Have stronger support among younger voters (Rep) (D) Believe the law should forbid abortions (Dem) Believe in a woman's right to choose to have an abortion (Rep)


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of contemporary conservative and liberal political views? (A) Believes government should do less (Conservative) Believes in expanding government's role (Liberal) (B) Believes fiscal policy is the best stabilizing approach (Conservative) Believes monetary policy is the best stabilizing approach (Liberal) (C) Believes in increasing the minimum wage (Conservative) Accepts higher taxes in return for more government services (Liberal) (D) Believes government should not intrude on personal intimacy decision (Conservative) Believes government should set limits on personal intimacy decisions (Liberal)


Which type of primary election provides the greatest choice for voters? (A) Blanket primary (B) Open primary (C) Closed primary (D) Caucus


[W]e find that the licensees of the CBS network stations ... aired program material ... during the halftime entertainment show of the National Football League's Super Bowl XXXVIII, that apparently violates the federal restrictions regarding the broadcast of indecent material. Based upon our review of the facts and circumstances of the case, Viacom Inc. ("Viacom"), as the licensee or ultimate parent of the licensees of the Viacom Stations, is apparently liable for a monetary forfeiture in the aggregate amount of $550,000 which represents the statutory maximum of $27,500 for each Viacom station that broadcast the material. If Viacom disagrees with this notice, what is the most likely step it will take? (A) Appeal the ruling to the appropriate Circuit Court of Appeals (B) Make campaign contributions to congressional candidates that will strike down the ruling (C) Convince its rulers to ask their Congress members to overrule the decision (D) Pressure the president to fire the chair of the FCC


[W]e find that the licensees of the CBS network stations ... aired program material ... during the halftime entertainment show of the National Football League's Super Bowl XXXVIII, that apparently violates the federal restrictions regarding the broadcast of indecent material. Based upon our review of the facts and circumstances of the case, Viacom Inc. ("Viacom"), as the licensee or ultimate parent of the licensees of the Viacom Stations, is apparently liable for a monetary forfeiture in the aggregate amount of $550,000 which represents the statutory maximum of $27,500 for each Viacom station that broadcast the material. Which bureaucratic authority is illustrated with this allegation? (A) Enforcement (B) Logrolling (C) Legislative veto (D) Red tape


"In this campaign, I've met so many people who motivate me to keep fighting for change. And, with your help, I will carry all of your voices and stories with me to the White House. I will be a president for the Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. For the struggling and the successful. For those who vote for me and those who don't. For all Americans." What guidelines of messaging best align with this passage? (A) Since the nominating process is over, she can start to be specific about which groups to mention (B) Since the general election is months away, she needs to keep her message general and ideological (C) Since the nominating process is over, she doesn't have to worry about trying to gain the support of other party members (D) Since the general election is months away, she needs to start addressing specific solutions to specific problems


"In this campaign, I've met so many people who motivate me to keep fighting for change. And, with your help, I will carry all of your voices and stories with me to the White House. I will be a president for the Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. For the struggling and the successful. For those who vote for me and those who don't. For all Americans." Why was this passage most likely included in the candidate's message? (A) To cast a positive light on her opponent (B) To gain voters outside of the Democratic Party (C) To show how much effort it takes to win to the White House (D) To promise her voters that she would implement Democratic policies


A photo identification requirement imposes some burdens on voters that other methods of identification do not share. For example, a voter may lose his photo identification, may have his wallet stolen on the way to the polls, or may not resemble the photo in the identification because he recently grew a beard. Burdens of that sort arising from life's vagaries, however, are neither so serious nor so frequent as to raise any question about the constitutionality of SEA 483 [the Indiana law requiring photo IDs]; the availability of the right to cast a provisional ballot provides an adequate remedy for problems of that character. Which of the following statements best summaries the Supreme Court's decision? (A) Election Day burdens on citizens are acceptable if there are comparable burdens placed on the government to guarantee fair elections (B) As long as a citizen can cast a temporary vote to be checked later, the citizen need not prove his or her identity on Election Day (C) A state's goal to conduct an accurate and legitimate election does not outweigh the citizen's burden to show photo ID to cast a vote (D) The burdens of providing photo-ID are so frequent that the make the provision unconstitutional


Both state and federal governments are involved in elections and make and enforce election law. Which is a responsibility of the federal government? (A) Setting times and locations for voting (B) Assuring groups are not prevented from voting (C) Determining the format of the ballot (D) Establishing voter registration procedures


First, always, is the question whether Congress has directly spoken to the precise question at issue. If the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of the matter; for the court, as well as the agency, must give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress. If, however, the court determines Congress has not directly addressed the precise question at issue, the court does not simply impose its own construction on the statute, as would be necessary in the absence of an administrative interpretation. Rather if the statute is silent or ambiguous with respect to the specific issue, the question for the court is whether the agency's answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute. Which of the following statements in relation to the bureaucracy would Stevens most likely support? (A) A strict construction of the Constitution and the laws that govern bureaucratic agencies is necessary (B) A degree of discretion is necessary when bureaucratic agencies must apply laws that are imperfectly written (C) More congressional oversight of bureaucratic agencies is needed to prevent any misapplication of vague laws (D) The courts need to exert more strength to stop the bureaucratic agencies from implementing vague law


If there are such things as political axioms, the propriety of the judicial power of a government being coextensive with its legislative, may be ranked among the number. The mere necessity of uniformity in the interpretation of the national laws, besides the question. Thirteen independent courts of final jurisdiction over the same causes, arising upon the same laws, is a hydra in government, from which nothing but contradiction and confusion can proceed. Which of the following statements best summarizes Hamilton's argument? (A) The 13 states should retain their courts and have independence from national law (B) The proposed federal courts and the Supreme Court will provide national consistency (C) Because the national court system will have multiple judges, differing decisions will cause confusion (D) The judicial branch should be the superior branch of government


In the McCulloch v. Maryland decision, which 2 provisions in the Constitution were upheld and strengthened? (A) Congress's power to regulate commerce and to levy taxes (B) The necessary and proper clause and the supremacy clause (C) The 1st and 10th amendments (D)The full faith and credit clause and the extradition clause


It is now clear that the challenged laws burden the liberty of same-sex couples, and it must be further acknowledged that they abridge central precepts of equality. Here the marriage laws enforced by the respondents are in essence unequal: same-sex couples are denied all the benefits afforded to opposite-sex couples and are barred from exercising a fundamental right. Especially against a long history of disapproval of their relationships, this denial to same-sex couples of the right to marry works a grave and continuing harm. The imposition of this disability on gays and lesbians serves to disrespect and subordinate them. With which of the following statements would supporters of Kennedy's position above be most likely to agree? (A) Marriage laws are rightfully left to the states to decide (B) Gays and lesbians are equal to other people under the law (C) Congress should pass a law to protect traditional marriage (D) Government should stay out of personal matters


Most members of Congress believe the legal driving age should be 18, because statistics show that drivers under 18 have many more accidents than those 18 and older. Which of the following is the most practical and lasting action Congress can take to address this issue? (A) Urge the president to issue an executive order requiring drivers to be at least 18 years old (B) Mandate states to set the driving age at 18 and then withhold highway funds from any state that does not comply (C) Convince the Supreme Court that Congress, not the states, should regulate driving laws (D) Distribute educational materials on the issue to state legislatures


Must the citizen, ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right ..... Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice. A common and natural result of an undue respect for law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, Captain, corporal, privates ... marching and admirable order over hill and dale to the wars, against their wills, ay, against their common sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and produces palpitation of the heart. They have no doubt that it is a damnable business in which they are concerned; they are all peaceably inclined. Which American cultural value does Thoreau highlight In this passage? (A) Rule of law (B) Individualism (C) Free enterprise (D) Equality of opportunity


Must the citizen, ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right ..... Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice. A common and natural result of an undue respect for law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, Captain, corporal, privates ... marching and admirable order over hill and dale to the wars, against their wills, ay, against their common sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and produces palpitation of the heart. They have no doubt that it is a damnable business in which they are concerned; they are all peaceably inclined. Which of the following perspectives reflects Thoreau's beliefs based on this passage? (A) War is immoral (B) Law is less important than an individual's beliefs (C) Soldiers fight against their wills (D) Legislators are not to be trusted


The Commerce Clause should be limited to is proper sphere. The current approach under the Commerce Clause requires courts to defer to congressional judgment that a regulated activity has an effect upon interstate commerce, provided that there is any rational basis for that judgment. This standard grants judicial power to the legislative branch and removes an important check on legislative power. Deference to the judgment of a coequal branch of government on a specific issue is only appropriate where the Constitution gives that branch the power to decide that issue. Here, the Constitution grants the Judicial Branch the power to decide whether Congress is acting within its enumerated powers, so no deference is due. Simply put, "The constitution is either a superior paramount law, unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts, and, like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it." Which of the following statements best summarizes the argument in the Texas Justice Foundation's brief? (A) Judicial power should be granted to Congress in matters related to commerce (B) The judicial branch can determine if Congress is operating within its enumerated powers and thus checks legislative power (C) Marbury v. Madison confirms the coequal status of the branches of government (D) The Court should uphold the process in place for determining the reach of the commerce clause


The Miranda rule stems from rights protected by which of the following amendments? (A) 4th and 5th Amendments (B) 5th and 6th Amendments (C) 7th and 8th Amendments (D) 9th and 10th Amendments


The president will be elected to four years and as re-eligible as often as the people of the United States think him worthy of their confidence ... we must conclude that the permanency of the President's four-year term is less dangerous than a three-year term for the top official in a single state. The president of the United States can be impeached, tried, and, on conviction of bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors, removed from office. Afterwards he would be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law. Which fo the following statements best summarizes the author's argument? (A) A president's potential danger is limited because he can serve only a limited number of terms (B) People are protected from a dangerous president by elections every four years and a process the legislature can undertake (C) Congress can imprison the president as any other citizen for crimes (D) An impeached president is forcibly removed from office


There are two theories of prosperity and a well-being: The first theory is that if we make the rich richer, somehow they will let a part of their prosperity trickle down to the rest of us. The second theory [is] the theory that if we make the average of [hu]mankind comfortable and secure, and prosperity will rise up with, just as yeast rises up, through the ranks. To which economic theory does Roosevelt refer in his first example? (A) Laissez-faire (B) Supply-sde (C) Keynesian (D) Monetarist


To reduce the deficit, Democrats would most likely recommend increasing which source of revenue? (A) Individual Income Tax (B) Corporate Income Tax (C) Employment Tax (D) Excise Taxes


What must a suing party prove to win a libel lawsuit? (A) A factual mistake was made in reporting (B) The offending party acted maliciously and caused damages (C) An unfair criticism of public officials was made (D) His or her reputation was tarnished


When the Senate Judiciary Committee passes a proposed crime bill by a vote of 11 to 10, which of the following scenarios is most likely to follow? (A) The Supreme Court will review the bill for constitutionality (B) The full Senate will consider the bill (C) The House of Representatives will take up the bill (D) The president will sign the bill


Which argument do supporters of supply-side economics make? (A) The more revenue the government takes in and spends the better off the economy will be (B) Leaving more money in the citizens' pockets will stimulate the economy and generate government revenues through other taxes (C) The federal government should follow the ideas of John Maynard Keynes (D) The government should increase the supply of currency into circulation to bring down inflation


Which of the following comparisons of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act are accurate? (A) One applied to the white citizens and one applied to African American citizens (B) One outlawed discrimination in hiring and the other increased African American voter registration and participation (C) One allowed discrimination in certain government agencies and the other made literacy tests easier to pass (D) One has been entirely struck down by the Supreme Court and one has not


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of federal block grants and categorical grants? (A) Let members of Congress control how to spend money in their districts (BG) Give states control over how to spend federal money locally (CG) (B) Lead to loss of congressional oversight on spending grant money (BG) Require states or localities to meet certain criteria (CG) (C) Are used primarily to combat terrorism at the local level (BG) Are available to state governments but not city governments (CG) (D) Specify how the grant money is to be spent (BG) Have declined in favor of block grants (CG


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of substantive and procedural due process? (A) Deals with "the how" of the law, or steps in carrying out the law (SDP) Must be followed by the states, not the federal government (PDP) (B) Followed when the ideas or points of the law are fundamentally fair and just (SDP) Focuses on the manner in which government acts towards its citizens (PDP) (C) Applicable because of the 5th Amendment, not the 14th Amendment (SDP) Was violated in the Roe v. Wade case according to the Supreme Court (PDP) (D) Must be followed by the federal government, not state governments (SDP) Is followed when Congress follows the legislative process in lawmaking (PDP)


Which of the following is the most complete summary of the selective incorporation doctrine? (A) The selective incorporation process and resulting law represent the primary intent of the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment (B) The Supreme Court has required states to apply certain rights in the Bill of Rights through the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause (C) The Supreme Court has determined that citizens have the right to own firearms (D) A separation of church and state is required even in states where large majorities of the population are strongly religious


Which of the following may the president do to limit the power of Congress? (A) The president can veto particular items or language in a bill while passing the remainder of the bill (B) The president can veto a congressional bill that has passed the House and Senate (C) The president can refuse to spend money that Congress has appropriated (D) The president can impeach selected members of Congress


Which of the following options represents the majority opinion in United States v. Lopez? (A) Individuals have the right to own and carry guns (B) The power of the federal government in relation to state governments is limited in this case (C) The commerce clause gives Congress broad powers to determine the constitutionality of laws (D) Even small, local events ultimately have an effect on interstate commerce


Which of the following statements about congressional reapportionment and redistricting is true? (A) The federal government redraws district maps every 10 years after each census (B) Districts must be drawn so that, within a state, every person's vote is equal to every other person's vote (C) The Senate, unlike the House, is reapportioned every 20 years (D) States that have no major increase or decrease in population do not draw new district lines every 10 years


With the variety of religious denominations and religions represented at a public high school, the administration has decided to bar students from wearing any religious symbols or garb that reflect a particular religious faith. Which of the following would be the best legal advice for school administrators? (A)This is a sound policy because of the decision in Engel v. Vitale (B) This is an unsound policy based on the Constitution's free exercise clause unless the practice causes disruption (C) This is an unsound policy because of the decision in Wisconsin v. Yoder (D) This is an unsound policy based on the constitution's reserved powers clause


[W]e find that the licensees of the CBS network stations ... aired program material ... during the halftime entertainment show of the National Football League's Super Bowl XXXVIII, that apparently violates the federal restrictions regarding the broadcast of indecent material. Based upon our review of the facts and circumstances of the case, Viacom Inc. ("Viacom"), as the licensee or ultimate parent of the licensees of the Viacom Stations, is apparently liable for a monetary forfeiture in the aggregate amount of $550,000 which represents the statutory maximum of $27,500 for each Viacom station that broadcast the material. Which of the following statements best reflects the role of the Federal Communications Commission in this instance? (A) The FCC is acting to uphold the First Amendment and endorse what was broadcast during the Super Bowl (B) The FCC is fining Viacom for the actions of one of its companies that violated broadcast regulations (C) The FCC is punishing Viacom and CBS, but the courts determine the amount of the fines (D) The FCC does not require television broadcasters to be responsible for what performers might do on their broadcasts


... Some of those who have entered the United States through our immigration system have proved to be threats to our national security. Since 2001, hundreds of persons born abroad have been convicted of terrorism-related crimes in the United States.... the unrestricted entry into the United States of nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. I therefore direct that the entry into the United States of Nationals of those six countries be suspended for 90 days from the effective date of this order, subject to the limitations, waivers, and exceptions set forth... Which fo the following describes President Trump's perspective in the executive order? (A) The talents immigrants bring to the United States outweigh the risk of terrorism (B) Foreign nationals of all religions may enter the United States (C) People who have already immigrated from the name countries may be untrustworthy (D) A person's nationality is just one of many influences on behavior


... Some of those who have entered the United States through our immigration system have proved to be threats to our national security. Since 2001, hundreds of persons born abroad have been convicted of terrorism-related crimes in the United States.... the unrestricted entry into the United States of nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. I therefore direct that the entry into the United States of Nationals of those six countries be suspended for 90 days from the effective date of this order, subject to the limitations, waivers, and exceptions set forth... Which type of power did President Trump exert in issuing this executive order? (A) Reserved (B) Formal (C) Informal (D) Constitutional


Which of the following best describes the sequence of the policy decision-making process? (A) Respond to challenges, plan for funding, cost-benefit analysis (B) Plan for funding, cost-benefit analysis, development of agenda (C) Public hearings, cost-benefit analysis, development of agenda (D) Development of agenda, cost-benefit analysis, plan for funding


... Some of those who have entered the United States through our immigration system have proved to be threats to our national security. Since 2001, hundreds of persons born abroad have been convicted of terrorism-related crimes in the United States.... the unrestricted entry into the United States of nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. I therefore direct that the entry into the United States of Nationals of those six countries be suspended for 90 days from the effective date of this order, subject to the limitations, waivers, and exceptions set forth... With which statement would supporters of this executive order most likely agree? (A) The president should signal that refugees are welcome in the United States (B) The president should make developing world alliances his top foreign policy priority (C) The president should make protecting the nation from foreign terrorism a top priority (D) The president should limit immigration regardless of any immigrant's religious identity


A Senator realizes a Senate vote on an immigration bill is coming up. The senator examines public opinion polls on the issue and carefully reads her inbox for constituents' views on the bill and the issue. This senator is following which model of representation? (A) Trustee (B) Politico (C) Delegate (D) Partisan


A federal agency has been accused of not enforcing laws it is charged with enforcing. Which is the most likely action the relevant House committee will first take? (A) Fire and replace the director of the agency (B) Repeal the law that creates and governs the agency (C) Call for an oversight hearing to understand the problem (D) Increase the federal appropriation for the agency


If there are such things as political axioms, the propriety of the judicial power of a government being coextensive with its legislative, may be ranked among the number. The mere necessity of uniformity in the interpretation of the national laws, besides the question. Thirteen independent courts of final jurisdiction over the same causes, arising upon the same laws, is a hydra in government, from which nothing but contradiction and confusion can proceed. Which of the following principles does Hamilton suggest the new judiciary will establish? (A) Advice and consent (B) Judicial activism (C) Stability in the law (D) Freedom and liberty


In what way did the Seventeenth Amendment broaden democracy? (A) It extended voting rights to women (B) It allowed citizens to alter the Electoral College (C) It gave citizens greater impact on lawmaking in the US Senate (D) It extended voting rights to African Americans


It is now clear that the challenged laws burden the liberty of same-sex couples, and it must be further acknowledged that they abridge central precepts of equality. Here the marriage laws enforced by the respondents are in essence unequal: same-sex couples are denied all the benefits afforded to opposite-sex couples and are barred from exercising a fundamental right. Especially against a long history of disapproval of their relationships, this denial to same-sex couples of the right to marry works a grave and continuing harm. The imposition of this disability on gays and lesbians serves to disrespect and subordinate them. Which statement best summarizes Justice Kennedy's opinion? (A) Some level of burden on the liberty of same-sex couples is acceptable (B) The framers of the Constitution did not support legal marriage of gays and lesbians (C) Same-sex couples are unfairly harmed by states' denial of their legal marriage (D) Gay couples have the right to all tangible benefits under civil unions but not in marriage


Shays's Rebellion highlighted which of the following weaknesses of the national government under the Articles of Confederation? (A) Lack of power to declare peace and war (B) Lack of power to tax the people directly (C) Lack of power to keep a standing army (D) Lack of power to regulate interstate commerce


So-called "push polls" are not polls at all. They are a form of political telemarketing whose intent is not to measure public opinion but to manipulate -push- voters away from one candidate and toward the opposing candidate. Such polls defame selected candidates by spreading false or misleading information about them. The intent is to disseminate campaign propaganda under the guise of conducting a legitimate public opinion poll. Which of the following questions is most likely to appear on a push poll? (A) Do you approve of increasing the military budget? (B) Do you approve of raising property taxes slightly to help fund schools? (C) Do you approve of the waste of money on failing social service agencies under the current governor? (D) Do you approve of rolling back environmental regulations to encourage business investment?


The objection to the plan of the convention which has met with most success in this State...is... the want of a constitutional provision for the trial by jury in civil cases. The disingenuous form in which this objection is usually stated has been repeatedly [commented on] and exposed, but continues to be pursued... The mere silence of the Constitution in regard to civil causes, is represented as an abolition of the trial by jury [in an effort] to induce a persuasion that this pretended abolition is complete and universal, extending not only to every species of civil, but even in criminal causes... Every man of discernment must at once perceive the wide difference between silence and abolition... The maxims on which [the opponents' argument] rely are of this nature: "A specification of particulars is an exclusion of generals"; or, "The expression of one thing is the exclusion of another." Hence, say they, as the Constitution has established the trial by jury in criminal cases, and is silent in respect to civil, this silence is an implied prohibition of trial by jury in regard to the latter. Which of the following statements is most consistent with Hamilton's argument in this passage? (A) Jury trials in civil cases are not as important as jury trials in criminal cases. (B) Silence and abolition have the same essential meaning and can be used interchangeably (C) The lack of specific reference to something in the Constitution does not mean it is disallowed (D) Trial by jury in civil cases is unacceptable because of jurors' lack of expertise


There are two theories of prosperity and a well-being: The first theory is that if we make the rich richer, somehow they will let a part of their prosperity trickle down to the rest of us. The second theory [is] the theory that if we make the average of [hu]mankind comfortable and secure, and prosperity will rise up with, just as yeast rises up, through the ranks. In Roosevelt's second theory, which agent is making the average [hu]mankind comfortable and secure? (A) The free market (B) The Federal Reserve Board (C) Social safety nets (D) Corporate tax cuts that create jobs


We have before us one of the most important duties of the US Senate and of the US Congress, and that is to decide whether or not we will be involved in war. I think it is inexcusable that the debate over whether we involve the country in war, in another country's civil war, that this would be debated as part of a spending bill, and not as part of an independent, free-standing bill.... I think it is a sad day for the US Senate. It goes against our history. It goes against the history of the country. Which power of Congress is Senator Paul probably most concerned about based on this passage? (A) Congress's power to tax and spend (B) The Senate's power to ratify treaties (C) The expressed power to declare war (D) The power to regulate interstate commerce


What is the key difference between the due process clause in the Fifth Amendment and the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment? (A) The 5th Amendment prevents government from depriving persons of liberty, while the 14th Amendment prevents a deprivation of life (B) The 5th Amendment sets limits on the private sector, while the 14th Amendment restrains governmental institutions (C) The 5th amendment protects citizens against the federal government, while the 14th protects citizens against the states (D) The 5th amendment protects citizens against criminal charges, while the 14th amendment protects citizens against civil lawsuits


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of changes in the scope of the presidency? (A) Early presidents tended to execute the laws passed by the legislature and serve no more than 2 terms (Early) Abraham Lincoln stayed within traditional bounds of the presidency to avoid fomenting regional tensions (Later) (B) Teddy Roosevelt's stewardship theory greatly expanded the scope of the presidency (Early) Modern presidents have scaled back since teddy Roosevelt to a scope more like that of Washington (Later) (C) Times of national stability led to a contraction in presidential scope under James Buchanan (Early) Times of crisis such as during the Great Depression led to the expansion of the president's powers under FDR (D) The imperial presidency started with James Madison (Early) The imperial presidency reached its peak with Andrew Jackson (Later)


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the National Voter Registration Act and the Help America Vote Act? (A) Allows for absentee voting (NVRA) Makes punch cards more reliable (HAVA) (B) Addresses voting for people with disabilities (NVRA) Allows military personnel to return home to vote (HAVA) (C) Allows voter registration at state agencies (NVRA) Requires systems for voters to confirm vote (HAVA) (D) Requires voter ID at the polls (NVRA) Requires states to pay for upgrades (HAVA)


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan? (A) Included a layer system of national courts (NJ) Made the states supreme over the national government (VA) (B) Created a bicameral legislature (NJ) Assured states would retain sovereignty (VA) (C) Gave the national legislature only defined and limited powers (NJ) Included a three-branch system and a bicameral legislature (VA) (D) Made the national government supreme over the states (NJ) Allowed importation of slaves for 20 years after ratification (VA)


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate? (A) Allows filibusters until a majority vote defeats a filibuster (H) Is a 101-member body, as the vice-president can vote on all bills (S) (B) Has committees chaired by members in the minority (H) Is first in the lawmaking process which it comes to tax law (S) (C) Has more rules of procedure to guide its lawmaking process (H) Has authority over the ratification of treaties with other nations (S) (D) Is solely in charge of declaring war (H) Has the sole power of impeachment (S)


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two court cases? (Brown v. BOE and Roe v. Wade) (A) Required all-black schools to have facilities and faculties of the same quality as all-white schools (BOE) Brought vocal opposition to abortion and encouraged legislatures to reshape abortion policy (Roe) (B) Required students to be bused (BOE) Made abortion legal in all states (Roe) (C) Concluded that "separate but equal" schools are impossible (BOE) Assured a pregnant woman's right to have an abortion in the first trimester (Roe) (D) Upheld the separation of races in public accommodations (BOE) Upheld states' police powers to regulate safety, health, and morals


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of winner-take-all voting districts and proportional voting districts? (A) Guarantees occasional third or minor party success in elections (WTA) Used for US House elections but not Senate elections (Prop) (B) Common in European nations (WTA) Typical in American elections (Prop) (C) Limits the promotion of the views of citizens who voted for second and third-place candidates (WTA) Allots seats of government positions relative to a party's success in an election (Prop) (D) Not used in the Electoral College System (WTA) Used in the Electoral College System of electing a president


Which of the following is true regarding the Court's decision in Marbury v. Madison (A) It resolved a dispute about Congress's commerce power (B) It established the principle of stare decisis (C) It overturned part of an act of Congress (D) It established the supremacy of federal law


Which of the following methods is the most certain way to override a Supreme Court decision? (A) Passing legislation the Court declared unconstitutional in a slightly different form (B) Appealing the decision (C) Proposing and ratifying a constitutional amendment that counters the decision (D) Convincing the president to veto the decision


Which of the following principles is meant to discourage government from conducting unlawful searches and to protect citizens when unlawful searches occur? (A) Clear and present danger (B) Police powers (C) Exclusionary rule (D) Prior restraint


Which of the following statements best describes how the balance of liberties and safety has been interpreted over time? (A) The balance has been interpreted consistently over time (B) The balance leans more towards liberties than safety (C) Different courts in different times have found different balances (D) Stare decisis requires similar findings in similar cases


Which of the following statements best summarizes the voter registration process in the United States? (A) Voter registration is a national process that is uniform among the states (B) States can require citizens to register to vote as much as one year in advance of an election (C) Voter registration helps assure accuracy in the elections process (D) Efforts to ease registration have increased voter turnout


First, always, is the question whether Congress has directly spoken to the precise question at issue. If the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of the matter; for the court, as well as the agency, must give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress. If, however, the court determines Congress has not directly addressed the precise question at issue, the court does not simply impose its own construction on the statute, as would be necessary in the absence of an administrative interpretation. Rather if the statute is silent or ambiguous with respect to the specific issue, the question for the court is whether the agency's answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute. Those who disagree with the above Supreme Court's opinion would likely point to which facts? (A) Experts in the bureaucracy have the knowledge to make the best clarifications (B) Bureaucratic agencies need to be more diligent in doing their jobs (C) The courts have no say in interpreting this kind of executive branch law (D) The lawmaking process becomes less democratic when bureaucratic agencies can regulate beyond their defined jurisdiction


How have states responded to the reasons offered for non-voting? (A) States have required more accurate media coverage of candidates and issues (B) States have switched to online voting (C) States have moved Election Day to Saturdays and Sundays (D) States have provided for early voting and no-excuse voting by mail


On which of the following issues did Federalists and Jeffersonians have most widely differing views? (A) Declaring independence (B) Writing the Constitution (C) Ratifying the Constitution (D) Creating a national bank


So-called "push polls" are not polls at all. They are a form of political telemarketing whose intent is not to measure public opinion but to manipulate -push- voters away from one candidate and toward the opposing candidate. Such polls defame selected candidates by spreading false or misleading information about them. The intent is to disseminate campaign propaganda under the guise of conducting a legitimate public opinion poll. Based on the text, with which of the following statements with the author's most likely agree? (A) As long as all Sites use push polling equally, the effect should be minimal (B) Despite its problems, push polling gives pollsters a fair sense of public opinion (C) The government should provide campaign funding and regulate campaign practices (D) Telemarketing disguised as research has decreased response rates and harmed public opinion polling


The Bill of Rights Guarantees which of the following rights to a person arrested and charged with a crime? (A) The right to participate in elections (B) The right to negotiate in elections (C) The right to an appeal if convicted (D) The right to legal representation


The objection to the plan of the convention which has met with most success in this State...is... the want of a constitutional provision for the trial by jury in civil cases. The disingenuous form in which this objection is usually stated has been repeatedly [commented on] and exposed, but continues to be pursued... The mere silence of the Constitution in regard to civil causes, is represented as an abolition of the trial by jury [in an effort] to induce a persuasion that this pretended abolition is complete and universal, extending not only to every species of civil, but even in criminal causes... Every man of discernment must at once perceive the wide difference between silence and abolition... The maxims on which [the opponents' argument] rely are of this nature: "A specification of particulars is an exclusion of generals"; or, "The expression of one thing is the exclusion of another." Hence, say they, as the Constitution has established the trial by jury in criminal cases, and is silent in respect to civil, this silence is an implied prohibition of trial by jury in regard to the latter. Which governmental policy does the right to a trial support? (A) Sovereignty (B) Representative lawmaking (C) State rights (D) Individual liberties


Those who disagree with the views in the majority opinion in Schenck would likely celebrate the shaping of the Constitution in which free-speech ruling (A) Tinker v. Des Moines (B) Engel v. Vitale (C) United States v. Lopez (D) New York Times Co. v. United States


We have before us one of the most important duties of the US Senate and of the US Congress, and that is to decide whether or not we will be involved in war. I think it is inexcusable that the debate over whether we involve the country in war, in another country's civil war, that this would be debated as part of a spending bill, and not as part of an independent, free-standing bill.... I think it is a sad day for the US Senate. It goes against our history. It goes against the history of the country. Which foreign policy reality might limit what the Senate can do in this scenario? (A) The reserved powers clause requires House approval for military intervention (B) The president's power to declare war on foreign nations overrides the Senate's power to declare war (C) The Senate requires advice and consent power from the president to act in war (D) The War Powers Act gives the president freedom to act with the military for a limited time


We have before us one of the most important duties of the US Senate and of the US Congress, and that is to decide whether or not we will be involved in war. I think it is inexcusable that the debate over whether we involve the country in war, in another country's civil war, that this would be debated as part of a spending bill, and not as part of an independent, free-standing bill.... I think it is a sad day for the US Senate. It goes against our history. It goes against the history of the country. Which of the following statements best summarizes this excerpt from Senator Paul's speech? (A) The United States should not become involved in another country's civil war (B) The president should not have war-making authority except in an emergency (C) The military intervention the United States is considering needs a spending appropriation (D) The US Senate should decide on war-like action on its merits, not along with other legislation


What was the effect of the opinion in Schenck v. United States? (A) People can say or express anything as long as the nation is not at war (B) During wartime, no person can criticize the US government (C) Free speech in the United States was expanded (D) As long as speech does not present a clear and present danger, it is allowed


Which of the following best describes how policy reflects the attitudes and beliefs of citizens who choose to participate at a given time? (A) Congress passes a new tax code (B) Marijuana is legalized with pressure from interest groups (C) The president issues an executive order on immigration (D) The Supreme Court rules on school prayer


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of judicial activism and judicial restraint? (A) Can result in shaping federal, but not state, policies (Activism) Is practiced when an appeals court agrees to grant an appeal (Restraint) (B) Was established with the Judiciary Act of 1789 (Activism) Was practiced in the Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade (Restraint) (C) Is a democratic way to assure popular policies in a representative government (Activism) Is practiced when courts restrain the legislative or executive branches (Restraint) (D) Is practiced when courts overrule legislative acts or shape policy (Activism) Is exercised when courts refrain from interfering with policies created by elected bodies


Which of the following is necessary for a public opinion poll to be valid? (A)The poll must use objective, open-ended questions (B) Equal numbers of people from different demographics need to be polled (C) The poll must be conducted by a responsible news organization (D) The poll must have a low margin of error


Which of the following is true regarding the impeachment process? (A) The House can impeach, but the Supreme Court determines if the impeachment is warranted (B) The VP and a majority of the Cabinet can impeach a president (C) Impeachment requires such serious wrongdoing that no president has been impeached (D) The House can impeach a president and the Senate can remove a president on conviction of bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors


Which of the following statements accurately describes federalism? (A) Federalism is a governing system that places a national authority above regional authority (B) Federalism ranks the sovereignty of the states over the power of the national government (C) Federalism is a balance of powers between state and local governments (D) Federalism is a sharing of powers between national and regional governments


Which of these Federal officers are most influenced by public opinion polling? (A) Senators (B) Cabinet secretaries (C) Federal judges (D) Representatives in the House


Which statement about impeachment under the Constitution is true? (A) An impeachment is the removal of a president (B) The Senate has the sole power of impeachment (C) The House can impeach presidents but not other federal officials (D) The House can impeach officials for "high crimes or misdemeanors"


Which statement accurately describes the Supreme Court's contemporary interpretation of the death penalty? (A) States may not use the death penalty (B) The interpretation focuses on the method of execution (C) The court has found the practice unconstitutional because it is cruel and unusual (D) The court has interpreted the execution of minors and the mentally handicapped as unconstitutional


Which statement is accurate regarding the Law & government surveillance of persons in the United States? (A) Police and FBI can listen to private phone conversations when they see fit (B) US law enforcement first began to watch or surveil us persons after the September 11th attacks (C) The Constitution and Bill of Rights protect only US citizens from arbitrary surveillance (D) Policies have changed over time as people debate the balance between security needs and individual liberties


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