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Which class of people has the highest percent of voter turnout? AMiddle class B Lower class C Upper class D Upper-middle class E Voter turnout has no relationship to class

(C) Upper class

Which section of the country has the lowest voter turnout? A The South B The Northeast C The Midwest D The West E The Southwest

(A) The South

All of the following reflect the constitutional basis of suffrage EXCEPT A State's determining the time, manner, and place of elections B Term limits on US senators and representatives passed by individual state's C The Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution DThe Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution E The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution

(B) Term limits on the US senators and representatives passed by individual states

All of the following conclusions are true about voting behavior EXCEPT A Voting is a class-based activity. BYoung people have the highest turnout rate. C Whites vote with greater frequencies than members of minority groups D Southerners vote in smaller numbers than Northerners E Women voters tend to support candidates with views similar to their own regardless of whether the candidate is a man or woman.

(B) Young people have the highest turnout rate.

Which of the following trends most closely reflects the last 40 years of American electoral history? A An increase in suffrage opportunities B A consistent increase in voter turnout C Third-party victories D Campaign finance reform affecting congressional races E Congressional incumbents losing elections

(A) An increase in suffrage opportunities

Which of the following represents the most effective way for a president to manage news coverage? A Controlling the flow of information B Staying on the defensive C Having different staff members speak to the press D Explaining a policy issue multiple times E Giving reporters unlimited access to his daily routine

(A) Controlling the flow of information

In a presidential election, if no candidate receives an electoral college majority A The winner of the popular election becomes president B A runoff election is held with a new slate of electors C The election is thrown into the House of Representatives D The election is thrown into the Congress E The Supreme Court determines the winner

(C) The election is thrown into the House of representatives.

Which of the following groups represents the audience the media aims to develop stories for? AThe college-educated BThe upper class C The masses D The lower classes E People looking for an in-depth analysis of issues

(C) The masses

The Motor Voter Act signed by President Clinton makes it easier than ever to vote. All of the following provisions accomplish the goals of the act EXCEPT A It provides for automatic registration of eligible citizens when they fill out an application for a driver's licence. B It requires that state's periodically review their voter lists for accuracy. C It authorizes $50 million to help cover implementation costs. D It purges people from voter rolls because they didn't vote in the previous elections. E It provides for automatic registration of eligible voters as a result of licence renewal.

(D) It purges people from voter rolls because they didn't vote in the previous election.

All of the following statements best explain why people vote EXCEPT A Religious views B Political socialization CGender politics D The economic class to which they belong E Political surveys

(E) Political surveys

In mid-term elections, the president's party usually A Loses seats in both houses of Congress B Loses seats in the Senate but increases its support in the House C Loses seats in the House but increases its support in the Senate D Gains seats in both house of Congress E No pattern of gains or loses is discernible


National party conventions are now primarily used... A To give party speeches in front of televised audiences B To reward the party faithful with jobs C To set the campaign agenda D To support the nominee E All of the above


Progressives' demands for major changes in workers' rights affected... A Republicans first B Democrats first C Neither party D Voter loyalty to the major parties E Mostly the members of Congress


All of the following represent reasons why voters choose congressional candidates EXCEPT AEndorsements by groups who represent different views than the voter B Political advertisements C The position the candidates take on key issues DParty affiliation of the voter E The candidates positive standing in political polls


All the following contribute to the success of incumbent members of Congress in election campaigns EXCEPT A Incumbents usually raise less campaign funds than do the challengers. B Incumbents tend to understand national issues better than do their challengers. C Incumbents are usually better known to voters than are their challengers. D Incumbents can use staff to perform services for constituents. E Incumbents often sit in committees that permit them to serve district interests.


Responsibility for reconciling the House and Senate versions of a bill falls to A Conference committee B Standing committee C Select committee D Oversight committee E Joint committee


The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 states that if the president should die and the vice president cannot succeed him, then the next in line is the A Speaker of the House. B President pro tempore of the Senate. C Secretary of state. D Majority leader of the Senate.


The greatest change in U.S. liberalism has been... A A shift from localism to nationalism B A shift to the northeast part of the country C The rise of the Populist party D The rejection of Teddy Roosevelt by the Republicans E The rise of women's issues


The most recent Cabinet department established was in 2002 and is the Department of A Homeland Security B Energy C Veterans Affairs D Education


The president most scholars consider to be the most effective in working with Congress, getting 60 percent of his programs through Congress, was A Lyndon B. Johnson B Richard M. Nixon C Gerald R. Ford D Bill Clinton


The president's civilian adviser on military force strength is the A Secretary of Defense B Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff C Secretary of the Army D Chief of Staff of the Army E Director of the CIA


The strongest basis for withholding information from Congress under a claim of executive privilege is A The need for secrecy in military planning and diplomacy B To protect the president from embarrassment C To ensure the president does not turn over incriminating evidence D The powers granted to the president under the Constitution E Legislation that recognizes that Congress cannot subpoena the president


The term "bully pulpit" was used first by what president to describe the power of the president to reach out to the American people to gain support for his programs? A Theodore Roosevelt B Woodrow Wilson C Franklin Roosevelt D John F. Kennedy


Thomas Jefferson expanded the powers of the presidency through A The Louisiana Purchase B The use of veto powers C The use of political parties to cement ties with congress D The doctrine of enumerated powers.


Which of the following House committees is responsible for setting the agenda for legislation coming to the floor? A Rules Committee B Ways and Means Committee C Appropriations Committee D The Policy Committee E The Armed Services Committee


Which of the following is not a constitutional requirement to hold the office of the presidency? A Must be male B Must be at least 35 years old C Must be resident of the United States for at least fourteen years D Must be a natural born citizen


Which of the following is the only non-legislative function the House of Representatives has under the Constitution? A To impeach federal officials B To approve appoints to federal courts C To "advise and consent" on treaties negotiated by the president D To try cases of impeachment E To debate all revenue bills


Which of the following newspaper headlines suggests investigative reporting? A "Abuse of Patients in Nursing Homes in the State Uncovered" B "Fire Guts Office Structure; Arson Suspected" C President to Hold Summit with Chinese Leaders" D "Attorney General to Rule on Special Prosecutor"


Which of the following political theories would claim that many senators and representatives come from the upper middle class or the upper economic class of American society? A Elite B Pluralist C Conservative D Centrist E Majoritarian


A filibuster in the Senate can be used to talk a bill to death. A cloture vote can end a filibuster. Taken together, what is the impact of these practices? A Neither political party can control the Senate unless it has at least sixty votes. B A party with fifty-one votes can get most of its legislative agenda passed. C The Senate rarely passes legislation on controversial issues. D Most important decisions are made in committees because it is difficult to pass a bill in the Senate as a whole. E The president's party has a significant advantage because the vice president of the United States can vote to break a tie in the Senate.

A. Neither political party can control the Senate unless it has at least sixty votes.

Which of the following statements best describe the relationship between an individual's income and attitudes toward federal spending? A Lower income groups support spending for social programs. B There is no correlation between income and views on federal spending. C Economic self-interest requires wealthy Americans to back more government spending for jobs. D Minorities approve of higher defense spending. E Higher income Americans tend to support the Democratic Party.

A. Lower income groups support spending for social programs

The Supreme Court made it more difficult for public officials falsely attacked in the media to sue for libel in A New York Times v. Sullivan B New York Times v. U.S. C Red Lion Broadcasting V. FCC D Engel v. Vitale E Bucley v. Valeo

A. New York Times v. Sullivan

The fact that election campaigns are often reduced to sound bites suggests that A Television provides superficial coverage of politics B Politicians are not very dynamic speakers C Voters turn to newspapers and magazines to understand the issues D Network news shows are too long E Editors need to take more responsibility for programming

A. Television provides superficial coverage of politics

Polls taken during an election campaign focus on A Which candidate is ahead B The views of the candidates on the issues C The amount of money each candidate has raised D The character of the candidate E The candidates' position on foreign policy

A. which candidate is ahead

What role does incumbency play in congressional elections? A Incumbents are more likely to be reelected in the House of Representatives than in the Senate. B More than 90 percent of all incumbent members of Congress are reelected. C Incumbents are more likely to be reelected in the Senate than in the House of Representatives. D Incumbency is helpful only when the economy is strong; more than half of all incumbents lose their reelection bids in a weak economy. E There is no correlation between incumbency and reelection.

A. Incumbents are more likely to be reelected in the House of Representatives than in the Senate.

A poll conducted over the Internet is of questionable accuracy because ' A The participants were not randomly selected B The margin of error is over +/- 3% C The sample is biased in favor of the more affluent D The sample is too large E Questions are typically not worded clearly

A. The participants were not randomly selected

According to critics, granting the president fast-track trade authority weakens which constitutional authority of Congress? A Congress' right to regulate foreign as well as interstate trade B The right of the Senate to ratify treaties entered into by the United States C The right of the Senate to confirm cabinet-rank officials like the U.S. Trade Representative D Congress' oversight role over foreign policy E The power of Congress to authorize expenditures


Civic participation in the United States may be declining for all of the following reasons EXCEPT... A Growing control of a few powerful groups that dominate Washington B Lack of belief in civic participation by minority groups C The rapid expansion of the number of groups D Declining belief that helping will make a difference E The opening of access to campaigns or more groups


Media "agenda setting" is criticized for all of the following reasons except... aA It gives the power of setting the priorities of problems to media leaders B It stops political leaders from setting the political agenda C The media is biased in most areas D The media spends too little time on key issues E The media spends too much time on issues of little importance


Pork barrel legislation helps the reelection chances of a member of Congress because such legislation A Gives the member of Congress national standing and coverage on national television news B Helps earn the member of Congress a reputation for service to his or her district CAttracts campaign contributions from ideological political action committees DPrevents other candidates from claiming that the member of Congress is too liberal for his or her district E Requires the member of Congress to travel extensively


The first president who acted as a strong national leader was A Thomas Jefferson B Andrew Jackson C James Monroe D Franklin D. Roosevelt


The greatest change in political efficacy of the citizens has been... A The willingness of citizens to participate in the system B The support citizens give to leaders and their hopes for reform C The lack of reforms in the areas of civil rights D The increasing voter turnouts E The efforts to amend the Constitution to allow for more voter access


The most powerful interest groups tend to be... ARepresentative of major industries B Representatives of issues, groups, or causes C Representatives of minorities D Only concerned with conservative issues E The most professional


The period immediately after a new president is inaugurated is known as the honeymoon because A Other nations do not challenge the United States B The president's popularity is at its highest level C There is no in-fighting between members of the president's staff DThe president has not vetoed any legislation E Partisanship in Congress is high


The responsibilities of the vice president in an administration are determined by A The provisions of the Constitution B The relationship between the president and vice president C Polls indicating the popularity of the vice president D The size of the election victory E Whether the president's party also controls Congress


There are thousands of interest groups in the United States because... AThe political system is stable B Many believe they have a right to have access to leaders C The political system is open to all D The political system is rapidly changed by public input E The parties are unable to control the political agenda


Those who oppose term limits for members of Congress argue that I A tremendous amount of legislative experience will be lost if term limits are imposed. II The people have the right to vote for whomever they want. III The Supreme Court will never allow term limits. IV A less experienced Congress will lead the country into war. A I only B I and II only C I, II, III only D III only E II and IV only


When courts examine the legislative history of a bill, they give most weight to which type of evidence? A Committee hearings B Committee reports C The mark-up bill D Floor debate in The Congressional Record E The bill as introduced


The purpose of the Communications Decency Act, which was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, was to A Require the FCC to limit indecent material on television B Restrict minor's access to indecent material over the Internet C Make indecent phone calls a federal crime D Ban the use of certain language on the radio E Establish a rating system for network and cable television

B Restrict minor's access to indecent material over the Internet

A public opinion poll asks whether or not people agree with the following statement: "The federal government should see to it that all people have adequate housing." Which of the following statements best describes the accuracy of the poll? A) it will not be accurate because a random sample was not used B) it will not be accurate because the statement is loaded C) it will not be accurate because of sampling error D) it may be accurate depending upon how many people are polled E) there is no way to determine the accuracy of the poll

B) it will not be accurate because the statement is loaded

The media plays a key role in politics by A Determining who gets elected to state and federal office B Helping to set the issues that political leaders need to address C Presenting elected officials in the best possible light to the public D Reinforcing values such as patriotism and family E Paying candidates for exclusive stories

B. Helping to set the issues that political leaders need to address

A politician who advocates raising the federal minimum wage, cutting spending on new weapons systems, and increasing the budget for the Environmental Protection Agency is considered a A Populist B Liberal C Conservative D Radical E Libertarian

B. Liberal

In covering a political campaign, the media is best described as a A Watchdog B Scorekeeper C Muckraker D Gatekeeper E Cheerleader

B. Scorekeeper

Libertarians support all of the following Except: A An end to tax break for large corporations B A prescription drug plan for seniors paid for by the federal government C The repeal of laws restricting gun ownership D The legalization of marijuana and similar drugs E Full exercise of freedom of speech, including materials considered "obscene"

B. a prescription drug plan for seniors paid for by the federal government

Women are more likely than men to favor A Capital punishment B Gun control legislation C No increase in the federal minimum wage D Less spending on public housing E Abortion

B. gun control legislation

Political socialization refers to A Why a person identifies with a political party B How an individual's political views are developed C The measure of the public's attitude on national issues D A person's position on social questions such as abortion E The role of the government in promoting national identity

B. How an individual's political views are developed

The representational view of Congress is based on the assumption that members want to get reelected and therefore vote to please their constituents. Under what circumstances is a member of Congress most likely to vote according to this view? A When a bill will bring "pork" to the congressman's district. B When constituents have a clear view on a issue and the issue has attracted attention. C When constituents have a clear view on an issue and the member of Congress agrees with the constituent's views. D When there is a close race for reelection and a member of Congress is eager to please constituents. E When a small group of constituents goes to great lengths to make its views known to their senator or representative.

B. When constituents have a clear view on a issue and the issue has attracted attention.

A congressional committee was created to investigate any intelligence failures that might have occurred prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. What kind of committee does this represent? A Standing B Joint C Select D Conference E Oversight


According to Richard Neustadt, the most important presidential power is A His constitutional power B The mandate power C The power to persuade D His commander in chief power


All of the following are examples of congressional oversight committees EXCEPT A The Banking Committee holding Whitewater hearings B The Select Committee on Campaign Activities to investigate campaign abuses C The House Judiciary Committee's hearing on the impeachment of President Clinton D The Select Senate Watergate Committee E The Select Iran-Contra Committee


All of the following statements about the War Powers Act are true EXCEPT: A The War Powers Act was a response to the limited control Congress had over the Vietnam War. B Under the legislation, the president must inform Congress that troops are being sent overseas. C It allows Congress to effectively limit the president's powers as commander-in-chief. D The commitment of American troops can be extended if Congress acts within sixty days. E A president cannot ignore a joint resolution call for the removal of American troops.


An example of the Senate using its advise and consent power to reject a treaty signed by the president was when the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles, which had been negotiated and signed by A Theodore Roosevelt B Franklin Roosevelt C Woodrow Wilson D Dwight D. Eisenhower


Article II of the Constitution says the President A May serve only two terms B Is limited to a maximum of ten years in office C Serves a four-year term D Serves a six-year term


In 1996, Congress voted to give the President line-item veto power. What is the status of that power now? A President Clinton refused to use it, claiming that the Republican Congress was attempting to trick him. B The Congress voted to repeal the line-item veto given to the president saying that the president was trying to trick them C In 1998, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the line-item veto as unconstitutional. D The president continues to use the line-item veto and has done so over twenty times during the past year.


In covering which of the following stories would a reporter rely primarily on news releases and press briefings? A 2002 congressional elections B Senate hearings on the bankruptcy of a major corporation C American troops in combat in Afghanistan D Death penalty case before the Supreme Court E Major earthquake in California


In the process of enacting legislation, the House Rules Committee is responsible for A Establishing the procedures Congress follows B Appointing members of standing committees C Setting the limits of debate on the floor D Holding hearings on all revenue bills E Assigning bills to the proper committees


Madison and other early leaders feared that factions would... ASplit the country into party groups B Stop the ratification of the Constitution C Take control of regions and block minority groups D Have too much influence on national leaders E All of the above


Political action committees make larger total contributions to House races than Senate races because A House members are more likely to vote the way the PAC wants. B House members have more influence on legislation than the Senate. C The entire house is up for election every two years. D Senators are much wealthier than representatives. E Senators cannot take PAC money under the Senate rules.


Senators and representatives are often criticized for making deals with other legislators or the president in order to get programs, projects, and grants moving along the legislative process. What is this legislation called? AConstituent laws BRider legislation CLogrolling DPork barrel legislation E Legislative veto


The Speaker of the House has many responsibilities. All of the following reflect roles the speaker plays EXCEPT A Acting as chief presiding officer of the House B Serving as third in line in presidential succession C Making committee assignments for both parties D Playing a key role in appointing committee chairs E Working hand in hand with the president relating to the legislative agenda if they are both from the same party


The first president to assume that office after appointment, not election, to the office of the vice presidency was A William H. Harrison B Dwight D. Eisenhower C Gerald R. Ford D George Bush


The greatest change in U.S. conservation has been... A The move of Dixiecrats to the Republican party B The rejection of Progressivism in the 1920's C The change from emphasizing national leadership to local leadership D The emergence of religious leadership E The rising control of rural and western states


The growth of the modern presidency began with A Thomas Jefferson B Abraham Lincoln C Franklin Roosevelt D Ronald Reagan


The most consistent trend in media coverage in the country has been... A Its generally neutral stand on most party issues B Its expansion of coverage of candidates' personal issues C Its reduction of story time and coverage D Its shift toward more constant coverage of politics E Its lack of the differences between party groups


Which if the following statements about the Speaker of the House are valid? I The Speaker is elected by only the members of the majority party. II The Speaker is next in line for succession after the vice-president. III The Speaker presides over the House. IV The Speaker assigns bills to committees. A I, II, III only B I and II only C II, III, IV only DIII and IV only E II and III only


Which of the following geographic areas has American foreign policy generally neglected? A Western Europe B Eastern Europe and Russia C Africa D Asia E Central America and the Caribbean


Which of the following statements about the cabinet is NOT valid? A The cabinet is too large to be an executive policy-making body. B The president can give officials other than the heads of departments cabinet rank. C The cabinet is made up of close associates of the president who were involved with the campaign. D Recent presidents have made cabinet appointments with an eye toward diversity. E Cabinet members are primarily responsible for managing their own departments.


The official who is an intermediary between the party leadership and the rank and file members of Congress is the aASpeaker of the House BMajority leader CMajority whip DPresident pro tempore EClerk of the House

C Majority Whip

Which of the following provisions of a defense appropriations bill is considered a rider? A Funding for a new missile defense system B Increase in benefits for military dependents C Price support for dairy farmers in New England D Construction of family housing units at a naval air station E Research and development funding on anti-terrorism tactics

C Price support for dairy farmers in New England

Which of the following voters will most likely prefer a Republican candidate? A) a black woman with a college degree and high income B) a middle-class Asian man who belongs to a labor union C) a southern with male business owner D) an Hispanic employee of the federal government E) A white "soccer mom" who lives in the suburbs

C) a southern with male business owner

The gender gap can be explained by major differences in policy views on all of the following issues EXCEPT A) homelessness B) gun control C) abortion D) the size of government E) gay rights

C) abortion

All of the following are characteristics of an accurate random sample EXCEPT A) the questions must be asked in clear, unemotional language B) people must have some knowledge of the things they are asked about C) the sample must include at least 10 percent of the population D) each person must have an equal chance of being interviewed E) event the most accurate polls have some sampling error

C) the sample must include at least 10 percent of the population

Which of the following is NOT a conservative position? A Support for prayer in the public schools B Support for voucher plans for private schools C Support for increases in corporate and income taxes D Support for deregulation of business E Support for limits on affirmative action programs

C. Conservatives don't support increases in corporate and income taxes

Cross-ownership refers to A A company owning radio and television stations in different parts of the country B Companies like Gannett that own numerous newspapers C A company owning a newspaper and television station in the same market D Entertainment giants like the Walt Disney Company that own television networks E Cable companies that are the sole service providers in a community

C. A company owning a newspaper and television station in the same market

In recent years, occupation has become less significant in determining political attitudes because A Few Americans are blue collar workers B Americans are more mobile than in the past C Education is a more important factor D Political parties do not frame issues in term of class E Workers adopt the views of their unions

C. Education is a more important factor

News coverage of Congress A Is devoted to scandals like the impeachment of President Clinton B Is primarily the responsibility of C-SPAN C Focuses on the leadership in the House and the Senate D Is influenced by the White House press secretary E Is more thorough on network television than in the press

C. Focuses on the leadership in the House and the Senate

Despite migration from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt, the South I Is a more conservative region than the Northeast II Is a stronghold for the religious right III Remains committed to the Democratic Party A I only B II only C I and II only D III only E II and III only

C. I and II only

Which of the following statements about political ideology in the United States is accurate? I Political movements on the extreme right and the extreme left have had little support. II People who identify themselves as conservatives always oppose laws restricting abortions. III Most Americans consider themselves moderate. IV Consistency is not essential to political ideology. A I only B II only C I and III only D II and IV only E IV only

C. I and III only

Which of the following offices is the president not constitutionally empowered to appoint? A Members of the U.S. Supreme Court B U.S. ambassadors to foreign countries C Officers of the United States D Speakers of the House and president pro tempore of the Senate


Which of the following statements best characterizes the attitudes of the framers of the Constitution toward slavery? A They were all slave owners, and were determined to preserve slavery. B They supported the expansion of slavery beyond the thirteen states. C There was sentiment to limit slavery, but political considerations made that impossible. D They believed that if slavery was not mentioned, ratification would be harder. E They preferred the gradual emancipation of all slaves.

C. There was sentiment to limit slavery, but political considerations made that impossible.

When the Republican Party emerged in the 1850's, it replaced which of the following? A Federalist Party B Know-Nothing Party C Whig Party D Populist Party E Labor Reform Party

C. Whig Party

During the 1960's and 1970's a conservative coalition was an important factor in Congress. Why is that coalition less important today? A Because African American Southern Democrats have become more moderate in their ideology B Because white southern Republicans have become less conservative C Because many southern Democrats in Congress have been replaced by Republicans. D Because the regional issues that brought the coalition together, like race relations, have been resolved through civil rights legislation. E Because the southern states have changed and are less conservative than they were in the past.

C. Because many southern Democrats in Congress have been replaced by Republicans.

All of the following make it difficult for Congress to make policy EXCEPT ACongress must worry about voters preferences, so it engages in arguments on important issues. B Congress does not choose the president, so there is no guarantee a bill will become law. C Congress operates through coalitions of several political parties, each of which represents different interests. D Congress is bicameral, and a bill must pass through both houses. E Each member of Congress faces reelection, and the interests of the members of his or her district must be considered.

C. Congress operates through coalitions of several political parties, each of which represents different interests.

Data collected on the political attitudes of ethnic/racial groups show that A All minorities tend to take liberal positions on major policy questions B African Americans are shifting back to the Republican Party C The views of African Americans are not significantly affected by income D Asian American support for the Democratic Party is strong E Hispanic Americans are the most consistently liberal group

C. the views of African Americans are not significantly affected by income

A member of the House of Representatives who wishes to be influential in the House would most likely seek a place on which of the following committees? A Agriculture B District of Columbia CPublic Works and Transportation DRules E Veterans Affairs


All of the following are powers granted to the president under the Constitution EXCEPT: A Negotiate treaties with other nations B Nominate justices to the Supreme Court C Present legislation to Congress D Serve as the leader of a political party E Call Congress into special session


An important function of the White House staff is to A Prepare the administration's budget for Congress B Assume responsibility for executive departments C Supervise campaign fundraising activities D Liaison with Congress on the bills of interest to the administration E Communicate the administration's views on matters before the Supreme Court


In a wide-ranging examination of American policy, the Secretary of Defense states, "American troops are well-trained and prepared to meet our nation's commitments." The reporter who wrote these lines may have gotten the information from I The Secretary of Defense's press conference at the Pentagon II A deep background interview with the Assistant Secretary of Defense III An off-the-record interview with the Secretary of Defense IV A press briefing book prepared by the Pentagon's public affairs staff A I only B I and II only C IV only D I and IV only E I, II, and IV only


The only presidential appointment on which the House of Representatives votes is A Chief justice of the Supreme Court B U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations C Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff D Vice president, if the position is vacant E Director of the Central Intelligence Agency


The president can enter into treaty-like relations with foreign countries for his term only without Senate approval on the basis of A Executive powers B Executive privileges C Executive orders D Executive agreements


The president can take action without the approval of Congress through I Executive orders II Recess appointments III Judicial appointments IV Executive agreements A I only B I and II only C I, II, III only D I, II, IV only E III and IV only


Which feature of the U.S. media is most historically correct? a Free speech for all is a media goals B Access to all is a media goal C Fairness is a media goal D Party bias is often a media goal E National information is a media goal


Which of the following factors generates the most significant advantage for a Congressional candidate? A Being wealthier than the opponent B Getting the most press coverage C Being invited to the most town meetings DBeing an incumbent E Taking positions on key social issues


Which of the following functions of senators and representatives would be the most important to their constituents? A Attending political fundraisers B Networking with lobbyists C Accepting PAC money DRecommending a high school student to one of the military academies E Making a speech about a national defence that is printed in the Congressional Record


Which of the following individuals presides over the House of Representatives? AThe House Minority Leader B The House Pro Tem C The House Majority Leader D The Speaker of the House E The House Majority Whip


Which of the following is NOT a difference between local and network news coverage? A Network news is limited to a half hour program. B Local news programs rely on multiple anchors. C The networks devote more time to "hard news"- politics, world events, economy. D The networks have reporters based around the country and the world. E Unless of national importance, the networks do not regularly cover sports.


All of the following statements about the legislative process are true EXCEPT: A Only a small percentage of bills introduced become law. B Anyone can write a bill, but only a member of Congress can introduce it. C A majority of the House does not have to be present to debate a bill on the floor. D A cloture vote cuts off debate on a bill immediately, and the Senate must vote. E Identical bills can be introduced in the House and the Senate.

D A cloture vote cuts off debate on a bill immediately, and the Senate must vote.

According to Wilson and Dilulio, "the framers of the Constitution did not try to create a government that would do from day to day 'what people want'." Which of the following serve as checks on public opinion? I. federalism II. The House of Representatives III. An independent judiciary IV. The separation of powers A) I and IV B) II and III C) I, II, and III D) I, III, and IV E) I, II, III, and IV

D) I, III, and IV

What is the effect of a college education on political attitudes? A) People with college degrees tend to be more conservative because they have higher than average incomes B) People who have attended college tend to vote more independents because they think more ideologically C) People with college degrees are not as liberal as their parents D) People with college degrees describe themselves as liberal E) There is no correlation between a college education and political attitudes

D) People with college degrees describe themselves as liberal

All of the following work against a liberal bias in the media EXCEPT: A Most news about government and politics comes from official sources, B Journalists are trained to be objective, and present both sides of a story. C Editors and publishers are more conservative than reporters. D Broadcast and print journalists as a group tend to support the Democratic Party. E Major media outlets are owned by larger corporations whose primary business is noT news.

D. Broadcast and print journalists as a group tend to support the Democratic Party.

A month before a primary election, a poll shows the following breakdown in a three-candidate race: Candidate A 45% Candidate B 32% Candidate C 23% The margin of error is +/- 3%. What conclusions can we draw from the data about the outcome of the election? A Candidate A will get a majority of the votes cast. B Candidate C will drop out of the race because of limited support. C The election is too close to call because of the margin of error. D No conclusion can be drawn because the election is still a month away. E There will be a runoff between Candidate A and Candidate B

D. No conclusion can be drawn because the election is still a month away.

The political party an individual identifies with is largely determined by A Mass media B Peers C Teachers D Parents E Employers

D. Parents

Under the Federal Communications Commission's equal time rules, broadcasters must (Sabato 563) A Give free airtime to all candidates for public office B Assure that both sides on a controversial subject like abortion get equal time C Air debates for candidates running for office in their market D Provide the same opportunity for all political candidates to present their views E Take the diversity of their market into account in deciding news coverage

D. Provide the same opportunity for all political candidates to present their views

In light of the "graying of America," which issues are likely to get attention from elected officials? A Deregulation of the energy industry B Missile defense programs C Term limits for members of Congress D Patient's Bill of Rights E Gun control

D. patient's Bill of Rights

A bill or a provision of a bill that provides clear benefits to the district of a member of Congress is an example of A Logrolling B A Christmas tree C A public bill D Private bill E Pork barrel legislation


A newly elected member of Congress that represents a district with a large number of aerospace companies would prefer to serve on which of the following committees? A Banking and Financial Services B Judiciary C Ways and Means D International Relations E Armed Services


All of the following happened as a result of the Connecticut Compromise agreed to at the Constitutional Convention in 1789 EXCEPT A Congress was made into a bicameral institution B There had to be a minimum of three congressmen for each state C Each state's representation in the House would be determined by population DEach state was guaranteed two senators E Senators would be elected directly by the people


Concerned about the expansion of the Soviet Union into South Asia, the Senate exercised its constitutional power to "advice and consent" and rejected which of the following treaties? A Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty B SALT I Treaty C Chemical Weapons Convention D Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty E SALT II Treaty


Daily news reporting became a national phenomenon because of... A The invention of radio BThe invention of television CThe invention of coast-to-coast telegraph systems DThe creation of national, for-profit news companies EAll of the above


Most interest groups... AHelp the members with benefits B Support both parties CBring out large number of voters D Support only one party E Hire lobbyists to work for them


The Korean War can be considered a victory for the containment policy because A The fighting was authorized by the United Nations B It did not lead to a wider war with the Soviet Union C China was forced to withdraw its support from Korea D Nuclear weapons did not have to be used E North Korea did not conquer South Korea


The best description of the general relationship between presidents and the media would be... A Mutual distrust B Mutual trust C The media forces presidents to create political priorities D Presidents hate media scrutiny E The two groups need each other and use each other for gain


The political power of interest groups lies in... A Bringing money to campaigns B Lobbying leaders and persuade them C Gathering many members to contact leaders DPicking key issues to protect or change E All of the above


The qualifications for members of the House of Representatives are found in Article I of the Constitution. All of the following are requirements for a House member EXCEPT A Must be 25 years old B Must be an American citizen for seven years C Must be a resident from the state represented D Can be a naturalized citizen E Cannot serve for more than two consecutive terms


U.S. ideas of liberalism and conservatism are grounded in... A Beliefs in limited government creating a better society B Combinations of needs for liberty and safety C Traditional roles of central and local authorities D Support of the constitutional framework E All are true for liberalism and conservatism


Which of the following agencies are NOT part of the Executive Office of the President? A Office of Management and Budget B National Security Council C Council of Economic Advisers D Office of Personnel Management E Environmental Protection Agency


Which of the following contemporary news outlets is similar to the yellow journalism of the late nineteenth century? A Network news programs B Radio talk shows C Newspapers like USA Today D All new cable stations E Tabloid press


Which of the following activities that members of Congress routinely perform is most important to their constituents? A Attending the meeting of the party caucus B Going to a fund-raiser sponsored by a political action committee C Giving an interview on national defense issues D Drafting an amendment to the Department of Transportation appropriation bill E Contacting the Social Security Administration regarding a claim for benefits

E Contacting the Social Security Administration regarding a claim for benefits

Incumbent senators face greater competition when they run for reelection than members of the House for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a A state is more diverse than a congressional district, providing a greater base for opposition. B Senators have less contact with the constituents. C Voters are less likely to know the issue positions of their senators. D Senators tend to have better known opponents. E To overcome their advantage, Senate challengers outspend incumbents.

E To overcome their advantage, Senate challengers outspend incumbents.

A conservative would support which of the following measures? I. less government regulation of the economy II. Affirmative action programs for underrepresented groups III. Increased spending on social programs, such as welfare IV. The death penalty A) I and II B) I, II and IV C) II and IV D) II, III and IV E) I and IV

E) I and IV

How did the composition of Congress change between 1950 and 2002? A There was no change in the number of ethnic minorities, but the number of women increased. B There was no change in the number of women, but the number of African Americans increased. C The percentage of African Americans in Congress is similar to the percentage of African Americans in the country as a whole. D There were fewer Hispanics but more African Americans and women. E Although representation does not mirror the population as a whole, there are more minorities and women.

E. Although representation does not mirror the population as a whole, there are more minorities and women.

The House Rules Committee does all of the following EXCEPT A Adopts procedures under which the House will consider a bill B Set times limits on debate C Permits or forbids certain amendments on the floor D Review bills and places them on a calendar E Establishes the number of votes needed for a bill to pass in the House

E. Establishes the number of votes needed for a bill to pass in the House

All of the following are examples of Congress exercising its oversight function EXCEPT: A Holding a floor debate on a bill to reduce eligibility requirements for Medicare B Hearing a Department of Defense official testify on B-1 bomber cost overruns C Submitting data to a committee on complaints against the Internal Revenue Service D Holding committee hearings on regulations issued by the Federal Communications Commission E Cutting the budget of a federal agency that consistently fails to meet its goals


Examples of Congress delegating additional powers to the president include the I Legislative veto II Line item veto III War Powers Act IV Budgeting and Accounting Act A II only B I and III only C II and IV only D IV only E I and II only


A primary election in which a registered Democrat can ask for a Republican ballot is a A Presidential primary B Open primary C Closed primary D Blanket primary E Proportional representation primary

B Open Primary

Which statement best characterizes the relative strength of the Democratic and Republican parties in the period between 1968 and 2000? A Republican presidents always faced a Congress controlled by Democrats. B The Democrats controlled the House of Representatives from 1968-1994. C Democrats were more successful than Republicans in presidential elections. D Divided government was the rule under Democratic presidents. E The Republicans had a majority of the seats in the Senate as a result of the 2000 election.

B The Democrats controlled the House of Representatives from 1968-1994.

Party realignment occurs when A A majority of the voters register as independent B There is a shift in voter support from one party to the other C There is a change in which party controls one or both house of Congress D The president is from one party but the Congress is in the hands of another E A third party determines the outcome of the election

B There is a shift in voter support from one party to the other

Congress exercised its power to determine the scope of the full faith and credit clause in which piece of legislation? A Unfunded Mandates Reform Act B Defense of Marriage Act C Religious Freedom Restoration Act D Voting Rights Act of 1965 E Title IX of the Education Act Amendments of 1972

B. Defense of Marriage Act

Voting a straight ticket reflects A Voter apathy B Party loyalty C Weak party structure D Influence of campaign advertising E Support for the Democrat Party

B. Party Loyalty

The Virginia and New Jersey plans both provided for A A bicameral legislature B Separation of power C A strong executive D Equal representation of states E Slavery

B. Separation of power.

Which of the following is a major result of media-centered politics? A A greater interest in the election B A greater loyalty to political parties C An increase in voter turnout D A decrease in voter turnout E An increase in the analysis of issues by the media

(D) A decrease in voter turnout

All of the following are criticisms aimed at the media EXCEPT A The media defines the campaign agenda rather than the candidate. B The media accepts too many negative advertisements. C The media relies too much on polling. D The media's investigations of politicians usually emphasize serious issues E Talk radio places an unfair emphasis on conservative issues.

(D) The media's investigations of politicians usually emphasize serious issues.

Federalism contains the idea that our two major forms of government are both... A Sovereign B Republics C Elected D Checked and balanced E equal


The theory behind the shift from categorical grants to block grants was to A Give the federal government greater control over the money going to the states B Let Congress impose new conditions on grants C Allow those most familiar with state and local needs determine how to use available funds D Eliminate funding for all welfare programs E Make sure that anti-discrimination regulations were followed

C. Allows those most familiar with state and local needs determine how to use available funds

The Constitutional right of the states to determine the qualifications for voting was limited by I Thirteenth Amendment II Brown v. Board of Education III Civil Rights Act of 1964 IV Twenty-Fourth Amendment A I and II only B III only C III and IV only D I, II, III only E I, III, IV only

C. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Twenty-Fourth Amendment

The Clean Air Act of 1970 is an example of A A decision of the federal courts that imposed a spending requirement on the states B Congress attaching conditions of aid to federal funds C Congress imposing a financial burden on the states but not providing funding D A federal agency requiring the states to take action E Congress assuming powers under the elastic clause

C. Congress imposing a financial burden on the states but not providing funding

The Constitution prohibits the states from doing all of the following EXCEPT A Granting titles of nobility B Giving sanctuary to runaway slaves C Determining qualifications for voting D Imposing tariffs on goods from foreign countries E Coining money

C. States could determine the qualifications for voting.

The purpose of the system of checks and balances in the Constitution is to ensure that A The federal courts are independent B The president has the power to control Congress C The military is under civilian control D One branch does not dominate the others E Congress has a role in foreign policy

D. One branch does not dominate the others

Which of the following statements about voter turnout is valid? I Income and education levels have no effect on voting. II The gender gap refers to the fact that women are more likely to vote than men. III The lowest voter turnout is among college-age Americans. IV The most common reason given by Americans for not voting is that they were too busy. A I only B I and II only C I, II, III only D I and III only E III and IV only

E III and IV only

Which of the following civil liberty protections is included in the Constitution as ratified? A Cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited B Freedom of assembly is protected C The limitations imposed on the slave trade D The power given the states over elections E No religious test for holding office

E. No religious test for holding office.

Which of the following conclusions can be made about voting behavior? A Young people turn out more than any other age group. B Minorities generally support Republican candidates. C Southerners vote more than Northerners. D Voting is a class-based activity. E Women vote more for Republican candidates than men.

(D) Voting is a class-based activity

Which of the following definitions reflects the idea that the victorious party should carry out its proposed agenda? A Constituent service by the elected representatives B The integrity of the political party C The party's platform D Voter referendums E The mandate theory of elections

(E) The mandate theory of elections

A major dilemma of trying to get elected as president is... A Pleasing party loyalists enough without alienating the majority of the public B Trying to raise funds in the states C Having to face the television debates D Having the right campaign staff that knows all of the campaign strategies and tricks E Having to raise funds after the nomination


A recent trend in presidential campaigns has been... A An increase in personal attacks on candidates B A push from party leaders to return to more state caucuses C Successful limits being imposed on the raising of funds D The rise of successful third-party candidates E The critical role of television debates


According to the Brookings Institution (the pages in the Reader on Federalism) one drawback of the national government becoming too involved in state and local affairs is that: A The national government does not pay enough attention to threats such as those posed by terrorists and local governments become "sloppier about fulfilling basic obligations" B The system provides a process for elected officials to gain experience at the local level so they are prepared for higher office C It eases sectional or regional tensions D We have avoided the "unchecked welfare" that has led to 'entitled limitless"support found in Europe


Congress has broad powers to carry out its duties as the nation's legislative body. Which of the following has been interpreted broadly to expand Congressional power? A Power to regulate commerce B Power to establish a uniform currency C Power to declare war D Power of impeachment E Power to establish bankruptcy laws


How can the two-party dominance in much of U.S. history best be explained? A Parties were able to absorb new political goals B Parties have controlled the Electoral college C Major parties have vast sums of campaign funds D Urban party "machines" blocked the formation of other parties E Citizens had general distrust for parties as a whole


What was the result of the Great Compromise? A States were represented in the upper house, and citizens were represented in the lower house B Citizens were represented in the upper house, and states were represented in the lower house C Citizens were given proportional representation in both the House of Representatives and the Senate D All members of Congress were selected by direct election E Slaves were not counted in the census


Which of the following was accomplished under the Articles of Confederation? A A pattern of government was established for new territories B States developed effective and powerful militias C Freedom of religion was guaranteed throughout the United States D The United States paid its Revolutionary War debt to France E The United States created a uniform and stable currency


While state and local government can serve as laboratories for policies, this may prove to be "elusive" particularly regarding: AProtecting voting rights B The "culture wars" in America C Welfare reform D College education


The authority that Congress has under "necessary and proper clause" is called A Implied powers B Enumerated powers C Reserved powers D Elastic powers E Categorical powers

A. Implied Powers

The claim that federalism promotes democracy by increasing the opportunities for political participation is undermined by A The low voter turnout in local elections B The difficulty in finding candidates to run for local office C The limited coverage the media gives to local races D The role that interest groups play in American politics E The high turnover in the Congress

A. The low voter turnout in local elections.

All of the following statements about the amendment process are true EXCEPT A Amendments are proposed by a vote of two-thirds of the state legislatures. B Convention in three-fourths of the states can ratify an amendment. C A national convention can propose an amendment. D Amendments are proposed through a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress. E Ratification requires approval of three-fourths of the state legislatures.

A. The states do not have a direct role in proposing amendments.

One of the effects of winner-take-all primaries is that A Candidates can get a majority of the delegates quickly B The cost of the campaign is higher C The media focuses on who is ahead D Candidates stay in the race longer E More candidates decide to enter the primaries

A.Candidates can get a majority of the delegates quickly

All of the following are weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT A Congress did not have the power to control interstate and foreign trade. B Congress had the power to make laws. C It was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation. D There was no independent judiciary. E Few limits were imposed on the Executive.


In theory, each branch of government has independent and distinct functions. This is a result of A Checks and balances B The separation of powers C The Great Compromise D Federalism E The full faith and credit clause


What was the most serious weakness in the Articles of Confederation? A Congress did not have the power to conduct foreign policy B Congress did not have the power to raise revenue C Congress did not have the right to declare war D The national government had too much power over the states E The actions of Congress required the consent of nine states


What was the most serious weakness in the Articles of Confederation? A Congress did not have the power to conduct foreign policy B Congress did not have the power to raise revenue C Congress did not have the right to declare war D The national government had too much power over the states E The actions of Congress required the consent of nine states


Which statement about parties in the United States is most correct? A Parties have been stable since they were founded B Broad changes in party controls have often occurred C Two parties have dominated consistently D Parties have grown with the increasing power of presidents E Parties have stable patterns, supporting either liberal or conservative viewpoints


Lower voter turnout in the United States can be explained by all of the following EXCEPT: A Weak political parties B An aging electorate C Difficulty in registering D Difficulty in voting E Frequency of voting

B An aging electorate

A candidate who qualifies for federal matching funds A Loses the money if contributions over $250 are accepted B Must accept spending limits during the primaries C Needs to finish in the top four in each primary entered D Does not have to report contributions less than $250 to the FEC E Receives a check from the Treasury for the total amount raised during the campaign

B Must accept spending limits during the primaries

The supremacy clause in the Constitution states that A Congress is the most important branch of government B The Constitution, federal law, and treaties are the supreme law of the land C The federal government has more power than the states D The armed forces are under the control of civilian authority E The president has supreme power as Commander-in-Chief

B. The Constitution, federal law, and treaties are the supreme law of the land.

Education is a policy area that reflects the basic principle of A Dual federalism B Cooperative federalism C Supremacy of the federal government D Supremacy of the states E Intergovernmental relations

B. Cooperative Federalism

All of the following are ways to formally amend the Constitution except A A proposal accepted by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress B A proposal accepted at a national convention called by Congress as requested by two-thirds of the states C A national referendum (by popular vote) with two-thirds voter approval D Ratification by three-fourths of the state legislatures E Ratification by three-fourths of the states in special conventions


All of the following statements about the electoral college are true except A A group of electors is chosen for the sole purpose of selecting the President B If there is no majority winner in the electoral college, the election is determined by the House of Representatives, with one vote per state C The electoral college allows citizens to vote directly for the president D Each state has the same number of electoral college votes as the numbers of members of Congress E The winner of the electoral college vote may not be with winner of the majority of the popular votes


In the early days of the republic, federalism was meant to... A Allow for strong local governments B Guarantee general equality of laws in the country C Protect the overall liberties of the nation D Encourage voting by all eligible voters E Strengthen the power of the national capital


One major goal of recent Republican administrations and majorities have been to... A Return more control of federal monies to states B Return more control of civil rights to states C Return the administration of policies to the states D Return more tax authority to states E All of the above


The Democrats' New Deal Coalition relied on support from all of the following groups EXCEPT: A Southerners B Labor union members C Catholics and Jews D African American E Business leaders

E business leaders

Some historians, including Charles Beard, have argued that the Constitution was written by the elite to protect their interests. All of the following might form the basis for Beard's argument EXCEPT A Property rights are expressly protected in the Constitution B There was never a popular vote on whether to hold the convention C The House of Representatives is not directly elected D States restricted voting rights to white males E Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention were not open to the press or the public


What was the impact of the three-fifths compromise? A Gave southern states more representation in the Senate B Gave northern states more representation in the Senate C Gave southern states more representation in the House of Representatives D Gave northern states more representation in the House of Representatives E Gave southern states fewer votes in the electoral college


Who breaks a tie vote in the Senate? A The Speaker of the House B The Senate Majority Leader C The Vice President D The President E House Majority Leader


The National Voter Registration Act encouraged voting by A Requiring states to allow election day registration B Declaring election day a federal holiday C Allowing voter registration at Department of Motor Vehicles offices D Eliminating residency requirements for voting E Imposing fines on eligible voters who do not register

C Allowing voter registration at Department of Motor Vehicles offices

Today, the most important function of a party's national convention is to A Select the electors for the electoral college B Develop the strategy for the general election C Formally nominate the president and vice president D Choose the party's leaders for the House and the Senate E Name a new chair for the national committee

C Formally nominate the president and vice president

During the general election, a candidate is likely to do which of the following? I Moderate positions taken during the primaries to appeal to the electorate as a whole. II Campaign vigorously in all 50 states. III Participate in a series of televised debates with the other major party candidate. IV Continue to actively raise money. A I only B I and II only C I and III only D II and IV only E I, III, IV only

C I and III

The House Democratic Leadership Office and the Republican Mayors of Local Officials (RMLE) are examples of A The party as organization B Affiliate party organizations C The party-in-government D The party-in-the-electorate E The party as fund-raiser

C The party-in-government

Above all else, the results of the 2000 presidential election showed that A The "solid South" remains a fact of American politics B The winner of the popular vote always wins the electoral vote C The vote of every person is important D A balanced ticket is the key to victory E The party that spends the most will win the presidency

C The vote of every person is important

The most successful third parties A Represent a particular region of the country B Have strong ties to an ideological position C Break off from one of the two major parties D Focus on a single issue E Support a particular group

C break off from one of the two major parties

The party platform is developed A By the nominee's campaign staff B By the chair of the national committee C At the national convention by the platform committee D Through questionnaires sent to registered members of the party E By members of the party's Senate and House campaign committees

C. At the national convention by the platform committee

Which of the following statements about judicial review is NOT true? A Judicial review gives the Supreme Court the power to declare an action by the president unconstitutional. B The Supreme Court's decision in Marbury v. Madison was based on judicial review. C Judicial review is specifically mentioned in the Constitution under the powers of the Supreme Court D Judicial review can significantly impact the meaning of the Constitution. E The power of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional was recognized in the Federalist Papers.

C. Judicial review was NOT specifically mentioned in the Constitution under the powers of the Supreme Court.

The power of the federal government was expanded by the following Supreme Court Decisions: I McCulloch v. Maryland II Marbury v. Madison III Barron v. Baltimore IV Gibbons v. Ogden A I and II only B I, II, III only C I, II, IV only D III and IV only E I and IV only

C. The three Supreme Court decisions that expanded federal power are McCulloch v. Maryland, Marbury v. Madison, and Gibbons v. Ogden

The fact that out-of-state residents pay higher tuition at state universities than in-state students is an exception to A The necessary and proper clause B Privileges and immunities C The commerce clause D The general welfare clause E The separation of powers

C. Unitary System

States and municipalities try to influence federal policy through all of the following EXCEPT A National League of Cities B U.S. Conference of Mayors C Urban League D Council of State Governments E National Governor's Association

C. Urban League

Evidence that the framers of the Constitution may have distrusted the common people is A Senate approval of presidential appointments B Money bills are introduced in the House of Representatives C The Electoral College D The age and citizenship requirements for the Senate E The appointment of seats in the House of Representatives

C. The method by which the president is elected.

A constitutional responsibility given to the vice-president is... A Representing the president at official functions B Serving as leader of president's party in Senate C Recommending appointments to the cabinet D Presiding over the Senate E Heading special executive committees created by the president


A government that divides power among institutions that have the authority to check one another's power is known as A Constitutional government B Republican government C Federalist government D Government under Madisonian model E Government under the Jeffersonian model


After the Great Depression and the Civil Rights era, interstate commerce powers of Congress came to include... A The movement of goods and services across state lines B The movement of goods but not of laborers C The general movement of goods anywhere in the United States D Activities related to economic trade across states E Criminal acts inside states


How does the Constitution provide an executive check on the judicial branch? A It allows the president to remove Supreme Court justices from office for cause B It allows the executive to change the number of judges sitting on the supreme court C It gives the president power to veto a decision made by the supreme court D It gives the president the power to nominate federal judges, subject to senate confirmation E It gives the president power to appoint and remove federal judges at will


Limiting members of Congress to a specific number of terms can only be imposed by A A decision of the Supreme Court B Laws enacted in all fifty states C An executive order of the president D A constitutional amendment E Legislation passed by a two-thirds vote of both houses


The theory behind the shift from categorical grants to block grants was to A Give the federal government greater control over the money going to the states B Let Congress impose new conditions on grants C Eliminate funding for all welfare programs D Allow those most familiar with state and local needs determine how to use available funds


What was the main argument of the Anti-federalists? A They believed that the national government was too weak under the constitution B They criticized the federalists for protecting state sovereignty C believed the Constitution did not take strong enough steps to eliminate factions D They believed that a strong central government would destroy liberty E They were opposed to representative democracy


Which of the following did Madison believe was most responsible for dividing people into parties? a. political differences b. the desire for power c. human passions d. distribution of property


Over the last 30 years, most successful candidates for the presidency have served A In the Cabinet B As senators C As business executive D As governors E In the House of Representatives

D As governors

Reforms in the Democratic Party after the 1968 election resulted in A More power given to party professionals and activist B The creation of the Democratic Leadership Council C A substantial increase in the amount of money raised for presidential campaigns D Greater participation of historically underrepresented groups at the convention E A decline in the number of presidential primaries

D Greater participation of historically underrepresented groups at the convention

The boss, who was a fixture in local party politics in many American cities, kept power through I Rigging election IISupport for primary elections III Patronage IV Constituent service A I only B I and II only C II, III, IV only D I, III, and IV only E II and III only

D I, III, and IV

Those who argue that political parties are declining in importance point to I A decline in voter turnout II Candidate-run campaigns III Increase in ticket splitting IV Increase in the cost of running for office A I only B I and II only C I, II, III only D II and III only E II, III, IV only

D II and III

In comparing congressional and presidential elections, which of the following statements are NOT valid? I The power of the incumbency is stronger in congressional races. II Congressional candidates get not federal matching funds. III Presidential campaigns are considerably longer. IV The money spent on congressional and presidential campaigns remained stable. A I only B I and II only C I, II, III only D IV only E II and IV only

D IV only The money spent on congressional and presidential campaigns remained stable.

Which of the following is NOT a function of a political party? A To select candidates for office B To inform voters about issues C To run political campaigns D To raise money for candidates E To determine qualifications for office holders

D To raise money for candidates

An amendment to the Constitution that did NOT extend the right to vote to a particular group was the A Fifteenth Amendment B Nineteenth Amendment C Twenty-sixth Amendment D Twenty-fourth Amendment E Twenty-third Amendment

D Twenty-fourth Amendment

What of the following is NOT a power specifically granted to the states under the Constitution? A Power to establish voting procedures B Power to appoint electors to choose the president C Power to ratify amendments to the Constitution D Power to impose state income taxes E Power to fill vacancies in the House of Representatives

D Although states obviously have the power to lay and collect income taxes, the Constitution does not specifically mention this authority, while all the others are. It is an example of concurrent power-all levels of government have the power to tax.

A concurrent power is... A Shared by the president and Congress B Shared by the governors and the president C Shared by the House and the Senate D Shared by the states and the federal government E Shared by municipalities and the states

D. A concurrent power is shared by the states and the federal government.

The arguments used by the Antifederalists against the ratification of the Constitution included I The Constitution gave too much power to the federal government. II The Constitution did not protect individual liberties. III The Constitution protected the interest of small farmers against the country's wealthy elite. IV The Constitution took too many rights away from the states. A I only B I and II only C I, II, and III only D I, II, and IV only E II and III only

D. I, II, and IV The Constitution gave too much power to the federal government, it did not protect individual liberties, and it took too many rights away from the states.

A grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to a historian researching the origins of the American Revolution is an example of a A Formula grant B Categorical grant C Grant-in-aid D Project grant E Scholarship

D. Project Grant

Which of the following statements does NOT apply to dual federalism? A The federal government has no power beyond those specifically granted by the Constitution. B The states and the federal government are supreme in their own spheres. C The relationship between the states and the federal government is generally antagonistic. D The are numerous areas where the states and federal government work together. E The constitutional basis of dual federalism is the Tenth Amendment.

D. There are not numerous areas where the states and federal government work together.

A major difference between elections of presidents and members of congress is that... A More voters cast ballots in presidential years B Congressional races are less competitive C Presidential races are easier to fund D Presidents must be more partisan E Congressional candidates must be more partisan


Campaign finance reform efforts have been minimal because... A Political action committees have actually increased contributions B The issue of free speech has limited restrictions C Lobby and interest groups seem to find ways around controls D Those that win under current systems see little reason to change E All of the above


Major shifts in the scope of federalism were caused by... States failing to protect civil rights The inability of capitalist economies to avoid major collapses Conflicts between republics and totalitarian nations Changes in attitudes about the general rights of minorities All of the above


The future balance of Democratic and Republican support will probably hinge on... A Continued conservative dominance in Southern areas B Continued loyalty of minorities to liberal causes C A return of certain populations to urban centers in the north D The ability of Democrats to access wealthy donors E The possible switch of Hispanic voters due to social issues


Today, ___________ would likely support most of the positions of Hamilton, and _________ would likely support most of the positions of Jefferson. A Conservatives, liberals B Republicans, Democrats C Libertarians, Socialists D Socialists, Libertarians E Democrats, Republicans


Under the grounds of the original Constitution, which branch or branches of government were selected directly by the citizens? I The president and vice president II The Supreme Court III The Senate IV The House of Representatives A I and II B I, III and IV C III and IV D III E IV


Which of the following best describes judicial review? A The supreme court may amend the constitution B The supreme court may nullify state laws if they provide more rights than are included in the federal Bill of Rights C The supreme court may remove state government officials who violate the Constitution D The supreme court may recommend impeachment proceedings against the president E The supreme court may nullify government acts that conflict with the constitution


Which of the following guarantees of individual liberties is found in the original Constitution? A Freedom of speech, press and assembly B No official state religion C A prohibition against double jeopardy D No unreasonable searches and seizures E A prohibition against ex post facto laws


Which of the following statements about the relationship between Congress and the Supreme Court is valid? A A decision can be overturned by a two-third vote of both houses. B Nominations to the Supreme Court must be approved by Congress. C A constitutional amendment is the only way Congress can overturn a Supreme Court decision. D Congress can expand the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court through legislation. E Congress can impeach a Supreme Court justice.


The campaign staff a presidential candidate puts together includes all of the following EXCEPT: A A pollster B A media specialist C A foreign policy consultant D A domestic policy advisor E A political action committee chair

E A political action committee chair

In recent years, the efforts at campaign finance reform have focused on A Reducing the influence of political action committees B Curbing spending on negative advertising C Decreasing the cost of presidential elections D Prohibiting the use of union dues for political campaigns E Eliminating soft money available to political parties

E Eliminating soft money available to political parties

During the campaign and during his first term, Republican George W. Bush adopted which issue that was usually considered Democratic? A Tax cuts B Missile defense system C Campaign finance reform D Support for gays in the military E Greater federal support for education

E Greater federal support for education

The Supreme Court in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) ruled that A Limits on a candidate's use of personal money was unconstitutional B Limits on individual contributions violated the Fifth Amendment C Labor union contributions were protected under the right association D Federal matching funds had to be made available for state races E Contributions to political parties for voter registration drives were valid

Limits on a candidate's use of personal money was unconstitutional

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Ch. 38 The Child with a Gastrointestinal/Endocrine Disorder

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) & Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

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The Positive DAT and Immune-mediated Hemolysis (Ch. 17)

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