AP Gov test 2

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Policy Gridlock

A condition that occurs when no coalition is strong enough to form a majority and establish policy. The result is that nothing may get done

Explain how the constitutional feature of checks and balances protects against the concentration of power in the national government

it prevents a concentration of power because for every power that is vested in each of the branches there is another power in another branch to check said power.

Democracy v. Republic

A democracy is ruled by the omnipotent majority. An individual and any group of individuals composing of the majority create all legislation. A republic has its people elect representatives that are tasked with the creation of legislation. this form of government helps to prevent majority rule

Federal system

A federal system of government is one that divides the powers of government between the national ( federal ) government and state and loval government. The constitution of the United States established the federal system also known as the federal system.

Define direct democracy

A form of democracy in which the people of a government have a primary role in the creation of legislation within said government. they have a direct say, this form of government is primarily majority ruled.

Define republican form of government

A form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws.

Writ of habeas corpus

A persons right to know the reasons for his or her imprisonment.

Shays Rebellion

A series of attacks on courthouses by a small band of farmers led by revolutionary war captain Daniel shays to block foreclosure proceedings. Was the final push that convinced people to fix the articles of confederation.

Tyranny of the Majority

A situation in which a government or other authority democratically supported by a majority of its subjects makes policies or takes actions benefiting that majority, without regard for the rights or welfare of the rest of it's subject.

Necessary and proper ( elastic) clause

A statement in us constitution granting Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper for carrying out the enumerated list of powers.

Elite and Class theory

A theory government and politics contending that societies are divided along class lines and that an upper-class elite will rue, regardless of the formal niceties of governmental organization


A theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened. Hyperpluralism is an extreme, exaggerated or perverted form of pluralism.


A theory of government and politics emphasizing that politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies.

State of the Union Address

A yearly address delivered each January by the president of us to Congress giving the administrations view of the state of the nation and plans for legislation.

A writ of habeas corpus refers to A. A person;s right to know the reasons for his or her imprisonment B. A persons right to not be charged for an act committed before that action was a crime. C. A person's right to trial by jury D. The protection against cruel and unusual punishment E. A demand from one state to extradite a suspect from another state

A. A persons right to know the reasons for his or her imprisonment.

The united states constitution says that Congress has the power to coin money. this is an example of A. An enumerated power B. An implied power C. An inherent power D. A reserved pwer E. A concurrent power

A. An enumerated power.

Any law passed by a legislature that punishes an individual without a trial violates the constitutional prohibition of A. A bill of attainder B. An ex-post facto law C. Double Jeopardy D. Eminent domain E Haveas corpus

A. Bill of attainder

The term bicameralism refers to the A. Establishment of 2 legislative chambers that have different structures and rules B. Members of the House of representatives having two-year terms C. The president having the veto power over both chambers of Congress D. Members of the house and senate having to appease their mutual constituencies. E. Checks that congress has over the federal bureaucracy

A. Establishment of 2 legislative chambers that have different structures and rules.

The term bicameralism refers to the A. Establishment of 2 legislative chambers that have different structures and rules. B. Members of the house of representatives having two-year terms. C. The presidents having the veto power over both chambers of Congress. D. Members of the house and senate having to appease their mutual constituencies. E. Checks that congress has over the federal bureaucracy

A. Establisment of two legislative chambers that have different structures and rules

The supremacy clause in the constitution states that A. Federal law takes precedence over state law when the laws conflict B. The supreme court has the power to overturn decisions of the lower court C. Only Congress may declare war D. Teh senate should have a greater role in foreign affairs than does the house of representatives. E. The federal government has the right to regulate insterstate commerce.

A. Federal law takes precedence over state law when the laws conflict

The supremacy clause in the constitution states that A. Federal law takes precedence over state law B. Only Congress may declare war C. the Senate should have a greater role in foreign affairs than does the house of representatives D. The federal government has the right to regulate interstate commerce E. The supreme court has the pwer to overturn decisions of the lower courts.

A. Federal law takes precedence over state law.

The ________________, offered as a proposal at the constitutional convention called for each state to be equally represented in Congress A. The New Jersey plan B. Connecticut plan C. Virginia Plan D. Rhode Island Plan E. New York Plan

A. New Jersey plan

Which of the following statements of comparison is correct about the differences between Federalists and anti-federalists A. The Federalists believed in national sovereignty whereas anti-federalists believed in strong state governments. B. Neither group was willing to dissolve the union over the question of slavery C. The Federalists believed a bill of rights was essential whereas anti-federalists did not D. The Federalists believed that officials should be directly elected by the people whereas anti-federalists did not. E. The Federalists did not believe in the need for a presidential cabinet whereas the anti-federalists did.

A. The Federalists believed in national sovereignty whereas anti federalists believed in strong state governments.

The 3/5 clause was agreed to primarily because A. The constitution would not have been ratified without it by southern states. B. The Northern states wanted more representation in the house of representatives C. Direct election of the President would have resulted in tyranny D. Having more than 9 supreme court justices was too many E. The consitution could not have been ratified by 3/4 of the states.

A. The constitution would not have been ratified without it by southern states.

The constitution as ratified in 1788 most clearly reflects the framer's commitment to A. The principle of limited government B. The idea of direct democracy C. The abolition of slavery D. Promoting the rights of the accused E. Maintaing the primacy of the United States

A. The principle of limited government

Bills of attainder

Any law passed by a legislature that punishes an individual without a trial violates the constitutional prohibition of bills of attainder

Articles of confederation - Decentralized power, weaknesses of the articles, how does constitution address each weakness

Articles of Confederation- The first of the United States adopted by Congress in 1777 and enacted in 1781. The articles established a national legislature the continental congress but most authorities rested with the state legislatures. Weaknesses of the articles of confederation- No ability to create a national currency, no ability to enforce federal law, had no power to levy taxes, 9/13 states were needed to pass laws, no ability to control trade between states. The constitution allows for taxation, the creation of an executive branch, the creation of a national currency.

In the constitution, as originally ratified in 1788, the provisions regarding which of the following most closely approximate popular majoritarian politics. A. Confirmation of presidential appointments B. Election of members of the house of representatives C. Election of members of the senate D. Election of the president E. Reticifaction of treaties.

B election of members of the house of representatives.

Amending the constitution is a multi-step process. Which of the following steps are required to amend the constitution 1 proposal at the national level 2 Proposal at the state level 3 presidential signature 4 Ratification at the state level A 2 and 3 only B 1 and 4 only C 3 and 4 only D 1 2 and 3 only E 1 2 3 and 4

B. 1 and 4 only.

The elastic clause contained in article 1 section 8 clause 18 of the constitution gives the Congress the power to A. Do anything necessary to benefit the general welfare B. Carry out expressed pwers specifically granted by the constitution C. Approve treaties with foreign nations D. Act as a check on the pwer of the other 2 branches of government. E. Raise and lower taxes as the economy and expenses incurred by the national government necessitate.

B. Carry out expressed pwers specifically granded by the constitution.

Congress has the constitutional power to control the judicial branch A. Altering the original jurisdiction of the supreme court B. Determining the size of the supreme court C. ominating the chief justice of the supreme court D. Limiting the length of judicial terms E.Reducing the salary of judges while they are sitting

B. Determing the size of the supreme court

In the Federalist, no 10 James Madison argued that factions in a republic are A. A more serious threat if the republic is large B. Natural but controllable by institutions C. Not likely to occur if people are honest D. Prevented by majority rule E. Prevented by free elections

B. Natural but controllable by institutions

The framers of the constitution all believed that one of the primary functions of government is? A. Educating citizens B. Protecting individual property rights C. Protecting new immigrants from persecution D. Expanding the borders of the nation E. Ensuring that anyone accused of a crime has the right to legal counsel

B. Protecting individual property rights

All of the following issues were decided at the constitutional convention except? A. Representation in the legislature B. Voting qualifications of the electorate C. Method of electing the President D. Congressional power to override a presidential veto E. Qualifications for members of the house and senate.

B. Voting qualifications of the electorate

The _________- offered as a proposal at the constitutional convention called for giving each state in Congress representation in proportion to the state's share of the population? A. The New Jersey plan B. Connecticut plan C. Virginia Plan D. Rhode Island Plan E. New York plan

C Virginia plan

The key element of the Connecticut / Great compromise that made the constitution acceptable to opposing interests in the United States was? A. A federal judicial system with a supreme court B. A bill of rights C. A bicameral system of government where the house of representatives members are selected by population size and the Senate members provide equal representation for each state. D. The eventual prohibition of slavery would take place 20 years after the signing of the constitution E. State legislators would always have the power to veto unpopular legislation

C. A bicameral system of government where the house of representatives members are selected by population size and the senate members provide equal representation for each state.

Which of the following most accurately describes the federalist papers? A. The Federalist party platform during the presidency of John Adams B. A popular anti British booklet of the pre-revolutionary period C. A collection of essays arguing the merits of the constitution D. A series of congressional acts defining the relationship between the federal and state governments E. The laws under which the south was governed during reconstruction

C. A collection of essays arguing the merits of the constitution.

The constitutional powers of the president includes all of the following except A. Acting as head of military B. Appointing/receiving ambassadors C. Vetoing legislation D. Declaring war E. Granting pardons

C. Declaring war.

The framers of the constitution designed which of the following to be least responsive to public opinion A. The office of the President B. Political parties C. Federal courts D. The senate E. The Electoral college

C. Federal courts

As originally ratified the United States Constitution included provisions designed to A. Limit the importation of foreign manufactured goods B. Increase the economic importance of the agrarian sector relative to that of the manufacturing sector C. Increase the economic powers of the central government D. Expand the states powers to regulate their own commerce with foreign countries. E. Guarantee the states a greated role in economic policy making.

C. Oncrease the economic powers of the central government

The 3/5 compromise at the constitutional convention A. Allowed cloture to be invoked ending a filibuster in the Senate, with the support of 60 senators B. Prescribed the proportion of states required to ratify a constitutional amendment C. Provided a formula by which slaves would be countered for apportioning the House of Representatives D. Established the percentage of voters necessary for the electoral to be chosen under the original provisions of the electoral college system. E. Established the percentage of members of the House required to pass a bill rasing revenue

C. Provuded a formula by which saves would be counted for apportioning hte house of representatives.

The original purpose of the constitutional convention was to A. Write a new constitution. B. Review the problems of the state governments C. Revise the articles of confederation D. The protection against cruel and unusual punishment E. A demand from one state to extradite a suspect from another state.

C. Revise the Articles of confederation.

Which of the following is an example of the constitutional design of checks and balances? A. The federal government requires state governments to provide unemployment insurance B. The supreme court overturns a lower court's ruling on the application of the fourth amendment C. The Senate rejects a presidents nomination for secretary of state D. The federal communications commission revokes the license of a radio station for hate speech E. The office of management and budget rejects a proposed regulation of air quality standards.

C. The senate rejects a presients nomination for secretary of state.

constitutional checks and balances especially applied to the president are designed to A. Provide for a balanced budget B. Ensure that a federal government is militarily strong C. Minimize the threat of tyranny from any one branch of government D. Ensure that the states do not become too powerful E. Ensure efficient government

C. minimize the threat of tyranny from any one branch of government.

Madisonian model of checks and balances / separation of powers - centralized power

Checks and balance- Features of the constitution that limit governments pwer by requiring that power be balanced among the different governmental institutions. These institutions coninually constrain one anothers activites.

3/5 compromise

Compromise that stated a slave would count as 3/5 of a person when taking into account the representation that a state would receive in the house of representatives.

Constitutional convention

Convention of representatives from every state in which they convened to try and "fix" the problems of the articles of confederation. However they soon realized that an entirely new form of government was needed to fix the greevences of teh articles of confederation.

One example of constitutional checks and balances is A. The president declares war but Congress appropriates military funds B. Presidential vetoes of laws can be overridden by a simple majority vote in both the house and the Senate. C. The president nominates cabinet members and the households confirmation hearings. D. The house can impeach federal judges and the president and the Senate holds the impeachment trial E. Congress can override united states supreme court decisions on the constitutionality of laws

D the house can impeach federal judges and the president and the senate holds the impeachment trial

In the Federalist Papers, James Madison expressed the view that political factions A. Should be nurtured by a free nation B. Should play a minor role in any free nation C. Are central to the creation of a free nation D. Are undesirable but inevitable in a free nation E. are necessary to control the masses in a free nation

D. Are indesirable but inevitable in a free nation

The framers of the constitution sought to insulate the Senate from public opinion by A. Reserving senate membership to those who previously served in the house of representatives B. Requiring all spending bills to originate in the house of representatives C. assigning exactly 2 senators to each states congressional delegation D. Delegating the responsibility for electing senators to the state legislatures E. Empowering the senate to provide advese and consent to teh executive branch.

D. Delegating the responsibility for electing senators to the state legislatures.

The swift adoption of the Bill of Rights in the years following the ratification of the constitution demonstrates the A. Framers unqualified commitment to individual rights B. Small states determination to receive equal representation in the legislature C. Northern states support of abolitionism D. States fears of an over-powerful national government E. Federalists cncerns that the system of chekcs and balances would weaken the national governemnt

D. States fears of an over powerful national government

Supremecy clause

DIctated that the federal law is the supreme law of the land

All of the following are examples of checks and balances except A. A presidential veto B. The impeachment of the president C. Appointment of supreme court justices D. The Senate's refusal to ratify a presidential treaty E. A declaration of war by congress.

E. A declaration of war by congress

Which of the following is argued by James Madison in the Federalist No. 10? A. Small republics are better able to ensure individual liberty better than large ones. B. The presence of a few large factions helps protect the minorities C. Participatory democracy is the surest way to prevent factions D. The elimination of the cause of factionalism is the best protection against tyranny E. A system of republican representation helps limit the excesses of factionalism

E. A system of repubcan representation helps limit the excesses of factionalism.

A law goes into effect declaring that a business practice that has been legal in the past will be made illegal int he future and the law is made retroactive. Why would the supreme court likely rule the new law unconstitutional A. It would constitute a bill of attainder B. It would violate double jeopardy C. It would bypass grand jury indictment D. It would violate the concept of eminent domain E. It would be and ex post facto law.

E. It would be and ex post facto law

Which of the following actions can Congress take if the supreme court finds a federal law unconstitutional? A. appeal the court's decision to the district of Colombia's court of appeals. B. Reenact the same law C. Formally request the president to veto the court's decision D. Remove certain members of the court and replace them with new members E. Propose an amendment to the constitution with a 2/3 vote in each chamber.

E. Propose an amendment to the constitution with a 2/3 vote in each chamber

Which of the following is an example of checks and balances as established by the constitution? A. The election of the president by the electoral college rather than by direct election B. A requirement that states lower their legal drinking age to eighteen as a condition of receiving funds C. Media criticism of public officials during an election campaign period D. The supreme court's ability to overturn a lower court decision E. The requirement that presidenal appointments to the supreme court by approved by the senate.

E. The requirement that presidential appointments to the supreme court by approved by the Senate.

Which of the following was the most important effect of replacing the articles of confederation with the constitution of 1787? A. The establishment of judicial review B. THe protection of free speech C. The guarantee of states rights D. The establisment of direct democracy E. The creation of a strong national government

E. the creation of a strong national government

whats the difference between federalists and anti federalists

Federalists preferred weaker state government, strong national government, indirect election of officials, longer terms, government by the elite, expected few violations of individual liberties. Anti Federalists preferred a strong state government, a weak federal government, direct election of officials, shorter terms, rule by the common man, strenghened protections for individual liberties.

Commerce clause

Gives Congress that power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states and with the Indian tribes.

Speaker of the House

Leader of the house of representatives.

Explain how one executive power serves as a check on federal court decisions

Nominated the judges and chooses whether or not to enforce the judges decision because the president is the only one with the power to enforce it

Full faith and credit

Requires states to honor other states laws records court rulings and official documents.

Privileges and immunities

Says states may not discriminate against non residents of their state.

Discuss two resons why the framers created a bicameral legislature?

So that we would have a legislative branch that would be constituted by equal representation in which each state would have 2 representatives and one in which representation would be dependent upon the population of a state. This helped to appease those who supported the Virginia and those who supported the new jersey plan. it also created a bi legislative check in which made the Congress more cautious. Each house had different rules and therefore acted differently. im not really sure the 2nd reason

Recess appointments

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.


The action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense.

Connecticut or great compromise ( bicameral legislature - house vs senate)

The compromise reached at the constitutional convention that established 2 houses of Congress" the house of representatives, in which representation is based on a states share of the US population, and the Senate in which each state has 2 representatives

Identify a power exercised by the supreme cour thtat acts as a check on another branch of the federal government

The court can declare presdiential acts and laws unconstitutional making these actions and laws null and void.


The crime of betraying ones country, especially by attempting ot kill the sovereign or overthrow the government

Explain how each of the following features of the constitution limited the people's ability to influence the national government - Electoral college - Selection of senators before the 17th amendment

The electoral college prevents the election of unqualified candidates. They can go against the people will. The selection of senetors when it was decided by state legislatures would only be responsible for pleasing those state legislatures for re election not the people of the state. This took away some of the people say in thte government because they were unable to choose these representatives.

Identify one power unique to the house of representatives and explain why the framers gave the house that power?

The house of representatives is given the power to produce and taxate the people because they are dealing with the people money. If the people's money is being decided what it will be used for the peoples house should be in control of the peoples money.

Identify the part of the national government that was originally most closely tied to citizens and explain how it was tied to citizens

The house of representatives is most closely tied to the citizens because of the shorter term length in which people can decide new representatives rather frequently. They must also live in the state they represent and they represent relatively small districts

Explain two ways the united states constitution limited majority rule

The judicial branch helps to limit majority rule because it is immune to public opinion. justices are not concerned about pleasing the majority because they serve a life term when in good standings. When they don't need to win the majority for re-election they can go against the majority. The constitution also establishes the electoral college that can go against the majority in a presidential election if the electors determine the peoples choice to be unqualified.

Impeachment - "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors"

The presentation of formal charges against a public official by the lower house, trial to be before the upper house.

Popular sovereignty

The principle that the authority of a state and its government is created and sustained by the consent of the people through their elected representatives who are the source of all political power.

New Jersey plan

The proposal at the constitutional convention that called for equal representation of each state in congress regardless of the state's population

Virginia plan

The proposal at the constitutional convention that called for representation of each state in Congress in proportion to that state's share of the US population


The surrender of an alleged criminal usually under the provisions of a treaty or statute by one authority to another having jurisdiction to try the charge.

Presidential veto

This veto can be overridden by 2/3 vote by both the house and the Senate and the house. The presidential veto is a rejection of legislation created by the lower and upper houses of congress.

Ex post-Facto laws

a law that makes illegal an act that was legal when committed, increases the penalties for an infraction after it has been committed, or changes the rules of evidence to make conviction easier.

Explain how one legislative power serves as a check on federal court decisions

can impeach judges and they also confirm judges that are appointed by the president.

Electoral college

elect the next president of the united states. acts as a check on the election choices of the people.

Marubury v madison1803

established judicial review which states that the judicial branch will decide the constitutionality of a law.

Decision made about voting qualification at the constitutional convention

for the most part, states were in charge of deciding the qualifications for voting. However, it was established at the constitutional convention that the people must have land in order to vote. This was established due to a fear that those without land would vote irrationally because they would have nothing to lose, unlike those who did have land.

Describe one constitutional provision that seeks to insulate the supreme court from public opinion

serving a life term while in good standings

Describe one reason the framers of the United states constitution chose a republican form of government over a direct democracy

they thought that the people would be unable to make wise desisions. they needed smart individuals (representatives) to make these decisions for them

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