AP Lit Unit test

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How do they reach the church? How long does it take? How is the casket transported?

"He warned me that it would take us a good three quarters of an hour, walking to the church, which was in the village." The casket would be transported by hearse.

What are three of Meursaults last thoughts of the burial?

1) Red earth/flowers 2) Perez's tears and tiredness 3) joy for sleeping at home 12hrs

Who do the three men see on the beach?

2 arabs

How many times did Meursault fire his revolver?


kurtz's african mistress

A fiercely beautiful woman loaded with jewelry who appears on the shore when Marlow's steamer arrives at and leaves the Inner Station; Russian trader points her out as someone to fear

When leaving for the beach, whom do Ray, Meursault, and Marie see across the street?

A group of Arabs (Ray's girlfriend's brother)

What opportunity does Meursault's boss offer?

A promotion in France, but Meursault didn't want to change he didn't care, he has no goals or any ambition (life to him has no meaning)

The magistrate become frustrated with Meursault. What does he retrieve from his filling cabinet?

A silver cross, "He took out a silver crucifix which he brandished as he came towards me."

What is Thomas Perez's relation with Maman?

A very close friend of Maman, inseperable, practically engaged

What issues are discussed in the second choral ode?

A warning against pride

helmsman in heart of darkness

A young man from the coast trained by Marlow's predecessor to pilot the steamer; serviceable pilot; killed when the steamer is attacked by natives hiding on the riverbanks

On page 21, what hint is the reader given as to where Meursault lives?

Above a store, overlooks the street, all in one room, run down

Who is Marmeladov?

An alcoholic public official whom meets Raskolnikov at a tavern. He is aware of his drinking as ruining himself and his family, but he can't stop. (Unclear whether death by falling under the wheels of carriage was a drunken accident or intentional), Sonia is his blood daughter from his first wife

What Meursault's first impression of the jury?

Anonymous passengers on a streetcar (not trying to connect, judging him). he hears an ice cream truck

What is your opinion on Meursault's compulsion to wash his hands?

At first it seems as if he has some type of OCD, but it also shows that he takes delight in things that bring him physical pleasure. Also other people's dirty towels bother him but his mother's death doesn't bother him

On the second trip to the beach, where do the three men find the two arabs?

Behind a rock, near a spring

what philosophical questions arise in the second episode?

Can fate be avoided? Can humans influence the course of their lives? Fate vs. Free will?

Who are the eight witnesses that will testify at Meursault's trial?

Caretaker, Thomas Perez, Raymon Sintes, Masson, Salamano, Marie, Pimp (guard), Celest, Curious women

what image of creon is left by his final words in oedipus?

Creon is impacient and disgusted with oed at the end but if happy to be king.

What does Creon's counterargument in Oedipus' charges reveal about Creon's character?

Creon pointed out that he has an equal amount of power to Oedipus and Jocasta but without the work.


Dunya's depraved former employer. Believes that he can make Dunya fall in love with him. The death of his wife, Marfa Petrovna, made him generous, but he is still threatening to both Dunya and Raskolnikov

What penalty does the prosecutor ask of the jury?

For him to die (decapitation)

What false conclusion does Oedipus reach as a result of his quarrel with Tiresias? What effect will this conclusion have on Oedipus?

He accuses Tiresias of working with Creon to try to take away his power. This shows how Oedipus makes faulty accusations

What question does the attorney feel compelled to ask?

He asked if he felt sadness on the day his mother died

what does oedipus ask of creon? what does creon decide?

He begs him for exile. Creon decided to wait and hear what the priests and oracles had to say. He also askes him to take care of his girls.

What prompted Raymond to beat his girlfriend "till she bled?"

He believes she cheated on him

What happens to Salamano's dog?

He disappeared

In your opinion, offer an explanation for why Meursault takes a flying leap onto a truck with Emmanuel.

He doesn't think and just wants to avoid confrontation

What is ironic about this when compared to how Meursault originally got in this predicament?

He doesn't want to die, but he killed saying we all die sooner or later why not now, he had no choice in life

In your opinion, does Meursault feel complemented when referred to as Monsieur Antichrist?

He feels indifferent

what admirable trait is revealed about oedipus' character in the scene where he discovers the full truth about himself?

He is courageous; he is determined to know the truth even though it might be bad news.

What explanation can you offer as to why Meursault follows the woman from Celeste's?

He is curious, wondering what the purpose is of what she is doing

Why is the shepherd reluctant to speak?

He is nervous to tell Oed the truth about his identity. He knows that his news could horrify him.

What seems to be Tiresias' philosophical attitude?

He is pessimistic and fatalistic. He is a firm believer in destiny and in the god's determining the fate of all beings.

lazarus story

He is resurrected four days after his death by Jesus, famous line Jesus speaks in this story is: "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." Analogous to Crime and Punishment b/c Raskolnikov commands Sonya to read him Lazarus' story. This passage is particularly important to the novel in that it provides hope for both of Raskolnikov and Sonya as both have experienced a sort of spiritual death, Sonya because of her extreme poverty and the time she spent as a prostitute in an attempt to support her family, and Raskolnikov because of his alienation from society. They feel that, like Lazarus, they may someday experience a sort of resurrection that would allow them to end their spiritual depravity. This feeling plays an important role in Crime and Punishment because it serves to foreshadow Raskolnikov's eventual redemption through religion and return to society and the time when Sonya is able to give up prostitution and no longer must support her family. These events symbolize a sort of spiritual resurrection and a chance to start over akin to Lazarus'. Additionally, Dostoyevsky alludes to the story of Lazarus in the episode in which Raskolnikov is unconscious for four days, which correlates to the four days Lazarus was dead before Jesus resurrected him. Razumikhin also brings Raskolnikov new clothes, which is symbolic of when Jesus said that Lazarus' burial clothes must be removed. This is simply another foreshadowing of Raskolnikov's later return to society.

What is Meursault's sentence? In your opinion, is his reaction normal?

He is to have his head cut off, his reaction unusual, more calm

how is oedipus' character further developed in the third episode

He is very persistent. He shows courage and determination to find the truth of himself. He wouldn't stop thinking about the prophecy concerning his mom. He also thinks he will learn that he is from a poor family.

How has Salamano's loss brought out his humanitarianism? Give one example.

He knows how loss feels, he understands why Meursault sent Maman to the home.

What does oedipus tell of his own past to Jocasta?

He tell Jo of how a drunk man told him he wasn't his parents' son, which makes him determined to know the truth. The oracle tells him of a curse that he would kill his father and marry his mother. He then killed a man on the road.

what facts does the shepherd bring to light?

He tells oed about how he got oed as a baby and gave him to a messenger, who then gave him to Polybus and Merope.

How do you know if Meursault is upset or calm about what just happened?

He was calm, not reacting, eating all of the food

Whom does Oedipus ask to have brought to him at the end of the second episode? Why does he issue this order?

He was the herdsman brought to him who told Jo theking was killed. He knows how many people killed the king which could solve the mystery.

Explain what Meursault means when he says "it was back to the cell... sleep of the innocent."

He went back to his cell like it was typical

How does the prosecutor attempt to prove that Meursault has no conscience?

He went out with Marie the next day

what does oedipus sense about his destiny?

He wishes for death but he doesnt think his destiny will be complete.

What does Meursalt do for Raymond to have Ray say "Now you're a pal, Meursault?

He writes a letter for him (avoiding confrontation, path of least resistance)

On p. 100, Meursault reveals the key to his character/personality. What is this?

He's not capable of feeling remorse & he is quite intelligent

What does the priest mean when he says "your heart is blind"?

His heart can't see the people that love him and he can't love or have feelings

Why can't Meursault return Marie's smile in the courtroom?

His heart felt nothing

What does Meursault mean when he says "It occured to me... really, nothing had changed?"

His mother was "dead to him" before she died, life was exactly the same

Who is Raymond Sintes? What is "the word around the neighborhood" regarding Raymond?

His neighbor, he is living off of women, essentially a pimp

Who is Salamano? Explain his relationship with his pet. Do you think Salamano cares about its health care?

His neighbor, he loves his dog (even though he yells at it; love-hate relationship), and he does care about his health (rubbing cream on him)

What does the reference to "a solider" tell you about the time period of the story?

It most likely took place during a time of war.

On p. 79, Meursault states that having a memory is an advantage. Briefly explain.

It passes the time thinking through the memories

what does oedipus' reaction to his downfall say about his courage?

It shows his heroism in discovering his own mystery. He is horrified but still takes responsibility.

what is the dramatic effect of jocastas prayer at the beginning of the 3rd episode

Jo's prayer causes contrast because she shows that she still honors the gods even tho she attacked the oracles and prophecies. When a messenger announces Polybus is dead, she thinks her prayers were answered.

How does Jocasta's attempt to soothe Oedipus backfire?

Jocasata's story jogs Oed. memory about killing a man on a road.

When Celeste, the fourth witness, is called to testify, how does he show support for Meursault?

Just saying it was bad luck, they are friends

kurtz's intended

Kurtz's naïve and long-suffering fiancée, whom Marlow goes to visit after Kurtz's death

Does Meursault feel like he has anything to say to defend himself?

Lawyer told him not to say anything, he didn't know what to say anyway

What is Meursault's pessimistic view on life and living?

Life isn't worth living. We're all going to die so when and how doesn't matter

Who is Porfiry?

Magistrate in charge of investigating the murders. He has an understanding of criminal psychology and is aware of Raskolnikov's mental state at every step along the way since the crime. He is Raskolnikov's antagonist.

When Meursault encounters the lone arab, he is once again overcome by the sun's heat. What event does the heat force him to recall?

Maman's funeral

Who does Meursault meet the day after his mother is buried?


Who is Meursault's first visitor?


What offer does Marie propose?

Marie wants to get married Meursault sees no purpose, he doesn't love or respect her

fresleven in heart of darkness

Marlow's predecessor as captain of the steamer; good-tempered, nonviolent man, was killed in a dispute over some hens, apparently after striking a village chief

marlows aunt

Marlow's relative who secures him a position with the Company; firmly believes in imperialism as a charitable activity that brings civilization and religion to suffering, simple savages

Describe Meursault's dream-like experience beginning on page 9. What is happening?

Mersault has been dozing, and he's heard voices moving in and out of his subconscious. The voices belong to his mother's friends; they're showing their respect, and yet Mersault in incapable of feeling or displaying emotion. It's dreamlike because it's really happening; he is simply detached.

A previous incident occurred between the caretaker and Meursault, which is briefly discussed during the trial. This leads to Camus' title of the novel. What is the incident?

Meursault and Caretaker (coffee, smoke); he was a stranger to society. Prosecutor says, "Indeed the gentlemen of the jury will take note of the fact. And they will conclude that a stranger may offer a cup of coffee, but that beside the body of the one who brought him into the world, a son should have refused it" (pg 91 at the top)

Where/who does Ray invite to spend Sunday together?

Meursault and Marie to his beach house (of his friend Masson)

What ethnicity is Marie?


On p. 70, Meursault says 'I thought about it for a minute and said that more than sorry I felt kind of annoyed." Does Meursalt have a conscience? Why or why not?

No, he doesn't, otherwise he would have felt badly, doesn't think of impact

Is he faking his circumstances seriously? Give an example.

No, he even admits to not taking the cop seriously (doesn't hire a lawyer, like a game)

In your opinion, does Meursault believe that his crime was premeditated?

No, he was just avoiding resistance

In your opinion, is Mersault's behavior normal regarding his job and his girlfriend? Why or why not?

No, most people care and want marriage and promotions

Does Meursault have faith that his attorney will convince the jury of his innocence?

No, the lawyer seemed ridiculous to him

Does Mersault give an explanation for wanting/ not wanting to see the open casket?

No. In my opinion, he probably just did not want to see his mother.

how does sophocles generate a feeling of climactic action in the fourth episode?

Oed.'s change in fortune creates climactic action. He falls from grace and his confidence peaks before his fall. The contrast between happiness and misery and good and ill fortune shows climactic ation.Dramatic realization of the killer

What ironies arise in the First episode?

Oedipus discusses his 'kinship' with the late king Laius. Oedipus says that he will search for the killer of Laius as though he were searching for the killer of his own father. Also, there is an ironic undercurrent in the exchanges of Oedipus and Tiresias about blindness. Oedipus mocks Tiresias' literal blindness. In turn Tiresias points out that Oedipus himself is blind even in his sightedness. And, in further paradox, when Oedipus is at last blinded, he will 'see' the horrible truth of his situation.

In what ways does Oedipus criticize his subjects?

Oedipus implicitly scolds the chorus for failing to find Laius' killer long ago. Did it take a plague and an oracle to spur Thebes to seek out the criminal? There is perhaps some justification in this criticism. Oedipus' single-mindedness stands in immediate contrast to the hesitation of the Thebans.

What qualities do we immediately see in Oedipus?

Oedipus is a king who is compassionate, proud, efficient and intelligent. His decision to send Creon to Delphi demonstrates his forethought. His excessive pride, however, will lead him into trouble. He is hubristic, which is his tragic flaw, a flaw that leads him to his downfall.

What initial signs of rashness do we see in Oedipus?

Oedipus shows signs of rashness making certain decisions concerning the killer. He invokes the curse on Laius' murderer (which is also against himself) or anyone who is harbouring the criminal. When talking to Tiresias, Oedipus taunts the blind prophet when he tells him information that he doesn't want to believe: that Oedipus is in fact the killer of the king. He makes the prophet give his statement twice. Oedipus mocks his craft and even his blindness.

Contrast Oedipus' and Creon's approach to political power. What questions does Sophocles seem to raise by using this contrast?

Oedipus' approach is to conrtol the political power with confidenc. Creon bases his decisions on practicality and self-interest. Sophocles said someone who doesnt crave power should be the leader.

According to Meursault, why is witnessing an execution so important?

One would know what to expect, and possibly find a way to get out of it

setting of heart of darkness

Opens in thames river outside of london. events of the story take place in brussels the companys officers and congo, belgian territory

Describe Marie's mood during the visit


Imagism is used on p 104.. "left me with the impression.. was making me dizzy." In your opinion, what is Meursault feeling at this point?

Overwhelmed, kind of exhaustion, reality, consequences

Where is the caretaker from? What is his age?

Paris, 64

What explanation does Meursault give regarding his "nature"?

Physical needs get in the way of feelings

Raz and Svid as foils

Raskolnikov's bad qualities pale by comparison to Svidrigaïlov's. That Raskolnikov is able to live and find happiness emphasizes Svidrigaïlov's inability to do so. One man is forgiven; one man commits suicide. You see how this foil thing works.

Who is Razumkhin?

Raskolnikov's friend. Is a poor ex-student and responds to poverty not by taking from others, but by working even harder. He is Raskolnikov's foil showing that through his kindness to the extent to which Raskolnikov is alienated from society. He can be seenig as Raskolnimkov's replacement, stepping in to protect his mother and sister.

Who is Sonya?

Raskolnikov's love/Marmeladov's daughter. She is forced to prostitute herself to support her family. She is meek/easily embarrassed, but has a STRONG religious faith. Is the only person to share meaningful relationship with Raskolnikov

Who is Pulcheria?

Raskolnikov's mother. She is devoted to her son and is willing to sacrifice everything, even her own and her daughter's happiness, so that he might be successful.

Who is Dunya?

Raskolnikov's sister. Very intelligent/proud and good looking like her brother. Is moral, compassionate, decisive, and brave. She ended up breaking her engagement with Luzhin when he insults her family.

What happens to Raymond

Raymond's arm was cut open and his mouth was slashed

Who is Masson? How often is he here?

Raymond's friend, spends the weekends and holidays there

On page 53, what is symbolic about Meursault's statement "the blazing sand looked red to me now."

Red=death (Maman's funeral, foreshadowing)

Meursault shows no respect for religion or the priest. Give one example of this.

Refusing to see the Chaplain (no time for God, doesn't repent)

During a brief discussion between Salamano and Meursault, what new information does Salamano convey about Meursault's Maman?

Salamano likes Meursault and wishes the best for him and Maman loved his dog, also she made friends in the home.

How does Salamano react?

Salamano was sad, ironic because he was always yelling at the dog. Human emotions are deeper than the surface

climax in HOD

Search Results The climax comes when Kurtz dies---leaving the mystery to what he means by "the horror, the horror." Kurtz had "stepped over the edge" while Marlow has stepped back from the madness that consumed Kurtz.


Shallow, conceited, fiancee to Dounia. Comes to Petersburg for work

why does jocasta attempt to keep oedipus from questioning the shepherd? How does Oedipus misconstrue her pleas to stop his investigation?

She realizes that Oed is her and that the shepherd will confirm it. Oed. thinks she will find out that he is from a poor family and that she will be ashamed of him, which makes him angry

what comment does jocasta make to the chorus and the messenger about fate

She says that we are all ruled by fate and that we can't see the future. It's best to live in the moment.

How does Jocasta attempt to refute Tiresias' allegation?

She told Oedipus about that Laius' prophecy didn't come true and that Laius wasn't killed by one person as the prophecy stated. She thinks her baby died.

After Meursault arranged for his Mother to live in a nursing home, why did he visit her so infrequently?

She was used to the home and attached to it. He also said it took up too much of his Sunday and was too much trouble to take the bus, buy tickets, etc.

Why was it odd that Madam Meursalt desired a religious burial?

She wasn't an atheist but never really gave a second thought to religion.

On page 59 (last sentence), what is meant by "It was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness." Explain briefly.

Shooting 4 times was unnecessary, if you have already knocked, you are just bringing more trouble your way.

What does Raymond consider doing to the arabs?

Shooting them

The last sentence on p. 81 refer to Meursault's mother's funeral and to what nights in prison are like. In your opinion, is there a connection between the two?

Sleeping, trapped, can't wait for it to be over (disconnect)

In a sense, what item was more difficult for Meursault to lose than his freedom?

Smoking and women

On page 57, Meursault returns to the beach by himself. Camus uses symbolism when he states "there was the same dazzling red glare" and "with every blade if light.." In your opinion, what is being inferred?

Someone is about to die, red= death

What is implied about self knowledge and its price?

Sophocles says that the journey to self knowledge is difficult and that what is found might not be what one wants to find. It can be dangerous and can ruin your life.

what is a frame story

The Framing Device is a narrative technique in which a story is surrounded ("framed") by a secondary story, creating a story within a story, often through Separate Scene Storytelling. The inner story is usually the bulk of the work. The framing device places the inside story within a different context.

general manager

The chief agent of the Company in its African territory, who runs the Central Station; average and unremarkable but makes people uncomfortable; resistant to tropical disease


The chief of the Inner Station and the object of Marlow's quest; musician, painter, leader; fraternizes with natives; wrath of fellow whites

What decision does the chorus persuade Oedipus to make regarding Creon?

The chorus convinces Oedipus to not kill Creon, but exile him if he's guilty.

What is the mood of the Chorus upon its entrance? What appeals do they make?

The chorus of Theban senators is fearful of the plague and suppliant toward any god who might relieve the city's plight. The chorus appeals to the gods Apollo, Athena, Artemis, Ares and finally Bacchus/Dionyssius.

What is the subject of the fourth choral ode?

The chorus wonders about oed' s background history and birth. They wonder if he's born from nymphs and gods.

What prompted Raymond's fight with "the man?"

The man called him yellow

what ironies underlie the messengers appearance?

The messenger announces that Polybus is dead and that corint want oed. to remain king. Jo is happy bc the prohecy wasn't true, but she doesn't know that Laius was Oed's dad.

What do the speeches of Oedipus and Jocasta concerning their respective pasts contribute to the drama?

The new info creates tension and suspense. They're beginning to realize Oed. could've killed the king.

What news does Creon bring from Delphi?

The oracle told Creon that the death of Oedipus' predecessor, King Laius, is the cause of the plague. Laius' killer must be found and expelled from the kingdom to lift the plague from the city. Creon also explains that Laius was killed on a road by a band of highwaymen. The danger of the riddling Sphinx prevented a proper investigation of the murder.

What is the importance of irony in Oedipus the King? What ironies are introduced in the Prologue?

The priest asserts that Oedipus is blessed by the gods and wise in mortal ways. But the Greeks knew that the god's curse of infamy and shame already looms over the king. They also recognized that wisdom would come to Oedipus only after he solved the mystery of his identity. Another irony is Oedipus' reputation for being Thebes' savior. As the unknown and unknowing killer of Laius, Oedipus is the very cause of the plague. Oedipus says he never met Laius, but in fact he not only met him but killed him.

What does the priest say to oedipus?

The priest tells Oedipus about the plague that ravages Thebes. He begs Oedipus to resolve the crisis reminding him he solved the riddle of the Sphinx before. Finally the priest tells Oedipus that it is in his own self-interest to rid the city of the plague.

explain HOD title in two ways

The text considers the deep jungle of Africa as the heart of darkness both for its untamed and hostile wilderness and for its supposed "savages" who hang out there practicing certain non-European customs such as cannibalism.

how does the chorus expand on the theme of illusion and reality in the fifth choral ode?

They are blind to the truth and Oed's happiness has been an illusion

how does the chorus respond in the fifth choral ode to oedipus turn of fortune

They are shocked and confused. They feel bad for him

Why don't the arabs react to this discussion unfolding directly in front of them?

They dont react because they slowly want to escape and they end up sneaking behind the rocks.

What clues is the reader given to show that the Algerian court system is different than the U.S. Judicial System?

They have 3 judges (different colored robes), bell, faces jury, and press mingling

What do Meursault and Marie hear coming from Raymond's room? What is happening?

They hear Raymond and his girlfriend fighting

When they first arrive at their destination, what do Marie, Meursault and Masson embark upon?

They swim until lunchtime

Do the arabs seem frightened by the approach? Why or why not?

They were calm, thought they defeated them

What is the purpose of holding a vigil? How long does it last?

To come to terms with the death of a relative, its held all night long.

What does Meursault choose to do on Sunday? What does this demonstrate about his character?

Watching people from his balcony (observer, acts off of what he sees), smokes (indifferent, easily entertained)

What is "the trouble with the guillotine?"

When the guillotine is used the condemned man has absolutely no chance of survival; either it kills you or it malfunctions and they bring in another one.

What's the big question the magistrate finally asks Meursault?

Why did he hesitate between shots 1 & 2-5

when did conrad learn to speak english

at age of 21

chief accountant in heart of darkness

aways looks clean; white clothes; lives and works in Outer Station; "trained" a native woman to care for his wardrobe

what was heart of darkness inspired by

british congo

Who is Katerina?

consumptive wife of Marmeladov. She has a serious illness which gives her flushed cheeks and a persistent bloody cough. She is very proud and always tells of her aristocratic heritage.

brickmaker in heart of darkness

favorite of manager, seems to be a corporate spy, never makes his product because he is supposedly waiting for some essential element; Marlow meets at Central Station

In the last few paragraphs, how does Meursault finally relate to Maman?

feeling free to live (people need companionship)

pilgrims in heart of darkness

greedy agents of the Central Station; want to trade ivory/earn a commission; want to be civilized and proper but motivated by self-interest; hate the natives and treat them like animals

Why does Meursault wish that a large crowd of spectators greet him with cries of hate at his execution?

he doesnt want to die alone

What has happened to Meursault?

he has been arrested

Briefly describe Meursault's prison cell. Is this what he had expected?

he was originally in a cell with others but was then moved to a private cell. Slept on wooden boards, with a bucket, and a tin washbasin, with a window to the sea

charlie marlow

master story teller; philosophical, independent-minded, and generally skeptical of those around him; skeptical of imperialism

conrad original language


marlows friends aboard the nellie

represent the kind of man Marlow would have likely become had he not gone to Africa: well meaning and moral but ignorant as to a large part of the world beyond England; once sailors, now middle class in England

russian trader

sailor who has gone into the African interior as the trading representative of a Dutch company; boyish; devoted disciple of Kurtz

Raskolnikov is derived from what

schismatic, meaning a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief.

What occurs to "shatter the harmony" of Meursault's day?

shooting the arab

what the name oedipus mean

swollen foot

What is the prosecutor implying when he questions Raymond?

that it wasn't chance, it was premeditated

What two places can Salamano check for his missing dog?

the Pound and the Police Station

Why does Meursault feel threatened and consequently pull out a gun?

the arab shows him a knife

When Meursault's situation finally sinks in what are the first two things he always thinks about?

the dawn and his appeal

kurtz dying words HOD

the horror the horror

conrad country of birth


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