AP Psych Ch 1

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Gestalt theories: Law of ______- states that individuals perceive objects such as shapes, letters, pictures, etc., as being whole when they are not complete. Specifically, when parts of a whole picture are missing, our perceptions fills in the visual gap.


Gestalt theories: Law of ________ ____: states that objects are perceived as lines that move along the smoothest path.

Common Fate

Gestalt theories: Law of ______- states that elements of objects tend to be grouped together, and therefore integrated into perceptual wholes if they are aligned within an object.


_________ (successful) actions are repeated and eventually become habits. For example, turning a doorknob. At first the action needs all your attention to accomplish it, then it becomes ___________ if successful.

adaptive, automatic

Types of Psychologists: ___________ Psychologists- concerned with helping students learn. Generally focus on course planning and instructional methods for the entire school. Sometimes help prepare standardized tests like the SAT.


Subjective feelings were thought to include _________ responses and ______ images.

emotional, mental

Contemporary Perspectives: _____________ Perspective- focuses on the evolution of behavior and metal processes. They believe inherited tendencies influence people to act in certain ways.


In Dualism, the mind was _______ to the physical body into which it entered through the _____ gland.

external, pineal

Types of Psychologists: ______ Psychologists- works within the criminal justice system. Used as an expert witness to testify whether a person is competent to stand trial or not. May help police officers cope with job stress.


Harvard University Professor William James helped form the school of ____________.


Skinner's 3 responses: _________ _________- responses that neither increase nor decrease the probability of a behavior being repeated.

natural operants

Skinner identified 3 types of responses or operant that can follow behavior: ________ operants, __________, and _________.

natural, reinforcers, punishers

________ reinforcement is the removal of an unpleasant reinforcer. For example, if you didn't open the door for people you would have to pay $1 each time. Eventually you would begin opening doors so you didn't have to pay the money.


Wundt broke down the content of consciousness into 2 categories; _______ __________ and _________ ________.

objective sensations, subjective feelings

Behaviorism was a major change from previous theoretical perspectives, rejecting the emphasis on both the conscious and unconscious mind. Instead, behaviorism focused solely on ___________ behavior.


In general, psychologists seek to _______, _______, _______, ______, and ______ the events they study.

observe, describe, explain, predict, control

French philosopher, Rene Descartes, tied ____________ and ______ to phsychology.

philosophy, science

The _______ _____ is part of the endocrine gland of the brain. It secretes ________ which is a hormone that controls some aspects of sexual development and sleep.

pineal gland, melatonin

In 1920, Watson and his assistant, Rosalie Rayner, published an article describing an experiment they had done at John Hopkins University on __ month old "Albert". They had observed Albert did not become easily frightened by various stimuli that was shown to him. These objects included a _____ ___, a ______, a ______, _____, and burning __________.

11, white rat, rabbit, monkey, masks, newspapers

Wundt is called the "______ __ _________ _________" He used labs for experiments and established psychology as a separate social science.

Father of Experimental Pyschology

______ was the first to lecture on psychology. And wrote "The Principles of Psychology" which is also considered to be the first modern psychology textbook.


Gestalt theories: Law of ________- states that when an individual perceives an assortment of objects they perceive objects that are close to each other as forming a group.


One popular aspect of Skinner's research was the "_______ ___". It was chamber that contained a bar or key that an animal could press or manipulate in order to obtain food or water as a type of reinforcement. Using this device researchers could carefully study behavior in a very controlled environment.

Skinner Box

Functionalists differed from structuralism in several ways. One was that structuralism relied only on introspection, whereas, the methods of functionalism included ___________ observation as well as introspection.


Contemporary Perspectives: __________ Perceptive- emphasizes the influence of biology on our behavior. They study the influences of genes on personality traits, psychological health, and various behavior patterns.


(5) the main natural sciences;

biology, physics, chemistry, earth science, and atronomy

Types of Psychologists: __________ Psychologists- studies the changes that occur throughout a person's lifespan.


Descartes chose the pineal gland because it appeared to him to be the only organ in the brain that was not bilaterally __________ and because he believed, erroneously, that it was uniquely ______.

duplicated, human

Another controversial aspect of John B. Watson and his behaviorist theory was the following quote: "Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-______, and my own specified _____ to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select- doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant- chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. I am going beyond the _____ and I admit it, but so have the advocates of the contrary and they have been doing it for many thousands of years."

formed, world, facts

Freud is associated with many controversial yet popular theories (4): ____ _________, _____ ___________, personality theory of the __, the ___, and the _________, and _______ _____.

free association, dream interpretation, Id, Ego, Superego, Freudian slips

Descartes' most significant philosophical position was connected with the ____ and _____. He called it ________.

mind, body, Dualism

Types of Psychologists: __________ Psychologists- they identify characteristics or traits such as shyness or friendliness.


Like natural scientists, psychologists seek to answer questions by following the steps involved in scientific research. These steps include conducting ________ and ___________, collecting and analyzing _____ and drawing conclusions.

surveys, experiments,data

Behaviorists believe behavior can be studied in a ___________ and ___________ manner with no consideration of internal mental states.

systematic, observable

Although Russian Ivan _____ started work with the concept of behaviorism, American psychologist John B. ________ is the most associated with the theory.

Pavlov, Watson

The Greek physician, Hippocrates did not believe people were punished by the gods. He suggested that wrongdoings are caused by ___________ in the _____.

abnormalities, brain

__00's- Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus suggested that the Earth revolves around the sun rather than the sun revolving around the Earth.


__00's- English scientist ___ _______ ______ formulated the laws of gravity and motion.

16, Sir Isaac Newton

__00's- English philosopher John Locke, building on principles of associationism, theorized that knowledge is not inborn but is learned from _________.

16, experience

__00's- French scientist Antoine Lavoiser founded the science of chemistry and explained how animals and plants use oxygen in __________.

17, respiration

Behaviorism was the dominant force in psychology from the 19_0's through the mid 19_0's.

2, 5

Psychology changed dramatically during the early __th century as the school of thought known as ___________ rose to dominance.

20, behaviorism

Albert- Watson never had the chance to decondition Albert because he and his mother moved away. For decades people wondered what happened to Little Albert and who he really was. It was announced in 2012 by psychologist Hall P. Beck that Albert was actually Douglas Merritte. He died at the age of _ of hydro_______, a buildup of fluid on the brain.

6, hydrocephalus

Most historians of psychology point to the year 18__ as the beginning of psychology as a ______ laboratory science. In that year, German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt, established his laboratory in Leipzig.

79, modern

What are the 5 contemporary perspectives?

Biological, Evolutionary, Cognitive, Humanistic, Sociocultural Perspectives

In ________, the mind and body exists as separate entities, each with different characteristics that are governed by themselves.


Psychology has its roots in ancient ______.


Structuralists relied only on a theory called _______, which is looking within and examining your own thoughts or feelings.


Decartes' famous quote was "Cogito ergo sum" ( _ _____, _______ _ __.), meaning the only evidence that he himself existed was his ability to think. This idea changed the whole direction of Western philosophy and tied in with psychology through his idea of the mind.

I think, therefore I am, Western

What are the 6 Gestalt theories?

Law of Closure, Similarity, Proximity, Symmetry, Common Fate, Continuity

Some areas that psychologists study such as the brain are closely related to the _______ sciences


Gestalt theories: Law of ________- states that elements within an assortment of objects are perceptually grouped together if they are similar to each other. This similarity can occur in the form of shape, color, shading, or other qualities.


Over 2,000 years ago the Greek philosopher, ________, suggested we can learn much about ourselves by carefully examining our _______ and _________.

Socrates, thoughts, feelings

Gestalt theories: Law of __________- states that the mind perceives objects as being symmetrical and forming around a center point. It is perceptually pleasing to divide objects into an even number of symmetrical parts. Therefore, when two symmetrical elements are unconnected the mind perceptually connects them to form a coherent shape.


James was often call "___ ______ __ ___________."

The Father of Psychology

Although most psychologists do their research on humans, some may also test ______.


Another Greek philosopher,Aristotle, outlined his laws of _______________ which are still part of present- day learning theories. He showed how experiences often remind us of similar experiences in the past.


Albert- Watson did this to demonstrate fears can be learned through ____________. Watson decided to see if they could condition Albert to fear the white rat rather than be ________by it. Watson and Rayner knew ____ ______frightened babies, so they decided to condition Albert to fear the rat by using that.

associations, amused, loud noises

Albert- This type of experiment is based on ________ __________. The ____________ was the unconditioned stimulus (US) that led to the unconditional response (UR) of fear. The ___________ was the conditioned stimulus (CS) that, through association with the US and UR, led Albert to fear which was the condition response (CR)

classical conditioning, clanging of steel bars, rat

Types of Psychologists: ______ Psychologists- make up the largest group of psychologists, help people with psychological problems, like anxiety or depression, or serve psychological disorders like schizophrenia. Work in hospitals, prisons, in university clinics, and in private practices. Trained to evaluate psychological problems through the use of interviews and psychological tests.


Contemporary Perspectives: _______ Perspectives- emphasizes the role that thoughts play in determining behavior. They study, in short, what we refer to as the mind. They believe that people's behavior is influenced by their values, their perceptions, and their choices.


Structuralists believed that the human mind functioned by combining these basic elements (objective sensations and subjective feelings) of experience. For example, a person can experience the ocean by observing its _____, _____, _____, and ______. The person can also experience it subjectively by remembering how good it felt to step into it.

color, smell, sound, texture

Watson believed learning is based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through _____________. He used puzzle boxes like mazes to experiment on animals and observe how they could be conditioned, or ___________. Example- rats in a maze.

conditioning, controlled

In ancient Greece, most people believed that the gods punished people for wrongdoing by causing then _________ and ________.

confusion, madness

Structuralists were concerned with discovering the basic elements of _____________.


Watson and the behaviorists saw _______________ as a private event that is known only to the individual.


James believed ____________ cannot be broken down as structuralists believed. Functionalists were concerned with how _______ __________ help organisms adapt to their environment. They believe ________ behavior patterns are learned and maintained because they are successful.

consciousness, mental processes, adaptive

German psychologists Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler were fascinated by the ways in which _______ influences people's interpretation of information. In the 1920's they founded the school of _______ psychology, based on the idea that perceptions are more than the sums of their parts.

context, Gestalt

Types of Psychologists: ________ Psychologists- Uses interviews and tests to identify their clients' problems. Typically treats people who have adjustment problems rather than serious psychological disorders. Help their clients clarify their goals, often employed in businesses and in college testing centers.


Some of Watson's work was controversial like his experiment on "Little Albert." Previously, Russian physiologist Pavlov had conducted experiments demonstrating the conditioning process in _____. Watson was interested in taking Pavlov's research further to show that ___________ reactions could be classically conditioned in people.

dogs, emotional

Albert- Watson and Rayner took the experiment further by showing Albert other white and furry things, like a ___ ____ and stuffed ______. The infant also feared these and anything else white and furry. Many people at the time and today question whether this experiment was _______.

fur coat, rabbit, ethical

Types of Psychologists: _____ Psychologists- an upcoming stream of psychology. It is an international psychology that studies human development across the world. Studies international issues on mental health, inter-racial conflicts, and environmental concerns.


Every time Albert was shown the rat, Watson clanged a ________ on _____ ____ behind the infant's head. After _ pairings, Albert showed fear of the rat even when there was no more noise. He would cry uncontrollably and try to crawl away. Albert also "turned sharply to the ____, fell over on his ____ side, raised himself on all fours and crawled away rapidly." Through __________, the animal had taken the meaning of loud noises.

hammer, steel bars, 7, left, left, association

Skinner also had some controversy. Skinner invented an air crib which is an easily cleaned, temperature controlled, and humidity controlled replacement for the standard crib. He invented it to ____ ___ ____. His youngest daughter, Deborah, was basically raised in the air crib during her early life.

help his wife

(12) The main sciences;

history, sociology, psychology, economics, philosophy, geography, political sciences, law, demography, anthropology, archeology, and linguistics

Contemporary Perspectives: __________ Perspective- stresses the human capacity for self- fulfillment and the importance of consciousness, self- awareness, and the capacity to make choices. Consciousness is seen as the force that shapes human personality. They consider people's personal experiences to be the most important aspect of psychology. They believe we are free to choose out own behavior. They view people as basically good with a desire to help others.


Method meaning to look within yourself and examining your own thoughts and feelings.

learning introspective

________ reinforcement strengthens a behavior by providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding. For example, if you were given $1 each time you opened the door for someone you would ________ to open the door for the reward.

positive, continue

Sigmund Freud, a Viennese physician, was perhaps the most famous of the early psychologist. The school of thought he founded was called ______________. It emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and internal conflicts in determining human behavior. He believed the unconscious processes dictated _________ and _______.

psychoanalysis, behavior, feeling

Skinner's 3 responses: __________- responses from the environment that decrease the likelihood of a behavior being repeated. They weaken behavior.


Watson's quote: The last line is usually left off making Watson seem more ________ than intended. Watson stood strongly on the side of _______ in the Nature V Nurture theory

radical, nurture

According to Skinner, people learn the same way animals do. Like animals, people learn to behave in certain ways because they have been ________ for doing so.


Harvard University psychologist B. F. Skinner added to the behaviorists' tradition by introducing the concept of _____________. Unlike Watson, Skinner believed we do have a mind, but it is more productive to study ___________ behavior rather than internal mental events.

reinforcement, observable

Skinner's 3 responses: _________- responses from the environment that increase the behavior being repeated. They can either be positive or negative.


Skinner believed all human action was the direct _______ of conditioning. Skinner showed that when an animal is reinforced, or _________, for performing an action, it is more likely to perform that action again in the future. This is called _______ _____________.

result, rewarded, operant conditioning

Types of Psychologists: ______ Psychologists- may administer tests, such as intelligence and behavior tests. Identify and help students who have problems that interfere with learning. Also observe students in the classroom to see how they may interact with their teachers and peers.


Example of associationism is seeing the face of a loved one makes us feel _______ because of past experiences with that person. Aristotle believed people are motivated to seek ______ and to avoid ____. This theory is still believed true in more modern theories.

secure, please, pain

Objective sensations, such as ______ and _____, were assumed to accurately reflect the outside world.

sight, taste

Types of Psychologists: _____ Psychologists- concerned with people's behavior in social situations.


Psychology is a _______ science, but it has foundations in the _______ sciences which deal with the nature of the physical world.

social, natural

Contemporary Perspectives: ___________ Perspectives- studies the influence of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status on behavior and metal processes.


Wundt founded a field of experimental psychology that came to be known as _________.


Behaviorism- Only observable behavior should be considered since thoughts, emotions, and moods are too __________.


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