AP Psych Unit 3

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Retinal disparity refers to the:

somewhat different images our two eyes receive of the same object.

In shopping for a new stereo, you discover that you cannot differentiate between the sounds of models X and Y. The difference between X and Y is below your:

difference threshold.

Damage to the fovea would probably have the least effect on visual sensitivity to ________ stimuli.

dimly illuminated

When the moon is near the horizon, it appears larger than when it is high in the sky. This effect is primarily a result of:

distance cues, which make the horizon moon seem farther away.

When looking at the hands of a clock signifying 8 o'clock, certain brain cells in the visual cortex are more responsive than if the hands signify 10 o'clock. This is most indicative of:

feature detection

an example of sensory adaptation?

finding the cold water of a swimming pool warmer after you have been in it for a while

After staring at a very intense red stimulus for a few minutes, Carrie shifted her gaze to a beige wall and "saw" the color ________. Carrie's experience provides support for the ________ theory.

green; opponent-process

Infants are especially likely to avoid crawling over the edge of a visual cliff if they:

have a lot of previous crawling experience.

According to place theory, the perception of ________ sounds is associated with large vibrations of the ________ closest to the oval window.

high-pitched; basilar membrane

News about the supposed effects of briefly presented messages on moviegoers' consumption of popcorn and Coca-Cola involved false claims regarding:

subliminal stimulation

Tamiko hates the bitter taste of her cough syrup. Which of the following would she find most helpful in minimizing the syrup's bad taste?

holding her nose while taking the cough syrup

Wavelength is to ________ as ________ is to brightness.

hue; intensity

The phantom limb sensation indicates that:

pain involves the brain's interpretation of neural activity.

The brain breaks vision into separate dimensions such as color, depth, movement, and form, and works on each aspect simultaneously. This is called:

parallel processing

The ability to adjust to an artificially displaced or even inverted visual field is called:

perceptual adaptation

After hearing rumors about the outbreak of an infectious disease, Alyosha began to perceive his normal aches and pains as disease-related symptoms. His reaction best illustrates the impact of:

perceptual set

Stereotypes are mental conceptions that can strongly influence the way we interpret the behaviors of individuals belonging to specific racial or ethnic groups. A stereotype is most similar to a:

perceptual set

The news headline read "Local Prostitutes Appeal to City Mayor." Most readers immediately recognized that this was not a reference to the mayor's sexual desires. This best illustrates the

perceptual set

The volley principle is most directly relevant to our perception of:


Complete sensation in the absence of complete perception is best illustrated by:


Because Carmella, Jorge, and Gail were all sitting behind the same bowling lane, Ruth perceived that they were all members of the same bowling team. This best illustrates the organizational principle of:


Sensation is to ________ as perception is to ________.

recognizing a stimulus; interpreting a stimulus

In the opponent-process theory, the three pairs of processes are:

red-green, blue-yellow, black-white.

The transduction of light energy into nerve impulses takes place in the:


In comparing the human eye to a camera, the film would be analogous to the eye's:


Holding two index fingers in front of the eyes can create the perception of a floating finger sausage. This best illustrates the effect of:

retinal disparity

The principle of connectedness would most likely lead you to perceive all the ________ as parts of a single unit.

rungs in a ladder

In one experiment, most of the participants who viewed a videotape of men playing basketball remained unaware of an umbrella-toting woman sauntering across the screen. This illustrated the impact of:

selective attention

Our inability to consciously perceive all the sensory information available to us at any single point in time best illustrates the necessity of:

selective attention

The cocktail party effect provides an example of:

selective attention

While reading a novel, Raoul isn't easily distracted by the sounds of the TV or even by his brothers' loud arguments. This best illustrates:

selective attention

After listening to your high-volume car stereo for 15 minutes, you fail to realize how loudly the music is blasting. This best illustrates:

sensory adaptation

Perception is the process by which:

sensory input is selected, organized, and interpreted.

The principle that one sense may influence another is:

sensory interaction

Which theory emphasizes that personal expectations and motivations influence the level of absolute thresholds?

signal detection theory

Which theory would suggest that watching a horror movie late at night could lower your absolute threshold for sound as you subsequently tried to fall asleep?

signal detection theory

Because the two teams wore different-colored uniforms, Cheri perceived the ten basketball players as two distinct groups.


It has been suggested that experience with the corners of buildings and the rectangular shapes of a carpentered world may contribute to:

the Müller-Lyer illusion.

The phi phenomenon refers to:

the perception of movement created by the successive blinking on and off of adjacent lights.

The sequentially flashing Christmas tree lights appeared to generate pulsating waves of motion. This best illustrates:

the phi phenomenon

The semicircular canals are most directly relevant to:

the vestibular sense

The Young-Helmholtz theory proposes that:

there are three different types of color-sensitive cones.

Patients' negative expectations about the outcome of a surgical procedure can increase their postoperative experience of pain. This best illustrates the importance of:

top-down processing

The organizational principles identified by Gestalt psychologists best illustrate the importance of:

top-down processing

Giulio's bag of marbles is twice as heavy as Jim's. If it takes 5 extra marbles to make Jim's bag feel heavier, it will take 10 extra marbles to make Giulio's bag feel heavier. This best illustrates:

weber's law

The blind spot is located in the area of the retina:

where the optic nerve leaves the eye

A gestalt is best described as a(n):

organized whole

A psychophysicist would be most directly concerned with:

A psychophysicist would be most directly concerned with:

Which of the following strategies best illustrates the use of subliminal stimulation?

A store plays a musical soundtrack in which a faint and imperceptible verbal warning against shoplifting is repeated frequently.

Concerning the evidence for subliminal stimulation, which of the following is the best answer? A) The brain processes some information without our awareness.

All of the above are true.

Sensation is to ________ as perception is to ________.

B) detection; interpretation

Place theory suggests that:

D) the pitch we hear is related to the place where the cochlea's basilar membrane is stimulated.

The size of the pupil is controlled by the:


The process by which sensory information is converted into neural energy is:


When informed that a brief imperceptible message would be flashed repeatedly during a popular TV program, many viewers reported feeling strangely hungry or thirsty during the show. Since the imperceptible message had nothing to do with hunger or thirst, viewers' strange reactions best illustrate:

a placebo effect

During a hearing test, many sounds were presented at such a low level of intensity that Mr. Antall could hardly ever detect them. These sounds were below Mr. Antall's:

absolute threshold.

Given normal sensory ability, a person standing atop a mountain on a dark, clear night can see a candle flame atop a mountain 30 miles away. This is a description of vision's:

absolute threshold.

The minimum amount of stimulation a person needs to detect a stimulus 50 percent of the time is called the:

absolute treshold

The process by which the lens changes its curvature is:


Which of the following correctly lists the order of structures through which sound travels after entering the ear?

auditory canal, eardrum, middle ear, cochlea

Dr. Frankenstein has forgotten to give his monster an important part; as a result, the monster cannot transduce sound. Dr. Frankenstein omitted the:

basilar membrane

Berdine has developed cataracts in both eyes, preventing her from being able to identify even her mother's face. Berdine most clearly suffers a deficiency in:

bottom-up processing

While a student provided directions to a construction worker, two experimenters rudely interrupted by passing between them carrying a door. The student's failure to notice that the construction worker was replaced by a different person during this interruption illustrates:

change blindness

The perceptual tendency to fill in gaps in order to perceive disconnected parts as a whole object is called:


The perception of the letter "t" as two intersecting lines rather than as four nonintersecting lines illustrates the principle of:


Which of the following is a binocular cue for the perception of distance?


the correct order of the structures through which light passes after entering the eye?

cornea, pupil, lens, retina

Hubel and Wiesel discovered feature detectors in the visual:


Nerve deafness is caused by:

damage to the cochlea

The visual cliff is a laboratory device for testing ________ in infants.

depth perception

Kinesthesis involves:

information from the muscles, tendons, and joints.

The monocular depth cue in which an object blocking another object is perceived as closer is:


According to the gate-control theory, a way to alleviate chronic pain would be to stimulate the ________ nerve fibers that ________ the spinal gate.

large; close

As the farmer looked across her field, the parallel rows of young corn plants appeared to converge in the distance. This provided her with a distance cue known as:

linear perspective

Cocking your head would be most useful for detecting the ______ of a sound.


The place theory of pitch perception cannot account for how we hear:

low-pitched sounds

Figure is to ground as ________ is to ________.

moon; sky

The steadily increasing size of the retinal image of an approaching object is especially important for perceiving the object's:


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