AP Psychology: Scientific Foundation: Approaches to psychology

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evolutionary perspective

A modern approach to psychology that explains the human behaviors and mental processes as the result of natural selection. This is based on the belief that characteristics present in the species today must have provided a survival or reproductive advantage to early humans.

community psychology

A subfield of psychology that focuses on improving neighborhoods and the overall environment by taking a proactive approach to mental health in numerous settings such as correctional or health care facilities.. This subfield often focuses on undeserved populations/


A treatment technique developed by Sigmund Freud which uses free association and dream analysis to discover the unconscious conflicts that are causing difficulties for individuals.


An approach to explaining human behavior (also an approach to therapy) that involves using methods from two or more different theoretical perspectives to most effectively evaluate and treat patients.


An early historical school of thought in psychology that emphasized the importance of the whole over the sum of the parts when examining consciousness.


An early historical school of thought supported by William James that examined the evolved purposes of human thoughts and behaviors. This early school of thought sought to apply psychological research to better understand how people adapted to their environment.

behavioral neuroscience

Branch of psychology which emphasizes the study of how neural circuitry leads to particular behavioral outcomes.


The answer to the philosophical mind-body problem that the mind and body are different aspects of the same reality.


The scientific field that studies human and animal thoughts and behaviors.

School psychology

The subfield of psychology primarily focused on addressing problems that occur in the pre-K through secondary educational setting. Individuals in this sub-field typically work full-time in a school working with students, parents, and teachers.

Humanistic Perspective

A modern approach to psychology, proposed by Carl Rogers, focusing on the good and potential for growth in all individuals. This approach highlights the importance of free will,c unconditional positive regard, and self-esteem.

social psychology

A subfield of psychology primarily focused on how the thoughts and behaviors of an individual are influenced by the real or imagined presence of others.

clinical psychology

A subfield of psychology primarily focused on identifying and treating individuals with mental illnesses.

educational psychology

A subfield of psychology primarily focused on the application of psychological research to improve teaching and learning.

Forensic Psychology

A subfield of psychology primarily focused on the interaction between psychological research and the legal system.

developmental psychology

A subfield of psychology primarily focused on the study of psychical, cognitive, and social changes across the lifespan.

applied research

The broad type of psychological study which focuses on practical, everyday situation and how psychology interacts directly with individuals to solve real world problems. This type of psychology may involve clinical work, education, advertising and any other area of psychology that directly applies the knowledge of the field to a wide range of real-life situations.


The earliest school of thought in psychology influenced by Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener. It emphasized identifying the individual elements that make up human consciousnesses suing the process of introspection.

stream of consciousness

The idea proposed by William James and others that consciousness was a ever changing flow of thoughts, emotions sensations, and ideas as opposed to the stable components proposed by the Structuralists.


The modern approach to psychology that focuses primarily on how individuals think and perceive the world around them. This field also investigates how individuals problem-solve, remember, and learn info.

psychodynamic perspective

The modern day version of Freud's original theory that still examines the unconscious and the influence of childhood experiences, but it does not focus as much on sex/aggression.

Behaviorism perspective

The modern psychological approach that emphasizes how behaviors are influenced by environmental factors, observation, and learning thru rewards and punishments.

natural selection

The principle proposed by Charles Darwin that characteristics which increase the likelihood of reproduction and survival will be more likely to be passes onto future generations.


The process used by Structuralists that involves asking subjects to reflect on their current state of consciousness by responding to objects and reporting their first reactions.


A medical doctor focused on treating individuals who have mental illnesses. These professionals are able to prescribe medication.

Social Perspective

A modern approach to psychology that considers the impact of one's culture, society, and family on how they think and interact with the world.

positive psychology

A sub field of psychology emphasizing people's strengths by encouraging individuals to focus on these strengths in order to become more successful in areas they have identified as important.

health psychology

A subfield of psychology primarily focused on how psychology and medicine overlap to improve prevention and treatment methods for physical illnesses.

human factors psychology

A subfield of psychology primarily related to the interaction of people and their psychical environments. A primary goal is to design products that are intuitive and functional for people to use.


A subfield of psychology that emphasizes analyzing data through statistical methods. This is often used to assessing the results of intelligence or personal inventories.

Social work

A subfield of psychology that focuses on helping individuals, families, and other group cope with personal and practical issues with an emphasis on relationship or community factors.

industrial-organized (I/0) psychology

A subfield of psychology that investigates how psychology can improve the work[lace environment in areas such as employee motivation and hiring practices.

counsiling psychology

A subfield of psychology which focuses primarily on assisting individuals with problems related to everyday life (family, school, career), or improving overall life satisfaction.


An outdated personality theory presented by Francis Gall who beloved that the traits and abilities of an individual could be determined by examining bumps on the skull.

psychoanalytic perspective

Approach to psychology based on Freud's original theory emphasizing how unconscious forces (ex: sexual and aggressive drives) influence behaviors and mental processes. This theoretical approach also includes the components of personalty (id, ego, superego) and the psycho-sexual stages of personality development


The answer to the philosophical mind-body problem that asserts that the physical body and the mind (soul) are separate entities and that both can impact behavior.


The approach to science involving the use of experimentation, observation, and data that began with John Locke and remains a focus of scientific psychology today.

basic research

The broad area of psychology study designed to gain more knowledge about human and animal behavior. It often takes place in a laboratory setting without any direct contact with the individuals the knowledge is intended to help.

Biological perspective (neuroscience)

The modern psychological approach that emphasizes how neural circuity and genes impact behaviors and mental processes. This approach examines the nervous system, endocrine system, and genetics.

biopsychosocial perspective

The modern psychological approach that explains that behaviors and mental processes are influenced by biological (brain/nervous system), psychological (behavioral/cognitive), and social (cultural) influences. [hint: difficult to spell]

cognitive perspective

The modern psychological approach that focuses primarily on how individuals think and perceive the world around them and how thoughts impact behavior. This field also investigates how individuals solve problems, remember, and learn information.

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