AP Test Review Quizlet

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Haymarket Riot

3,000 people protest that was at first peaceful until police told people to leave and someone threw a dynamite bomb that instantly killed 1 policemen and wounded 6 other. Police fired into the crowd and killed 4 people.

War Powers Act

3500 secret bombing raids in Cambodia which led to a law being passed requiring Nixon or any president to report to Congress within 48 hours after taking military action and Congress would have to approve such

Selma- Montgomery March

600 protestors were met with tear gas and whipped with clubs. This forced Johnson to act and eventually led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Francis Townsend

67 year old physician who proposed a scheme to assist the elderly - Townshend plan proposed giving everyone over the age of 60 a monthly pension of $200 with the proviso that it must be spent in the first thirty days.- plan eventually partially adopted in social security act

Tallmadge Amendment

A Republican congressman from New York who proposed that Missouri should enter as a free state and that children of those already in Missouri should be freed at age 25.

Roanoke Colony

A base set up off of the North Carolina Coast by Sir Walter Raleigh in order to facilitate raids on Spanish ships

American Colonization Society

A benevolent organization founded in 1817 that viewed slavery as an evil, as a system deeply rooted social and economic institution that could be eliminated only gradually. Also recognized: power of racial prejudice, desire to help slaves return to Africa, and fear or race wars in south (not very successful in America)

Erie Canal/ De Witt Clinton

A canal between the New York cities of Albany and Buffalo, completed in 1825. Stretched 363 miles and allowed goods to flow between the Great Lakes and NYC. Governor of New York who started the Erie Canal project.

Dr. Benjamin Spock

Advocated for women to return to the Cult of True Womanhood


After Richmond was left defenseless thanks to Grants military victory- Lee surrendered on April 9, 1865 ending the Civil War

"Gentleman's Agreement"- TR/ Japan

Agreement when Japan agreed to curb the number of workers coming to the US

Alfred P. Sloan

Alfred P Sloan's plan to make new alterations to car models each year in order to spur customer interest. Reflected a desire of American people to have the newest thing and helped unsaturated the car market- also exposed the growing need for marketing

Alliance for Progress

Alliance for Progress was an ambitious economic aid program for Latin America. $20 billion was given to Latin America with the primary objective of helping LA countries lessen economic stratification and therefore quiet communist sympathies. However, this had little positive impact on LA social problems.

Temperance/ Prohibition

18th amendment prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. Largely a rural issue (more religious). Drinking in secret fashionable among the wealthier class. Urban resistance to the amendment led to its repeal. It also set the precedent that disrespect for the law was okay- prior to that point growing temperance and prohibition movements

Muller vs. Oregon

1908 Louis D. Brandeis persuaded the Supreme Court to accept the constitutionality of laws protecting women workers by presenting evidence of the harmful effects of factory labor on women's weaker bodies- it updated the ruling in Lochner vs. NY (in which women who pressed for working hour restrictions were not successful)

Joint Stock Company

A company made up of a group of shareholders. Each shareholder contributes some money to the company and receives some share of the company's profits and debts. (i.e virginia company, etc? ) Known as self-governing? (Rhode Island and Connecticut)

Lodge Corollary (Henry Cabot Lodge)

A corollary to the Monroe Doctrine proposed by Henry Cabot Lodge and ratified by the U.S. Senate in 1912 forbidding any foreign power or foreign interest of any kind to acquire sufficient territory in the Western Hemisphere so as to put that government in "practical power of control".

National Road

A federally funded road stretching from Cumberland, Maryland to the Old Northwest.

Boston Massacre/ Crispus Attacks

A fight between a "snow ball throwing" crowd of Bostonians and British troops which escalated into an armed confrontation that left five Bostonians dead-John Adams defended some of the British troops in court-seven seen not guilty and two convicted of manslaughter Crispus Attacks: A sailor of mixed Indian-African-White ancestry who was known as one of the first martyrs of the revolution (example of propaganda) -died in the Boston Massacre

Settlement of Hawaii

A group of American planters organized a rebellion that overthrew the Hawaii government setting it up for annexation however Cleveland did not approve of it.- in the midst of the Spanish American war, Hawaii was annexed (during McKinley's administration)

Russia/ Bolshevik Revolution and WWI

1917. The second stage of the Russian Revolution in November 1917 when Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party seized power and established a communist state. The first stage had occurred the previous February when more moderate revolutionaries overthrew the Russian Czar

Neutrality Acts- 1935-1937

1935": Authorized the president to prohibit all arms shipment and to forbid the traveling of U.S citizens on ships of belligerent nations. 1936: Forbade the extension of loans and credit to belligerents.

Little Rock Nine

1948, Arkansas had become the first southern state to admit African Americans to the state universities without being required by a court order. Elizabeth Eckford failed to be escorted to school and was mobbed by angry whites. In order to maintain the safety of the 9 members integrating little rock central high school, Eisenhower ordered federal troops to escort them daily. (First experimentation with the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling)

Homestead Act of 1862

A law of great significance which gave 160 acres of land to anyone who would pay a 10 dollar registration fee and pledge to live on it and cultivate it for five years. Nearly 600,000 families claimed free homesteads under it. Act did not work as congress had intended as few farmers and laborers had the cash to move to the frontier, buy farm equipment, and wait out the year or two before the farm became self-supporting. People needed either a larger farm for dry farming or a smaller one for irrigation Note: Also the Timber Act (additional land if planted a tree) and the Desert Land Act (additional land if attempted to irrigate it)

Charlotte Perkins Gilman- Woman and Economics

A major feminist prophet during the late 19th and early 20th century. She published "Women and Economics," which called on women to abandon their dependent status and contribute more to the community through the economy. She created centralized nurseries and kitchens to help get women into the work force. (Women individuality)

Niagra Movement- NAACP

A meeting of blacks at Niagara Falls in 1905, including Du Bois, where they created a list of demands (ex. unrestricted right to vote, end to segregation, equality of economic opportunities, exc.)- (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) created in 1909 by a group of liberals (including Du Bois, Jane Addams and John Dewey) to eradicate racial discrimination

Era of Good Feelings (Myth v. Reality)

A name for President Monroe's two terms, a period of strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion. Since the Federalist party dissolved after the War of 1812, there was only one political party and no partisan conflicts. Despite the lack of political parties, regional differences and conflicts heightened during this period

Pentagon Papers- NY times vs. US

A secret government history documenting the mistakes and deceptions of government policy makers in dealing with the Vietnam war- the papers were leaked by Daniel Ellsberg and a court injunction was released consequently NY times vs. US- Was the court injunction justified or infringement on freedom of speech- ruling that the court must remove its injunction because withholding the information does not jeopardize national security but rather infringe upon the freedom of expression of the press and society

Suffolk Resolves

A series of resolutions passed by a convention of delegates in Massachusetts that urged Americans to refuse obedience to new laws, withhold taxes, and prepare for war.

Monroe Doctrine

A statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the United States or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere.

Manhattan Project- J. Robert Oppenheimer

A super top secret program in which American scientists developed a way to release the energy in mass in the form of a devastating new weapon. It was tested successfully in New Mexico in 1945, and dropped in Japan a month later.

New Harmony, IN- Robert Owens

A utopian settlement in Indiana lasting from 1825 to 1827. It had 1,000 settlers, but a lack of authority caused it to break up. Owens was a wealthy and idealistic Scottish textile manufacturer. He sought to better the human race and set up a communal society in 1825. There were about a thousand persons at New Harmony, Indiana. The enterprise was not a success.

Gerald Ford

Appointed as President and issued a pardon of Nixon Fall of Vietnam and Cambodia

Spheres of Influence

Areas in which countries have some political and economic control but do not govern directly (ex. Europe and U.S. in China during Open Door era)

Selective Service Act

Authorized President Woodrow Wilson to raise an infantry force from the general population of no more than four divisions, and it created the Selective Service System./ The Selective Service Act or Selective Draft Act (Pub.L. 65-12, 40 Stat. 76, enacted May 18, 1917) authorized the federal government to raise a national army for the American entry into World War I through conscription.

Alien and Sedition Acts

Authorized the use of federal courts and power of presidency to silence the Republicans. Viewed as highly controversial and an infringement on the first amendment-(defined criticism of U.S. gov as criminal libel) Alien Enemies Law: President power to detain or deport citizens of nations with which U.S. at war with and who behaved in suspicious manner (never went into effect) Alien Law:Empowered president to expel any foreigner from U.S. simply by executive decree (limited to two years)-not enforced Naturalization Law: Fourteen year probationary period before foreigners could apply for full U.S. citizenship and vote (because foreigners tended to vote Republican) Sedition Law: defined criticism of the US government as criminal libel; citizens found guilty by jury were subject to fines and imprisonment

Henry Ford

Automobile manufacturer-creator of the Assembly Line and Ford vehicles. Also River Rouge plant. He perfected mass production and efficiency. The assembly line had an emphasis on uniformity, speed, precision, and coordination, turned workers into near robots and led to amazing efficiency that produced both high profits for manufacturers and low prices for buyers.

Baby Boom

Baby Boom: Lasted until mid 1960s- Americans lived longer thanks to penicillin

Dust Bowl

Bad farming practices and weather led to lots of topsoil blowing all over the place, leading many Arkies and Okies to go to California in search of work. Ecological disaster

"Copperheads"- Clement Vallandighman

Copperheads were against the war effort. CV- Banished to the confederacy however in 1861 Taney ordered the president to release John Merryman, a civilian who had been arrested by military authorities but Lincoln ignored him. CV was advocating for the civil war to draw to a close and Lincoln banished him to the confederacy who didn't want him and banished him to Canada. He eventually accidentally shot himself demonstrating in a lecture ironically how to use a gun.

Marcus Garvey

Believed in black isolation and black nationalism/ racial redemption. He dreamed of an independent black Africa. Apart of the UNIA. Weird view of the KKK. WEB Du Bois was staunchly against his views. Garvey was guilty of mail fraud.

George Fitzhugh

Believed that the master-slave relationship was more humane than the one prevailing between employers and wage laborers in the North- believed slaves had security from unemployment and a guarantee of care in old age whereas free workers did not.

Holden vs. Hardy

Court upheld a law limiting working hours for miners because their work was too dangerous and long hours might increase injuries

Boulder Dam

Created a huge man-made lake for purposes of irrigation, flood control, and electric power. It also served to provide jobs for many jobless. It was probably Hoover's most successful measure taken to fight the GD.

Committees of Correspondence

Created among different colonies to encourage opposition to the Sugar and Currency Acts

Gettysburg Address

Considered one of his finest speeches, in less than three minutes he identified the nation's mission with the principle that all mean are created equal, spoke of the war as bringing about a new birth of freedom, and defined the essence of a democratic government. Speech spoken at the dedication of a military cemetery at the site of the war's greatest battle. (uses the word nation instead of union)

Harvard/ Yale/ William and Mary (education)

Continuing studies opportunities created on the grounds of preparing individuals to be ministers. Perpetuated from religious motivations

2nd Continental Congress/ John Adams

Convened in May 1775 after the war had broken out b/w British soldiers and armed citizens of MA. Authorized the raising of an army, printed money to pay for it, and appointed Washington as its commander.

Seneca Falls- Declaration of Sentiments

Convention held here in which the declaration of sentiments was issued by the feminists charged the tyrannical treatment of women and demanded that all women be given the right to vote and married women be free from unjust laws giving husbands control over property (gender equality calling)

Alger Hiss

Convicted of perjury and sentenced to a five-year prison term. Charged of being a SU spy in the 1930s.

Protestant Reformation

Creation of protestant church (broke away from catholic church) hence protest within the label protestant. Precipitated by evens such as Black Death and the Western Schism

Conflict- TR/ Taft (Payne Aldrich Tariff, Pinchot-Ballenger Controversy)

Did nothing to encourage imports and only included a 2% corporate income tax Ballinger personally profiting off of land sales and Taft protected him. TR staged a highly publicized rendezvous with Pinchot. Issue was that taft, in general, alienated progressive Republicans - caused a further rift in the republican party

John Dickinson

Didn't sign Declaration of Independence but still fought for Patriot cause (Militia officer during American Revolution); Continental Congressman; wrote Olive Branch Petition; delegate to US Constitutional Convention; plan was to create strong central government, western lands under Congress's control, equal representation- his plan was rejected

Ellis/ Angel Island

Ellis Island: main immigration processing station on the east coast and located in the NY harbor Angel Island: main immigration processing station in the west coast in san fransisco, mainly chinese

General Edward Braddock

Embarrassing defeat at Fort Duquesne

Type of Progessivists

Emerged among young, mainly Protestant, middle class Americans who felt alienated from their society. Distressed by gap b/w rich and poor and became ministers of reform (some religious significance). William Jennings Bryan who insisted that christian piety and American democracy were integrally related. Different groups of reformers included: muckrakers, founders of settlement houses, and socialists

Mary E Lease/ Populists

Lease: Known as "Mary Yellin'" and "the Kansas Pythoness," she made about 160 speeches in 1890. She criticized Wall Street and the wealthy, and cried that Kansans should raise "less corn and more hell."- advocate of populist party Formed in 1892 by members of the Farmer's Alliance, this party was designed to appeal to workers in all parts of the country. Populists favored a larger role of government in American Society, a progressive income tax, and more direct methods of democracy.

Sherman Antitrust Act

First federal attempt to regulate big business. Declared illegal every contract, combination in the form of trust, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce. Penalties stiff. Tried to harness big business without harming it- not very effective

Keating Owen Act

First federal law that outlawed child labor

United States vs. E.C. Knight Co

First judicial interpretation of the antitrust law which ruled in favor of the E.C. knight company which controlled 98% of sugar refining in the country. Court argued that the company was a manufacturer, not relating to commerce, and was not subject to the law

El Pope/ Pope's Rebellion

Led by el popé in 1680, pueblos drove out whites from new mexico, resisted invasion of colonists, soldiers, and missionaries, most complete victory for the indians over the whites, spanish reconquered area in 1692

A Mitchell Palmer- "Palmer Raids"

Led the attack on the alien threat (possibly as a form of revenge from his house being shattered). He launched a massive roundup of foreign-born radicals without due process of the law. In a series of raids federal agents seized suspected anarchists and communists and held them for deportation with no regard for due process of the law. Issues of habeas corpus

Roe vs. Wade / US vs. Nixon

Legalized abortion Forced Nixon to turn in his tapes to the state district court which would indicate his involvement in the watergate coverup

Clayton Anti-trust act/ Federal trade commission

Lengthened Sherman Anti-Trust Act's list of practices. Exempted labor unions from being called trusts, legalized strikes and peaceful picketing by labor union members. Created a gov agency to regulate business practices

Warren Court

Liberal activists whom Nixon sought to give way to more conservatives (Burger Court-ironic that this court would rule against Nixon in Nixon vs. US)

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Lincoln and Douglas had diverging viewpoints on slavery and the US; Lincoln believed there was no middle ground while Douglas took the middle ground stance (popular sovereignty); Lincoln believed freedom meant opposition to slavery (on economic grounds) while Douglas believed freedom meant local-self government making decisions (for or against slavery)


Literacy and philosophical movement in which the individual could transcend material reality and ordinary understanding through oneness with the universe and the spiritual forces (similar to romanticism) Consisted of unitarians or former ones

Dawes Plan

Loaned money to Germany-A plan to revive the German economy, the United States loans Germany money which then can pay reparations to England and France, who can then pay back their loans from the U.S.

Alice Paul- ERA

Lobbied for full equality for women under the law- the National Women's Party succeeded in having an Equal Rights Amendment introduced in congress which stated that men and women shall have equal rights throughout the US and every place to its jurisdiction- was never ratified

Scab, lockout, blacklist, yellow dog contract/ironclad oath

Lockout: The exclusion of an employee by his employer until agreements are made Blacklist: Noting a criminal or certain record of an employee and not hiring them as a result of his history Yellow dog contract: Agreement between an employee and employer in which the employee agrees to not be in a labor union/ join the confederacy Scab: an insulting word for a person who continues working while other people in the organization are on strike

John Muir

Founder of Sierra Club who insisted that the beauty of the land and the wellbeing of its wildlife should be protected from human interference Forest Reserve Act- let the president set aside land for forests and parks Newlands Reclamation Act- Authorized the use of federal money to develop the west, it helped to protect national resources.

Oneida- John Humphrey Noyes

Founder of the Oneida community- traditional marriage outlawed and "free love" put into practice. Practiced polygamy, communal property, and communal raising of children.

Kent State University

Four youths killed during a college campus protest

Denmark Vessey

Free black man who planed to seize local armories, arm the slave population, and take possession of the city. His plan never took off- he was caught before

Underground Railroad- Harriet Tubman

Free blacks in the North were the main conductors of this which opened a path for fugitives from slavery. HT: Courageous exslave who made regular forays into the slave states to lead other blacks to freedom.

XYZ Affair

French Gov regarded Jay's Treaty negatively. French-U.S. relations deteriorated. 1797, French privateers began seizing American ships.-Hostilities known as Quasi War. (Stemmed also from Pierre Adet, French Minister in Phili, openly trying to influence the 1796 election in favor of republicans) Negotiating team of Charles Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry sent to France to craft treaty and demand compensation for the ships seized. Met with outrageous treatment- France demanded a huge bribe in order to even open negotiation talks (250,000) /In addition wanted millions of dollars in "loans". American's did not play along with such a game

Battle of Little Big Horn/ Custer

General Custer and his men were wiped out by a coalition of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse

Election of 1988

George H Bush- eventually had an 89% approval rating but promised to not tax and eventually did Term marked by fallout of the Soviet Union- formed into independent countries Persian Gulf War- Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait and threatened western oil sources in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf. US issued an embargo (did not work). Desert Storm- massive operation where over half a million Americans were joined by military units from 28 other nations- five weeks of air strikes and a brilliant ground war conducted by US- Iraq forced to concede defeat Controversial nomination of Clarence Thomas

Election 2000

George W Bush

Election of 2004

George W Bush vs. Gore (disputed election- too close to call to the end)- Florida not allowed to recount Ralph Nader- who ran in the third party, could have jeopardized the votes both parties received Platform- lower taxes, aid to faith based organizations, schools choice, privatization of social security and Medicare, etc War on Terrorism Kills Saddam Hussein- faced death penalty

John Peter Zenger

German printer who came to ny in 1735, wrote a newspaper weekly journal and lambasted government for corruption and tyranny, he was arrested, and put on trial, found not guilty which sent a warning that liberal cases were difficult to win (if it would have been about assemblies he surely would have been indicted)- Andrew Hamilton was his attorney


German submarine sank the British liner causing the death of 1,198 passengers including 124 Americans. The sinking outraged American public opinion

Invasion of Poland- Sept 1939

Germany invaded poland immediately after the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact- Britain and France who had pledged to protect Poland declared war. But within a year Nazis had overrun Poland and much of Scandinavia, Belgium, and the Netherlands


Geronimo was a prominent leader of the Bedonkohe Apache who fought against Mexico and the United States for their expansion into Apache tribal lands for several decades during the Apache Wars

Gideon vs Wainwright

Gideon was arrested for burglary and wanted legal counsel, but he couldn't afford one and was refused one. He appealed SC, who unanimously ruled in favor of him. Significance: Gave everyone who couldn't afford an attorney an attorney in court.

Patrick Henry

Give me liberty or give me death- staunch antifederalist

John Winthrop

Governor of Mass Bay Colony- fervent Puritan- believed in "city upon a hill"

Peter Stuyvesant

Governor of NY who whipped the colony into shape (very strict rules and regulations on drinking, fining, etc). He changed NY into a bustling town.

William Bradford

Governor of Plymouth and separatist.

Edmund Andros

Governor who ruled the Dominion of New England which combined Conn, Plymouth, Mass, NH, RD, NY, E/WJ -viewed as a dictator. Dominion of NE was in conjunction with James II who was eventually overthrown.

British Advantages

Greater population, greater naval power, stronger government, superior military experience, greater military organization, and better weapons and supplies- (on paper the British should have won the war)

Samuel Gompers/ AFL

Loose alliance of national craft unions organizing only skilled workers and avoiding politics. Samuel Gompers was the founder and longtime president. Adopted a pragmatic approach to labor's needs. AFL more confrontational utilizing the strike, boycott, but only to achieve limited gains. (agreed to not oppose monopolies if obtaining fair wages). By 1914 hold almost 2 million members. Largely a man's world though.

Indian Removal Act

Jackson's law that provided funds for uprooting the five-civilized tribes with a population of around 60,000 living in NC, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. Goal of the act was to relocate the nations east of the Mississippi and push them westward to an indian territory in Oklahoma.

Jimmie Lee Jackson

Jimmie Lee Jackson (December 1938 - February 26, 1965) was a civil rights protestor who was shot and killed by Alabama State Trooper James Bonard Fowler in 1965.[1] Jackson was unarmed. His death inspired the Selma to Montgomery marches, an important event in the American Civil Rights movement.[1] He was 26 years old.

Election of 1976

Jimmy Carter defeated Gerald Ford

Election of 1864

John C. Frémont nominated for the Repub party with the stance of abolishing slavery, protecting freedmen's rights, and confiscating the land of leading confederates. General George McCllean was the Democratic candidate but hampered from the outset for calling for an immediate cease-fire. In the end, Frémont withdrew and Lincoln won a sweeping victory.

John Hay's open door policy

John Hay's clever diplomatic efforts to preserve Chinese territorial integrity and maintain American access to China- American secretary of state who attempted to preserve Chinese independence and protect American interests in China Free movement of goods and money, NOT, people. For instance, even as the US banned immigration of Chinese into the country, it insisted on access to the markets and investment opportunities of Asia

Scopes Trial

John Scopes was a science teacher on trial for violating the TN law against teaching Darwin's theory of evolution. Chief witness against Scopes was Williams Bryan who firmly believed in the religious interpretation of religion. Believed in fundamentalism

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

Johnson impeached but not removed from office (acquitted by Senate) because many did not like who would replace him, Benjamin Wade, and decided waiting it out would be better. Johnson also agreed with Congress to be more agreeably with legislature.

Kerner Commission Report 1967

Johnson's study which pinpointed white racism as the problem causing riots. Also two societies emerging (black and white) which are polarized from one another


Joseph Smith: Founder of mormonism Brigham Young: Followed Young to Utah Territory Mormons: Practiced polygamy and were severely persecuted in society

Henry Demarest Lloyd (Wealth against commonwealth)

Journalist who was notable for, pre-1900, attacking the Standard Oil Company with his book "Wealth Against Commonwealth"

Mountain Whites/ Yeoman Farmers Attitude Towards Slavery

Just below the small slaveholders on the social scale and they owned the land that they worked on. They concentrated in the southern back country where not many slaved were located. Tolerated slavery and were opposed to abolition despite not owning slaves. Prosperity limited due to geography- livestock main source of cash. Staunch jacksonians. Hoped to eventually get ahead in the world by acquiring slaves of their own. Believed abolition would threaten their liberty

JFK-more advisers to Vietnam

Kennedy refused to send troops but provided South Vietnam with economic aid (Vietcong considered the northern Vietnamese army?) Diem failed to win the support of his own people seen through the images of Buddhists setting themselves on fire. Kennedy approved a coup that overthrew Diem which made an American presence in South Vietnam even more important

Edward Bernays/ Bruce Barton

Key advertisers/ marketers - involved in public relations

Nixon and Kissenger- Realpolitik

Kissenger- national security advisor of Nixon and later to be secretary of state)- formulated a policy that eased tensions of the Cold War- he policy of Realpolitik was formally introduced to the Richard Nixon White House by Henry Kissinger.[3] In this context, the policy meant dealing with other powerful nations in a practical manner rather than on the basis of political doctrine or ethics—for instance, Nixon's diplomacy with the People's Republic of China, despite U.S. opposition to communism and the previous doctrine of containment. Another example is Kissinger's use of shuttle diplomacy after the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, where he persuaded the Israelis to withdraw partially from the Sinai in deference to the political realities created by the oil crisis. Derived from theory of political realism

Korean War-38th Parallel / UN involvement

Korean War: Korea has been divided at the 38th parallel. The North was occupied by a communist government under the leadership of Kim Il-Sung while the South was occupied by a nationalist government under the leadership of Syngman Rhee. Sung and the communist forces crossed the 38th parallel, an act approved by Stalin. The US secured a UN resolution condemning North Korea. American troops from Japan were in combat in South Korea. General MacArthur led a brilliant amphibious assault that destroyed most of the North Korean army in the South. Truman now had hopes of unifying Korea. The US attempted to cross into North Korea but were vehemently driven out by a Chinese counterattack. MacArthur was removed from his post due to his enduring ambitions to invade North Korea. The war brought about a massive US rearmament and further entrenched tensions among SU and US.

Carpetbaggers vs. Scalawags

Large majority were former Union soldiers who decided to remain in the South before the war ended. Some are corrupt white adventurers looking to reap the benefits of the south however not the majority. Others investors in railroads and and lands. Traitor white Republicans living in the South Most were non-slaveholding white farmers or Unionists


Largest battle ever fought on the North American continent. On July 3, confederate forces led by Major General George E Pickett's crack division, marched across an open field to the Union forces. Nearly half of his 14,000 men did not return

George Pullman

Lavish sleeping cars which became popular- represented the new railroads which brought greater comfort, safety, and speed

Civil Rights Act of 1968

Law that banned discrimination in housing

Jim Crow Laws

Laws aimed at separating the races: laws forbade marriage b/w blacks and whites and established many other restrictions on social and religious b/w the races. Derived from the ruling of the supreme court case of Plessy vs. Ferguson (ruled that segregation was legal- separate but equal notion)

Nat Turner Rebellion

Leader of slave rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia- a preacher and a prophet who believed that God had given him a sign that the time was ripe to strike for freedom. Killed nearly 60 whites

William James, Pragmatism

Leading American psychologist and philosopher who laid the foundations of modern behavioral psychology which stressed the importance of the environment on human development- developed psychological theory of fundamentalism

General Robert E. Lee

Leading southern commander who was a brilliant battlefield tactician and confident of his ability to fend off attacks by larger Union forces.

John Calhoun/ The South Carolina Exposition

Leading theorist of nullification- powerful defendant of southern sectionalism. Drafted Exposition and Protest in which the SC legislature justified nullification (similar to kentucky and virginia resolutions). Calhoun's influence in the presidency waned while Martin Van Burren emerged as the presidents closest adviser.

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

New Hampshire had attempted to take over Dartmouth College by revising its colonial charter. The Court ruled that the charter was protected under the contract clause of the U. S. Constitution; upholds the sanctity of contracts.

New Nationalism vs. New Freedom

New Nationalism= filtering good trusts from bad trusts and relatively high federal government intervention New Freedom: advocating for a return to competition, stifling all trusts, and separating from high federal government intervention


New Soviet Leader!- Mikhail Gorbachev- moved towards greater political freedom for russian citizens and restructuring the soviet economy by including some free markets. - led him to forsake the costly arms race and focus on own russian economy He also pulled out Soviets from Afghanistan and agreed to an arms treaty

Father Charles Couglin

Roman Catholic priest from Detroit who had originally supported FDR- talked on a radio station in which he appealed to the discontented with a mixture of monetary schemes and anti-semitism (called for nationalization of banks)

Election of 1980

Ronald Reagan, well known movie and tv actor- attacked the Dem party big gov solutions and the loss of US prestige. His election win broke up a key element of the New Deal coalition (marked as end of half century of Dem dominance- transition into an age of PP) Platform: lower taxes, reduce gov spending, build up army, create a more conservative federal court, etc Reaganomics: Contrasted with keynesian economics Unions: Took a firm stand Recession: inflation declined but unemployment rose

Kinsey Report- sexual revolution

Sexual Behavior in the Human Female was based on personal interviews with approximately 6,000 women. Kinsey analyzed data for the frequency with which women participate in various types of sexual activity and looked at how factors such as age, social-economic status and religious adherence influence sexual behavior.

Sherman's March to the Sea

Sherman's forces destroyed military targets as well as industry, infrastructure, and civilian property. Military historian David J. Eicher wrote that Sherman "defied military principles by operating deep within enemy territory and without lines of supply or communication. He destroyed much of the South's physical and psychological capacity to wage war."[1]- he seized Atlanta for the union

George Kennan- Containment

Shift in foreign policy came when General George Marshall became secretary of state- he came to rely heavily on Dean Acheson and George Kennan. Kennan, after his years of exposure to the situation in Russia, advocated for a policy of containment arguing at only strong and sustained resistance could halt the outward flow of Russian power. Advocated for a long term, patient but firm, and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies so as to adopt more reasonable policies down the road with SU.

City Commission Plan

Shifted power from the mayor and his aldermen to five city commissioners each responsible for a different department of city government. Commissions improved urban infrastructure, expanded city services, and strengthened the financial health of the cities.

Civil Rights Act 1964

Signed by Johnson which prohibited discrimination because of race, religion, national origin, and gender. Gave all citizens the right to enter libraries, parks, washrooms, restaurants, theaters, and other public accommodations.- outlawed Jim Crow Laws

Mayflower Compact

Signed on 1620 aboard the Mayflower before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth in which the document committed the group to majority-rule government. (Mission statement for the colony/ goals on how to work together)

Hepburn/ Elkins Act

Significantly increased the power of the ICC rate review and enforcement. Also Roosevelt supported Pure Food and Drug Act which protected public from dangerous food, and also passed the Meat Inspection Act which committed the gov to monitoring the quality and safety of meat being sold

Wilson Presidency

Significantly reduced the tariff, federal reserve act (Federal reserve established regional banks each controlled by private banks in region. Also federal reserve board which worked towards a more public influence), clayton anti-trust act (Wilson supported the weakening of the trust act having decided that the breakup of large industry was not practical. (Wilson morphed into new nationalist), and keating owen act-outlawed child labor

Rachel Carson- Silent Spring

Silent Spring is a book written by Rachel Carson and published by Houghton Mifflin on September 27, 1962.[1] The book is widely credited with helping launch the contemporary American environmental movement.[2]

Dutch Colonization

Similar to the French in the sense that they were more dependent on Indians as trading partners and allies and as a result they allowed the indians more freedom. The Dutch in general enjoyed freedom of press and religion and New Netherland was a haven for those religiously oppressed.

Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse

Sitting Bull: One of the leaders of the Sioux tribe. He was a medicine man " as wily as he was influential." He became a prominent Indian leader during the Sioux War from 1876-1877.( The war was touched off when a group of miners rushed into the Black Hills of South Dakota in 1875.) The well-armed warriors at first proved to be a superior force. During Custer's Last Stand in 1876, Sitting Bull was " making medicine" while another Indian, Crazy Horse, led the Sioux. When more whites arrived at the Battle of Little Big Horn, Sitting Bull and the other Sioux we forced into Canada. Crazy Horse: After surrendering to U.S. troops under General Crook in 1877, Crazy Horse was fatally wounded by a military guard while allegedly resisting imprisonment at Camp Robinson in present-day Nebraska.

Middle Passage/ African Diaspora

Slave's voyage across the Atlantic filled with horrific living conditions for the slaves. Known as the middle passage due to the fact that it was a part of the triangular trade route the linked Europe, Africa, and America. Diaspora refers to the communities throughout the world that descended from the historic movement of people from Africa, mostly those who were enslaved and taken to the Americas along the Atlantic slave trade. Note: most slaves were in South America due to the sugar cash crop and short life span of slaves (needed constant replenishing)

Slavery and the Revolution

Slavery and freedom juxtaposed- ironic that slavery could coexist with revolution. An engrained economic institution in society nonetheless

Texas Revolution

Slavery had been banned and practiced Catholicism however American settlers bent the rules- Mexican gov eventually banned future emigration from the U.S. General Antonio de Lopez de Santa Anna sent an army in 1835 to impose central authority in Texas sparking a chaotic revolt.

George Creel- CPI

Socialist party became a rally call for antiwar sentiment-Wilson administration created the Committee on Public Information (CPI) to explain to Americans and the world the cause of America going to war (director was George Creel). CPI flooded the country with pro-war propaganda. Tried to manipulate the opinions of the masses. CPI claimed that the war was being fought in the great cause of freedom. Germany was the antithesis of the propaganda.

Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth was the self-given name, from 1843 onward, of Isabella Baumfree, an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist.

Women in the 1920s- Sheppard Towner Act

Solely a 1% increase in women in work force- most had low paying jobs ranging from stenographers to maids. The number of women doctors decreased even though women earned nearly 1/3 of all graduate degrees. Women deviated from Victorian mold and led to a sharp rise in divorce rate. Also a youth movement Provided for federal aid to establish state programs for maternal and infant health crate.

Assumption of State Debts/ Capitol Compromise

Some states had already paid their revolutionary debts and Ham's program seemed to reward certain stages (Mass and SC). Also people believed that this was a ploy to enrich his close knit friends. Capital moved to Potomac River in order to stimulate the depressed economy of northern Virginia if people changed vote on the assumption of state debt

Immigration act of 1965

Sought to bring in immigrants who could enhance the US economy as well as it ended unfair race-based quotas and sought to mend broken families- unintentionally provided for more families than entrepreneureske immigrants.

Iron Curtain- Soviet Satellites

Soviet Expansion in eastern europe- essentially drawing an iron curtain to conceal their attempts at communist expansion

Charles Beard

Studied founding fathers and believed that they were motivated more by economic than philosophical principle

Malcolm X

Studied the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, the head of the Nation of Islam or the Black Muslims. Pro violence for self defense and believed in a more confrontational strategy than MLK. He broke away from the Nation of Islam to form his own group and traveled to Mecca which changed his views drastically. This sparked his "ballots or bullets" slogan but he believed that ballots should first be tried. Malcom X was shot at the age of 39 by most likely a muslim brotherhood member

W.E.B Dubois (Talented Tenth)

Study in which he found that crime stemmed from the environment in which blacks lived in. Change the environment and you would change the people too (stressed education)-wanted equal rights for all and believed that the talent tenth (group of qualified blacks) could help lead the rest of the population in a coalition for equality.

Andrew Johnson

Succesor of Abhram Lincoln, champion of "honest yeoman" and a foe of large planters. Also strong defender of the Union. Only senator from a seceeded state to remain at his post in D.C. during Civil War. Lincoln had him as a running mate for symbolic reasons. He was stubborn and unable to compromise. Also a fervant believer in state's rights. Believed African Americans had no role to play in Reconstruction. Reconstruction plan: Issued a series of proclamations that began the Reconstruction period. Issued a pardon to nearly all white southerners who took an oath of allegiance however this excluded Confederate leaders and wealthy planters. Nonetheless, most of those exempted soon received individual pardons from the President. Also appointed provisional governors in the South and ordered them to call state conventions elected by whites alone. Apart from the requirements that they abolish slavery, repudiate secession, and refuse to pay the Confederate debt, the south was granted a free hand in managing local affairs.

Election of 1972

Success of southern strategy and foreign policy achievements

Paris Summit-1960/ U-2 shut down (Francis Powers)

Summit 1960 Paris: This was supposed to be a big deal in which it was hoped that the U.S and SU would agree to arms control, but instead a U-2 high altitude spy plane flown by Francis Gary Powers was shot down by the SU two weeks before the summit was supposed to convene. The U.S had been routinely spying on the SU since 1956 with these planes, and Ike owned up to the high altitude espionage, to which Kruschev responded by denouncing Ike. Ike was depressed by the breakup of the summit and spent the rest of his presidency playing golf.

Iron Law of Wages- David Ricardo

Supply and demand, not the welfare of their workers, dictated wages (coined by David Ricardo)

Robert B Taney

Supreme Court Justice during Dred Scott case Said Scott, all blacks were not citizens Congress had no power to restrict slavery in territories

American System

The plan "consisted of three mutually reinforcing parts: a tariff to protect and promote American industry; a national bank to foster commerce; and federal subsidies for roads, canals, and other 'internal improvements' to develop profitable markets for agriculture."[1] Congressman Henry Clay was the plan's foremost proponent and the first to refer to it as the "American System". (Madison was against internal improvements funded by the federal gov)

Lecompton Constitution

The pro-slavery constitution suggested for Kansas' admission to the union. It was rejected.

King Cotton Diplomacy/ Trent Affair

The process in which the confederate states tried to suppress cotton production. This has a striking aftermath in which not only did GB not intervene but also this led to an overproduction of cotton and a decline in its price as a result. Trent Affair- Almost led to GB intervention into the war (impressed british sailors?) The Trent Affair, also known as the Mason and Slidell Affair, was an international diplomatic incident that occurred during the American Civil War. On November 8, 1861, the USS San Jacinto, commanded by Union Captain Charles Wilkes, intercepted the British mail packet RMS Trent and removed, as contraband of war, two Confederate diplomats, James Mason and John Slidell. The envoys were bound for Great Britain and France to press the Confederacy's case for diplomatic recognition in Europe.

Signs of Economic Weaknesses

The revolution in consumer goods disguised the decline of many traditional industries of 1920s. Railroads, over-capitalized and poorly managed, suffered from internal woes and from competition. Coal industry also troubled with petroleum and natural gas beginning to replace coal as fuel. Cotton textile use on decline, etc. Agriculture hardest hit of all- used to mass production for war but one exports cut back, led to huge losses. In general wages increased only slightly. Union membership decline as well. Black workers remained at the bottom of the social hierarchy

Agricultural Adjustment Act

The secretary of Agriculture, Henry A. Wallace, devised this mediocre plan. It strove to raise crop prices by decreasing overproduction. It encouraged farmers to take land out of production by paying them subsidies which were funded for by taxing processors of the goods. This led to the destruction of crops and livestock at a time when thousands were starving, however, this criticism is exaggerated. This benefited large farmers who could afford to farm more efficiently on fewer acres of land, but it hurt tenants and sharecroppers whose land was subsidies, leaving them without a job; it improved the efficiency of American agriculture at a cost. It was found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Butler V U.S, declaring the tax of processors to fund the subsidies unconstitutional. It was brought back in smaller forms later, and the system of allotments financed directly by the government became a standard feature of the farm economy- did lead to smaller harvests and rising prices which boosted fan income.

Test Ban Treaty of 1963

This outlawed Nuclear tests in the atmosphere while permitting them underground in part due to a concern that they may be damaging to the environment. This was part of JFK and Kruschev's cooperation to prevent a future war, and was what JFK considered his greatest achievement.

Teller Amendment (more)

This proviso was passed after Congress essentially declared war on Spain for its actions in Cuba. This legislation declared to the world that the US had overthrown Spanish misrule and would give Cubans their freedom. The US honored it in 1902, and withdrew from Cuba.

New Frontier

This was JFK's reform plan, involved reforms to health care, education, federal aid, and other PP stuff. However, most of these reforms weren't passed due to a logjam in Congress because of a traditional conservative roadblock, and Kennedy inherited a stagnant economy and rising unemployment. This economy would be stimulated by the greatly increased appropriations for defense and SPACE. (Name of his reform program) He was a stickler for justice within business realm (scuffle with US Steel raising price).

Europe First

The Allied Strategy to focus on defeating the Nazi's before the U.S focused on Japan. This was due in part to Germany and Italy declaring war on the U.S three days after Pearl Harbor. This angered some Americans who were outraged by Pearl Harbor.

American Protective Association

The American Protective Association (APA) was an American anti-Catholic secret society established in 1887 by Canadian Protestants. It was strongest in the Midwest, and came under heavy attack from Democrats until its collapse in the mid-1890s.- worked to limit or end immigration (nativist view point)

De Lome Letter/ The Maine

The American battleship Maine was destroyed in Havana Harbor with the loss of 270 lives. The Yellow Press claimed Spain and insisted on retribution- led to McKinley declaring war to aid cuban patriots in their struggle for liberty and freedom (De Lome letter)- A letter in which Spanish Minister refers to McKinley as weak which was inflamed by the yellow press. Stirred support for intervention in Cuba

Beatniks Jack Kerouac/ Allen Ginsberg

The Beats: They were a small group of poets and writers who rallied against main stream culture, with works like On the Road and Howl (they celebrated impulsive actions- precursor to 60s hippies?) Jean-Louis "Jack" Kérouac (pron.: /ˈkɛruːæk/ or /ˈkɛrɵæk/; March 12, 1922 - October 21, 1969) was an American novelist and poet. He is considered a literary iconoclast and, alongside William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, a pioneer of the Beat Generation.[2] Kerouac is recognized for his spontaneous method of writing, covering topics such as Catholic spirituality, jazz, promiscuity, Buddhism, drugs, poverty, and travel.

John Spargo, the Bitter Cry of the Children

The Bitter Cry of the Children; Journalist and novelist, he wrote of the unfair treatment of children used as child labor. Stressed better education, better schools and teachers.

Richard Nixon-checkers speech

The Checkers speech or Fund speech was an address made on September 23, 1952 by the Republican vice presidential candidate, California Senator Richard Nixon. Senator Nixon had been accused of improprieties relating to a fund established by his backers to reimburse him for his political expenses.- said he would keep the dog checkers

City Manager Plan (overseer)

The city manager was designed to stop such issues from unfolding-policy implementation rested with a "chief executive". This official, not elected but appointed by commissioners, would curtail rivalries between commissioners and ensure that no outside influences interfered with management of city.

Henry Clay/ John Q Adams

The corrupt bargain in which Clay helped elected Adams into presidency and Adams repaid Clay the favor by selecting him as his secretary of state marred the reputations of both of these men. Clay was unable to become president as a result of his tainted reputation.

Frederick Douglas

The escaped slave who became an abolitionist orator lead the associations for the advancement and liberation of African Americans. Negro convention movement provided an important forum for independent black expression. The North Star, founded by Douglas in 1847 gave black writers a chance to preach their gospel of liberation to black readers.

Marshall Plan

The financial issues following the war led to feelings among the Western Countries that the adoption of communism was not so farfetched. Growing communist voting strength was found in France and Italy. The plan was massive infusion of American capital to finance the economic recovery of Europe. Russia was even offered in the plan for aid. The Czech coup scare spurred the argument in the US favor. The plan led to a broad industrial revival in western Europe the diminished the threat of communism in western Europe.

House of Burgesses

The first elected assembly in colonial America (only landowners could vote) In VA and established by VA company

Differences b/w 1st and 2nd industrial revolution

The first industrial revolution laid the foundation for the second industrial revolution...New emphasis on consumer production through automobiles, appliances, furniture, and clothing. Standard of living surpassed that of any other nation, and American workers became the highest paid in history. Technology made this possible engineered by the various entrepreneurs of the first revolution (i.e Carnagie, rockefeller, etc)

Bear Flag Republic

The government established by American settlers in California following a rebellion in 1846.


The kidnapping/ seizure of American ships on the high seas. British forced Americans to serve the king and failed to honor American neutrality. (Jefferson believed in neutrality while Hamilton believed in supporting Great Britain)

New Imperialism

The last quarter of the 19th century is known as the period of imperialism. After 1870, new imperialism arose, dominated by European powers and Japan. Belgium, Great Britain, and France consolidated their hold on colonies in Africa. Justification for expansion of imperial power was that it would bring modern civilization to the supposedly "backward" peoples of the non-European world. The so called natives would be instructed in Western values, labor practices, and the Christian religion. Empire however was another name for exploitation

Cherokee/ Sequoyah

The main Indian tribe of the "Five Civilized Tribes". In Georgia they made remarkable efforts to adopt the "white" ways of life as they abandoned their semi-nomadic life and formed a government. This tribe was the most important in the Indian attempts at "Americanization". Cherokee Indian, best known for inventing a system for writing the Cherokee language.

American Temperance Society/ Maine Laws

The most successful of the reform movements in which total abstinence from alcohol was called for (alcoholism during the 19th century had reached epidemic proportions) First law passed for temperance movement prohibiting the sale of alcohol except for medical, mechanical or manufacturing purposes

Nixon Doctrine

The notion that Asian allies in the future will receive US support but without the extensive use of US ground forces

Panama Canal Treaty

Tried to negotiate a new treaty in regards to the panama canal- gave way to a gradual process of giving power of the canal to the panama people

Lord Baltimore/ MD act of toleration

Tried to retain Catholicism in Maryland (tried to retain MD as a haven for the religiously persecuted). MD act of toleration (also known as act concerning religion) nstitutionalized the principle of toleration giving all Christians free practice of their own religion.

Truman Doctrine

Truman tried to scare the American people in order to garner support for the new policy of containment, and stated that it must be the policy of the U.S to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation. It was an informal declaration of war against the SU, and used the bolstering of Turkey and Greece's democracies to build a national consensus for the policy of containment. Spurred by civil war in Greece and argued that the corruption of Greece could produce a domino effect. The doctrine allowed for the US to provide military and economic assistance to Greece and Turkey.

Conquest of Ireland

Trying to convert the irish to Protestantism. Henry VIII played a large role int he conquest of Ireland. Served as an experiment before English would colonize the New World. Their efforts in Ireland however gave them a late start at discovery in the Americas.

Washington Farewell Address

Two Warnings: Warned against political factions and to avoid permanent alliances with distant nations that had no interest in promoting American security (foreign policy issues)-Speech written by Hamilton to promote Fed. cause in the forthcoming election

Nixon v JFK debates

Two candidates faced each other in the first televised debate b/w presidential candidates. Kennedy looked a lot more fresh and composed than Nixon on the nationalized debates and he was a lot more prepared. Kennedy was viewed as calm, knowledgeable, and confident while Nixon was viewed as nervous, unsure, and tense.

Sacco and Vanzetti

Two italian aliens in Mass who were arrested for a payroll robbery and murder. They faced a prosecutor and jury who condemned them more for their ideas than for any evidence of criminal conduct. They were executed despite having only circumstantial evidence against them.

Old vs. New Immigrants

While some came from farms and small towns, many more came abroad from Europe where unemployment, food shortages, and increasing threats of war sent millions fleeing. Often already knew someone in the U.S. By 1890 15% of population was foreign born Beginning in 1880s, the source of immigrants shifted drastically away from northern and western europe to southern and eastern Europe such as Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia, etc-these new immigrants tended to be catholic or jews rather than protestants-troubled society, especially nativists (escaping religious, social, etc persecution)

Legacy of the New Deal and FDR

Why it was good: No revolution occurred, FDR's leadership restored America's pride and faith in government, relieved the worst of the GD, its acts are still important today, citizens could retain their self respect, helped lessen economic stratification. Why it was bad(criticisms): Bureaucracy grew far too large, states power weakened even more, national debt doubled, it was socialisty, unemployment never went below 16%, DIDN'T CURE THE DEPRESSION, WWII did. Nothing DRASTIC was done by FDR and his measures helped those established in society more so than those without a voice/ marginalized

Election of 1840/ William Henry Harrison (first whig?)

William Henry Harrison elected instead of Henry Clay. Harrison's running made was John Tyler. Upon receiving office, Harrison got ill with pneumonia and died a month later leaving John Tyler the new president. He essentially had no political party (leaned more democrat?)- he vetoed nearly measures proposed to him and had no accomplishments as a president.

William Levitt, Levittown

William Leavitt (Levittowns): He built the first Levittown on 1200 acres in Long island, which made him the most famous suburban developer. He made quickly assembled houses from prefabricated parts and priced them within reach of most Americans. However, the houses all looked exactly the same, and while some found this disconcerting, in the age of the red scare, conforming wasn't seen as a bad thing.- spurred the creation of malls

"Forty Acres and a Mule"

William Sherman's Special Field Order- Set aside the Sea Islands and a large area along SC and GA coasts for the settlement of black families on forty acre plots of land. Also offered them broken-down mules that the army could no longer use. -phrase "40 acres and a mule" derived from this. Johnson eventually forced blacks to return the property to whites. (Note same person who during the civil war conducted his march to the sea)

Homestead Strike

Workers surrounded the Homestead steel plant and resisted efforts from Pinkerton detectives (who in reality were unskilled workers). Workers eventually took control of the homestead however most last their job in the process- in response to Carnagie cutting wages by 20%.

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Written by Jefferson and Madison who believed Federalists were becoming too powerful; formal protests • Kentucky Resolutions- Jefferson; believed the states had the power to nullify their own authority (doctrine of nullification); compact theory • Virginia Resolutions- Madison- more temperate stand than Jefferson; urged states to defend the rights of the American people; resisted notion that a single state legislature could or should have the authority to overthrow federal law

Theodore Dreiser, The Finance and the Titan

Wrote two novels "The Financier" and "The Titan" which portrayed the avarice and ruthlessness of an industrialist. ( again more progressive spirit)

Women Suffrage and in the West

Wyoming became the first state to grant women suffrage then along with other western states-Success in the west was based on the conviction that women would tame and civilize the frontier (notion that women were not equal but different and needed in society) Alice Paul played a huge role in the passage of the 19th amendment- picketed White House during Wilson's presidency

Zachary Taylor/ Winfield Scott

ZT: War hero who defeated Santa Anna's army at the Battle of Buena Vista/ Leader of American troops during Mexican war, leader at nueces and Rio Grante rivers; 12th U.S. President. 1849-1850 (Died in office of intestinal infection). Whig WS: When the Mexican government still refused to negotiate, Polk ordered American forces under Scott to march to Mexico City. Eventually occupied the nation's capital. He was also a Whig, ran for president in 1852; United States general who was a hero of the War of 1812 and who defeated Santa Anna in the Mexican War; Wrote Anaconda plan

League of Nations In Action

U.S never joined the League, and neither did the SU (Soviet Union) and Germany. Because these large powers took no part in the League, it was essentially crippled, and really only helped settle disputes between small powers, when larger powers like Japan were involved, it didn't work out. Failed to stop Japanese, Italian, and German aggression, and would be replaced by the UN after WWII.

Samuel Chase

accused of treason, justice of supreme court who frequently attacked republican politics, jefferson leapt at the chance to remove him from office, indicted of impeachment, acquitted of all charges

10th Amendment

addressed states' relation to federal system

John Brown's Raid- Harper's Ferry

an abolitionist who attempted to lead a slave revolt by capturing Armories in southern territory and giving weapons to slaves, was hung in Harpers Ferry after capturing an Armory martyr for antislavery cause

Jeffersonian Principles vs. Reality as President

members of an opposition party during the presidency of john adams, insisted on a strict interpretation of the constitution, peaceful foreign relations, and a reduction of the role of the federal government in the lives of the average citizen. Wanted to cut national debt as well. However as exemplified by the LA purchase, disobeyed his own principles. Also vigorously regulated the economy and put that nation at the brink of war

Chesapeake- Leopold Affair

ship of royal navy, the leopard, commanded american warship to submit to a search for deserters, captain of chesapeake refused to cooperate, leopard opened fire, violated sovereignty of united states, americans wanted revenge

Nashville Convention

meeting of representatives of nine southern states in the summer of 1850 to monitor the negotiations over the Compromise of 1850; it called for extension of the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific Ocean and a stronger Fugitive Slave Law. The convention accepted the Compromise but laid the groundwork for a southern confederacy in 1860-1861.

Land-grant colleges/ Morrill Act

(1862)-gave large land grants of land to the states for the establishment of colleges to teach agriculture and the mechanic arts-fostered 69 land grant institutions including university of Wisc, Cal, Min, and IL.

Chinese Exclusion Act

(1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while allowing students and merchants to immigrate.

Medgar Evans

A NAACP field secretary of WW II veteran who was assassinated

Cornelius Vanderbilt

"Commodore"- a crusty old multimillionaire from the shipping business and owner of the NY Central Railroad. Merged the NY Central railroad with other lines to provide a track from NYC to Buffalo and Chicago. When he died his Central operated more than 4500 miles of track.

TR- big stick diplomacy

"Speak softly and carry a big stick"- pursued a policy of intervention in Central America The "big stick" symbolizes his power and readiness to use military force if necessary. It is a way of intimidating countries without actually harming them.

James Madison

"father of the constitution", preserved notes on convention proceedings and took every measure to ensure accuracy, complained judicial review was never intended and can never be proper (drew up the VA plan) (General-leading figure at Constitutional convention; devised the Virginia Plan (model for Constitution- slightly modified); Secretary of State under Jefferson; President that succeeded Jefferson (Democratic-Republican); lacked necessary qualities for effective leadership; president during conflict between France and Britain and during War of 1812

Elijah P. Lovejoy

Antislavery editor who, in 1937, while attempting to defend himself and his printing press from a mob in IL, he was shot and killed

Alfred Thayer Mahan- The Interest of American Sea Power

Author who argued in 1890 that the economic future of the United States rested on new overseas markets protected by a larger navy. Wrote "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History"

Election of 1912

(4 people ran during this election) Woodrow Wilson-unexpected Progressive (had religious grounds for his views). Won the democratic nomination and eventually the presidency William Taft was renominated by Repubs Teddy Roosevelt created his own party after losing the Republican nomination- Bull Moose Party Eugene Debs ran on the Socialist ticket

Rosa Parks/ Montgomery Bus Boycott

(Plotted/ planned out affair) refused to move when a bus driver instructed her and others to get out of their seats and allow whites to have them. She was arrested but sparked a boycott of buses in the process. (NAACP officer) African americans boycotted buses for 381 days remaining nonviolent and walking or carpooling to get to places. In late 1956 the Supreme Court outlawed bus segregation in response to a lawsuit filed by the boycotters.

Thomas Jefferson

(Sec of state) Background: Hero in revolution-idealist behind revolution (Dec of Ind) Personality: Shy, reserved Faith in People: Optimistic view of common man Greatest threat to repub: Monarchy (aristocracy) Vision of America's Future: World power-rural agrarian republic Gov Power: Powers remain in hands of states-antifed views Role of Fed Gov: Hands off capitalism (should stay out) Constitution Interpretation: Strict word for word view Euro Ally: France Support: Strongest in South among planter class, Western pioneers, and debtors Partners: James Madison Political Party: Jeffersonian Republicans or Democratic Republicans

Alexander Hamilton

(sec of treasury) Background: Hero in the revolution-Washington's primary aid during the revolution/born in West Indies Personality: Exhibitionist (charming, courageous, ambitious,etc). Faith in People: Pessimistic view (did not trust people but believed in natural aristocracy) Greatest threat to republicanism: Anarchy/ mobocracy Vision of America's Future: Industrial economy with big cities Role of Fed Gov: Sees a need for strong national gov to encourage and aid business (very involved) Constitution: Loose interpretation- expand gov powers Euro Ally: Great Britain Support: Strongest Northeast (manufacturers, merchants financiers, and creditors) Partners: Adams Political Party: Federalist

"Toward an Urban Society"


16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments

16th: This constitutional amendment established a federal income tax in 1913. 17th: U.S senate was obliged to approve this amendment mandating the direct election of senators. 18th: Prohibiting the manufacture of and sale of intoxicating liquor. (volstead act- This 1920 law defined the liquor forbidden under the Eighteenth Amendment and gave enforcement responsibilities to the Prohibition Bureau of the Department of the Treasury.) 19th: This constitutional amendment established women's suffrage in 1920. (Achieved with the enduring efforts of Alice Paul (hunger strikes, picketing white house, etc) and Carrie Catt

Treaty of Paris

1763, ended the french and indian war, almost fulfilled pitt's dreams. (William Pitt was the most powerful minister in george II's cabinet, self-confident, saved british empire, became head of ministry in december 1756

Statistics on Slavery

1850, 30% of the population of white southerners belong to slave-owning families and in 1860 this number dropped to only 25%. Planters were a minority (considered people who owned 20 or more slaves -12% of the slaveowners and 4% of total southern white population) Majority southerners did not own slaves

My Lai Massacre- Lieutenant William Calley, Jr

1968, in which American troops had brutally massacred innocent women and children in the village of My Lai, also led to more opposition to the war.

Watergate Scandal

1972, a group of men hired by Nixon's reelection committee were caught breaking into the offices of the Dem National Headquarters (CREEP-committee to reelect the president) Also created groups called plumbers who would stop leaks of classified info regarding the Vietnam war / also created an enemies list

Proslavery Argument

1: slavery was the natural and proper status for people of African descent due to the fact that blacks were innately inferior to whites. 2: slavery was held to be sanctioned by the Bible and Christianity- also could be a way to spread their religion. 3: Slavery was consistent with humanitarian spirt of the 19th century and the notion that blacks were naturally dependent led to the "perpetual child" concept

Great Migration

21,000 Puritans came to MA to escape religious persecution (considered non-separatists?) Spearheaded by John Winthrop. In total 80,000 people left England

John Q. Adams (Sec of State v. President)

6th president of the United States. He described himself as "a man of cold, austere and foreboding manners." He believed strongly in the American System. Had a much more impressive secretary of state position that presidential experience (highly involved in the Monroe Doctrine)- as president spent the most money on internal improvements. Envisioned US as converting to metric system, creating a national university, etc. (Sec. of State under Monroe; drafted the Monroe Doctrine; president after Monroe; election of 1824: accused of "corrupt bargain" with Clay (bartering critical votes in presidential contest for a public office- Sec. of State was stepping stone for presidency); election of 1828: between JQ Adams and Jackson- vigorous (and dirtiest) campaigning)

Black Power

Derived from Carmichael and a slogan which electrified marchers. A call for black identity and pride.

Gadsden Purchase

A parcel of additional land bought from Mexico in 1853 (southern day Arizona and New Mexico) and Alaska in 1867.

Lost Generation

A phrase made popular by American author Ernest Hemingway in his first published novel The Sun Also Rises. Often it is used to refer to a group of American literary notables who lived in Paris and other parts of Europe, some after military service in the First World War. Figures identified with the "Lost Generation" include authors and poets F. Scott Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Ezra Pound, Sherwood Anderson, Waldo Peirce, and John Dos Passos. It also refers to the time period from the end of World War I to the beginning of the Great Depression. More generally, the term is used for the generation of young people coming of age in the United States during and shortly after World War I- critics of 20s as a period of commercialism, uniformity, materialism, etc

American Indian Movement Alcatraz/ Wounded Knee

AIM's takeover of the abandoned prison on Alcatraz island as well as Wounded Knee were militant actions by this group

Bacon's Rebellion ("giddy multitude")

Accelerated black slavery. A rebellion directed at Berkeley and his system of rule by Nathaniel Bacon, a wealthy and ambitious planter who called for the removal of all indians, the decrease in taxes, and the end to the rule by "grandees". Bacon gained support from small farmers, landless men, indentured servants, and even some Africans ("Giddy Multitude"). Virginia shifted labor to blacks to avoid another uprise.

Voting Rights Act 1965/ 24th Amendment

Act eliminated the literacy tests that had disqualified so many voters. 60% eligible voters by 1968. Ended the poll tax in elections

Boston Tea Party/ Intolerable Acts

Act in which a group of colonists disguised as indians boarded 3 ships in Boston Harbor and dumped more than 300 chests of tea into the water (equivalent to a loss of 4 million dollars today) Parliament closed the port after the Boston Tea Party until all of the tea was paid for and also enabled British troops to lodge in private colonial homes


Act of kidnapping sailors on ships carrying a US flag

Fireside Chats

Addressed the nation by radio about what he had done with the banks. In general, FDR's guile and charisma would win him public support for his New Deal reforms, talking to them on the radio and helping them make decisions that boosted the economy. His first Fireside Chat helped get people to begin trusting banks again.

Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives

Describes the rough living conditions that many immigrants and lower class individuals had to endure- including the Dumbbell Tenements

Dorothea Dix

Devoted her energies and skills to publicizing the inhumane treatment prevailing in prisons, almshouses, and insane asylums and to lobbying for corrective action. (one of most effective of all pre-civil war reformers)

William Taft (1908- TR decided not to run another term)

Did not lower tariffs which created issues Also viewed all trusts as bad

Central Powers vs. Allied Powers

Allies- Britain, France, Russia, and Japan Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman empire

Missouri Compromise

Allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state, Maine to enter the union as a free state, prohibited slavery north of latitude 36˚ 30' within the Louisiana Territory (1820).-proposed by Henry Clay

Initiative, referendum, recall, australian/ secret ballot

Allowed reformers to put before voters in general elections legislation that state legislatures had not yet approved Gave voters the right in general elections to repeal an unpopular act that a state legislature had passed A device that allowed voters to remove from office any public servant who had betrayed his trust. Otherwise known as the secret ballot which required voters to vote in private rather than in public. Also required the government to supervise the voting (in the past political coercion and intimidating tactics were utilized)

Robert Fulton

American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat. (Made possible upstream commerce)

Separation of powers/ checks and balances

Among the divisions of Congress- House (state apportionment) VS. Senate (equal representation)

Force Bill/ Compromise Tariff of 1833

Authorize Jackson to use the army and navy to collect custom duties. A new tariff of 1832 was passed and SC proceeded to call the tax null and refused to pay it. Reduced the tariff duties which led to SC to revoke its nullification however it nullified the force bill

Three Mile Island Love Canal Clean Air Act/ Clean Water Act EPA

An accident that occurred at a power plant in Penn which caused a turn in public support for building nuclear power plants Superfund created to clean up toxic dumps Clean Air Act passed in 1970 which created EPA and passed the Clean Water Act (All during Nixon?)

Mann-Elkins Act

An act passed under Taft's presidency which bolstered the regulatory powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission and supported labor reforms. It gave the ICC the power to prosecute its own inquiries into violations of its regulations.

Adams-Onis Treaty/ Seminole Indians

An agreement in 1819 in which Spain gave over control of the territory of Florida to the United States This treaty was negotiated in response to Andrew Jackson's incursion into Florida to stop the raids of the Seminole Indians on U.S. settlements along the border.

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Grain Embargo/ Olympic embargo

An agressive action that ended a decade of improving US-Soviet relations- carter placed an embargo on grain exports and boycotted the 1980 Moscow olympics

Freedom Riders

An attempt to test the Supreme Court's decisions banning segregated seating on bus routes reasoning that if they provoked violent reactions, the Kennedy administration would have to enforce the law. Faced angry mobs and were brutally beaten

Panic of 1837

An economic collapse in the U.S followed by a depression that lasted till 1843. By 1842 9 states had defaulted on their debts (Jackson had separated both the federal and state from the economy)- in response to the pet banks?

Frederick Douglas

An escaped slave who became entrenched in the abolitionist movement and wrote a narrative exposing the horrors of his experiences as a slave

Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B DuBois

An exslave who put into practice his educational ideas at Tuskegee which opened in 1881. Began with limited funds, 4 run down buildings, and only 30 students-by 1900 was a model industrial and agricultural school with 46 buildings (notion that blacks should prove to be worthy to the whites and reach own economic independence)-Atlanta Compromise which would be working towards self improvement (accommodationist) Study in which he found that crime stemmed from the environment in which blacks lived in. Change the environment and you would change the people too (stressed education)-wanted equal rights for all

Booker T Washington

An exslave who put into practice his educational ideas at Tuskegee which opened in 1881. Began with limited funds, 4 run down buildings, and only 30 students-by 1900 was a model industrial and agricultural school with 46 buildings (notion that blacks should prove to be worthy to the whites and reach own economic independence)-Atlanta Compromise which would be working towards self improvement (viewed as an accomodationist/ assimiliationist)

Peggy O'Neal, John Eaton

An innkeeper's daughter and wife of Jackson's secretary of war. Scandal surrounding the death of her first husband caused her to be ostracized by the women of official Washington. Jackson and Van Buren's support of her brought about the fall of Jackson's first cabinet./ A woman who had an affair with and married John Eaton three months before he took office as secretary of war. She was criticized by Calhoun. She was defended by President Jackson and Secretary of State Van Buren. Jackson used as excuse to fire cabinet

Stono Rebellion

An uprising in south carolina by slaves that led to a severe tightening of the slave code and the temporary imposition of a prohibitive tax on imported slaves. september 1739 a group of SC slaves, seized store with weapons in town of Stono, marched toward florida and burnt houses and killed whites while shouting liberty, led to tightening of SC slave code

Presidential vs. Congressional Reconstruction

Andrew Johnson had a differing view of reconstruction that that of congress- thus marked one of the most heated relations b/w a president and congress in US history- Johnson advocated for very lenient reconstruction policies that were devoid of black influence or intention while Congress wanted a stricter hold on the South

Mexican War

Annexation of Texas was catalyst for war; Mexican government furious Texas joined US; Polk and expansionists wanted to expand US through Mexico's northern territories; immediate cause was border dispute (US thought border was Rio Grande River, Mexico thought border was Nueces River)- manifest destiny perpetuated. Some believed that the underlying purpose of the war was to acquire property to be used for slavery

National American Women's Suffrage Association - Elizabeth Cady Stanton/ Susan B Anthony

Anthony- Veteran of many reform campaigns tried to vote in the 1872 presidential election and was fined $100 which she refused to pay-in 1890 Anthony and Stanton helped form the National American Woman Suffrage Association to work for the enfranchisement of women

Letters from the Federal Farmer (Richard Henry Lee?)

Anti-federalist sentiment-advocated for State's rights and that the constitution would threaten American liberties

Ulysses S. Grant

As President, Grant presided over the Government much as he had run the Army. Indeed he brought part of his Army staff to the White House. Although a man of scrupulous honesty, Grant as President accepted handsome presents from admirers. Worse, he allowed himself to be seen with two speculators, Jay Gould and James Fisk. When Grant realized their scheme to corner the market in gold, he authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to sell enough gold to wreck their plans, but the speculation had already wrought havoc with business. During his campaign for re-election in 1872, Grant was attacked by Liberal Republican reformers. He called them "narrow-headed men," their eyes so close together that "they can look out of the same gimlet hole without winking." The General's friends in the Republican Party came to be known proudly as "the Old Guard." Grant allowed Radical Reconstruction to run its course in the South, bolstering it at times with military force. (Served for two terms)

A. Phillip Randolph

Asa Philip Randolph was a leader in the African-American civil-rights movement, the American labor movement and socialist political parties. He organized and led the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first predominantly Black labor union.

Teddy Roosevelt/ Admiral Dewey (gained fame from battle of San Juan Hill

Assistant to navy secretary John D. Long; he was bellicose and caused trouble for the secretary. On February 25,1898, he cabled Commodore George Dewey to be ready for action upon the Philippines. Dewey: US commodore who commanded the American Asiatic Squadron at Hong Kong. On February 25, 1898, Roosevelt cabled him, telling him to descend upon the Philippines upon the event of war with Spain. On May 1, he took his 6 warships and destroyed the Spanish fleet stationed in Manila. He was promoted to the rank of admiral.


At first peace protests declined but after discovering Nixon's use of forces in Cambodia- sparked more protests.

Trial of Tears

At least 1/4 of the Cherokee people died during the winter of 1838-1839 on this route from Georgia to Oklahoma (supposed indian territory)

Atlantic Charter

Atlantic Charter: A conference between FDR and Churchill. It promised that after victory there would be open access to markets, the rights of all peoples to choose their form of government, and a global extension of the New Deal. It helped lay the foundation for postwar ideals of human rights. Many of its provisions were broken during the Cold War.

Nixon's New Federalism

Attempt to slow down LBJ great society- giving states more power

Louis Sullivan

Attempted to rebuild Chicago after the fire. Believed form follows function. Reshaped the city- known as the father of skyscrapers/ modernism

Frederick Jackson Turner

Attributes the expansion of the west to american development. Gave rise to individualism, shaped customs, etc (Essay on the Significance of the American Frontier) - believed moving westward shaped US democracy

Alexis de Tocqueville

Author of Democracy in America Believed in Universal Manhood Suffrage Democracy was more than a right to vote or political institution, but a habit of the heart to encourage individual initiative, equality, active public sphere

Baker vs. Carr

Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case that retreated from the Court's political question doctrine, deciding that redistricting (attempts to change the way voting districts are delineated) issues present justiciable questions, thus enabling federal courts to intervene in and to decide reapportionment cases. The defendants unsuccessfully argued that reapportionment of legislative districts is a "political question", and hence not a question that may be resolved by federal courts.

Tenure of Office Act/ Edwin Stanton

Barred the president from removing certain officeholders, including cabinet members, without the consent of the Senate. Johnson despite this removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton an ally of the radicals.

Social Darwinism / William Graham Sumner

Based on the writings of English social philosopher Herbert Spencer-believed in the process of social selection in which society slowly evolved, adapting to the environment. Survival of the fittest- a term that Spencer NOT Darwin invented-preserved the strong and weeded out the weak. An influential follower of Social Darwinism and a professor of political and social science at Yale University. Argued that government action on behalf of the poor or weak interfered with the laws of nature (came under attack from reformists)

Frederick W Taylor - "Cult of Efficiency"

Basis of efficiency- manufacturing process broke into minute parts, using time and motion studies based upon his work- prompted the process of maximizing the output of labor- laid the foundation for the assembly line?

Battle of Antietam/ Emancipation Proclamation

Battle fought in Maryland in which McClellan and the Army of the Potomac repelled Lee's advance. In as single day of fighting, more than 4,000 people were killed. More americans died at Antietam than in all the other wars fought by the U.S. in the 19th century combined (Union considered the fight a victory and led to the emancipation proclamation) Following the battle of antietam- On January 1st, 1863, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that liberated slaves in the rebel states engaged in war with the Union (where the federal gov had no power). This was because he used the emancipation proclamation as a military tactic allowed in the Constitution to be granted by the commander in chief. Shift in war purpose to that of ending slavery- orchestrated by Lincoln?

War in Europe

Battle of Stalingrad: This was a turning point on the Eastern Front. The Germans foolishly lay siege to Stalingrad which had recently been bolstered by an influx of military supplies from the U.S. The Yermans were surrounded and forced to surrender in 1943, but not before 800,000 Germans and 1.2 million Russians died. This was the first defeat of the Nazis and marked a turning point in the war May 8th- formal end to war against Germany (1945)

Election of 1896- SIlverites vs. Goldbugs - Mckinley vs. Bryan

Battle of the standards because it focused primarily on the gold and silver standards of money (Bryan vs. Mckinley). Silverite solution: Free and independent coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 ounces of silver to 1 ounce of gold. Mckinley presidency- Initiated a generation of Republican rule. For more than three decades after 1896 with only a brief Dem resurgence under Wilson, the Republicans remained the country's majority party. Took office in a time of economic revival. Became the party of progress and prosperity. Worked closely with congress, struck relations with press, and traveled frequently. Passed Dingley Tariff which raised tariffs.

Treaty of Ghent

Belgian city where americans talked with british counterparts, british made impossible demands (right to navigate mississippi, creation of large indian buffer state) weary negotiators signed treaty of ghent on christmas eve 1814, neither side surrendered territory-merely agreed to end fighting

Berlin Blockade/ Berlin Airlift

Berlin Blockade/ Airlift: Stalin cut off all fail and highway traffic to Berlin. Truman responded by airlifting food and other supplies to the troops and civilians in Berlin. He also scrambled 60 bombers capable of carrying nukes to bases in England within range of SU, however, this was a bluff as the planes had no nukes. Tricky tricky, but the threat was effective. After some teetering on the edge of war for a few weeks, Stalin didn't negotiate, but he didn't shoot down planes either, helping Truman win the election. In early 1949, SU ended the blockade in return for an unproductive meeting. This marked the end of the initial phase of the Cold War, giving the U.S a political victory and cutting Europe in two.

Destroyers for Bases

Between the US and Britain in September 1940, transferred fifty escort from the USN to the Royal Navy in exchange for land rights on British possessions

Election of 1996

Bill Clinton - US enjoyed the longest peacetime economic expansion Whitewater scandal Impeachment- on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice for having affairs with a woman who had served as a white house intern- he was acquitted by Senate nonetheless and did not leave office Growing concern with North Korea Threat of Hussein

Election of 1992

Bill Clinton - banned assault weapons, passed a deficit reduction budget that included huge spending cuts and tax increases, signed the NAFTA (established free trade zone with Canada and Mexico) Produced the first federal surplus since 1969

Wade Davis Bill

Bill required a majority of white male southerners to pledge support for the Union before Reconstruction could begin in any state and it guarantted blacks equality before the law although not the right to vote. Lincoln refused to sign the bill.- would isolate and anger the South (too radical of a stance in favor of blacks)

Bull Connor/ Birmingham Campaign

Birmingham police commissioner who was known for his brutal tactics to break up protests / sparked the ultimate signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Ghost Dance Movement/ Wovoka

Bitter and starving, many turned to ghost dances for hope and inspiration. Set of dances and rites that grew from a vision of a Paiute messiah named Wovoka. Though performances of the dance would bring back Native American lands and would cause the whites to disappear. All indians would reunite, the earth would be covered with dust, and a new earth would come about. Also the buffalo would return

King Phillip's War (Metacom)

Bloodiest and most bitter conflict occurred in southern New England in which 1,000 whites and 3,000 indians perished. Metacom spearheaded the war in response to striving to retain native culture from English colonists- defies the thanksgiving myth

Sons of Liberty/ Sam Adams

Body led by talented and ambitious lesser merchants (sam adams who was a staunch patriot founded it)

Henry George- Progress and Poverty

Book led the way to a more critical appraisal of American society in the 1880s and beyond. Saw modern society as flawed-was more of a reformist. Solution was that land-which formed the basis of wealth- allowed wealthy men to grow rich due to the price of their land rising. Thus he argued for a single tax on the increment, replacing all other taxes which would help equalize wealth and raise revenue to the poor.


Breakup of Soviet Union, end of cold war, religious conflicts/ terrorism, conservative agenda-stronger military, lower taxes, fewer social programs, and traditional cultural values (Republican majority party) (Fundamentalism revival- anti secularism of religion)

Embargo Act (1807)

Britain and france refused to respect american rights of neutral carriers, america was to leave ships at home, would deprive european powers of american goods, passed by congress and became law in 1807 Northerns hated the embargo, especially New Englanders

Treaty of Paris

Britain recognized US as independent; land in British possession South of Canada, North of Florida, from the Atlantic ocean in the east to the Mississippi river in the West was given to the US. Loyalists were also not suppose to be persecuted and their property was suppose to be returned (Canada remained loyal to the crown) Franklin, Jay, and Adams consisted of the American delegation

Battle of Bunker Hill

British dislodged militiamen from Breed's hill (at a high cost in casualties)

American Neutrality (Reasons)

British-Americans sided with Great Britain while German-Americans identified with Germany. Wilson from the onset proclaimed american neutrality. (Saw no need to get involved)

Harry Hopkins/ Harold Ickes

Brought in by FDR to direct the relief program- spent more than $5 million in less than two hours. By the end of 1933, Hopkins had distributed money to nearly 1/6 of the American people- allowed millions to avoid starvation and stay out of humiliating breadlines. Criticized for paying people to do useless jobs such as digging ditches/ headed the PWA for unemployment relief, sec of interior

1st Continental Congress

Brought together our nation's most prominent colonial leaders of 12 colonies (Georgie not involved)

Emmett Till

Brutally killed by whites after "hitting" on a white girl

James Buchanan/ Election of 1956

Buchanan (D) vs Fremont (R) Buchanan was in England during Kansas Nebraska act, wanted nothing to do with slavery Fremont very opposed to expansion of slavery Democrats won North, Republicans won South final election before sectionalism

Thomas Edison

Built first modern research lab in Menlo park, NJ Invented phonograph, lightbulb w/ carbon filament Created electric grid w/help from JP Morgan in 1882 George Westinghouse vs Edison Edison based his system on low voltage direct current which could be transmitted only 2 miles while westinghouse demonstrated the advantages of high voltage alternating current for transmission over great distances. Formed the Westinghouse Electric Company and developed an alternating current motor that could convert electricity into mechanical power.

John D. Rockefeller

Built the standard oil company. Believer in efficiency and consolidation. Wanted to revolutionize the oil industry such as in the refining of oil (due to the amount of wasteful methods utilized at the time). At the end, Rockefeller triumphed over his competitors by marketing products of high quality at the lowest unit cost. However he also threatened rivals and bribed politicians and employed spies to harass the customers of competing refiners. Gave a lot of money to philanthropic causes

Dumbbell Tenements

Designed by James Ware who won a competition for tenement design. Rising 7 or 8 stories in height, packet about 30 four room apartments on a lot only 25ft by 100. Between four and 16 families lived on a floor with only two toilets per floor

Empresarios/ Stephen F. Austin

CT farmer that was given permission from the Mexican government to colonize Mexico with Americans. In 1820 he received a large land grant. After dying his son Stephen continued the plan. Empressarios were Anglo-American individuals who received land grants to colonize Mexico.

Ocala Demands

Called for creation of sub-treasury system, urged free coinage of silver, end protective tariffs and national banks, a federal income tax, direct elect of senators by voters instead of state legislatures, and tighter regulation of railroad companies

King George's War (Louisburg)

Called war of austrian succession in england, 1743-1748, england vs. france, ended with treaty of aix-la-chapelle

King William's War

Called war of league of ausburg in england, 1689-1697, ended with the treaty of ryswick, england's new king declared war on Louis XIV of France

Queen Anne's War

Called war of spanish succession in england, 1702-1713, great britain vs. france, ended with the treaty of utrecht, a power wanted to be preserved between the european states


Came to dominate the Cotton Belt and much of the Tobacco Belt of VA and NC. Initially arose as a compromise between blacks' desire for land and planters' demand for labor discipline. System allowed for each black family to rent a part of a plantation with the crop divided between the worker and owener at the end of the year. As years went on sharecropping became more and more oppressive. While sharecropping provided blacks with more autonomy than slavery and a chance to make a living, still striking similarities.


Capital of Virginia colony and funded by Virginia Company. First english settlement and created in order to search for gold and exploit natural resources. Slim survival hopes at first: Located besides a swamp with malaria carrying mosquitoes and germs dumped in the swamp caused various diseases. (1616 80% immigrants dead). More of a male scene

Casablanca, Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences

Casablanca: FDR and Churchill only, where they agreed to fight to "unconditional surrender" Yalta: Conference between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin. FDR was in a weak bargaining position, and needed Soviet help against Japan, so he gave away Eastern Europe to gain promise from SU to help defeat Japan. Potsdam Conference: Conference Between Truman, Stalin, Churchill and Attlee, where they negotiated the spoils of war. Reparations were the crucial issue of the conference, and SU wanted to take Germany resources to repair its own economy. U.S didn't want this, compromise ended with Germany being divided into four sectors, each group taking reparations from its own zone. (figured how to punish Germany)

Schenck vs. US

Case represented the WWI liberties citizens were deprived of. Schenk sent antiwar pamphlets to those drafted. It was ruled that he violated the espionage act- where the phrase "cannot scream fire in a crowded theater" derived from. Labeled the boundaries of free speech.

Cause of depression

Causes: The consumer goods market- steady expansion of the automobile and appliance industries had led gradually to a saturation of the market (amount of sales declined over the years)- 1927 underwent a mild recession (here could have raised wages or lowered prices to avert future conflicts). To make matters worse the federal reserve board lowered discount rate, charging less for loans in an attempt to stimulate the economy (additional credit went not into solid investment but into the stock market (considered buying on margin?)- people playing the market on credit (false confidence)

Navigation Acts

Certain "enumerated goods" such as tobacco and sugar (the most valuable colonial products), had to be transported in English ships and sold initially in English ports. Additionally, imports had to be shipped via English customs where colonies had to pay fees. Some benefits to the colonies.

Sand Creek Massacre/ Robert Chivington

Chief Black Kettle, certain that the violence surrounding the gov policies was over, led his seven hundred followers to camp on Sand Creek in Colorado. A group of Colorado militia led by Chivington attacked the sleeping group despite their lack of threatening position and calls for peace. Nearly all were brutally killed

John Marshall

Chief Justice, created the precedent of judicial review; ruled on many early decisions that gave the federal government more power, especially the supreme court appointed as "midnight judge"

Pontiac/ Pontiac's Rebellion

Chief of Ottawa tribe; leader of Native American tribes who were dissatisfied with policies in Great Lakes region after British victory in French and Indian war; lead rebellion (Pontiac's Rebellion); many tribes joined in effort to drive British soldiers out of the region; organized Native American resistance against French and Indian war; similar to Tecumseh-sparked the proclamation line of 1763 to be passed)

Helen Hunt Jackson/ Century of Dishonor

Chronicled the experiences of native americans in the united states-sympathized with the native americans

Election of 1844

Clay received the Whig nomination while little known James K Polk (who supported Texas Annexation) served as the Democratic nominee. Candidates included: Clay (Whig), Tyler (re-election), Polk (Democrat), Birney (Liberty Party); Polk pushed for Texas annexation as part of his campaign; Clay would have been elected had Birney not run and gotten some votes; Polk won election; Democrats were more expansionistic and pro-slavery than Whigs

Political Machines

Closely connected with the explosive urban growth, played an important role in immigrants at risk, traded services for votes. Each headed by a strong leader (boss)-help new immigrants. Kept in power because were skillful political organizations and immigrants made up their constituency. Also paid attention to the needs of the lower class. Looked out for that part of the population

Origins of the republican party

Coalition of antislavery dems, northern Whigs, free soil, Know-nothings opposed to slavery Believed slavery and freedom were incompatible, needed a resolution


Coined by TR who intended it as a criticism for newspaper reporters who wrote critiques for monetary reasons. Wanted to shock the public into recognizing the shameful state of political, economic, and social affairs and prompt the people to take action. Transformed investigative reporting- spotlighting realism

Rebirth of the KKK (old vs. new)

Colonel William Simmons founded the modern klan where only native born white gentile Americans were permitted to join. Broadened their circle of hate. Also had more nativist views. Also more accepted in mainstream society.- entered even into the political domain

Dominion of New England

Combined Conn, Plymouth, Mass, NH, RD, NY, E/WJ into one super-colony.

Warren G Harding- "return to normalcy"

Compromise choice- he had a pretty good cabinet except for Harry Daugherty and Albert Fall who sabotaged his administration. (He was a republican and first president since WWI

Military Strategies

Confederacy: adopted to a defensive strategy with occasional thrusts into the North lead by Lee. Hoped that a series of defeats would weaken the North's resolve and lead it to abandon the conflict. Union: Lincoln had internal struggles with his generals. Hard to take advantages of their greater population and technology. Originally had narrow military vision wanting to take the capital

Cash and Carry (AKA Neutrality Act of 1939)

Congress agreed to allow the sale of arms to Britain, with the stipulation that the weapons had to be paid for in cash, and transported in British ships. This worked well for a while as Britain had naval superiority in the Atlantic.- shows US bias toward allies as well as the selective service act

D-Day, V-E Day

D-Day: This marks the beginning of the major involvement of American troops in Europe. On June 6, General Dwight Eisenhower and 200,000 U.S, British, and Canadian troops landed in Normandy (Northwestern France), and over a few weeks a millionish troops followed them in the most massive sea-land operation in history. This succeeded in opening the Western front and was a turning point in the war. Soon, Germany was pushed out of Paris.

Dean Rusk/ Robert McNamara

David Dean Rusk was the United States Secretary of State from 1961 to 1969 under presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. The youthful president of the Ford Motor Company who took over as secretary of defense for Kennedy. During LBJ's years he would orchestrate U.S escalation policy in Vietnam, until the war broke him down and he resigned.

Jefferson Davis vs. Abraham Lincoln

Davis was aloof, stubborn, and humorless and lacked Lincoln's common touch as political flexibility. Davis proved to be a political liability. The south, under Davis's leadership, failed to find a way to take advantage of their economic resource, cotton. Hoped by stopping the production of cotton they could gain aid from GB. Lincoln on the other hand was far superior of a leader shown through his ability to restore the union.

Texas Annexation Controversy

Days before Polk's inauguration Congress declared Texas part of the U.S. (with the help of Tyler's revival of the issue?) Texas president sent delegation to Washington to offer to join US (Texans was eager to join US); Jackson wanted to avoid issue of slavery and held off annexation; in next elections Van Buren and Harrison/Tyler avoided issue; in election of 1844 Polk campaigned to push for Texas annexation; Texas joined US as 15th slave state in 1844

Revolution of 1800 (Election of 1800)

Dead tie between Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson (note that Hamilton hated Aaron Burr and happened to support Jefferson despite their past disagreements). The election was sent to the House of reps in which each state delegate received one vote to decide the winner. It was finally decided that Jefferson would be president.- Republican president for first time


Death of progressivist movement due to war

Webster Haynes Debate

Debate centered around the Nullification crisis in which Webster argued that the people, not the states, made the constitution making the federal government sovereign. He called nullification illegal, unconstitutional, and treasonous.

Pearl Harbor-Dec of War

December 7, 1941 Japanese plans launched from aircraft carriers bombed the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii- more than 2000 Americans killed and 197 aircrafts and 18 naval vessels destroyed Conspiracy that FDR knew of the attack and did nothing so as to bring the US into war- declared war on Japan soon after

LBJ's Dilemma in Vietnam

Decided to fight a limited war- concealed to the public the true depth of progress in the war If he invaded the North china would intervene and if he pulled out it would be viewed as an international embarrassment

Stokely Carmichael

Decided to lead followers in a march to finish what Meredith started. He was arrested and brutally beaten and then eventually showed himself in a speech to display his wounds- spread the notion of Black Power and took over the SNCC (made it more radical and confrontational)

Proclamation of Neutrality

Declaring America's neutrality in the war between Great Britain and France

Jackson's Specie Circular

Declaring that it would only accept gold and silver as payment for public land (which the pet banks?)

Deep South vs. Upper South

Deep: SC, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas- slaves were half of the total population and produced nearly 90% cotton and almost all of the rice and sugar produced (center of cotton production) Upper: NC, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, Tenesse Missouri- whites outnumbered slaves (3 to 1 ratio)- less dependence of slave labor/ moving away from plantation system- tobacco still most prominent crop- weak hold on public loyalty. Slaves were sold to the deep south in internal slave trade/ less support for slavery (diversification of agriculture and more rapid rate for urban and industrial development

Attitudes Toward Slavery- positive good

Defense of slavery that won the day. Not only agreed to maintain slavery but didn't see any faults with it. (Believed it was not inherently sinful)- trying to persuade north as well as the south- utilized evidence such as the bible, the innate inferiority of blacks, and the argument that blacks are better treated within the institution.

Keynsian Economics

Deficit spending

Border States

Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland- all of which did not declare secession during the war.

2nd Pary System- Democrats vs. Whigs

Dem: Gov Relation to Economy: "Hands off" attitude for the national gov toward the economy Appeal: Aspiring entrepreneurs, large number of farmers, especially in the lower Nw and Southern back country, and also slaveholders (also eastern urban workers) Economic Issues: Wanted a self-regulating economy Religious Identity: Private morality- freedom of religion View of Constitution: Strict side Fed vs State's rights: Pro state's rights Rise of Market Economy: Wanted to decrease tariff, kill the national bank, and stop internal improvement aids Other: Alarmed by the widening gap between social classes Key Figures: Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, and John C. Calhoun Whigs: Gov Relation to Economy: Pro American System (protective tariff, national bank, and internal improvement aid) Appeal: Northeast, establishing businessmen and bankers, and also people near the canals and Great Lakes/ upstate NY- also Evangelical protestants/ large southern planters Economic Issues; National Bank posed issues Religious Identity: Universal/ public virtue/ values View of Const: Loose Fed power vs. states: Pro federal gov Rise of Market Economy: Agreed with market revolution Other: Pro Market Revolution Key Figures: Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and Young Abraham Lincoln

Dien Bien Phu

Dien Bien Phu: This was the battle between the French and the Viet Minh, the French were defeated and pulled out of Vietnam, and U.S then expresses fears that a communist Vietnam will cause a domino effect in Asia. Because of this fear, the U.S continues to support South Vietnam. (Eisenhower was president during this time)- Indochina was divided at the 17th parallel with Ho gained control of North (communist) and France maintaining hold on South Vietnam

Inter-colonial trade

Different colonies had different cash crops. VA-tobaco Caribbean- sugar, East- manufacturing/ industries/ports, Carolina-rice and indigo, GA- cotton

Supreme Court Conflicts- court packing scheme

Displeased with the conservative Supreme Court, partially because they killed like a lot of his reform programs, he attempted to remove them by making justices 70+ retire, stating that the court was moving to slowly (they weren't). While this was criticized as tyrannical, it was completely legal. It wasn't passed, as it would set a dangerous precedent. Over the next few years 5 judges would leave, allowing FDR to appoint more liberal jurists, and the court did seem to begin to side with FDR on later decisions. Ironically, FDR would appoint 9 new judges eventually because of resignations or deaths. The Scheme hurt FDR's relations with congress badly, and many conservative democrats began to oppose further New Deal reforms, which makes sense because there weren't really any new reforms passed after the scheme.- led to the supreme court's approval of new deal measures like Wagner Act and Social Security

Proclamation LIne 1763

Divided the land of north america, issued by king george, purpose was to organize new settlements after french and indian war and britain's victory of land-also retain the peace among the colonists and the natives

Declaration of Independence

Document adopted on July 4, 1776, that made the break with Britain official; drafted by a committee of the Second Continental Congress, including principal writer Thomas Jefferson. Omitted Clause: A clause in the draft of the declaration of independence which condemned the inhumane treatment of slaves under the slave trade and referenced George III views of slavery was deleted due to the conflict it could potentially cause

William Howard Taft- Dollar Diplomacy

Dollar Diplomacy- emphasized economic investment and loans over direct military intervention-name for his foreign policy tactics.

Mapp vs. Ohio

Dollree Mapp was convicted of possessing obscene materials after an admittedly illegal police search of her home for a fugitive. She appealed her conviction on the basis of freedom of expression.- she won the case because she was convicted on illegally obtained evidence

Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward

Dreamed of a cooperative society in which poverty, greed, and crime no longer existed. Novel became a national reform figure-called for the nationalization of public utilities and a wider distribution of wealth.- very leftist

View of Alcohol

Drunkenness seen as loss of moral responsibility that led to crime, vice, and disorder (directly hurting the wife and kids- American Temperance Society- to advocate for abstinence (successful as per capita consumption declined 50% during 1830s)

Kitchen Debates

During Eisenhower presidency

Battle of Saratoga

During the summer of 1777, Burgoyne advanced his troops from Canada hoping to link with Howe in NYC and isolate New England. However Howe unknowingly moved his forces from NYC to Philadelphia so that when Burgoyne arrived in NYC the American forces surrounded the army forcing him to surrender at Saratoga (Oct 17, 1777) (turning point in which French and Spanish decided to aid the colonists thanks to Ben Franklin's treaty of amity and commerce)

Expansion- similar and differences from earlier expansion

Earlier expansion was within the realm of the Northern Hemisphere- this time considers foreign nations as potential targets. Economic vs. Territorial expansion- Most Americans who looked overseas were interested in expanded trade not territorial possessions. (looking to expand US market and consumer goods)


Economic condition during the 70s- combination of economic stagnation with high rates of inflation

Panic of 1819

Economic panic caused by extensive speculation and a decline of European demand for American goods along with mismanagement within the Second Bank of the United States. Often cited as the end of the Era of Good Feelings. Bank participated in speculative fever that swept the country after the end of War of 1812. The resumption of trade with Britain coupled with the westward expansion stimulated demands for loans to purchase land which local banks and branches of the Bank of U.S. would precede to print more and more paper money. Economic bubble bursted when demand for land plummeted. Also people could not pay the bank its loans and declared bankruptcy (unemployment rose in the eastern cities)

Normal Schools/ McGuffey Eclectic Readers

Education which provided practical courses in manual traning and homemaking (more secular and have more liberty to choose what to learn) Period's most popular textbook which had been in use since 1836- 100 million copies were sold in the last half of the 19th century allowing for nearly every child to read-also taught them ethics, values, and religion and perpetuated gender roles

Modern Republicanism

Eisenhower's domestic agenda, which served to sever the Republican party's perceived identification with Herbert Hoover, the Great Depression, and indifference to the economic conditions of ordinary citizens. The core New Del programs expanded as millions of agricultural workers became eligible for Social Security. Ike also maintained the size and scope of government. The economy was mainly kept in private hands but government spending boosted its productivity and employment. Ike also oversaw the largest public works project in U.S history-the interstate highway system which was justified by the need to provide rapid exit routes from cities in the event of a nuclear war.

Election of 1948- Truman vs. Dewey

Election of 1948: Dixiecrats- disgruntled Southerners who bolted the democratic party in protest over a progressive civil rights platform. There were three parties running- Truman on the democratic ticket, Dewey on the Republican ticket, and Thurmond on the State's Rights (Dixiecrat) ticket. Truman won a narrow but decisive victory thanks to the old Roosevelt coalition of farmers, organized labor, urban ethnic groups and blacks. Democrats also remained in control of Congress. Also Truman won due to the lack of challenge against his foreign policy.

Election of 1968

Election of 1968: Due to unpopular opinion on the Vietnam War, LBJ didn't try to get the democratic nomination, and because RFK was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan Humphrey got the nomination. Nixon was nominated by the Republican party, and racist f*** George Wallace headed the American Independent Party. Nixon avoided controversy and reaped the benefit of discontent with the Vietnam War, promising to bring a divided country together again and win the war quickly with his nonexistent secret strategy. Humphrey was hounded by anti-war demonstrators and Wallace cut deeply into the normal Democratic majority, attacking black leaders and liberal whites, appealing to a sense of powerlessness among the urban working class. Nixon won the election with a small share of the popular vote, but dominating the electoral vote, winning the Midwest and most of the West, along with the Middle Eastern States. Humphrey won the Northeast, and Wallace won five states in the deep south and made heavy inroads into the blue-collar districts in the North. Significance: Marked a repudiation of the politics of protest and the cultural insurgency of the mid 1960s, the liberal reform impulse died along with the growth of federal power. Transition into PRIVATE INTEREST?

Thoreau/Emerson/ Hawthorne

Emerson: prophet of Transcendentalism Hawthorne: Lived in Concord and knew Emerson and Margaret Fuller. Sense of human imperfection/frailty made him skeptical about transcendentalism. Thoreau: Henry David Thoreau was a famous American transcendentalist who turned to the environment for inspiration. Thoreau built a cabin at Walden Pond and lived there alone for two years. In 1854 Thoreau published his book, Walden, which was about his time spent living in isolation and his different feelings on society. CULTURAL.

Klaus Fuchs/ Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs was a German theoretical physicist and atomic spy who in 1950 was convicted of supplying information from the American, British and Canadian Manhattan Project to the Soviet Union during and shortly after the Second World War. They were charged with conspiracy to transmit atomic secrets to the SU, and were sentenced to death and electrocuted despite their insistent claims of innocence and worldwide appeals on their behalf. Both were communists, which was enough for the U.S to kill them.

Common Sense/ The Crisis

English craftsman and minor gov. official who wrote a pamphlet called "common sense"- attacks on the constitution of Great Britain, principles of hereditary rule and monarchical gov English craftsman and minor government official who emigrated to Philadelphia in late 1774; quickly assimilated and became an "American"; most influential promoter of independence; author of Pamphlet Common Sense (promoting democratic system); founding father who never owned a slave (The Crisis- written to reinforce inspiration for the war and helped regain the hope of Washington's troops)

Women and the Revolution

Enhanced women status- For instance, Deborah Sampson disguised herself as a man and enlisted in the continental army. More involved politically and socially.

Ernest Haeckel (Biogenetic Law)

Ernst Haeckel's Biogenetic Law, also called the theory of recapitulation, was put forth in 1866. Though it's been largely discredited, it is partly accurate. Haeckel stated his theory as "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." Ontogeny is the embryological development process of a species; phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a species. He meant that the embryological development of the young in any given species reflects the evolutionary history of that species.

Escobedo vs. Illinois

Escobedo was arrested and interrogated with respect to the murder of his brother in law, and was refused his lawyer. The evidence given during this interrogation was used to convict him. The SC then ruled 5-4 in favor of him.

Coercive American Patriotism

Eugene Debs a victim as well as Emma Goldman (stifled any opposition to WWI war effort)

Eugene V. Debs

Eugene Victor "Gene" Debs was an American union leader, one of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World, and several times the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President of the United States- involved in the Pullman strike

Joseph McCarthy

Everyone's favorite Wisconsin senator, who tried to further his career by "exposing" communists in the government. His tactics basically consisted of spamming the defendants with lies that he couldn't swat away fast enough. He also skillfully exploited the press in order to guarantee headlines. Many people disapproved of his antics, but no one stood up to him because then he would just attack them. His career wasn't significantly boosted by his attacks on his peers, and he quickly sunk back into darkness with a track record of the unearthing of zero confirmed communists. He did manage to keep the Truman administration in turmoil, however.

Andrew Carnegie

Exemplifies the concept of self-made man. Came to the U.S from Scotland and worked his way to the top. Plunged into the steel industry. Utilizing warmth and salesmanship, he attracted able partners and subordinates such as Henry Clay Frick and Charles M. Schwab. Nonetheless he kept the wages of the laborers in his mills low and disliked unions. Carnegie steel in 1900 profited $40 million and produced more steel than GB alone. Eventually sold his company believing that wealth brought social obligations. (worked with thomas scott of the Penn railroad). Believed in gospel of wealth and devoted the second half of his life to philanthropy (originally worked in the railroad industry) US Steel controlled 3/5 of steel in US at high point

Ann Hutchinson

Expelled from Mass. for practicing religious traditions that deviated from the strict Puritan code. In court she admitted that God had revealed himself to her which disregarded the entire Puritan way of thinking and as a result she left for Rhode Island with some followers.

Invasion of Manchuria-Stimson Doctrine

Explosions on the Southern Manchurian Railway (Mukden Incident) was blamed on the Chinese, and used by Japan as a pretext to invade and occupy Manchuria. They then ended the Washington Conference Power Treaties and started naval rearmament and withdrew from the league of nations. Hoover's response was weak, in addition to the LoN's. Nanking, farther inside China, would be invaded 6 years later and Japanese soldiers would massacre 300,000 Chinese prisoners of war and civilians.

SDS (Student for Dem Society) Port Huron Statement

Expressed disillusionment with the society they had inherited and their determination to build new politics- SDS formed in conjunction with the New Left

Bank Holiday/ Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act (FDIC)

FDR shut down banks from March 6-10, and only reopened the ones that were still in decent shape, which were the majority of them. When they reopened the found more public support due to the first Fireside Chat. (strong banks would reopen, weak ones would stay closed, and those in difficulty bolstered by government loans) This act created the FDIC, which insured individual deposits of up to $5000, helping garner public trust in the banks. It also separated commercial banking from more speculative investment banking

National Recovery Act- created by NIRA

FDR's attempt to achieve economic advance through planning and cooperation among government, business, and labor. Hoped to achieve both the stabilizing of production/ raising prices for their goods as well as spread work through maximum hours and minimum wages Businesses who accepted codes of fair competition that set realistic limits on producution and set firm guidelines for prices, along with agreeing to instate a minimum wage and allow collective bargaining, they could put a blue NRA seal on their goods. 500 businesses adopted these codes within a year, but the codes were too detailed to be easily enforced, and because the codes were written by the big businesses, it favored larger companies at the expense of smaller ones. Section 7a mandated protection for labor in all codes by establishing maximum hours, minimum wages, and the guarantee of collective bargaining by unions. (called National Run Around and eventually invalidated by Supreme Court)- Schecter Poultry vs US invalidated such)

Civilian Conservation Corps

FDR's idea in which youths were enrolled from city families on relief and sent to the nation's parks and recreational areas to build trails and improve public facilities. Ultimately more than two million young people served in the CCC contributing to both their families' income and to the nation's welfare. -known as "tree army" (lived together and gave income to their families)

Lowell System

Factory town home to 52 mills and employed more than 10,000 workers (MA became second most industrialized region of the world after GB) Lowell Mill Girls: Early textile mills relied largely on female and child labor, especially at Lowell. Boarding houses instigated with strict rules for women to live in while working (most were Yankee farm families). Most women only stayed for a few years

Teapot Dome

Fall (cabinet member) was primarily involved in this scandal in which oil promoters gave him loans and bribes in exchange for leases on oil reserves. Harding died in office

National Bank

Favors this: Funded in part by the federal government/growing a financial community required a central bank to facilitate increasingly complex commercial transactions. Bank would serve as main depository of U.S gov and issue currency acceptable in payment of federal taxes.

Democratic Culture of Jacksonian Era

Fear of national banks and paper many, belief that market revolution was a source of moral decay, disdain toward native americans, state's rights (focal point of gov./ lack of national interference in the economy or individual's private lives. Jackson- common man

Espionage Act/ Sedition Act (1817)

Federal government enacted laws to restrict freedom of speech. This act prohibited not only spying and interfering with the draft but also "false statements" that might impede military success. Newspapers and other magazines were barred from the mail. Made it a crime to make spoken or printed statements that intended to cast contempt on the form of government or that advocated interference with war effort (aka censorship).

Alexander Hamilton

Federalist party; Sec. of Treasury under Washington; from North; sided with Britain in Britain/France debate; loose interpretation of the Constitution; strong national government

Federalists vs. Antifederalists

Feds: choice of name suggested they stood for a confederation of states rather than for the creation of a supreme national authority; recruited the most prominent figures of the day; advocated for the Constitution AntiFeds: misleading name- caused seemed far more obstructionist than it actually was; characteristics included: poorer, less urban, less well educated people; deeply suspicious of political power- had localist perspective; advocated against the Constitution; many became Dem-Republicans

Rosie the Riveter

Female industrial laborer depicted as muscular and self-reliant. With 15 million men in the armed forces, women made up more than 1/3 of the civilian labor force. New opportunities opened up for women however their entrance into such jobs was considered temporary

Carlisle School

Fifty Pawnee, Kiowa, and Cheyenne youths were brought east to the new school in Penn (attempt at assimilation)

JFK- flexible response

First priority to further bolster the production of the nation's armed forces (under the impression that there was a missile gap). This was Kennedy's alternative to massive retaliation. It stated that the U.S would respond to communist action with a variety of forces/ be it Green Berets or ICBMs. This gave the U.S more operational control, as their response would be more flexible. This plan came about alongside with JFK's large augmentation of the nuclear arsenal and conventional military strength, which some feared was too strong and would tempt JFK to test its strength against the SU. Instead of responding to communist threats with nuclear threats, the US could now call on a wide spectrum of force.

Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

First significant engagement of the war which took place in northern virginia. The battle ended with the retreat of Union soldiers along with spectators who came to watch. (More than 800 people were killed)- A somewhat victory for the confederacy

Social Gospel Movement/ Walter Raushenbusch

Focused on society as well as individuals improving living conditions as well as saving souls. Called on church members to fulfill their social obligations and adults met before and after regular service to discuss social and economic problems. Church became center for social as well as religious activity. (Religious revival) Applying christian ideals to social problems Young Baptist minister who read from the writings of Bellamy and George and discovered the true weight of the slum environment. Rauschenbusch became a professor at the Rochester Theological Seminary and began to expound on the responsibility of organized religion to advance social justice.- spearheaded the social gospel movement

Profitability of Slavery- trends

For many years historians believed that slave-based agriculture was not very lucrative. Some even concluded that slavery was a dying institution. (Believed that slavery could not be expanded anymore) However modern day historians believed that in fact slavery was still economically sound during the time of the civil war. (8 to 10 return on slave capital interest)

1920 Census- urban vs. rural

For the first time, slightly more than half of the population lived in cities (places have 2500 people or more). Spurred by the great migration

Henry Clay

Foremost proponent of the American System

Civil Right Act of 1866/ Reconstruction Act 1867

Formally titled 'An Act to protect all Persons in the United States in their Civil Rights, and furnish the Means of their vindication', the Act declared that people born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power are entitled to be citizens, without regard to race, color, or previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude.(Was vetoed by Johnson but eventually over-vetoed by Congress) Congress adopted the act which temporarily divided the South into five military districts and called for the creation of new state governments with black men given the right to vote.

Nato (1949) / Warsaw Pact (1955)

Formation of NATO: US committed itself to the defense of Europe and also was designed to reassure worried Europeans that the US would honor commitment to defend Europe. Served as a western Europe military alliance. NATO however only represented US overreaction to SU actions and intensified Russian fears of the West

William Penn

Founded Pennsylvania as a quaker (society of friends) refuge. Believed that the spirit of God dwelled with every individual, not just the elect. Tolerant religious sect.

American Anti-Slavery Society

Founded by Garrison and other abolitionists The South adapted a "gag rule" so as to not even read abolitionist petitions

Terrance Powderly/ Knights of Labor

Founded by Uriah S. Steven as a secret fraternal order which eventually grew until Terence Powderly ended the secrecy and embarked on an aggressive recruitment project. Wanted to unite all labor welcoming all of humanity to join the organization. It organized women workers and had 60,000 black members. Maintained that workers should not strike. Platform included the 8 hour day and abolition of chill labor but most clearly focused on utopian reform. Eventually lost its steam and nearly all of its members.

James Oglethorpe

Founder of GA and also a member of Parliament

FDR- solutions/ impact on Dem Party

Grew up in a wealthy family- dominant trait was his ability to persuade and convince other people/ cultivated the two wings of the divided Democrats appealing to both the traditionalists from the South and West and the new urban elements in the North. Demolished Hoover in election of 1932 and created an enduring democratic coalition To generalize, FDR expands the power of the presidency, believing he has the powers of a war time president, and the war is on poverty. His actions show much more government intervention that Hoover was willing to do. The downside to these reforms were higher government spending leading to debt leading to higher taxes. (Hoover did not believe in direct relief FDR viewed the GD as a war to be won

Hartford Convention

Group of leading new england politicians (most feds) gathered to discuss relations between people of region and federal government, hurt and angry by madison, drafted number of amendments that reflected new englanders' frustration (limit each president to 1 term, representation calculated on basis of number of white males in state (no more 3/5th clause), 2/3 majority needed before congress could declare war). Unfortunately the convention occurred right around the end of the War of 1812 where patriotism was at an all time high.-sparked the final demise of the federalist party

Southern Strategy/ Silent Majority

Groups of conservative americans (many of them were traditional Democrats)

Horizontal vs. Vertical Integration

HI: Buying out companies or merging industries that produce similar products such as buying or taking over competing industries. VI: Steel companies moved toward this organization in which a single company owns and controls the entire process

Grover Cleveland (election of 1892)

Had been reelected to presidency in 1892 decided to break the strike on the grounds that it obstructed the delivery of mail. Army was sent to stifle the protest. (He exerted a court injunction). Believed that the Sherman Silver Purchase Act sparked the panic. He repealed the act but it nonetheless did not bring economic revival. Silverites hated Cleveland and his repeal battle weakened the Democratic hold in the South. Failed to truly lower tariff rates as well

William Jennings Bryan/ Cross of Gold

Had very little political experience but stood for the free coinage of silver and eventually won the presidential nomination for the Democratic party (anti-cleveland platform). Bryan traveled 18,009 miles directly to the people trying to win their votes. Quoted in his speech about not crucifying mankind upon a cross of gold-eventually lost to McKinley in the election of 1896

Tariffs/ Excise taxes

Hamilton believed that protective tariffs would accelerate the growth of a balanced economy

Election of 1796

Hamilton's scheme: Deprive Adam's of the presidency and secretly urged Southern feds to vote for Pinckney and throwing away a second vote if necessary (each elector cast two ballots). New englanders heard of Hamilton's plot and dropped Pinckney. Adams as a result won the election possibly thanks to Hamilton's doing.

"Malaise speech"

He blamed the problems of the united states on moral and spiritual crisis - confidence issue Solidified his lack of support

Dwight Eisenhower- New Look Foreign Policy/ Farewell Address

He came into office in 1952 unusually prepared to lead the nation at the height of the Cold War. He had lots of military service exposing him to lots of international issues and world leaders. He was an experienced military strategist and a gifted diplomat and politician. He ideally wanted to end the Cold War, but realistically he strove to control it, and to reduce military spending as he feared the U.S would go bankrupt. He also wanted to end the arms race. His ability to win re-election was spurred by McCarthyism. Ike cut back on the army and navy, relying even more heavily than Truman on the air force and its nuclear striking power. Clutchly, the defense budget dropped below $40 billion annually. More bang for buck.-believed in massive retaliation (john dulles) War of Indochina- France lost in effort to unify Vietnam and held South Vietnam- US eventually worked towards adopting France's territory and sought to put Diem in power Formosa Crisis- China threatened Shek in Formosa but Eisenhower threatens nukes and sides with Shek Suez Crisis- Egyptians took possession of a canal causing France and Britain to invade and led to the brink of war but they finally left Eisenhower Doctrine- Involvement in the middle east Iran- put in power the Shah Lebanon- restored peace among parties Guatemala- overthrow a leftist party Farewell Adress: Three days before leaving office, Ike delivered this final attempt at peace, in which he warned about the danger of massive military spending. This was prophetic, as the level of defense would skyrocket as the Cold War escalated. Evaluating Ike's presidency, he succeeded in maintaining peace, but he failed to halt the momentum of the Cold War.

Cesar Chavez Betty Friedan

He organized poorly paid grape pickers and lettuce workers in CA into the NFWA in late 1960s, utilizing a national boycott of grapes, strikes, and a March to Washington. They succeeded, but 95% of the farm workers lost their homes and cars during the march. Chavez succeeded in raising the hourly wage of farm workers in CA to $3.53 by 1977, and helped spark an outburst of ethnic consciousness among Mexican Americans who began to campaign for bilingual programs and improved educational opportunities. (NFWA= National Farm Workers Association). She wrote the Feminine Mystique in 1963, which attacked the prevailing view that women were completely contented with their housekeeping and child-rearing tasks. She helped enforce the gender title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and founded NOW in 1966 to fight for equality. She then began advocating for the ERA.

A. Phillip Randolp- Fair Employment Practices

He was a black labor leader who was angered by the near complete exclusion of blacks from jobs in the war industries, and called for a March on Washington in 1941, demanding access to defense employment, an end to segregation, and a national antilynching law. In response, the Fair Employment Practices Commission was created to dissuade the March, and discrimination was banned in defense jobs and hailed by the black press as the new EP. Executive order 8802

John Galbraith- Affluent Society

He was an economist who criticized that the public sector of the U.S continued to be neglected. Disagreed with the usage of money/ where it was being spent (gap b/w rich and poor)

Benjamin Franklin

He was self educated, he exemplified enlightenment spirit. One of founding fathers of United States; classified as a Deist; led American diplomats to conclude a Treaty of Amity and Commerce (French assistance in Rev. War); helped negotiate Treaty of Paris; head of Connecticut Compromise committee (Constitution); had belief that foreigners were taking over America and fear that "outsiders" would become dominant and "insiders" would have to conform. Also proposed Albany Plan of Union

JP Morgan

Head of NY investment house of J.P Morgan and Company took lead at imposing order on the railroad industry. Hated "wasteful competition" and arranged a traffic-sharing agreement and collected a million-dollar fee. Eliminated rebates and competition, and maintained control. "Morganized southern railroads- created an efficient national transportation network

Public Works Association

Headed by Ickes- Sought to put jobless to work (Harold Ickes in charge but he was to intent on the quality of the projects rather than human needs and failed to put many people to work). In response the CWA (civil works admin) was created to get people off the unemployment lines- Hopkins was faced with this responsibility

Nicholas Biddle/ Bank War

Headed the bank- many democrats believed that no institution, public or private, should possess such power- many called it the Monster Bank Jackson's view of the bank: Long believed that "hard money" (specie) was the only honest currency

Virtual vs. Actual Representation

Held that each member represented the entire empire, not just his own district and was the theory that all interests of those living under the crown were taken into account. In reality colonies received no representation

Roosevelt Corollary

Held that the US had the right to exercise an "international police power" in the Western Hemisphere- led US to seize the custom houses of Dominican Republic to ensure payment of its debts to European and American investors, seized control over Dominican finances, etc. In 1906 troops sent to Cuba to overuse a disputed election, other means of unnecessary monitoring and intervention (Similar in mentality to Platt Amendment)

Compromise of 1850

Henry Clay's Plan: California would enter the Union as a free state; slave trade (but not slavery itself) would be abolished in Nation's capital; new law would allow southerners to reclaim runaway slaves; status of slavery in remaining territories acquired from Mexico would be left to the decision of the local white inhabitants; US would also agree to pay off the massive debt Texas had accumulated while independent; after Taylor died Fillmore supported Clay's proposals and helped break the impasse (deadlock) in Congress and secure adoption of the Compromise

Hinton R. Helper/ "Helperism"

Hinton Rowan Helper (December 27, 1829 - March 8, 1909) was a Southern US critic of slavery during the 1850s. In 1857, he published a book which he dedicated to the "nonslaveholding whites" of the South. The Impending Crisis of the South, written partly in North Carolina but published when the author was in the North, argued that slavery hurt the economic prospects of non-slaveholders, and was an impediment to the growth of the entire region of the South. Anger over his book due to the belief he was acting as an agent of the North attempting to split Southern Whites along class lines led to Southern denunciations of 'Helperism'.[1]

Good Neighbor Policy

His policy was basically one of non-intervention and cooperation, and made FDR a popular figure in Latin America. It renounced the Platt amendment, and withdrew troops from Nicaragua, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic, and the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act was passed, which reduced tariffs by 50% in the Western Hemisphere, stimulating trade with Latin America and U.S investments in the region. This policy wasn't entirely out of the kindness of FDR's heart, however, as it was essentially a reaction to overseas aggression, and FDR thought it would be important to have a united Western Hemisphere, which certainly helped during the war, helping to avoid the repetition of a Zimmerman telegram.

Cult of Domesticity/ True Womanhood

How women should "properly" behave- in the house (split more prominent in the 19th century) (perpetuation of traditional gender roles).

Robert La Follete- the wisc idea (aka fighting bob)

Huge influence on Wisconsin. La Follette secured for Wisconsin both a direct primary and a tax law that stripped the railroad corporations of a tax exemptions they had long enjoyed. Also pushed through a civil service law. Won election to US senate in 1906. Wisc industrial commission brought together employers, trade unionists, and professionals and gave them broad powers to investigate and regulate relations between industry and labor. (Same thing as Wisc idea?) Fed gov then established the industrial relations commissions in response

Bleeding Kansas

Hundreds of pro-slavery Missourians crossed border, cast fraudulent ballots When government recognized Kansas as proslavery, rival government created, mini civil war 200 died John Brown at Pottawatamic Creek executed slaveholders (American radical abolitionist; devoted his life to the opposition of slavery- moved all around country with his family; in some cases used violent actions to oppose slavery; lead small groups of rebellion during "Bleeding Kansas" crisis)

Soviet Bomb/ Hydrogen Bomb Research

Hydrogen Bomb: Technical objections as well as moral ones. One thousand times greater than the atomic bomb. Kennan did not agree with the bomb will Acheson did. Made in order to maintain US nuclear supremacy against SU (who had successfully created the Atomic Bomb).

Impeachment Proceedings/ Nixon Resignation

Impeached on obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of congress and once he was forced to turn in the tapes he resigned from office in 1974

Jackson's Veto of the Bank

Jackson presented himself as the defender of the humble Americans. The bank widened the social classes in society. Jackson proclaimed himself as the symbolic representative of all the people. First president to use the veto power as a major weapon

Appeasement- Munich Conference

In 1938 Hitler forced Austria to join Germany, and took over the Sudetenland (Part of Czechoslovakia) insisting that it should be part of Germany because it spoke German-in the conference this action was approved. Apparently Chamberlain and Daladier thought this was fine too, because they let Hitler take the Sudetenland unopposed in exchange for peace. They wanted to appease Germany's desire for expansion. Chamberlain then said that "we have achieved peace in our time". Appeasement policy towards Germany derived from this conference

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

In February 1848 US and Mexico governments agreed to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; confirmed the annexation of Texas and ceded California and present day New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah to the US; in exchange the US paid Mexico $15 million; guaranteed male citizens of the areas the free enjoyment of their liberty and property and all the rights of Americans (designed to protect the property of large Mexican landowners in California

Spots resolutions/ critics of the war

In addition to Thoreau (who was jailed for not paying taxes as a protest against the mexican war), Lincoln was staunchly against the war. Lincoln questioned whether Mexicans had actually inflicted casualties on American soil and he introduced a resolution asking the president to specify the precise spot where blood had first been shed.

Panic of 1893

In one day, investors dumped 1 million shares of a leading company (phil and reading railroad) and it went bankrupt. Business investment dropped sharply in the railroad and construction industries. People hurriedly sold stocks and other assets to buy gold which caused on overwhelming demand on the gold reserve. The treasury's reserve dropped significantly which led to the breakage of the stock market. Business confidence was shattered, several major firms and businesses went bankrupt, banks cut back on loans, factories and mines shut down, employees were laid off, etc)- Cleveland's presidency was tainted by this economic recession

LA grandfather Clause

In regards to literacy tests for voting, if a white man did not pass but his grandfather had voted, he could vote (way to prohibit blacks from voting while not harming whites)

54 40' or Fight- 49th parallel

In regards to the Oregon boundary dispute. The Oregon Dispute became important in geopolitical diplomacy between the British Empire and the new American Republic. In 1844 the U.S. Democratic Party, appealing to expansionist sentiment and the popular theme of manifest destiny, asserted that the U.S. had a valid claim to the entire Oregon Country up to Russian America at parallel 54°40′ north. Democratic presidential candidate James K. Polk won the 1844 election, but then sought a compromise boundary along the 49th parallel, the same boundary proposed by previous U.S. administrations.

Wounded Knee/ Black Hills, South Dakota

In response to ghost dances (gov intervened because they were concerned)-brought ghost dancer tribes to a camp at wounded knee and it is believed an indian fired the first shot sparking a massacre which resulted in around 200 deaths

New Left

In the 1960s, American students formed what became known as this. In 1962, a group of students gathered in Michigan to form an organization to give voice to their demands: Students for a Democratic Society. This was a student radicalism organization that was determined to build a new politics.

Roosevelt Recession

Industrial production fell one third and nearly four million workers lost their jobs. -FDR to blame because he cut back on WPA and other gov programs

Insular cases/ Hawaii vs. Philippines vs Guam vs Puerto Rico

Insular cases: Territories recently acquired were not sanctioned by the constitution which therefore did not apply to them (taxation without representation outcry) In a series of insular cases, the Supreme Court held that the Constitution did not fully apply to the territories recently acquired by the US.- Led to an outcry of no taxation without representation and government based on the consent of the governed. Hawaii became a traditional territory and was admitted as a state in 1959. The Philippines achieve independence in 1946 and until 1950 the US Navy administer Guam which remains an unincorporated territory. Puerto Rico is the worlds oldest colony because it has lacked full self-government. American citizenship extended to Puerto Ricans in 1917 but lacks a voice in the US election.

Eli Whitney

Invented a device which quickly separated the seed from the cotton (Cotton Gin); his invention revolutionized American slavery (made growing and selling of cotton on a large scale possible)

Joseph Glidden vs. Open Range

Invented barbed wired- Joseph Gliden's invention which cut across the trials and divided up the big ranches. 600 miles barbed wire every day vs. A vast fenceless area extending from the Texas Panhandle north into Canada

Iran Hostage Crisis

Islamic fundamentalists overthrew the Shah's dictatorship in the Iranian Revolution which led to a stoppage in oil from Iran (second oil crisis in US) and the seizure of the US embassy in Teheran where more than 50 hostages were held. - failed attempts to free the hostages

Election of 1860

Issues were over the protection of slavery or the desire to halt expansion of slavery. Candidates Douglas and Lincoln in the north and three other candidates in the south. Lincoln was elected without a single vote from the south

Pet Banks

Jackson authorized the removal of federal funds from its vaults and their deposit in local banks/pet banks General Roger B. Taney: Loyal MD democrat who headed the treasury post and carried out the transferring of federal monday to the pet banks. After Marshall's death he was also appointed chief justice by Jackson

Nullification Crisis (Tariff of 1832)

Jackson believed that nullification would jeopardize the state of the union while Calhoun denied that it would do so. Jackson equated nullification in a similar light as Daniel Webster.

Kellog/ Briand Pact

It renounced the aggressive use of force to achieve national ends, unless in self-defense. It had strong public support, and reflected the post WWI attitude of Americans who wanted no more of those annoying war things. It really was just a peace of paper(c wat I did ther), though, as there were no measures included on how to deal with nations that violated the pact. The pact in reality reflected U.S desire to avoid involvement in the European alliance system, and to establish a close tie between France and U.S. This was symbolic of American foreign policy in the post WWI era, the U.S didn't use its power to maintain world order, preferring meaningless thin slices of trees instead. ^refers to when France wanted a sole anti-war alliance with US

The Grange

It was a farmers movement involving the affiliation of local farmers; to work for their political and economic advantages. The official name of the National Grange is the Patrons of Husbandry the Granger movement was successful in regulating the railroads and grain warehouses

"Corrupt Bargain"- Election of 1824

Jackson's popularity rested on his military victories over the British at the battle of New Orleans and over the Creek and Seminole Indians. Adam's support was in New England and more generally the North. Other candidates were William Crawford and Henry Clay. Jackson received popular vote but no majority winner of the electoral votes. Among the four candidates, none had gotten the majority of votes. Clay who came in forth was eliminated. Clay, who was in the House of Reps helped elect Adams as president and was later elected as his Secretary of State.

Election of 1832

Jackson's veto of the bank served as the ultimate testament to his win in the 1832 election. Jackson won a sweeping reelection over Henry Clay ensuring the death of the Bank of the U.S.

Leisler's Rebellion

Jacob Leisler, one of the wealthiest merchants in the city of NY was a fervent Calvinist however also perceived as a tyrant. He was disposed as a governor and was hung, had his head cut off and body cut into four parts reflecting the depths of hatred the rebellion had inspired

Internment Camps/ Korematsu vs. US

Japanese Immigrants were subjected to military discipline, lived in shacks and stables, were watched by armed guards, had little privacy and no medical facilities. This revealed how easily war can undermine basic freedoms, there were no court hearings, due process, or writs of habeas corpus. The press supported this policy almost unanimously, even groups that opposed racism supported it or didn't speak up. In the camps, Japanese immigrants were forced to take a loyalty oath and submit to the draft. Korematsu was Japanese American who avoided interment by pretending to be Chinese and worked at a war industries factory to try to help the war effort. He was arrested and the Supreme Court denied his appeal, stating that an order applying only to those of Japanese descent was not based on race.

Compact Theory/ Nullification

Jefferson described the federal union as a compact and rejected Hamilton's broad interpretation of the Constitution. Jefferson believed that every state had the right to nullify of their own authority all assumptions of power by others within their limits.

Louisiana Purchase

Jefferson's controversial purchase that was called a "dangerous precedent," expanded the constitution and its rights, cost 15 million dollars and doubled the size of the US, helped nation avoid war with france, federalists opposed this buy Cause: french leader wanted to establish an empire in north america, was dispatching a large army to put down a rebellion in france's sugar-rich caribbean colony, Haiti, from there french troops could occupy new orleans and close mississippi river to american trade, (army sent to haiti got tropical diseases, he lambasted louisiana causing it to go up for sale from french foreign minister)

Political Parties

Jeffersonians: Strong financial institutions can corrupt. Put their faith in the people (white yeoman farmers). Believed ordinary entrepreneurs could not be trusted. Federalists: Encouraged rapid integration of United States into a world economy but did not trust the people to do so effectively. Required strong national government to work towards the best interest of the people

New England colonies


Maryland Uprising

MD protestant association overthrew the government of the colony's Catholic proprietor, Lord Baltimore

Millard Fillmore/ Franklin Pierce

MF: Took over presidency after Taylor died (he approved the compromise of 1950) FP: northern Democratic president with southern principles, 1853-1857, who signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act and sought sectional harmony above all else.

1968-tumultuous year

MLK and RK assasinations, student antiwar demonstrations, tet offensive, my lai massacre, etc.

Letter from Birmingham Jail

MLK's message that the African Americans will not wait- encourages active resistance and non-violent protest

Truman vs. MacArthur

MacArthur publicly against Truman Note: Truman solely maintained the New Deal

John J Pershing

Main war officers in WWI


Maintained in favor of Great Britain

Dwight Eisenhower/ Douglas MacArthur

Major War Officials during WWII

Oakie/ Arkies

Many poor farmers from OK and AK leave to go to Cali and move out of Dust Bowl.

Mao Zedong-China Falls to Communism

Mao Zedong/ Chaing Kai Shek: Chinese country was torn b/w Kai-shek's Nationalists in the South and Zedong's Communists in the North. The US supported the Nationalists but they were associated with corruption and were not very popular. The Communists on the other hand controlled more of the region. The nationalists mistakenly over-extend themselves and rushed north which exposed his forces to Communist counterattack. Marked a Chinese Civil War. In the end, Zedong won, signing a treaty of mutual assistance with the SU in 1950, giving the SU a powerful satellite. This led to the U.S focusing on Japan as its main Asian ally, and refused to recognizing the Zedong regime. Chiang's forces fled to Formosa (Taiwan) for sanctuary at the end of the war.

Marbury v. Madison

Marbury sued because Madison (secretary of state) would not deliver the necessary papers for Marbury to get commission for the office of justice of the peace; outcome: Marbury didn't get commission; Marshall established: Supreme court had power to declare act of Congress unconstitutional (Judicial Review)

Zimmerman Note

March of 1917, British spies intercepted and made public the telegram, a message by German foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmerman, calling on Mexico to join in a coming war against US- led to US declaration of war against Germany

Mary McLeod Bethune/ Frances Perkins

Mary Jane McLeod Bethune was an American educator and civil rights leader best known for starting a school for African-American students in Daytona Beach, Florida Frances Perkins was the first woman cabinet member

McCulloch v. Maryland

Maryland was trying to tax the national bank and Supreme Court ruled that federal law was stronger than the state law.- "the power to tax is the power to destroy"

George McClellan vs. Ulysses S. Grant

McClellan: Assumed command of the Union's Army of the Potomac. A brilliant organizer, he succeeded in welding his men into a superb fighting force. However he seemed reluctant to commit them to battle (overcautious, pompous, and cowardly). Months of military inactivity and tension b/w him and Lincoln Grant: Led the war in the West for the Union. Westpoint graduate who had resigned from the army due to allegations of drinking, had been notably unsuccessful in civilian life. When war broke out he worked his way to the top.

Platt Amendment

McKinley forced the island's new government to approve this amendment to the new Cuban constitution which authorized US to intervene militarily whenever it saw fit (American interest for trade rather than wealth from natural resources)- slightly hypercritical given the earlier teller amendment

Philippines/ Annexation- antiimperialist league

McKinley- Philippine decision- Decided that it was best that the US uplift and civilize the Filipino people and train them for self-government. Antiimperialists: Andrew Carnegie offered to pay for the independence of the Filipino people. Opponents of American imperialism founded this league which united writers and social reformers who believed American energies should be directed at home. Also made up of businessmen fearful of the cost of maintaining overseas outposts and racists who did not wish to bring non-white populations into the US. President of the league was George S. Boutwell

Election of 1900

Mckinley won reelection with Teddy Roosevelt as his VP but was assassinated in office.

Writs of Assistance/ James Otis

Method to combat the smuggling of goods through general search warrants for custom officials James Otis: Lawyer who insisted that the writs of assistance infringed on English liberties

Battle of Midway, Hiroshima/ Nagasaki

Midway: This was a turning point in the war in the Pacific, Japan lost 4 irreplaceable aircraft carriers along with 250 planes and a cruiser. On August 6, the Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb over Hiroshima, a city chosen because it had not yet suffered much damage from the war, so scientists could assess the total damage the bomb dealt. 70,000 people were murdered almost instantly, and the ensuing radiation led to more deaths over the next half a century. On August 9, after Japan hadn't surrendered, the U.S dropped its second bomb on Nagasaki, killing another 70,000. The soviet union declared war on Japan on the same day and invaded Manchuria. Japan surrendered within a week. Truman had agreed to drop the bomb, believing it was the best way to minimize american casualties. (Japan nearing surrender but not unconditional surrender)

Minor v. Happersett

Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the Constitution did not grant women the right to vote. The Supreme Court upheld state court decisions in Missouri, which had refused to register a woman as a lawful voter because that state's laws allowed only men to vote.

New Immigration

Minorities no more- huge rush of Hispanics and Asians - cultural pluralism was replacing the melting pot

Miranda vs Arizona

Miranda was accused of kidnapping and police didn't remind him of the right to an attorney. The SC ruled 5-4 in favor of Miranda. Significance: A suspect has to be read his Miranda rights when arrested.

Alamo Battle/ Battle of San Jacinto

Mission compound in San Antonio that Santa Anna stormed killing its 187 American and Tejano defenders. (Davy Crocket involved in the battle). Sam Houston then defeated Santa Anna at the battle of San Jacinto forcing him to recognize Texan independence and eventually served as the first president of the republic of Texas (Texas independent for around 10 years?) Battle of San Jacinto: Houston's men defeated the Mexican army on April 21, 1836, at the Battle of San Jacinto, and took Santa Anna prisoner, until he signed the treaty that gave Texas its independence.

Buying on Margin

Money from loans put into the stock market rather than invested which created a false sense of market confidence essentially (concealed the true progress of the stock market and provided Hoover with a false sense of confidence regarding the economy)

French Colonization

More cooperative and positive relations with the Indians. Unlike the Spanish, which had a strong military basis, the French depended on working relationships with the indians for trade, and military alliances, and as a result the indians were allowed greater freedoms. French motives- aimed to find gold and locate the northwest passage (sea route connecting the Pacific to the Atlantic)

Colonist Advantages

More support for the war, familiarity with the land, greater military leadership (GW), international relations (with France, Spain, and Holland who provided aid), stronger reason for fighting, and superior military strategy

Dawes Severalty Act

Most important legal development in Indian-white relations in more than 3 centuries-aiming to end tribal life, act divided tribal lands into small lands for distribution. each family head received 160 acres, 80 for a single adult, and 40 for a child. American citizenship was awarded to indians who accepted their land, lived away from their tribe, and adopted the habits of a civilized life- tried to force indians to assimilate

Horace Mann

Most influential supporter of the common school movement. Worked to establish a state board of education and adequate tax support for local schools. Believed kids could be shaped to perfection. Saw schools as a means for enriching social discipline. morality (protestant ethic?)

Red Scare/ General Strike in Seattle

Most intense period of national alarm which was heightened from WWI. Found a new target in bolshevism. The Russian Revolution and Marxism frightened many Americans. A growing turn to communism among American radicals accelerated these fears. The Seattle General Strike of 1919 was a five-day general work stoppage by over 65,000 workers in the city of Seattle, Washington, which lasted from February 6 to February 11 of that year. Dissatisfied workers in several unions began the strike to gain higher wages after two years of World War I wage controls. Most other local unions, including members of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), joined the walkout. Although the strike was non-violent and lasted less than a week, government officials, the press, and much of the public viewed the strike as a radical attempt to subvert US institutions. Some commentators raised alarm by calling it the work of Bolsheviks and other radicals inspired by "un-American" ideologies, making it the first concentrated eruption of the anti-Red hysteria[citation needed] that characterized the Red Scare of 1919 and 1920.

KKK/ Force Act

Most notorious organization which served as a military arm of the Democratic Party in the South. Was a terrorist organization led by planters, merchants, and Democratic party politicians. Launched a "reign of terror" against Republican leaders, black and white. (Nathan Bedford Forest- notorious KKK who has the most statues of honor) Grant's police to help protect the voting rights of African Americans. Also aimed at limiting the activities of the KKK.

Social Security Act

Most significant reform act enacted in 1935-Three major parts of the legislation: provided for old-age pensions financed equally by a tax on employers and workers, it set up a system of unemployment compensation on a federal-state basis, and finally, it provided for direct federal grants to the states for welfare payments to the blind, handicapped, needy elderly, and dependent children (adopted some of Townshend's principles). Landmark act

Southern Colonies


New Jersey Plan vs. VA Plan

NJ: spokesperson william paterson, each state possessed one vote and that at the same time gave congress power to tax/regulate trade, would be more great appeal than articles, plan was rejected (delegates were outraged who favored the strong federal government) VA: spokesperson was edmund randolph (governor), envisioned a national legislature consisting of two houses, one legislature house elected directly by the people, representation proportional to population, ability to get rid of laws, consisted of a supreme legislature and executive and judiciary, opponents had no time to oppose to plan

NSC 68- Paul Nitze

NSC 68: National defense policy that was based on the premise that SU sought to impose sole authority over the entire world. Mentality led to a massive expansion of military power so that the US could halt/ overcome the SU threat. (Headed by Paul Nitze)

Middle Colonies


Triangular Shirtwaist fire

NYC, March 25, 1911; industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York, causing the death of 146 garment workers who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths. It was the worst workplace disaster in New York City until September 11, 2001. The fire led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards and helped spur the growth of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, which fought for safer and better working conditions for sweatshop workers in that industry; located in the Asch Building (fire that resulted most likely from the low quality working conditions of the facility)

National Security Act- CIA/ NSC

National Security Act: Established a Department of Defense which presided over three separate services- the army, the navy, and the air force. The act also created the CIA to coordinate intelligence fathering activities as well as the creation of the NSC (national security council) composed of the service secretaries, the secretary of defense and the secretary of state. Air force emerged as the dominant war time force.

National Debt

Nations debt: 54 million dollars owed from foreign loans, loan certificates to own citizens and soldiers, and obligations made during rev war. State debt: 25 million dollars (Approx 40 million dollars of debt owed to 20,000 people, 20 percent of whom were the original creditors)

Scots-Irish/ German

Nativist view point- threat to social order in US. Threatened to change the culture and way of life

Independent Treasury

New policy allowing the removal of federal funds from the pet banks and placing them in the Treasury Department. Split the Dem party- business oriented Dems connected with the state banks opposed the policy and shifted to Whigs side while small farmers and urban laborers rallied to Van Buren (during his presidency?)

Yellow Journalism- Hearst/ Pulitzer

Newspapers which mixed sensational accounts of crime and political corruption with aggressive appeals to patriotic sentiments. Helped prompt the US entrance into Cuba (Note Spain had been known for its corrupt regime in Cuba) (Rivarly b/w Hearst and Pulitzer)

Tariff of 1828 "Abominations"

Nickname given to the tariff of 1828 by SC. State's leaders no longer believed it possible or desirable to compete with the North in industrial development and threatened to nullify the legislature (believed that the tariff was put into place to hurt the south and benefit the north

John Fiske- "Anglo Saxon Superiority"

Nineteenth-century enthusiasm for brain size as a simple measure of human performance, championed by scientists including Darwin's cousin Francis Galton and the French neurologist Paul Broca, led Fiske to believe in the racial superiority of the "Anglo-Saxon race". - Champion of imperialism and similar to a social darwinist

Peace with Honor- Vietnam Vietnamization

Nixon's process of gradual withdrawal from Vietnam as well as giving the South Vietnamese the money, weapons, and training to take over the war effort.

Détente- Soviets/ China

Nixon-Ford-Kissinger policy of seeking relaxed tensions with the Soviet Union through trade and arms limitation. (Nixon's foreign policy tactic to diminish Cold War tensions).

James Weaver

Nominated as president of the populist (people's) party- in the election of 1892 he attracted over 1 million votes and accumulated 22 electoral votes (elected governors in Kansas and North Dakota, ten congressmen, five senators, and about 1500 members of state legislatures (peak this election)

Gulf of Tonkin Incident/ Tonkin Resolution

North Vietnamese torpedos attacked the Maddox, an American destroyer- the Maddox escaped but the US sent in another destroyer in which both opened fired on North Vietnamese gunboats in the area. Retaliatory air strikes were launched as well- however it was then discovered that the North Vietnamese had not launched a second attack on the American ships. LBJ the next day had congress pass a resolution authorizing him to take any war time powers necessary- this marked his political downfall

Upton Sinclair- Jungle

Realist/ muckraker who explored the corruption of the meat industry / scandalous working conditions in Chicago meatpacking industry -The Jungle which called for the federal government to regulate the meat industry Realism- believed that glorification of individualism/ self made man was holding America back from coping effectively with large scale organizations. Despised the emulation of European society.

Salt I treaty

Nurtured by Nixon's visit to China (and formal recognition of the communist regime)- agreement that Soviets would freeze on the number of ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads- reduced arms race

Stock Market Crash- Impact/Sign vs. Cause

October 1929- put a sudden and tragic end to the speculative mania- corps and financial institutions no longer willing to provide capital for stock market purchases, investors and bankers cut off consumer credit (diminishing buying power and leading to a decline in production), factories laid off workers, etc -unemployment swelled to 25% of the workforce- BASIC cause that US factories produced more goods than the American people good consume (gap b/w rich and poor)- hardly raised wages during the time period (only 11%) which largely contributed to the depression

Lincoln's 10% Plan

Offered an amnesty and full restoration of rights, including property except for slaves, to nearly all whites southerners who took an oath affirming loyalty to the Union and support for emancipation. Very lenient (view of succession- as if the South never left)

Crittendon Compromise

Offered the most widely supported compromise plan of the secession. Would have guaranteed the future of slavery in the states that currently had it and extended the MI compromise (but hadn't the MI compromise been repealed at this point anyways?). The seceding states rejected the compromise. He stood as a proponent to Lincoln

Pullman Strike and Grover Cleveland

One of the largest strikes in the county's history began just a few days after when employes of the Pullman Palace Car Company struck to protest wage cuts, continuing high rents, and layoffs. The ARU under Eugene Debs joined the strike by refusing to handle trains that carried pullman sleeping cars. Within hours the strike paralyzed the western half of the nation. The strike extended into 27 states Had been reelected to presidency in 1892 decided to break the strike on the grounds that it obstructed the delivery of mail. Army was sent to stifle the protest. (He exerted a court injunction).

Farmers Alliance

One of the most powerful protest movements in American history that attempted to solve economic problems while at the same time advance a larger vision of harmony (eventually dwindled)


One of the most successful long-lived manifestations of pre-civil war utopianism- believed in sexual equality and communal ownership/ strict celibacy

Slave Resistance

Open rebellion was the most dramatic and clear-cut form of slave resistance however the riskiest (lowest success rate) as well. Running away was another tactic that was most likely the most effective (typical fugitive was a young, unmarried, male from upper south). Indirect or passive resistance was also popular such as working slowly as a form of protest. Faking injuries, stealing provisions, and acts of sabotage also occurred. Tools and agricultural implements were deliberately broken, animals willfully neglected, barns set afire. (Also poison food of master)

Pinckney Treaty

Opening of Mississippi, right to deposit goods in New Orleans without paying duties, secure southern boundary on the 31st parallel, and a promise to stay out of indian affairs. Pinckney became hero of Federalist party

1nd/ 2nd wave of succession

Order: South Carolina December 20, 1860 Mississippi January 9, 1861 Florida January 10, 1861 Alabama January 11, 1861 Georgia January 19, 1861 Louisiana January 26, 1861 Texas February 1, 1861 Virginia April 17, 1861 Arkansas May 6, 1861 North Carolina May 20, 1861 Tennessee June 8, 1861

Lucretia Mott/ Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Organized Woman's Rights campaign- the abolitionist movement spurred the woman's rights movement with the help of Garrison who linked the two

Richard Allen/ A.M.E Church

Organized as a national denomination under the leadership of Reverend Richard Allen of Philadelphia. AME sometimes surprised by suspicious whites. A lot of times practiced in secret. Religion tried to instill joy in their lives (highly emotional affair)

JFK Assasination

Oswald killed him as he rode in a motorcade in downtown Dallas.-Warren commissions view that only suspect involved

Examples of Intervention in Latin America

Panama (Canal), Nicaragua, Mexico, Cuba, Honduras, etc

Hamilton's Financial Plan

Recommendations: U.S. to fund its foreign and domestic obligations at full face value and federal government to assume responsibility for paying the remaining state debts (Best solutions because reduce power states in shaping economic policy, and good international image of U.S.- trying to appeal to foreign investors)

James K Polk

Party platform called for the "re-annexation" of Texas implying that it had been part of the Louisiana Purchase and also the reoccupation of Oregon- slogan "54 40 or fight" originated during this time. Former governor of Tennessee; main assets were his support for the annexation and his close association with Jackson; slaveholder- cotton plantations in Mississippi and Tennessee with brutal conditions; first "dark horse" candidate for president (first completely unexpected nomination); Polk's campaign promised not to give up any part of Oregon to Britain without a fight- later not fulfilled; won presidency in 1844 election; goals as president: reduce the tariff, reestablish the independent Treasury system, settle dispute over ownership of Oregon, bring California into the Union; president during Mexican War

Lend-Lease Act

Passed in 1941 which authorized military aid so long as countries promised somehow to return it all after the war

Peace Corps

Peace Corps was an idealistic program to aid Third World nations as part of the effort to promote economic modernization and stable pro-Western governments. It sent young volunteers, mainly doctors, lawyers, and engineers to third world nations for locally sponsored projects to imporve economic stagnation, poor health and education. It was an alternative to the containment policy. This was one of JFK's more popular programs and was probably more effective than AfP (everything's an acronym in Dan land) Unfortunately, the Green Berets and counterinsurgency were relied on more to buff the communist challenge in the Third World.

Camp David Accords

Peace settlement b/w Israel and Egypt as Carter acted as an intermediary

Draft Deferments

People with money could buy themselves out of war which usually applied to college students

Chief Joseph

Perce tribe of Oregon- rebelled against governmental policy. Hoping to reach Canada, Chief Joseph led the tribe on a courageous flight lasting 75 days and covering 1321 miles-they defeated the pursing army at every turn but ran out of food and supplies and ammunition and eventually surrendered. -sent to barren lands in the Indian Country of Oklahoma and there most died from disease

Philippine War- Emilio Aguinaldo

Philippine movement turned against US resulting in a second war under McKinley presidency (a lot bloodier). Reports of US torturing, burning down villages, etc. Subjects or citizens debate Established the provisional government with a constitution modeled on that of the US. (US did not want this- they wanted control of Philippines)

Watts 1965/ Detroit 1966

Police who were arresting a young man for drunk driving argued with the suspect's mother which led to a riot killing 34 people and destruction of $30 million. One of the worst race riots in the nation's history. The 1967 Detroit riot, also known as the 12th Street riot, was a civil disturbance in Detroit, Michigan, US that began in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 23, 1967. The precipitating event was a police raid of an unlicensed, after-hours bar then known as a blind pig, on the corner of 12th (today Rosa Parks Boulevard) and Clairmount streets on the city's Near West Side. Police confrontations with patrons and observers on the street evolved into one of the deadliest and most destructive riots in United States history, lasting five days and surpassing the violence and property destruction of Detroit's 1943 race riot.

Municipal Reform

Political parties were generally controlled by machines. Most prominent forms of reform were the city commission and the city manager forms of government

Black Panthers

Political party founded by Newton and Seale to fight police brutality in the ghetto. Many wore black berets, leather jackets, etc. Believed power flows out of the barrel of the gun- more of a political statement

Election of 1984

Reagan reelected as president- embraced a trickle down economics theory Combo of tax cuts and increase in military spending created huge debts- causes the national debt to triple Iran- Contra affair- had to do with the Iran-Iraq war...Reagan's admin came up with secret plan of selling U.S. antitank and antiaircraft missiles to Iran's gov for its help in freeing the Americans held hostage and to use the profits to fund the contras in Nicaragua (anti leftist rebels)- Reagan suffered a sharp decline in rep but temporary

Nueces vs. Rio Grande

Polk wanted desperately California to be admitted into the Union which prompted him to order military troops to move into the region b/w these two rivers which was land claimed by both countries on the disputed border of Texas and Mexico. Made conflict inevitable and is why the war so controversial.

Minority view of commissions

Poor and minority voters found their influence in local affairs weakened as a result

Jack Dempsey vs. Gene Tumney

Popular boxing matchup (Tumney undefeated)

Dwight L. Moody

Popular evangelical preacher who brought the tradition of old time revivalism to the industrial city-sparked revival meetings

Impact of French-Indian War

Precursor to the revolutionary war- colonists and british becoming more fundamentally different

Charles G. Finney

Presbyterian evangelist who preached that every man or woman had the power to choose Christ and a godly life. He deviated from his church's traditional belief that it was God's will that decided who would/ would not be saved. In his sermons he appealed to emotion (ultimate success in Rochester)

"Triple wall of privileges" -tariffs, banking, trusts

President Wilson called for an all-out war on the tariff, the banks, and the trusts. (Wanted to lower tariffs Underwood tariff) , dismantle trusts (Clayton anti-trust act), and establish more flexible currency (Federal Reserve act)

Francis willard/ Woman's Christian Temperance Association

President of the Woman's Christian temperance association (The Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was the first mass organization among women devoted to social reform with a program that "linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far-reaching reform strategies based on applied Christianity."[1])- eventually advocated for suffrage

James Madison Presidency

President that succeeded Jefferson (Democratic-Republican); lacked necessary qualities for effective leadership; president during conflict between France and Britain and during War of 1812

Anaconda Plan

Proclaimed a naval blockade of the South in order to strangle the South economically (blockade under-staffed and not effective until late in the war). Spearheaded by Winfield Scott


Proclamation of 1763 Stamp act Townshend acts Boston Massacre Tea act Committees of Correspondence Intolerable Acts First continental congress Lexington and Concord Second Continental Congress Declaration of Independence


Reconquest of Spain from the Moors (African Muslims). Following Ferdinand and Isabella's marriage, they ordered all jews and muslims to convert to catholicism or leave the country.

Victoria Woodhull/ Comstock Law

Prohibited the mailing or transportaion of obscene, lewd, or lascivious articles for immoral use. Woodhull was arrested for sending obscene things in the mail

13th Amendment/ 14th Amendment/ 15th Amendment

Prohibited/ terminated slavery Citizenship for all people born in the U.S. and equal protection of the law. Amendment offered the South a choice: allow black men to vote and keep their state's full representation in the House of Reps or limit the vote to whites and sacrifice part of their political power. In a compromise the amendment was passed but black suffrage was not included. (States decided whether or not blacks could vote). In 1869 it approved the 15th amendment which prohibited the federal and state government from denying any citizen the right to vote because of race. Bitterly opposed by the democratic party, it was ratified in 1870.- states still got around blacks voting view stringent literacy tests and voting requirements

Sussex Pledge

Promise made by Germans to change their naval warfare policies (ultimatum)

Albany Plan of Union/ Ben Franklin

Proposed by benjamin franklin, appreciated need for intercolonial cooperation, envisioned a grand council made up of elected delegates from various colonies, started out strong but then failed because it would have required taxing the colonies- meant to be a military alliance among the colonies (join or DIE)

TN Valley Authority

Proved to be the most successful and enduring of all Roosevelt's New Deal measures-It was the first major experiment in regional public planning, and wanted to break up the power monopoly of utility companies by building hydroelectric power plants in TN valley. It employed thousands, built 20 dams, helping to stop flooding, erosion, improved navigation, and generated power. It was a huge success, the most successful of the first new deal reforms. It provided employment for errbody in the region, supplied cheap electric power, and plenty of other good stuff. Criticized as being socialist, but the Supreme Court upheld it. However, Congress refused other similar projects because they wouldn't want to lose reelection.

SALT II treaty

Provided with limiting the size of super-powers nuclear delivery system (senate never ratified the treaty)

David G Phillips- Treason of the State

Published "The Treason of the Senate" in Cosmopolitan in 1906, shocking the nation. He charged that 75 of the 90 senators represented the railroads and trusts rather than the people. He continued publishing other works, and in 1911 was assassinated by a deranged young man.- embodied the progressive spirit of the era

Underwood Tariff

Pushed through Congress by Woodrow Wilson, this 1913 tariff reduced average tariff duties by almost 15% and established a graduated income tax

Non-intercourse act/ Macon's Bill number 2

Put into place by james madison after 1808 election, authorized resumption of trade between u.s and all other nations except britain and france Passed by congress in 1810, sponsored by nathaniel macon of north carolina, reestablished trade with both britain and france, as soon as either nation repealed restrictions upon neutral shipping, government promised to halt all commerce with the other

Herbert Hoover- "triumph over poverty"

Quintessential self made man who believed that business and government were partners. He embodied the nation's faith in individualism and free enterprise. (Republican as well). Was also the president during the Great Depression

Carrie Nation- Anti-Saloon League

Radical member of the Temperance Movement; known for promoting her view point through vandilism Frequently attacked property of alcohol-serving establishments with a hatchet Purpose of League was prohibition The most successful political action group that forced the prohibition issue into the forefront of state and local elections and pioneered the strategy of the single-issue pressure group.

Ross Perot

Ran in the election of 1996- he was a Texas billionaire who captured a fair amount of votes -nearly 20%!

12th Amendment

Ratified in 1804 saved the American people from repeating this potentially dangerous turn of events. In other words the electoral college cast separate ballot for president and vice president.

Direct primary

Reform at the state level in which voters themselves rather than party bosses choose party candidates. Voters also gained right to elect senators rather than state legislature.


Reform movement that took its name from individuals who left the Republican Party in 1912 to join Theodore Roosevelt's new party Two presidents which spearheaded movement: TR and Woodrow Wilson- Reformers set out to cleanse an America whose politics and society they perceived was in decline. Wanted to rid politics of corruption, tame the trusts, and inject more liberty into American life. Fought against prostitution, gambling, drinking, etc. Agreed the need for an activist government (however to what degree varied). Perpetuated the notion that a strong government was a positive thing (wanted to tame capitalism not eliminate it)

Declaratory Act

Rejected American's claims that only elected representatives could levy taxes (instigated after repealing the Stamp Act) (britain had the power to pass any measure that it wanted)

Great Awakening

Religion remained central in 18th century life, thinkers included george whitefield and jonathon edwards, was a transatlantic movement, redrew religion landscape of the colonies, ministers had fears of western expansion, enlightenment rationalism, and these fears inspired revivals in 1730s. In response to the enlightenment.

2nd Great Awakening

Religious and moral revival of evangelical protestantism. Most converts were middle class citizens active in their communities.

Samoan Islands

Remote Pacific site of a naval clash between the United States and Germany in 1899


Renown Civil Rights Leader who advocated for "Soul Force"- his brand of nonviolent resistance based on the teachings of several people such as Ghandi. Some people questioned MLK's nonviolent tactics. He also formed the SCLC- Southern Christian Leadership Conference (religious/ moral roots). He was eventually assassinated but only after aiding millions of African Americans around the nation in their pursuit for equality

Ida Tarbell- the history of standard oil

Reporter who revealed the shady practices by which Rockefeller had transformed his standard oil company into a monopoly (Muckraker)

Election of 1876/ Compromise of 1877

Republican nominee was Governor Rutherford Hayes, while democrats chose Samuel Tilden. Election too close to call in disputed states which prompted congress to create a 15 person electoral commission board. Republicans enjoyed an 8-7 majority lead and the members voted Hayes as president. To avert crisis, a behind the scenes negation was made between Hayes and Tilden in which Hayes would recognize Democratic control of the south and Tilden would not dispute Haye's right to office and the political and social rights of blacks. Hayes also agreed to place a southerner in the position of postmaster general (David M. Key)- served to end reconstruction period essentially

William Lloyd Garrison (the liberator)

Repudiated colonization society and strived for immediate emancipation- very radical abolitionist who called for lack of voting and had an optimal stand on woman's rights (women should be equal partners in the crusade) Also burned the constitution (The Liberator was his journal that denounced colonization and advocated for immediate emancipation)

Half Way Covenant

Response to declining Church membership - lessened the restrictions to join the Church. One could be a church member if he was the ancestor of a grandparent (or any other relative?) who had been one himself.

Immigration restriction- quotas, literacy, national origins quota act

Restriction of the flow of immigrants which some say occurred due to the growing force of KKK nativism sentiment. Henry Cabot Lodge was a proponent of this. Literacy tests restricted immigrant access to the country. Quotas also passed to limit the influx of immigrants (at first southern and eastern european immigrants still came with success). Limited immigration from Europe to 150,000 allocating most of the available slots to immigrants from GB, Ireland, Germany and Scandinavia. Mexicans exempt from the quota act.

Teddy Roosevelt ( the trust buster)

Roosevelt in 1902 ordered the Justice Department to prosecute this company using the Sherman Antitrust Act as his grounds for doing so. Roosevelt labeled as the nation's trust buster-but he did not believe in breaking up all or even most large corporations. He felt industrial concentration brought the U.S. wealth. He believed gov should regulate these industrial giants, punish those that used power improperly, and protect citizens (aka policy of New Nationalism) Northern Securities Co (first trust Roosevelt dismantled?- 95, A railroad monopoly formed by J.P. Morgan and James J. Hill which went against the Sherman Antitrust Act.)

FDR's Quarantine Speech

Roosevelt's 1937 speech that proposed strong US measures against overseas aggressors

Royal vs. Proprietary Colony

Royal colony was under the control of the crown while the proprietary colony was basically guided by land grants from the British government. Individuals were awarded huge tracts of land usually in return for financial or political favors. (Penn, MD, and DW)

Queen Elizabeth I

Ruled alone for nearly half a century and was committed above all else to preserve England's peace and stability. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII. Significant expansion overseas during her lifetime. She also was in power during England's victory over the Spanish Armada

Cherokee v. Georgia/ Worcester vs. Georgia

Ruled that Indians are wards of the federal government who deserved paternal regard and protection but lacked the standing as citizens so could not receive their rights Court seemed to change its mind holding that Indian nations were a distinct people with the right to maintain a separate political identity and be dealt with by the federal gov not the states.

Russo-Japanese War/ TR Portsmouth Treaty

Russo-Jap War: Russia and Japan were fighting over Korea, Manchuria, etc. Began in 1904, but neither side could gain a clear advantage and win. Both sent reps to Portsmouth, NH where TR mediated Treaty of New Hampshire in 1905. TR won the nobel peace prize for his efforts, the 1st pres. to do so. (1905) ended the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). It was signed in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, after negotiations brokered by Theodore Roosevelt (for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize). Japan had dominated the war and received an indemnity, the Liaodong Peninsula in Manchuria, and half of Sakhalin Island, but the treaty was widely condemned in Japan because the public had expected more.

Jane Addams/ Settlement House

Settlement house in Chicago-reformers wanted to bridge the socio-economic gap between the rich and the poor and to bring education, culture, and hope to the slums. Wanted to create a sense of community. Addam's sought to humanize the industrial city.

Indentured Servant

Settler who signed on for a temporary period of servitude to a master in exchange for passage to the New World

Forgotten Presidents of the Gilded Age: Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland

Rutherford Hayes (1876)- (Disputed election) Worked for reform in the civil service, placed well-known reformers in high offices, and ended troops out of SC and LA. Hoped to revive Republican party in the south. Pro gold currency platform James Garfield (1880)- Succeeded Hayes-determined to unite the Republican party, lower the tariff to cut taxes, etc. Was assassinated and replaced by the VP Chester A. Arthur Chester Arthur (1881)- Worked to lower the tariff, and the Pendleton Act was passed during his term to administer competitive exams and appoint officeholders based on merit Grover Cleveland (1884/ 1892): First Dem president since 1861. Vetoed more than 2/3 of the bills presented to him (more than all predecessors combined). Committed himself and the Dem party to lowering the tariff.- held two nonconsecutive terms Benjamin Harrison (1888): Lost the popular vote but beat Cleveland in the election (gave repubs control of the entire white house)


SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conference, founded by MLK, which taught that civil rights could be achieved through nonviolent protests. SNCC: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, founded by young black adults, seeking immediate change, not gradual. One of the most important student activist movements in history (eventually turned more violent) CORE: Staged the first "sit-ins" in which blacks sat down at segregated lunch counters in Chicago and refused to leave until they were served. NAACP: Since 1909 fought to end segregation. Charles Hamilton Houston was the influential figure in this campaign. He was a brilliant professor who trained trained law students. He placed the team under Thurgood Marshall who won stunning victories in Court Cases.

Grimke Sisters

Sarah Moore Grimké (1792-1873) and Angelina Emily Grimké (1805-1879), known as the Grimké sisters, were 19th-century Southern American Quakers, educators and writers who were early advocates of abolitionism and women's rights.

Herbert Hoover- solutions

Scapegoat of the depression- tried to remain optimistic but he was viewed as cynical and mistrusted. He blamed Depression on foreign causes and relied too heavily on voluntary cooperation rather than bold governmental policy. Also relied on voluntary efforts (private charities etc) to help feed and clothe those in need. He eventually cut taxes to help build public confidence and adopted a few federal public works projects (Boulder Dam-provide jobs for idle men) Main efforts: Boulder Dam: " " Hawley Smoot Tariff (bad)- raising the tariff to 60%. It intended to encourage purchase of American products, but it was so severe that other countries saw it as an economic declaration of war, and led to retaliatory tariffs, hurting American exports. It worsened the existing international economic depression, and the ensuing financial chaos made the U.S even more turtley. Reconstruction Finance Corp: Created to help imperiled banks and insurance companies- loaned gov money to financial institutions to save them from bankruptcy (while he favored aid to businesses, he still opposed measures such as direct relief and massive public works) Federal Farm Board: Loaned money to aid cooperatives and brought up surplus crops in the open market in a vain effort to raise farm prices BELIEVED IN RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM AND VOLUNTEERISM

Nicholas Trist

Secretary of State James Buchanan convinced Polk to send Trist as his executive agent to negotiate an end to the U.S.-Mexican War

Defacto vs. Dejure Segregation

Segregation that exists by practice, customs, attitudes, etc. versus segregation that exists by law. (De jure much easier to handle)

Al Smith

Selection as the Dem candidate in 1928- prototype of urban democrat. He was Catholic and Irish. He wanted to end prohibition- he lacked sufficient education. Lacked good economic policies. Despite loosing to Hoover he won, for the first time, in winning a majority of votes for the Dems in the nation's twelve largest cities.

Jim Clark

Selma (voting protest) police commissioner who was more nonviolent and calm

Huey Long Fish (Kingfish)

Senator from LA who eventually turned against FDR and by 1935 had become a major political threat- announced a nation wide "Share the Wealth" movement- wanted to take money from the rich. He threatened to run on a third party which could swing the election to Republicans. He was eventually assassinated

Jay Treaty

Sent to negotiate a formidable list of grievances. Main objectives: removal of British forts on U.S. territory, payment for ships taken in the West Indies (captured), improved commercial relations, and honoring of American's neutral rights. Hamilton sabotaged the treat by secretly informing British officials that the U.S. would compromise on many issues.-entrenched party divisions about french and british lines (repubs- french/ feds- British)

Archduke Franz Ferdinand/ Origins of WWI

Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the throne of the Austro-HUngarian empire which set in motion a chain of events that plunged Europe into most devastating war yet. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

Salem Witch Trials

Series of trials in executions in Salem revolving around the hunt for witches. The only way to avoid prosecution was to confess and name others involved in witch craft. This sparked utter chaos among neighbors (tensions among the Salem Village (poor putnams) and the Salem Town (rich porters)). It is believed that the hysteria stemmed from the anxieties of the era marked by war, economic disruption, and etc.

John Jay

Served as Chief Justice

Eleanor Roosevelt

Set an example that encouraged millions of American women. Dubbed the Conscience of the New Deal, she was a strong advocate for women and blacks during the depression, helping to get their inclusion in the New Deal programs. Many voiceless groups and lower classes cherished her. FDR was worried her speak of equal opportunity for blacks would alienate southern supporters, however. Believed in a life of dignity and decency for all

Works Progress Administration

Spent nearly $5 million authorized by Congress for emergency relief. Tried to give unemployed enough money to meet their basic needs, and tried to stimulate the stagnant economy. Was a response to unrest and criticism from folks like Coughlin, Long, and Townsend. Employed 9 million on public works projects like airports and hospitals (legit stuff). It cost $11.4 billion in total, and eventually employed 40% of nation's workers, who worked 3 hours a week for double the relief payment but less than private employment. Within it, the Federal Arts Project employed young people with arts backgrounds in order to preserve art. It was led by Hopkins, and it helped, but failed to overcome the depression. It was criticized to not spend enough (something FDR didn't like to do), and failed to increase purchasing power. ^critics argued that jobs had no value-"boondoggle" FDR made the depression bearable but prosperity had not yet come

Internal Improvements

Spurred Market Revolution: Economic transformation that took place in the first half of the 19th century. Created a series of innovations in transpiration and communication/ represented an acceleration of developments already under way in the colonial era. II: Public works that were mainly for the creation of a transportation network: roads, turnpikes, canals, harbors and navigation improvements.

Missile Gap- Myth vs. Reality

Sputnik creation spurred the missile gap but in reality US was way ahead of Soviet Union- however after the Cuban Missile crisis the Soviet Union realized that their own nation was significantly behind in the arms race

Non-Agression Pact- Nazi- Soviet Pact

Stalin initially proposed an international agreement to oppose further German aggression, but the main powers of Europe refused. Stalin then turned to Germany and signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler. This allowed Hitler to avoid a taxing two front war for much of WWII, and allowed him to basically take over most of Europe in a Blitzkrieg- shows some of the territorial insecurities of the Soviet Union. Hitler eventually went against this pact and invaded the country

Stalwarts vs Halfbreeds (division of Republican party)

Stalwarts-led by Roscoe Conkling and Half-Breeds led by James G. Blaine split and sometimes paralyzed the Republican party. For instance, Garfield was a Half-Breed while Chester A. Arthur was a Stalwart

Dem vs. repub platforms/ swing states

State's rights, decentralization, and limited government National/sectional rights, centralized government, government intervention. In national elections during this time period 16 states consistently voted Republican while 14 states in the south consistently voted Democratic Swing States: NY, NJ, Connecticut, Ohio, Indiana, and IL

James Madison view of national bank

Staunch disagreement- perpetuate large monied interest in U.S. Also was not permitted by the Constitution- stretching the constitution.

Charles Lingbergh and Gerald Nye

Staunchly against war America First Committee- antiwar sentiment and isolationist values

Stephen S. Long/ "Great American Desert"

Stephen Long labeled the area that was to become Nebraska and Oklahoma in 1820 the "great american desert". He considered the area "almost wholly unfit for cultivation, and of course uninhabitable by a people depending upon agriculture for their subsistence." It was flat, treeless, and arid.

Stock watering, rebates, pools

Stock watering: Corrupt business in which stock distributed in excess of the real value of the assets (false representation) Rebates: Deduction or discount-special rates offered for various situations. Pooling: Sharing traffic (level the playing field?) Not followed-individuals did not keep their word

Gay Liberation Movement

Stonewall Riot led to a more widespread gay liberation movement

Socialism (Eugene Debs)

Stood for the transfer of control over industry from a few industrialists to the laboring masses. Founded in 1901 (Socialist Party of America) influenced progressivism. Enrolled more than 115,000 members and its presidential candidate was Eugene Debs who attracted almost a million votes in the election. Varieties of socialists: Milwaukee-predominantly German workings class immigrants, NYC-Jewish immigrants, SW-native born farmers, Oklahoma-Populists, West-miners, timber cutters, etc

Lochner vs. New York

Struck down a law limiting bakery workers to a sixty hour week and ten hour day because of the fact that baking was safer than mining.

Glorious revolution

Struggle b/w parliament and the crown- parliamentary supremacy secured as well as Protestant succession to the crown (William of Orange- a protestant- eventually became king)- ripple effect in colonies

Free Speech Movement

Student Revolt- Free Speech Movement- University of Cal- Berkeley fueled by suspiciouns of older (depression) generation as well as the war effort. Protested the purpose of education. / Also had the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)- advocated for ridding society of poverty, racism, and violence. -Youth= hippies= drugs/ experimentation, etc

Plessy v. Ferguson vs. Brown V. Board

Supreme Court case in 1896 which ruled that the law requiring railroads to provide equal but separate accomodations for the white and colored races did not violate the 14th amendment (created that doctrine of separate but equal and sparked the Jim crow laws) In Topeka, Kansas, in which the court responded to a brilliant legal brief written by Marshall that addressed segregated education. Case regarding Linda Brown, a 9 year old who had to walk and take a long bus ride to attend a black school rather than attend a white school right near her house. The Court's decision written by chief justic Earl Warren stated that separating by races ingrains the notion of inferiority and that separate educational facilitie are inherently unequal. Case struck down de jure segregation.

Gibbons v. Ogden

Supreme Court decision that ruled that the Constitution gave control of interstate commerce to the U.S. Congress, not the individual states through which a route passed.

Munn v. Illinois vs. Wabash Case (Granger Laws)

Supreme court upheld the IL legislation declaring that private property affected with public interest must submit to being controlled by the public for common good Wabash Case: Narrowed the Munn ruling and held that states could not regulate commerce extending beyond their borders (only congress could) Granger Laws: Certain aspects of the Granger Laws varied from state to state, but all of the involved states shared the same intent: to make pricing of railroad rates more favorable to farmers, small rural farmers in particular, in the states.

Yom Kippur War/Oil Embargo

Syrians and Egyptians launched a surprise attack on Yom Kippur- US provided huge aid to Israel and the war was soon over Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries placed an embargo on oil sold to Israel's supporters- caused a worldwide oil shortage (led to switch in smaller Japanese cars)

Spoils System/ Kitchen Cabinet

System of rotation in office making loyalty to the party the main qualification for jobs. -Gives voters an incentive to retain support for Jackson An informal group of advisers who helped to write his speeches and supervise communication between the White House and local party officials

Panama Canal/ Hay-Burau-Varilla Treaty

TR engineered the separation of Panama from Colombia in order to facilitate the contraction of a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. When Columbia (of which Panama was apart of) refused to cede land for the project, Roosevelt helped set in motion an uprising prompted by a representative of the Panama Canal Company-led to Panama's independence and allowed US to construct and operate a canal and sovereignty over the Canal Zone. Treaty- Treaty between Panamanian rebels and the US made 15 days after the revolt led by the head of the New Panama Canal Company. This same man signed this treaty with the US secretary of state, allowing the US to build on the Panamanian isthmus. The US paid the French company $40 million.

William Howard Taft

TR's secretary of war. Resembled an old guard republican (pro business, feared insurgency and turned a deaf ear to popular clamor for change (more conservative) New= more liberal and reformist). He did not lower the tariff which caused a lot of commotion and did not do much to regulate the trusts/ industry.

Whip Inflation Now- Ford Uses Hoover Tactics

Tactic to reduce inflation- conservative policies and once ineffective agreed to a democratic package to stimulate the economy.

Taft Hartley Act

Taft-Hartley Act: Congress overrode Truman's veto of this act which was designed to correct the imbalance in labor-management relations created by the Wagner Act. This act outlawed the closed shop and secondary boycotts. It also permitted the president to permit an eighty day cooling off period to delay strikes. Unions were still able to survive its provisions.

Martin Van Buren's Presidency

Tainted by the panic of 1837 and the subsequent depression/ economic crisis (elected in 1836)

Election of 1848 (Lewis Cass and Zachary Taylor)

Taylor (W) vs Cass (R) vs Van Buren (Free Soil) Cass believed in popular sovereignty (original founder of the idea) Taylor was a war hero, very popular Van Buren got 300k votes, showed growth of antislavery movement

United Mines Workers/ Strike

Tensions among old and new miners and led to break out of violence and a shift in public opinion towards the miners

Comstock Lode

The Comstock Lode was the first major U.S. discovery of silver ore, located under what is now Virginia City, Nevada, on the eastern slope of Mount Davidson, a peak in the Virginia Range. After the discovery was made public in 1859, prospectors rushed to the area and scrambled to stake their claims. Mining camps soon thrived in the vicinity, which became bustling centers of fabulous wealth.

Great White fleet

The Great White Fleet was the popular nickname for the United States Navy battle fleet that completed a circumnavigation of the globe from 16 December 1907 to 22 February 1909 by order of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt.[1][2]

Greenback Party

The Greenback Party (known successively as the Independent Party, the National Independent Party, the Greenback Party, and the Greenback Labor Party) was an American political party with an anti-monopoly ideology which was active between 1874 and 1889. The party fielded Presidential tickets three times — in the elections of 1876, 1880, and 1884, before fading away. The party's name referred to the non-gold backed paper money, commonly known as "greenbacks", issued by the North during the American Civil War and shortly afterward. The party opposed the deflationary lowering of prices paid to producers entailed by a return to a bullion-based monetary system, the policy favored by the dominant Republican Party. Continued use of unbacked currency, it was believed, would better foster business and assist farmers by raising prices and making debts easier to pay.

Sit-Ins (Greensboro, NC)

The Greensboro sit-ins were a series of nonviolent protests in 1960 which led to the Woolworth's department store chain reversing its policy of racial segregation in the Southern United States.[1] While not the first sit-ins of the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the Greensboro sit-ins were an instrumental action, leading to increased national sentiment at a crucial period in US history.[2] The primary event took place at the Greensboro, North Carolina Woolworth's store, now the International Civil Rights Center and Museum.

John L. Lewis -CIO

The Head of the United Mine Workers, Lewis, founded this after encouragement from the Wagner Act. After some struggle, it organized most of the steel and automobile industry, and by the end of the 1930s it had more members than the AFL, 5 million. It was successful in many industries, and had unskilled workers as members, included women and blacks, who made up a large part of the membership. Happy moderately related union facts: In 1940, less than 1/3rd of Americans were in unions, however, and restaurant, retail, service, and farming was still unorganized and had low wages and long hours. Union membership would spike during WWII.


The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives. It was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Communist ties.

Interstate Commerce Act/ ICC

The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 is a United States federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry, particularly its monopolistic practices.[1] The Act required that railroad rates be "reasonable and just," but did not empower the government to fix specific rates. It also required that railroads publicize shipping rates and prohibited short haul or long haul fare discrimination, a form of price discrimination against smaller markets, particularly farmers. The Act created a federal regulatory agency, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), which it charged with monitoring railroads to ensure that they complied with the new regulations. ICC- Passed by congress in order to investigate and oversee railroad activities. The act outlawed rebates and pooling agreements and became the prototype of the federal commissions that today regulate many aspects of the economy

Demise of the Whig Party

The Kansas- Nebraska act resulted in the fall out of the whig party and the division of the democratic party- paving the way to the formation of the republican party

David Riesman-Lonely Crowd

The Lonely Crowd(1950): The decade's most influential work of social analysis, written by sociologist David Riesman who described Americans as conformists who lacked the inner resources to lead truly independent lives.

Monitor v. Merrimac (VA)

The Merrimack had prevented McClellan from using the James River, the best route to Richmond. The Monitor had prevented the Confederates hopes of breaking the Union blockade. Merrimack eventually destroyed by own crew and monitor sunk. ^considered an ironclad battle?

Frank Norris- the Octopus

The Octopus: A Story of California is a 1901 novel by Frank Norris and the first part of a planned but uncompleted trilogy, The Epic of the Wheat. It describes the raising of wheat in California, and conflicts between the wheat growers and a railway company. (During the populist movement and farmer alliances)

Pan American Union/ Organization of American States- James G Blaine

The Pan-American Conference in 1889 was a meeting for the Pan-American Union, an international organization for cooperation on trade and other issues. This Union was first introduced by James G. Blaine of Maine in order to establish closer ties between the United States and its southern neighbors (as in South America?). DIPLOMATIC.

Pendleton Act

The Pendleton Act of 1883 was the federal legislation that created a system in which federal employees were chosen based upon competitive exams. This made job positions based on merit or ability and not inheritance or class. It also created the Civil Service Commission. ECONOMIC.

Fort Sumter

The South fired first at Fort Sumter, an enclave of Union control in SC. This sparked the war and within two weeks Virginia, NC, TN, and AS joined the confederacy. (note that SC was the first state to secede)

Taft Commission

The Taft Commission, also known as Second Philippine Commission (Filipino: Ikalawang Komisyon ng Pilipinas) was established by United States President William McKinley on March 16, 1900. The Commission was the legislature of the Philippines, then known as the Philippine Islands under the sovereign control of the United States during the Philippine-American War.

Sanitary Commission

The United States Sanitary Commission was a private relief agency created by federal legislation on June 18, 1861, to support sick and wounded soldiers of the U.S. Army during the American Civil War. It operated across the North, raised its own funds, and enlisted thousands of volunteers. It was directed by Frederick Law Olmsted.

Split in Dem party

The Wilson coalition fell part in 1920 as dissatisfaction with the war allowed Harding to win by a landslide. Growing urbanization split the party into two. One faction was centered in the west and south and a new faction was emerging in the urban cities. A lot of internal conflict.

Middle Ground

The area between european empires and indian sovereignty that contained intermixed villages of settlers and tribes. Also the concept in which native americans would strive to play the French and the British off of each other in trade, etc.

Attitudes Toward Slavery- necessary evil

The argument that despite the immoralities of slavery, it was too entrenched in the south's economy for it to be removed. Apologists were people who defended slavery but agreed it was evil


Theory of manipulation from Britain in which the government should regulate economic acidity of the colonies so as to promote national power (more imports than exports, etc). Process in which Britain would reap the profits of the colonies in order to enrich the mother country Navigation acts are wrapped up in this concept-"enumerated goods" had to be transported in English ships and sold initially in English ports

John Locke

Theory of natural rights offered a powerful justification for colonial resistance (life, liberty, and property)

Wagner Act

This act was introduced by NY senator Wagner, and outlawed company unions along with other tricksy labor practices, so that unions could have collective bargaining. It replaced the Section 7a of the NRA after it was killed by the Supreme Court. It encouraged the creation of the CIO. It was the most far-reaching of all the New Deal measures and revitalized the American labor movement and led to a permanent shift in labor-management relations. Mister history sage calls it the most important piece of labor legislation in U.S history.

Mariam Anderson Incident

This black contralto was not allowed to sing in Constitution hall because the Daughters of the American Revolution didn't let her. Eleanor Roosevelt spoke out against this discrimination, removing her membership to the DAR. The singer eventually did sing at Constitution hall.-she performed in front of 75,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial

Articles of Confederation/ John Dickinson

This document, the nation's first constitution, was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1781 during the Revolution. The document was limited because states held most of the power, and Congress lacked the power to tax, regulate trade, or control coinage. Dickinson had in mind for the articles allowing for a strong central government- evidently his plans as not followed

Bay of pigs/ JFK actions

This was initiated by the Ike administration, who had been training a group of Cuban exiles in Guatemala as part of a CIA plan to topple Fidel Castro and his communist regime. JFK's aids thought it was stupid for moral and strategerygenic regions, but he stuck to his guns and on April 17th, 1400 Cuban exiles moved ashore at the Bay of Pigs on the southern coast of Cuba, and due to lack of U.S air support, were killed/surrenderified in less than two days. JFK took responsibility for the invasion, but only regretted its outcome. He also privately blamed the CIA. This is significant because it brought the SU and Cuba closer together in planning for defense of future U.S invasion. The US harassed the Castro regime and instigated an economic blockade.

GI Bill/ Servicemen readjustment act

This was one of the most far reaching peaches of social legislation in American history. It aimed at preventing the widespread unemployment and economic disruption following WWII by giving veterans unemployment pay and other monetary incentives like home mortgages and college tuition. It profoundly shaped postwar society, 1 million vets attended college under its, and home mortgages spurred the postwar suburban housing boom. However, blacks and other groups didn't get as many perks from the bill, for instance, they could only get tuition for segregated colleges. (notion of Double V for blacks struggling with discrimination at home and winning the war away)

Escalation/ Tet Offensive

This was the beginning of the end to U.S involvement in Vietnam, and marked a significant drop in public support for the war, as LBJ had been claiming that the U.S was close to winning the war, and upon visiting Vietnam, tricksy Walter Cronkite disagreed on national television. NV surprised U.S troops by beginning this surprise attack on a National holiday, when they attacked 36 heavily populated cities. Militarily speaking, NV lost lots of men and failed to control the cities, but politically speaking they crippled U.S support for the war.- if NV had the capability to launch such an attack then the war was no where close to over

Bonus Army (1932)

This was the biggest blow to Hoover's public image. WWI veterans seeking their bonus promised to be given to them by 1945 marched on washington. The public lapped it up, but it was the Bonus Bill was defeated in Senate, and half of the army remained in protest. They were driven away by militanty MacArthur, who shot tear gas at the 11,000 veterans and burned their shacks down. In truth, MacArthur was more to blame than Hoover for the conflict.

Cuban Missile Crisis Quarantine of Cuba

This was the closest the world ever came to nuclear warfare. It began with SU massive arms buildup in Cuba under the pretenses of protecting Castro from an American invasion. JFK responded by proclaiming a quarantine of Cuba to prevent the arrival of new missiles, threatened nuclear confrontation to force the removal of those already there, and stated that any attack by Cuba on the U.S would lead to a full retaliation against the SU. This was ended with an agreement by Kruschev to remove the missiles and JFK promise to not invade Cuba. JFK also quietly removed obsolete missiles from Turkey. The peaceful resolution to this even helped JFK attain even greater popularity and the Democratic party overcome the republican challenge in mid-term elections. This also marked a shift form confrontation to conciliation and a hotline was installed in the Oval office and Russian equivalent of an oval office to speed direct communication between Washingbear and Moscow in an emergency. Unfortunately, the crisis revealed the U.S's nuclear superiority and led to a crash program by the SU to bolster its arsenal.

Thomas Nast vs. Boss Tweed/ Tammany Hall

Thomas Nast: Father of the American Cartoon/poltical cartoonist/ helped expose the corruption of boss tweed and overthrow him in the process Was considered a Mugwump (separated from republican party to vote for Cleveland) Boss Tweed: Head of the famed Tweed Ring in NY provided the model for all of the bosses. Rose through the ranks of Tammany Hall-behind the scenes, headed a ring that plundered NY for tens of millions of dollars Tammany Hall: Famous democratic party organization that dominated city politics from 1850s to the 1930s

Great Migration

Thousands of industrial jobs were opened to black laborers for the first time inspiring a large scale migration from South to North. B/w 1910 and 1920 half a million blacks left the south causing major cities to double in black population. Motives: higher wages in northern factories, opportunities for education, escaping the threat of lynching, prospect of exercising the right to vote

Indian Self Determination Act of 1975

To achieve self-determination and revival of tribal traditions

Goals of the Confederacy

To retain their way of life- evidently the institution of slavery and their vision of freedom (being the right to own slaves). Slavery had grown so inextricably entrenched in the economy of the south that the slaves were fighting to maintain not only the institution but the framework for their economic prosperity.

Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo- Axis Powers

Tojo- prime minister of Japan Hitler- Dictator of Germany Mussolini- fascist dictator of Italy Formed the axis alliance

Triangular Trade

Trade routes that crisscrossed the atlantic from americas, africa, and europe (british goods to africa and the colonies, slaves from africa to new world)

Columbian Exchange

Transatlantic flow of goods and people which altered evolution via clash of various plants, animals, and cultures that had never before interacted with each other. Accounted to a revolutionized way of life as well as the outbreak of an epidemic.

Washington Disarmament Conference (1921)/ 5 Power Treaty

U.S, Japan, and Britain had been engaged in a naval armament race, and this Conference was the first attempt to find a solution to the rivalry, initiated by Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes. It strove to begin naval disarmament and stabilize relations in the Pacific. The Conference led to the Five Power Treaty which limited capital ships in a ratio of 5:5:3 for the U.S, Britain, and Japan respectively, Japan agreed to the lower amount of ships as long as the U.S didn't fortify Pacific bases like Guam and the Philippines. This treaty temporarily cooled off the naval race. It also led to the Nine Power Treaty, which pledged all countries involved to uphold the Open Door Policy. In addition, the Four Power treaty basically replaced the older Anglo-Japanese alliance with a shiny new Pacific security pact signed by Britain, France, Japan, and the U.S. None of these documents contained any enforcement provisions, and basically formed a parchment peace that would be broken in 1931 when Japan overran Manchuria. (a period of somewhat peace among the large powers)

Annexation of Hawaii- Queen Liliuokalani

U.S. wanted Hawaii for business and so Hawaiian sugar could be sold in the U.S. duty free, Queen Liliuokalani opposed so Sanford B. Dole overthrew her in 1893, William McKinley convinced Congress to annex Hawaii in 1898 (tampered with gov in Hawaii)

Anthracite Coal Miner's Strike/ Square deal

UMW union workers wanted a 10 to 20 percent increase in wages, and an eight hour day. Roosevelt summoned the miners and their employers to the white house. TR to everyones surprise sided with the miners threatening the employers who eventually backed down and gave the miners 10% wage increase and a 9 hour work day Square deal: 3 principals: conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection Square deal for labor: President Theodore Roosevelt's plan for reform; all Americans are entitled to an equal opportinity to succeed, Focused on busting trusts, gov't regulation of big biz, fair chance for labor, and environmental conservation

Credit Mobilier Scandal/ Whiskey Ring

Union Pacific Railroad insiders formed the Credit Mobilier construction company and then hired themselves at inflated prices to build the railroad line, earning high dividends. When it was found out that government officials were paid stay quiet about the illicit business, some officials were censured. A group of officials were importing whiskey and using their offices to avoid paying the taxes on it, cheating the treasury out of millions of dollars.

US/ Soviet Mutually Suspicious

US suspicious of Soviet communist expansion and growing military superiority and power while the Soviets were suspicious of US self-determination and their motives for world dominance- mutually exaggerated suspicions Note Soviets were presumably vulnerable to attack at the home front which drove their motive to install soviet satellite/ buffer territories

Battle of Tippecanoe/ William Harrison/ Tecumseh

US under the impression that tecumseh (an indian leader who was very powerful and intelligent, trying to restore confidence and revitalize tribal cultures of the indians of the indiana territory) was working with Britain and as a result Harrison led troops to defeat the indians at the mouth of the Tippecanoe Creek.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom's Cabin- Harriet Beecher Stowe's book which acknowledged that most slaveholders were not as brutish as Simon Legree. But the fact that there was a person like Simon Legree showed the institution was bad

Freedman's Bureau

Under the direction of O. O. Howard, a graduate of Bowdoin College in Maine and a veteran of the Civil War, Bureau took on daunting responsibilities. Bureau agents were suppose to estabish schools, provide aid to the poor and aged, settle disputes between whites and blacks and among freepeople, and secure equal treatment for former slaves. Lasted from 1865-1870. Made striking achievements in health care and education. Johnson ordered all federal land to be returned to whites (those on Sherman's land). No land distribution took place perpetuating poverty for propertyless blacks. *Blacks forced to take up sharecropping positions and essentially remain on the plantations

North vs. South- advantages/ disadvantages

Union favored nearly in every category (greater population of 22 million compared to 9 million), greater manufacturing, however greater task to complete. Needed to restore the union by invading and conquering an area bigger than western europe while the confederacy were fighting to retain their way of life and solely needed to fight more of a defensive war). The confederate troops also had superior military leaders but an inferior president

Transcontinental Railroad/ Promontory Point

Union pacific railroad build westward and the central pacific railroad to build eastward. Chinese laborers worked best and many hired to work on the railroad. Not given deserved credit. Dodge served as the chief for the Union Pacific while Crocker led the Central Pacific. Promontory Point- where the west and east lines of the transcontinental railroads connected in Utah

Lincoln Steffens

Unraveled the webs of bribery and corruption that were strangling local governments in the nation's great cities. (Muckraker)

Ralph Nader- unsafe at any speed

Unsafe at Any Speed: The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile by Ralph Nader, published in 1965, is a book detailing resistance by car manufacturers to the introduction of safety features, like seat belts, and their general reluctance to spend money on improving safety.

Spanish Armada

Unsuccessful attempt to raid the British Isles and overthrow Queen Elizabeth I. The raid was prevented due to severe weather.

Shay's rebellion

Uprising in 1786 involving several thousands of impoverished farmers that occurred soon after Annapolis meeting; reason- no matter how hard farmers worked, always in debt to eastern creditors; farmers complained of high taxes, high interest rates, state government insensitive to their problems; put out by private militia; result: Massachusetts voters selected representatives sympathetic to Shays's demands and new liberal assembly reformed debtor law in next general election; persuaded some who may have ignored the Philadelphia Convention to participate in drafting a new constitution-spotlighted the weaknesses of the Articles

Necessary and Proper Clause- strict vs. loose interpretation

Used as defense of the national bank by Hamilton- loose interpretation of the constitution in which Washington nevertheless signed into law shortly after.

Chesapeake Colonies

VA and MD

Western Lands Conflict/ Lands Ordinance/ NW Ordance

Vast, unsurveyed, western land in need of organization. Thousands of squatters were pouring into the west. An orderly process for laying out new townships and marketing public lands (land arranged in grid patterns for purchase) 1787; new structure for government of Northwest Territory; territories were ruled by governor, secretary, 3 judges appointed by Congress; when sixty thousand people resided in one territory they could write a constitution and petition for full statehood (equal to population of smallest state already in the Union)

Harlem Renaissance

WEB Du Bois and James Johnson became the leaders of the Harlem Renaissance- a period of literary, music, art, etc development and racial and cultural empowerment in Harlem NY. Helped spark a rise in African American college graduation

Jacob Coxey's Army/ United Mine Workers Strike

Wanted to put the nation's jobless to work building roads. Wanted congress to authorize the printing of $500 million in paper money to finance road construction and marched to Washington. Other armies sprang up as a result. The army was eventually stifled. (as a result of the economic recession following the panic of 1893)

Josiah Strong/ Our Country

Wanted to update manifest destiny. Believed that Anglo Saxons were superior to any other group of people and they should spread institutions to inferior races. The economy would benefit in the process because civilizing "savages" would turn them into consumers of American goods (essentially a foreign manifest destiny)

Charles Van Doren- Game show scandal

When allegations of cheating were first raised, by Stempel and others, Van Doren denied any wrongdoing, saying "It's silly and distressing to think that people don't have more faith in quiz shows." But on November 2, 1959, he admitted to the House Subcommittee on Legislative Oversight, a United States Congress subcommittee, chaired by Arkansas Democrat Oren Harris, that he had been given questions and answers in advance of the show.

Election of 1828

Very dirty campaigning/ election as a whole. Jackson's supporters accused Adams of having had a series of mistresses while serving as a diplomat in Europe and praised Jackson's manliness and ridiculed Adam's intellectual attainments. Jackson's opponents condemned him as a murderer for having executed army deserters and killing men duels. They also questioned the morality of his wife Rachel because she had married Jackson before her divorce from her first husband had been finalized. (Jackson believed that such slandering of his wife had resulted in her death the following the election.)

Spiro Agnew

Vice president during Nixon who was forced to resign for taking bribes when governor of MD

Jimmy Carter-moral diplomacy

Viewed as an outsider - very modest and a common man Inflation reached 13% during his term At one point he had a 23% approval rating

Gabriel Prosser

Virginia slave who mobilized a large bond of his fellows to march on Richmond but whites were able to suppress the uprising without any loss of white life

William Seward- "Seward's Folly"

Voice of abolitionism in the senate, said slavery appealed to higher law than constitution Lost Republican nomination to Lincoln advised him to wait for victory before Emancipation Proclamation Also helped purchase Alaska- "Seward's Icebox" - believed could be used for coaling stations

War of 1812

War hawks believed united states could easily sweep british out of canada, harder than they thought, new englanders refused to cooperate, lasted until about 1814, americans burned capital (york, ontario), british launched attack on baltimore, fort mchenry survived Jeffersonian government didn't understand that a weak, highly decentralized government was incapable of waging an expensive war against the world's greatest sea power (England); US militia was not match for well-trained European veterans; trade conflict and pressure from war hawks (wanted to gain land); Madison won re-election in midst of war; no clear winner to war (deadlock treaty) but had significance to American patriotism & relations with Europe became more peaceful; New Orleans victory after peace treaty was signed (Jackson became a war hero); should have been fought in 1807 (Quasi War); National Anthem created during War

Spanish American War- causes/ consequences

War intended to help aid cuba in its pursuit of independence from Spain. War lasted only four months and resulted in fewer than 400 American combat deaths. Teller Amendment- US had no intention of colonizing the island of Cuba Treaty to end the spanish war- In the treaty with Spain that ended the war, US acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rice, and the Pacific island of Guam. (Treaty of Paris?)

LBJ platform

War on poverty- Michael Harrington/ Head Start- Head Start: This was part of the Office of Economic Opportunity, which emphasized self-help with the government providing money and know-how so the poor could reap the benefits of education. This program prepared educationally disadvantaged children for elementary school. Great Society: This emphasized healthcare and education reform, with reforms like Medicare and Medicaid, and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This also encompassed LBJ's war on poverty, and included the immigration act of 1965 and PBS. - huge rush of Latin Americans and Asians Civil Rights act of 1964 (outlawed segregation in public facilities)/ voting act of 1965 (outlawed literacy tests)

Pancho Villa- troubles with Mexico

War spilled over into the US when Villa attacked Columbus, New Mexico where he killed 17 Americans- Wilson ordered 10,000 troops into Northern Mexico to arrest Villa (was striving to seize power in Mexico) John Pershing was in charge of getting Villa

Santa Anna

Was a general that seized power of Mexico as a dictator, he increased the powers of the national government at the expense of the state governments, a measure that Texans from the United States assumed Santa Anna was aiming directly at them.

Richard Hakluyt (primary source doc?)

Was an English writer who is known for promoting English colonization on the grounds that the inhabitants needed to be freed from the brutality of Spanish treatment. He also argued that by doing so England would be able to benefit economically.

Calvin Coolidge- "business of America is business"

Was the VP of harding who took office after he died (Republican) - He was famous for his expressions (epigrams). He believed in letting politics play out rather than passing laws. (He was the least President of any president) Pro wealthy class

Black Codes

What aroused the most opposition to Johnson's Reconstruction policy were the black codes, laws passed by the new southern governments that attempted to regulate the lives of the former slaves. These laws granted blacks certain rights, such as legalized marriage, ownership of property, and limited access to the courts. But the denied them the right to testify against whites, to serve on juries or state militias, or to vote. Also declared that those who failed to sign yearly labor contracts could be arrested or hired out to white landowners. Some states barred backs from acquiring land and certain occupations

Federal Reserve

Wilson continued to demonstrate his leadership by keeping Congress in session through the summer-bank issue views: banking interests wanted the gov to give authority to single bank or to several regional banks while repub progressives opposed the vesting of so much financial power and were for a publicly controlled financial system. Federal reserve established regional banks each controlled by private banks in region. Also federal reserve board which worked towards a more public influence

Election of 1916

Wilson reelected on the grounds that he kept the US out of war. Even with this slogan he only slightly beat Hughes (considered the pro war candidate)

League of Nations (controversy/ article x)

Wilson's plan- a kind of global counterpart to the regulatory commissions Progressives had created at home to maintain social harmony and prevent powerful from exploiting the weak. (Similar to a UN). To respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all members of the League which constitutes a moral obligation not a legal one (believed it would lead to other nations meddling in US affairs and obligate US to fight international affairs) Henry Cabot Lodge was staunching against it

Wilsons 14 points/ Treaty of Versailles

Wilson's statement of American war aims and of his vision of a new international order- principles were self-determination, freedom of the seas, free trade, open diplomacy, readjustment of colonial claims, and creation of a general association of nations to preserve the peace Some of Wilson's goals accomplished such as the creation of the League of Nations, the application of the principles of self-determination which led to the redistribution of eastern europe. The treaty placed strict limits on the size of Germany's future army and navy/ Germany was pinpointed as the culprit of the war- Debate over US entrance into the League of Nations which would commit the US to open-ended involvement in the affairs of other countries. Versailles treaty eventually rejected by Senate

James Meredith

Won a federal court case that allowed him to enroll in the all-white university of mississippi (Ole Miss). President Kennedy ordered federal marshals to escort Meredith to the resister's office- also attempted to execute a march against fear (he was shot and too injured to continue)

Woodrow Wilson- Moral Diplomacy

Woodrow Wilson brought to the presidency a missionary zeal and sense of his own righteousness. Wilson embodied the notion that the US had a responsibility to teach other people the lessons of democracy. Ironically he produced more military interventions in Latin America than any other president before or since such as in Haiti, Dominican republic, and Mexico

Town Meeting/ General Court

a town-wide meeting to decide on issues facing the village and choose a group of people to govern the town for the coming year, restricted to adult male residents/ General Courts were early forms of democracy


aggressive group of men who claimed they could save confederation, included Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris, James Madison, proposed Impost of 1781 (reduce national debt, whoever paid public debt would gain public trust)

Constitutional Convention/ Philadelphia Convention

also known as the Philadelphia convention, 55 men were there representing 12 states (rhode island did not attend), had a code of silence, decided to vote by state, ruled key proposals needed support of only a majority instead of 9 states under A.O.C, states created plans/compromises-convention to revise the Articles

Charles Lindbergh

an American aviator, engineer , and Pulitzer Prize winner. He was famous for flying solo across the Atlantic, paving the way for future aviational development.

Trusts and Holding Companies

began as a manager for business organization for Standard Oil People traded stock for trust, dividends paid; centralized control of company, allowed it to become huge (monopolies) Holding companies: A holding company is a business or firm that owns the outstanding voting stock of other companies. The amount of voting stock the holding company owns is significant enough to let the holding company have a notable say in what the stock-issuing companies do. (Known as parent companies)

Know Nothing Party

began as a secret party openly hostile to foreigners- nativist view point anti-Catholic, antislavery (Formed in the midst of the pre civil war tensions) General: in 1854 nativism-hostility toward immigrants burst on the national political scene with the sudden appearance of the Know-Nothing party; named because it began as a secret organization when its members were supposed to respond "I know nothing" if asked about it; party triumphed its dedication to reserving political office for native-born Americans; in North Know-Nothings appealed to anti-Catholic, antislavery sentiment, with opposition to the sale of liquor often added; in 1854 election, there was a determination that from here-after only Americans shall rule America


captured by william pepperrell in june 1745 (new england troops), british handed back to french with the treaty of aix-la-chapelle in exchange for concessions elsewhere-made no sense

John Adams

conservative on internal affairs, radical on independence; proposed name of Washington to be commander of Continental army- recognized having a southerner lead American forces would reinforce colonial unity; published Thoughts on Government (2 house legislature for balance); helped negotiate Treaty of Paris; absent during Constitutional Convention (diplomat in Europe); vice president under Washington; 2nd president of the US (Federalist) even after Hamilton's meddling; assumed presidency under intolerable conditions (unsupportive cabinet and Republican VP); resisted Congress and didn't formally declare war against France (avoided war) but Quasi War occurred; disliked Hamilton; not re-elected for second term (due to actions); appointed Federalist midnight judges before Jefferson's term; founding father who never owned a slave (General to the time-Thrust into intolerable conditions-saddled with members of washington's old cabinet who consulted with Hamilton secretly. Afraid to dismiss the cabinet and insult GW's judgement. Also had cold relations with Jefferson (were in stark disagreement and failed to cooperate).

Kansas-Nebraska Act

created territories of Kansas and Nebraska- opening up lands for settlement; had effect of repealing Missouri Compromise by allowing territories to determine their slavery status through Popular Sovereignty; act created by Douglas- strong believer in Western development and hoped transcontinental railroad could be constructed through Kansas or Nebraska (believed only could be done if they had territorial governments); much controversy over the act; millions of Northerners were convinced by the Appeal that southern leaders aimed only to expand their institution to the West; eventually the cause of "Bleeding Kansas"

Thorstein Veblin- Theory of the Leisure Class

economist, wrote Theory of the Leisure Class, condemned and criticized conspicuous consumerism, where status is displayed and conveyed through consumption. (similar view as that of the beats, etc in the 1960s)

Lewis and Clark

exploration of the far west, dispatched by jefferson, in the middle of louisiana controversy, reached pacific ocean in 1805-assessed the quality of land in the West

Battle of Yorktown

final battle of the Revolutionary war; American and French troops surrounded British troops; British (under Cornwallis) had to surrender on October 19, 1781

Freedom of Expression

free expression was not one of the rights of an english men, ability of parliament to express views without the fear of reprisal, free speech had no protection outside parliament, freedom of press viewed as dangerous, 1695, government couldn't censor publishings before printed, freedom of press was discouraged in america

George Washington/ Precedents Set

gained considerable fighting experience in Seven years war; appointed commander of colonial army by the Second Continental Congress; best-known military officer and prominent Virginian; representative at 1st Continental Congress; first president of the US; only president to receive unanimous support of the electoral college; discouraged development of political parties (leaned his views towards Federalist side); alarmed at political disagreements between his two trusted cabinet members Hamilton and Jefferson; very well- liked president; helped unite nation and control foreign affairs; known as "town destroyer" by Iroquois

Wilmot Proviso

in 1846 congressman David Wilmot proposed a resolution prohibiting slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico; party lines crumbled- every Northerner, no matter what political party, supported the Wilmot Proviso while nearly every southerner opposed it; Wilmot Proviso passed in the house (North majority due to population) but failed in the Senate (equal balance of free and slave states); "brought to a head the great question that is about to divide the American people"

Popular Sovereignty

in 1848 election Democratic nominate Lewis Cass proposed that the decision on whether to allow slavery should be left to settlers in the new territories (later called "popular sovereignty"); Douglas believed it embodied the idea of local self-government and offered a middle ground between the extremes of North and South; Democratic way of handling the slavery controversy; popular sovereignty was viewed contradictory though because it could potentially repeal the Missouri Compromise (a long binding agreement of the US); popular sovereignty caused "Bleeding Kansas" (due to Kansas-Nebraska act), etc.

Free Soil Party

in 1848 opponents of slavery's expansion organized the Free Soil Party and nominated Martin Van Buren for president with Charles Francis Adams (son of J. Q. Adams) as his running mate; fact that a former president and the son of another abandoned their parties to run for Free Soil platform showed that antislavery sentiment had spread far beyond abolitionist ranks; popular appeal in the North- sought to keep territories as "free soil" when they entered the Union (preventative action) not to abolish slavery; appeal was that if slavery was allowed in new states white men in North would not have an equal chance to achieve higher standards as those in the South; Southerners opposed believing they deserved to benefit from the victorious war they fought and believed Southern interests would not be secure in a Union dominated by non-slaveholding states

Oklahoma Territory

in the 1830s, most of the Indians in the southeast United States were moved to this "permanent" reservation

Tripolitan War (Barbary Pirates)

jefferson had a problem with barbary pirates/states, dispatched "mosquito fleet" to barbary coast, where americans intended to negotiate, but ship was captured and government lost $60,000, inspired words to Marines' Hym Most European nations paid a tribute to insure safety of trading but Jefferson did not pay such a tribute or give into such demands

Fugitive Slave Act- Northern Reaction

made further controversy inevitable; law allowed special federal commissioners to determine the fate of alleged fugitives without benefit of a jury trial or even testimony by the accused individual; law prohibited local authorities from interfering with the capture of fugitives and required individual citizens to assist in such capture when called upon by federal agents; southern leaders who were usually defenders of states' rights called upon federal agents to be brought into north to return fugitive slaves; security of slavery was more important to them than states' rights consistency; caused fugitives and even free blacks in the North much fear


many families lost their homes because they could not pay their mortgages. These people had no choice but to seek alternative forms of shelter. Hoovervilles, named after President Hoover, who was blamed for the problems that led to the depression, sprung up throughout the United States= shanty towns

Eli Whitney/ Cotton Gin

nventor of the cotton gin and interchangeable parts in 1793- helped separate the seeds in cotton and led to large scale production

Free Coinage of Silver

ncrease currency/money supply for higher farm prices..reduce farmer's debt...reduce power of the eastern bankers...expand silver mining...were all favored by the Populists- emphasized in the allegory Wizard of Oz-While gold as a standard currency symbolized the idle rich of the industrial Northeast, silver stood for common folk. It meant more money, higher crop prices, and a return of prosperity (so the supporters of the wizard of oz believed).

McClures, Collier's and Cosmopolitan

nexpensive and popular magazines written by young journalists that often employed muckraking and were criticized by President Roosevelt- progressivists

Bill of Rights

not included in initial Constitution because declarations had been included in most state constitutions; advocated because many insisted states and citizens needed explicit protection from possible excesses by federal government; major argument from the Antifederalist side; Antifederalists didn't have much of an argument once Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution (madison created Bill of Rights rather than have a 2nd convention)

Brook Farm

one of the most famous experiments in communal living took place here, when this Boston transcendentalist established an experiment community in West Roxbury, Mass., where individuals gathered to create a society that would permit every member to have full opportunity for self- realization, but eventually tension between individual freedom and the demands of a communal society took a toll and residents left and destroyed the experiment.

Aaron Burr

organized proceedings of samuel chase impeachment case, redecorated senate chamber so it looked like british house of lords, ran for governorship in NY, thought to be dangerous by Hamilton, challenged and killed hamilton in a duel-also tried to invade a spanish colony in mexico and envisioned succeeding from the union. Despite all of his wrongdoings, he was acquitted of treason charges due to circumstantial evidence. If he would have been convicted, it would have set a precedent for presidents to silence opposition.

James Monroe

president after Madison; Monroe's two terms in office were years of one- party government (Era of Good Feelings); American System passed during his presidency (new national bank, tariff on imported manufactured goods to protect American industry, federal financing of internal improvement); Monroe Doctrine drafted by Sec. of State John Qunicy Adams during his presidency

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

signed August 9, 1842, was a treaty resolving several border issues between the United States and the British North American colonies, particularly a dispute over the location of the Maine-New Brunswick border. Also banned the slave trade (on the ocean)

Slave trade compromise

slavery was avoided in the constitution (embarrassed to have the actual word written), northern delegates were not happy with the slave trade, southerners threatened to bolt convention, said destroying shape of strong national government, south created clause assuring return of fugitive slaves (fugitive slave act of 1793). In return no trade laws could be passed without 2/3 majority/ congress could not interfere with slave trade until 1808

Great Compromise

spokesperson was Roger Sherman (CT delegate); Grand Committee headed by Franklin; recommendations included: Bicameral legislature (upper and lower houses); Representation based on: population in Lower house and equal representation in Upper house; Lower House (Congress) = population representation, 2 year terms; Upper House (Senate) = equal representation, 6 year terms

Ratification process/debate

state conventions rather than state legislatures to decide (states could use two houses to block approval), required 9 states to ratify to take effect, we the people eliminated difficulty of new england states who would reject the document-VA and NY generated bitter debate

Panic of 1893/ Pullman Strike

strike at train factory in chicago in 1894 Injunction used to stop strike after it was determined the strike was hurting the mail industry made unions look bad Panic of 1893: The Panic of 1893 was a serious economic depression in the United States that began in 1893.[1] Similar to the Panic of 1873, it was marked by the collapse of railroad overbuilding and shaky railroad financing, resulting in a series of bank failures. Compounding market overbuilding and the railroad bubble, was a run on the gold supply. The Panic of '93 was the worst economic depression the United States had ever experienced at the time.

Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

third president, District of Columbia became capital when in office (fit him well,) poor public speaker, exhibited charm in personal conversation, ran for president to reduce size and cost of federal government, repeal of alien/sedition acts, and maintenance of international peace, one of top priorities was cutting national debt (made by Adams), refused to dismiss all federalists, political moderation helped hasten demise of federalist party

Enlightenment in America

this influenced the 18th century, crisscrossed the atlantic, thinkers insisted that every human institution/authority/tradition be judged before bar of reason, thinkers hoped reason could govern human life, many americans moved toward deism (belief that god created the world and then let the laws of nature, science, etc do the rest) and arminianism. Benjamin Franklin embodied the enlightenment spirit

Gifford Pinchot

was the first Chief of the United States Forest Service (1905-1910) and the Governor of Pennsylvania (1923-1927, 1931-1935). He was a Republican and Progressive. Pinchot is known for reforming the management and development of forests in the United States and for advocating the conservation of the national reserves by planned use and renewal.

3/5th compromise

wanted slave trade to end, slaves would be counted as representation of lower house, for every 5 slaves, congress received credit for 3 free voters, gave south more power than would have

Federalist Papers

wanted to win ratification, papers written by Jay, Hamilton, and Madison

Electoral College

was there to select a president, also an executive, whoever got 2nd highest amount of votes was VP, problem was no person received majority, winner was decided by lower house with each state having one vote if there was a tie

Baron de Montesquieu

wrote The Spirit of the Laws 1748, thought that a republican government could not flourish in a large territory and large distances allowed rulers to hide corruption; separation presented aristocrats with opportunities to seize power, ideas were rejected by madison

Dred Scott v Sanford

• Dred Scott Case- during 1830's Scott (a slave) accompanied his owner from Missouri (slave state) to Illinois (slavery prohibited under Northwest Ordinance); when returned to MO sued for his freedom- claimed residence on free soil made him free; case eventually came to the Supreme Court; Justices addressed 3 questions: 1.Could a black person be a citizen- therefore sue in a federal court? 2. Did residence in a free state make Scott free? 3. Did Congress possess the power to prohibit slavery in a territory? • March 1857 Taney- speaking for majority- declared only white persons could be citizens of the United States; nation's founders believed blacks had no rights whites were bound to respect; blacks had no history of freedom and ancestors could not be apart of nation's politics; case could have ended but Taney pressed on to resolve the slavery issue; declared Illinois (free state) had no effect once Scott returned to Missouri (slave state); declared congress possessed no power under the Constitution to bar slavery from a territory (first time law of Congress declared unconstitutional since Marburry vs. Madison); decision in effect declared the Republican Party's platform of restricting slavery's expansion unconstitutional and undermined Douglas's doctrine of popular sovereignty

Preston Brooks vs. Charles Sumner

• Preston Brooks- South Carolina representative in Congress; had a relative who was insulted in Sumner's speech (personal and political reasoning against Sumner); beat antislavery senator- Charles Sumner unconscious with a cane after Sumner delivered the speech "The Crime Against Kansas"; denounced the North as a "bully"; many Southerners applauded Brooks- sent him canes saying "Hit him again!" • Charles Sumner- Antislavery Senator representing Massachusetts; became closer to being an abolitionist than any other member of Congress- created fear among southerners that antislavery forces were plotting against their way of life; spoke for a radical wing of the new Republican Party- made a bid for national power by mobilizing North against the alleged aggressions of "the slave power"; delivered the speech "The Crime Against Kansas" (condemned the South for plotting to extend slavery to the Kansas territory); so injured by Brooks's action he didn't return to senate for 3 years; his state re-elected him in 1857 and kept his seat vacant as a testimony against southern brutality

Enrollment act (1863)/ NY City Draft Riots

• The Enrollment Act of March 1863: every able-bodied white male citizen aged 20 to 45 now faced the draft • Also had substitution, where one could pay another man to serve instead • Also commutation, paying a $300 fee to the gov. to avoid being drafted July 1863, the draft provoked four days of rioting in NYC composed mostly of Irish immigrants. The rebels assaulted symbols of the new order being created by the war- draft offices, mansions of wealthy Repubs, industrial establishments, and the city's black population (who the Irish felt threatened to take their jobs). The arrival of Union troops quelled the uprising

War Hawks

Aggressive nationalists, labeled war hawks, spoke of honor and pride, madison surrendered to them, sent congress declaration of war against great britain in 1812

Thomas Hutchinson

Chief justice/ lieutenant governor of Mass. whose elegant home was attacked by a violent crowd of Bostonians

English Constitution/ Balanced Constitution

Concept of liberty was central, believed power/liberty were antagonists, celebrated rule of law, right to live under legislation to which one's representatives had consented restraints on exercise of political authority, house of commons/lords/king checked power of others, "balanced constitution", principal that no man, even king, is above law. Deviating from monarchy.

MA bay colony

Founded by MA bay company and had a strong puritan population. Located in New England region and wars such as Pequot War and King Phillips War occurred in this area. Consisted of Puritans who came to escape religious persecution, and for economic motives. The women to men ratio was more balanced which enabled greater population growth. The Puritan family life served as the basis of strong communities

John Smith vs. John Rolfe

John Smith: Leader of the early Virginia colony (Jamestown) who helped the colony survive/maintain order. He was kidnapped by the Indians and spared by Pocahontas who served as an intermediary between the indians and the english colonizers. John Rolfe: Eventually married Pocahontas and was credited with the cultivation of tobacco which became a cash crop for VA.

Jonathan Edwards/ George Whitfield

Jonathan Edwards: massachusetts congregationalist minister preached the great awakenings-embodied the Puritan religion (more pessimistic and negative) George Whitfield: english minister, sparked great awakening, brought emotional brand of preaching to colonies from georgia to new england, proclaimed god was merciful, said people could save themselves by repenting of their sins, sermons were reported in press, was helped publicized by ben franklin, this man inspired emergence of numerous dissenting churches

Olive Branch Petition

July 1775 Congress addressed this petition to George III; it reaffirmed Americans' loyalty to the crown and hoping for a "permanent reconciliation"; written originally by Jefferson but Dickinson found the language offensive and re-wrote most of it-last ditch attempt at reconciliation

George III/ Parliament (conflict with the colonies)

King during the revolutionary war- passed controversial and domineering acts against the colonies. Passed several measures to limit colonial independence such as the Navigation Acts, the wool, hat, and iron acts, etc. Britain reverted to view the colonists as subordinates solely to better the mother country. Needed to tax the colonies to overcome the debt from the 7 year war. Concept of virtual representation in response to taxation without representation outcries

French and Indian War

Known as Seven years war in Europe; war between England and France; Native Americans fought on both sides- but more French; colonists fought on English side; Britain won the war (Treaty of Paris- gave Britain land gain in New World); caused significant debt; start of tensions between Britain and American colonists which would result in the revolutionary war (iroquois fought on the side of the British)

Spanish Colonization

Known for its brutality and emphasis on conversion to Catholicism. Bartolome de las Casas preached against the inhumane treatment of the Spanish colonizers towards the indians which became known as the Black Legend (image of Spain as a cruel colonizer). Spanish forced indians to work as human labor- spanish colonization accounted for the death of around 80 million indians due to disease, military prowess, and advanced technology. Heart of empire in South America (conquered the more advanced indian civilizations such as the Aztecs, the incas, etc)

Cotton Mather

New England Puritan minister known for his role in the salem witch trials. Published influential treatise, Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits, warning juries of the falseness of testimonies in the court and accelerating a more scientific rationale for the natural events occurring (rather than attributing them to magic)

New England vs. Chesapeake

New England: Consisted of Puritans who sought purity from the Anglican Church, more emphasis on family life in New England, better living conditions, equal male to female ratio, education and the bible enforced (mostly cohesively). Chesapeake: More of an economic/ business proposition. More males than females, harsher living conditions, higher death rate.

Stamp Act

New imperial policy- first time parliament attempted to raise money through direct taxation of the colonies rather than through trade regulations. The act required that all sorts of printed materials produced in the colonies carry a stamp purchased from authorities. The act was passed without colonial consent and marked the first major split between GB and the colonists

Whiskey Rebellion

Crisis developed when a group of famers living in western Penn protested excise tax on distilled whiskey. Excise tax negatively impacted them- farmers profited off of distilling their grain into whiskey and the excise threatened to put them out of business. The rebellion was stifled by an army of 15,000 men called out by GW-meant to show the force of the army/ gov.

Pilgrims vs. Puritans

Puritans were still associated with the Anglican church and strived to purify it from within while the Pilgrims completely separated from the Anglican Church (hence the name Separatists) (Founded Plymouth colony in MA) Pilgrims also known as separating puritans while puritans are known as non separatists. Puritans believed world divided between the elect and the damned, one is deemed the elect or the damned prior to conception (predetermination) by God and nothing one does can change that. Success may indicate God's grace while failure damnation.

Treaty of Tordesillas/ Papal Line of Demarcation

Treaty signed at Tordesillas which divided the newly discovered lands outside of Europe among Spain and Portugal at the 370 meridian. Intended to resolve the dispute that had been created following the return of Columbus. The papal line of demarcation was the imaginary line drawn by Pope Alexander VI to divide the land b/w Portugal and Spain. (Portugal got Brazil, west and east coasts of Africa, shores of Asia, and east indies).

Andrew Jackson

Was empowered to oust Adams in the next election. Martin Van Buren helped organize Jackson's political campaign. Buren believed that political parties were a healthy check and balance on power in the government and were necessary as a result. Overview: popular war hero from battle of New Orleans (War of 1812); elected in 1828 election ("revolution of 1828")- most vigorous and dirtiest campaign ever; represented the common American man (Jacksonian Democracy)- appealed to the common man in America; election was seen as a genuine democracy- common man came to power; increase of universal white manhood suffrage; attempt to eliminate or reduce social hierarchy (reduce gap between rich and poor); hated the American system; disliked the national bank, vetoed recharter, created pet banks; veto helped relations with the people and used as political power to gain re-election; "spoils system" (rotation of office- appointing those he liked to positions) and "kitchen cabinet" (informal group of advisors- helped write speeches, communicate with local newspapers; portrayed Jackson positively) named by critics; known as man of contradictions

George Washington

gained considerable fighting experience in Seven years war; appointed commander of colonial army by the Second Continental Congress; best-known military officer and prominent Virginian; representative at 1st Continental Congress; first president of the US; only president to receive unanimous support of the electoral college; discouraged development of political parties (leaned his views towards Federalist side); alarmed at political disagreements between his two trusted cabinet members Hamilton and Jefferson; very well- liked president; helped unite nation and control foreign affairs; known as "town destroyer" by Iroquois

Battle of Lexington and Concord

49 Americans were killed and 73 members of the Royal Army were killed-Paul Revere warned the local leaders of the British approaching (famous "the British are coming! the British are coming!" British soldiers marched from Boston toward nearby town of Concord seeking to seize arms being stockpiled there; soldiers were resisted by colonial militia who were pre-warned; many Americans and British soldiers died due to skirmishes; known as "shot heard 'round the world"; began the American War of Independence

Stamp Act Congress

27 delegates from 9 colonies met in NY and agreed to boycott British goods until parliament repealed the Stamp Act

Headright System

A system in which any colonist who paid for his own or another's passage from London was awarded with fifty acres of land

Salutary Neglect

Left the colonies largely to govern themselves- during the time in which Britain was preoccupied with events in Europe- gave colonial America a lot of independence

St. Augustine, Florida

Longest continuously occupied European settlement in America

English Reformation

The Church of England broke away from the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Associated with the Protestant Reformation. Henry VIII spearheaded the reformation as more of a political affair to divorce Catherine of Aragon and remarry (something the Pope would not allow). He then put himself as the head of the Anglican Church of England

Roger Williams

Young minister who insisted that the congregations withdraw from the Anglican church and that the church and state be separated. He believed in religious toleration (something unheard of among the puritans). He was banished from Mass. Bay Colony by Winthrop Founder of Rhode Island

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