ap world 3.4

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describe how the following land empires used bureaucracy to control populations: (china, ottoman empire, safavid empire, songhai empire, and incas)

- china: ming and manchu dynasty, used civil service examination to asses the abilities of the members of the scholar-gentry who wish to enter the government service. - ottoman: the devshirme system provided the sultan with a ready-made pool of civil servants strictly loyal to him. safavid: shah would enlist a class of bureaucrats from persian populations of the empire, known as the "men of the people" - songhai: mansa, king, employed bureaucrats from the scholarly class educated in the schools or madrasas, of timbuktu. - incas: organize their empire into a federal system of provinces headed by nobles loyal to the emperor.

summarize how rulers used art to legitimize their rule:

- portraits of qing emperors and other high officials - miniature paintings in ottoman empire - financial support of artists by european rulers

summarize how rulers used religion to legitimize their rule:

- rulers in the islamic empire used references to the title "caliph". - european monarchs claim to "divine right" that gave the monarch the claim to rule by the christian god. - conversion to islam of songhai rulers and noble class provides religious and legal structures to the empire. - aztec use human sacrifice in religious rituals.

summarize how rulers used monumental architecture to legitimize their rule:

- taj mahal and mosques in mughal empire - european palaces, such as palace of versailles in france

list 5 reasons the gunpowder empires were unable to maintain their rule:

- unable to compete with european trading companies, especially the british - unable to solve conflicts of heirs motivated by harems politics - weak or corrupt leadership - failure to keep up with the developments in military and naval technology - the expensive armies each empire needed to maintain their control, placed harsh financial burdens on the peasants and villages in form of taxes and other obligations.

describe the origin, roles, and mission of both types of soldier: (janissaries in the ottoman empire and the ghulams in the safavid empire)

janissaries in the ottoman empire: they are often slaves taken from the christian areas of the ottoman empire. they helped to preserve the power of the ottoman sultan. ghulams in the safavid empire: came from georgian, armenian, or circassian populations within the safavid empire. helped to protect the safavid shah from rival clans.

describe the following systems of tax collection: (mughal tax collection, ottoman tax farming, aztec tribute list, and ming collection of "hard currency").

mughal tax collections: mughal emperor appointed tax officers or zamindars to collect taxes from the peasant class based on land and production. ottoman tax farming: appointed "tax farmers" to pay an annual fixed sum of money for an area to the central government and collected money of gold from residents of that area. aztec tribute list: tributary empire, main source of revenue that supported aztec noble and military came from yearly offerings or tributes from surrounded areas. ming collection of "hard currency": issued paper currency as means to facilitate trade and tax collection, however paper money led to hyperinflation. ming then ordered that all taxes should be paid in form of rice and later silver coins.

describe the following conflicts (ottoman-safavid wars and safavid-mughal conflicts)

ottoman and safavid wars: went to war over the territorial claims each had its border. willing to go to war to split religions. safavid and mughal conflict: religion was not as important. control over resources and trade routes in present-day afghanistan was at the core of the war.

how were the aztecs different than other land empires and how did they control their empire?

they were less centralized and less bureaucratic than other land empires. created a tributary empire and had little/no control over the territory within the region of mesoamerica.

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