AP World Unit 3 Flash Cards

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Prince Henry the Navigator

Leading figure in development of exploration & technology (which fueled exploration); He strongly supported exploration, financing expeditions along Africa's Atlantic Coast and around the Cape of Good Hope. With his backing, Portugal explored African coastal communities and kingdoms before other ER powers; became the first ER monarch to sponsor seafaring expeditions, to search for an all water route to the E as well as for African gold. Under him, Portugal began enslaving Africans by sea, replacing overland slave trade.

Babylonian Captivity (1309-1377)

Power of Church declined during the ______________________ when the papacy was located in France not Rome. The Captivity gave French rulers greater influence over the Church and even the power over who was Pope. Newly centralizing rulers who coveted/desired Church lands and authority began confiscating wealthy Catholic monasteries and sometimes established their own churches.

Scientific Revolution: Global Perspective

**REMEMBER** The Islamic World preserved and advanced the Greek and Roman knowledge that Europeans used to fuel the Scientific Revolution. Copernicus' ideas of a heliocentric universe was built on ideas from Asian scientists Women were excluded from science as it became a formal profession. In fact, the Royal Society of London's stated purpose was to advance "Masculine Philosophy." *Not everyone is enlightened yet; still patriarchal even though status quo came down

When did Transatlantic Slave Trade reach its peak

1600s - 1800s

Role of African tribal chiefs

African rulers were willing to hand over their own lower rung individuals such as prisoners of war, servants, or criminals.

Demographic Changes (Americans)

Africans & Europeans, Christians & African religions; decrease in population of indigenous people

African Music with Americas

Africans brought their music with them, the syncopated rhythms and percussion they used influenced later styles like gospel, blues, jazz, rock and roll, hip-hop, rap, samba, reggae, and country music. Many Africans maintained their musical traditions because slaves used them as means of survival. They sang tunes from home to help them endure long workdays and to communicate with other Africanns like when planning escape. They blended European Christian music with their own religious songs (Negro Sprituials - essential elements of AM folk music history). Slaves invented the banjo, which is similar to stringed instruments in West Africa.

Joint Stock Companies

Aiding to the rise of the extended global economy was the formation of joint stock companies, owned by investors who bought stocks or shares in them. People invested capital in such companies and shared both the profits and the risks of exploration and trading ventures. Offering limited liability, the principle that an investor was not responsible for a company's debts or other liabilities beyond the amount of an investment made investing safer.

New Technologies that facilitate exploration

Astronomical charts, astrolabe, compass, magnetic compass, lateen sail, carrack, caravel, and fluyt

Encomienda System

Based off of Mit'a System: Villages were compelled to send a % of their male population to do dangerous work in the mines for a paltry/low wage.

Spanish Colonial Social Hierarchy

Based on race not religion like it was back in Spain 1) Iberian (Spanish) Aristocrats: Peninsulares 2) Criollos (descendants of Peninsulares; born Spanish but in Americas) 3) Mestizos (Caucasian/Native American) 4) Mulattos (Caucasian/African) 5) African Slaves and Native Americans Casta Paintings depicted New World Caste System; showing mixing of people and kept track of who was in what class

Development of New Elites (Americas)

Based on race; Spanish Caste System As ER, Africans, and NA coexisted in new AM colonies, the social structures of the Americas changed. New social systems appeared based on race or ethnicity, which led to a rigid and hierarchical society with white ER or AMericans of ER descent possessing majority of wealth and political power. A new subculture appeared that consisted of people who were of mixed ER and African heritage. Societal conflicts eventually led to revolutions.

Columbian Exchange: E to W

Before the exchange in 1500, Mesoamerican peoples ate little meat. Although modern Mexican food in the US is reliant on pork, beef, and cheese, the indigenous people of MX knew nothing of pigs or cows until ER introduced them. These animals and Mediterranean foods like wheat and grapes were introduced into the W Hemisphere and eventually became staples of the American diet. The ER also brought horses to the Americas, which transformed the culture of American Indians living in the Plains region. They could hunt Buffalo on horseback efficiently over a larger region, so they had a surplus of food. Saving time to get food gave them more time for other pursuits like art and spirituality, but competition and even armed conflict among tribes increased, with those having the most horses having the most power. New form of coerced labor. The coerced arrival of enslaved Africans to the Americas brought biological and demographic changes. Africans brought okra and rice with them to the Ameircas. Tobacco and cacao produced on American plantations with forced labor were sold to consumers in ER, Africa, and the ME. Sugar's profitability in ER markets dramatically increased the number of Africans captured and sold through the transatlantic slave trade.

Causes of the Protestant Reformation

Black Death, corruption in church, humanism (this fueled fall of RCC --> scientific revolution because if we can doubt this we can challenge this), theological disagreements, and Babylonian Captivity

Resistance to Europeans: Queen Nzinga

By the 17th, the Dutch and English had pushed the Portuguese out of South Asia. The Portuguese looked to Africa where it had carried out slave raids since the 15th, to build a colony. 1624 - Ana Nzinga became ruler of Ndongo in south central Africa (now Angola). Both the Portuguese's slave raids and other African peoples were attacking Ndongo. In exchange for protection from neighboring powers and an end to Portugal raids, Nzinga became an ally of Portugal and was baptized as a Christian, with the governor of the Portuguese colony being her godfather. The alliance broke down and Nzinga and her people fled west, taking over the state of Matamba, inciting a rebellion in Ndongo, allied with the Dutch, and offered freedom in Matamba to enslaved Africans. She ruled for decades and built Matamba into an economically strong state.

Cultural Diffusion and Syncretism: New Foods

Columbian Exchange Foods Africans:In addition to rice and okra, they brought their knowledge on how to prepare these foods. The dish known as gumbo, a popular Southern US dish had roots in African cooking.

Printing Press impact on RCC

Could now make more accessible and print in different languages not just Latin --> people interpreted Bible differently (didn't need Church to connect them to God) --> branching off; aided Martain Luther and the spread of his ideas

Creole Language

Despite forced isolation from their cultures, West Africans managed to combine ER colonizers' languages with parts of their West African language and create grammatical patterns to create new languages known broadly as Creole.

Demographic Factor on Exploration

Demographic pressures pushed ER into exploration and trade. As populations grew, not all workers in ER could find or even food. Not all sons could own land because primogeniture laws gave all of each estate to the eldest son. In the early 17th century, religious minorities searched for a place to settle where people were tolerant of their dissent. All of these groups were eager to settle in new areas. Those who left their homelands in search of work, food, land, tolerance, and adventure were part of a global shift in demographics.

Galileo & Conflict with Church

Early in 1616, Galileo was accused of being a heretic, a person who opposed Church teachings because he publicly supported Copernicus's heliocentric model - Church supported geocentric (Earth at center).

African Food - America Influence

In addition to rice and okra, they brought their knowledge on how to prepare these foods. The dish known as gumbo, a popular Southern US dish had roots in African cooking. With influences on language, music, food, etc. African culture had a profound and lasting impact on life in the Americas.

Scientific Revolution

In the 1500 & 1600's beliefs were challenged through research. Scientific Revolutionaries believed that truth is a quest found at the end of a search (scientific method). - observe data to conclude a theory, can it be repeated

Global Impact of Protestant Reformation

In the end the reformers, like Luther, established their own religions The Reformation caused a split in Christianity with the formation of these new Protestant religions → creates competition for converts --> Exploration So all the Church told us is questioned --> Scientific Revolution

Resistance to Europeans: Queen Nzinga & King Affonso

King Afonso of Kongo understood that slave raids were not easily controllable. Though he initially allowed slave trading in hois kingdom, he had no intention of giving up his society's elite to slavery mor did he want the Kongo to be depopulated. He saw that his authority was undermined because of his subjects being able to trade slaves for ER goods without his involvement, as before the ER came, he had complete control over trade in his domain.

Luther was not part of a political nor social revolutionary. However, his theological ideas had social impact on the clergy and women.

Luther taught that women could have direct access to God just like men. His emphasis promoted women's literacy and he believed that women had significant roles in the family and in teaching kids the bible. Protestants did not generally organize convents and consequently Protestant women did not have the opportunity to become leaders in a vital institution like RC women.

Columbian Exchange: W to E

Maize (corn), potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peppers, and cacao to their home countries where people started to grow them. Potatoes became so popular in ER that they are often thought of as being native to certain regions like Ireland. The introduction of these vegetable crops caused tremendous population growth in ER in the 16th & 17th centuries. ER horses, gunpowder, and metal weapons helped conquer indigenous Americans, disease was responsible for the majority of deaths.

What Countries Participated in Nautical Exploration & Economic Change

One of initial reasons for exploration that led to discoveries prompting other reasons': find new route to East China Spain - Main goal was converts and gold and SILVER Portugal - Big in Indian Ocean & Brazil; sparked sugar cultivation (focused on agriculture) that fostered growth of TransAtlantic Slave Trade Britain - Later to the game (like FR and Dutch); not as focused on converts, more on gold and glory (joint-stock companies - people wanted money/better life) France - fur trade; hoped to find gold; rarely settled permanently Dutch - big on fur and purchased cops like tobacco from VA

Heliocentric Model

Planets revolve around sun (copernicus's theory)

Martain Luther

Posted his 95 Theses, complaints about the Catholic Church The spread of his ideas was aided by a technology that was new to Europe, the printing press Martin Luther (from HRE) wrote that several traditional Church practices violated biblical teachings, objecting to the sale of indulgences (granted a person abolition from punishments for sin) and to simony (selling of church offices) in his 95 Theses. He advocated for the theological stance of sola fide - faith alone - for the basis of salvation for the Christian believer.

Counter Reformation (purpose and impact)

RC issued their Counter Reformation to get Church members to remain loyal; they eliminate abuses of church officials (try to clean up their act); Jesuits - Goal to reconvert Protestants back to RC (sent people out and educated them to go get converts --> went to New World) Played a big role in motives for exploration

Role in Reforming Church (Reformation's role)

Reformation forced them to clean up their act in order to keep members and hence maintain power.

Cultural Diffusion and Syncretism: Cultural Practices

Religions - Christianity mixing with indigenous religions and African religions New social structures based on race

Timeline of Movements

Renaissance (1400s-1600s) --> Reformation (1517 - 1648) --> Scientific revolution (1543-1687)

Silver Trade

Responsible for globalization; China loved it; Spain got rich off of it; led to coerced labor of natives to get silver; inflation --> hurt China and Spain

Impacts of Exploration

Rise of TransAtlantic Slave Trade; demographic changes; decline of indigenous populations & empires; rise of globalization (silver); columbian exchange (rise in population in ER, decline in Americas); deforestation and soil depletion in Americas; African presence in Americas; syncretism of cultures and religons

Potosi - Impact of Silver Worldwide

Silver Mine; start of globalization (first direct contact between ER & Asia as well as Americas) China loved silver (silver sink) and silver trade got Spain rich Fueled coerced labor systems in the Americas

Resistance to Europeans: North American Slave Revolts (NY, German Coast, Stono, etc.)

Slave Revolts were common in the Americas, especially in those locations where slaves outnumbered free ER. The first recorded slave revolt in the now US was Gloucester County Rebellion in VA in 1663. Here, slaves and white indentured servants conspired together to demand their freedom from the governor. Authorities found out and arrested them.

Transatlantic Slave Trade: what it was and how it differed from earlier forms of enslavement

Slaves taken in the Indian OCean trade suffered different fates from those taken across the Atlantic. People from the Indian Ocean region were more likely to work in seaports as laborers in the shipping industry and as household servants. Some worked as sailors or even soldiers. Living in towns or cities, they had some opportunity to develop communities and to work alongside free laborers. Those who ended up in Islamic communities had certain rights like the right to marry. As a result of the Indian Ocean Slave Trade, African words, musical styles, and customs can be found in Oman, India, and elsewhere.

Explorers and Routes

Spain - sought route W to East Asia & Indian Ocean; England, FR, & Dutch - sought NW passage to Asia

Cultural Diffusion and Syncretism: New Religions

Spanish tried to convert people (initially "peaceful" then forceful in name of God); indigenous populations would incorporate parts of their religions in the art and architecture etc they were ordered to make by Christians as part of forced conversions (snuck part of their religion in, example of their resistance to conversion); blending of different beliefs resulted in new ideas/traditions. Spanish tried to eradicate indigenous/African beliefs but they continued. Hybrid religions developed.


Studied classical greek and Roman culture; emphasizes a person's capacity for self realization through reason (in W, human individual inmost important and prioritized; in contrast in the E, collective, what works fro group is prioritized); Humanists believed education should stimulate the individuals creative power. Emphasis on importance of individualism

Where were most enslaved Africans sent, why?

Sugar cultivation in Brazil demanded the constant importation of African labor, which was so numerous in Brazil that their descendants became the majority population of the region. Slave importers sold more than 90% of African slaves to the Caribbean and South America,

Parts of Africa most affected by Transatlantic Slave Trade

The Atlantic Slave trade greatly weakened several West African kingdoms like Kongo. The loss of so many people slowed population growth and trade competition led to violence among their socitiets, but also made African slave raiding kingdoms economically dependent on goods from ER. Such societies were slow to develop more complex economies on which they produced their own goods, so it set the stage for ER conquest and imperialism of the late 19th. Economically, African societies that conducted slave raids like the Dahomey and the Oyo became richer from selling their captives to ER. This trade also had political effects. When a society like the Dahomeu exchanged slaves for guns, its raiders easily took advantage of rival societies that had no firearms, leaving them unable to fight back, so raiding societies became even richer and more fortified with firearms. Intergroup warfare became more common and bloodier as a result of the slave trade.

Resistance to Europeans: Pueblo Revolt

The Pueblo Revolt took place in 1680 against the Spanish in now NM. The Pueblo and Apache (indigenous groups) fought colonizers who were trying to force religious conversions. The indigenous people killed about 400 Spaniards, drove the rest out of the area, and destroyed Churches.

Slavery Affect on African Demographic

Those most affected by the slave trade were the people and civilizations of now Ghana and Benin in West Africa where most Africans were kidnapped or sold. Gender distributions in those regions became severely imbalance as over ⅔ taken were men. The predominance of women led to a rise in polygny and forced women to assume duties once traditionally a male job. The Atlantic Slave trade greatly weakened several West African kingdoms like Kongo. The loss of so many people slowed population growth and trade competition led to violence among their socitiets, but also made African slave raiding kingdoms economically dependent on goods from ER. Such societies were slow to develop more complex economies on which they produced their own goods, so it set the stage for ER conquest and imperialism of the late 19th. Economically, African societies that conducted slave raids like the Dahomey and the Oyo became richer from selling their captives to ER.

Role of Sugar and creation of Atlantic economy

Tobacco and cacao produced on American plantations with forced labor were sold to consumers in ER, Africa, and the ME. Sugar's profitability (planted well in colonies) in ER markets dramatically increased the number of Africans captured and sold through the transatlantic slave trade.

Causes of Renaissance Outside of Europe

Trade and spread of ideas from Asia & ME (ex muslims saving R and Greek ideas, spread through trade)

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 - Spain and Portugal divided up the Americas between them. Spain got all land to the west of a meridian that went through Eastern S.AM Portugal reserved all land east of this line. The arrangement put Brazil under Portugal's rule while Spain claimed the rest of the Americas. To establish colonies in Mesoamerica and South America, Spain explored other parts of N.AM. north of now MX. Pedro Menéndez de Avilés established a fort in St. Augustine in 1565. Spain would not be able to control all of North America because of FR, BR, and Dutch competition.

Henry VIII

Was the last of the 3 major figures of the Reformation - King Henry VII of England -. He wanted a male heir and after his wife had only girls, he wanted the Pope to annul his marriage so he could marry another woman. The Pope refused out of worry over Charles V's reaction (HRE emperor) so with approval of English Parliament, he set himself as head of the new Church of England or the Anglican church, which would be free of control by Rome's Pope.

Resistance to Europeans: Maroon Communities

While Spain colonized much of the Caribbean, England's power there grew stronger and they defeated Spanish colonists and took control of much of Jamaica in 1655. Slaves in the Caribbean and former Spanish territories in the Americas fought to gain freedom in what are now known as the Maroon Wars (1728-1740 and 1795-1796). Maroons were descendants of Africans who had escaped slavery in jamaica and formed indepdenetn settlements. Queen Nanny had escaped slavery and united all maroons of the island. Jamaicans later recognize her as a national hero.

De Las Casa

Writer who visited the Spanish colonies and was one of the first to describe the oppression the indigenous population suffered.


countries set policies designed to sell as many goods as they could to other countries in order to maximize the amount of gold and silver coming in and to buy as few possible from other countries to minimize flow of precious metals out of the country; heavy government involvement to sole benefit mother country at expense of colonies (colonies provide raw goods for cheap, have to buy mother country expensive manufactured goods)

How did the Renaissance change man's view of man?

human individual inmost important and prioritized; emphasis on individualism and education

Mit'a System

labor obligation in which young men were required to devote a certain amount of labor to public works projects, into a coerced labor system

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