AP world unit 4 Gold

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Compare the challenges facing land-based empires with those facing martime empires

Land: -Control of huge lands & people -Requires large military investment -Vulnerable to land & sea routes -Requires massive infrastructure investment -Superior technology used to suppress natives -Expanded contact with imperial subjects -Dependence on native collaborators Maritime: -Control of trade via limited ports -Production & shipment of commodities -Colonization of limited territory -Limited military confrontations & investments -Exploitation of improved maritime technology -Expanded exploration & control of distance areas -Dependence on native collaborators

Analyze the social and economic consequence of the Little Ice Age.

(brought colder climate to Europe) Social: - reduced the harvests on which pre-industrial Europeans relied for survival -population loss -However, they began to farm potatoes which thrive in wet, cold conditions which boosted the population Economic: -less agricultural yield -less grain was harvested -Inner cities more affected because cities near trade ports were less affected since they had access to more goods -demand for manufactured goods and prices for manufactured goods decrease (farmers have less money) -rivers and seas froze over, limiting trade -long, cold winters reduced growing season by many weeks, leading to widespread crop failure, famine, and in some regions population decline -became dependent on trade- import when crops failed -fishing in northern Europe was badly affected as cod migrated south to find warmer water -wood shortages=less wood to build

Analyze the extent to which the rise of global martime empires after 1492 constitutes a major turning point in world history.

-1st time globe was connected through trade -1st time Europeans colonized -Impacted future (american revolution)

How did agriculture's role change between 1450-1750?

-Prior to 1492, there was minimal contact between the new world and Eurasia and Africa -Once Columbus made contact with North and South America the exchange of crops, slaves, and diseases began, known as the Columbian exchange -Agriculture became a way of exploiting underdeveloped nations. -Europe used the raw materials of America's to make themselves wealthier. -Before, agriculture was primarily used as a food source for a population -Afterward, agriculture was also used to produce commodities such as tobacco and sugar cane (meaning agriculture also became more important in global trade).

Compare the effects of the global flow of silver on the Spanish, Mughal, and Qing states.

-The Spanish found silver in Argentina as a result of their exploration -The Chinese used silver to facilitate trade in their economy as it was part of their currency -Because Spain had so much silver, and China had products to offer Spain in exchange, trade in some capacity occurred through a global network. -Therefore, as Spain found and sold silver all the way through to China, silver facilitated a global network. -Silver the currency used in China, and was very valuable among the Chinese and Japanese people alike, and it fluctuated in the markets. In fact, the Portuguese went to Japan just to acquire silver coins, and from there, they would take those silver coins to China and bring back Chinese gold, perfumes, copper, porcelain, and many other luxury goods; the Portuguese used silver to its advantage in China. ****Say caused inflation for spanish!!!

What were the effects of the change in global "interconnectedness" after 1500CE?

-The main effect was the connection between Europe and Asia and between the existing world and the Americas. These connections allowed for trade, exchanges of ideas, and the formation of colonies. -England was able to interact more globally than ever before. they interacted in the Indian Ocean trade. more countries interacted with other countries in between vast differences due to new inventions.

Analyze the extent to which the Columbian Exchange was a major turning point in world history.

-creation of the Atlantic slave trade -changes diets (new crops introduced to empires), better nutrition and health -The transferred disease had a major effect on the Americas -Christianity in Americas (also syncretic religions, Vodun)

Analyze changes and continuities in European social structures between 1000 and 1550 CE.

Changes: -with the growth of trade, European towns and cities grew (population increase bc of potatoes) -the practice of choosing your own spouse (rather than families doing it), started -Urbanization (Europe had an increasing number of cities as serfs moved from agriculture to being specialized) -European Gentry (One of the higher social classes in Europe, usually it refers to the nobles in England or France as well as some other European countries. Owned most of property and so they gained lots of political influence in which they used to manipulate politics and also to increase their wealth) Continuities: -nobility continued, connection between the ruler and the ruled, but when together they posed as a threat to the ruler and the ruler would often try to dilute their power -Christianity remained dominant religion

Compare the processes of expansion and state consolidation of the Ottoman and Russian empires between 1450 and 1750 and support a claim about which was more successful.

Ottoman: -based on constant expansion -horses needed grazing land and wealth from new land grants was used to support military elites -religious tolerance made land easier to peacefully control -Devshirme=conquered Christian areas had to hand over a quota of young boys who were taught Turkish and many converted to Islam (became janissaries) Janissaries=troops from non-muslim homes, raised by the state and depended on the Ottoman state rather than families, making them loyal warriors -primary users of firearms (essential feature) Russian: -Ivan the great marries the niece of Byzantine, resulting in legitimacy through Rome and Orthodox -he overthrew the Mongols and created the tsar -united Russian city-states and increased the power of the central Russian Government and drew more land under control -Ivan IV expanded land using gunpowder -drafted peasants/serfs as soldiers -introduced modern firearms -created navy -organized peasants to work on roads (built infrastructure) -replaced boyers with merit based employees Ottoman: -took Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul -used Ottoman Miniature Paintings to legitimize power -Ottoman Devishrme: became Janissaries (high standing strong military) -Sunni -took over the Silk Road Russian: -overthrew Mongols -Eastern Orthodox -Cossack Rebellion -absolute monarchy Both: -used gunpowder **I believe the Ottoman Empire was more successful as they were able to conquer the Safavid Empire and take control of new land, whereas Russia still remained secluded and faced more internal revolts as well as expansion.

Compare the economic strategies of Spanish and Portuguese imperial expansion between 1450 and 1750CE.

Portugal: -How did Portugal dominate trade in the Indian Ocean? They had superior weapons. Their ships were armed with cannons and small ships could overpower any other type of vessel. -military had less of a role in colonization -However, they were intent on converting all that they met to Christianity (tried to force conversion) -preferred to set up fortified trading posts -had colonies in Africa, Asia, and the New World -from conquest and trade in these regions, the Portuguese became a major trading nation -lead to a wide influx of trade through Europe -creation of joint-stock companies which were used to finance explorations Spanish: -Military had devastating impact on population due to Spanish having steel and the latest guns -Guns and disease helped them defeat natives -Military took control of vast amounts of land in the Americas (conquered natives) -increased prosperity and power -spread Christianity to a whole new hemisphere

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