AP WORLD UNIT 4: Japan, China, and Russia

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This emperor during the Qing Dynasty was highly intellectual and enjoyed learning about European sciences and math; he expanded the empire, reduced taxes, and repaired waterways and roads.


The Qing flourished under these two outstanding emperors:

Kangxi and Qianlong

This person came to China during the Qing Dynasty to discuss expanding trade in what would be called the Tea Diplomacy; however, he would refuse when Emperor Qianlong demanded that he kowtow

Lord George Macartney

Though the Ming disliked European influences, this Italian Jesuit priest gained influence in China because he adopted their language and customs. He introduced European math and science and was accepted by the emperor

Matteo Ricci

Though mainly agricultural, Silk trade expanded and artisans produced Porcelain during the:

Ming Dynasty

The Ming heavily restricted foreign trade and travel because of the influence of European traders and Christian:


Though trade with Europe boosted Japan's economy during the Tokugawa Shogunate, Tokugawa shoguns became concerned with the spread of Christianity, and began to kill and persecute Christians and:


Russia was isolated from the rest of Europe during the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, and the beginning of the Scientific Revolution because of the reign of the Golden Horde by the:


This czar became known for his efforts to transform Russia into a modern state after the reign of Czar Michael

Peter the Great ( Peter I )

This emperor during the Qing Dynasty brought the Qing to its height; he expanded the empire to it's greatest height by conquering Taiwan, and saw the population, agricultural production, and economy continue to thrive


The Ming Dynasty began to decline when corruption entered the throne, Japan invaded Korea and Manchuria causing higher taxes, and those taxes leading to hardship and famine which led to:


Like Peter the Great and Ivan the Terrible, Catherine the Great expanded the trade and borders of:


Like Peter the Great, Catherine the Great continued to try and Westernize:


As czarina, Catherine the Great reformed the legal and education systems of Russia, removed restrictions on trade, and promoted:

Science and the Arts

Though the Manchu people kept Chinese traditions and customs, they were not allowed to marry the Chinese, were forbidden to bind their feet, and Manchu men had to wear long pony tails. The Manchu people thus remained:


Not only did the Ming improved their methods of irrigation, but the Ming experienced population growth because of the arrival of crops like corn and potatoes from the:


To win the the support of the newly conquered Chinese people, the Manchu maintained Chinese tradition and government, distributed positions evenly to both Chinese and Manchu officials, and kept the:

Civil Service Exam

During the Tokugawa Period, women's status in Japan:


Not only did Shoguns during the Tokugawa Shogunate begin to persecute Christians, but soon began to restrict foreign trade and travel. By 1650, Japan shut its doors to all Europeans except the:


True or False: Qing Emperor Qianlong withdrew the Chinese isolation by beginning in the port city of Canton


Because of the threat of the Mongols, the Ming restored and extended the:

Great Wall

This kept the Chinese from keeping up with European advances


This young prince of Moscow was made czar and made reforms to Russia including expanding the border and reforming the legal code. He would later think people are conspiring against him after the death of his wife, and would kill his only son.

Ivan IV ( Ivan the Terrible )

The Tokugawa Shogunate was a time of peace and unity throughout:


When the Ming Dynasty weakened, The Manchus defeated the Ming Dynasty and established:

The Qing Dynasty

The period of economic problems, foreign invasions, and uncertainty about succession after the death of Ivan the Terrible, considering Russia was left without and heir

Time of Troubles

After daimyo Tokugawa Leyasu gained control of all of Japan, he was made shogun by the emperor, which started the:

Tokugawa Shogunate

During the 1500's in Japan, this daimyo used guns to gain control of most of Japan; he then went on to invade Korea and China. After defeating China, the new Manchu people ruled as the Qing Dynasty

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

True or False: Japan's Feudal system became even more rigid during the Tokugawa Shogunate


After Peter I led his army on the port of Azov on the Black Sea, he defeated the Ottomans there and obtained a:

Warm-Water Port

Besides Modernizing Russia, Peter the Great wanted to build a strong navy and to obtain a:

Warm-Water Port

After fighting against Sweden, Russia opened the capital city/port of St. Petersburg which would open Russia to year round:

Western Trade

After disguising himself and traveling to Europe, Peter I learned hands-on skills such as shipbuilding and recruited European experts to help:

Westernize Russia

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