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In populations that are growing exponentially, you can calculate the time it takes for the population to double in size, or the doubling time, using the _____________________

Rule of 70

how are mineral/metal purification processes negatively impacting our environment?

-produce air pollution -produce soil pollution -produce tailings containing toxic chemicals

agency working to protect national forests, focusing on fire management

US Forest Service (USFS)

which act allowed mining on public lands?

US General Mining Act

Which gov agency enforces laws that requires EPA to set pesticide limits?


agency that works to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation's forests and grasslands


agency that conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats


role of biodiversity in ecosystem services

as diversity increases, regulating services, such as the ability to filter water and remove water increases

Earth's four systems

atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere

Elephants tend to gather around watering holes where they will spend most of their time. Which dispersion pattern do elephants display?


dispersion patterns

clumped uniform random

factors that decrease diversity

environmental stressors (drought, flooding) extreme environments limited resources extreme disturbances (volcanos, glacial movement) invasive species geographic isolation

causes of soil degredation

erosion, salinization, compaction

contamination of water system with excess nutrients, which stimulates excessive algae growth and reduces oxygen levels in water


phase of the water cycle driven directly by sunlight


What did the Food Quality Protection Act require the EPA to do?

examine the effects of inert pesticide ingredients

an act allowed groups to reclaim abandoned mine lands to work to recover the original biodiversity and health of the land

example of restoration

An invasive species that has just been introduced to an ecosystem and has no natural predators would likely experience what type of growth?


what classifies human population growth

exponential, growth is occurring without restriction

what does not cause soil erosion

genetic modification

The ______________ includes all of the areas that the organisms live in during their entire life cycle.

geographic range

techniques developed by scientists to increase yields of plant crops

green revolution

mesosphere composition

more gas molecules, still low concentration/pressure, largest range of temperatures, meteors

the number of deaths in a population


what would occur if the effects of a density-dependent factor increased

mortality would increase

igneous rock

most common; forms from the cooling of molten rock at or below the surface


most fertile classification of soil

the equator receives the ______ direct sunlight and the two poles receive the ______ direct sunlight

most; least

interaction in which both species were positively impacted


the production of new individuals through germination, birth, hatching, or asexual reproduction, measured in a number of births per thousand individuals per year


effect of natural selection on biodiversity

natural selection increases biodiversity as organisms become more specialized to a niche

resulting in obesity and health problems


practice of commercial fishing that depletes a fishery by catching so many fish that too few remain to reproduce and sustain the population


loss of vegetation caused by deforesting, leading to desertification


Which of the following can lead to desertification?

overgrazing clear-cutting poor fire management deforestation

interaction in which one is positively impacted and the other negatively


element that is a building block of DNA, ATP, and membranes surrounding cells; also a necessary component of healthy soil, occurring mainly in ground and not atmosphere


the atmosphere does not store what element


_____________ turns light energy into stored energy, requiring H20 and CO2


what is not a carbon source

photosynthetic organisms

what types of organisms would most likely colonize newly formed igneous rock after a volcano

pioneer species like mosses and lichens that begin the process of soil production

hot spots

places on Earth's surface =where molten material from the mantle reaches the lithosphere

What would be classified as a density-dependent factor?

places to live


plates move apart due to mantle convection, causing sea-floor spreading/mid-ocean ridges


plates slide past each other, causing faults/earthquakes

higher mortality leads to ______________ life expectancy


carbon can be found in ___________ or __________

sinks (holds more carbon than it releases); sources (releases more carbon than it holds)

__________ and ____________________ are processes to purify minerals that produce toxic tailings

smelting; heap leaching

supporting services examples

soil reformation, nutrient recycling, photosynthesis, primary production

negative effects of flood irrigation

soil salinization eutrophication desertification

3 causes of climate shifts:

solar radiation, volcanic activity, movement of plate tectonics

measurement of the number of species in an area

species diversity

primary effect of climate shift

species movement (migration of species to other locations to maintain their lifestyles

planting different crops on alternating strips of land

strip cropping

method of mining that involves machinery that operates underground

sub-surface mining

element important to the structure of proteins and essential for biological processes -- found in minerals and rocks; can be converted into sulfuric acid; determining factor of pH of water/rainfall/soil


factors of __________ cycle: -important to protein structure -found in rocks/minerals -involves bacteria -determining factor of water pH -has an atmospheric component


the proportion of individuals that remain alive at a specific age


climate zone which experiences the most distinct changes throughout the seasons


the creation of flat areas on mountain slopes to control water erosion


why does the Earth have three climate zones?

the light intensity varies at different locations on the surface of the Earth

Ring of Fire

the location on Earth where the majority of earthquakes occur

why are there concerns about the spread of zebra mussels in the Great Lakes ecosystem

this non-native species is more efficient and out-competes the native species

types of biomes

aquatic (lakes, rivers, oceans) desert forest grassland tundra

Growing fish and other aquatic species in artificial ponds is known as —


removing soil/rock from trenches to expose ore in flat areas

area strip mining

which stage of the demographic transition experiences rapid growth

2: transitional

Freshwater is ______% of all global water


current population of Earth

7.2 billion

Doubling time =


______% of human diet should be plant-based


troposphere composition

75% of atmospheric gas, highest density/pressure, turbulent,

percentage of US citizens living in large cities


If the population in the first question is growing exponentially, how big will that population be in 5 years?

(200)(2.71)^(0.25)(5)(or) 6955

3 different climate zones from pole to pole:

-Arctic zone -Temperate zone -Tropic zone -Temperate zone -Arctic zone

government agencies and laws responsible for requiring the registration of pesticide products

-EPA -Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act

overfishing solutions

-instituting quotas -establishing the maximum sustainable yield -aquaculture

negative effects of pesticides

-can create pesticide-resistant organism -decrease biodiversity -accumulate in water/soil -cause birth defects/deaths

processes adding water to atmosphere

-evaporation -evapotranspiration -sublimation -condensation

composition of atmosphere (top to bottom)

-exosphere -thermosphere -mesosphere -stratosphere -troposphere

fish-catching methods

-hand-gathering -spearfishing -netting -angling (fish hook) -trapping

reasons for human pop growth not having reached carrying capacity

-industrialization -migration -replacement birth rates -total fertility rate

types of conservation efforts

-mitigation (finding a solution) -preservation (leaving untouched) -restoration (rehabilitation) -remediation (removal of pollutants)

processes returning water to oceans

-precipitation -surface runoff -infiltration -ground water discharge -snowmelt runoff -streamflow

Which of the following areas of the globe contain large ore deposits?

-the western coast of North America -the eastern coast of Asia

soil conservation efforts

-windbreaks -no-till agriculture -contour farming -terracing -strip cropping -agroforestry

If the population in the first question has a carrying capacity of 500, what will the population size be in 5 years?

0 200 30 1 230 31 2 261 31 3 292 30 4 322 29 5 351 Answer: 351

average fertility rate in developed countries


What is the rate of growth of a population that has 200 individuals, 85 births, 35 deaths, and no migration?


Of freshwater, _____% is usable and ______% is ice caps

0.8, 2.2

projected population of humans by 2025 and what is the carrying capacity

9.6 Billion 10 Billion

India approx. population

1,000 (million)

Producers: 10,000 J Primary Consumers: 1,000 J Solve for ecological efficiency:

1,000 / 10,000 0.1 = 10%

China approx. population

1,300 (million)

gases of the atmosphere (most to least concentrated)

1. Nitrogen 2. Oxygen 3. Argon 4. Add.

carbon cycle

1. Plants take CO2 from atmosphere to photosynthesize 2. Consumers eat carbon stored in plants and release it in cellular respiration 3. Plant/animal matter are decomposed and their carbon supplies are released into the atmosphere or stored as fossil carbon underground 5. Factories extract and burn those fossil supplies or deforestation occurs, releasing carbon to atmosphere 6. Oceanic photosynthesis and respiration occurs, cycling carbon in the sea 7. When dead marine life decomposes, it joins oceanic carbon cycle or turns into fossil carbon

average replacement br in developed countries


bioaccumulation steps

1. chemicals enter lakes through wind and rain runoff 2. chemicals sink to bottom of lake where they settle into sediment 3. small creatures eat the chemicals as they dig into the sediment for food 4. they are eaten by larger fish and larger, each collecting/storing some of the chemicals in their bodies

nitrogen cycle processes

1. nitrogen fixation 2. nitrification 3. assimilation 4. ammonification 5. denitrification

process of extracting metal from ore

1. ore is crushed and put into water 2. mineral floats up 3. mineral is smelted to purify

phosphorus cycle steps:

1. phosphates leach from rocks into soil 2. producers take in phosphates and incorporate them into organic molecules 3. consumers ingest these molecules containing phosphorus 4. phosphorus returns to the environment as organic matter decomposes 5. it washes into rivers and oceans, continuing cycle

weathering of rock occurs by

1. physical changes (water/wind) 2. chemical changes (reactions btw other substances) 3. changes caused by activity of living organisms

ecosystem services

1. provisioning (products obtained from nature) 2. regulating (nature regulates our environment) 3. supporting (enables other services to function) 4. cultural (non-material benefits of nature)

sulfur cycle main processes:

1. sulfur cycles into atmosphere and water by weathering, emission of gases from sea floor, and volcanoes 2. bacteria remove it and release it back into the atmosphere 3. it is released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned

mining methods

1. surface mining: open-pit area-strip contour mountain-top removal 2. subsurface mining

average replacement br in developing countries


what does the mathematical constant "e" equal to?


How long would it take for the population in the previous question to double in size?

2.8 years

stratosphere composition

1/4 of atmospheric gas, higher pressure, warmer (due to solar radiation and ozone layer), airplanes reach

most scientists agree Earth's carrying capacity is _____ billion


only ______% of biomass is transferred tropic level to level, the rest is lost as heat


Russia approx. population

140 (million)

seafood accounts for ____% of protein people eat


age structure diagram stages

1: Rapid growth pyramid 2: Slow growth 3: Stable growth 4: Decline growth

which 2 stages of the demographic transition experiences constant population size?

1: preindustrial 4: postindustrial

Australia approx. population

20 (million)

% composition of healthy loam

20% clay, 40% sand, 40% silt

Saltwater is ______% of all global water


average fertility rate in developing countries


What percentage of the land on Earth is covered in forests?


United States approx. population

300 (million)

which stage of the demographic transition is most common among developing countries?

3: industrial

PH of most soils


_______% of the world's population lives within 100 km of the ocean


composition of healthy soil

45% minerals 25% water 25% air 5% organic matter

_____% of rangelands are privately owned, _____% is owned by the federal government, and remaining land is managed by the _______________

50; 40; state government

the Coriolis effect produces ________________

6 convention cells, 3 in each hemisphere

PH of healthiest soil


Which horizon of a soil profile contains weathered rock and organic matter that has moved downward?

A: Topsoil

Which continent has the country with the highest current growth rate?


Where are the largest old-growth forests found in the U.S.?

Alaska and California

when animals and plants die and decompose, amino acids and nucleic acids are released back into soil in form of ammonia in which process


Which horizon of a soil profile contains accumulated metals and inorganic materials?

B Horizon: Subsoil

Which continent has the country with the highest population density?


agency that manages outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production on public lands


animals and plants absorb and use nitrate/nitrite in biological processes


which government agency manages outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production on public lands?


factors that cause the death rates to decline during the demographic transition

Better overall conditions Better healthcare Improved access to contraception More education Women working

Which horizon of a soil profile lacks organic matter and contains large weathered rock fragments?

C Horizon: Parent Rock

solutions to sustainable human population growth

China's One-Child policy access to contraception women's education

Which of the following correctly describes the effect of deforestation on the fertility of the land?

Deforestation reduces the fertility of land due to soil erosion

process by which specialized bacteria in the soil reduce nitrate into atmospheric nitrogen


global circulation of air

Due to the unequal heating of the Earth's surface, the Equator is warmer than the poles. The warm air near the Equator will rise and travel to the poles, while the cold air near the poles will sink and travel to the Equator

mineral deposits tend to collect in areas of ______________________

Earth's crust


Earth's interior, rocks, minerals, landforms

the El Nino Southern Oscillation includes a warm phases known as

El Nino

In a temperate forest, the energy captured by the primary producer is about 14,354 kcal/m2/yr. How much energy do you expect the primary consumer to capture? If scientists measure 1076 kcal/m2/yr, what is the actual ecological efficiency?

Expected: 1,435.4 kcal/m2/yr Ecological efficiency = 7.5%

which gov agency enforces laws that allows EPA to set limits to examine effects of pesticide ingredients


Which horizon of a soil profile contains leaves, biological waste, and other organisms?

O: Organic

what are the types of convention cells?

Hadley Ferrel Polar

act that directed the USDA and Department of the Interior to better handle wildfires

Healthy Forests Initiative

formula for impact of human activity

I(activity) = P(pop size) x A(average per capita consumption) x T(available technology)

Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between TFR and RBR?

If the total fertility rate exceeds the replacement birth rate, the population will grow.

Which of the following correctly compares the temperature in downtown urban areas to surrounding rural areas?

It can be about 7 degrees higher due to pollution and concrete

How did the USFS's forest fire prevention campaign affect the health of ecosystems?

It negatively affected the health of ecosystems. Some tree species require regular fires to survive. Additionally, the lack of smaller fires resulted in the build up of dry plant matter, such as chapparal. When a forest fire did occur, it was much more difficult to manage.

Reproductive strategy: gradual growth late reproductive maturity low fertility (few offspring) longer lifespan high natal care specialized to a niche examples include humans, annual plants, and elephants

K-selected species

equation for population size

N = (B - D) + (I - E)

a population of 100 individuals that has a carrying capacity of 150. In a year, the population experiences 15 births, 5 deaths, and no migration. What will the population be in one year?

N = (B - D) + (I - E) N = (15 - 5) + (0) r = deltaN/N r = 10/100 r = 0.1 dN/dt = rN (K-N/K) dN/dt = (0.1)(100)(150-100/150) dN/dt = 3 original pop + 3 = 103 individuals

The California condor population had 276 individuals in the wild in 2016. There were 20 births and 15 deaths. How long will it take for the wild population of California condors to double?

N = (B - D) + (I - E) N = (20 - 15) + (0) N = 5 individuals r = delta(N)/N r = 5/276 r = 0.018 doubling time = 70/r dt = 70/0.018 dt = 70/1.8 dt = 35 years

A population of frogs is composed of 150 individuals. If 34 frogs are born, 11 frogs die, and there is no net change in migration, what is the growth rate of the population?

N = (B - D) + (I - E) N = (34 - 11) + (0) N = 23 individuals r = delta(N)/N r = 23/150 r = 0.15

if a population of 20 individuals experiences 6 births and 2 deaths, and 2 individuals immigrate and 4 individuals emigrate, what is the change in the population size?

N = (B - D) + (I - E) N = (6 - 2) + (2 - 4) N = 2 individuals

Which government agency includes the Fisheries Services that maintains a database of fishing practices?


GPP - Respiration =


gross primary production (GPP) vs net primary production (NPP)

NPP is the amount of energy available to consumers

agency that assists in the historic preservation and the creation and maintenance of over 400 national parks


act that governs the administration of national forests

National Forest Management Act

law that established the National Park Service agency within the government

National Park Service Act

process by which ammonia is oxidized to nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) to be used by plants


element that is a key component in DNA, equal to 78% of the atmosphere but unusable by most due to its extremely stable chemical structure


conversion of atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3) or nitrate (NO3)

Nitrogen fixation

formula for calculating what population will be at a certain time

Nt = N0e^rt Nt (pop in time) N0 (original pop) e (constant) r (growth rate) t (certain time)

The original population (N0) was 20, and growth rate (r) was calculated to be 0.1. What will the population (Nt) be in 1 year (t)?

Nt = N0e^rt Nt = 20e^(0.1)(1) Nt = (20)(2.71)^(0.1)(1) (or) Nt = 22

horizons of soil

O (organic), A (topsoil), B (subsoil), C (parent rock)

ENSO causes

Pacific Ocean surface temperatures to be warmer for half of the year

steps of ecological succession

Primary: ROCK 1. (moss, lichens) weather rock to create humus Secondary: SOIL 2. pioneer species (grass, moss, lichens) add nutrients to soil 3. opportunistic species (grass, weeds, shrubs) replace pioneer species 4. biodiversity increases (trees, small mammals) 5. species replacement creates most well-suited species 6. climax community: stable state of maturity 7. ecosystem remains stable until next disturbance event

respiration vs photosynthesis

Producers store solar energy in complex sugars through photosynthesis, and producers and consumers use the stored energy to produce ATP in respiration

After many years, the Forest Service found that although the frequency of fires in parks decreased, their strength and destruction increased. What explains why?

Prolonged drought without natural fires lead to an accumulation of chaparral and other dry plant matter

Reproductive strategy: rapid growth early reproductive maturity high fertility (many offspring) shorter lifespan little natal care not as specialized to a niche examples include sea turtles, trees, and oysters

R-selected species

K selected species v R selected species

R-selected species have shorter lifespans

which act mandates restoration of strip-mined land?

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

1934 ___________________ Act limited area of federal land that could be used for grazing

Taylor Grazing

Why has the Taylor Grazing Act not been sufficient in protecting rangelands?

The fees for overgrazing were not enough to cover the cost of caring for the land.

what region of the atmosphere has the highest atmospheric pressure


what region of the atmosphere has the lowest density of gas molecules


Why do redwoods live so long?

They are resistant to insects and fire

largest old-growth forest in the united states

Tongass National Forest of Alaska

what region of the atmosphere is most responsible for Earth's weather patterns


act that identified what a federally protected wilderness area is

Wilderness Act

example of ecosystem with great diversity

a tropical rain forest because it has relatively constant environmental conditions

what is soil fertility dependent on?

abundance of nutrients

rapid speciation filling niches left by extinct species

adaptive radiation

largest consumer of water


when trees and crops are planted together, creating a mutualistic symbiotic relationship between them


Coriolis effect

air masses moving north are deflected east -- air masses moving south are deflected west -- due to faster movement around the Equator

__________ is fixed through biological functions with bacteria


mass extinction

an event that is followed by a high rate of speciation

Following a disturbance, an invasive plant is capable of growing in a field's nutrient-poor soil. Several years later, the invasive species is completely removed from the field. Analysis of the soil shows an abundance of nitrogen compounds. Which of the following correctly describes how this occurred?

bacteria in the soil fixed atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds


barrier between troposphere and stratosphere --coldest part of the troposphere layer

pesticides are consumed by primary producers that feed on treated crops and build up at each trophic level through a process called ___________________


amount of organic material in a food web


organization of living things (largest to smallest)

biome biosphere ecosystem community population organism

direct causes of population growth

birth, death, migration

population changes in size as a result of the number of ____________, ___________, _____________, and _____________

births (B) deaths (D) immigrations (I) emigrations (E)

when a certain plant species becomes more successful than others, taking over the ecosystem and resulting in a decrease in biodiversity


when non-target fish get caught accidentally by nets, traps


biogeochemical cycles involve which 6 essential elements of life

carbon hydrogen nitrogen oxygen phosphorus sulfur

carbon sink and carbon source examples

carbon sink - plants, oceans, fossil fuels carbon source - decaying matter, burning fossil fuels, deforestation

Once a species has reached the maximum population possible for a specific habitat, it is said to have reached its —

carrying capacity

after reaching its __________________________, population size will stabilize through __________________ growth

carrying capacity; logistical

____________ converts stored energy into H20, CO2, and ATP

cellular respiration

equation for rate of growth of a population

change in pop r = ____________________ initial pop size r = delta(N)/N

one method for harvesting trees used commercially and has serious impacts on biodiversity


abrupt changes in average temperature, ranging from decades to millions of years in time

climate shifts

effects of altering a biogeochemical cycle

climate shifts, ocean acidification

what name describes a balanced mature ecosystem

climax community

A caribou scavenging for food is followed by an arctic fox. In an attempt to find food, the caribou stops to dig a hole with its large hooves in the frozen, snow covered ground. The arctic fox waits until the caribou is out of sight, and then approaches the hole. It digs deeper into the ground and is able to find food. What type of relationship is it?


interaction in which one is positively impacted and the other not affected


plowing and planting across the changing slope of land, rather than in straight lines, to help retain water and reduce soil erosion

contour farming

strips are removed from the side of a slope to expose ore

contour strip mining

formula for ecological efficiency

energy primary consumers ______________________________________ x 100 energy producers

formula for calculating change in pop size in a time period

dN/dt = rN (K-N/K)

rotation of the Earth on its axis causes

day and night

regulating services examples

decomposers breaking down waste, plants producing oxygen and filtering water

NOT an effect of urbanization

decreased rates of obesity

Permeability in soil decreases as particle size ______________


shift from high birth/death rate to low birth/death rates

demographic transition

The ___________ of a population depends on its size, distribution, and dispersion.


factors that determine the carrying capacity: -Effects increase with crowding -Examples include food and water supplies, places to live, and communicable diseases


factors that determine the carrying capacity: -Alter population growth regardless of crowding -Examples include random events, like floods and fires


role of TFR and RBR in the growth rate of developing countries

developing countries have less access to contraception, causing TFR to exceed RBR

factors that increase diversity

diverse habitats disturbance events constant environmental conditions trophic levels with diversity ecosystems in middle level of succession evolution of species

measure of the percentage of energy transfer between trophic levels

ecological efficiency

process by which an ecosystem changes and develops over time, involving the process in which species present at one stage are gradually replaced by a new species, resulting in increases in biodiversity in an ecosystem

ecological succession

measure of the range of habitats found in an area

ecosystems diversity

species only found in one area

endemic species

what is NOT a goal for the protection of wilderness areas

increasing eutrophication

jet streams

fast streams of air formed when cold air meets warm air at the boundaries between cells (2 in each hemisphere)

the ability to reproduce


how many offspring are produced


thermosphere composition

few gases, low pressure, auroras

provisioning services examples

food, minerals, timber

Ferrel cells

form midway between the Equator and the poles as cold air sinks toward the poles before warming/rising

Hadley cells

form near the Equator as warm air rises toward the poles, cools, then sinks

sedimentary rock

forms from settled layers of sediment (strata)

measurement of the range of genetic traits that make up the gene pool of a species

genetic diversity

3 ways to measure biodiversity:

genetic diversity species diversity ecosystem diversity

pros and cons of mono-cropping?

harvest more crops at the same time, but cause soil erosion, salinization, and reduced biodiversity.

method of mineral purification involving spraying cyanide on ore to dissolve it and reveal the metal

heap leaching

high fecundity leads to a _________ fertility and natality


NPP of rainforests is ___________ than NPP of deserts


effects of human population growth

hunger disease habitat destruction

when bodies of water are deprived of oxygen and cause death of organisms unable to leave the ecosystem


positive effect of using GMOS in agriculture

increase in crop yields

effects of urbanization?

increased pollution, increased crime urban heat islands

cultural services examples

inspiration for music, art, agriculture; cultural identity; sense of home; spiritual experience

what could be a threat to the biodiversity of the Hawaiian islands

invasive species due to constant commerce

green revolution techniques

irrigation strategic crop production genetic engineering fertilizers

role of Coriolis effect in global air circulation

it causes the formation of three convection cells in each hemisphere

When a population exceeds the environment's carrying capacity —

it suffers a sudden population crash

why is soil a non-renewable resource?

it takes hundreds of years to mature

primary mechanism produced by convection cells that drive weather patterns

jet streams

California sea otter is known as a

keystone species


kills fungi


kills pests


kills rats and mice


kills spiders


kills weeds

chemical compounds found in rocks that are naturally occurring, found in deposits, and nonrenewable


naturally occurring substances with a specific chemical composition or crystal structure


how is mining negatively impacting land?

mining involves removing large sections of land, which can result in soil degradation

the number of years that a person is statistically expected to live

life expectancy

the longest amount of time a species is estimated to live

life span

recharge zone

location at which surface water infiltrates rather than running off

why do urban populations grow quickly?

low death rates and plenty of resources

composition of the atmosphere

majority of gases are found in troposphere, with nitrogen gas being the most prevalent

Which of the following correctly describes a second-growth forest in comparison to old-growth forests?

majority of trees are the same age and size

enough calories but not enough nutrients


why is mining expensive?

many physical and chemical separation processes produce toxic waste that is expensive to dispose of

what determines the number of species that can survive in an ecosystem

net primary productivity

organism's functional role within a larger community, including habitat, resources, interactions


scientists predict that by 2050, the human population could grow to ________ billion people


_________ are fixed by abiotic fixation like lightning


what form of nitrogen can plants use directly


growth of crops without plowing the soil to prevent erosion and loss of nutrients

no-till agriculture

density calculation

number of individuals ______________________________ area of land they occupy

which disturbance does carbon dioxide cause when it reacts with water to produce carbonic acid?

ocean acidification


one plate goes under/into another during subduction, creating earthquakes/volcanos/mountains


one plate moves under another, causing volcanic eruptions

exosphere composition

only hydrogen and helium, low pressure

digging large hole to remove ore close to surface

open-pit mining

rocks that contain enough mineral to be extracted economically


primary production

organic compounds released by primary producers in g/m2/yr

what is a demographer calculating when he/she counts the number of individuals in a population and divides that number by the area that the population occupies

population density

Any total fertility rate over 2.1 in developed countries will result in ________________________

population growth

if TFR is less than RBR --

population should not grow

what is the measure of the number of individuals in a population?

population size

______________, which includes characteristics such as distribution, dispersion, and density, is largely determined by the size of a population

population structure

water cycle (hydrogen & oxygen) main steps

precipitation --> runoff --> evaporation --> absorption --> photosynthesis --> transpiration

which stages of demographic transition experience highest birth rates

preindustrial and transitional

types of ecological succession

primary succession (starts from bare rock) secondary succession (starts with soil)

what is not a driving force of weather systems

proximity to the sun

if the population was 20 individuals and the change in population size was 2 individuals then what is the growth rate?

r = delta(N)/N r = 2/20

An El-Nino winter brings more opportunity for __________, __________, and ____________ ____________

rain, storms, warmer weather

lands used for non-crop agriculture


An age structure diagram shaped like a pyramid is characteristic of a country experiencing

rapid growth

primary productivity

rate at which primary producers photosynthesis and release energy into the ecosystem

what solution does not sustain land and water

reducing GMOS because they require more water and pesticides and cause accumulation

does NOT cause loss of rangeland

regularly moving animals to different locations to graze

net primary productivity

remaining amount of energy available to consumers from original gross primary production

Polar cells

results from the diverging of rising warm air that sinks over the poles

describe the lithosphere (upper mantle & crust)

rigid, brittle, and composed of several large plates that are constantly moving due to the movement of molten rock within the magma

metamorphic rock

rock that has been changed by heat/pressure/chemicals

what is not a negative effect of pesticides

salinization of lakes

revolution of the Earth around the sun causes


rock cycle:

sediments --> (lithification)--> sedimentary rock --> (metamorphism) --> metamorphic rock --> (magma) --> igneous rock --> (weathering)

method of harvesting small groups of trees


Green Revolution

the increase in crop yields using methods such as drip irrigation, monocultures, and GMOs

how does fracking induce earthquakes?

the injection of water raises pressure levels and friction between rocks

What can be estimated from a sample number of ash trees in a forest?

the species richness

how does heap leaching contaminate the environment

the tailings that are produced contain cyanide

what causes the global circulation of air

the temperature gradient (warm air/water going to the poles, cool air/water going to the equator)

characteristic of the geosphere has the LARGEST impact on tectonic processes

the temperature gradient of the interior of the Earth

what does the temperature inversion layer result from

the trapping of heat below the ozone layer

Which of the following is a major contributing factor to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico?

the use of nitrogen-based fertilizers

gross primary productivity

total amount of organic compounds created through photosynthesis and used by plants to grow/maintain themselves

An age structure diagram shaped like a pyramid is in which stage of demographic transition


the process by which plants absorb water from soil and release water gas from its leaves


large plots of land with a single species of tree that are harvested when grown

tree plantations

Type of forest: an example is found in Borneo found near equator

tropical rainforest

cold, snowy plain with little vegetation


not enough calories


what is most likely to form when 2 oceanic plates diverge

underwater ridge

mountain top removal involves --

using equipment to move large sections of mountains to access ore deposits


warming of the ocean surface in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean

3 main crops that make up 60% of human calorie consumption

wheat, rice, maize

heat transformations that occur in ecosystems:

when energy is transformed, some is lost as heat

ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation)

when heat changes in the atmosphere, causing a shift between warm and cool phases due to the movement of jet streams

saturated zone

where water infiltrates the ground from runoff or snowmelt or rain

secondary effects of climate shift

wildfires, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis

Belts of trees along field edges to reduce wind erosion


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