APES Unit 5 Review
Which of the following would NOT be an environmental effect as a result of this shared resource?
A decrease in the spread of invasive species.
The Green Revolution refers to which of the following?
A time when the farming practices switched in order to produce more food.
Which of the following describes how energy consumption in developed and developing countries compare?
Developed countries consume more energy per capita
Which of the following case studies serves as a direct example of human population growth
Easter Island
What do we call the addition of excess nutrients to a body of water?
What does the tragedy of the commons refer to?
Individual exploitation of shared resource leads to long term depletion for all
What is an economic advantage of clear cutting?
It decreases the price of lumber for the consumers.
Which of the following lists includes types of surface mining?
Opem-pit mining, mountaintop removal, and strip mining
Which of the following describes the influence of clearcutting a forest on climate change?
The forest has changed from a carbon sink to a carbon source.
Which of the following agricultural practices will accelerate cultural eutrophication?
The use of fertilizers
Which of the following describes how private ownership of a shared resource would help in reducing the effects of the tragedy of the commons?
There will be incentives for the owner to protect the land.
When a field becomes waterlogged, which of the following consequences could it have on the plants?
They will die as they are unable to absorb oxygen through their roots
Which describes the LARGEST human use of freshwater?
Which of the following refers to the removal of all trees in an area at one time?
clear cutting
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of integrated pest management?
decreasing irrigation requirements for crops
which of the following irrigation methods MOST efficiently uses water with the smallest percentage lost to evaporation?
All of the following answer choices are ecological consequences of CAFOs EXCEPT
groundwater contamination from deep well injection of waste products
The amount of food grown in the United States has increased over the last 50 years. This can be attributed to all of the following except...
increase in arable land
Which of the following in NOT a result of the mechanization of farming practices during the Green Revolution?
increased subsidies provided to farmers
Benefits associated with aquaculture include all of the following except
low impacts on local ecosystems
The MOST common cause of salinization of agricultural soils over time is
Lands that are primarily used for the production of adapted, domesticated forage for livestock are known as
Which of the following would be a rapid approach to decreasing the crop damage while increasing crop yields?
The process of restoring land that has been mined to a natural or economically usable purpose is known as
All of the following are examples of Tragedy of the Commons EXCEPT
redefining a country's borders to include more mountainous terrain
Which of the following is not a component of integrated pest management?
rotating the type of synthetic pesticide sprayed based on the temperature and humidity
The build up of salt in soil leading to a loss in crop productivity is called
All of the following are true of mining activities EXCEPT
subsurface mining has more direct environmental impacts than open-pit mines
All of the following reduce the carrying capacity of cattle in rangelands execpt...
supplemental forage for cattle
Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, provide all of the following advantages except
the use of genetically modified organisms can prevent pests from developing resistance.