apes winter final review

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what percentage of earths water is found in lakes?


what percentage of earths water is found in groundwater?


consider the following processes: respiration, chemosynthesis, combustion of firewood, and photosynthesis. How many of these result in. the release of oxygen into the atmosphere?


if a population roughy doubles in the course of 70 years, its growth rate would be close to _____%


approximately ___% of the fuel you pump into your automobile moves your vehicle down the road


a solution with a PH of 3 is ____ a solution with a PH of 5

100 times more acidic than

If a population roughly doubles in the course of 35 years, its growth rate would be close to ________%.


a world population that is not growing will have a TFR of

2.1 or lower

The U.S. average footprint is ________ times larger than the world average footprint.


Recent evidence from polar ice core analysis shows that, until now, carbon dioxide levels have never exceeded ________ ppm in the last several hundred thousand years.


current global population is

7.655 billion

the most recent analyses of polar ice cores have given us the ability to profile global climate change as far back as ____

800,000 years

An increase in atmospheric CO2 levels would cause a decrease of which of the following in the ocean?


which step in the figure shows the formation of carbonic acid?

CO2+H2O -> H2O3

Convective cells between 30 and 60 degrees

Ferrel cells

dissociation of carbonic acid

H2CO3 -> H+ + HCO3-

An increase in atmospheric CO2 levels would increase the production of which of the following in the ocean?

HCO3 with a negative charge

Convective cells near the equator

Hadley cells

Near the equator, the patterns of convection currents are called ________.

Hadley cells

Author of The Population Bomb

Paul R. Ehrlich

How do the prairie dogs in this story meet the definition of a keystone species?

Their burrows loosened the soil and served as homes for other species; they helped with nutrient recycling. They helped water infiltrate into the soil and kept soil loose for grass roots. When they were removed, the system deteriorated.

TFR of 2.0 in this country, also this country is third largest population in the world

United States

which of the following describes a graph of the Kaibab deer population between 1900 and 1923?

a J-shpaed upward curve wit ha very rapid increase

In July 2001, the town of Spring Hill, Florida, about 45 miles north of Tampa, had 18 sinkholes appear in a single day. The largest holes were nearly 100 feet deep. This is an indication that ________.

a drought had recently occurred, along with increased development and groundwater use

a population is _______.

a group of individuals of a single species that live and interact in one area

a device designed to remove airborne pollutants from smokestack emissions

a scrubber

a hypothesis is _____

a statement that explains an observed phenomenon or answers a question

___ is network of relationships among a group of components, which interact with and influence one another through the exchange of energy, matter, or information

a system

an artesian aquifer occurs where ____

a water-bearing layer is trapped between two layers that are less permeable

what property of water is due to hydrogen bonds?

ability to form droplets

the stratospheric ozone layer is important to ecosystems because it ______.

absorbs most UV light

The rapid melting of Greenland's ice cap could disrupt the NADW formation by ________.

adding huge amounts of less dense fresh water to the surface of the system

in the late 1800sand 1900s farmers and ranchers slaughtered predators trying to protect their cattle. One direct result _____

an increase in prairie dog population

Keeling's reports from Mauna Loa demonstrated ________.

an increase in tropospheric ozone from the 1950s to present

a ____ is best defined as one who educates based on its impact on human health, economic cost and benefits, and aesthetic concerns.


What gas comprises the third largest portion of Earth's atmosphere?


marine reserves

are "no-take" areas in the oceans

Most marine protected areas ________.

are along the coastlines of developed nations

zebra mussels ____.

are an invasive exotic species that clogs water intake pipes at factories, power plants, and wastewater treatment facilities

ecosystem services _____.

are economically valuable services provided by natural systems

Groups of organisms with low biotic potential, such as gray whales, ________.

are k-selected


are required in large amounts for organisms to survive

Earth's climate is changing____

as a result of human and natural processes

When populations approach their carrying capacity, their resources ________.

become more scare as growth rate decreases to zero

What do the diagrams show?

biomes at a high elevation roughly parallel biomes at high latitudes

zero population growth can be achieved in a population when the

birth rate equals death rate, and there is no migration

carbon monoxide

blocks oxygen transport in human blood

Humans have dramatically altered the rate of nitrogen fixation into forms usable by autotrophs ________.

by producing synthetic fertilizers and applying them to the crops, lawn, and parks

artificial wetlands

can help purify water and also provide recreational opportunities

which of the following are market mechanisms for addressing climate change

cap-and-trade and carbon offsets

The predominant greenhouse gas produced by human use of fossil fuels is __________.

carbon dioxide

which of the following represent chemosynthesis?

carbon dioxide + water + hydrogen sulfide = sugar + sulfuric acid

Bacteria and fungal spores are potential ________.

causes of "sick-building syndrome"

lead enters the atmosphere as a particulate pollutant. This is a problem because lead causes ___

central nervous system damage in humans

Describes the terrestrial biome bordering the Mediterranean Sea; characterized by wet winters and warm dry summers


Because of the success of China's population control programs, ________.

china's population growth rate has dropped below replacement levels

Today, ________ has the worst acid deposition problem, primarily because of ________.

china; coal fired electrical and industrial plants

in wake of the U.S. failure to ratify the Kyoto Protocol _____.

cities and stated are setting their own programs for reducing GHG emissions

According to the figure, the basis for government policy regarding environmental issues ________.

comes from the sciences, with input from the public and private sectors

which of the following is an alternative fuel supported by environmentalists that would decrease carbon dioxide production in transformation?

compressed natural gas

cellular respiration _____.

continental collision and uplift

the area that underlies the shallow water boarding continents is called

continental shelf

Within each water molecule, ________ connect(s) two hydrogens to every oxygen.

covalent bonds

why would the consumption of fossil fuels remain high, despite high prices?

cultural preferences

Any obstruction placed in a river or stream to block flow


As water warms, it ________.

decreases density

Describes Cairo, Egypt, and northwest Mexico; characterized by sparse rainfall and much variation in temperature


Most of the world population growth in the near future will be in ________.

developing countries

Aside from contraception, what can humans do to control population growth's negative effects on the environment?

discourage population movement into sensitive environmental areas

the types of tectonic plate boundary at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is referred to as a ____.

divergent boundary

_____ encourages more sustainable business practices.


Communities and the abiotic material with which their members interact


how many citizens of india does it take to equal the ecological footprint of the average of the United States

eight citizens of india equal the ecological foot print of the average citizen

negatively charged particles


What is a growing concern related to sea level rise?

eroding shorelines in coastal areas due to larger storms

What is the likely result of the increasing amounts of fertilizers in the major rivers emptying into oceans?

eutrophication, followed by hypoxia, is a likely result, ultimately leading to less CO2 uptake and less oxygen released

the process by which water moves from earths surface such as in lakes or rivers to the atmosphere


the highest level of our atmosphere, with relatively few molecules per unit area


convective cell that contains the Westerlys

ferrel cells

We build dams to ________.

generate electricity, prevent flooding, and provide irrigation and drinking water

By definition, parasites ________ their host.

get nourishment from and harm

One-fifth of Earth's total freshwater supply is in ________.


A recent study has revealed that chlorinated hydrocarbons, gasoline, and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have become significant pollutants in ________ from ________.

groundwater; leaking storage tanks

specific environment in which an organism lives


life expectancy in parts of Southern Africa ____ due to aids

has fallen dramatically since 1990

compared to a region of equal all the same altitude,the area shown in the diagram _____.

has much higher biodiversity and niche structure

Carbon-based fuels from lithospheric reservoirs ________.

have been increasingly unsequestered over the last 180 years

Blight fungus kills U.S. chestnut trees because the trees ________.

have not coevolved with the fungus

____ cause water molecules to interact and adhere to one another.

hydrogen bonds

the majority of Earth's fresh water exists

in the form of ice

One reasonable way to prevent sinkholes might be to ________.

increase groundwater recharge by constructing artificial wetlands that use treated municipal wastewater

what is the population in Canada likely to experience soon

increase in the average age of the country

In an aquatic ecosystem experiencing eutrophication, levels of dissolved macronutrients ________ and dissolved oxygen levels ________.

increase; decrease

If there is ________, a country's population growth rate will increase.

increased immigration

the removal of the livestock and predators, and the cessation of hunting in 1907 ______.

increased the biotic potential for the Kaibab deer

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the increased flux of carbon into the atmosphere has been primarily due to ________.

increasing rapidly in the face of concerns over climate change (burning fossil fuels)

second most populous nation on Earth


Individuals of a single species fighting over access to a limiting resource is one example of ________.

infraspecific competition

elements or molecules with a charge


Coriolis effect

is caused by earth's rotational forces

the Coriolis effect

is caused by earth's rotational forces

Photochemical smog differs from industrial smog in that it ________.

is formed only in the presence of sunlight, nitrogen dioxide and VOCs

according to the figure, sciences input into solutions for environmental problems ____.

is independent of any other influence in its effect on forming government policy

troposheric ozone

is produced through the interaction of UV light with nitrogen oxides and VOCS

the revolving door ____.

is the movement of powerful officials between the private sector and government agencies

which of the following is true of eutrophication in marine systems?

it can lead to algal blooms and red tides that kill fish

Why was the irrigation of Soviet cotton farming operations a problem?

it drained the Aral Sea and increased the salt content of soils

Which of the following is a consequence of acid deposition?

it leaches important minerals from soils, some of which are toxic to plants and some that are no longer available for the plant to grow from

a community may undergo a regime shift or phase shift when

it loses keystone species of suffers a major climate change

kelp are

large algae that protect shorelines from erosion, and supply shelter and food for invertebrates and fish

which part of the government is responsible for passing public laws

legislative branch

in thermohaline circulation of global current systems, surface water is _____

less salty, less dense, and warmer

the age structure diagram of Canada suggests that its total fertility rate is _____

less than its replacement rate

in a municipal wastewater treatment plant, the primary treatment step includes ______

letting sewage tanks sit in large settling tanks so organic solids settle out

which of the following are pioneer species


the solid earth beneath our feet


what are earth's structural spheres that don't living things

lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere

which of the following would be there initial ecological consequences falling water table?

loss of permanent wetland

_____ is defined as the number of protons plus the number of neutros.

mass number

Tuvalu and the Maldives are in the international spotlight because they ________.

may be among the first nations to be completely flooded by rising sea levels

radon _____

may cause lung cancer when inhaled

global climate change may produce major shifts in biomes because ______.

mean temperature and precipitation will change

Produced by microbes decomposing matter in landfills and swamps.


of the following GHG, which one has experienced the greatest percentage increase since 1750


the earth's atmosphere can cause global warming because

molecules in the atmosphere trap heat radiated from theEarth's surface

The first essential step in changing atmospheric nitrogen into more usable NH3 is called ________.


Mutualistic relationships between bacteria and certain root nodules play an important role in the global cycling of ________.


farmers would plant sweet clover to increase _____, which is a macronutrient in he soil


symbiotic relationships between bacteria and certain root nodules play an important role in the global cycling of _____.


by-product of feedlots, chemical manufacturing, and fertilizer use

nitrous oxide

secondary succession _____.

occurs after a fire or flood

downwelling _____

occurs in areas where surface currents converge, or flow toward each other

the process of subduction _____.

occurs when denser ocean crust slides beneath lighter continental crusts

one of the conclusions that can be drawn from this scenario that _____

once humans change one thing in an ecosystem, they may find unexpected results occurring elsewhere in the ecosystem

the global average footprint per person has increased from 2.2 to 2.7 hectares since 2008 including the footprint of many developing nations such as china and india. This meant that _____.

our collective life style is often more unsustainable than before

Currently, the greatest ecological crisis facing marine food webs is ________.


Why are both ends of each water molecule positive and the middle negative?

oxygen has a greater pull on electrons

this greenhouse gas in the troposphere can act as a GHG as well as pollutants that negatively affect plants and humans


in 2006, congress ____ to address the issue of solid wastes in ocean.

passed the Marine Debris Research Prevention and Reduction Act

Cassandras are ____.

people who predict economic collapse and future struggles as we run out of resources

cap-and-tade is a system that _____.

permits industries that pollute at levels below the federal cap to sell credits to industries that pollute at levels above the cap

the phosphorus in all biological tissues can be traced back to _____

phosphorus weathered from rock

In the mid-1950s a researchers in Los Angeles was able to create smog by setting up a large, clear chamber and using it to expose auto exhaust to sunlight. He was demonstrating _____.

photochemical reactions

Xeriscaping can save water by ________.

planting native or drought-resistant plants with little or no water requirements

One factor contributing to U.S. resistance to legal intervention regarding global climate change is ________.

political influence of the petroleum, coal, and automobile industries

hydrogen bonds connect ____.

positive regions of one water molecule to negative regions of another molecule

The fish in the lake at the local park are dying. A professor from the local college comes to investigate, and first she measures the dissolved oxygen because she wants to check for the ________.

possibility of eutrophication

Water returns from the atmosphere to Earth's surface as _______ such as rain or snow.


expectation of environmental outcome


Grazing animals such as deer are ________.

primary consumers

charged particles in the nucleus


hydrothermal vents ____

provide chemicals to symbiotic bacteria that support ecosystems at the ocean floor

when the rains come down on rocky mountain sides, the water ran down into the grassland where the prairie dogs were active and _____.

quickly soaked into the soil, watering the grasses

in industrialized nations, the two most deadly sources of indoor air pollution are

radon and cigarette smoke

An example of a density-independent factor would be ________.

record cold temperatures that kill subtropical plants in Northern Florida

cellular respiration ____.

releases carbon dioxide and water

a climax community _____.

remains in place until a disturbance restarts succession

geothermal energy, wind energy, and solar radiation are all examples of _____.

renewable environmental resources

the intergovernmental panel on climate change is an international panel that _____

reports on how climate change effects wildfire, ecosystem, and society

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 _____.

required that by 2015 all oil tankers in U.S. water be double hulled

upwelling ____.

results in areas of high primary productivity at the ocean surface

nitrogen fixation is a process that makes nitrogen available to plants and is carried out by ____.

rhizobium bacteria that have a symbiotic relationship with the roots

Overpumping groundwater in coastal areas can cause ________ to move into aquifers, making the water undrinkable.


Zooplankton-eating fish are ________.

secondary consumers

the largest pool of carbon ini the carbon cycle is _____.

sedimentary rock

which of the following best describes the human population from early times to the present?

slow, uneven growth until the 1800s, then increasingly rapid growth

recent research suggests that _____ has/have contributed to the large drop in fertility rates in Brazil of the past several decades

soap operas

which of the following factors drives TFR down?

social and economic security

Each branch in the figure results from ________.

speciation event

in the demographic transition model the highest population growth rate in a country is likely to occur during

stage 2, the transitional stage

Sinkholes are an extreme form of ________.


Compound that contributes to short-term atmospheric cooling

sulfate aerosol

the primary cause of acid deposition are

sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides

the biosphere consists of the _____

sum of all the planet's living organisms and the abiotic portions of the environment with which they interact

nitrogen fixation is a process that makes nitrogen available to plants and is carried out by ______

symbiotic and free-living bacteria

Despite dire predictions in the past, humans still inhabit Earth. A few economists would argue that this is because ________.

technological developments have alleviated some of the strain on Earth's resources

describes biome in the eastern United States, north Central Europe, and eastern China; characterized by stable precipitation and seasonal temperature variation

temperate deciduous forest

Describes the region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, characterized by limited precipitation, thick organic soils, and extreme temperature variation in winter and summer

temperate grassland

Describes the Pacific Northwest of the United States and Nagasaki, Japan; characterized by heavy rainfall and relatively stable temperatures

temperate rainforest

Overall, it appears that biomes with more available fresh water ________.

tend to have more productivity than those without much freshwater

a watershed is _____.

the area of land from which rainfall drains into rivers or lakes

the term demographic transition refers to

the decline in death rates followed by decline in birth rates, occurring as a country economically develops

which of the following is likely to have occurred after 19323

the deer overgrazed their environment, decreasing the carrying capacity of the habitat

in the rain shadow effect, ____.

the dry region is on the leeward side of a mountain

diminishing growth rates in poor countries can be partially attributed to _____

the education of women

One example of artificial selection is ________.

the generation of broccoli and Brussels sprouts from a single ancestral species

Malthus was responsible for ________.

the idea that without social restrictions increasing human population would lead to famine and war

the major remaining problem was ______.

the large distances traveled daily by solitary commuters

Statutory laws are passed by ________.

the legislative branch

carbon dioxide is _____

the most abundant anthropogenic greenhouse gas in the troposphere

the Colorado rivers water resource allocation is being complicated by

the rapid growth of large cities in the states

in a controlled experiment, ____.

the researcher controls for the effects of all variables except one

the "sensitivity factor" in the model used to represent human environment impact denotes _____.

the sensitivity of an environment to human pressures

part of the reason that people's eyes would sting was _____

the smoke and particulates from the burning trash

Prairie dog activities probably contribute to ________.

the soil being loose and the nutrients cycling allowing new grass roots to start over and prosper

the independent variable in this study will be

the type of food the dogs receive

Biodiversity is ________.

the variety of life in all its forms and combinations and at all levels of organization

environmentalists and scientists advocate immediate intervention regarding global climate change because _____.

they fear the consequences of inaction caused by lack of full scientific certainty

The 1994 Cairo, Egypt conference was organized ______.

to urge governments to better address social issues such as poverty, disease, and lack of education, as potential sources of population problems.

the energy content and biomass of ____ is lowest in any food web

top carnivores

the san Andres fault in california is an example of _____.

transform plate boundary

Release of water vapor by plants through their leaves


conventional law arises from ____.

treaties between nations, like the Kyoto protocol

describes a equatorial zone with moderate precipitation that fluctuates seasonally; characterized by warm temperates year round

tropical dry forest

Temperature remains relatively stable through the seasons in what biome?

tropical rainforest

Which terrestrial biome has the most biodiversity?

tropical rainforest

Weather patterns are largely determined in the ________.


the greenhouse effect involves the warming of Earth's surface and the _____


a measure of the density of suspended particles (lack of charity) in a water supply


Much of the "biosolids" material that is the end product of a water treatment plant is ________.

used crop fertilizer in the U.S.

Pablo and Johanne have many ____.

variables that they didn't control and not enough replicates

the statement "hiking up a mountain in the southern U.S. is like walking from Mexico to Canada: refers to the fact that _____ changes with altitude and latitude


Hetch Hetchy provides the residents of San Francisco with ________.

water for drinking

the earth can cause global warming because of

water vapor

Water in the surface zone of the ocean is, for the most part ________.

well mixed

Oceanographers are studying the thermohaline currents to determine ________.

whether global climate change may slow or alter there path

Most present-day fisheries managers ________.

wish to set aside areas of ocean where systems can function without human interference

Zooplankton populations in Lake Erie and the Hudson River have declined by up to 70% since the arrival of zebra mussels because ________.

zebra mussels prey on zooplankton

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