APHG practice questions

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Which of the following spatial patterns is best explained by bid-rent theory? A Concentric rings of different agricultural activities surrounding a city in the midwestern United States B Rural-to-urban migration increasing the population density to eastern China C Linear settlements located along a major road in a densely forested area of Brazil D Dispersed settlement throughout a large mountainous area of Switzerland E The conversion of agricultural land to suburbs surrounding a city in the southeastern United States

A Concentric rings of different agricultural activities surrounding a city in the midwestern United States Correct. Bid-rent theory can be used to explain the pattern of concentric rings sometimes seen in agricultural practices. Market gardens and dairies are located closest to the city, surrounded by zones of field crops and ranches farther from the city center. This pattern is caused by land prices and transportation costs, as opposed to climate or terrain.

Which of the following is a subsistence crop? A Corn B Cotton C Rubber D Cocoa E Timber

A Corn

The table shows the types of information collected by a store regarding customer purchases. Which of the following data could be used in a geographical information system (GIS) to increase sales? A ZIP code B Number of customers C Number of transactions D Total transaction amount E Amount per transaction

A ZIP code Correct. ZIP codes are geographically-specific postal delivery areas. As marketing data ZIP Codes can be used in a GIS to determine the number of sales, types of sales, and amounts of those sales on a ZIP code by ZIP code basis and displayed on a map showing the differences in sales around differed ZIP codes.

Which of the following best explains how immigration affects the cultural landscape of religion? A Immigrants often retain their religion during the process of acculturation, contributing to religious diversity within the cultural landscape of the receiving country. B Immigrant communities fuse their own religion with the dominant religion in the receiving country to create a syncretic religion. C Ethnic religions do not diffuse past their hearth, so immigrants must adopt a new religion when relocating to a new country. D Immigrants bring their religion with them when they relocate, and their religion quickly spreads to the overwhelming majority of citizens in the receiving country. E Immigrants' original religions disappear as immigrants fully assimilate into their new culture and adopt the dominant religion of the area.

A Immigrants often retain their religion during the process of acculturation, contributing to religious diversity within the cultural landscape of the receiving country. Correct. During the process of acculturation, immigrants adopt some traits of the receiving culture but retain significant portions of their own religion. Often, immigrants retain their religion. This often creates a diverse, multicultural religious landscape in the receiving country.

Which of the following best explains the importance of climate to agricultural practices? A Midlatitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the United States and China. B Agricultural crops are successful only in midlatitude climates, where any crop can be grown. C Tropical climates support plant-based agriculture, but animal-based agriculture is not successful in tropical areas. D The sparse vegetation in arid or semiarid climates does not support animal-based agriculture. E Cold midlatitude climates are associated with plantation agriculture and pastoral nomadism.

A Midlatitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the United States and China. Correct. Commercial grain farming is successful in the midlatitudes around the world, including the United States and China, generally in regions that are too dry for mixed crop and livestock agriculture.

The Philippines and Malaysia lay claim to resources under and around the Spratly Islands. Which of the following best explains how the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) influences claims to the islands by both countries? A The claims to the Spratly Islands by both the Philippines and Malaysia overlap due to exclusive economic zones up to 200 nautical miles from their coasts. B The Philippines and Malaysia both claim the islands lie within their territorial seas up to 12 nautical miles from their coasts. C The claims to the islands by the Philippines and Malaysia overlap due to the median line principle. D The Philippines and Malaysia both claim ownership to the resources based on a historic possession of the islands. E The Philippines and Malaysia both claim the islands lie within their contiguous zones between 12 and 24 nautical miles from their coasts.

A The claims to the Spratly Islands by both the Philippines and Malaysia overlap due to exclusive economic zones up to 200 nautical miles from their coasts. Correct. Under UNCLOS, states gain resources 200 nautical miles from the coast and so controlling these islands would expand each state's resources.

Explain how the map represents an incomplete picture of the economy in India. A The data do not measure the informal economy, which in regions with high employment in agriculture could be significant. B The data are measured per capita, so the total economy for each state in India cannot be compared. C The data do not show the different sectors of the economy, so states in India with low employment in agriculture appear to be wealthier. D The data do not include population figures, and without that information an accurate comparison cannot be made. E The data are measured in rupees and cannot be compared to data from countries that use a different currency.

A The data do not measure the informal economy, which in regions with high employment in agriculture could be significant. Correct. The GDP measures only the formal economy, and the informal economy in India is significant. Therefore, the map presents an incomplete picture of the economy in India.

The spread of specialty coffee shops across the United States in the 1990s is an example of A hierarchical diffusion B contagious diffusion C stimulus diffusion D periodic movement E relocation diffusion

A hierarchical diffusion

Land parcels in the American Midwest tend to be rectilinear because A the federal survey system adopted in the late eighteenth century imposed a geometric pattern on the landscape B Native American settlement patterns were rectangular C English-speaking settlers replicated the landscape patterns of England D Spanish colonists laid out settlements in a rigid geometric pattern E there were no mountains or rivers to use as boundaries

A the federal survey system adopted in the late eighteenth century imposed a geometric pattern on the landscape

Women played a crucial role in the domestication of plants because they A were interested in varying the diets of their families B were engaged in collecting plant resources C were agile climbers on the hillsides of the Fertile Crescent D knew how to achieve control over their environment E traveled long distances from their home base

A were interested in varying the diets of their families

California's Silicon Valley is an example of a high-technology region. Which of the following would best accompany the map shown to help explain the origins of this high-technology region? A A description of high-technology multinational corporations such as Google and Apple that have located their headquarters in the area B A description of how the area's research institutions, including Stanford University and the NASA Ames Research Center, served as growth poles for development C A description of the construction of interstate highways in California and how development occurred at the transportation nodes created by major highway intersections D A description of how residential suburbs such as Redwood City and Cupertino formed within the San Francisco-Oakland metropolitan area E A description of how edge cities such as Palo Alto and San Jose formed on the periphery of the San Francisco-Oakland metropolitan area

B A description of how the area's research institutions, including Stanford University and the NASA Ames Research Center, served as growth poles for development Correct. Stanford University and the NASA Ames Research Center were growth poles for the early development of Silicon Valley. A text description could be used to explain their influence as technology research and development centers in computer hardware and software.

Why have many family farms in North America been replaced by agribusiness farms since the 1980s? A A decrease in the consumption of meat has resulted in less demand for cattle, which are mainly raised on family farms. B Agribusiness farms have the resources to take advantage of economies of scale. C Little available land for pasture farming has resulted in more concentrated agribusiness operations. D More interest in genetically modified foods has led to an increase in agribusiness farms, which have greater access to advanced technology. E Water shortages in regions where family farms were once common have led to a rise in agribusinesses in regions with more favorable climates.

B Agribusiness farms have the resources to take advantage of economies of scale. Correct. Large agribusiness farms are generally better able to invest resources in technology such as computerized farm equipment. As farm size increases, the average cost per unit of production generally decreases. This allows agribusiness farms to take advantage of economies of scale.

Which of the following is an explanation for the similar impact of large-scale commercial agriculture in developed countries and plantation agriculture in developing countries? A Both farming practices stimulate local economies with the influx of profits from export-oriented crops. B Both farming practices involve the consolidation of family farms and displacement of rural communities. C Both farming practices provide an increased standard of living in rural communities from the many jobs created to run these large farms. D Both farming practices enable local farmers to remain on their land rather than migrating to jobs in urban areas. E Both farming practices guarantee that long-term sustainable farming methods will be incorporated in their production processes.

B Both farming practices involve the consolidation of family farms and displacement of rural communities. Correct. It is difficult for small-scale family farmers to compete with large-scale commercial farms or plantations. Small-scale farmers often lose their land or sell it to large corporations or plantation owners, prompting small-scale farmers to relocate. This displacement impacts rural communities, including workers who supported family farms.

Compare the two maps and examine the data for Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. Which of the following statements is supported by the comparison of the two maps? A There is less food produced in these regions and therefore fewer women working in agriculture. B Many women in these regions work on farms and grow food for their families, but not all are paid to do this work. C Agriculture is considered a prestigious field in these regions, and they have the highest percentage of women working in agriculture. D There is a strong correlation between countries with a large percentage of women in the paid workforce and women working in agriculture. E Typically women in these regions work for agribusiness in the formal paid workforce.

B Many women in these regions work on farms and grow food for their families, but not all are paid to do this work. Correct. The maps show that a number of countries in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia have more women working in agriculture than there are in the paid workforce.

Which of the following best explains a political-economic weakness or limitation of Rostow's stages of economic growth? A The model does not hold up to modern times because essentially all countries around the world have moved through Rostow's stages of economic growth as expected. B Rostow made the inaccurate assumption that all countries want modernization as defined in the model and would pass through the outlined stages in order. C According to Rostow, countries will become less dependent on the sales of their commodities as they advance. D Some critics claim commodities were exchanged between core and periphery areas well before modern times. E The stages as defined by Rostow are not useful because sustainability is not addressed.

B Rostow made the inaccurate assumption that all countries want modernization as defined in the model and would pass through the outlined stages in order. Correct. The underlying assumption of a desire for modernization and Western values inherent in this theory is commonly criticized.

The world's three major monotheistic religions originated in which of the following regions? A East Asia B Southwest Asia C Eastern Europe D Western Europe E Africa Related

B Southwest Asia

Which of the following explains the diffusion and successful cultivation of many plants and animals in new regions of the world through the Columbian Exchange? A The plants and animals diffused only a short distance away from their point of domestication. B The plants and animals diffused to a region with climate and geography similar to that of their point of domestication. C Navigational technology allowed ships to travel more efficiently, enabling safe transport of plants and animals to new destinations. D Diffusion of plants and animals filled the loss in many areas from a number of plant and animal extinctions. E The plants and animals diffused to regions with variation in the climates between the hearth and the new region.

B The plants and animals diffused to a region with climate and geography similar to that of their point of domestication. Correct. Similar climates and geography allow for the successful adaptation of plants and animals to new regions far from their hearths.

Based on the data in the table, which of the following statements explains a limitation of using gross national income per capita compared to the Human Development Index as a measure of development? A Using gross national income per capita in a composite measure of development does not allow for cross-national comparisons of purchasing power, a key indicator of development. B Using gross national income per capita as a measure of development puts too much importance on economic production as the sole measure of development. C The importance of gross national income per capita as a measure of development is reduced because it factors in life expectancy and education with the value of economic production. D Gross national income per capita does not factor in population and therefore reduces the overall accuracy as a measure of development. E The differences in gross national income per capita as a measure of development are less exaggerated between more developed countries than between less developed countries.

B Using gross national income per capita as a measure of development puts too much importance on economic production as the sole measure of development. Correct. The use of gross national income per capita puts too much emphasis on economic production as a measure of development. Using per capita income increases the value of the Human Development Index for countries with high per capita incomes but lower education levels and life expectancies but lowers it disproportionately for countries with lower per capita incomes but above-average education levels and long life expectancies.

Which of the following events could be a threat to a state's sovereignty at the national scale, while holding a region together at the global scale? A A natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami occurring within the country B A member of the state's minority political party being elected to lead the country C Admittance into a supranational organization such as the European Union D Decommitment to environmental resolutions established by the United Nations E A shift from a federal system to a unitary system of governance within the state

C Admittance into a supranational organization such as the European Union Correct. Entrance into any supranational organization is a threat to sovereignty because political and economic decisions are made at the committee level instead of the state level, but it would bind together the countries within the supranational organization at a global scale.

The satellite images show changes to a portion of the Louisiana coast between 1984 and 2017. The table shows the changes in land acreage. Which of the following best describes the changes and a consequence of the changes? A The expansion of coastal cities, which results in increased acreage of urban land cover B A decrease in the acreage of coastal land, which affects the prices of local property C An increase in the acreage of coastal land, which will be added to navigational charts for shipping D The rise of sea levels, which results in decreased land acreage available for homes and businesses E An increase in land acreage caused by the construction of polders for land reclamation

C An increase in the acreage of coastal land, which will be added to navigational charts for shipping Correct. The satellite images show two deltas that have grown out of the mouths of the Atchafalaya River. The sediments building up the deltas are the result of upstream flood-control projects and soil erosion from agriculture, canal construction, and forest cutting. This type of change in land acreage is included in navigational charts for shipping.

In 2008, a debt crisis within the United States housing market triggered a global economic crisis. Which of the following best explains how this process occurred? A Because the United States is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), all members of the WTO were equally affected by the crisis within the United States. B Properties owned by American businesses and individuals experienced a sharp decrease in value throughout the world. C Because the global financial system is interconnected, banks in other countries were negatively affected by the crisis in the United States. D Following the debt crisis in the United States, other countries disengaged from supranational free trade agreements with the United States. E The debt crisis prompted many Americans to move abroad, causing housing shortages in countries with a lower cost of living.

C Because the global financial system is interconnected, banks in other countries were negatively affected by the crisis in the United States. Correct. Many banks in Europe had exposure to the mortgage loans that prompted the debt crisis within the United States. As the crisis spread, banks throughout the world grew more reluctant to lend to each other.

Which of the following best explains the diffusion of plants and animals from their hearths of domestication? A Animals were domesticated before plants and diffused rapidly from their hearth of domestication through contagious diffusion because they were mobile and moved easily from place to place. B Domesticated plants spread through wind-borne dispersal of seeds from their original hearth, expanding slowly until a vast region was covered with new plants. C Both domesticated plants and animals spread across the globe through contagious diffusion in early years by farmers and traders, and later by relocation diffusion through European exploration and colonialism. D The diffusion of plants and animals was limited to areas close to each hearth of domestication because the newly developed plants and animals could not readily adapt to different soil types. E The diffusion of plants and animals was dependent on nomadic traders who traveled between agricultural villages because early farmers were sedentary and did not travel to other areas.

C Both domesticated plants and animals spread across the globe through contagious diffusion in early years by farmers and traders, and later by relocation diffusion through European exploration and colonialism. Correct. The diffusion of domesticated plants and animals spread slowly as early farmers shared seeds with nearby settlements and traders moved seeds and animals across early trading routes.

Which of the following changes in global economic patterns occurred because of the innovations depicted in the two images? A Most regions developed the two innovations shown in the images independently, with a rapid increase in output and worldwide distribution capabilities. B The two innovations led to the development of many new cities and expansion of the leisure travel industry for people living near major transportation hubs. C Early adopters of the two innovations began to increase colonization in search of new sources of raw materials for manufacturing goods. D Development of the two innovations significantly increased economic equality in the world as goods could be spread much more evenly between countries. E Development of the two innovations allowed most people to stop working in agriculture and train for jobs in the travel industry.

C Early adopters of the two innovations began to increase colonization in search of new sources of raw materials for manufacturing goods. Correct. Early adopters of the two innovations shown were able to exploit resources in different areas of the world through colonization because they had options for transport of raw materials from the extraction site by train and to manufacturing facilities by ship.

Which of the following statements about the Robinson projection is correct? A It is more useful for long-distance navigation than the Mercator projection. B It is better for making topographical maps than the Mercator projection. C It is more accurate than the Mercator projection in showing the sizes of countries in higher latitudes. D It is more useful for showing the distribution of human populations than the Mercator projection. E It is better for estimating territorial waters in lower latitudes than the Mercator projection.

C It is more accurate than the Mercator projection in showing the sizes of countries in higher latitudes. Correct. The Robinson projection attempts to balance shape and size of landmasses. This is most successful in the middle latitudes but also greatly reduces the size of the landmasses in the higher latitudes compared to the Mercator projection. The Robinson projection provides a better comparison of size between countries in different latitudes of the globe.

The term "cultural diffusion" refers to the A modification of Earth's surface by human actions B integration of behavioral traits within a group C spread of an idea or innovation from its source D relationship between human cultures and their physical environment E assimilation of a minority culture into the host society

C spread of an idea or innovation from its source

Which of the following sets of maps would help explain how scale of inquiry affects truth? A Maps showing the area of France before and after surveying B Maps of Hudson Bay drawn by Native Americans and by the earliest European travelers C Maps showing Michigan's population density by counties and the United States population density by state D Maps showing the number of auto thefts per block in Seattle in the decades before and after the Depression E Maps of gang graffiti in Philadelphia

C Maps showing Michigan's population density by counties and the United States population density by state

Which of the following describes an example of a consequent boundary? A The Berlin Wall between East and West Germany no longer exists, but the location is still evident. B European powers divided Africa at the Berlin Conference and drew boundaries across the continent. C The United States-Canadian boundary was set at the 49th parallel by a treaty before the area was settled. D Canada created the province of Nunavut to provide greater autonomy for the First Nations. E The Andes Mountains are used as a political boundary to divide Chile and Argentina.

D Canada created the province of Nunavut to provide greater autonomy for the First Nations. Answer D Correct. The province of Nunavut is a consequent boundary because it was drawn to accommodate the existing cultural landscape.

The two images represent two different methods of raising livestock in the United States. Which of the following statements most accurately compares these two agricultural practices? A Cattle ranching is a more economically friendly way to raise livestock than using feedlots because less infrastructure is needed. B Feedlots require more space than cattle ranching does, which reduces profits due to the cost of the land. C Consumers prefer to pay higher prices for grass-fed beef than for corn-fed beef raised in feedlots because of the environmentally friendly practices associated with grass-fed beef. D Feedlots can minimize costs associated with livestock production because feedlots do not use as much space as cattle ranching. E Feedlots require less food consumption by the cows than cattle ranching because the livestock are grazing on available grass in the pastures.

D Feedlots can minimize costs associated with livestock production because feedlots do not use as much space as cattle ranching. Correct. Feedlots are a more efficient way of raising livestock because a high number of cattle are placed in a more confined area compared to cattle ranching. Because feedlots use a smaller amount of land compared to cattle ranching, costs are minimized.

Which of the following language-location pairs best exemplifies the process of relocation diffusion of language in the twentieth century? A English in India B Mandarin in China C French in Canada D Hmong in the United States E Russian in Brazil

D Hmong in the United States Correct. The Hmong settled in areas such as California, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Carolina because of the refugee crisis following the Vietnam War in the 1970s and 1980s.

The image shows an open-pit coal mine in the United States. Which of the following best explains a limitation of the image in analyzing economic patterns of coal mining? A It does not indicate the pattern of environmental impacts associated with open-pit coal mining. B It does not convey the availability of alternative sources of energy within the area shown. C It does not indicate potential health risks associated with working at a coal mine. D It does not indicate patterns of restructuring that have resulted in a decrease in coal mining jobs. E It does not convey the distance of the coal mine to the closest urban area.

D It does not indicate patterns of restructuring that have resulted in a decrease in coal mining jobs. Correct. The image shows an active coal mine, but it does not provide contextual information related to broader patterns of mining and economic restructuring.

Based on the map, which of the following can be identified as a true statement about Northern Ireland? A It is united with the rest of the island to form a sovereign nation-state. B It forms its own sovereign nation-state predominately made up of the Irish ethnic group. C It is a frontier that is not formally part of a state, but the United Kingdom claims the area. D It is physically separate from the rest of the United Kingdom, a multinational state. E It is a stateless nation, as the entire island of Ireland is under the control of the United Kingdom.

D It is physically separate from the rest of the United Kingdom, a multinational state. Correct. Northern Ireland is physically separated from the island of Great Britain containing England, Scotland, and Wales, but it is connected by land to the Republic of Ireland. All form distinct nations that have been given some degree of autonomy and self-rule but are still united under the United Kingdom.

Which of the following is an example of an ethnic religion? A Islam B Mormonism C Buddhism D Judaism E Roman Catholicism

D Judaism

The examples in the table show states that gained or lost United States House of Representatives districts based on 2010 census data. The states were required to revise district boundaries based on census data. Using the data in the table and the description, which of the following identifies the scales of analysis that are reflected in this redistricting? A Member state representation in a supranational legislature B Local representation in the state legislature C State representation in the regional legislature D Local representation in the national legislature E Local representation in the regional legislature

D Local representation in the national legislature Correct. The redistricting that occurs after each decennial census in the United States determines the number of House of Representatives districts per state in the national Congress.The redistricting data shown are used to determine local representatives to the federal legislature, at the national scale of analysis.

Compare the centralized power of the Soviet Union with the contemporary Russian Federation, in terms of the control of territory. Which of the following statements does the information in the map best support? A Russia is a global power with concentrated power in East Asia. B Russia is a multistate nation made up of numerous sovereign independent entities. C Russia's autonomous regions illustrate a strategy to counter the difficulty in governing such a large area from a single centralized location. D Russia is an ethnically diverse region with many subnational units. E Russia used to control fifteen additional republics that regained their independence in 1990.

D Russia is an ethnically diverse region with many subnational units. Correct. The map suggests that Russia is made up of many subnational units. The granting of autonomous republics after the breakup of the Soviet Union acknowledged the cultural diversity of the region.

Which of the following can be an example of a centrifugal political force? A Homogeneous ethnic population B Strong central government C Variation of language within the country D Shift to tertiary economy E Concentrated ownership of media

D Shift to tertiary economy

Which of the following is an example of a superimposed boundary? A The geometric boundary between the United States and Canada B The border of the European Union C The Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain D The geometric boundary between Iraq and Saudi Arabia E The Great Wall of China

D The geometric boundary between Iraq and Saudi Arabia Correct. The boundary between Iraq and Saudi Arabia is an example of a straight-line boundary superimposed between the two states by an outside power.

Which of the following explains the most significant weakness of Wallerstein's world system theory? A The levels of development described in world system theory have little in common with the levels described in Rostow's stages of growth. B World system theory relies on a global system of trade, without which industrializing states like Brazil could not develop economically. C World system theory does not explain that historical core countries, like China, could decline and be reclassified as semiperiphery. D World system theory provides little explanation about how a country like South Korea could rise from a peripheral country to a core economy. E World system theory does not factor labor as a resource that all countries are dependent on for economic development.

D World system theory provides little explanation about how a country like South Korea could rise from a peripheral country to a core economy. Answer D Correct. World system theory sorts countries into one of three categories: core, semiperiphery, and peripheral countries, with little possibility movement from the periphery to the core.

Chile is able to grow and harvest grapes and strawberries in the months of October through April, while in the United States such fruit is harvested from April through October. The United States has a much larger manufacturing capacity and ships durable goods such as cars and trucks to Chile. These examples can best be explained by A divergent patterns of spatial diffusion B the economic concept of transferability C the industrial processes of a commodity chain D the economic principle of comparative advantage E the uneven development resulting from colonialism

D the economic principle of comparative advantage Correct. The differing climates and ability to grow different crops in the countries leads to Chile having an advantage over the United States during the Southern Hemisphere's summer. The larger industrial capacity of the United States gives it a comparative advantage for durable goods over Chile year-round.

Which of the following social or environmental impacts is most directly related to the use of chemicals in agriculture? A A decline in insect-borne diseases and improved health at the global scale B A decrease in the price of agricultural products due to lower labor costs associated with applying chemicals over widespread areas in one application C An increase in the use of genetically modified crops D An increase in profits that is limited to farmers in developed countries E An increase in land and water pollution from agricultural runoff

E An increase in land and water pollution from agricultural runoff Correct. The use of chemicals in agriculture leads to runoff that draws the chemicals into surrounding land areas, polluting the land, streams, and other waterways.

Nunavut in Canada is a semiautonomous region that allows an indigenous group within Canada to maintain their own culture and local government, reducing the threat of fragmentation. Which of the following best compares the impact of the creation of Nunavut at both local and national scales? A It created centrifugal forces at both local and national scales. B It created centrifugal forces at the local scale but not the national scale. C It created centrifugal forces locally and centripetal forces nationally. D It created centripetal forces at the national scale but not the local scale. E It created centripetal forces at both local and national scales.

E It created centripetal forces at both local and national scales. Correct. Canada allowing the Inuit population in Nunavut to maintain their culture and form their own local government continues to bind them together while also creating stronger bonds between the national and local levels, which helps prevent fragmentation.

Which of the following best explains why farmers would plant both strawberries and watermelons in the same field? A Limited farmland encourages intensive farming and monocropping to produce high yields. B Unlimited farmland encourages intensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields. C Unlimited farmland encourages extensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields. D Limited farmland encourages extensive farming with monocropping to produce high yields. E Limited farmland encourages intensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields.

E Limited farmland encourages intensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields. Correct. As a result of limited farmland, the price per unit of land is likely to be higher, requiring farmers to produce higher yields to maximize profits. This encourages more intensive land use, and often multiple crops are planted in the same field, a practice called intercropping.

In which of the following areas was wheat most probably domesticated earliest? A Southern Italy B Northern Libya C The plateau of central Mexico D Eastern China E Southeastern Turkey

E Southeastern Turkey

An international company is looking to expand its network of factories, which use labor-intensive production methods, in a region of the world experiencing significant growth in the working-age population. Based on the data in the table, which of the following regions should the company choose? A North America, which will have faster working-age growth in 2015 to 2030 than in 2000 to 2015 B Asia, which will have a faster working-age growth rate in 2015 to 2030 than in 2000 to 2015 C Latin America, which had the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2000 to 2015 D Asia, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030 E Sub-Saharan Africa, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030

E Sub-Saharan Africa, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030 Correct. Sub-Saharan Africa has the fastest working-age growth rate from 2015-2030 (54.7%)(54.7%). This makes the region the lowest-cost location for labor-intensive production with a growing and available labor force.

Which of the following scenarios is best explained by the increasing global popularity of ecotourism? A The expansion of luxury resorts owned by multinational hotel companies along Thai and Indonesian beaches that is based on tourists' attraction to tropical locations B The high traffic and congestion at sites like Yellowstone National Park due to tourists' increased desire to experience the outdoors C The expansion of cruise experiences that take passengers to multiple Caribbean and Central American countries because of tourists' desire to experience a variety of global cultures D The increased use of snowmobiles, aircraft, and off-road vehicles by tour companies in Alaska as people seek to experience more remote locations to view wildlife E The development of small, locally owned lodges near ecological preserves in the Brazilian Amazon due to tourists' desire to benefit the local economy and minimize their environmental impact

E The development of small, locally owned lodges near ecological preserves in the Brazilian Amazon due to tourists' desire to benefit the local economy and minimize their environmental impact Correct. This type of development that targets ecotourism ensures that money stays in the local economy, meeting the ecotourism goals of preserving environments and minimizing environmental impacts.

Based on von Thünen's model of rural land use in an isolated state, which statement explains the most suitable place for a farmer to purchase a large parcel of land necessary for raising livestock? A The ring closest to the market, because livestock are perishable goods and need to reach the market quickly. B The ring closest to the market, because the land is more fertile for growing feed for livestock compared to other areas. C The second ring, because livestock are heavy and more expensive to transport to market. D The third ring, because the livestock would be closer to the suburban market areas with moderate transportation costs. E The ring farthest from the market, because the land is less expensive and outweighs transportation costs to get the livestock to market.

E The ring farthest from the market, because the land is less expensive and outweighs transportation costs to get the livestock to market. Correct. Land farthest from the market is less expensive than land nearer to the market, and as most meat processing takes place at the market, livestock is not highly perishable. Thus, livestock farmers can purchase cheaper land farther from the market and still realize a profit.

Based on the map, which of the following explains the similarities of the world regions where at least 51 percent of women work in agriculture? A These regions are near the equator, in climate zones with high temperatures. B These regions are in the Southern Hemisphere, in temperate climate zones. C These regions are composed of less-developed countries with small rural populations. D These regions are composed of more-developed countries with large urban populations. E These regions are composed of less-developed countries with large rural populations.

E These regions are composed of less-developed countries with large rural populations. Correct. The areas shown on the map with at least 51 percent of women working in agriculture are all less-developed countries that have large rural populations.

In a number of countries there remains significant inequality between men and women. Based on a comparison of the patterns on the map, which of the following statements draws an accurate conclusion? A Women in Russia have more equality with men than do women in China. B Women in South Africa have less equality with men than do women in Brazil. C Women in India have more equality with men than do women in other Asian countries. D Women in Australia have less equality with men than do women in China. E Women in Libya have more equality with men than do women in other African countries.

E Women in Libya have more equality with men than do women in other African countries. Correct. The pattern on the map shows that the Gender Inequality Index (GII) for Libya is below 0.20, while the GII score for much of West and Central Africa is above 0.60. These statistics indicate that Libyan women have more equality with men in terms of health care and education access than women in most of West Africa and Central Africa.

Isolated farmsteads in the United States evolved as a result of all of the following EXCEPT A political stability B colonization by individual pioneer families C agricultural private enterprise D government land policy E physical barriers preventing communal farm practices

E physical barriers preventing communal farm practices

Which of the following terms best describes regions that make up the political geographic divisions within a country? A Cultural B Perceptual C Vernacular D Physical E Formal

E Formal A Incorrect. Cultural regions have a set of culture traits that are common within the area. Political divisions such as states or provinces are types of formal regions.

Which of the following statements explains the data relationship between the statistics shown in the table? A A high level of economic development does not guarantee that women will have an equitable position in society. B A high level of economic development guarantees that women will have an equitable position in society. C A high GII score indicates high levels of gender equality and a high level of economic development. D A high GII ranking, in the top 6, indicates a low level of gender equality and a high level of economic development. E A high GII ranking, in the top 6, indicates a high level of gender equality and a low level of economic development.

have low GII scores, indicating high levels of gender equity, some countries like Saudi Arabia and the United States have a higher GII score than what might be expected for a well-developed economy.

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