APUSH 9 weeks Multiple ChoiceЁЯШ║

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The Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention worked out an acceptable scheme for

apportioning congressional representation

one of the ways in which mercantilism harmed the colonial economy was

by inhibiting the development of banking and paper currency in the colonies

The British Proclamation of 1763

angered colonists who thought that it deprived them of the fruits of victory

The opinion expressed in the excerpt would most likely held by


Loyalists made up about ____ percent of the American people.


The Constitutional Convention addressed the North-South controversy over slavery through the

3/5 compromise

the ideals expressed by abigail adams were undermined by

A social order that prevented early American leaders from extending rights beyond white, male property holders

The two denominations that enjoyed the status of "established" churches in various colonies were the

Anglicans and Congregationalists

The French and Indian war created conflicted between the British and the American military because

British officers treated the American colonial militia with Contempt

Chalmer's essay was a response to

Common sense

In the decade following the publication of the image, which of the following groups expressed the most opposition to the exercise of power by the national government?


Which of the following primary sources would most likely support Berlin's argument in the excerpt?

Diary entries from a slaveholder discussing plantation life

Which of the following contributed most to the increasing use of African slave Labor in North America during the 1600's and 1700's?

European demand for agricultural products grown in colonies

which of the following was the most direct effect of the changes shown in the graph

European settlers were able to gain control over Native American lands

The federalists believe that the sovereignty of the people resided in which branch of the central government?

Executive, Legislative, Judicial

The most important action the continental congress took to protest the intolerable act was

Forming the association to impose a complete boycott of all British Goods.

The British forces suffered early defeats in the French and Indian War under the overall command of

General Braddock

Despite Thomas Jefferson winning a majority of the popular vote and a majority of votes in the Electoral College during the election of 1800, a deadlock in the Electoral College led the election to being decided

House of Representatives

The one branch of the government elected directly by the people is the

House of Representatives

Thomas Jefferson and his political supporters opposed John Adam's last-minute appointment of new federal judges mainly because

It was an attempt by the Federalists, who had been defeated in the congressional and presidential election of 1800, to maintain political influence in the federal government

the anglican church suffered in colonial America because of

It's poorly qualified clergy and close with british authorities

The delegate whose contributions to the Philadelphia Convention were so notable that he has been called the "Father of the Constitution" was

James Madison

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who more than any other federal official, was able to carry out the federalist ideas of Alexander Hamilton concerning strengthening the power of the federal government

John Marshall

Antifederalists believe that the sovereignty of the people resided in which branch of the central government?


Chalmers and others opposed to war believed that Britain's advantages over the colonists included

Military and commercial strength

Most of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention could best be labeled


Benjamin Franklin's attempt to create intercolonial unity at the Albany Congress resulted in

Rejection of the Congress's proposal for colonial home rule both by London and by the individual colonies

the emphasis on personal salvation, which Hutchinson articulated in the 1630s, was most strongly echoed in which later movement?

Second Great Awakening in the 1830s

Thomas Jefferson's first major foreign-policy decision in 1803 was to

Send a naval squadron to the mediterranean to end the blackmai and plundering of U.S. merchant ships by the Barbary pirates of North America

The french and indian war eventually became part of the larger world conflict known as

Seven Years War

The basic military strategy of the British in 1777 was to try to

Sever New England from the rest of the states and paralyze the America cause

Which of the following represents a political compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention that was incorporated into the Constitution?

Short-term continuation of the foreign slave trade before Congress could abolish this controversial form of human commerce

Identify the following statement that is false.

The US Constitution can be described as an elaborate legal code, common to other foreign countries constitutions, like India

The views expressed in the excerpt contributed most directly to

The addition of the Bill of Rights shortly after the Constitution was adopted

One immediate innovation not mentioned in the Constitution that was developed by George Washington's administration was

The cabinet

Due to privileges and liberties guaranteed in Pennsylvania:

The colony grew rapidly and included a more diverse population than other English colonies

The population trend for African American's depicted on the graph resulted most directly from which of the following?

The development of an economy based on growing crops for export

Benjamin Rush's ideas about the education of women best exemplify the intellectual influence of

The enlightenment

According to Bacon, who was most to blame for the unrest?

The governor, for disregarding the economic and security concerns of the settlers

Which of the following was a long-term result of the situation in Jamestown described in the excerpt?

The rise of the plantation system and the use of African slaves

Thomas Jefferson ceased his opposition to the expansion of the navy when the

The strategic usefulness of employing significant numbers of agile coastal navl crafts became apparent in the U.S. Navy's defeat of the Barbary coast pirates during the tripolitan war

Why did many loyalists oppose in dependence from Britain

They feared the colonists would not govern themselves effectively

Which of the following revolutionary leaders was not present at the constitutional convention?

Thomas Jefferson

Which of these is not a true statement about African American's support of the Loyalist cause?

Thousands of black Loyalist supporters were promised and given parcels of land in exchange for service.

In the 1800 presidential election, Thomas Jefferson won the deadlocked election because

a few Federalists, unwilling to elect Aaron Burr as president, decided to abstain from voting in the House of Representatives, throwing the presidential election to Jefferson.

The ideas of James Chalmers were shared by

a minority of the colonists

The image most directly reflects the belief held by many in 1788 that

a stronger central government was a positive step

A key addition to the federal government that had been demanded by the many of the ratifying states was

a written bill of rights to guarantee liberty

Probably the most alarming characteristic of the new Constitution to the antifederalists who opposed it was the

absence of a bill of rights

The Ninth and Tenth Amendments partly reversed the federalist momentum of the Constitution by declaring that

all rights not mentioned in the federal Constitution were retained by the states or by the people themselves

The expansion of New France occurred especially

along the paths of lakes and rivers

The "large-state plan," or Virginia Plan, put forward in the Constitutional Convention

based representation in the House and Senate on population

The Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans presented themselves as all of the following except

believers in a strong central government

One of the enduring paradoxes of American history is that

both liberals and conservatives have championed the heritage of democratic revolution

Among the many important results of the Great Awakening was that it

broke down sectional boundaries and created a greater sense of common American identity

The British reacted to the Boston Tea Party by

closing the Port of Boston until damages were paid and order restored

The British troops killed in the Boston Massacre had been sent to the city as a result of

colonial resistance to the Townshend Acts tax on tea and other products

Among the factors that tended to promote intercolonial unity during the French and Indian War was

common language and wartime experience

The original cause of the French and Indian war was

competition between French and English colonists for land in the Ohio River valley

The new Constitution established the idea that the only legitimate government was one based on

consent of the governed

In an effort to improve the defense of America's coastal shores, Thomas Jefferson

constructed two hundred small gunboats.

Pontiac's fierce attack on frontier outposts in 1763 had the effect of

convincing the British to keep troops stationed in the colonies

Thomas Jefferson distrusted large standing armies because they

could be used to establish a dictatorship

Thomas Jefferson saw navies as less dangerous than armies because they

could not march inland and endanger liberties

By 1790, the population trend depicted on the graph led to the

creation of new settlements on the western edge of territory occupied by European Americans

in the first half of the 1600s, american indians in virginia and maryland most typically responded to the english colonization described in the excerpt by

defending their territory against the English

Under the Constitution, the president of the United States was to be elected by a majority vote of the

electoral college

The "small-state plan" or New Jersey Plan presented at the Constitutional Convention included all of the following except

equal representation in a unicameral congress regardless of size and population

The passage of British restrictions on trade encouraged colonial merchants to

find ways to smuggle and otherwise evade the law by trading with other countries

Motives of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia included all of the following except to

foster the popular democracy and uprisings occurring in the various states.

The Loyalists who continued to support the crown after independence had been declared were more likely to be all of the following except

from New England

With Jefferson's refusal to use the presidency to dispense generously patronage positions and offices in government to his political supporters, the Democratic-Republican Party

grew less unified even as the Federalist Party began to fade and lose power.

The excerpts from Anne Hutchinson best represent which of the following developments in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s?

growing challenges by dissenters to civil authorities

William Pitt's strategy in the assault on New France finally succeeded because

he concentrated British forces on attacking the vital strong points of Quebec and Montreal

Which of the following best resulted from the great awakening?

ideas of salvation as based on free will or on predestination both became more popular

By the 1860s, the long-term effects of the population trends depicted on the graph most directly contributed to the

increased political tensions between the Northern and Southern states

The outcomes demanded by Abigail Adams eventually were realized through

incremental changes in the views of women's roles over the course of the next century

The mobilization of "nonimportation" policies against the Stamp Act was politically important because

it aroused revolutionary fervor among many ordinary American men and women

the passage of the quebec act aroused intense american fears because

it extended catholic jurisdiction and a nonjury judicial system into the western ohio country

colonial americans were unhappy after the peace treaty following the "war of Jenkins ear" because

it gave the louisbourg fortress they had captured back to France

The Whiskey Rebellion was most significant because

it showed that the new federal government would use force if necessary to uphold its authority

The colonists delayed declaring their independence until July 4, 1776, for all of the following reasons except

lack of military victories

When it came to the major Federalist economic programs, Thomas Jefferson as president

left practically all of them in tact

Compared to New England, early English settlement in Virginia and Maryland was characterized by

lower life expectancy, a larger population of indentured servants, and a greater gender imbalance

By their actions, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention manifested their common beliefs in all of the following except

manhood-suffrage democracy

Thomas Jefferson's "revolution of 1800" was remarkable in that it

marked the peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of election results accepted by all parties

Thomas Jefferson's presidency was characterized by his

moderation in the administration of public policy

Compared with the English colonies, New France was

more autocratically governed

Besides offering rest and refreshment, colonial taverns served an important function as centers of

news and political opinion

Before he became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall's service at Valley Forge during the American Revolution convinced him

of the drawbacks of feeble central authority

Among other views, The Federalist, written during the ratification debate, argued that it was

possible to extend a republican form of government over a large territory

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention were concerned mainly with

protecting America from its weaknesses abroad and its excesses at home

The passage describes an experience that

provoked a division in preaching styles and the founding of new religious schools

Thomas Jefferson sent two envoys to France in 1803 with the essential goal of

purchasing New Orleans to make it secure for American shippers

The style of preaching and worship described in the passage was a response to :

rationalist thought

As president, President Jefferson showed unexpected moderation and a conciliatory attitude toward his Federalist political opponent by

refusing to repeal the federal excise tax enacted by the Federalists.

The french and indian war weakened interior Indian peoples like the Iroquois and Creeks by

removing their French and Spanish allies from Canada and Florida

Which of the following sets of rights are not included in the Bill of Rights?

rights to freedom of education and freedom of travel

In the election of 1800, the Federalists accused Thomas Jefferson of all of the following except

secretly encouraging Aaron Burr to assassinate Alexander Hamilton

Perhaps the most important single action of the Second Continental Congress was to

select George Washington to head the army

Thomas Jefferson received the bulk of his political support from the

south and west

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention stipulated that the new Constitution be ratified by

state conventions

Thomas Jefferson saw his election and his mission as president to include all of the following except

support the establishment of a strong army and navy to advance the imperialist ambitions of the United States

The antifederalist camp included all of the following groups except

supporters of a strong central authority

The event that precipitated the first real shooting between the British and American colonists was

the British attempt to seize colonial supplies and leaders at Lexington and Concord

The decisive event in the French-British contest for North America was

the British victory in the Battle of Quebec

Which of the following most directly addressed reservations about the process depicted in the image?

the addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution

The idea that all tax measures should start in the House was made to appease

the big states with the most people

The primary reason that no new colonies were founded between 1634 and 1670 was

the civil war in England

The British theory of mercantilism, by which the colonies were governed, held that

the colonial economy should be carefully controlled to serve the mother country's needs

The first American political parties developed primarily out of

the disagreement of Jefferson and his states' rights followers with Hamilton's economic policies

Upon becoming president, Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans in Congress immediately repealed

the excise tax on whiskey

The demands made by Adams most immediately inspired

the expansion of educational opportunities for Women

Which of following factors contributed most directly to the view expressed in the expert?

the fear of excessive central government

The Bill of Rights is the name given to provisions whose actual form is

the first ten amendments to the federal Constitution

Which of the following contributed most to the changes shown in the graph?

the introduction of new diseases

The American naval war with Tripoli ended with

the peace treaty in 1805 with the pasha of Tripoli, costing merely $60,000 for the ransom payments of the captured Americans.

As chief justice of the United States, John Marshall helped to ensure that

the political and economic systems were based on a strong central government

After the defeat of the coastal Tuscarora and Yamasee Indians by North Carolinians in 1711-1715

the powerful Creeks, Cherokees, and Iroquois remained in the Appalachian Mountains as a barrier against white settlement

American colonists especially resented the Townshend Acts because

the revenues from the taxation would go to support British officials and judges in America

The trend in total population from 1670 to 1700 depicted on the graph is best explained by

the spread of epidemic diseases among Native Americans

According to the framers of the Constitution, the ultimate guarantor of liberty and justice was

the virtue of the people

When the Second Continental Congress met in 1775

there was no well-defined sentiment for independence

The fifty-five delegates to the Constitutional Convention shared all of the following qualities except

they were liberal

The case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the constitution mandated that the supreme court and not the congress nor the president of the united states had the authority

to determine the meaning of the constitution

Hamilton's first financial policies were intended

to fund the national debt and to have the federal government assume the debts owed by the states

The effect on the colonists of the French removal from North America was

to reduce the colonies reliance on Britain and increase their sense of independence

All of the following accurately represents aspects of the historical and contemporaneous debate surrounding Thomas Jefferson relationship with his slave Sally Hemings except

today most scholars believe that Jefferson fathered only one of the Hemings children; the other four had other fathers

A primary weapon used by colonial legislatures in their conflicts with royal governors was

using their power of the purse to withhold the governor's salary

The essential disagreement between Hamilton and Jefferson over the proposed Bank of the United States was

whether the Constitution granted the federal government the power to establish such a bank

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