APUSH Ch. 23/24 Test

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*8. John Collier is associated with New Deal* a. Indian policies b. programs for African Americans c. health programs for children d. initiatives for the working class e. administration of public works


*32. The Social Security Act of 1935* a. initially only offered a pension for retired workers b. did not begin making payments to participants for years c. covered all full-time working American citizens d. was opposed by President Franklin Roosevelt as being too costly e. originally included a program for universal health-care


*39. During the recession of 1937,* a. Congressional Republicans took most of the blame b. the economy was almost as bad as during the worst period of the Hoover administration c. industrial production faltered but employment remained steady d. it became apparent that New Deal programs had made little impact on economic conditions e. Roosevelt tried to mitigate the damage by reducing spending


*40. In the 1790's, those who were labeled Republicans envisioned developing a nation that would* a. be highly commercial and urban b. be largely agricultural and rural c. be a leading world power d. eventually control most of North America e. eventually grant political rights to women and minorities as well as white men


*9. Hoover believed that unemployment relief would* a. be a sign of weakness b. be in accord with previous gov't policies during economic crises c. bring about inflation d. be the most beneficient if it came from private charities e. promote domestic unrest


*1. The social and economic effects of the Depression* a. hit the middle class especially hard b. impacted only the wealthier classes c. lasted only a few months past 1929 d. came to light only gradually e. were harsh only in the case of the lower classes


*11. The National Recovery Administration* a. established guidelines for big business and fair trade codes b. encouraged increased farm production c. prohibited collective bargaining by labor d. set parity prices for farm produce e. forced big business to cooperate with gov't


*15. During the Hundred Days, Roosevelt did all of the following, exept* a. propose government ownership of major industries b. close all the banks c. institute the Tennessee Valley Authority d. call a special session of Congress e. create the Agricultural Adjustment Act


*19. To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934 Congress established the* a. Securities and Echange Commission b. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation c. Federal Reserve Board d. Glass-Steagall Act e. Federal Emergency Relief Association


*25. During its first year, the Civil Works Administration* a. put four million people to work b. provided relief funds but not relief work c. planned for major building projects such as dams, airports, and power plants d. made little progress in helping the jobless e. was soon replaced by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration


*33. In the 1930's, the Congress of Industrial Organization* a. grew out of a dispute within the American Federation of Labor b. was less militant than the AFL c. would not accept women or blacks as members d. confined its organizing to the steel and coal industries e. refused to get involved in organizing the automobile industry


*36. All of the following groups were part of the New Deal political coalition EXCEPT* a. big-business owners b. the working class c. urban blacks d. western and southern farmers e. liberals and progressives


*42. Which American writer is LEAST associated with the trend towards social realism in literature in the late 19th century?* a. Mark Twain b. Upton Sinclair c. Frank Norris d. Stephen Crane e. Theodore Dreiser


*43. In the Constitutional Convention of 1787, for the purpose of political representation, slaves were classified as* a. three-fifths of a free person b. non-taxable c. property d. equivalent to children e. citizens


*47. The Free Soil mov't supported the exclusion of slavery from the territories because of:* a. racial prejudice and fear of labor competition from slaves b. its belief in racial justice c. its desire to dominate the political process d. the land was unsuited for plantation agriculture e. its belief in the immorality of slavery


*49. In "The Significance of the Frontier in American History", Frederick Jackson Turner claimed* a. that the end of the "frontier" also marked the end of one of the most important democratizing forces in American life b. the US should expand its northern and southern borders into Canada and Mexico to create new frontier land c. the western wars between whites and indians were a national discgrace d. most of the frontier land was of little practical use for Americans e. the frontier had repressed individualism, nationalism, and democracy in America


*12. The first woman Cabinet member was* a. Charlotte Perkins-Gillman b. Frances Perkins c. Marion Anderson d. Hattie Caraway e. Mary McLeod-Bethune


*16. One effect of the Great Depression on women was to* a. open up new opportunities for women in the professions b. strengthen the belief that a women's place was in the home c. drive all women out of the labor force by the time the economic crisis was over d. gain increased public support for such feminist organizations as the National Women's Party e. encourage women to get out of the home and work to support their families


*2. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933* a. set minimum prices for retailers purchasing farm products b. sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant c. provided farmers with free seed and fertilizer d. offered financial incentives to farmers who improved their production yeilds e. created gov't warehouses where farmers could store their crops and use them as collateral


*22. African Americans emplyed by New Deal relief programs* a. were paid the same wages as whites doing the same jobs b. were among the first to be released when funds ran out c. saw existing patterns of discrimination dismantles d. were both paid the same wages as whites doing the same jobs, and among the first to be released when finds ran out e. All these answers are correct


*24. The Civilian Conservation Corps* a. was racially integrated b. put the unempoyed to work on rural and wilderness areas c. included women d. mostly employed the jobless poor e. passed Congress despite Roosevelt's ambivalence about the project


*48. Which of the following was NOT characteristic of progressivism?* a. it emphasized the role of the environment in human development b. it sought moderate and only minor changes in American life c. its members were fundamentally optimistic about human nature d. it meant to humanize and regulate big business e. its members were willing to interven in other people's lives


*5. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935* a. ended the labor practice of a "closed shop" b. gave gov't the authority to force employers to accept labor unions c. enforced the labor practice of an "open shop" d. resulted in the Supreme Court's striking down of the Wagner Act e. invalidated Section 7(a) of the National Industry Recovery Act


*50. In 1890, the "Ghost Dance"* a. honored all the Indians who had dies in battle with white Americans b. was a spiritual revival among Plains Indians c. marked the resumption of hostilities by Plains Indians d. was a spiritual revival among Plains Indians, inspired by the Paiute prophet Chief Joseph e. All these answers are correct


*6. The Popular Front* a. was a radio show about detectives in NYC b. was a broad coalition of groups on the political left c. was one of the most successful programs of the New Deal d. was a name given to the Nazi Party by the State Department e. was a popular film staring the Marx brothers


*the quote above describes* a. irish b. mexican c. chinese d. south eastern europeans e. african americans


*13. The Stock Market Crash of 1929* a. caused the Great Depression b. was the result of the Great Depression c. triggered a chain of events that led to the economic crisis d. had no effect on the onset of the Depression e. caused stock prices to increase dramatically


*17. The rules of the National Recovery Administration tended to favor* a. workers b. farmers c. large corperations d. small businesses e. consumers


*18. In 1934, Dr. Francis Townsend attracted widespread national support for a plan that* a. offered medical insurance for the poor and elderly b. was strongly supported by Congress c. helped pave the way for the Social Scurity Act d. guaranteed all able-bodies Americans over 21 a full-time job e. provided below-cost health care to children and pregnant women


*20. All of the following occurred as a result of the Tennessee Valley Authority EXCEPT* a. flooding being almost entirely eliminated in the affeced region b. a decline in the cost of power from private companies c. significant reduction to poverty in the region d. improvements to water transportation e. electricity being provided to thousands of new users


*23. In 1935, Senator Huey Long* a. advocated for a "flat tax" plan b. had as much popular support as Franklin Roosevelt, according to opinion polls c. advocated for redistribution of wealth using the US tax system d. declared he would seek the Democratic nomination for president in 1936 e. advocated a $200 monthly pension for all Americans over the age of 60


*27. President Hoover's handling of the outbreak of the Depression can be directly linked to his views and ideals that:* a. it was below him to help the lower classes b. it was the Legislative Branch's duty, not the president's, to set and enforce economic or banking policy c. Americanism meant self-reliance and individual initiative, and that by offering federal aid it would weaken the character of America d. there was nothing wrong with the American economy because only a small percent of the population was directly affected by the stock market crash e. selling apples and oranges in the streets would eventually fix the problem


*30. One of the most important long-term consequence of New Deal was that* a. the gov't effectively redistributed the wealth among the American people b. it demonstrated that sufficient gov't spending could resolve economic emergencies c. the nat'l gov't assumed responsibility for the basic welfare of the people d. the influence of the gov't on the economy became greater than that of private businesses e. the gov't substantially transformed the distribution of power within American capitalism


*37. In 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation* a. offered financial protection for stock investors b. gave the gov't authority to transfer the funds of failing banks to strong banks c. protected the assests of bank depositors d. protected banks from failing e. prevented banks from speculatinf irresponsibly


*41. By 1860, as a result of the social expectations expressed in the "cult of domesticity",* a. unmarried women were generally excluded from all income-earning activities b. middle-class wived were given no special role in the family c. women became increasingly isolated from the public world d. women who read books or magazines were likely to be criticized e. women increasingly became seen as contributors to the family economy


*44. In 1819, the Adams-Onis Treaty dealt with the American Purchase of* a. Texas b. Ohio c. Florida d. Illinois e. Puerto Rico


*14. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938* a. signaled the start of a new round of New Deal legislation b. sought to eliminate hiring discrimination based on race, but not on gender c. did not include a provision regarding working hours d. establishd a national minimum wage e. created an enforcement mechanism to protect unions' right to organize


*21. Much of Father Charles Coughlin's outspoken criticism of the Roosevelt administration revolved around the issue of* a. the right of labor to organize in unions b. giving public relief jobs to women with children c. the repeal of prohibition d. changing the banking and currency system e. taxing excess corporate profits and surplus riches


*34. The Works Progress Administration provided Federal assistance to* a. artists and sculptors b. grooms and jockeys c. writers and musicians d. artists, sculptors, writers, and musicians e. all these answers are correct


*35. In the 1930's, the New Deal generally gave* a. work relief to both men and women b. cash assistance to both men and women c. work relief to women and cash assistance to men d. work relief to men and cash assistance to women e. both work relief and cash assistance to men and women


*46. President Monroe articulated the Monroe Doctrine in his 1823 address to Congress primarily to* a. Respond positively to recent Latin American revolutions b. rule out US involvement in South America c. Provide rationale for US intervention in the isthmus of Panama d. Warn European nations against further colonial ventures in the Western Hemisphere e. Encourage Britain to help the fledgling Latin American states


*7. In the American West, New Deal programs* a. were limited and had a minimal impact on life b. focused on the few large cities c. led to a change in existing racial relations d. disproportionally benefited the region in funding e. drew considerable opposition for their environmentalist bias


*10. The Agricultural Adjustment Act* a. favored small farm operations over large ones b. fostered further instability in the agricultural economy c. protected tenant farmers d. failed to improve farm prices e. was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court


*26. During the Second New Deal, President Franklin Roosevelt* a. moved away from altering the income tax b. called for greater civil rights for American minority groups c. introduced gov't-funded unemployment checks d. rejected legislative attempts by Senator Robert Wagner to strengthen labor e. became more willing to attack corporate interests willingly


*29. All of the following statements regarding the New Deal and women are true EXCEPT that* a. the New Deal sanctioned sexually discriminatory wage rates b. New Deal relief agencies offered relatively little employment for women c. women were encouraged to leave the workplace to help men get jobs d. many occupations dominated by women were excluded from Social Security e. in general, women were major critics of the New Deal


*3. In the presidential campaign of 1932, Hoover* a. announced his support for public relief b. announced that he had been irresponsible in his attitude toward the Depression c. announced he would take more bold action in the future d. conducted an upbeat, optimistic campaign e. was haunted by the public's memory of the Bonus March


*31. During the 1937 sit-down strike of General Motors, the federal gov't* a. actively sided with the strikers b. actively sided with the company c. assumed control of the plant d. negotiated a settlement through federal arbitration e. refused to intervene in the dispute


*38. In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's call to expand the Supreme Court came from* a. complaints by several justices that they were being overworked b. a desire not to have to choose between two different popular candidates for chief justice c. a Democratic plan to gain the party permanent control of the fed gov't d. his opinion that the Court needed to review a larger number of cases e. his desire to change the ideological balance of the Court


*4. In the early 1930's, the term "Okies" referred to* a. moonshiners trying to make a living in Appalachia b. oil spectulators losing money in the Southwest c. swamp dwellers out of the mainstream in the Deep South d. poor African-American farmers in the South e. dispossesed farmers fleeing the Dust Bowl


*45. Which of the following statements regarding American railroads in the 1850's is FALSE?* a. railroads helped weaken the connection between the North and the South b. most railroad "trunk lines" were reduced or eliminated c. long distance rail lines weakened the dependence of the West on the Mississippi River d. Chicago was the railroad center of the West e. private investors provided nearly all the capital for rail development


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