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Chile & Venezuela incidents & signifances

-​Chile - 2 Americans killed (in a barroom brawl) - Am. forced the Chileans ​to pay an indemnity - did not sit well with L.A. countries -Venezuela- The area between British Guiana and Venezuela had been in dispute for over 50 years. Conflict between the British and Venezuela arose when gold was discovered in the contested area. Secretary of state, Richard Olney, warned that if Britain went to war with Venezuela, then Britain would be violating the Monroe Doctrine. When Britain disregarded this warning, President Cleveland threatended war. Britain was pre-occupied with other potential wars in Europe, so they chose to avoid a new war and reconcile with the United States. The Great Rapprochement, or reconciliation, between the United States and Britain became a cornerstone of both nations' foreign policies.

Philippines: Why did McKinley believe that the US must keep the Philippines?

-​Christianize and uplift them - bring them the fruits of civilization -​Began the Filipino War (1899-1902)- Aguinaldo fought against the US / ​4,300 Americans killed, 600,000 Filipinos killed / atrocities unparalleled. ​- built schools, railroads, hospitals - modernized under Taft and the ​Filipino commission

​State and explain several reasons for American expansionism in the 1890's - ​(name drop books as well as beliefs)

-​Economics - markets for industrial and manufactured goods -​"yellow press" - built up adventurousness if this endeavor -​Missionary zeal - Josiah Strong - Our Country: Its Possible Future and its Present ​Crisis -​Alfred Mahan's Influence of Sea Power on History -​Darwinism - Lodge and Roosevelt - the world belonged to the strong and fittest

Open Door Policy (1899) - What were the background events leading to this ​foreign policy (spheres of influence)? Define this policy of Sect of State John ​Hay

-​Following Japanese victory over China in 1895, Ger. and Russia carved out ​"spheres of influence" - leaseholds from the Manchu Dynasty -​US missionaries and businessmen afraid they would be locked out. -​Policy - Within their respective European enclaves they must respect fair ​competition (ie. allow US in without tariffing them) and Chinese rights

Big Sister Policy

-​Rally L.A. behind US leadership; open L.A. markets to U.S. products -​First Pan-American Conference (moderate openings creating customs unions - ​we lower a bit and they lower a bit)

Insular Cases - According to the Supreme Court were the inhabitants of ​conquered territories (Philippines) subjects or US citizens?

-​The Constitution follows the flag. They were not fully citizens and thus did not ​enjoy the same protections as American citizens. The Flag outran the ​Constitution. (in Ref. to the treatment of rebellious Filipinos)

Treaty of Paris

-​US gets Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines and Cuba -​$20 million

​insurrectos -

Cubans who wished to be free from Sp. rule

Hawaii- why we wanted & Cleveland's response

Sugar imports from Hawaii became less profitable with the McKinley Tariff of 1890. American planters decided that the best way to overcome the tariff would be to annex Hawaii. Queen Liliuokalani insisted that native Hawaiian should control the islands. In 1893, Americans successfully overthrew the Queen. Most Hawaiians did not want to be annexed, though, so President Grover Cleveland decided to delay annexation of Hawaii.

Gentleman's Agreement -

T.R. and Japan in secret agree. Japan will Voluntarily restrict immigration of Japanese to the US by withholding visas

Sailing of the "Great White Fleet" (1908) -

TR sends the American Navy around the world with their first stop in the Japan. Japan welcomes them and agrees to the Root-Takahira agreement.

-​Rough Riders -

TR's regiment that he helped to recruit in San Antonio

​Teller Amendment -

US promises to give Cuba its freedom

- San Francisco School Incident (1906)

Following earthquakes, Asians were segregated from regular school children. TR intervenes and calls the School Board to Washington to convince them to integrate for the Japanese weren't happy with the discrimination against their countrymen in the US

- Root Takahira Agreement (1908

Japan and US agree to respect eachothers possessions in the Pacific and keep the Chinese Sovereignty

Boxer Rebellion- Reasons and Outcomes

Nationalist Chinese wanted Foreigners out. rose in revolt / multi-national force sent to put them down. Powers assessed China $333 million (excessive ) / US later redeems $18 million to be used for education of Chinese in US

-​San Juan Hill -

Roosevelt and the Rough Riders played a large part

-​Manila -

Roosevelt sent Dewey to take it when war broke out.

​de Lome letter -

Sp. minister in Washington, called McKinley an "ear to the ​ground politician" - described him in unflattering terms​

​General "Butcher" Weyler -

Spanish Gen. that was sent to Cuba to put down ​the insurrections

​yellow journalism -

exaggerated stories of atrocities in Cuba to sell newspapers

​USS Maine Incident -

explosion aboard a US warship - 200 + Americans killed

​Dr. Walter Reed and Col. Wiliam Gorgas-

found cure for yellow fever

Platt Amendment

​- amendment to Cuban constitution ​-​Cuba can't conclude treaties that might hurt their independent status ​-​US can intervene into Cuba anytime it saw fit (ie. internal problems) ​-​Lease/sell US coaling/ naval station on its island (Guatanamo Bay)

​William Randolph Hearst -

stirred flames of ire in the US through print - ​"You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war"

Teddy Roosevelt - What were a few of his personal beliefs and how did he view the power of the presidency (stewardship theory)?

- "red-blooded, blue blood" - believed in pulling yourself up by the bootstraps ardent champion of military and naval preparedness - stewardship theory - President has any power not prohibited by the laws of the Constitution.

Why did TR receive the Nobel Peace prize?

- He negotiated the Algeciras Crisis in 1906 (over German's overtures towards Morocco in N.Africa)

Panama Canal - 1904-1914 - How did the US come to acquire the land for the canal? What were the significances both economically and diplomatically of the building of the canal?

- Helped to foment rebellion in the Panamanian isthmus after Columbia would not sell the land. / Bought the land from the new "Panamanian minister" - Bunau- Varilla for $40 million - Economically - will shorten the trip by 2,800 miles - US will sour relations with L.A. - "Yankee Lake"

Portsmouth Conference - (1905) What occurred here and how did it impact relations with Russia and Japan?

- Negotiated settlement between Japan and Russia over Manchuria/ Japan will get ½ of Sakhalin Islands - Neither side happy - Hurt relations with Russia for they believed they were robbed of a military victory / Japan - thought they had been cheated in Manchuria

Election of 1900

- Rep. - McKinley's "Front Porch Campaign" - TR as VP stumped - pro-expansionism and keeping prosperity going - Dem. - Bryan - Anti- imperialism

18. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine ("preventative intervention") Define this policy in Latin America and explain its impact on relations with Latin American countries.

- The US will intervene into Latin America so that European Countries don't - US will make sure Ven. and Dom. Rep. who were in perpetual debt arrears pay back their money to European countries (US sends troops into both countries to straighten their accounts out) - US is the policeman of the Yankee Lake - US dominating their southern brethren moving from Big Sister to Big Brother

Sig of Splendid Little War

-​Blue and Gray back together -​America now takes its seat next to the other World Powers (diplomatic ligations ​beefed up in D.C) -​US has overseas possessions that will draw them into international politics

Anti-Imperialist League - What prominent Americans were part of it and what ​were their arguments?

-​Carnegie, Twain, Czar Reed, William James, Gompers -​Violations of the consent of the governed / Filipinos want independence / -​"despotism abroud will lead to despotism at home" -​Imperialism is costly and won't turn a profit -​Annexation will pull the US into the quagmire of Pacific politics -​Labor is hurt by US allowing cheap labor from these areas.

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