APUSH Ch 3/4

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Navigation Acts

Any of several acts of Parliament between 1651-1847 designed primarily to expand British trade and limit trade by British colonies that were rivals of Britain; restricted merchants from other countries from trading to America, colonial products from being shipped to any other place but England, and trade taking place in any other ship, except those made in England or in the colonies

Tensions between France and England

Both wanted claim to Ohio territory- good land for settlers and land speculators

Who was at fault?

Both; both overreacted violently and it just kept escalating British could have treated the colonists better, given them representation Colonists could have not done the Boston tea party or some of their other forms of protest

Treaty of Paris (1763)

Britain claims all of Canada, and entire frontier east of the Mississippi River (except for Louisiana ) from France; receives Florida after exchanging it for the Caribbean and Pacific islands from Spain; France's threat to British domination in the New World diminishes


Charles Lee leads colonials and Cornwallis commands British forces; colonials had advantage but were forced to retreat; important battle where colonials are able to stand up to the British army in a Napoleonic battle situation

What is the name of the acts that were passed in the spring of 1774 that among other things closed down the port of boston

Coercive acts

What did the colonial resistors form to organize their resistance to the crown

Committees of correspondence


Cornwallis retreats here after defeat in Carolinas; Count de Grasse takes French fleet and traps Cornwallis' escape by sea; Washington, Lafayette, and Rochambeau combine forces to ensnare Cornwallis by land; Cornwallis surrenders on October 19, 1781

Trenton and Princeton

December 26, 1776 Washington crosses Delaware river to Trenton, New Jersey and attacks 900 hessian mercenaries at dawn the next morning; Howe sends troops from New York and Washington ambushes them at Princeton on January 3, 1777; Washington retreats before he is defeated but victories are big moral boost to troops

Dorchester Heights

Ethan Allen and Green Mountain Boys captured Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point from the British gaining important artillery batteries; Washington set up artillery line overlooking Boston from Dorchester heights ; instead of fighting, British shipped soldiers out to Halifax; Washington gains first victory over the British

True or False: the slogan "taxation without representation" was extremely popular slogan in the colonies in 1764

False. Colonists were still relatively happy/proud to be a part of the British empire at this point

Colonial Advantages

Fighting on their own land Fighting for a cause Close to supply lines British arrogance Large area to fight on, hard for the British to pin down

How many Americans died in the Boston massacre


European allies

France and Spain

British trading rivals

France, Spain, Dutch


Gates placed militia in middle of his lines, Cornwallis attacked there forcing Gates to retreat

Results of the British Campaign of 1777

Gave the continentals momentum going into 1778 Forced British to seek alternative strategy to defeat colonials Directly brings in France and Spain to the conflict

Who was the King of England during the war

George III

Declaratory Act

Parliament replaced the stamp act with this act; parliament had full authority to make laws binding colonies "in all cases whatsoever "

Tea act

Passed in 1773; British devised scheme to offer tea to Americans at prices to tempt even the most patriotic back to the beverage; created monopoly for the British east India trading company

Treaty of Paris 1783

Peace treaty that ended the revolutionary war and affirmed American independence

Where did the first continental congress meet


British Advantages

Population: 9 million to 2.5 million Large professional army Worlds best navy Organized government Loyalists in America (aka Tories)

British restrictions on the colonies

Proclamation of 1763 prevented colonists from moving westward; taxes/acts; made them feel inferior -like "second class" citizens

Who ordered the Massachusetts circular letter

Sam Adams/ Massachusetts House of Representatives

Lexington and Concord

September 1, 1774 General Gage sent troops from Boston to seize stores of ammunition stored in Charlestown and Cambridge; October 15 congress established committee of minutemen; April 18, 1775 Gage ordered 700 men to capture ammunition at Concord; Paul Revere and William Dawes were dispatched to warn the militia; 70 minutemen assembled at Lexington to stop British forces; British march on to Concord and burn small quantity of supplies; British turned back for boston but were outnumbered

When was the stamp act repealed

March 1766

When did the Boston massacre take place

March 5, 1770

virtual representation

Members of parliament were thought to represent not just their districts but all citizens of the empire; British argued that Americans were subject to the acts of parliament by this fact

British problems after French and Indian war

National debt had doubled in 10 years; needed to find new way to pay for debt; colonization westward in North America would cost crown more money; George III was a weak leader; many British felt that the colonists were "second class citizens" and looked down upon them; poor communication between the colonists and Britain

What did the sons of Liberty disguise themselves as when they dumped the tea into Boston harbor during the Boston tea party

Native Americans

Were the British ready to deal with the colonies as equals


Were most of the soldiers from the trial of the Boston massacre found guilty of not guilty

Not guilty

Kings Mountain

October 7, 1780; frontier militia defeat British loyalists after taking poor position with no cover on top of kings mountain; militia surrounded loyalists and battle was over in less than an hour

Burgoyne's part of the British Campaign of 1777

Only General to take his troops close to Albany Attacks colonial army led by Daniel Morgan and Benedict Arnold with the help of some of Washington's regulars at Saratoga on September 19, 1777 and at Bemis Heights on October 2, 1777 at Saratoga Too late for him to retreat back to Canada, Burgoyne is forced to surrender his army of 6,000 troops on October 17 at Saratoga

Second Continental Congress

Opened May 10, 1775 in Philadelphia; thirteen colonies in revolutionary camp; put colonies in "state of defense" and designated a continental army; George Washington was selected as commander in chief of all continental forces; July 5, 1775 delegates passed the Olive Branch Petition


Ottawa chief; renowned as an orator and political leader; laid plans to attack British forts in spring (May) 1763; kept on fighting for another year even though most Indians sued for peace

"Common Sense"

Pamphlet that Thomas Paine wrote, offered a plain and simple argument on the crisis, targeted the middle class and inspired colonists to support the war

Proclamation of 1763

law forbidding English colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains; Native Americans liked this but the colonists didn't because they wanted to move west

Revolutionary War Battles in order (From the packet)

1. Battle of Bunker Hill 2. Dorchester Heights 3. Failed invasion of Canada 4. Long Island Campaign 5. Trenton and Princeton 6. British Campaign of 1777 7. Battle of Monmouth 8. Battle of Camden 9. King's Mountain 10. Battle of Cowpens 11. Surrender at Yorktown

5 reasons colonists won the war

1. British overconfidence 2. British lack of adaptation to American tactics and leadership 3. Colonies European Allies (France and Spain) 4. Leadership of George Washington 5. Commitment to the revolution by the Lower classes; inspired by Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense

List five British laws that Britain passed against the colonists

1. Stamp act 2. Sugar act 3. Tea act 4. Declaratory act 5. Townshend Revenue 6. Proclamation of 1763

In what year did the informal truce between colonial protestors and the British militia break


Tories in America

Aka loyalists, majority were small farmers, artisans, and shopkeepers as well as wealthy merchants

Intolerable Acts

Also called coercive acts; in spring of 1774 parliament passed series of acts that were calculated to punish Massachusetts and strengthen the British hand; acts were Boston port bill, Massachusetts government act, administration of justice act, quartering act, and Quebec act

French and Indian War

Also known as the Seven Years War; French strike first in 1752 at English fur trading outpost- Washington sent to gain control of the area but forced to surrender; English outnumbered the French 1.5 million to 100,000 but were disorganized; French used guerrilla warfare; Braddock attempts to take Fort Duquesne but is badly defeated and dies; England allies with Prussia; Austria and Spain side with France; Pitt becomes leader of armed forces; British turn the tide; Montreal falls in September 1760

Long Island Campaign, 1776

Howe attacks Washington in July 1776; Washington is defeated and escapes north up the Hudson River

Who was the governor of Massachusetts for most of this time

Hutchinson or Bernard

Sugar Act

In 1764, Grenville pushes this act through parliament to get the needed revenues; prohibited duty on sugar imported and revitalized the customs service, which introduced stricter registration procedures for ships and added more officers; squeezed incomes of merchants and cut off their smuggling operations

Stamp act

In 1765 Grenville came up with this revenue measure; tax required the purchase of specially embossed paper for all newspapers, legal documents, licenses, insurance policies, ships papers, and even dice and playing cards; affected more people than the sugar act; Lord Rockingham repeals in it in March 1766 after British merchants complain to parliament

What is the name the colonists gave the coercive acts

Intolerable acts


January 17, 1781; Daniel Morgan uses great strategy against Tarleton; Morgan put his militia as his first two lines knowing that Tarleton would attack there;

Who defended the soldiers accused of the Boston massacre

John Adams

Howe's part of the British Campaign of 1777

Slow to move from NYC and is more interested in going after Washington and capturing Philadelphia Howe leaves Philadelphia by sea and lands 50 miles from Philadelphia Washington confronts Howe outside of Philadelphia at Brandywine Creek on September 11, 1777 and at Germantown on October 4, 1777 Howe defeats Washington both times and sends continentals into winter quarters at valley forge Howe captures Philadelphia but proves ineffectual because the continental government was too weak to have any power over the colonies

Why did the British decide to move the war effort south

Struggling in New England More loyalists in the south Hoped to get support from slave population


System in which a country attempts to amass wealth through trade with other countries, exporting more than it imports and increasing stores of gold and precious metals; European imperial power created system of regulations to serve as control of the economy

St. Leger's part of the British Campaign of 1777

The quickest to move, but is confronted by Benedict Arnold forces at Oriskany on August 6, 1777 and defeated at Fort Schuyler on August 23, 1777 forcing him back West to the Great Lakes

British campaign of 1777

Three pronged attack to cut off New England from the rest of the colonies; St. Leger would come from the west at Lake Huron and move east to Albany, Burgoyne would come south from Lake Ontario and move towards Albany, and Howe would move straight north from NYC up the Hudson to Albany

Samuel Adams

Wrote the Massachusetts circular letter; one of the leaders of the Sons of Liberty

Was America in a recession economically in the 1760s


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