APUSH ch.22 - The Roaring 20's

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What was the new consumer culture and why was it that way?

A Mass consumer culture , americans had extra income and were using it to buy new appliances , especially the automobile , people across the country had shared experiences

How was nativism shown in the USA

After the war people were suspicious of foreign things , strict immigration laws were passed, the " Quota System" , the KKK flourished

What problems did Farmers have in the 1920's?

Agriculture didn't prosper like business, wages dropped and farmers couldn't repay borrowed money/loans and they lost farms, they looked to the government for help

Tea pot dome

Albert fall (Hardings secretary of internal ) " rented" government land to businesses in return for bribes

What did did president Hoover advocate?

Associationalism , business leaders should work together to limit overproduction

How were women changed in marriage?

Behaviorist Psychologists thought women should ask for advice with child rearing, they made stronger relationships with their husbands.

All of the following writers (Ernest Hemingway, F.scott Fitzgerald, Sinclair Lewis, H.L Mecken, Bruce Barton) produced important critiques of American Society during the 1920's except

Bruce Barton

The American Plan received the majority of its support from

Business leaders

How did business interact with government in the 1920's?

Business worked closely with government to assure the country's private economy achieved full potential

How was prohibition affected in the 1920s

Crime rose because of it and Al Capone started the illegal selling of alcohol. Only protestants supported prohibition

I believe everything in the bible should be accepted as it is given there - this quotation corresponds to what


How did Coolidge become president and what were his views of government

He became president once Harding had a heart attack, he believed that the Federal Gov. Shouldn't intervene in national life too much.

Associatism - Hoover

Hoover suggested that businesses start the trade associations to regulated themselves

What happened to the Women's Movement in the 1920's ?

It splintered after the passage of the 19th amendment

How did the automobile change society and the economy?

It spurred on the Glass, metal, rubber and oil industries. It let people have more mobility, people took vacations, young people moved away

What bill was passed to help farmers with their debts?

McNary-Haugen Bill = legislation requiring parity for certain products

What was Parity and why did Farmers want it?

Parity was when the government set prices for farm goods, farmers wanted it because it would at least cover production costs

How did the wartime patriotism change?

People were hostile towards immigrants, minorities and those who challenge the status quo

Sheppard-towner maternity act 1921

Provided federal funds to states with prenatal and child health care - it got some opposition from some women.

How were politics in the 1920's

Republican dominated , hands off pro-business approach to regulation

How did the 1920's affect church leaders?

The church abandoned traditional elements and emphasized living in the moment, middle class americans lost interest anyway.

What best describes the role of the federal government between 1921 and 1929 under the administrations of Warren Harding and Coolidge

The federal government took active steps to help business to operate with maximum efficiency but intervened in few other areas of american life

What were the immigrant restriction laws that were passed?

The number of immigrants were restricted from each country with the Quota System. The Origins Act barred immigrants from east asia and in 1921 an act was passed to restrict the number of immigrants allowed in the USA

Culture clash

The traditional americans clashed with the modern americans, the traditional americans wanted to keep the old values. There were disputes of immigration, prohibition and religion

Why did some support for the KKK erode in the 1920's

Their leaders were shown as violent and corrupt

How were unions affected in the 1920's?

Their membership went down due to hostilities from businesses and the government

How did men change in the 1920's?

There was a decline of the self-made man, it was harder to do. now they turned to fraternal societies and athletic events They admired Charles Lindbergh and Henry ford, people who'd made it without and education.

How did culture change in general in the 1920's

There were more spectator sports, Jazz was created, movies were more popular

How did business leaders change in the 1920's

They consolidated operations and reduced harmful competition with industry wide agreements and government cooperation

How were artists and intellectuals affected in the 1920's?

They criticized the 1920's culture and examined how much americans idolized wealth and success - Great Gatsby

What best characterizes the experiences of the majority of industrial workers in the United States between 1921 and 1929

They experienced increases in their standards of living, far below increases in corporate production and profits

How did technological innovations help farmers and how did they hurt?

They helped because the improved production, they hurt them because the production out paced demand.

how did the 1920's affect protestantism?

They split, into traditionalists who wanted to interpret the bible literally, and modernists who didn't.

How was the democratic party affected in the 1920's

They were split over prohibition and the issue of the KKK , split between their urban and rural wings

how did business leaders try new economic organization to limit competition and control production?

Trade association - a national organization of manufacturers in different sectors that worked together in production and marketing

Scopes Monkey Trial and results

Traditionalists wanted to outlaw the teaching of darwin's theory in schools, Scopes rebelled ( a teacher) and was defended in court by Clarence Darrow. Scopes was convicted but Americans were scared off fundamentalists

Explain how women were viewed in the 1920's and what contributed to that.

Women were viewed as flappers, Independent women who weren't bound by tradition, they could drink, and smoke and talk openly about sex. Margret Sanger's birth control gave women control over their sexuality. However women were still dependent on men.

Generation gap =

a gap between parents and children, a culture clash

the presidential administration of Warren G. Harding is best known for

a series of scandals implicating administration officials

What was the most significant factor in promoting American economic growth during the 1920s

a wide variety of technological innovations that spurred growth in both production and consumption

Why were farmers continuing to face over production

because they couldn't organize to communicate demands

What best characterizes the experiences of the majority of both middle class and working class women during the 1920s

despite popular perceptions, most women remained heavily dependent upon men in both the public and private realms

During the 1920's farm groups advocated what proposal to help them to deal with overproduction

government price supports based on the principle of parity, which would have guaranteed farm profits at least equal to costs of production

Who was Charles Lindberg?

he flew from New York to paris, he represented the fact that USA individuality and technology could accomplish anything

What did Calvin Coolidge promote?

high tariffs, taxes, spending cuts. Fordney McCumbe Tariff -Smoot hawley taffif - NO help for farmers

How was education and adolescence transformed in the 1920's

high-school attendance went up, more people were sent to college. High-school had more opportunities for activities for kids. Teengers developed more of a culture , it was a distinct step between adulthood and childhood.

What did Advertising do to americans? what were some examples of advertising?

it convinced them that buying new products transformed life. Examples were Readers Digest, Time Magazine.

How were African Americans effected by the 1920's

it was the beginning of the Harlem Renaissance with langston hughes and Claude Mckay. It introduced whites into their culture

Supreme court made what illegal and upheld what?

make picketing illegal and courts upheld the right to issue anti-strike injunctions

What was women's job condition in the 1920's?

middle class women had less job opportunities but took low paying " pink collar" jobs, there were more women in the workplace, they resisted giving back wartime jobs

American Plan

open shop, workers weren't required to join unions

What great step for women's rights was taken?

the 19th amendment was passed in 1920

The influence of nativist sentiment during the 1920s can not be seen through

the harlem renaissance

What best characterizes the differences between the pose Civil-War and the Post 1915 versions of the Klu Klux Klan

the more modern version widened its focus to include virtually all groups that it perceived as violating " traditional" ideals and social norms

The 1924 Democratic National Convention demonstrated which of the following

the party's sharp division between its rural and urban wings

How did the availability of consumer goods affect society?

the radio, the movie and the automobile increased shared experiences across the country , there was a feeling of uniformity

How did the automobile fuel prosperity

the steel, glass ,rubber and oil industries prospered

How did the Harding administration show the USA on the world stage

we're more neutral, not the policeman anymore.

How was American Identity questioned?

with the social , economic and political changes, americans struggled to find identity

How were women perceived and how were they actually

young Women were perceived as free , they talked about sex, drank alcohol and smoked, they were flapper girls. But they really still depended a lot on men.

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