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The 15th Amendment guaranteed voting rights for

all male citizens.

At the time of the Nullification Crisis, South Carolina had

all of these things.

sypllasis was originated from


How have historians perceived the significance of the Mayflower Compact of 1620?

an agreement among a diverse group of people trying to cooperate with each other through an anticipated difficult winter in a strange land

sextant technology

an instrument that was used to determine the angle between a celestial object and the horizon

Which 15th century European country dominated African slave trade

(A) Portugal

Earliest migrants had to adapt to...

(A) ice and glaciers

sextant technology revolutionized

(A) international trade and exploration

Over the centuries, the most effective means of civilizing natives to Spanish culture was

(A) mission system

which was not anative crop from the Americas that stimulated trade in Europe?

(A) rice

Which old world crop introduced by the Spanish most dramatically increased demand for slaves in the Caribbean

(A) sugar

the primary positive benefit of the Colombian exchange was

(A) the exchange of food products

Most important 15th and 16th century goal of Spanish conquests and exploration revealed by conquistadors

(A)Increase wealth of spain

Juan de onates 1598 subjugation of natives who resisted spanish rule is best illustrated by his attack against natives in

(B) Acoma

Maize culture of the southwest was most similar to the pre-Columbian culture of the

(B) Pueblo

American Indian cultures

(B) established trade networks and communication over relatively large areas

Which of the following livestock introduced by the Spanish had the greatest impact on great plains Indian settlement patterns

(B) horses

Sixteenth through nineteenth century north american Indians most resisted European beliefs about

(B) land ownership

15th and 16th century spanish ecploration and conquest created a racially mixed culture knows as

(B) mestizo

Before the arrical of Europeans, Great Basin and Western PLain Indians

(B) responded to a lack of resources by developing mobile lifestyles

The encomienda system primarily relied on labor from

(C) American Indians

since 15th and 16th centuries what has been the most enduring legacy from Spanish conquest and exploration

(C) converts to christianity

the primary negative consequence of the Colombian exchange was the exchange of

(C) diseases

Pre-Columbian southwest Indians were most noted for which environment transformation process

(C) irrigation

as the Spanish explored north america prior to 1600, they discovered

(C) little interest to keep pushing to canada

In 1573 the comprehensive orders for new discoveries placed pacification of natives primarily in the hands of

(C) missionaries

Encomienda labor focused most on

(C) plantation + agriculture

Which deadly epidemic most devastated Mexican Natives and was the subject of numerous 15th - 16th century deaths

(C) smallpox

American Indians culture had a different view of land ownership than did Europeans in that they thought

(C) they owned the use of the land but not the land itself.

As spanish lavor demands grew the labor source for imperial production transitioned to

(D) African Slaves

Which European country had the least significant presence in the western hemisphere during the 15th and 16th centuries.

(D) England (1607 Jamestown)

Which of the following is true about american Indian cultures prior to contact with Europeans

(D) They were engaged in frequent conflicts with other american Indian groups

Spanish mineral wealth from Americas caused a shift toward

(D) capitalism

prior to European contact, north american Indians were

(D) distinct societies

In noertheastern North America before European contact, the Iroquois developed the tradition of

(D) longhouses

Sixteenth Century African Slaves in West hemisphere best preserved autonomy and linguistic traditions

(D) maroon communities in the Caribbean

How did the identities of colonizing and indigenous American societies change as a result of contact in the Americas?


*The following illustrated the diversity of the America Indian cultures in North America in the 1400s:

- The plethora of languages spoken by over 400 independent societies -Different approaches to hunting and farming -Different understandings of the spiritual

*The following prevented American Indian tribes from developing a unified resistance to the first European aggression in the 1400s and later in the 1500s and 1600s:

-American Indians thought of themselves as particular tribes or some other discrete population and not as American Indians or Native Americans -American Indian tribes were reluctant to break their trading relationships with Europeans that benefited their well-established trading networks -American Indian tribes were not prepared to drop European allies who could be enlisted to attack long-standing Indian enemies

*The following caused American Indian populations to rise and fall:

-Climatic changes leading to seasons of famine and seasons of plenty -Success and failure in war -The spread of disease

Explain how Indians and Europeans interpreted the idea of "resources" differently.

-Indians had more knowledge than the Europeans on the resources. -Europeans didn't care for the animals and resources as the Indians did, because they had been living there for years before the Europeans and were able to maintain the amount of resources. -The Europeans needs for the resources drew them to become limited.

how did Religious and spiritual ideas play a huge role in shaping the society of ordinary people on the three continents

-Native American's it ran their life by controlling their actions. For example it bounded them together, like the group of Iroquois. They believed in animalism, which caused them to interpret the world though dreams. When the men would hunt after killing the animal they would preform a ritual that ensured the animals spirit would not being offended. -Europeans by having similar beliefs to animalism, and brought people together. While also tearing other's apart. It teared others apart by breaking them apart into separate religions like the Christian's and Islams. The separation in society would soon cause many fights between societies making it difficult as an ordinary person. -In African Empires religion and spiritual ideas were similar to Native American's and influenced them in similar ways.

Hernando de Soto's expedition of the Mississippi River Valley was characterized by the following: (first documented European to have crossed the Mississippi River)

-Native Americans bringing gifts to the Spaniards. -the Spaniards trying to make the Native Americans into guides and slaves. -deadly conflict with Native Americans and destruction of Native American towns. -NOT finding gold, silver, and considerable wealth.

The following characterized William Penn and the colony of Pennsylvania:

-Penn reluctantly agreed to a Charter of Liberties that established an elected legislature that attempted to curb his absolute power. -Pennsylvania was populated by Quakers, a dissident and pacifist religious group who maintained their pacifist principles even when they were constantly threatened with legal troubles. -William Penn was committed to maintaining peace with the Indians in his colony. -NOT- Penn abolished slavery in the colony in the 1680s because of his Quaker religious principles.

*By the 1720s, the development of a middle social class in the American colonies, reflected all of the following developments

-People beginning to question that deference should be automatically shown to people in higher statues in colonial society -The disappearance of the assumption that one stayed in the class to which one was born -Social movement in an upward direction

*The following represented ways that the First Great Awakening changed American society

-The Awakening transformed American higher education including the creation of new pro-revival colleges and universities such as Dartmouth and Princeton -Women responded to the religious energy positively and converted at an even greater rate than men. -Free and slave Africans and American Indians were converted and became enthusiastic members of religious bodies

*The following describes the Portuguese involvement in slavery in Africa during the 1400s:

-The Portuguese shifted part of the African slave trade to Europeans on the coast and away from Arab- dominated overland routes across the Sahara -Far fewer slaves and Portuguese slave traders were involved in the slave trade in the 1400s than were involved in the 1600s or 1700s -The Portuguese shipped most African slaves out of Africa and treated African slaves very harshly

*The following illustrated that freedom of speech and freedom of press were considered by British colonists in North America to be basic to their rights as residents of British colonists

-The inclusion of articles in many North American newspapers of critiques of royal governors and colonial governments -The acquittal of John Peter Zenger for seditious libel by a New York jury -Republishing articles from the English press in many North American newspapers demanding freedom and "the rights of Englishmen."

*The following were features of the First Great Awakening

-This religious revival movement received greater momentum and popular acceptance because of the preaching tours of English evangelical minister George Whitfield -Solomon Steward and Jonathan Edwards (two ministers) who were leaders in this religious revival movement during the 1720s and 1730s -The sermons and revivals of the First Great Awakening spawned many deeply emotional religious conversion experiences among listeners

*The following local tensions surrounded the onset of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692

-Women who were unusually assertive, particularly women who lived alone or were of non-English backgrounds, were not trusted in the community -The ongoing fear of residents of Salem and surrounding Massachusetts communities of further attacks by Indians allied with French Canada -Many poorer residents resented their neighbors who formed a more prosperous commercial elite

7. What were the "two central ecological contradictions of the colonial economy"? What are the implications of those contradictions today?

-conflict between the Indians and Europeans over land, because the Indians were forced to live outside of where their families had for years. -relationship between the economic aspect and production of goods was inevitable self destruction. The Europeans thought the land would produce limitless amounts of resources. -The result of these contradictions today is throughout capitalism.

The following illustrated the diversity of the American Indian cultures in North America in the 1400s:

-different understandings of the spiritual. -the plethora of languages spoken by 500 to 600 independent societies. -different approaches to hunting and farming. -NOT-their varying views of the community or the individual as being the focus of life and labor.

three ways in which Indians responded to and/or were affected by the arrival of Europeans.

-diseases -land ownership -willing to adopt tools/textile idea

contacts among Europeans, Native Americans and Africans altered the economies of the three continents in many ways.

-diversified economies of the Native America and increased the growth of the economy of the Europeans. -The contact between the three also lead to the discovery of new economies such as the Maturing yeoman.

why was Long distance trade in exotic goods was extremely important to North America, Europe and Africa for many reasons.

-helped meet the demands of other countries. For example the trade of slaves from Africa to North America helped farmers meet the demands of the hard backbreaking labor that was created. -created an introduction to each others cultures, creating diversity and enriching their world. For example trading often gave many Africans an alternative with the Europeans. -It "enriched diets, enhanced economies, and allowed the powerful to set themselves apart with luxury items."

pre salvation

-idea god chooses ppl for salvation

The following was true about the Halfway Covenant in Massachusetts:

-it expanded the universe of eligible voters in Massachusetts. -it permitted those adults who were not church members but who had been baptized to have their own children baptized. -it was a religious compromise that increased church membership in Massachusetts. -NOT- it occurred in the context of increasing religious fervor and conversions in Massachusetts.

Much of the Carolina colony's commercial success depended on the following:

-large-scale, rice growing plantations in southern Carolina. -the city and harbor of Charleston. -trade with British Caribbean colonies. -NOT- white farmers in northern Carolina.

The following helped propel the Puritans to successfully settle Massachusetts during the 1630s:

-the prosperous resources of many Puritans to contribute to successful business ventures -the hostility of King Charles I of England to the Puritan reformers seeking religious changes in the Church of England. -a legal charter, the Charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company, to organize a permanent self-governing colony in Massachusetts. -NOT- the willingness of Puritans to have non-church members and other religious dissenters to participate in political affairs.

The following was true of the Columbian Exchange:

-there were gains and losses for the Europeans and for peoples of the Americas -the transmission of disease-bearing microbes devastated native populations in the Americas. -new populations began to emerge after 1492 when the peoples who met in the Americas produced offspring that carried the biological traits and the cultures of their ancestors from different parts of the world. -NOT-the exchange of plants in the Columbian exchange went mostly from the Americas to Europe, Africa, and Asia rather than vice versa.

List and explain five ways in which New England in 1800 had changed since European arrival.

-who had settled there. Indians, but it soon became dominated by colonists. -The land itself was changed drastically into fields (deforestation) -region's weather/land

How did most Africans become slaves? a. Slavery was based on caste and ethnic membership b. Slavery was the result of capture during war c. Slavery was their punishment for a crime d. Slavery was used as payment for a debt


For those concerned about possible federal intervention into the institution of slavery, which Amendment in the Bill of Rights was most important?


what was the native americans pattern of political evolution within the colonial interactions with Britain

5. Dominion of New England in 1668. Throughout the years the relationship between Britain and the colonies a pattern of war occurred, starting with the war of the League of Augsburg in 1689 to the French and Indian war in 1754.

Where was the Revolutionary War battle that led to assistance from France?

A (new york)

What was created for the new U.S. government under the Articles of Confederation?

A Legislative Branch

Austin, Tx is named for

A Texas hero jailed for two years in Mexico City

What constituted the center of culture of the Cahokia people- or the Mound Builders- of the Mississippi Valley?

A city surrounded by strong wooden walls with thatch-covered houses that were home to 20,000 to 40,000 people

What innovative approach did the Iroquois nations develop to sustain themselves in their encounters with other tribes and the Europeans?

A political alliance of the original five Iroquois nations to create a united front

After the Panic of 1819 had begun, which of these events is believed to have made it into a significantly worse depression?

A reduction in available credit from the Bank of the U.S. and other banks.

Which of the following BEST describes the Salem witch trials of 1692?

A religiously-based brief episode of mass hysteria in a New England community involving the alleged practicing of witchcraft

What did Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton propose in 1790 to stabilize the currency and economy of the U.S.?

A semiprivate federal bank, the Bank of the United States, that would issue currency for the economy

By what kind of margin did Andrew Johnson escape being thrown out of office?

A slim one. He survived by a one-vote margin in the Senate.

What institution dominated religious life in Europe in the 1400s?

A unified Roman Catholic Church

Who said that her husband should "...remember the ladies..." when making law? To whom did she say it? According to James Fraser, did he obey?

Abigail Adams; John Adams; no

The Republican Party leader who threatened to undo the Dred Scott decision if elected President of the United States was

Abraham Lincoln

After 1676, Bacon's Rebellion had convinced the planter elite in Virginia and Maryland that:

African slaves would make better and more dependable workers than indentured servants

After passage of the Bank of the U.S. bill, one of Alexander Hamilton's final accomplishments as Treasury Secretary was

After passage of the Bank of the U.S. bill, one of Alexander Hamilton's final accomplishments as Treasury Secretary was

Under the Articles of Confederation, how many states had to approve before the central government could levy a tax?

All 13 states

Which characteristic was shared by New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and Charleston by 1720?

All of these cities were important to the British Empire's commercial and maritime success

the characteristics shared by New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and Charleston by 1720.

All of these cities were important to the British Empire's commercial and maritime success.

Which characteristic was shared by New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and Charleston by 1720?

All of these cities were important to the British Empire's commercial and seafaring success

The time period was crucial between the American victory at Yorktown and the treaty that ended the Revolution. During this time, the Continental Army had to hold onto its gains while the peace was being settled. How long was this time period?

Almost two years

Which European country had the least significant presence in the Western Hemisphere during the 15th and 16th centuries?

Although it would eventually become the major European power in North America, England had no significant presence in the Western Hemisphere until the English settlers founded the colony of Jamestown in 1607.

What event sparked the full-on war for Texas independence?

American volunteers captured the Alamo fortress at San Antonio de Bexar.

What allowed Pueblo and Anasazi agriculture to flourish in their Southwest settlements?

An intricate maze of canals, dams, and terracing

After which major battle was the Emancipation Proclamation issued?


What did the disappearance of the Bering Land Bridge mean for further human migration from Alaska to the southern tip of South America?

Any further migration from Alaska to South America had to be by boat.

Which state was considered by Lincoln to be the ideal model for transition back into the Union after the Civil War?


All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. - United States Constitution What part of the Constitution contains the line above?

Article One

What was the main purpose for the writings of Bartolomé de las Casas?

Asking Spanish authorities to protect American Indian peoples

On the questions of debt faced by the federal and state governments, what actions did Treasury Secretary Hamilton recommend to Congress?

Assumption of state debt by the federal government and payment of both federal and state debt at face value.

What is believed to have been the main factor contributing to the decline of the Cahokia mound-builders of the Mississippi Valley?

Bacterial Diseases

In the midtolate 1500s, this product became popular in Europe and fueled a new trade between Indians and Europeans in America. What was the product?

Beaver pelt

When does evidence indicate that various people were moving into every part of North America and South America?

Between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago

Who was the last black member to serve in the U.S. Senate until the 1960s?

Blanche K. Brcue

Who led Mormons in the 1840s to the shores of the Great Salt Lake?

Brigham Young

who are likely to be enthusiastic proponents of following the strictures of the Triangle Trade.

British merchants selling manufactured goods

What would have been the most likely way for an English investor to seek profit in the early 17th century?

Buying shares in an English joint-stock company for colonization of America

how slavery had become institutionalized in the southern colonies of North America.

By 1700, nearly all tobacco and rice workers in Virginia and the Carolinas were African slaves.

Which of the following was generally TRUE about the mainland British colonies and British colonists between 1707 and 1754?

By 1754, colonists living in different American colonies had begun to identify common political and economic interests even as they jealously guarded their own colony's independence

Which of the following was generally true about the mainland British colonies and British colonists between 1707 and 1754?

By 1754, colonists living in different American colonies had begun to identify common political and economic interests even as they jealously guarded their own colony's independence

what was generally true about the mainland British colonies and British colonists between 1707 and 1754.

By 1754, colonists living in different American colonies had begun to identify common political and economic interests even as they jealously guarded their own colony's independence.

Which of the following best describes the approach of Charles G. Finney's preaching and revivalism?

Calm, logical, and friendly to multiple Protestant views

What was the most common reason that Africans were enslaved by other Africans?

Captured in war from other communities


Chinese immigrants

Which of the following illustrated the determination of colonial merchants and traders to develop a capitalist economic system in the American colonies in the early-mid 1700's?

Circumnavigating the Navigation Acts of 1650 and 1660 by ringing legal loopholes or trading raw materials and goods in a different direction than British laws allowed to maximize trading revenues

what illustrated the determination of colonial merchants and traders to develop a capitalist economic system in the American colonies in the early-mid 1700s.

Circumventing the Navigation Acts of 1650 and 1660 by finding legal loopholes or trading raw materials and goods in a different direction than British laws allowed to maximize trading revenues

In 1883, the Supreme Court struck down the

Civil Rights Act of 1875

What was the MAIN reason that most American colonists supported Parliament's ouster of James II and the ascension of William and Mary to the English throne?

Colonists resented the attempted Dominion of New England and James' role in it

How did the "nullification crisis" finally get resolved?

Congress passed a "Force Bill" and a milder "compromise tariff."

What was the MOST significant consequence of the 1770 Boston Massacre?

Correspondence committees would organize anti-British sentiment in New England

permanent, and that they cannot calculate for the possible change of things. Alexander Hamilton What national project was the most direct result of the Hamiltonian belief in "loose construction" of the Constitution?

Creation of the Bank of the United States

how the colonies that served as a refuge of freedom for some escaped Georgia and Carolina slaves after freedom in Florida became untenable for these escaped American slaves.

Cuba served as an escape place for slaves after freedom in Florida became untenable.

Who WAS NOT one of the famous foreigners who played a large role in the American victory in the Revolution?

De Crevecouer

The results above indicate an early victory in the history of the

Democratic Party.

the wars involving European powers in the 1700s, many English colonists in North America.

Developed their own militias to protect themselves because the British army was often not readily available to help these colonists when they battled Indians in North America.

What cultural characteristic made it difficult for Native Americans to unite to resist European aggression?

Each tribe saw itself as unique.

The Glorious Revolution enhanced the political status and power in North America of

Elected colonial legislatures and assemblies

What can be considered the result of the 1793 Battle of Fallen Timbers?

End of Indian military threat and white dominance in Ohio Valley region

What did the 13th Amendment do?

Ended slavery

The following represented ways that the First Great Awakening changed American society EXCEPT:

Enlightenment ideas about reason and faith fell out of favor by colonial political and economic leaders through the 1750's

Indian relations with the North American colonists from the period, 1689-1754.

Even during periods of relative peace among the European powers, Indian tribes, such as the Tuscaroras and the Mohawks, fought their own battles with these colonists.

Which of these WAS NOT among the reform causes that sprang from the revivalism of the Second Great Awakening?

Expansion of labor unions

Emma Willard played an important role in education reform in the 1820s and 1830s by

Founding an effective New York teacher training school for women

france do in 15th/16th century?

France tried to follow Spain's example in establishing a presence in the New World after 1524. It made an effort to establish a colony near the St. Lawrence River in the 1540s, but this settlement did not succeed.

Which of the following WAS NOT part of the 14th Amendment?

Gender equality for federal jobs and elected offices

"I have no motive, my friends, to deceive you. I am sincerely desirous to promote your welfare. Listen to me, therefore, while I tell you that you cannot remain where you now are. Circumstances that cannot be controlled, and which are beyond the reach of human laws, render it impossible that you can flourish in the midst of a civilized community. You have but one remedy within your reach. And that is, to remove to the West and join your countrymen, who are already established there. And the sooner you do this, the sooner you will commence your career of improvement and prosperity. . . ." Andrew Jackson: To the Cherokee Tribe of Indians East of the Mississippi, 1835 The people to whom Jackson was speaking were most likely being pushed to leave from


The last major advance by the South in the North ended at


By about 1851, the widespread belief was gone that an individual miner in California could "strike it rich" by panning, sluicing, and cradling gold himself. Why?

Gold mining had come to require large corporate investments and large hydraulic machines

What was a short-term consequence of Shays' Rebellion?

Greater approval for stronger central government

Which of these institutions was least enthusiastic about the First Great Awakening?

Harvard University

Which of the following WAS NOT one of President Lincoln's responses to the first battle of Manassas (Bull Run)?

He issued an Emancipation Proclamation.

How did the Ottawa chief Pontiac respond to the British presence in the Michigan and Ohio areas after 1763?

He led an armed rebellion with other allied tribes against British positions in those areas.

Which of the following is a memorable achievement of James Madison?

He played a critical role in the passage of our Constitution's Bill of Rights

Which WAS NOT one of the first steps taken by George Washington as leader of the new government's Executive Branch?

He reduced the size of the country's standing army.

Which is not true of Thomas Paine?

He served with George Washington at Valley Forge.

What did President Washington do early in his first term to solidify political support for his new government?

He toured the country to hear from citizens and show them that their distant government was real.

Why did President Fillmore send Commodore Matthew Perry and four American warships to Japan in July, 1856?

He wanted to force Japan to allow coaling of U.S. ships and trading in Japanese ports.

What prompted George Washington to embrace black volunteers for the Patriot cause in 1777-1778? (Note: G.W. probably did not literally embrace many of them. It's a figure of speech.)

He was desperate

How was Roger Taney involved in the "Bank War?"

He was the first of Andrew Jackson's Treasury Secretaries who was willing to kill the Bank of the U.S.

Who was the first black member of the United States Senate?

Hiram Revels

While there is great debate about just when the first Americans migrated from Asia to North America, modern anthropologists agree that the following made the trip possible

Ice holding so much water in glaciers, making it possible to walk from Siberia across what is now the Bering Sea into North America and then down through passageways in the glaciers

Bacon's Rebellion had convinced the planter elite to do in Virginia and Maryland


the details of the the Salem witch trials of 1692.


the events that contributed to a criminal prosecution in 1741 by a New York City prosecutor against thirty Africans, mostly slaves, for an alleged conspiracy to kill the city's whites.


the ways that the First Great Awakening changed American society.


What made the Spanish Florida such an enticing region for African slaves in the southern colonies seeking their freedom?

In 1693, Spain offered freedom to all fugitives from British territories, including African slaves, who came into Spanish territory and converted to Catholicism

what made the Spanish Florida such an enticing region for African slaves in the southern colonies seeking their freedom.

In 1693, Spain offered freedom to all fugitives from British territories, including African slaves, who came into Spanish territory and converted to Catholicism.

How did Alexander Hamilton finally persuade House leader James Madison and Secretary of State Jefferson to support his plan for addressing federal and state debt?

In exchange for Madison's and Jefferson's support for the debt plan, Hamilton would support placing the U.S. capital in the Chesapeake region.

Sixteenth-century African slaves in the Western Hemisphere best preserved autonomy and linguistic traditions through

In the 16th century, African slaves in the Caribbean were sometimes able to escape from their captors and form independent maroon communities. These communities allowed African slaves to preserve their autonomy and linguistic traditions.

What was the commonly held view of Slavs revolts by British landowners, especially those who lived in the southern colonies during the early 1700's?

Intermittent slave revolts and uprisings represented a direct threat to maintaining the prosperity and livelihood of these British landowners and had to be put down using whatever force was necessary

the view of slave revolts by British landowners, especially those who lived in the southern colonies during the early 1700s.

Intermittent slave revolts and uprisings represented a direct threat to maintaining the prosperity and livelihood of these British landowners and had to be put down using whatever force was necessary.

What created a wide variety in Native American tribal cultures? a. mountain ranges and wide rivers b. numerous climate zones c. impenetrable forests d. language barriers


- Image from Wikipedia. Permission to copy and distribute granted by copyright holder. Attribution: "Onondaga County New York Incorporated and unincorporated areas Syracuse highlighted" by Rcsprinter123 - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0. Which native America group had its "central meeting place and council fire" near the county shown on the map above?


Which WAS NOT one of the features of the Northwest Ordinance?

It called for grid systems that would provide land for Indians.

how the Stono Rebellion terrified slave masters throughout the British colonies.

It demonstrated the significant influence the Spanish offer of freedom for American slaves who escaped to South Florida. The scope of this slave rebellion and the level of its deadly violence were unprecedented in North American history. It required sending out the South Carolina militia to stop the armed slaves who killed whites trying to halt their march to freedom.

What was the long-term impact of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

It determined which languages would be spoken in South America.

What happened to the first colony of Roanoke? a. It was destroyed by hurricane b. It was abandoned c. It was destroyed by Indian attacks d. It flourished until it was conquered by Spain


Which of these WAS NOT a typical description of the Erie Canal in the 1830s?

It was seen as an expensive boondoggle that enriched corrupt state legislators.

Which of the following statements about the Monroe Doctrine IS NOT TRUE?

It was understood, though not explicit in the text of the doctrine, that America's close European allies would be exempt and free to expand in Latin America.

Which WAS NOT TRUE of the Quebec Act?

It was very offensive to Catholics.

What is the significance of St. Augustine to US History a. It is the oldest monastery in the United States b. It is the oldest European city in the United States c. It was the location where Spaniards first landed in North America d. It is the oldest French colony in the United States


What difficulty limited what is now modern Italy in engaging in external overseas exploration during the 1400s?

Italy was bitterly divided into many competing, independent free cities, principalities, and small kingdoms that were often at war with each other

What was the main reason for Andrew Jackson's opposition to the Second Bank of the U.S.?

Jackson's constituency included many common people who disliked both federal and state banks.

The following was a principal reason why Parliament turned against King James II and ousted him as the monarch of England in 1689

James II granted religious freedoms for Catholics and appointed some Catholics to high office, arousing fears of Spanish and French domination by the Spanish and the French

principal reason why Parliament turned against King James II and ousted him as the monarch of England in 1689.

James II granted religious freedoms for Catholics and appointed some Catholics to high office, arousing fears of Spanish and French domination by the Spanish and the French

Which disease was the deadliest to Native Americans? a. measles b. smallpox c. mumps d. chicken pix


"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." The lines above from the Declaration of Independence show the influence on Thomas Jefferson of

John Locke

position of the Glorious Revolution of English philosopher John Locke.

John Locke provided logic and an abundance of reasoning within the colonies. He contributed the the revolution as well.

Whose leadership saved the Virginia colony of Jamestown from direct attack by the Powhatan confederation and starvation of its residents from 1608-1610?

John Smith

According to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, the rebirth of a true Christianity occurred when

Joseph Smith discovered, translated, and published the Book of Mormon and organized the first Mormon community in New York.

Most Englishmen who visited North America in the 1500s were ___ ? a. Puritans b. privateers c. pirates d. colonists


Which IS NOT one of the states from the Northwest Territory that were created under the Northwest Ordinance?


What ended the half-century of peace in New England that began with the first Thanksgiving?

King Phillip's War

What prompted the second group of rebel states to secede from the Union?

Lincoln's order for federal troops from those states

Which of these WAS NOT one of Francis Cabot Lowell's contributions to America's Industrial Revolution?

Lowell and his factory foremen depended mostly on "down on their luck" urban males as their labor force.

Which term best describes Thomas Hutchinson, William Franklin, and about a fifth of their fellow colonists?


How did the white political and social elite of Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas respond to the issue of how to determine the status of mixed-race children ?

Made stringent political and social efforts to prohibit sexual relations between white women and males of other races

Which of these was Martin Van Buren's greatest political challenge?

Major economic downturn in the aftermath of the Panic of 1837

When the English in Virginia shifted their economic emphasis to tobacco in the 1620s, what was the most meaningful result?

Many Africans would be brought to the Chesapeake to work the tobacco.

Who wrote the Ninety-Five Theses?

Martin Luther

We pray for his excellency, the governor of this state, for the members of the assembly, for all judges, magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare, that they may be enabled, by your powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability. A Prayer for Government (1791) by Archbishop John Carroll What is "this state," for which Carroll called for prayer?


The Mason-Dixon line divided

Maryland and Pennsylvania.

Before either came into contact with Europeans, how were African and American Indian people similar?

Members of both groups thought of themselves as members of tribes, not large nationstates.

describe the characteristics of the voyage of slaves from Africa to the slave colonies in the Americas.

Men were chained shoulder to shoulder during the entire voyage. A quarter of the slaves transported on a slave ship died on the voyage. Slaves were force fed to reduce the loss of valuable cargo to starvation.

What was the name of the economic system that dominated the economy of Britain's colonies, including its American colonies, until the early 1700's?


the name of the economic system that dominated the economy of Britain's colonies, including its American colonies, until the early 1700s.

Mercantilism was the economic system.

"Slavery was...perhaps the key factor in the Texas War (1835-36). The freedom for which Davy Crockett, James Bowie, and the rest fought at the Alamo was the freedom to own slaves. As soon as the Anglos set up the Republic of Texas, its legislature ordered all free black people out of the Republic." - James Loewen, Lies My Teacher Told Me (2007, p. 152) Whose government's rules were broken when "Anglos" brought slavery and slaves into Texas?


In 1821

Mexico became independent from Spain.

Starting around 1830, the Mexican government began taking steps to curb the population growth and self-governance of white Texans. Which WAS NOT one of these steps?

Mexico's government exiled Stephen F. Austin and other prominent Americans from Texas.

The first state in the South to introduce Black Codes was


how did the expansion of humans in america begin?

Mississippi valley eastern woodlands great lakes and rockies midsouthwest

the impact and outcome of King George's War, 1744-1748.

Modest victories and land transfers between Great Britain and France and considerable loss of life to British and French colonists and to their Indian allies in New York and New England.

What development was accompanied by the growth of religious toleration in the British colonies during the early 1700's?

More Europeans came to the British colonies in search of religious freedom that they could not find in their homelands

What development was accompanied by the growth of religious toleration in the British colonies during the early 1700s?

More Europeans came to the British colonies in search of religious freedom that they could not find in their homelands

the developments that accompanied by the growth of religious toleration in the British colonies during the early 1700s.

More Europeans came to the British colonies in search of religious freedom that they could not find in their homelands.

Which of the following WAS NOT TRUE of the delegates who gathered at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

Most of them had signed the Declaration of Independence.

Which Virginians were least likely to support their state's secession vote?

Mountain Men

Who were the core supporters of the new Whig Party that emerged in the 1830s?

National Republicans who liked the American System and disliked Andrew Jackson

where the Native Americans benefits and challenges as important as the Colonists

Native Americans prior settlement to Colonists, they do not need the wood to produce homes. The Native Americans didn't have to do backbreaking labor to cut down wood, unlike the Colonists. The challenge the Native American's faced was the lack of wood that would be utilized throughout their community as well as facing the Colonists. The Colonists benefited from cutting down the wood was the production of new homes for the settlers, which is as important as the Native American's needing their food. The Colonists were faced with the challenge of hard labor and the Native American's. Although both groups had different needs and wants, as well as benefits and challenges; they were equally important to each specified group.

Much has been said of the factory girl and her employment. By some she has been represented as dwelling in a sort of brick-and-mortar paradise, having little to occupy thought save the weaving of gay and romantic fancies, while the spindle or the wheel flies obediently beneath her glance. Others have deemed her a mere servile drudge, chained to her labor by almost as strong a power as that which holds a bondman in his fetters; and, indeed, some have already given her the title of "the white slave of the North." Her real situation approaches neither one nor the other of these extremes. Her occupation is as laborious as that of almost any female who earns her own living, while it has also its sunny spots and its cheerful intervals, which make her hard labor seem comparatively pleasant and easy. -- Anonymous mill worker, "A Week In The Mill" published in the Lowell Offering (1845) In what region is the worker described in "A Week in the Mill" employed?

New England

Where, according to James Fraser, did things go most smoothly for native Mexicans who became American citizens after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

New Mexico

Why was the ratification of the Constitution by New York so important?

New York's financial status made its support of the new government vital.

What was Andrew Jackson's role in the public school movement that emerged in the 1830s?

Not much. Jackson showed little enthusiasm for a movement pushed by Whigs and other Jacksonn rivals.

The following emerged victorious and enjoyed executive and legislative powers right after the English civil war from 1642-1649 -


The vigor of government is essential to the security of liberty; that, in the contemplation of a sound and well-informed judgment, their interest can never be separated; and that a dangerous ambition more often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people than under the forbidden appearance of zeal for the firmness and efficiency of government. History will teach us that the former has been found a much more certain road to the introduction of despotism than the latter, and that of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants. - Excerpt from Federalist Paper #1 What is the main point expressed in the lines above?

People speaking out against tyrannical government may themselves seek to be tyrants.

The officer in charge of Confederate forces in Charleston during the attack on Fort Sumter was

Pierre G. T. Beauregard

how the Glorious Revolution enhanced the political status and power in North America.

Political status had a gigantic uproar of status. The colonies became a world hotspot of trade.

What did the 3/5 Compromise mean, exactly?

Presence of slaves would increase a state's power in the House of Representatives despite the absence of black voting in that state.

What can be correctly described as the religious part of the Virginia Company's mission in the New World?

Promotion of Protestantism in the Americas

Who were the Puritans?

Protestants who were dissatisfied with the reforms in the Church of England

The following logical tensions surrounded the onset of the Salem witch trials in 1692 EXCEPT:

Publicly acknowledged atheists and devil worshippers challenged repeatedly the religious authority of Protestant ministers in Salem and surrounding communities in the 1680's and early 1690's

In the late 1600's and early 1700's, the institution of slavery became linked most closely to


Which IS NOT one of the accomplishments that were achieved under the Articles of Confederation?

Raising an army that could defeat the Iroquois Confederacy

Soon after his inauguration, Thomas Jefferson (with the help of Anti-Federalists in Congress)

Reduced the size of the military.

Which of these IS NOT among the protections in the Bill of Rights?

Right for adults to vote

Which WAS NOT one of the significant reasons that Chinese migrants came to the U.S. in the mid-19th century?

Seeking religious freedom

The following were features of the First Great Awakening EXCEPT:

Sermons did NOT rely on long rational arguments for the importance of changing one's life, but depended predominately on the preacher's personal charisma.

trade alliances centering on the fur trade

Seventeenth and eighteenth century french and dutch colonial relationships with american indians were primarily based on

How commonly were former Confederate leaders tried and executed for treason?

So rarely that it only happened to one Confederate leader, Henry Wirz

the developments of a middling social class in the American colonies, reflected all of the following developments.

Social movement in an upward direction. People beginning to question that deference should be automatically shown to people in higher status in colonial society. The disappearance of the assumption that one stayed in the class to which one was born.

Regarding female participation in post-Revolutionary American life, what can be called an achievement of Abigail Adams and others like her?

Some chances for education became available to post-Revolutionary women.

Which region's legislators voted most overwhelmingly in favor of the Missouri Compromise?


The only southern state to vote unanimously for secession was

South Carolina.

The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 resolved the completing claims in the Americas of the following two European countries -

Spain and Portugal.

the political developments in 1763 that disrupted the steady stream of slaves making their way to Florida and freedom.

Spain ceded Florida to Great Britain in 1763.

Of the following explorers, who was the best navigator? a. Francisco Pizarro b. Amerigo Vespucci c. Hernan Cortes d. Christopher Columbus


Spanish mineral wealth from the Americas caused a shift toward

Spain's interest in the accumulation of mineral wealth in the Americas caused a shift toward capitalism. Spain's emphasis on mining required large capital investments and large groups of laborers, but it also resulted in tremendous profits. Spain's mineral wealth stimulated the expansion of capitalism in Europe.

Since the 15th and 16th centuries, what has been the most enduring legacy from Spanish conquest and exploration of the Americas?

Spanish conquest of the New World in the 15th and 16th centuries has created an enduring legacy of Christianity in the region. Christianity has endured in the Americas since the arrival of the Spanish.

Over the centuries, the most effective means of "civilizing" natives to Spanish culture was

Spanish missionary efforts to assimilate the natives to Spanish culture were more successful than the means used by other Spanish conquerors. -mission system

"Beecher's Bibles" were

Springfield rifles sent to anti-slavery forces in Kansas.

Which of the following WAS NOT one of the features of Juan de Oñate's governorship in New Mexico?

Substantial amounts of gold and silver moved to Spain from the Acoma Pueblo treasury

The English philosopher John Locke

Supported the Glorious Revolution because he insisted the basic rights of all Englishmen included the natural right to accept or reject their government

John Locke

Supported the glorious revolution because he believed in social compact theory

Who were the people of Spanish or Mexican descent living in Texas and dealing with the large number white colonists who arrived there?


Where was the greatest cotton production in North America during the early 19th century?

The "black belt" stretching from Louisiana to Georgia

Protestant group grew dramatically and remained mostly unified as a result of the religious revivalism of the First Great Awakening.

The Baptist Church

What event decimated the population of Europe in the 1300s, reducing the population by as much as half?

The Black Death (bubonic plague)

With what people and place should one associate earthen mounds like the one pictured above?

The Cahokia of the Mississippi River Valley

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (August, 1968): "I Have A Dream" In which of our Founding Documents did Dr. King find the words that he called the "creed" of "this nation?"

The Declaration of Independence

What did holland do?

The Dutch East India Company sponsored exploration of the region around present-day New York City and the Hudson River in the late 16th and very early 17th centuries. The Dutch also sponsored sugar plantations in Brazil.

"I have no motive, my friends, to deceive you. I am sincerely desirous to promote your welfare. Listen to me, therefore, while I tell you that you cannot remain where you now are. Circumstances that cannot be controlled, and which are beyond the reach of human laws, render it impossible that you can flourish in the midst of a civilized community. You have but one remedy within your reach. And that is, to remove to the West and join your countrymen, who are already established there. And the sooner you do this, the sooner you will commence your career of improvement and prosperity. . . ." - Andrew Jackson: To the Cherokee Tribe of Indians East of the Mississippi, 1835 Which of the following can be seen as legal support for the position taken above by Jackson?

The Indian Removal Act (1830)

What was the main English method for protecting the "closed loop" of international exchange that existed under mercantilism?

The Navigation Acts

What was the result of the initial encounter of John Smith, representing the settlers of Jamestown, with Powhatan and his Indian confederation?

The Powhatan confederation agreed to feed the English settlers and traded with them.

What was the most important 15th- and 16th-century goal of Spanish conquest and exploration as revealed by the conquistadores?

The Spanish men who came to conquer the New World did so primarily to acquire its wealth. The conquistadores looted the Aztecs and the Incas and exploited the wealth of the New World's mines. They were more interested in riches than in building the Spanish empire, converting Native Americans, or increasing the status of their native country.

Which of the following IS NOT among the reasons that the U.S. government was hesitant to annex Texas in the 1830s, despite calls from Texas and the U.S. for it to do so?

The U.S. government feared angering the Tejano minority in Texas that opposed U.S. annexation.

What development beginning in the 1720's made cities a much safer place to live?

The adoption of smallpox inoculations in colonial cities beginning in Boston in 1721

describe the developments beginning in the 1720s made cities a much safer place to live.

The adoption of smallpox inoculations in colonial cities beginning in Boston in 1721.

the results that occurred in England's American colonies in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution in 1689.

The aftermath in the colonies was widespread. People of all cultures diffused and wanted one future ahead. Being successful and having a happy life.

How did the Bank of the United States respond to the financial crash of 1819?

The bank made money harder to borrow.

What Mormon belief led to organized violence against Mormons and decades of conflict with state and federal government?

The belief in polygamy and a Mormon man's duty to take as many wives as he could support

most important reasons the North American colonists supported Parliament's ouster of James II in favor of James's daughter Mary and her husband Prince William of Orange.

The colonists resented the undesired royal merger of the colonies by James II as well as the king and the royal governor who were enforcing it.

The following were results of the Pequot War:

The devastating defeat suffered by the Pequots eliminated their presence as a strong Indian tribe in New England.

Which WAS NOT a feature or consequence of Pinckney's Treaty?

The diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Spain began to deteriorate rapidly.

The following represented consequences of the Glorious Revolution in England after 1689 EXCEPT:

The divine right of kings continued to be the guiding political principle in England

Which of the following was TRUE about race and slavery during the early-mid 1600s?

The dream of African slaves to be free to own land was realized by some Africans in the early 1600s.

How did the form of slavery introduced and practiced by Europeans in the mid-1400s differ from that practiced by African tribes?

The effort to completely destroy the language, culture, and identity of slaves was undertaken for the first time by Europeans, not by Africans practicing slavery

What event in the mid-1400s caused Christian Europe to seek new ways to reach Asia for more direct and effective trading opportunities with Asia?

The fall of Constantinople to the political control of the Muslim Ottoman Turks

what represented the characteristic experiences of the first generation of slaves in North America, those arriving in the early 1600s, and the characteristic experiences of those slaves who arrived in the late 1600s.

The first generation of slaves in North America came from the coast of West Africa, while those who arrived later often had been captured much further inland.

consequences of the Glorious Revolution in England after 1689.

The glorious revolution in england after 1689 was very fast. People across earth wanted to know what is there to do in the New Americas. Hope and salvation was granted for all people who moved there. It's the act of doing things rather than being lazy and not doing them

what illustrated that freedom of speech and freedom of press were considered by British colonists in North America to be basic to their rights as residents of British colonies.

The inclusion of articles in many North American newspapers of critiques of royal governors and colonial governments. The acquittal of John Peter Zenger for seditious libel by a New York jury. Republishing articles from the English press in many North American newspapers demanding freedom and "the rights of Englishmen."

the need for colonial legislatures to raise taxes to provide for their defense in the 1750s was frustrated in Pennsylvania.

The insistence of the Penn family, which still controlled the colony, not to be taxed on their own lands to maximize their revenue.

1600s and early 1700s, the institution of slavery became linked most closely to what?

The institution became linked to race.

describe the developments that fueled the Atlantic slave trade by 1750.

The labor demands of the sugar plantations of the Caribbean, Brazil, and New Spain. New states in West Africa growing rich off the slave trade to the Americas. The transfer of millions of slaves from the interior of Africa to the western coast for sale and shipment to the Americas.

By the end of the 1830s,

The last notable Indian populations east of the Mississippi included some Iroquois, Cherokee, and Seminole

the terrifying voyage from Africa to the Americas endured by slaves taken from West Africa.

The middle passage

the role newly freed slaves who escaped to Spanish Florida play for the Spanish government authorities in this colony.

The newly freed slaves were a strong first line of defense on the Spanish side of the border against their common enemy, the British.

the local tensions surrounded the onset of the Salem witch trials in 1692.

The ongoing fear of residents of Salem and surrounding Massachusetts communities of further attacks by Indians allied with French Canada. Many poorer residents resented their neighbors who formed a more prosperous commercial elite. Women who were unusually assertive, particularly women who lived alone or were of non-English backgrounds, were not trusted in the community.

describe the political, economic, and social developments in colonial life shortly after the Glorious Revolution in 1689.

The political independence of the British colonies in North America appeared to be imminent

What late 15th century development set the stage for Spain being newly able to launch expeditions of discovery in the Atlantic?

The political, religious, and culturally unification of Spain led by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, culminating in 1492 with the Reconquista

The following developments fueled the Atlantic slave trade by 1750 EXCEPT:

The relatively high demand for African slaves in all of New England

the attitude and behavior of religious and political leaders in Massachusetts in the aftermath of the Salem witch trials.

The religious and political leaders were apologetic after the Salem witch trials.

Which WAS NOT one of the features of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt?

The revolt was crushed and Spanish control was uninterrupted.

What was the effect of the earliest strikes conducted by New England "factory girls" in the 1830s and 1840s?

The strikes failed and most "factory girls" continued to work under the conditions they had protested.

Albany Plan for Union defeated resoundingly by the colonial legislatures in 1754.

The unified government's political structure was too similar with that of the Six Nations of the Iroquois.

Why do modern anthropologists believe that the first Americans came from Asia?

They believe that the last ice age made travel from Asia possible on foot.

In what way did a British-American force deploy a biological weapon against Pontiac and his rebel force?

They distributed blankets infected with smallpox among the Indians.

Africans were similar to American Indians that

They each thought of themselves as members of a tribe, not as members of a larger cultural group connected by geography or trading networks

Which WAS NOT a reason that Jefferson, Madison, and their supporters opposed creation of a Bank of the U.S.?

They feared it would create a confusing system with different currencies in different states.

What did the Portuguese expedition of Prince Henry, Bartolomeu Dias, and Vasco da Gama in the 1400s eventually lead to regarding furthering Portugal's ambitions?

They led to developing massive new African trade in gold and other commodities

how the white political and social elite of Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas respond to the issue of how to determine the status of mixed-race children.

They made stringent political and social efforts to prohibit sexual relations between white women and males of other races.

As Mexico attempted to reassert control over Texas, what action was taken by Americans who met at San Felipe in 1833?

They raised an army and sent Steven F. Austin to Mexico City to negotiate for Texas autonomy.

How did the Pacific Coast Indians adapt to their physical environment to develop a settled and healthy community life?

They relied on the abundant salmon in their nearby rivers to smoke and dry them for year-round consumption

Which WAS NOT true of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?

They represented Federalist thinking of the day.

Other than racism, what was a key reason that Irish Catholics in New York opposed the Union's role in the Civil War?

They saw blacks as competitors for jobs.

Which of the following was NOT TRUE of the War Hawks?

They wanted to attack small Spanish colonies and Florida and add those lands to the US

Why were England, France, and Germany slow to enter into the era of exploration?

They were engaged in civil war and conflicts with other states.

What do Native American civilizations with well-developed art and culture have in common?

They were settled communities.

the special events in a colonial woman's life that was an important social occasion that enriched a women's community life and share important information with other women.

They would share information at the celebrations surrounding the birth of a child.

Who didn't write Federalist Papers?

Thomas Jefferson

Whose 1776 pamphlet is remembered for defining, and encouraging, America's independence and republicanism?

Thomas Paine

What was the topic of Lyman Beecher's most notable and widely-circulated Second Great Awakening sermons?

Those preaching temperance or abstinence from alcohol

Which of the following was a consequence of the new emphasis on a tobacco-based agriculture in Virginia starting in the 1620s?

Thousands of Africans would be brought to the Americas and ultimately to Virginia and the Chesapeake region to produce the new crops.

American Revolutionary leaders cited a variety of philosophers and political rebels in making their anti-imperial arguments. Which WAS NOT one of those cited?

Toussaint L'Overture

In the early 20th century, an amendment to the Constitution changed the way that U.S. Senators were selected. Before this, how were U.S. Senators chosen?

U.S. Senators were elected by state legislatures.

A key feature of the Missouri Compromise was that it provided for equal representation between slave states and free states in the

US Senate

What could Nicholas Biddle say in defense of his leadership of the Bank of the U.S.?

Under his leadership, the U.S. had a relatively stable currency system.

Regarding the country's security and fragility, which of the following WAS a major concern for George Washington when he assumed the presidency in 1789?

Uprisings and calls for independence in the western U.S.

Which of the following distinguished the lives of urban women from the lives of most rural women in the colonies during the late 1600s and early 1700s?

Urban women had significantly more opportunity for social contact with other women and men than those living in rural areas

the lives of urban women from the lives of most rural women in the colonies during the late 1600s and early 1700s.

Urban women had significantly more opportunity for social contact with other women and men than those living in rural areas.

Which of the following distinguished the lives of urban women from the lives of most rural women in the colonies during the late 1600's and early 1700's?

Urban women had significantly more opportunity for social contract with other women and men than those living in rural areas

Which of the following illustrated the determination of colonial merchants and traders to develop a capitalist economic system in the 18th century?

Using smuggling and legal loopholes to get around the Navigation Acts

What did Jay's Treaty accomplish for the United States?

War with Britain, which seemed likely because of their "piracy," was avoided.

What issue dominated the general election campaign of 1832?

Whether the Second Bank of the U.S. would be re-chartered

What restricted England and France in engaging in overseas exploration during the late 1300s and 1400s?

Widespread destruction and death caused by religious wars and plagues

what characterized the life of Africans slaves imported into the southern colonies after 1680.

Women and men experiencing backbreaking labor from sunup to sundown on a tobacco, rice, or cotton plantation. Young children often working alongside adults for extended periods of time. Harsh and injurious punishments meted out by plantation owners for even the smallest infractions.

Which of the following WAS NOT a feature of the post-Revolutionary phenomenon that historians have called "Republican Motherhood."

Women would need the right to vote in order to promote virtuous citizenship in their homes.

Who founded the first English colony? a. John White b. Walter Raleigh c. Francis Drake d. John Smith


Who sought to bring Christianity to the Native Americans of the Southeast and Florida? a. Puritans b. Franciscans c. Jesuits d. Dominicans


The creation of new races and human populations in the 1500s was the product of ___? a. the Columbian Exchange b. the Reformation c. the Silk Roads d. the Reconquista


The _____ peoples were organized into clans led by womes a. Hopi b. Iroquois c. Powhatan d. Natchez


What allowed the civilizations of the Anasazi and the Mound Builders to construct large cities? a. They shifted from hunting and gathering to agriculture b. They invented the arch and the lever c. They were the most powerful warriors in the region d. they controlled large numbers of conquered slaves


What do Native American civilizations with well-developed art and culture have in common? a. They were settled communities b. They required vast bureaucracies c. They were agricultural d. they had large armies


What does the migration story of the Natchez suggest about the tribes of Central Mexico prior to the arrival of Europeans? a. The Natchez most likely endured conflict and warfare with neighboring tribes b. The Natchez were successful merchants who followed trade north c. The Natchez were forced out of Mexico by drought d. The Natchez were fierce warriors who left Mexico to expand their empire to the North


Which European had the most positive trading relationship with the Native Americans? a. the French b. the English c. the Portuguese d. the Dutch


Who was the most important English sea captain? a. Francis Drake b. John Cabot c. Walter Raleigh d. John Smith


Andrew Johnson was the only senator from ___ to stay in the Union government.

a Confederate state

The Missouri Compromise included all of the following EXCEPT

a failure by Henry Clay to convince Congressional colleagues to compromise.

increased smuggling

before 1750, what was the most frequent reaction of british colonies in north america to increased trade regulations and a growing mistrust of england's commitment to support the colonies?

governance, with control over the lower houses in colonial legislature

by the mid 18th century, british colonies in north america began to develop similar

"Moderate" American reformers reacted to the KnowNothing challenge to immigration

by trying to "Americanize" immigrants through education.

In addition to exchanging living organisms between the Old and New Worlds, the Columbian Exchange ___? a. created inflation in Spain due to the influx of gold and silver b. created increased demand for manufactured goods in Europe c. shifted global trade from land to oceans d. created deflation in Spain die to the influx of gold and silver


The French colonists that first came to Florida were ____ a. privateers b. Puritans c. French Protestants d. Jesuit Priests


What role did the Roman Catholic Church play in encouraging exploration and trade? a. The church made little to no contribution b. The church invested in sailing expeditions c. The church controlled the trade from the Mediterranean d. The church saw trade as a way to compete with the Ottoman Empire


Where did Reconquista occur? a. Portugal b. Constantinople c. Spain d. North Africa


Who did Queen Elizabeth I attempt to enlist as an ally in her war against Spain? a. Portugal b. Holland c. the Ottoman Empire d. France


Who was Virginia Dare? a. the wife of Sir Walter Raleigh b. the sponsor of the Roanoke Colony c. the first English colonist born in the Americas d. the Queen of England


what did Capitalism cause

caused a high demand in resources that transformed the natural areas of New England.

The Tenure of Office Act was passed by Congress to

challenge a president with whom liberal republicans disagreed

the enlightenment

colonial intellectual resitance to 18th century british imperial control was often based on

The Erie Canal

connects Lake Erie with the Atlantic Ocean

In its Dartmouth College v. Woodward ruling, the Supreme Court took strong action to protect


spain & new world

couldn't hold on to new world religion split protestant and catholicism

what was mercantilism?

created by inflation of trade form the new world. started by the entrepreneurs of textile industries, supported production of it and reduced fees of imports/exports caused, gold and silver to flourish mercantiles polices

The climate and abundance of game most likely deterred the development of agriculture in which region? a. the Atlantic Coast b. the Southwest c. the Mississippi Valley d. the Pacific Coast


What allowed the Powhatan to become the largest of the Algonquian-speaking communities? a. They had access to European trade goods such as guns and iron b. They benefited from rich food resources such as salmon and whale c. They were part of a military confederacy d. They combined hunting and gathering as well as agriculture


What cultural characteristic made it difficult for Native Americans to unite to resist European aggression? a. Religious differences made tribes intolerant of each other b. Natural barriers like mountains and rivers kept tribes isolated c. Tribes were not able to communicate due to language barriers d. Each tribe saw itself as unique


What important event occurred in 1588 which in turn shaped the future of North America? a. Treaty of Tordesillas b. Peace of Augsburg c. Ninety-Five Theses by Martin Luther d. destruction of the Spanish Armada


What is the significance of Esteban? a. He found the Seven Cities of Cibola b. He discovered the Mississippi c. He was a Spanish slave d. He was an African


What was the long term impact of the Treaty of Tordesillas? a. It resulted in the conversion of the Americas b. It ended the Spanish Armada c. It settled the Thirty Years' War d. It determined where Spanish and Portuguese are spoken in Latin America


Where was New Spain? a. the Caribbean b. South America c. Southeast North America d. Mexico and Central America


All of the following were causes or effects of the 18th century Atlantic slave trade EXCEPT

demand for labor from the rumproducing areas of New England


during the 17th century, which of the following was the primary cash crop of the chesapeake colonies?

Who were the conquistadores?

early Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru


eighteenth century spanish contact with native communities in north america, through both missionaries and the establishment of presidios, was most prevalent in


father bestowed all their land to eldest son, forced younger men to be poor

The KnowNothing Party

focused on opposing immigrants and Catholicism.

became involved in numerous colonial-indian conflicts that had spread from europe

from 1660 to 1750, the dutch french and english in colonial north america

Congressional passage of the Bill of Rights

fulfilled a promise James Madison made during the Constitution's ratification process.

The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848

generated mostly negative attention for the women's rights movement.

headlight system-

guaranteed 50 acres of land to any1 who paid the passage of new immigrants to the colony, buying slaves

The political battle between Andrew Jackson and John Calhoun over tariffs and nullification

happened in part because, over time, Calhoun became the South's leading "states' rights" activist.

The major consequence of the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention was

hat notable female activists across the country joined the movement.

toleration act

have christians right to follow beliefs and hold church

Patrick Henry opposed the Constitution because

he feared federal government infringement upon the rights of individual citizens.

The Supreme Court's ruling in Worcester v. Georgia (1832)

held that the federal government, not Georgia's, could regulate activity of private citizens in the Cherokee nation.


historians describe the colonial systme of the european "mother country", regulating ttrade of its manufactured goods in exchange for raw materials from its North American colonies, as

earliest migrants to north america were required to adapt to which environmental challenge?

ice and glaciers

While there is great debate about just when the first Americans migrated from Asia to North America, modern anthropologists agree that the following made the trip possible -

ice holding so much water in glaciers, making it possible to walk from Siberia across what is now the Bering Sea into North America and then down through passageways in the glaciers.

civic humanism

idealogly that praised public virtue and service to the state


in addition to deadlier weapns, which european trade good had the most destructive effect on american inidian communities?

Anglicization in the british colonies

in the british north american colonies between 1607 and 1750, political communities based on english models, economic ties, and legal structures led to

encomienda system used for labor

indians, The system permitted them to rule the Indians in the conquered towns and to make use of their labor.

What was the new way that English investors sought legal financial gain overseas beginning in the first decade of the 1600s?

investing in the English Virginia Company to find raw materials and establish settlements in North America.

pre columbian southwest indians were most noted for what enviormental transformation practice?

irrigation bc dry so known for water practices

When in 1619, John Rolfe, a Jamestown tobacco farmer, made a purchase of 20 African slaves in exchange for food supplies to the Dutch -

it marked the beginning of a period until 1680 when slavery, though still difficult, was less harsh and hopeless than it became after 1680.

The Crittenden Compromise was rejected by Lincoln because

it would have allowed slavery in New Mexico and California.

militia system

laborers were available to Inca empire and forced them into mines

Under the sharecropping system,

landowners supplied lodging, materials, and land for cotton production.

Victory for Britain in the Seven Years War

led to new taxes on the colonies.

in northeastern north america before european contact, the iroquois developed the tradition of

longhouses, buildings of families

how did the= Native American, European, and African empires and kingdoms secured and sustained their power in various ways

maintaining warfare, trade, and tributes. -Maintaing their protection ensured each of the worlds safety. -The trade helped produce a supply of products they needed to survive as well as maintain alliances with certain places. -Tributes helped them "accumulate precious goods that helped to set them apart from ordinary laborers, but also bore responsibilities for the well-being of their subjects and offered them various forms of protection." -Ordinary people benefited under the rules of their societies by being given a chance to thrive and move up in society by fulfilling their obligations. -They suffered from the chance of surviving if their duties were not able to be fulfilled, such as if a farmer was unable to produce crops due to a drought or a Native American being captured for trade.

ne·o·co·lo·ni·al·ism (nē′ō-kəә-lō′nē-əә-lĭz′əәm) n. The policy or practice of a wealthy or powerful nation in extending its influence into a less developed one, especially in exploiting that nation's resources. - neocolonialism. (n.d.) American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved September 7 2015 from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/neocolonialism (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/neocolonialism) The definition provided above indicates that "neocolonialism" can be thought of as an updated form of what used to be called


what did indians use for trade

minerall stones

The restoration of the English monarchy with Charles II in 1660 meant -

new interest by the monarchy in expanding England's North American colonies.

What created the wide variety in Native American tribal cultures?

numerous climate zones

The Monroe Doctrine was a warning to Europeans that

o new colonies in the Americas would be permitted.

The Comprehensive Orders for New Discoveries took the task of pacifying the native population:

out of the hands of the conquistadores.

In 1573, the Comprehensive Orders for New Discoveries placed pacification of natives primarily in the hands of:

placed the pacification of the native population into the hands of missionaries.

Encomienda labor focused most on

plantation agriculture, Some workers under this system also worked in mines.

President Pierce's decision to sign the Kansas-Nebraska Act

pleased Southerners from both parties.

who dominated slave trade in 15th century?


The purpose for Lincoln's proposed military districts in the South was

preventing chaos.

european patriarchies

property and social identity defended in male family lines

the maize culture of the S.West was most similar to the pre-Columbian culture of


Under President Johnson's reconstruction plan, the Confederate states were readmitted as soon as they

ratified the 14th Amendment.

The Second Continental Congress eventually accomplished all of the following EXCEPT

replacing the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

required citizens to help return escapees to their owners

what tied colonies together?

resources slaves trade

before the arrival of the euro's, great basin and western indians

responded to lack of resources by developing mobile lifestyles

Juan de Oñate's 1598 subjugation of natives who resisted Spanish rule is best illustrated by his attack against natives in

responded to the Acoma pueblo revolt by ruthlessly suppressing it, killing 800 men, women, and children.

The enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act

resulted in more resistance than the law's proponents expected.

The 1763 fight between the Paxton Boys and the Delaware tribe, and its outcome, suggested that

rural whites had become less willing to distinguish between friendly and unfriendly Indians.


seized forts in africa and indonejia, giving them control of south atlantic system

what happened when england arrived

seized land from na

eventually established colonies based primarily on agriculture

seventeeth and eighteenth century english colonization differed from the spanish, dutch, and french because england

With the exploration of Africa in the 1400s, Europeans soon developed new forms of


most epidemics in 15th-16th century






when did the indians set their fires?

spring and fall

led to the emergence of strict racial categories in colonial society

starting in the early 18th century, some southern british colonies adopted slave codes from barbados that

what old world crop introed by spanish most dramatically needed slaves


Urban police forces in the Reconstruction South enforced laws and

terrorized blacks

"That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each state to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of powers on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depends..." "That the normal condition of all the territory of the United States is that of freedom...and we deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legislature, or of any individuals, to give legal existence to Slavery in any Territory of the United States." Republican Party platform, 1860 Having campaigned with language like that in the statement above, Abraham Lincoln felt he couldn't support

the Crittenden Compromise.

What as the name of the group of religious settlers who founded the second permanent English colony in North America at Plymouth, Massachusetts?

the Pilgrims

The founding of St Augustine, Florida in 1565 by Menéndez de Avilés was prompted by -

the Spanish fear that the French colony of Fort Caroline near contemporary Jacksonville would be a religious, political, and commercial threat to Spain's control of the Americas.

The greatest constitutional challenge to federal authority faced by President Jackson while in office was

the assertion that judicial review and nullification of federal law could occur at the state level.

the difficulty of effectively enslaving native populations

the atlantic slave trade grew dramatically in the 18th century because of

What was the most devastating and deadly action undertaken by the immediate successors of Columbus in their interactions with American Indians?

the bringing of European diseases such as smallpox and measles and other diseases, of which the American Indians had no immunity

Spanish military occupation resulted in

the destruction of Indian culture

the fur trade

the most economically profitable commerce between european colonies in north america and native populations between the 16th and 18th centuries was based on

What late 15th century development set the stage for Spain being newly able to launch expeditions of discovery in the Atlantic?

the political, religious, and cultural unification of Spain led by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, culminating in 1492 with the Reconquista

The American System was designed

to promote infrastructure construction and protective tariffs.

What was the purpose of the Peace of Augsburg in 1555?

to resolve divisions between Catholics and Lutherans

france in 1530

traded with na

The KansasNebraska Act

unified moderate and radical abolitionists.

George Washington's Farewell Address

warned against the dangers of permanent foreign alliances.

The Trail of Tears

was a deadly forced march of Cherokees from Georgia to Oklahoma.

The South Atlantic System

was a production of trade that traded African-Americans to America and led to the expansion of slavery. It also led to the expansion of the culivation of sugar, rice, and tobacco. The system created the use of slaves and allowed farmers, merchants, and artists to maintain land. The system brought wealth and labor to the colonies.

In Cahokia and in most settled Native American cultures, the surplus farming of a variety of agricultural crops

was supplemented by men hunting animals to produce a rich supply of food to sustain a late community that included many who neither farmed nor hunted

By expanding voting rights for blacks and poor whites during Reconstruction, Republicans

were expanding their political support base in the South.

In 1832, Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the U.S. Nicholas Biddle's efforts to save the national bank

were undermined by the Andrew Jackson's and Roger Taney's efforts to deprive the bank of federal funds.

location close to monterey Bay, ""C" is

where Admiral Sloat declared California a possession of the U.S.A.


where colonists sought to replicate or at least approximate economies similar to those at home


which 18th century european nation's settlers most categorically rejected north american indiand culture and worlviews?

the great awakening

which 18th century religious movement in the british colonies most clearly signified growing religious independence, diversity, and uniqueness?

the iroquois

which american indiand confederation, reaching from the st. lawrence valley to the eastern great lakes, successfully resisted both native colonial challenges during the 18th century?


which british north american colony violently confronted the powhatan indians and justified their actions by their strong belief in their racial and cultural superiority?


which colony in the mid 17th century passed legislation protecting the rights of catholics to worship freely?


which mid atlantic british colony was noted for its promotion of religious freedom, good relations with local indians, and quaker idealism?

the alliances were shifting, complex, and fragile

which of the following best describes american indian alliances with north american colonies during the 17th and early 18th centuries?

the english

which of the following groups of colonial settlers largely avoided intermarriage or cross racial sexual unions with native populations?

salutary neglect

which of the following is not an example of england exerting a greater control over its north american colonies?

the southernmost atlantic colonies

which of the following regions had the longest growing seasons, primarily cultivated rice and indigo, and had a majority african slave population?

the atlantic world

which of the following terms best describes the maritime economic system of global exchange?

stono rebellion

which of the following was the largest slave rebellion in the british nort american colonies prior to the revolutionary war?

the middle colonies

which region of the british north american colonies nicknamed the bread colonies was the most ethnically, religiously, and demographically diverse?


which system employed by the Spanish advanced the goals of both converting american Indians to Christianity and exploiting their labor?

john winthrop

who, as governor of the massachusetts bay colony, claimed that puritans should establish a city upon a hill?

What restricted England and France in engaging in overseas exploration during the late 1300s and 1400s?

widespread destruction and death caused by war and plague

laissez-faire, or hands off

with the exception of the dominion of new england, british governmental oversight of the north america colonies prior to 1750 was

sextant technology revolutionized

—revolutionized navigation at sea and made possible new developments in European trade and exploration.

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