APUSH Chapter 7,8 learning curve

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Which of the following was likely a Federalist in the 1790s?

A Boston merchant

Why did the economies of Georgia and South Carolina boom in the 1790s?

A cotton boom stimulated the expansion of cotton plantations there.

Which idea did Thomas Jefferson support during George Washington's presidency?

A strict reading of the Constitution

Which candidate was prevented from becoming president after a tie with Thomas Jefferson in the electoral college in 1800?

Aaron Burr

Who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel and later became involved in a plan to arrange the secession of Louisiana from the Union, an act for which he was tried for treason but then acquitted?

Aaron Burr

The Rush-Bagot Treaty, negotiated by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams in 1817, addressed which issue?

American and British naval forces in the Great Lakes

How did the French Revolution affect the American economy?

American merchants profited handsomely from the war that resulted from it.

Why did slavery thrive in Mississippi and Alabama?

An expansion in cotton production

According to this map, what was the result of the Treaty of Paris (1783) and the Treaty of Greenville (1795)?

An increase in white westward expansion

Where did most American manufacturing in the early nineteenth century take place?

At home

Why did Britain impose a naval blockade on France in 1802?

Britain was at war with France and wanted to starve it into submission.

Which policy was consistent with Thomas Jefferson's vision for the nation's economic prosperity?

Cheap land from the public domain

Which of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton's proposals did Thomas Jefferson and James Madison object to on constitutional grounds?

Creation of a national bank

In Letters from an American Farmer (1782), St. Jean de Crèvecoeur praised the American people for what achievement?

Creation of a new social order that rejected elitist practices

Why did New England farmers become more dependent on the market in the early nineteenth century?

Farmers increasingly focused on raising livestock for sale of their by-products.

What group dominated the first government of the United States elected under the Constitution?


Based on the map, how many states in the union had eliminated slavery by the year 1800?

Five; the New England states of Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts

The Adams-Onís Treaty transferred which Spanish colony to the United States?


During the Second Great Awakening, many evangelical ministers copied the "practical preaching" techniques of what eighteenth-century revivalist?

George Whitefield

The cotton boom in the 1790s initially elevated the economies of which states?

Georgia and South Carolina

In 1798, black slaves seized freedom in which of the following countries?


Why did congressmen from Virginia and Maryland eventually agree to support Hamilton's plan that the national government assume the war debts of the states?

Hamilton agreed to build a permanent national capital along the Potomac River.

Which of the following caused two political factions to grow out of the Federalist party?

Hamilton's fiscal programs

Why did Thomas Jefferson set his democratic vision on a society of yeomen farm families?

He doubted that urban wage workers would ever have the political independence citizens needed.

How did Handsome Lake's religious revivals differ from other Native American belief systems?

He tried to combine Christian and Native American beliefs.

What did Alexander Hamilton want his financial program to accomplish?

He wanted to empower the central government by connecting its interests to those of the elite.

Why did Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton deliver reports on credit, a national bank, and on manufactures to Congress?

He wanted to ensure a strong national government and a healthy economy.

Why did President Jefferson ask the American minister in Paris to negotiate with Napoleon Bonaparte over the Louisiana Territory?

He wanted to purchase New Orleans to secure navigation rights on the Mississippi.

What statement assesses the Embargo Act of 1807?

Imaginative but naïve, it hurt Americans more than anyone else.

The Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery where?

In the Louisiana Territory north of latitude 36°30

What was an impact of the settlement of western lands in the late 1700s and early 1800s?

Increased productivity in the Northeast as farmers adopted new techniques

Why did Native Americans object to the Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolutionary War?

It gave their lands, without their consent, to the United States.

Why did Patrick Henry and others object to Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton's credit plan?

It would benefit only the wealthy.

Why did Alexander Hamilton advocate a declaration of war against France in 1800?

It would have boosted patriotism in the country and ensured the Federalists' reelection that year.

What was a factor in Thomas Jefferson's Republicans winning the election of 1800?

John Adams's administration had enacted the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Who negotiated a treaty with Britain in 1795 to end British attacks on U.S. shipping?

John Jay

What Federalist chief justice sat on the Supreme Court from 1801 through 1835 and shaped American law by advocating judicial supremacy, supremacy of national laws over state laws, and static property rights?

John Marshall

Which of the following states was admitted to the Union first?


The "general ideas of Liberty and Equality" caused what social phenomenon in America, according to one visiting Polish aristocrat?

Lack of respect for elders

What is evidence of the greater power enjoyed by women among eastern woodland Native American societies?

Land and cultivation rights were passed through the female line.

Which Indian leader, in the 1790s, led a confederation of Indian tribes throughout the Great Lakes region that defeated American forces?

Little Turtle

Why was the decision that Chief Justice John Marshall wrote in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) an important precedent for the constitutional authority of the Supreme Court of the United States?

Marshall asserted the Supreme Court's authority to interpret the Constitution.

Which area did the Creek Indians hold prior to 1820?

Most of Georgia

What does this engraving of an Indian log house tell us about Native American life in the early republic?

Native tribes readily adopted European practices that made sense for them.

Who were the Americans Niles charged with this division, and on what grounds?

New England Federalists who opposed the war, some of whom proposed secession

Who wrote the "blue-back speller" that attempted to standardize vocabulary and grammar for the American people?

Noah Webster

By 1800, the population density around St. Louis was comparable to the population density in what area?

North Carolina

What is Gabriel Prosser, an African American from Virginia, known for?

Planning a mass slave rebellion

Which advance in transportation was important to economic growth in the United States from about 1790 to 1810?

Roads and turnpikes

Which act, supported by Federalists, abridged the rights of free speech by prohibiting malicious criticism of the president or members of Congress?

Sedition Act

Which sect, founded in Great Britain, migrated to America with Mother Ann Lee in the 1770s, leading to the establishment of communities in several states?


Which trend characterized Thomas Jefferson's presidency?

Smaller government and a decrease in the national debt

What happened to the American banking system after the charter of the First Bank of the United States expired in 1811?

States chartered a growing number of banks to provide capital.

What did southerners fear after New York congressman James Tallmadge proposed to admit Missouri as a state only if it banned slavery?

That this was the first step toward the end of slavery

With whom did Thomas Jefferson go to war early on in his presidency?

The Barbary States of North Africa

Why did the United States officially declare war on Great Britain in 1812?

The British refused to alter their policy of ignoring American neutrality and continued the impressment of Americans.

Why did the first Congress of the United States have to pass the Judiciary Act of 1789?

The Constitution had mandated a Supreme Court but no national court system.

Sentimentalism was a reaction to which cultural legacy?

The Enlightenment

Which tribe was forced to surrender huge tracts of land to New York and Pennsylvania in the Treaty of Fort Stanwix in 1784?

The Iroquois

What important compromise was formed in Congress in 1820 over the spread of slavery?

The Missouri Compromise

What name was eventually given to the American policy declared by President James Monroe that opposed European colonization in the Western Hemisphere?

The Monroe Doctrine

What did the U.S. Supreme Court rule in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)?

The Second Bank of the United States was constitutional.

Where was support for the War of 1812 especially strong?

The South and West

Despite a defeat in the Battle of Fallen Timbers in northern Ohio, the Western Confederacy remained strong enough to forge which compromise?

The Treaty of Greenville

Which document set forth a "states' rights" interpretation of the U.S. Constitution?

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

What was the name of the diplomatic incident in which President John Adams charged that France had insulted America's honor by soliciting a loan and a bribe from American diplomats to stop the seizures of American merchant ships?

The XYZ Affair

Which of the following refers to the periodic expansion and contraction of production and employment inherent to a market economy?

The business cycle

What stimulated the expansion of demand for American cotton in the late 1700s?

The development of new machines for processing cotton

What was the outcome of the national government's new excise tax that pushed western Pennsylvania farmers toward rebellious protests in 1794?

The excise tax on spirits raised the price on corn whiskey.

Albert Gallatin, Jefferson's secretary of the treasury, believed what to be an "evil of the first magnitude"?

The national debt

During the early nineteenth century, American merchants recruited members of rural households to manufacture goods for the market using what system?

The outwork system

Why was the Whiskey Rebellion especially frightening to Federalists?

The rebels looked to the French Revolution for inspiration.

What was a consequence in the 1790s of the war in Europe that resulted from the French Revolution?

The war in Europe brought prosperity to American merchants.

Hamilton's multiple-part program to revive the finances of the United States involved the paying off of old government securities, the chartering of a national bank, and what action regarding state debts?

Their assumption by the federal government

What was the significance of the trip west by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark?

Their maps and journals provided valuable information.

Why did Thomas Jefferson object to Alexander Hamilton's fiscal programs?

They went beyond a strict interpretation of the Constitution.

Why did women get so involved in religious and charitable enterprises after 1800?

They were largely excluded from other public roles.

Why did the first Congress add ten amendments to the Constitution?

They were meant to protect individual rights from the national government.

Why did the British burn Washington, D.C., in 1814?

They were retaliating for the burning of the Canadian capital of York.

What power did Chief Justice John Marshall assert for the Supreme Court in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803)?

To declare an act of Congress unconstitutional

What impact did the Battle of New Orleans have on the United States?

Undercutting the Hartford Convention

Which national capitol was burned during the War of 1812?

Washington City

What immediately resulted from the signing of the Treaty of Greenville?

White migration to Ohio

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