APUSH Chapters 16-19

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What was Clay's stance on the annexation of Texas?

He wrote two confusing letters that said he favored annexing Texas and favored postponement

Who was the immortal trio?

Henry Clay Daniel Webster John C. Calhoun

Who were the candidates in the election of 1844?

Henry Clay (Whigs) James K. Polk (Democrats)

Elijah B. Lovejoy

Impugned the chastity of all catholic women Printing press destroyed and was killed in a mob The Martyr Abolitionist

Who was the Free Soil Party composed of?

Industrialists angry at Polk's reduction of protective tariffs Democrats resentful of Polk having part of OR but all of TX Northern hatred of blacks Conscience whigs

How did Tyler arrange annexation of Texas?

Instead of making it needed to have 2/3 of the Senate vote, he proposed annexation by joint resolution which only required a majority in both houses of Congress

Who did the southerners use as alternatives for slaves and why?

Irish for dangerous jobs because they weren't an investment like the blacks

Why did the public like popular sovereignty?

It accorded with self-determination Was a compromise between banning and protecting slavery Gave the choice to the people

Why was Cuba a good possibility for Southern slave expansion?

It already had a big population of enslaved blacks that might be carved into several states Spaniards wouldn't allow them to buy it

What were the results of the bloodhound bill?

It increased the number of antislaveryites The northerners increased the Underground Railroad MA tried to nullify it by making it illegal for a state official to enforce the new federal law, personal liberty laws

Why was the Fugitive Slave Law a blunder on the part of the South?

It made the North angry and made the South bitter that the North were ignoring the law

Why was the election of 1852 important?

It marked the end of the Whig party Started national parties Started sectional and political alignments

What effects did slavery have on womenhood?

It strained the bonds and shaped the lives of Southern women

What was the profit of slavery?

It was profitable for slavers but hobbled the economic development of the region as a whole

Where was the first transcontinental railroad?

It was through the Panamanian jungle from coast to coast

Who became president after William Henry Harrisons' death?

John Tyler

Treaty of 1818

Joint occupation

What did the Cotton Kingdom repel?

Large-scale European immigration which added to the manpower and wealth to the North

What party's did abolitionists support?

Liberty party Free Soil party Republican party

What profits did the North reap from the slave trade?

Load bales of cotton at Southern ports, transport them to England, sell it, and buy manufactured goods

Free Soil Party

Made by antislavery northerners angry at conspiracy of silence in the candidates' platforms For the Wilmot Proviso, against slavery Advocated federal aid for internal improvements and urged free government homesteads for settlers Condemned slavery for ruining the chances of white workers to self-employ because of competition with slave labor

What was the campaign of 1844 an expression of??

Manifest Destiny

What concessions were made to the South in the Compromise of 1850?

Mexican Cession area was formed into the territories of New Mexico and Utah which would be open to popular sovereignty Texas got $10 million from the federal government More stringent fugitive-slave law

Commodore Matthew C. Perry

Millard Fillmore dispatched a fleet of warships commanded by him Black ships steamed into Edo Bay which caused panic Requested free trade and friendly relations Came back a year later to get the answer and persuaded the Japanese to sign the treaty of Kanagawa

What were the only judicial rights blacks were given?

Minimal protection from arbitrary murder or unusually cruel punishment

What were the slaves' religious practices?

Mix of Christian and African elements Responsorial style of preaching

How did the economic structure of the South become?

Monopolistic Widened the gap even more

Was the gold rush profitable?

More for those who mined the miners Only the fortunate few struck gold

How was family life in slavery?

Most slaves were raised in 2 parents household They passed down names Avoided marraige between first cousins

Oregon fever

Motivated pioneers to migrate there

Who were many of the free blacks in the south?

Mulattoes Blacks who had purchased their freedom with earnings from labor after hours

Where was a sizable mulattoe community?

New Orleans

What did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo spark?

New political warfare over the slavery issue

How many adult slaves were illiterate at the start of the Civil War?


Were slavers usually found guilty and put to death?

No; aquitted

Which section was more prejudice against blacks?


What did cotton have to do with the possibility that war would break out in the North or South?

Northern warships could cut off the outflow of cotton and British factories and economic life would suffer, they would break the blockade, and the South would win

What was General Zachary Taylor known as?

Old Rough and Ready

What kind of government did the South basically have before the civil war?


Aroostook War

People from Maine and Canada went into no-man's land of the Aroostook River Valley Small-scale lumberjack clash

What was the government in the South influenced by?

Planter aristocracy

What was regarded by Tyler as a mandate to acquire Texas?

Polk's election

What were nicknames for the poor nonslaveholding whites?

Poor White Trash Hillbillies Crackers Clay eaters

What was Winfield Scott's platform?

Praised the Compromise of 1850 as a lasting arrangement but weren't as enthusiastic as the Democrats

What role did Henry Clay play in the convention of 1850?

Proposed and defended a series of compromises Urged that the North and South make concessions and the North make a more strict fugitive-slave law

Treaty of Kanagawa

Provided for proper treatment of shipwrecked sailors, American coaling rights in Japan, and the establishment of consular relations Cracked open Japanese isolationism

General Winfield Scott

Pushed inland from Vera Cruz "Old Fuss and Feathers" from War of 1812 The most distinguished general

What did much of the agitation in the North against slavery come from?

Race prejudice, not humanitarianism

William Lloyd Garrison

Reformer that published the Liberator Triggered a 30-yr war of words and led to the Civil War More interested in himself and sectionalism Burned a copy of the constitution

Gag Resolution

Required all antislavery appeals to be settled without debate John Quincy Adams led a fight for its repeal

What were the results of the planter aristocracy in the South?

Rich got better education and felt an obligation to serve the public and the gap between the rich and the poor widened

Who were some Mexican War generals that gained experience that would later help them in the Civil War

Robert E. Lee Ulysses Grant

Harriet Tubman

Runaway conductor on the Underground Railroad Rescued more than 300 slaves "Moses"

Caleb Cushing

Sent by John Tyler to secure comparable concessions for the United States

Nicholas P. Trist

Sent by Polk with Scott's invading army Arranged for an armistice with Santa Anna, who pocketed the money and built their defense Was told to come home by polk but wrote a letter and wouldn't Signed Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

What were the two filibustering expeditions?

Several hundred armed men descended upon Cuba, both failed

What was a mistress of a great plantation like?

She commanded a sizable household staff of mostly female slaves and had cooks, maids, seamstresses, laundresses, and body servants

Treaty of Wanghia

Signed by China First formal diplomatic agreement between the United States and China US got most favored nation status, extraterritoriality said that Americans accused of crimes in China should go before American officials Allowed American trade with China to flourish and opened opportunity for American missionaries

What did Millard Fillmore do for the compromise?

Signed the series of compromise measures that passed Congress

What was the primary form of wealth in the South?


How did the slaves rebel against their enslavement?

Slowed their work making a myth of laziness Sabotaged expensive equipment Poisoned their masters' food

How big was the Mexican War?

Small More Americans lost by disease than fighting

Which economic group had the most people that owned slaves?

Smaller slaveowners

How was breeding encouraged?

Some fertile females were freed after having ten kids and white masters would force themselves on their female slaves

How did some of the blacks feel about being sent back to Africa?

Some of them didn't want to go back once they had been Americanized

What was the Black Belt of the South?

South Carolina and Georgia to Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana that slaves were most concentrated Where Cotton Kingdom had grown so quickly

Who had claimed Oregon Country at one time or another?

Spain, Russia, Britain, and the US

William H. Seward

Spokesman for younger northern radicals Came out against concession Argued that Christians must obey God's moral and manmade laws Appealed to a "higher law" than the constitution

How was slave life along the Mississippi River and what resulted from it?

Stable African American Slave Culture

What was Sir Walter Scott accused of?

Starting the civil war

Who supported Clay?

Stephen A. Douglas

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

Stipulated that neither America or Britain would seek control over any future isthmian waterway

Wilmot Priviso

Stipulated that slavery should never exist in any of the territory to be taken from Mexico Never became a federal law, but was endorsed by most of the legislatures of the free states Symbolized the issue of slavery in the territories

The Bloodhound Bill

Stirred up opposition in the North The new fugitive-slave law The fleeing slaves couldn't testify for themselves and were denied a jury trial The commissioner who got the case of a fugitive would get five bucks if the runaway were freed and ten if they weren't

What did non-slaveowning whites do?

Subsistence farm and raise corn and hogs, not cotton, and often lived isolated lives, punctuated periodically by extended socializing and sermonizing at religious camp meetings

How did Tyler react of the proposed Whig tariff?

Tariff provided for a distribution among the states of revenue from the sale of public lands in the West Tyler didn't want to waste the federal money so he vetoed it

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act contradict?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 which forbade slavery in the Nebraska Territory

Who benefitted most from slavery?

The North

Why were the Southerners angry about DC?

The North wanted abolition of slavery, which was in between slave-holding Maryland and Virginia

Who held the majority of Southern wealth?

The Planters

What did the Free Soil Party foreshadow?

The Republican party

What was the most Anglo-Saxon part of the nation?

The South

Who produced over half of the world's supply of cotton?

The South

What made the United States a pacific power?

The acquisition of California and Oregon

What was a leading issue in the presidential campain of 1844?

The annexation of Texas

How did the Mexican War help the army expansion?

The campaigns provided field experience for officers that'd become leading generals, the Military Academy at West Point proved helpful, a new academy at Anaapolis was established, and the Marine Corps got new recognition

What did quick cotton profits lead to?

excessive cultivation and land butchery which caused leakage of population to the west and north

What did Polk proposed as the boundary of Oregon?

line of 49

Who got the better deal in the Compromise of 1850?

the North

Who owned the majority of the slaves?

The large plantation owners

What was slavery often refered to?

The peculiar institution

How did slavery keep rising after the slave trade was abolished?

The price of black ivory was so high that people smuggled them and by natural reproduction

What did the treaty guaruntee?

The right of transit as long as neutrality is remained. Led to construction of the first transcontinental railroad

Ostend Manifesto

The secretary of state told the American ministers in Spain, England, and France to prepare for acquisition of Cuba They met in Ostend, Belgium and drew up this dispatch Urged administration to offer $120 million for Cuba first

What was the Whigs' great contribution?

To help uphold the ideal of the Union through their electoral strength in the South and through leaders like Henry Clay and Daniel Webster

General Zachary Taylor

Went across Mexico to Buena Vista, was attacked by Mexican troops, and became the Hero of Buena Vista

Manifest Destiny

When citizens in the 1840s and 1850s believed that God had manifestly destined the american people for a hemispheric career to spread their democratic institutions over the world

What was the Second Ear of Good Feelings?

When talk of secession stopped and North and South thought the compromises should be a finality and that slavery should be buried

What was slavery's greatest psychological horror?

When the families of slaves were broken up at slave auctions

What were the two parties?

Whigs and Democrats

Who were the mountain whites?

Whites in the values of the Appalachian range that stretched from Virginia to Georgia and Alabama Lived in spartan frontier conditions and were a living ancestry Had little in common with the whites and hated them and their gang of blacks Played role in crippling the confederacy Attached to the Union Party

What did Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin make possible?

Wide-scale cultivation of short-staple cotton, making it the dominant crop, demanding labor

Who did the Whigs nominate?

Winfield Scott

What were the candidates mudslinged for?

Winfield Scott--pompous Franklin Pierce--alcohol problems

Capt. John C. Fremont

Won California

Who won the election?

Zachary Taylor

Who was the Whig candidate in the election of 1848?

Zachary Taylor "Hero of Buena Vista" Should've been Henry Clay but he couldn't win Dodged troublesome issues

What good did the South have?

Zachary Taylor Majority in the cabinet and on the Supreme Court Cotton was profitable

Franklin Pierce

"Fainting General" in the Mexican War Platform revived Democrats' commitment to territorial expansion and endorsed the Compromise of 1850

What did President Taylor urge in California to help the crime issue?

A constitution excluding slavery that applied to Congress for admission

What were Texans forced to maintain?

A costly military establishment Made treaties with France, Holland, and Belgium for protection

Sir Walter Scott

A favorite author of elite southerners whose manors and castles helped idealize a feudal society

What did Stephen A Douglas propose?

A legislative scheme that'd enlist the support of the South Nebraska would be sliced into Kansas and Nebraska Slavery decided by popular sovereignty So Kansas would probably become slave and Nebraska would probably come state

What were the parts of Polk's four-point program?

A lowered tariff The restoration of an independent treasury The acquisition of California The settlement of the Oregon dispute

What did cotton dominance lead to?

A one-crop economy

What were southerners demanding?

A stricter fugitive slave law

What was the platform of the Whigs when they won the presidency?

A strongly nationalistic program that included finanacial reform

How were the free blacks in the South?

A third race Didn't have same rights as whites Vulnerable of being captured as slaves Unpopular in the North Hated by Irish immigrants

What did the Southern aristocrats strive to perpetuate?

A type of medievalism

Frederick Douglass

Abolitionist and self-educated orator Escaped from slavery and gave a speech Beaten often Wrote autobiography

American Anti-Slavery Society

Abolitionist group

Theodore Dwight Weld

Abolitionist that traveled across the Old Northwest to speak Wrote American Slavery As It Is--propoganda against slavery

What did the delay of the conflict do?

Add to the moral strength of the North

Black Warrior

American steamer seized on a technicality which gave Pierce the opportunity to provoke a war with Spain and get Cuba

The Caroline

An American steamer that was carrying supplies to the insurgents across the swift Niagara River was atttacked on the NY shore by the British and set on fire McLeod was bragging about his part in the raid so he was arrested to be executed--his execution would mean war

William Walker

An adventurer that wanted control of Nicaragua for slave territory He made himself president and legalized slavery Was overthrown by Central American nations

What resulted from the gold rush?

An outburst of crime in California from miscreants and outcasts

Who really planned to run the presidency when William Henry Harrison was present?

Daniel Webster and Henry Clay

What was Polk nicknamed?

Dark Horse Young Hickory

Who were some black abolitionists?

David Walker--wrote book about end to white supremacy Sojourner Truth--fought for black emancipation and womens' rights Martin Delaney--recolonization

What happened in the assemblage of Southern extremists in Nashville?

Delegates took position favoring slavery but against the compromise measures

Lewis Cass

Democratic candidate in election of 1848 Popular sovereignty

How were the two political paerties an important bond of national unity?

Because both of them have support in the North and South and if they were replaced by sectional groupings, the Union would desolve

Why was Britain interested in Texas?

Because it would threaten America and create a diversion while they challenged the Monroe Doctrine by moving into the Americas Because they wanted fragmentation and militarization of America They could make the South mad if they could free some blacks there It was an important free-trade area Was great for producing cotton

Why were Americans bitter toward the British?

Because of the 2 Anglo-American Wars The Federalists that were pro-British died out British travelers criticized Americans War of Words

Why was German and Irish immigration to the South discouraged?

Because of the competition of slave labor, high cost of fertile land, and European ignorance of cotton growing

Why was the old fugitive slave law ineffective?

Because other state authorities wouldn't cooperate

Why did the abolitionist movement grow in the 1830s?

Because the British unchained the slaves in the West Indies The Second Great Awakening had opened eyes to horror of slavery

Why did another chunk of Mexico seem desirable?

Because the campaigns of the recent war showed that the best railway route ran slightly south of the Mexican Border

Why was the new tariff bill passed?

Because they sized down the rates and Tyler realized he needed additional revenue

What was the no-man's land?

Between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande

Lord Ashburton

Was sent by the London Foreign Office to Washington Professional diplomat Married American woman Established good relations with Daniel Webster and the two compromised on the Maine dispute

Webster's Seventh of March Speech

Webster's best speech Turned the North toward compromise Printed a lot

What were people along the border of Oregon and coming into the Country?

Border ruffians that have knives and pistols

What was the leading industrial power?


Who was really fighting over Oregon Country?

Britain and America

What made New Grenada and the United States need the treaty of 1848?

British encroachment

Why did the United States have trouble getting involved with Asia?

British got free access to five ports and control of Hong Kong


British officials in the Bahamas offered asylum to 130 Virginia slaves who had rebelled and captured the American ship

How much was America increased in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

By 1/3

How was the cause of concession helped?

By president Taylors death, allowing his Vice President Millard Fillmore to come into office

What concessions were made the North in the Compromise of 1850?

California as a free state Territory disputed in Texas surrendered to New Mexico Abolition of the slave trade in DC

Why did the North get the better deal?

California tipped the balance in the Senate, the higher law urged the popular sovereignty areas against slavery, there was no new possible slave territory, the South didn't really get enough for what they lost in Texas, the abolition of the slave trade was just a stepping stone in DC

What were American claims to Oregon Country?

Capt. Robert Gray found the Columbia River Lewis and Clark Expedition ranged through it Prescense of missionaries and other settlers

The Gadsden Purchase

Ceded to the United States the purchase for $10 million Approved Allowed the South to claim the railroad

What avoided a confrontation with Britain?

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

What accounted for half the value of all American exports after 1840?


What was Britains leading product?

Cotton cloth

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Ended the Mexican War Gave America Texas, the area stretching westward to Oregon, and the ocean embracing California Got 1/2 of Mexico in all $15 million for land and assume debts of citizens with 3,250,000

What were camels proposed as a cure to?

Feasible land transportation Several were shipped but Americans couldn't get used to them and they were temperamental

What was the blacks' incentive for labor?


The American Colonization Society

Founded to transport blacks back to Africa Liberia was founded for former slaves

Who did the Democrats nominate for the election of 1852?

Franklin Pierce Dark Horse #2

What did Pollk hope for in his quest for California?

He hoped to fight the war on a limited scale and then pull out when he had captured the prize

What did Abraham Lincoln think about Jimmy Polk's War?

He opposed it and demanded to know the exact spot where the American blood had been shed Spot resolution

What did Polk do to force a showdown over California?

He ordered 4000 men under Gen. Zachary Taylor to march into no-man's land near Mexican forces

What did Santa Anna deceivingly do?

He said that if the American blockading squadron would let him slip into Mexico from exile he'd sell out his country, but instead joined forces and led them

What was Tylers viewpoint and actions about the bank?

He signed a law ending the independent treasury system Vetoed plan for a fiscal bank Vetoed plan for a fiscal corporation

How did Mexico regard Texas?

As a province in revolt

Underground Railroad

Assisted runaway slaves North Chain of antislavery homes that runaway slaves were kept in by abolitionists from the slave states to Canada

Who ran and who won the election of 1844?

Democrats--James Polk Whigs--Henry Clay James K. Polk won

Personal liberty laws

Denied local jails to federal officials and otherwise hampered enforcement

The Walker Tariff

Devised by Robert Walker, his secretary of state, a tariff-for-revenue bill that reduced rates of Tariff of 1842 Excellent revenue producers because it was followed by boom times and heavy imports

What did Polk do, desperate to gain California?

Dispatch John Slidell to Mexico City as a minister and was told to offer max. $25 million for california. But Mexicans wouldn't cooperate

When did abolition first stir?

During the Revolution, especially with the Quakers

What was the question of boundaries in Texas between Mexico and the US?

During the Spanish occupation, the Nueces River had been the southwestern boundary but the Texans were claiming the Rio Grande instead

What did the controversy over free people endanger?

Free speech in the whole country

Who established the academy at Annapolis?

George Bancroft

Who was beneath the slaveowners on the population pyramid?

Great body of whites that owned no slaves

Denmark Vesey

He and almost thirty followers were publicly strung from the gallows when he led a rebellion in Charleston

What role did John C. Calhoun play in the convention of 1850?

He approved the purpose of what Clay proposed, but he didn't think it provided safeguards for southern rights Wanted to leave slavery alone, return runaway slaes, give the South its rights, and restore political balance Had the idea of electing 2 sectional presidents with a veto

What was Tyler's party?

He didn't really have one. He was a whig but only because he was a democratic jacksonian and hated jackson

How did Pierce feel about the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

He fully supported it

What dominated American diplomacy and politics?

Territorial expanision

What gave Southern leaders a sense of power?

That Britain was tied to them because of cotton

What was the compromise over the Maine boundary?

The Americans got more of the land in dispute But the British got the Halifax-Quebec route The British surrendered a lot of land

Who opposed the Mexican War?

The Conscience Whigs

Who was angry at Webster?

The Free-Soilers and abolitionists thought of him as a traitor

What were the problems with a railroad to the Pacific Coast?

The cost would be a lot and whichever section it was in would reap rewards

Who opposed the Traty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The expansionists influenced by Manifest Destiny that wanted all of Mexico

What was a down-side to the slavery and cotton in the South?

The financial instability of the plantation system

Who was opposed to concessions?

The fire-eaters of the South

What did Southern whites resent?

The flooding of their mail with abolitionist books

Why was the Whig party bound to lose?

They were split between antislavery of the north and slavery of the South and the Free Soil party John Hale distracted Whig votes that would've gone to him

What was the South worried about?

The tipping political balance that could destroy equilibrium in the Senate that was threatened by the admission of California Potential slave territory running short

What reinvigorated the spirit of Manifest Destiny?

The victory in the Mexican War and the discovery of gold in California

How was Tyler treated by the Whigs?

They called him his accidency They kicked him out of the Whig party And they tried to impeach him His entire cabinet quit

What were British claims to Oregon Country?

They discovered and explored it, especially with Hudson Bay Company in the fur trade

Why did the whites that didn't own slaves defend the slave system?

They had "American Dream" hope of having a slave or two and of getting richer and liked how they were superior over at least the slaves

How did the proslavery whites defend it?

They said that it was supported by the authority of the Bible and the wisdom of Aristotle It was good for the Africans Religion was encouraged Master and slaves were a family They treated their slaves better than factory workers in the North were treated

Why were antislavery northerners angry after the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

They thought it was an act of bad faith All future conflict with the South would be more difficult

What was the conflict between Texas and the government?

They wanted to detatch the area of TX east of the Rio Grande and north the the 42nd parallel

What did Polk want to ask Congress to declare war because of?

Unpaid Claims Slidell's rejection

What role did Daniel Webster play in the convention of 1850?

Upheld Clay's compromise measures in a three hour effort Urged reasonable concessions to the south like a new fugitive-slave law Said there was no need to legislate slavery

What was strange about Polk giving money to Mexico after he won the war?

Usually victors don't pay who they beat when a conflict was forced Americans probably felt guilty

Who was the Free Soil Party's candidate?

Van Buren

What action did Taylor have in the compromise of 1850?

Vetoed any compromise passed by Congress

Nat Turner

Visionary black preacher that led an uprising that slaughtered about sixty Virginians Made hysteria 1831

What did success in China inspire?

Wanting to go to Japan

What did James Gadsden do?

Was appointed minister to Mexico Negotiated the Gadsden Purchase

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