APUSH: Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam, Nixon

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24th Amendment

1964 Poll tax abolished Congress has the power to enforce this via legislation

25th Amendment

1967 • If the president dies, resigns, or is impeached, the VP will become president. • If the VP office is vacant, the president will nominate a VP, who will take office after a majority vote in House and Senate. • If the president is disabled, the VP will serve for him • This is how Ford becomes VP, after Spiro Agnew resigns and then Ford appoints Nelson Rockefeller as VP this way after Ford becomes POTUS when Nixon resigns - first time in American history having a president and VP not being elected by anybody

26th Amendment

1971 Lowed the voting age from 21 to 18


Committee to Re-Elect the President


Getting the South Vietnamese to take over the fighting with American support with guns, etc. and gradually withdrawing the American troops

Nixon took advantage of the turmoil in 1968 to run a successful presidential campaign. Explain, offering specifics.

He promoted his "peace with honor" "secret plan to end the war"


National Organization for Women

Fannie Lou Hamer

Spoke for MFDP, but was cut off by LBJ on air

It seems clear that anti-war movement both "won" and "lost" the same people at the same time. Explain.

They got people's attentions and opened up people to the bad side of the war but they also did really unlikable things which turned a lot of people away from anything else they might want to do, like going beyond that and changing the structure of the country

Eugene McCarthy

• "Upsets" LBJ in New Hampshire Primary • McCarthy enters the primary as a single ticket candidate with the war • Doesn't win but he comes so close to a sitting presidency and it shows that if LBJ continued to run and be elected, it would split the party • Leads to LBJ dropping out of 1968 Election

Little Rock Nine

• 1957 • Governor Faubus sent the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine Black students from entering Little Rock Central High School • After frantic calls from the mayor, Eisenhower reluctantly sent in U.S. paratroopers to ensure the students could attend class, said it was only to maintain law and order • First time since 1870 that federal troops were sent South to protect rights of African American • MLK now said Eisenhower had support of black and white southerners

Christmas Bombing

• 1972 • US dropped 100,000 bombs on North Vietnam over the course of 11 days • The heaviest bombing of the war. Heavy civilian causalities • Effort to get North Vietnam to come back to the peace table

Khmer Rouge

• 1973 - communist insurgency succeeds in overthrowing the gov in Cambodia • Led by group called Khmer Rouge • Leader was Pol Pot • Decide to purge Cambodia of western influences ○ Emptied the capital in 36 hours ○ Set up the killing fields - genocide ○ Nobody did anything about it

Connection between WWII and the rise of the civil rights movement

• African Americans go in and fight a war against Naziism which is a racial philosophy • Come home and go back into a society where they are racially oppressed • A Philip Randolph with the March on Washington • Double V Campaign • NAACP, etc.

Cuban Missile Crisis

• After US discovered Soviet was building nuclear missiles in Cuba to defend against US, JFK was outraged • Ordered a naval blockade of Cuba, a "quarantine" • 13 days where Soviet ships stared at us at the quarantine line • The closest we were going to nuclear war - could've escalated into WWIII • The ships turned away because the Soviet was so far behind in terms of atomic nuclear technology that there was no way they could've withstood nuclear war with US • Soviet says they'll leave if JFK publicly says they won't attack Castro, and also if they take the missiles out of Turkey • Bobby Kennedy says, why don't we just answer the first message as if we didn't see the second • Couldn't make it seem like a trade-off • They publicize this even though it scared a TON of people and cued a new wave of bomb shelter building to use this opportunity to show Kennedy was tough

Geneva Accords

• After the defeat, there's a conference • Decided that Vietnam would be divided at 17th parallel • North - Viet Minh Communists and Ho Chi Minh • South - French, but eventually Ngo Dinh Diem ends up being president of South Vietnam • The idea is that elections would be in two years to reunify country • US finds out that Ho Chi Minh would win, so the elections are never here • Viet Cong - National Liberation League arises against Ngo Dinh Diem in the south • End up getting support of Viet Minh • Ngo Dinh Diem refuses the pleading of US to get reform • America's beginning involvement in Vietnam

My Lai Massacre

• American troops slaughtered children • Like Wounded Knee • Killed villagers bc the tension was too much and they broke • Showed pressure of the war making even Americans snap and commit horrendous acts

Earl Warren

• Appointed as Chief Justice under Eisenhower • Brown v. Board of Education • Segregation is bad • Warren Court - hugely important, transformed American law system • Gideon v. Wainwright ○ Everyone has right to legal counsel • Escobedo ○ If you can't afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you • Miranda v. Arizona ○ Miranda rights - have to be read your rights immediately after arrest

Rosa Parks

• Arrested when she refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white man • Her actions started the Montgomery Bus Boycott

What were Nixon's main motivations for ending the Vietnam War and what does it mean that he "widened the war in order to end it"? What was the "cost" of widening the war?

• As soon as he's elected president, he's thinking about reelection and he wants to win by a huge margin too • So he knows he has to do something, bc of politics as well as people were going crazy w radical anti-war protests so he has to deal with it • Expanding war to get out of it: • Invade neutral Cambodia • Christmas bombing • Cost: huge casualties

In the early/mid 1960's as the Civil Rights movement and its non-violent, direct action tactics won two great legislative victories, the Black Power movement was born. Why/how did both happen at the same time?

• At the same time that the non-violent Civil Rights movement was winning 2 great legislative victories, Black Power was born as a result of the frustration with too little, too late • Gov was taking too long to give them their rights • Getting tired of it, so they got more radical

George Wallace

• Blocks desegregation of University of Alabama • Promises to stand in doorway and block black students from registering • Deal between Kennedy administration and Wallace • Had already registered the student but Wallace agreed no violence and was allowed to play out a little game in front of everyone • Runs as independent in the 1968 Election and won 13% of popular vote • Runs again in 1972 and was shot during the Maryland primary, paralyzed for rest of life, just before that he had won the Michigan Democratic party • Democratic party was crazy

"with all deliberate speed"

• Brown v. Board - segregation unconstitutional • But only ordered that the states end segregation with "all deliberate speed" - no time table • Vagueness gave segregationists the opportunity to organize resistance

Ho Chi Minh cheer

• Cheer of radical anti-war protests • "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh! The NLF is going to win!" ○ National Liberation Front - Viet Cong • Hawken Field Hockey version: "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh! Hawken School is going to win!"

Role of TV in the following: a. Civil Rights movement b. Vietnam c. Anti-War Protests

• Civil Rights Movement: • Publicity of movements, encouraged people to join • Captured the ugly of the other side and showed the whole country • Vietnam • Watched what was happening in the war contradict was the administration was telling them • Anti-war protests • Open up the middle class to why people were against the war • Also showed some of the unflattering things they did which turned people away

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

• LBJ says 2 American destroyers were attacked by North Vietnamese ships in international waters • The attack wasn't what they made it to be • The Tonkin Gulf Resolution had been written months before and were looking for a reason to pass it • Like Polk w Mexico in 1846 looking for an excuse • Used as unofficial declaration of war, brings to Congress and only 2 people vote against it, starts Vietnam

"guns and butter spending"

• LBJ spending on both the war and social programs • Fiscal crisis, deficit spending because of LBJ's war and Great Society programs

Great Society main programs

• LBJ's social programs • VISTA ○ Volunteers in Service to America • Urban renewal • Head Start ○ Preschool program for disadvantaged youth • Medicare ○ Medical aid for old people • Medicaid ○ Medical aid for the poor • Elementary and Secondary education • Immigration Act ○ Getting rid of quotas • Voting Rights Act • Civil Rights Act of 1968 ○ Housing - couldn't segregate neighborhoods

Pentagon Papers

• Leaked by Daniel Ellsberg • Showed that the Johnson administration had systematically lied to the Americans about events leading up to Vietnam • Caused distrust of government

Eugene "Bull" Connor

• Led Birmingham police • Allowed them to use fire hoses and police dogs - police brutality against blacks • Caught on TV • Drew in more support for civil rights movement

Betty Friedan (The Feminine Mystique)

• Led mainstream of women's movement • Said women were getting brainwashed • Wanted women to challenge the status quo of domesticity

Enemies List

• List Nixon kept of people who openly talked out against him • Wanted to get revenge politically

house slaves v. field slaves

• Malcom X making an analogy • House slaves = the Uncle Toms, those that the white people used to keep other slaves in check • Criticizing MLK and other peaceful leaders by saying they are house slaves • Saying being nonviolent is just doing what the whites want them to do

Miranda v. Arizona

• Miranda rights - you must have your rights read to you immediately after arrest


• Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party • Mostly, though not exclusively, African American • Challenge regular segregationist Democratic party for the Democratic spot in the Democratic Party Convention in Atlantic City • Fannie Lou Hamer cut off by LBJ bc he was threatened • Compromise: § MFDP had 2 seated delegates § MDP had to desegregate their party and promise to support LBJ in election § Neither side liked it • Got publicity and sentiment, but another instance of simply being rejected • Many people who were a part of this came away from this thinking that they worked within the system and got rejected, so it isn't worth playing fair in the system - radical sentiment arises

Mamie Till

• Mother of Emmett Till • Insisted on open casket service so everyone could see what was done

Freedom of Information Act

• Newsmen - anybody to petition the government to try and get the government documents released • Easier to ask for things and to try to get that stuff released faster

wage and price freeze

• Nixon orders a wage and price freeze to try to cool off the stagflation of the economy • Only president in US history to use this authority • But it didn't really have much of an effect

Revenue Sharing

• Nixon's idea of reducing presence of federal government in the lives of people • Reduce action of federal gov to turn over more responsibility to the state • Federal gov takes money used for food stamps, welfare, etc. and turn it over to the states and implement policies as they see fit, but still take the taxes etc.

ping pong diplomacy

• Normalizing relations with the people's republic of China • Starts with Nixon ○ Send out ping pong team over ○ Cultural exchanges • First we recognize Two China policy - China and Taiwan • 1970s - US recognizes People's Republic of China

Le Duc Tho

• North Vietnamese rep who negotiated w Kissinger for peace • Refused the Nobel Peace Prize when awarded jointly w Kissinger in 1973 bc he didn't think the war was over

Apollo Project

• One of JFK's achievements • NASA initiative to send man to the moon

Bay of Pigs

• Operation Trinidad - invasion of Cuba by anti-Castro Cubans in Guatemala that had been trained by CIA in Eisenhower administration • CIA thought it would be successful in inspiring Cubans to rebel against Castro and communist regime - convinced JFK to get on board • In reality, had very little chance of succeeding • April 17, 1961 - force landed at Bay of Pigs • Defeated in 2 days, 1,100 men captured • Terrible mistake and embarrassing experience for JFK, made him look super weak


• Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries • Refuses to sell oil to US after supporting Israel in the Yom Kippur War • After it begins reselling, they limit production so prices go super high • The auto industry begins to fall apart with gas-hog cars - more fuel efficient foreign models begin to cut deeply into car sales in the US --> collateral impact in the US on those industries which feed automotive industry (i.e. steel) Domino effect • Inflation

Peace Corps

• Part of JFK's New Frontier vision • Federal agency created by President Kennedy in 1961 to promote voluntary service by Americans in foreign countries • Not with military work • Trying to win friends and allies

James Meredith

• People from all over Mississippi protest his admission to Ole Miss • Governor doesn't do anything, so JFK finally sends troop to restore order on campus • Sign that JFK is beginning to slowly go into the civil rights movement • Got shot during a march for voting rights, and the Black Power movement was born during a march that was continuing the mark he was in

credibility gap

• People hearing what the administration was saying about the war and watching what was going on TV about the war • Broad middle class began to question the war - images they were seeing were conflicting with what they were being told • TET Offensive (1968) - people were being told that the war was about to end but massive attacks in South Vietnam


• Price is increasing (inflation) as unemployment is increasing (recession) • Traditional economic ways to address this don't work • So you have to pick what you're going to fight: middle/upper want to tackle inflation, lower wants to tackle unemployment • But nothing works bc you're all over the place

Barry Goldwater

• Ran against Johnson in 1964 Election • Far-right wing conservative Republican • Talked very loosely about nuclear weapons, super tough on communism • Johnson used "Daisy's spot" commercial to attack Goldwater, saying he would start nuclear war

Bakke Case

• Regents of the University of California v. Bakke • Imposed limitations on affirmative action to prevent "reverse discrimination" • Involved the University of Calif., Davis, Medical School and Allan Bakke, a white applicant who was rejected twice even though there were minority applicants admitted with significantly lower scores than his • Restricted affirmative action - no quotas • Celebrated by Nixon to please the conservatives

Ngo Dinh Diem

• Ruler of south Vietnam who wouldn't reform • Both the Eisenhower and the Kennedy administration attempted to get him to change his policies to make reforms: to make land reforms and to not have his family be in all the positions of government • Monks burned themselves on the street - embarrassment for the U.S. that the monks were willing to burn themselves in the middle of the street - decided that he had to be replaced • His own generals killed him - he was assassinated • Made it tough on Kennedy who was involved • Never abandoned him because we didn't want a communist leader

Voting Rights Act of 1965

• Signed by LBJ • Stop any barriers that prevent African Americans from their right to vote under the 15th amendment


• Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) • Organization formed by MLK in 1957 • Aimed to mobilize the vast power of the black churches on behalf of black rights • Trained and tested African Americans for ability to remain calm so they could participate nonviolently in marches and "sit ins"


• Strategic Arms Limitation Talks • Signed by Nixon and Brezhnev • both sides began to reduce a specific class of nuclear weapons • Reducing arms


• Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee • Freedom Summer


• Students for a Democratic Society • Student Movement - New Left • Participatory democracy - everyone decides everything so they never had anything unifying and ended up breaking up into different groups • Political radical movement of period, along with FSM

The collective significance of the four major Civil Rights events in the 1950's in terms of the emergence of new leaders, new organizations and new strategies. Why was gaining presidential support so critical to the movement?

• Emmett Till Case: ○ Heroes: Mamie Till and Moses Wright ○ Publicity within the black community ○ Such brutality that many people were willing to come forward and put themselves on the line for civil rights • Brown v. Board ○ Warren Court ○ Civil Rights movement has ally in the federal courts • Montgomery Bus Boycott ○ Mass action strategy - nonviolent direct action ○ Grass roots campaign ○ Key Player: Rosa Parks and MLK ○ But real heroes were everyone who boycotted the buses ○ Importance of federal courts siding w the movement - psychological victory ○ New organization: SCLC ○ Press coverage shows ugly of the other side • Little Rock ○ Importance of judiciary ○ Heroes were the 9 students ○ President Eisenhower finally sends federal troops, finally direct executive action ○ Court and presidential action Gaining presidential support is critical bc it gave the movement credibility and needed executive support to gain rights

Henry Kissinger and Paris Peace Accords

• Ended Vietnam War • Kissinger is awarded Nobel Peace Prize


• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • People started to realize that natural resources were limited and increasingly expensive • Mass effort to start environmental protection, so Nixon reluctantly fell along with what the people wanted • Created by Nixon's executive order in 1970

Gideon v. Wainwright

• Everyone has right to legal counsel

Thurgood Marshall

• First African American justice • Key player in Brown v. Board

Cheney, Schwerner & Goodman

• Freedom Summer volunteers who were murdered • Cheney - African American from Mississippi • Schwerner - Detroit • Goodman - New York • Klan attempted to scare the civil rights workers out • Had the opposite effect - brought more people to the south

Dien Bien Phu

• French attack Dien Bien Phu, thinking they can beat the Viet Minh fighters • The Viet Minh have such a fortitude and strength and determination that they are able to defeat French • The French want US to help intervene and relieve pressure, but we say no, not unless other allies help, which they don't, so we let them lose

Be able to explain several major causes of the inner-city rebellions, 1965-1967

• Frustration and Racism • Great Society Expectations • role of television • what we will never have • everybody pretty much has a TV so people living in poverty see all this stuff they'll never have • backlash • the Hough Riots - Cleveland

Disneyland Mafia

• H.R. Halderman and John Ehrlichman • Blind obedience to Nixon

Why did LBJ feel the need initially to send combat troops to Vietnam? How did a likely Goldwater candidacy in 1964 affect LBJ's decision on Vietnam? Once troops were committed, what made it difficult to change course?

• He felt he needed to initially send troops to Vietnam bc he needed to show he was tough on communism • Domino theory - he believed that we couldn't let the first domino fall • Goldwater was a super conservative who talked loosely about nuclear war and was staunchly anticommunism; LBJ needed to show he could be tough on communism while still being the saner option • It was difficult to bring them back once troops were committed bc as men were dying, he felt like he needed to make their deaths honorable, so he had to keep sending more troops

Medgar Eves

• Head of NAACP chapter • Shot in the back walking home during the JFK speech saying the administration was getting behind the civil rights movement

shuttle diplomacy

• Henry Kissinger shuttling between Cairo, Tel Aviv, and Damascus to try to get the Syrians, Israelis, and Egyptians to try to negotiate • Didn't work, but laid the basis for the Camp David Accords

Alexander v. Holmes

• Immediate desegregation of schools in the Deep South

Limiting campaign contributions from individuals

• Individuals are limited to giving directly to campaign - can't give directly to the campaign • Happened as a result of a lot of people getting undue influence during the Nixon years and the Johnson years

"long hot summers"

• Inner city rebellions from 1965- 1967 • Took place during the summer months; often called the long hot summers

Yom Kippur War (1973)

• Israel gained a bunch of Arab territory from the 6 Days War • On Yom Kippur, Syria and Egypt attacked Israel trying to get back the territory, backed by Soviet weapons • Kissinger went to Moscow to meet w Brezhnev to negotiate a cease-fire and make sure Israel wouldn't take any more Arab territory • Started "shuttle diplomacy" making flights among capital cities

Civil Rights Act of 1964

• JFK finally embraces the civil rights movement by calling for this, but then he was assassinated and LBJ signed it after • Stopping racial discrimination and desegregation

Test Ban Treaty of 1963

• JFK implemented • Agreement between US, Soviet, and GB to stop nuclear weapons tests in atmosphere, oceans, and outer space • Big move toward friendlier relations • But we got around it by testing underground

New Frontier

• JFK's vision, but the only things that were successful were: • Tax cut • Peace Corps • Apollo Project • Alliance for Progress - peace corps in our hemisphere that didn't really work out • Housing Act • expansion of social security and minimum wage • But really he doesn't have the political might to get the Congress to work for him

US v. Nixon

• July 24, 1974 Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Nixon needed to give all of the recordings • Find out the truth, and John Dean was being honest this whole time

Stonewall Riots

• June 28, 1969 - gay bar raided by vice police • Fought back and spilled into streets • More gays and supporters joined • Rioting through weekend • After, created new organization from new-found solidarity - Gay Liberation Front • Gay movement

16th Street Baptist Church

• KKK bombed the church in Birmingham 1963 • Four little girls were killed

How did each of the following events contribute to the "rage" that was so evident in 1968: a. TET b. The assassination of Martin Luther King c. The assassination of Robert Kennedy

• TET • Just as LBJ administration was telling people that peace was in hand, these massive attacks happened • Up until TET, the news media pretty much adhered to the administration line, but after TET, they came to see that they had been lied to • Especially the middle class people get reality checks • MLK assassination • Rioting in every major city in the country • People watched these on TV and were equally upset with the rioting and destruction of property • Leader after leader in the black community went on TV and urged them to stop • RFK assassination • Right after winning a primary • Jumped into field also as an anti-war agenda but with wider appeal • He had contacts in all of these various groups and a lot of people believed he was the last one who would have been able to unify the Democratic party and prevent things like Chicago

Why did Gerald Ford grant a "pardon" to Nixon for anything known or uncovered later about Watergate? What impact do you think the "pardon" had on Ford's political future?

• Thought he could put Watergate behind us • Very controversial - people thought Nixon should be hammered • Country was so hung up on Watergate that it would have dragged on forever • Lot of people thought that a deal would be made between Nixon and Ford - cost him the presidency in 1976

War Powers Act

• Trying to reduce presidential authority/power • President has to tell Congress within 48 hours if US troops are deployed in combat abroad, and to withdraw troops after 60 days, unless approved by Congress


• US relaxing tensions and opening up relations with Soviet

Moses Wright

• Uncle of Emmett Till • During the court case, he pointed at the man who murdered Emmett, saying "dar he" - "there he is"

TET Offensive

• Viet Cong brings war out of countryside into cities during a supposed ceasefire during Vietnamese New Year • Traumatic bc in 1968 the Johnson administration was beginning to tell the American people that peace was in hand and there was "light at the end of the tunnel" • All of a sudden there's massive attacks, including on the US embassy • Up until TET, the news media pretty much adhered to the administration line, but after TET, they came to see that they had been lied to • Especially the middle class people got a reality check

Freedom Rides

• Went on integrated buses went into deep South to provoke stuff • Many whites and blacks and other nationalities, who allowed themselves to be abused for the cause • introduced that there were whites as enraged as blacks about racism and segregation • National, interracial, secular and religious, interregional • Ordinary people can do extraordinary things • CORE members and also members who couldn't continue were replaced by SNCC throughout

Massive Resistance

• White Citizens Council • American White Supremacy group mostly in the South • Resisted racial integration


• people brought in to plug leaks of Nixon administration • Prevent executive branch people to leak info • Illegally wire-tap phones, room

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