APUSH colonization

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Black Legend

1500s: Concept that Spanish conquerors merely tortured and murdered Indians, stole gold and infected them with smallpox. Becomes a reason for English/others to invade bc want to "save" Indians.


1586: "Lost Colony"; A settlement established off the coast of North Carolina by Raleigh. Discovered abandoned years later probably because colonists joined an Indian tribe nearby.


1586: Lost all his money in Roanoke establishment


1607: COLONY: This colony was founded first. First settlement was Jamestown. REGION: south FOUNDER: John Smith RELIGION: Anglican GOVERNMENT: House of Burgesses ECONOMY: Tobacco trade


1607: VIRGINIA: Capital of Virginia that was set up 60 miles inland and was named after king J I. The first 'successful' British settlement that was set up inland. However, most original colonists died because of disease and lack of resources. PURPOSE: trade and profit for Virginia company (first to find gold then turns into this)


1620s: Colony settled by the Pilgrims. It eventually merged with Massachusetts Bay colony. REGION: New England FOUNDER: Bradford RELIGION: Puritan GOVERNMENT: +democratic bc puritans PURPOSE: separatist religious freedom ECONOMY: local farming


1620s: English Puritans (Separatists) who founded Plymouth colony.

Mayflower Compact

1620s: The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony. *basis of some of current US system of gov't.


1630: COLONY: Puritan refuge set up after colonies were established. REGION: New England FOUNDER: Winthrop RELIGION: Puritan (2nd) GOVERNMENT: Corporate (theocratic republic) PURPOSE: religious freedom for Puritans ECONOMY: local farming, fishing, ship-making

Massachusetts Bay Company

1630s: A group of wealthy Puritans who were granted a royal charter to settle in Massachusetts


1634: COLONY: Early settlement near Virginia but established later in the Chesapeake Bay area. REGION: south FOUNDER: Calvert RELIGION: none GOVERNMENT: supported monarchy > republic, could rule however he pleased PURPOSE: Catholic refuge ECONOMY: Tobacco

Pequot war

1634: The Bay colonists wanted to claim Connecticut for themselves but it belonged to the __ tribe. The colonists burned down their village and 500 were killed.

Rhode Island

1636: COLONY: A New England colony created by Roger Williams and believed in religious tolerance for all people. REGION: New England FOUNDER: Roger Williams RELIGION: none GOVERNMENT: corporate, +democracy, separation of church and state PURPOSE: religious freedom ECONOMY: small farming


1636: COLONY: comes after winning of Pequot war REGION: New England FOUNDER: Hooker RELIGION: Puritan GOVERNMENT: Corporate (Mass Bay) PURPOSE: Religious and economic freedom ECONOMY: small farming


1638: Established by Sweden, colonized by Dutch settlers, and the colony was later taken over by the duke of york for the English just like New York REGION: Middle FOUNDER: Minuit RELIGION: none GOVERNMENT: proprietary PURPOSE: trade and profits ECONOMY: small farming

King Phillip's war

1675: War between the Native American tribes of New England and British colonists that took place. The war was the result of tension caused by encroaching white settlers. The chief of the Wampanoags lead the natives. The war ended Indian resistance in New England, left a hatred of whites, and savage image of Indians.

Columbian Exchange

16th century: The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages. *really negatively affects Americas

Indentured servants

17th century: English emigrants who traded their freedom for passage to America. Once they arrived they were put to work as slaves and were then given their "freedom dues" years later in exchange for their work.

Anne Hutchinson

A Puritan woman who was well learned that disagreed with the Puritan Church in Massachusetts Bay Colony. Her actions resulted in her banishment from the colony, and later took part in the formation of Rhode Island. She displayed the importance of questioning authority.

William Penn

A Quaker that founded Pennsylvania to establish a place where his people and others could live in peace and be free from persecution. Very focused on equality (for ALL)

Declaration of the People

A document of grievances issued by Bacon about the corruption of Virginia governor William Berkeley. It says taxation is unfair and that they are too nice to the Indians (fueled by Indians taking their land). When they were not changed, this caused Bacon's rebellion.

slave codes (1705)

A set of "codes" was made that denied slaves basic fundamental rights, and gave their owners permission to treat them as they saw fit (become property).


A young minister who clashed with the Massachusetts Puritans over separation of church and state as well as freedom of religion. -founded the colony of Rhode Island to the south -believed in equality (in eyes of God and man)

Middle rank

About two-thirds of free males owned their own land and were part of the ______. They were neither rich, nor poor, but they had their own property and resented those who limited access to land (Indians, government, great landlords). Important bc this class is very different from Europe bc can move up.


An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought

Maryland uprising (1689)

An uprising that happened in the south during the glorious revolution in England. So they overthrew the leader but when the revolution ended, King William revoked the charter and took over.

Half-way covenant

Applied to those members of the Puritan colonies who were the children of church members, but who hadn't achieved grace themselves. The covenant allowed them to participate in some church affairs and be baptized. *shows Puritans compromising beliefs for popularity.

Georgia (1733)

COLONY: Buffer for Spanish colony, outlawed slavery and restricted land grants to 500 acres REGION: southern FOUNDER: James Oglethorpe RELIGION: Anglican GOVERNMENT: Royal PURPOSE: Debtor Colony ECONOMY: Rice

New Jersey (1660)

COLONY: Established by Sweden and taken over by England late in the 17th century REGION: Middle FOUNDER: Lord Berkeley RELIGION: none GOVERNMENT: proprietary PURPOSE: trade and profits ECONOMY: small farming

New York (1626)

COLONY: It was founded by the Dutch for trade and furs and became an English Colony. New Amsterdam=> _________ in 1664 REGION: New England FOUNDER: Minuit RELIGION: none GOVERNMENT: when England takes over from Dutch, much stricter (people hate) then less strict with time PURPOSE: trade and furs ECONOMY: small farming, furs


COLONY: Later established colony that established a feudal social order but with a representative government, religious freedom, and heavy head right system. REGION: South FOUNDER: group RELIGION: Anglican GOVERNMENT: representative government PURPOSE: trade and profits ECONOMY: rice, tobacco, slavery very important

New Hampshire

COLONY: People from Massachusetts left bc Puritanism was too strict REGION: New England FOUNDER: Mason RELIGION: Puritan GOVERNMENT: Corporate (theocratic republic) PURPOSE: freedom from strict (puritan) rules ECONOMY: small farming

Pennsylvania (1681)

COLONY: William Penn received a land grant from King Charles II and established religious freedom and promoted equality and high moral standards REGION: Middle FOUNDER: William Penn RELIGION: none GOVERNMENT: proprietary PURPOSE: religious freedom for Quakers, trade and profit ECONOMY: wheat, small farming

(Thomas) Hooker

CONNECTICUT: Founder. A Puritan minister who led about 100 settlers out of Massachusetts Bay to Connecticut bc kicked out. He wanted to set up a colony in Connecticut with strict limits on government.

Fundamental Orders

CONNECTICUT: Set up a unified government for the towns of the Connecticut area. First constitution written in America.

New England

Clustered rural settlements were most common in which region of colonial America?

(Peter) Minuit

Dutch settler, Came from Netherlands and bought New York and Delaware from native Americans


England couldn't really help with setting up Jamestown because they were in a bad place economically because of the war in ________.

glorious revolution (1688)

English Revolution: 1). English fear James II will make country catholic 2). Prince William of Orange (James' son -in-law) throws coup with Dutch Army 3). William becomes king (with wife/daughter of James, Mary) U.S.: affects them bc new king reevaluated and changes some government systems. *bill of rights: list of parliament powers


English general and statesman who led the parliamentary army in the English Civil War. He lead England in the Interregnum years.


English needed ________ to help them bc didn't know the land or how to find food. So they were often more respectful and shared at least later in the 1600s.


English speaking Native American who helped the English colonists in Massachusetts develop agricultural techniques and served as an interpreter between the colonists and the Wampanoag. He is the reason the pilgrims didn't die in the first winter and they celebrated with Thanksgiving feast


Extreme Puritans who separate from the Anglican Church of England and the Crown because of a belief that the Church is beyond salvation. Many become migrants to continental Europe or the New World, and sometimes both.

Lord Berkeley

Founder of New Jersey


He founded New Hampshire in 1630 as an escape for those restricted by religious and economic rules made by Puritans


Humans first came to __________ through a land-bridge from Russia and then migrated down the landmass. Different environments account for the diversity in Indian culture.


In early colonization, __________ similar to Indians had many more rights as people were mostly focused on themselves rather than imposing norms on others.

Civil War

In the 1640s England had a ____________ which, causing many people to immigrate and when new leadership came onto the scene, made many question how America would be handled either enforcing more or less rules on them. Contributed with mercantilism because don't care as much about US


In the Southern Colonies during the 1600s the important cash crops were__________, rice, and indigo.


Indentured servant families (Germans and Irish did this)

Leisler's Rebellion (1689)

Jacob ________ seized control of lower New York from 1689 to 1691. The uprising, which occurred in the midst of Britain's "Glorious Revolution," reflected colonial resentment against the policies of King James II.


Jamestown was established because English wanted to spread what religion?


Jamestown was established because there was major ____________ in large English cities. Bc + sheep farming, farmers moving out of land and to cities where overcrowded. So go to America for a new chance and to own land.

Act of Toleration

MARYLAND 1649: a law that provided religious freedom for all Christians that was prompted by the number of protestants that moved to the area.

General Court

MASS 1600: a Puritan representative assembly elected by the freemen; they assisted the governor; this was the early form of Puritan democracy.


MASSACH: First governor of Massachusetts. Said: "we shall be as a city upon a hill?"

City on a Hill

MASSACH: Winthrop gave a speech on the deck of the Arbella which gave mission that bound the Puritans together; speech used today to describe America as a beacon of Freedom

Pueblo Revolt (late 17th)

Native American revolt against the Spanish that resulted in the Spanish being expelled from the New Mexico area. IMPORTANCE: Indians triumphed so fully over Europeans in land disputes.

Mystic massacre

PEQUOT WAR: English setters set fire to the Pequot village, trapping them inside so the couldn't get out. 700 were taken and sold/put into slavery


PLYMOUTH: the founder governor of the Plymouth colony, 1621-1657.


Protestant sect founded by John Calvin. -strong moral code -predestination -constitutional representative government *bc puritans feel closer to this than Protestantism normally

captivity narratives

Publications written by colonists who had been captured by Indians that were encouraged by the Connecticut general court to scare colonists from "switching sides." *one was Mary Rowlandson's from King Phillip's War

Elizabeth I

Queen of England and Ireland at start of English colonization of U.S. in 17th century


RELIGION: A religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England and go back to simple times of saints. They came to America for religious freedom and settled Massachusetts Bay. Their churches were all separate BELIEVE: -predetermined but if have success on earth this means we are probs going to heaven (Calvin) -value uniformity -reading the bible/personal study -very racist/hated all other religions. -+education


RELIGION: An interpretation of Puritan beliefs that stressed God's gift of salvation and minimized what an individual could do to gain salvation; identified with Anne Hutchinson.


RELIGION: English dissenters who broke from Church of England, preache a doctrine of pacificism, inner divinity, and social equity, under William Penn they founded Pennsylvania


RELIGION: relating to the Church of England and the religion of Jamestown which was a sect of Protestantism.

Lord Baltimore (Calvert)

Started Maryland as a refuge for English Catholics.


The English government took over from the Virginia company after it declared _________ in 1622


The __________ armada was a fleet that attacked England during the 1500s which showed the competition between the European nations. So England joins to stay competitive


The __________ were 2nd in America and used forts in N.A. for fur trading. However, mostly had plantations in the Caribbean.


The ___________ were 3rd in America and focused on commerce as well as farming for permanent settlement/trade. *establish N.Y.


The ____________ were some of the last of the European nations to come to America. They became very focused on permanently settling and trading there after many unsuccessful runs at not-so-successful gold searching. *work with Indians instead of enslaving them all WHY: want to spread Anglicanism, beat the Spanish, overpopulation, lower class want freedom.

Great Migration

The movement of a great number of English people to the united states in the 17th century.

Virginia Company

The private organization of English merchants, elites, and politicians who organized the colonization of Jamestown after being granted to by king James I in 1607. The colonization was done privately as the English government's funds were depleted by efforts in Ireland as well as other issues. IMPORTANCE: important bc set up first successful colony which helped England overtake Spain, Portugal, and the Dutch in trading by the end of the 17th century.

Bacon's Rebellion (1676)

VIRGINIA: American rebellion lead by the elite and backed with backcountry farmers: 1). attack Native Americans in an attempt to gain more land 2). turned into a full fledged rebellion against the governor of Virginia, Berkeley and resulted in the changing of laws to reduce taxes and punish Indians 3). stopped by English fleet after burning down Jamestown 4). ______ dies of disease amidst violence

John Smith

VIRGINIA: Founder and first governor of Jamestown. His leadership and strict discipline helped the Virginia colony get through the difficult first winter. Forced hard work: "people who do not work do not eat." IMPORTANCE: one of the key reasons America started bc saved first colony (Jamestown)

House of Burgesses

VIRGINIA: the first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619. It gave landlords and American elite the chance to vote but could ultimately be vetoed by the Company if needed.

Chesapeake Bay

Virginia-Maryland bay area, site of the earliest colonial settlements

freedom dues

What was an employer required to give a servant after she or he completed an indenture?


Where did the Puritans first move after leaving Anglican England.

Salem witch trials (1692)

a series of trails that prosecuted people of witchcraft in Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693 and it has come to represent religious extremism and the governments invasion of personal rights. Caused Massachusetts to change laws/government system in ____.

Headright system

parcels of land consisting of about 50 acres which were given to colonists who brought indentured servants into America. They were used by the Virginia Company to attract more colonists.


the colonial American desire to emulate English society, including English taste in foods, customs, and architecture

Navigation Acts

was passed in 1651 and enforced mercantilism by forcing all colonies to use English ships and English ports so as the squash the Dutch and rise as major trading power. One of the earlier sources of resentment in the colonies because making less money.

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