APUSH Period 5

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Why did foreign commerce grow so much in the mid-1800s?

1. Shipping firms encouraged trade/ travel across Atlanta (regular schedule for departures) 2. Demand for whale oil (to light homes) 3. Improvements of shipping design (gold seekers) 4. Steamships took place of clipper ships 5. US expanded trade to Asia

What did the "Know Nothing" party support?

1. Increase time required for immigrants to get citizenship 2. only native- born citizens to hold office

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) outlined the following:

1. Mexico refinished Rio Grande as southern boarder of Texas 2. Mexican Cession - US took possession of California and New Mexico

Manifest Destiny was encouraged by...

1. Nationalism 2. Population Increase 3. Economic Development 4. Technological Advances 5. Reform Ideals

The US added land through...

1. Negotiations 2. Purchases 3. Wars

The Free Soil Party advocated for:

1. Free homesteads (land grants to small farmers) 2. Internal improvements (roads and harbors)

From 1844 - 1877 the United States... Resulting in...

1. Expanded its territory to the Pacific Ocean 2. Suffered from rising sectionalism over issue of expanding slavery into new territory The Civil War

What two events kept the slavery question at the front of American politics?

1. Fugitive Slave Law 2. Publication of antislavery novel

What was the Democratic goal and Party slogan?

"Fifty - Four Forty or Fight" - expansion ( Oregon territory all the way to Russian Alaska)

Some of the main issues dividing the people in the mid 1800s were:

1. Immigration 2. How to promote and respond to industrial growth 3. Slavery

What was the Proviso and why did many support it?

- Forbid slavery in any territory acquired by Mexico - Wanted to save land for White settlers and protect them from having to compete with enslaved labor

Why did the US believe they had a claim to the Oregon Territory?

1. Exploration of Columbia River (1792) 2. Overland expedition to Pacific Coast (1805) 3. Fur trade post and fort in Astoria Oregon (1811)

Henry Clay made yet another compromise that said:

1. Admit California as a free state 2. Divide Mexican Territory into two (Utah/ New Mexico) 3. Give land in dispute between Texas and New Mexico to new territories in return for federal government assuming Texas debt 4. Ban slave trade in Columbia but allow Whites to own enslaved people 5. Adapt New Fugitive Slave Law and strictly enforce it

What two things speed up communication and transportation around the country?

1. Electric Telegraph 2. Railroads

What was the Ostend Manifesto?

A scheme to gain control of Cuba from Spain by three American diplomats

Describe the impact the growth of railroads had on the following regions:

Agriculture in the West: cheap/ rapid transportation promoted agriculture Northeast and Midwest: united the commercial interests North: gave static advantages in the Civil War

Who else faces discrimination and Why?

American Indians & Mexican American - Religion

What was the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty?

An 1850 treaty between the US and Great Britain agreeing that neither country would try to obtain excessive rights to a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. Abrogated by the US in 1881

Both __________________ and __________________________ were admitted as free states.

California; New Mexico

What was he Great American Dessert?

Arid region between Mississippi River and Pacific Ocean

Describe the events at the Alamo and the Battle of Goliad:

Army lead by Santa Anna captured town of Goliad and attacked Alamo which killed American defenders

Describe the following actions by American Adventurer William Walker...

Baja, California: unsuccessfully try to take Baja from Mexico Nicaragua: he seized power in Nicaragua in 1853 Death: Executed by Honduran authorities in 1860

Why did Mexico ban farther settlements into Texas by Americans?

Because Americans refused to obey laws (outlaw slavery, convert to their religion) set by Mexico

Why did Sam Houston rise up against Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna?

Because Santa Anna attempted to enforce Mexico's laws in Texas

Why was moving West a middle-class game?

Because it was very expansive ($200 - $300 to make the overland trip)

Why were the Irish persecuted?

Because of their Roman Catholic religion

Define Manifest Destiny:

Belief that US had a divine mission to expand its power/ civilization across North America

What system kept many African Americans in bondage after the end of slavery?

Black Codes - Restricted basic right of Black citizens

Describe the impact of the passage of the Compromise of 1850?

Bought time for the union

By 1860 one third of the miners living in California were...


What was the "Aroostook War"?

Conflict between groups of lumber workers. "Battle of the Maps"

Despite originally not being allowed to participate, by the 1880s the Irish _________________ Tammany Hall.


Why were some Irish able to join American politics?

Country was dominated by British, most Irish spoke English well and understood electoral politics

How did the Mexican - American War increase sectional tension, possibly leading to the Civil War?

Debate over extension of slavery

Describe the party platforms and name the nominee for the following parties in the election of 1848...

Democrats: Senator Cass - pledged the popular sovereignty Whigs: Zachary Taylor - never been involved in politics and had no position on slavery Free - Soil Party: Martin Van Burren What were barnburners? Conscience Whigs (opposed slavery) and antislavery Democrats

Why did some oppose immigration?

Dislike ethnicity or religious faith, fear low- wage workers might take their jobs

What was the compromise Polk made about Oregon territory?

Divide the Oregon territory a the 49th parallel

Why was the Compromise of 1850 able to pass?

Douglas engineered different colitions to pass each part of the compromise

What was the impact of the Sewing Machine and Who invented it?

Elias Howe - production of clothing out of homes and into factories

What skills did Germans have and Where did they settle?

Farmers/ Artisans - Old Northwest

What happened in 1857 and why did Southerners believe their economy was superior during the Panic of 1857?

Financial panic (decrease prices of products and high unemployment). Souths cotton prices stayed high and they were less effected

Who were mountain men and what did they do?

Fur traders - provided early information about trails and frontier conditions to other settlers

What were the Preemption Acts of the 1830s and 40s?

Gave squatters right to settle public land and purchase them for low prices once they are up for sale by the government

Who else wanted a Central Canal?

Great Britain

What were some of the dangers faced on the overland trails?

Hardship of the desserts, getting through Sierras and Cascades before the first snow, attacks by American Indians, disease, and depression

What did James Polk want?

He favored annexation of Texas, the acquisition of California, and "reoccupation" of Oregon Territory

What was nativism? Which society, and later political party sprang from this movement?

Hostility to immigrants - Supreme Order of the Star Spangled Banner later the American Party

It passed _______________________ but not the ____________________. Why?

House, Senate; Southern states had had more influence

How did American industry change at this time? Factories shifted to making things like:

Industrialization spread to other states of Northeast - shoes, sewing machines, ready to wear cloths, firearm, etc.

Southern Plantation owners at this time believed the free soil party movement was:

Intention on the destruction of slavery

What slowed Manifest Destiny?

Issues of union, slavery, civil war, and post war reconstruction

Describe why Texas was not annexed under the following Presidents:

Jackson & Van Burren - Political opposition among Northerners to expand slavery Harrison - died after a month in office Tyler - US senate rejected his treaty of annexation

Who did the Democrats end up nominating?

James K. Polk

President Polk sent ____________________________ to Mexico to get them to:

John Slidell 1. Persuade Mexico to sell California and New Mexico 2. Settle disputes Mexico - Texas Boarder

Who proposed Popular Sovereignty Compromise and What was it?

Lewis Cass - matter of slavery be determined by a vote of the people who settled a territory

How did Mexico react to the Battle of Goliad?

Mexican legislature rejected treaty and insisted that Texas was still part of Mexico

Who was Stephen Austin, and what was the result of his migration into Texas?

Moses Austin Son, brought 300 families into Texas which started steady migration into territory

Moderate Southerners wanted to do what with the Missouri Compromise line?

Move westward to Pacific Ocean and permit territories North of line to be free of slavery

Where did the Know Nothing Party gain favor?

New England and Nod- Atlantic States

Why were native born Americans concerned about immigration?

Newcomers would take their jobs and dilute culture of Anglo Majority

Where did the Irish stay and how did they maintain their culture?

Northern Cities - continued the customs they brought with them

Who supported the Wilmot Proviso [even through it didn't pass] and Why?

Northern Democrats and Whigs - All African Americans should be excluded from Mexico cession

For each political party name the candidate they wanted to run for president as well as their goals:

Northern Democrats: Burren - opposed immediate annexation Southern Whigs: Calhoun - pro slavery and pro annexation

Who opposed the war and why?

Northern Whigs - Doubted Polk's claim that American blood had been shied on American soil

How many Germans came to the US and Why?

One million - economic hardship / fail of democratic revolution

Name the most used overland trails:

Oregon, California, Santa Fe, and Mormon Trails

Why did Americans want a Central American Canal?

Provided a shortcut to allow ships traveling from Northern America to Northern Pacific to avoid sailing around South America

How did the growth of the rail industry impact American business?

Required immense amount of capital labor and gave rise to complex business organization

Name a few Urban cities and describe why they popped up so quickly:

San Francisco/ Denver - gold and silver Salt Lake City - provided fresh supplies to travelers

What was the result of the Battle of Goliad?

Santa Anna was captured and forced to sign a treaty which recognized Texas and granted them land

Who from the North was against Henry Clays compromise and Why?

Senator William H. Seward - argued that a higher law then the constitution existed

What power shift occurred during and after the Civil War?

Shift of power to federal government from states.

How did this work out when president Polk sent Slidell to Mexico?

Sidell's mission failed on both accounts

In 1849 California drafted a state constitution that banned ____________.


The largest political conflict at the time was over...


The main issue regarding these territories was:


What temporarily halted nativist ideas?


What/ Where was the Gadsden Purchase and why was it significant to the US?

Small strip of land in Mexico - best route for railroad through the region

Most Northerners supported slavery in the _____________ but wanted to keep the ______________ a land of opportunity for _______________________________.

South; West; Whites Only

Why did Spain refuse to sell Cuba to President Polk?

Spain refused to sell last major remnant of its empire in America

Describe the actions of the following people:

Stephen Kearney - succeeded in taking New Mexico territory and Southern California John C. Fremont - overthrew Mexican in the region in June 1846

Politically, what did Germans believe?

Supported public education and opposed slavery

What lands had the US set it's sights on by 1844?

Taking possession of all of Oregon, and Annexing Republic of Texas

What was the Democratic Organization in New York called?

Tammany Hall

What were the actions taken by both the US and Mexico that caused Polk to send a declaration of war to Congress?

Taylor moved army across Rio Grande, and Mexican army crossed Rio Grande and captured American army and killed eleven

Describe the impact of the Webster- Ashburton Treaty:

Territory was split between Maine and British Canada, settle boundary of Minnesota territory

What caused the population of California to boom between 1848 - 1860?

The Gold Rush

What finally caused the Mexican to concede?

The fall of Mexico City

Why did many Southerners accept California's admission as a free state?

The passage of Strict Fugitive Slave Law in 1850

Why did President Pierce have to dump the Ostend Manifesto?

The plan got leaked to press in US and angry congress men force Pierce to drop scheme

What showed the expansionist fever was not yet done?

The purchase of Alaska after Civil War

Why did immigrants leave Europe and what was the result?

The rapid expansion attracted new immigrants because of famine, poverty, and political turmoil. Tis resulted in the argument of citizenship for new residents.

Opponents of Manifest Destiny said:

The root of the expansion drive was ambition to spread slavery in Western lands

Why did the compromise made by Polk upset many Northerners?

They viewed the treaty as a sellout to South interest because removed British Columbia as potential free states

How many Irish came to America at the time and Why?

Two million - driven from homeland because of crop failures

How did John Tyler get congress to pass the annexation of Texas before leaving office?

Tyler persuaded both the house of congress to pass joint resolution for annexation - simple majority of both houses

What happened in 1850?

US government made first land grant to railroads (2.6 million acres of federal land)

Which river did the two nations claim as the Southern boarder of Texas?

US: Rio Grande Mexico: Nueces River

Describe why members of both parties disliked the treaty...

Whigs - saw war as immoral effort to expand slavery Southern Democrats - expansionists wanted US to take all of Mexico

Who won the election of 1848? Why?

Zachary Taylor (Whig) - because of vote given to Free - Soil Party in Northern sates

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