APUSH Unit 1

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Spaniard who fought against the enslavement and colonial abuse of native Americans.

Bartolomé de Las Casas

potatoes, corn, tomatoes, squash, beans, chocolate, syphilis, etc

Colombian Exchange, from Americas to "Old World"

smallpox, livestock (pigs, cows, sheep), bees, bananas, coffee, sugar

Columbian Exchange, from "Old World" to Americas

a mix of foraging and hunting. EX: Chinook of Pacific Northwest

Pre-Columbian economy in Northwest and areas of California

"When the maese de campo arrived at the pueblo of Acoma he asked the Indians for provisions for his trip and gave them in exchange hatchets and many other things. . . . and then the Indians very unwillingly gave some maize and tortillas. Being told that what the Spaniards needed most was flour, the Indians replied that they had none on hand, but that the Spaniards might leave and return for it the next day. . . . When the maese de campo went to the pueblo with his eighteen men to get the flour . . . the Indians, with treachery and premeditation, after inviting them to come up to their pueblo, killed the maese de campo, Captain Felipe de Escalante, Captain Diego Nuñez, eight soldiers, and two servants . . ." -Source: Juan de Oñate, Testimony in the Trial of the Indians of Acoma, 1598 Which of the following most directly contributed to the conflict referred to in the excerpt?

increasing European demands upon indigenous resources

"Colón [Columbus] and his crew did not voyage alone. They were accompanied by a menagerie of insects, plants, mammals, and microorganisms . . . European expeditions brought cattle, sheep, and horses, along with crops like sugarcane (originally from New Guinea), wheat (from the Middle East), bananas (from Africa), and coffee (also from Africa) . . . " -From Charles C. Mann, historian, 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created, 2011. Which of the following processes is Mann describing?

The Columbian Exchange

Which of the following factors most influenced the adoption of largely mobile lifestyles by early societies in the Great Basin and Great Plains?

The arid Great Basin limited farming opportunities close to major waterways, making permanent settlements undesirable.

"Around 7,000 years ago, agriculture emerged in Mesoamerica, including the domestication of maize, beans, and squash, causing major changes in the plants that people cultivated. Three sisters agriculture had spread across Mexico by 3,500 years ago, though they originated at different times." -Source: Amanda J. Landon, anthropologist, "The 'How' of the Three Sisters," 2008 Why was this method of planting important?

These three crops mutually supported each other's growth, a system that spread from present-day Mexico northward into the present-day American Southwest.

a 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.

Treaty of Tordesillas

"Into this land of meek outcasts there came some Spaniards who immediately behaved like ravening wild beasts . . . killing, terrorizing, afflicting, torturing, and destroying the native peoples, doing all this with the strangest and most varied new methods of cruelty, never seen or heard of before, and to such a degree that this Island of Hispaniola once so populous (having a population that I estimated to be more than three million), has now a population of barely two hundred persons." -Source: Bartolomé de Las Casas, Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies, 1542. Which of the following practices did the ideas expressed in the excerpt most directly challenge?

enslaving indigenous people as laborers in the encomienda system

Businesses owned by shareholders that invested in exploration and colonization, enabiling more investors to profit with less risk

joint stock companies

Read the passage below and answer the question. "Wherefore . . . you have purposed with the favor of divine clemency to bring under your sway the said mainlands and islands with their residents and inhabitants and to bring them to the Catholic faith. Hence . . . [we] give, grant, and assign to you and your heirs and successors, kings of Castile and Leon . . . all islands and mainlands found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered towards the west and south, by drawing and establishing a line from the Arctic pole, namely the north, to the Antarctic pole, namely the south . . . " -Source: Pope Alexander VI's Demarcation Bull, May 4, 1493

spreading Catholicism to Native Americans

"Closer to the center of European society, armed enterprise by one sovereign was sure to provoke a countereffort by rivals; and only rarely could a ruler conquer territories from which important tax income could be garnered. The success of the Spanish government in fashioning a vast empire in the Americas and its failure to maintain control over the Netherlands illustrate these facts very clearly. Spanish military effort in the New World paid off handsomely. Indeed it was the swelling flow of New World silver after the 1550s that made Philip think he could conduct war both in the Mediterranean against the Turks and in the north against the Dutch." -Source: William H. McNeill, historian, The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000, 1982 Which of the following best supports the general argument in the excerpt about how economic and military competition between European powers influenced New World exploration?

the increase in piracy as other European powers tried to capture Spanish treasure ships

"Wherefore . . . you have purposed with the favor of divine clemency to bring under your sway the said mainlands and islands with their residents and inhabitants and to bring them to the Catholic faith. Hence . . . [we] give, grant, and assign to you and your heirs and successors, kings of Castile and Leon . . . all islands and mainlands found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered towards the west and south, by drawing and establishing a line from the Arctic pole, namely the north, to the Antarctic pole, namely the south . . . " -Source: Pope Alexander VI's Demarcation Bull, May 4, 1493 What was Pope Alexander's purpose in establishing the demarcation line he describes in this passage?

to resolve conflicts between Portuguese and Spanish explorers

"European leaders concluded that the Muslims' power fed upon the wealth generated by their control of the most lucrative trade routes. By paying premium prices to Muslim merchants for the gold and ivory of sub-Saharan Africa and for the silks, gems, and spices of Asia, European consumers enriched the Islamic world while draining wealth from Christendom. . . . Visionary Europeans hoped to weaken their enemy and enrich themselves by seeking an alternative trade route by sea." -Source: Alan Taylor, historian, American Colonies, 2001 The conditions described in the excerpt most directly contributed to which of the following?

European nations' efforts to explore and conquer the New World

Read the excerpt and answer the question below. "European leaders concluded that the Muslims' power fed upon the wealth generated by their control of the most lucrative trade routes. By paying premium prices to Muslim merchants for the gold and ivory of sub-Saharan Africa and for the silks, gems, and spices of Asia, European consumers enriched the Islamic world while draining wealth from Christendom. . . . Visionary Europeans hoped to weaken their enemy and enrich themselves by seeking an alternative trade route by sea." -Source: Alan Taylor, historian, American Colonies, 2001 According to the passage, which of the following best explains the most important effect that religious competition had on Europe?

It motivated Europeans to look for new methods to access luxury goods.

"There were four chiefs: Mr. Bear, Cougar, Bald Eagle, and Salmon. They met to try to figure out what it was that they were going to do. They knew of a place where there were many salmon. This would be the best thing of the coming people. It would keep them strong and healthy; besides, it would taste so good! But there was a problem. The salmon were being held way up river by a dam and were being guarded by some women, who when crossed would stop at nothing to destroy anything that got in the way of keeping their salmon and doing their work." -Native American legend recorded by Martin Louie and Diana Brooks. Published in Wicazo Sa Review, 1990. This passage provides evidence to support which of the following assertions about Native American societies more broadly?

Native Americans' food sources and environment shaped their living patterns.

Which of the following conclusion might historians make about the Mississippian people from the evidence of Cahokia?

They lived in settled villages and farmed, allowing for the growth of large populations

"Closer to the center of European society, armed enterprise by one sovereign was sure to provoke a countereffort by rivals; and only rarely could a ruler conquer territories from which important tax income could be garnered. The success of the Spanish government in fashioning a vast empire in the Americas and its failure to maintain control over the Netherlands illustrate these facts very clearly. Spanish military effort in the New World paid off handsomely. Indeed it was the swelling flow of New World silver after the 1550s that made Philip think he could conduct war both in the Mediterranean against the Turks and in the north against the Dutch." -Source: William H. McNeill, historian, The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000, 1982 The developments described in the excerpt best illustrate which of the following?

how military competition between European nations influenced their efforts to explore and conquer the New World

"By virtue of the said ransom, let ships go there and bring away as many male and female Negroes as possible, newly imported and between the ages of fifteen to eighteen or twenty years. . . .The burden of work of the Indians will be eased and unlimited amounts of gold will be mined. This is the best land in the world for Negroes, women and old men, and it is very rarely that one of these people die." -Source: Alonso de Zuazo, Spanish colonial judge, 1518 This excerpt best reflects which of the following historical developments?

responses to the change in the indigenous populations after exposure to European diseases

"Their Highnesses can see that I will give them however much gold they need with what little aid they give me now: spices and cotton as much as they call for . . . and slaves as many as they order to be shipped. . . . Therefore, since our Redeemer has given this victory to our illustrious King and Queen and to their famously successful reigns, all Christians should rejoice, hold grand celebrations, and with solemn prayers give thanks to the Holy Trinity for the exaltation of turning so many peoples to our Holy Faith." -Source: Christopher Columbus, Letter to Luis de Santangel, Official Notary for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, 1493 A historian would most likely use this passage to illustrate which of the following?

the desire of European nations to find new sources of wealth in the Americas

As we wish the said Indians to be converted to our Holy Catholic Faith, and to be taught its doctrines . . . I command you to compel and oblige the said Indians to deal and associate with the Christians of the said island, to work in their buildings in collecting and mining gold and other metals, and to grow food and supplies for the Christian settlers and inhabitants of the said island . . . . and this they are to do as the free persons they are, and not as slaves; and you are to see to it that the said Indians are well treated . . . -Source: Queen Isabella to Nicolas de Ovando, Governor of Hispaniola, 1503 Which of the following was the most immediate result of the edict excerpted?

the encomienda system

"By the middle of the sixteenth century, the Spanish state . . . was creating a political, economic, and institutional framework . . . which consisted of two separate but interrelated politics or 'republics,' the Indian and the Spanish, [and] was one of the most distinctive aspects of Spanish colonial rule. It essentially allowed for the political and socioeconomic subordination of the indigenous people at the same time that it granted them a special status as Christian vassals of the Crown of Castile. According to Spanish colonial ideology, the native people's acceptance of the Catholic faith made them into a spiritually favored and unsullied population with their voluntary subjection to the Castilian monarch earned them rights similar to those enjoyed by natives of Spanish kingdoms." -Source: María Elena Martínez, historian, Genealogical Fictions: Limpieza de Sangre, Religion, and Gender in Colonial Mexico, 2008 Which of the following cultural and social shifts resulted most directly from the trends described in the excerpt?

the incorporation of indigenous people into Spanish society

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