APUSH Unit 2: The American Revolution--TAP Chapter 8, Revolutionary Battles and Politics

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Colonial Navy

American navy consisted of few nondescript ships commanded by daring officers including John Paul Jones. Navy never made a dent in British fleets, but it destroyed British merchant shipping and carried war into waters around the British Isles.

Treatment of loyalists

Before DOI, persecution of loyalists mild After DOI, persecution increased and rebels regarded their opponents, not themselves, as traitors. Loyalists were imprisoned and hanged, but no terror like France and Russia during their revolutions because colonists wanted order and many loyalists left America. Those that left had their estates sold and indirectly financed war against themselves.

Impact of widening of war on British strategy

Britain could not blockade colonial coast and the seas because France had powerful fleets to protect their own West Indies but also to jeopardize Britain's blockade. British decided to evacuate Philly and concentrate strength in NYC. Battle in NY and many Hessians left, but Washington stayed in NY area.

The French Connection

France wanted to take revenge on Britain. Thought that if Britain lost its American colonies it would not be a front rank power, and France could gain its rank and prestige. Americans also needed help to defeat Britain.

Importance of French Navy

Was all of America's naval strength.

King George Replaced by Whig Ministry

-After Yorktown, other than King George many Britons were done with war -Suffered losses in India and West Indies, Minorca and Mediterranean -Lord North's ministry collapsed in 1782 which ended rule of George III -Favorable Whig ministry replaced the Tory regime

A New Nation Legitimized

-Britain was immensely generous because Britain was trying to seduce America from France, Whig ministry more friendly to Americans than Tories -Britain wanted to salve recent wounds, reopen old trade channels, and prevent war over trans-Appalachian region, not followed after Whigs -France was relieved that war over as it was costly and no longer promise anything to Spain -British were beaten, French wanted revenge but became bankrupt, but Americans were free and had land!

Yorktown: Washington and DeGrasse

-British General Cornwallis was in a trap -After operations in Virginia he went to Chesapeake Bay at Yorktown to await seaborne supplies, assuming Britain was controlling sea -Meanwhile, French led by Admiral de Grasse were working with Americans to assault on Corn. at Yorktown -Washington attacked British by land, and Grasse did by sea -Corn. surrendered as French provided all of seapower and many troops -But British still strong and war continued for 1 more year

Treaty of Paris of 1783 a. Terms 1. Territories 2. Loyalists 3. Debts

-British formally recognized the Independence of the United States a. 1. -Granted boundaries stretching to the Mississippi on the west, to the Great Lakes on the North, and to Spanish FL on the south -To the Canadian's disappointment, Americans got share of Newfoundland fisheries 2. -Loyalists were not to be persecuted -Congress was to recommend that confiscated loyalist property be restored 3. -States agreed to to pay debts to Britain without obstacles -Loyalists and debt provisions not carried out well by Americans -Ending war in America allowed London to rebuild army, succeed against Napoleon, and become preeminent world power

Inflation problems

-Darkest period of war 1780-1781 in which inflation of currency continued and government could not pay back citizens -Despair, loss of unity, and mutinous sentiment in army

American envoy vs. French desires

-Three American peace negotiators in Paris: Franklin, John Adams (New England interests), John Jay (suspicious of Old World intrigue) -Had instructions from Congress to make no separate peace and consult with French allies at all stages of negotiation -Did not follow this as knew it was written by a Congress influenced by France -France induced Spain to fight for it in promise of British-held Gibraltar and Spain wanted trans-Allegheny area where American pioneers were settling -To smash Britain's empire, France wanted an independent United States, but only wanted the new Republic east of the Allegheny Mountains -Thought a controlled Republic would be easier to manage and promote own interests -John Jay suspicious and believed that France was going to betray American interests to satisfy Spain -Secretly made plans with London and told them France was bad

Roles of loyalists

50,000 loyalist volunteers bore arms for the British. Served as spies, incited Indians, kept Patriot soldiers at their homes to protect families. British failed to make use of loyalists.

Franklin in France

Franklin arrived in Paris to negotiate the treaty with France and was determined that his mere appearance would lead to an American diplomatic revolution. Franklin sported very plain appearance with Beaver fur hat that stood out is aristocratic France. Shocked the royal court, but ordinary Parisians adored him as a specimen of a new democratic social order, devoid of pretense and ornament. Diplomatic game intensified.

Battle of Saratoga a. Importance

General Burgoyne began to bog down North of Albany and American militiamen trapped him. General Arnold again shot in leg. Americans had driven back St. Leger's force at Oriskany. General B. surrendered whole army at Saratoga. a. American victory revived colonial cause. Made possible urgently needed foreign aid from France, which helped ensure American independence.

Burgoyne's Blundering Invasion: the Plan

London wanted to capture vital Hudson River Valley in 1777. If successful, British would sever NE from other states and paralyze Revolution. General John Burgoyne would push down Lake Champlain route from Canada and Howe's NY troops if needed could advance up Hudson River to meet Burgoyne near Albany. A third and smaller force would come in from west commanded by Colonel Barry St. Leger.

Whigs vs. Tories

Loyalists called Tories after dominant political faction in Britain, Patriots called Whigs after opposition faction in Britain. Huge Tory resentment among Patriots.

New Jersey Campaign

Wash. crossed the ice covered river to Trenton on Xmas Day and captured a thousand sleeping Hessians. He also defeated a smaller British detachment at Princeton. New Jersey Campaign revealed Washington at his military best.

Treaty of Fort Stanwix

West was ablaze during war. Indian allies of George III were egged on by British agents who scalped them to make money in 1777. In the Iroquoi Confederacy, the Oneidas and the Tuscaroras sided with the Americans, while the Senecas, Mohawks, Cayugas, and Onondagas joined the British because they believed victorious Britain would restrain American expansion into the West. Britain ravaged backcountry PA and NY until checked by an American force in 1779. Pro-British Iroquois forced to sign Treaty of Fort Stanwix, first treaty between the U.S. and an Indian nation, and made Indians cede most of their land.

Widening of War

After France entered war, Spain also did and so did Holland to fight Britain. Combined Spain and French fleets outnumbered those of Britain. European countries oppressed by Britain now demanded respect for their rights. In 1780 Catherine the Great of Russia organized the Armed Neutrality which lined up the neutral European countries toward Britain. War being fought in EU, NA, SA, Caribbean, and Asia. To Britain, struggling for its life, the scuffle in the New World became secondary. Americans kept war going with French aid until 1778, but did not achieve independence until conflict erupted into multipower world war too big for Britain. French provided colonists with everything!

British offer leads to a French Alliance

After Saratoga, British passed a measure that offered Americans home rule within the empire, but not independence. Franklin played skillfully on French fears of Anglo-American reconciliation. In 1778 French offered Americans treaty of alliance. Did not conform exactly to Model Treaty that Franklin brought--showed that self-interest triumphed against idealism in foreign policy. -First military alliance, but would soon regret it. Treaty with France was a recognition of America's independence and military heft to a Patriotic cause. Thus the war was now a world war!!!

Burgoyne's Blundering Invasion: Arnold's Importance

British did not talk to General Arnold who had gone back to Lake Champlain and who kept an army in the field. British needed to gain control of lake for supplies distribution. Battle on the lake and British lost, winter and British had to go to Canada. If not for Arnold, British would have recaptured Fort Ticonderoga and British would have succeeded. General B's progress was slow.

British focus on the South

British wanted to control South as many Loyalists. Captured Georgia and South Carolina. Loss of Charleston was heavier loss to Americans that that of Burgoyne was to the British. Loyalists fought Patriots in South. Quaker General Nathan Greene succeeded in clearing most British troops led by General Cornwallis in the South.

Patriots and Loyalists

Colonists loyal to the king (loyalists) fought colonists who wanted independence (patriots) while rebels also fought British redcoats--war within a war.

Battle of Long Island

Disaster in Battle of Long Island when Americans were outgeneraled and outmaneuvered. Thanks to favoring wind and fog Washington escaped to Manhattan Island where he crossed the Hudson River to New Jersey and reached the DE River with British behind. Enemy General William Howe did not crush American forces because the country was rough, supplies were slow, and Howe was involved in a scandal.

The importance of NY

Due to forced evacuation of Boston, British concentrated on NY as base of operations. Good seaport, central location, loyalist infested. Largest armed naval fleet of British until Civil War came to NY in July 1776--Washington outnumbered.

War in the West

During war, British westward pioneers continued to come and named places after British people. In Illinois country, British, attacked frequently from posts captured from French. American pioneer seized these Cahokia, Kaskaskia, and Vincinnes posts and his success forced British to cede region north of Ohio River to US.

Howe, Washington, and Philly

Howe, instead of starting up Hudson River from NY to join Burgoyne, he attacked Philly, the rebel capital. He wanted to meet Wash. in Philly and destroy his army, and leave path open for Burgoyne. Wash. transferred his army to Philly and was defeated in Brandy wine Creek and Germantown. Howe settled in Philly while Burgoyne struggled in NY. Washington and his men went to Valley Forge for the winter, where they became a professional army under Baron Von Steuben.

Loss of Benedict Arnold

In 1780 French army commanded by Comte de Rochambeau arrived in Rhode Island. Americans suspicious of French allies, but liked gold and goodwill, and American-French dancing parties took place. Preparations made for a French-American attack on NY. Arnold hurt American morale when he became a traitor. Felt that he was not appreciated and plotted with British to sell out West Point, which commanded Hudson. Plot discovered and Arnold fled to British.

Demographics of Loyalists vs. Rebels

Loyalists were 16 percent of population. It was tragic that loyalists lost as loyalty was regarded as a very important virtue. People of education, culture, and wealth became loyalists--were satisfied and believed any change would be for the worse. Loyalists were kings, officers, and other beneficiaries of crown, including Anglican church members. Loyalists in NYC, Charleston, Quaker PA, and NJ Dutch, Germans, French, some Natives, African Americans were loyalists to try and escape slavery. Virginia Anglicans were rebels. Most rebels in New England, strong self-government and weak mercantilism. Rebels were Congregationalists and Presbyterians. Old were loyalists, young were revolutionaries, such as Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry (Give me liberty of give me death!). Families split over population--Franklin was a Patriot, his son was a loyalist.


More numerous and damaging than regular navy ships. Privately owned armed ships specifically authorized by Congress to prey on enemy shipping. Known as "sailors" of fortune. Captured 600 prizes while British ships captured as many American merchantmen and privateers. Diverted manpower from the main war effort and involving Americans in graft. Brought in urgently needed gold, harnessed the enemy, and raised American morale by providing victories. British shipping was hurt so insurance rates skyrocketed. British shippers and merchants wanted to end war on honorable terms.

Model Treaty

Regarding international affairs, Americans wanted an end to colonialism and mercantilism. Supported free trade. In 1776 Continental Congress drafted a Model Treaty to guide American commissioners it was about to dispatch to the French Court, partially written by John Adams. Principles were 1. no political connection 2. no military connection 3. only a commercial connection. Represented a turning point when military conflict would be abandoned and the bonds of mutual commercial interest would guarantee peaceful relations among states. Infused idealism into American attitudes about foreign policy.

A neutral population swayed

Revolution was a minority movement. Many colonists were neutral, including Byrds of Virginia, who sat on fence. British could not sway population, while Patriots played a crucial role in doing so. British could only control areas where it had military presence. Ragtag rebels convinced many colonists that British militia was an unreliable fiend and that they should support the Patriots.

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