APWH midterm practice

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33 All of the following statements about Du Halde are factually accurate. Which would most likely lead historians to question the objectivity of his portrayal of the scholars shown in the image? A) He was the confessor to an important French noble. B) He never traveled to China. C) He based his observations of China on unpublished translations of Chinese texts. D) He was a Jesuit and based his book on Jesuit missionary reports.


50 The "objections" that the chairman refers to in the first paragraph can most directly be explained in relation to which of the following arguments commonly made by laissez-faire economists in the period 1750-1900 ? A) The monopolistic practices of government-chartered joint-stock companies such as the British South Africa Company distorted market competition and hurt consumers. B) Granting government charters to joint-stock companies such as the British South Africa Company allowed too much free trade and hurt workers in home countries. C) Government involvement in the business of companies such as the British South Africa Company inevitably led to deregulation that removed valuable protections for workers and consumers. D) The creation of government-supported joint-stock companies such as the British South Africa Company excluded private investment.


58 In the period from 1750 to 1850, which of the following political ideologies was gaining increasing influence in western Europe and parts of the Atlantic world? A) Liberalism B) Absolutism C) Fascism D) Communism


7 In Europe, political relationships of the type depicted in the image emerged most directly on account of which of the following developments? A) Local elites' need for military protection from more powerful lords B) Local elites' desire to expand the commercial power of local towns C) Local elites' need for military assistance to eliminate religious heresies D) Local elites' desire to attract new settlers to their territories


49 As described in the passage, the economic model of the British South Africa Company most directly differed from which of the following economic trends in the late nineteenth century? A) The shift in Asian and African economies from manufacturing of finished goods to resource extraction B) The shift from nation-based businesses and enterprises to transnational businesses and enterprises C) The shift from heavy industry to industries centered on the production of consumer goods D) The shift from mercantilism to free-market trade policies


5 The act of the countess of Béarn in the image is most closely identified with which of the following political systems? A) Manorialism B) Serfdom C) Monasticism D) Feudalism


51 Many historians have argued that by the late nineteenth century the industrialized nations of Europe had achieved global economic dominance more through force and coercion than through the superiority of their industrial products. Which of the following nineteenth-century developments would best support this contention? A) The growth of industrial production in North America B) The growth of South American agricultural exports C) The abolition of slavery in the Americas D) The decline of the Indian textile industry's share of global manufacturing


1 Image 1 best illustrates which of the following features of the Chinese economy in the period 1200 to 1450 ? A) Technological innovations increased agricultural yields. B) The government sponsored land reforms. C) Confucian policies guided the way agrarian labor was performed. D) Improvements in manufacturing techniques resulted in increased handicraft production.


31 Which of the following developments in Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries most directly helps to explain the presence of the scholars shown in the image of China? A) The Inquisition led to the expulsion of enemies of the Catholic Church from Europe. B) The Protestant Reformation led the Catholic Church to seek new converts outside of Europe. C) The wars of religion led many to question the role of religion in European society. D) The expansion of the Ottoman Empire in Europe led many to leave their homes as refugees.


34 Most agricultural laborers in the Ottoman Empire were A) slaves B) free peasants C) serfs D) sharecroppers


56 Which of the following factors contributed most to the increase of world population in the period 1750 to 1900 C.E.? A) A decline in the frequency and deadliness of warfare B) Improvements in agricultural productivity and food distribution C) Improvements in rural health care D) A rapid increase in birth rates throughout the globe


6 The image most directly illustrates which of the following features of the political development of medieval Europe? A) Its bureaucratization, as European rulers developed sophisticated systems of record keeping to strengthen their authority. B) Its decentralization, as European rulers frequently delegated authority to local subordinates. C) Its reliance on Roman traditions, as European rulers used ancient customs to demonstrate their legitimacy. D) Its ethnic and cultural diversity, as European rulers granted ethnic and religious groups the right to use their own laws and traditions.


60 The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain was most influenced by which of the following factors? A) The amount and location of British petroleum reserves B) The location and large number of British coal deposits C) The aggressive promotion of industrialization by George III D) The spread of cotton cultivation in southern England


62 Based on the letter, Kartini's views were most similar to the views espoused by members of which of the following movements? A) The socialist movement B) The early feminist movement C) The abolitionist movement D) The anti-imperialist movement


20 The Little Ice Age, which lasted from 1300 to 1850 C.E., likely had the strongest effect on which of the following? A) The fall of the Aztec civilization B) The Protestant Reformation C) The severity of the Black Death D) The Ottoman conquest of Constantinople


37 The trade illustrated by the map contributed most directly to which of the following? A) The Glorious Revolution B) The French Revolution C) The Haitian Revolution D) The Cuban Revolution


44 Slavery and serfdom were abolished in the 1860s in A) Great Britain and Brazil B) the United States and Russia C) France and Algeria D) Austria-Hungary and India E) China and the Ottoman Empire


25 The methods of warfare shown in the image were instrumental in explaining the territorial expansion of all of the following land-based empires EXCEPT A) the Safavid Empire B) the Qing (Manchu) Empire C) the Aztec (Mexica) Empire D) the Ottoman Empire


42 Which of the following historical developments most strongly contributed to the mapmaker's depiction of West Africa and the southern half of the world in Map 2 ? A) Portugal's development of maritime technology and navigational skills B) China's naval expeditions in the Indian Ocean basin C) The limited geographical knowledge of western European mapmakers as a result of the region's commercial isolation D) The decline of Mediterranean powers such as Genoa and Venice and the rise of Atlantic powers such as England, France, and the Netherlands


59 Many Indian historians after independence would likely have objected to Bayly's characterization of Indian liberalism on the basis of their belief that A) Indian nationalism was inspired predominantly by Indian cultural and political traditions B) environmental considerations were a primary motive behind Indian nationalist sentiment C) French literary theories in the late twentieth century were critical to understanding Indian nationalism D) the military rebellion in support of the last Mughal emperor was the defining moment for Indian nationalism


9 Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the political systems in western Europe and China during the time period 1000—1300? A) Western Europe developed multiple monarchies, while China maintained a single empire. B) Developments in the legal systems of China emphasized individual political rights, while western Europe concentrated on maritime law. C) Both societies began an aggressive policy of imperialism and territorial expansion. D) Both societies gradually adopted a representative democratic system. E) Both regions experienced Mongol imperial rule.


8 All of the following statements are factually accurate. Which would best support the author's argument in the passage? A) DNA evidence suggests human populations in western, central, and southern Africa share many similar genes. B) Linguistic evidence shows that several small groups in central and southern Africa continue to speak non-Bantu languages. C) Archaeological evidence suggests that iron metallurgy spread across sub-Saharan Africa in several distinct waves, separated by hundreds of years. D) Ethnographic evidence shows that many West African societies share common themes in their cultural and religious traditions.


35 Which of the following best describes Alfred Crosby's argument in the passage above? A) Various Amerindian groups did not have contact with each other before 1492. B) Amerindians' long isolation from the rest of the world had placed them at a biological disadvantage. C) The genetic makeup of the native population of the Americas remained unchanged until 1492. D) By 1492 Amerindians generally had migrated for shorter distances than had other groups.


4 The passage by al-Khatib best illustrates which of the following? A) The literary tradition of long-distance travelers in the Islamic world B) The growth of scientific thought and innovation in Muslim Spain C) The impact of Christian attempts to reconquer Spain from the Muslims D) The efforts of Islamic missionaries to spread their faith along trade routes


41 Muslim maritime activities in the Indian Ocean would be most disrupted by which of the following sixteenth-century developments? A) The voyages of Chinese treasure fleets led by Zheng He B) The arrival of Portuguese and other Europeans C) The spread of epidemic diseases D) The growth of the African slave trade


43 A historian would most likely use Map 1 to research which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 ? A) The efforts of wealthy Renaissance patrons to encourage the fine arts and scientific research B) The ways that European cartography drew on earlier knowledge from the Islamic world and merchant activity in the Mediterranean C) The influence of Crusades against the Ottoman Empire on the commercial expansion of Italian city-states D) The consolidation of the Russian Empire, its expansion into Siberia, and its challenge to imperial China


45 The quotation above best supports which of the following conclusions about the author's motives for resistance to Spanish colonial rule in Latin America? A) Bolívar opposed the use of Native Americans and Africans as forced laborers in Latin America. B) Bolívar rejected Spanish mercantilist policies that restricted free trade in Latin America. C) Bolívar was alarmed by the excessive consumerism in the Spanish empire. D) Bolívar hoped to undo the effects of the columbian exchange.


53 Which of the following best describes how nineteenth-century European industrialization affected European women's lives? A) By the end of the century, new social welfare legislation made it possible for most women to earn university degrees. B) Married women found it increasingly difficult to balance wage work and family responsibilities. C) By the end of the century, women gained the right to vote in most European countries. D) Women came to dominate the agricultural workforce as men moved to cities to take industrial jobs.


55 Image 1 best illustrates which of the following broad economic transformations in the period circa 1750 ? A) The transition from an industrial to a postindustrial economy B) The transition from a human- and animal-powered economy to a fossil-fuel economy C) The transition from the First Industrial Revolution to the Second Industrial Revolution D) The transition from guild-system manufacturing to putting-out-system manufacturing


27 Which of the following best describes the relationship that the Chinese and Aztec empires had with their respective peripheral states during the fifteenth century C.E.? A) Both empires used military force to severely limit the sovereignty of their peripheral states to their core states. B) Both empires welcomed the diffusion of cultural traditions from their peripheral territories. C) Both empires established tributary relationships with their peripheral states. D) Both empires actively sought to assimilate the citizens of their peripheral states into their respective core cultures.


38 Which of the following long-term changes in the period circa 1550-1700 best demonstrates that the actions described by de Estete in the passage failed to fully achieve their goals? A) The development of a global economy based on Spanish exports of Andean silver B) American foods becoming staple crops in Eurasia C) The emergence of syncretic religious practices in the Americas D) The growing Spanish dependence on coerced labor in the Americas


The burial depicted in the image most likely resulted from the spread of which of the following? A) Spanish influenza B) Malaria C) Smallpox D) Bubonic plague


40 Which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 would a historian most likely cite to support Barkey's claim regarding the Ottoman Empire and its predecessors and contemporaries in the first sentence of the second paragraph? A) The recruitment of Italian and Dutch merchants and officers into the Portuguese and Spanish navies B) The use of Hindu officials in the Mughal imperial administration C) The establishment of racial categories of social hierarchy under the casta system in Spanish colonies in the Americas D) The official protection granted to Protestant communities in some European states, such as France, following religious conflicts


47 The industrialization of Great Britain's economy in the mid-eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is most directly explained by which of the following? A) Britain had large reserves of petroleum. B) British scientists were the first to discover electricity. C) Britain had large reserves of coal. D) British engineers developed new methods of producing cheaper steel.


52 Which of the following most likely influenced Fukuzawa's views in the passage? A) The Tokugawa Shogunate's policy of limiting contacts between Japan and the rest of the world B) The emphasis on peaceful resolution of conflicts in Shinto and Buddhist religious traditions C) The forcible "opening up" of Japanese markets to the West, which led to the Meiji Restoration D) The suppression of the Taiping Rebellion in China, which resulted in significant loss of life


54 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, some governments responded to the growing popularity of ideas such as the ones expressed in the passage by doing which of the following? A) Increasing the number of financial instruments available to help expand transnational businesses B) Expanding colonial territories and increasing industrial production C) Passing reforms designed to improve the conditions of industrial workers D) Opening large sectors of the economy to foreign direct investment


57 Which of the following best explains the general increase in the living standards of industrial workers between 1800 and 1914 ? A) Deficit-spending policies by governments in major industrial states B) The implementation of strong protective tariffs C) The increased supply of inexpensive consumer goods D) Implementation of utopian socialist ideas in the organization of factory labor


12 Which of the following pieces of evidence does the author use to support his argument about the pride of Inca rulers in the second paragraph? A) Inca rulers followed the method of dynastic succession for passing political authority from one ruler to another. B) Inca rulers performed religious ceremonies to bless the highways and those who traveled on them. C) Inca rulers had officials assign men from the provinces to construct the highways. D) Inca rulers typically tried to construct bigger and broader highways than their predecessors if they wanted to undertake conquests.


14 Commerce was a key mode of exchange between which of the following pairs of political entities? A) The Mayan Empire and the Song dynasty B) Ghana and the Mongol Empire C) Japan and the Byzantine Empire D) The Crusader states and the Fatimid caliphate E) Venice and the Aztec Empire


16 The second passage does not support the first passage because the second passage A) shows that an influx of manpower from Europe was not critical for the survival of the Crusader states B) shows that Muslims vastly outnumbered Europeans in the Crusader states C) minimizes the importance of Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights in the administration of the Crusader states D) presents an incident in which a military order supported a Muslim traveler


17 Which of the following contributed to the Chinese government's decision to stop voyages of exploration in the Indian Ocean in the early fifteenth century? A) Armed resistance from Arab navies B) Lack of sufficient Chinese goods for trade C) The destruction of the Chinese fleet by typhoons D) Government concern with domestic problems and frontier security E) Fear of the spread of the plague to China


24 Which of the following best explains the process illustrated in the image? A) States increasingly relied on slave soldiers to establish large empires. B) The invention of the stirrup allowed expanding states to use cavalry more effectively. C) The development of new types of armor reduced casualties and allowed states to expand faster than before. D) States used gunpowder weapons to establish large empires.


3 Which of the following best describes how European labor systems before 1450 differed from the Chinese labor system depicted in the two images? A) European labor systems did not rely as much on women and children. B) European labor systems placed a greater emphasis on plantation cash crops. C) European labor systems were dominated by urban artisans. D) European labor systems were more likely to utilize serfdom.


30 Which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 could best be used as evidence to modify Darwin's argument in the first paragraph about the establishment of Eurasian empires on "nomadic foundations"? A) The creation of the Ottoman Empire B) The Ming overthrow of the Yuan dynasty in China C) The fall of the Mughal Empire D) The establishment of the Safavid Empire


48 The economic success of businesses such as the British South Africa Company was in part dependent on which of the following developments in the late nineteenth century? A) The migrations of indentured workers from Asia B) The increasing availability and variety of consumer goods C) The development of new technologies such as the telegraph D) The adoption of innovative practices in banking and finance


13 The god Krishna speaks, Bhagavad Gita, Vedic sacred text, circa fifth century to second century B.C.E. The excerpt above best represents which aspect of Hinduism? A) The desire to escape worldly suffering B) The cyclical nature of death and rebirth C) The belief in karma D) The importance of caste


15 Which of the following resulted from the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire following the death of Genghis Khan? A) The collapse of the Byzantine Empire B) The development of khanates in Central Asia C) The spread of Islam into East Asia D) Increased trade between Africa and Asia


46 Which of the following groups was Bolívar most trying to influence with this letter? A) Mulatto shopkeepers B) Plantation slaves C) Amerindian miners D) Creole elites


2 The activity depicted in Image 2 best illustrates which of the following characteristics of China's economy before 1450 ? A) The influence of Confucian labor policies B) The impact of innovations borrowed from surrounding states C) The reliance on systems of peasant labor D) The dependence on trade along the Silk Roads


36 The trend shown on the graph above is best explained by A) increased production of cash crops like sugar B) growth of silver mining in New Spain C) industrialized textile mills' demand for raw cotton D) African slave-trading kingdoms' demand for European trade goods


28 Which of the following developments in the late fifteenth century could best be used as evidence to support Darwin's argument in the second paragraph regarding a change in patterns of long-distance trade? A) The growing naval power of the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean B) The discovery of maritime routes that linked Europe and Asia through the Indian Ocean C) The naval expeditions of the Ming admiral Zheng He D) The development of the Atlantic system that linked Europe to the Americas and Africa


39 All of the following statements about the Ottoman Empire in the period 1450-1750 are factually accurate. Which would most strongly support Barkey's claim regarding the Ottoman state and toleration in the passage? A) The Ottoman army increasingly relied on the contributions of the Janissary corps, which was mostly composed of soldiers of non-Turkic origin. B) Some Ottoman sultans such as Selim I refused to accept the legitimacy of the Safavid rulers of Persia because they were Shi'a Muslims. C) Some Ottoman sultans such as Suleiman the Magnificent patronized Sufi mystics, whose heterodox practices were sometimes condemned by the Sunni religious elite. D) The Ottoman government required any cases involving a dispute between Muslims and non-Muslims to be resolved according to Islamic law.


18 Ibn Battuta traveled widely across the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa in the fourteenth century. His travels serve as evidence for the A) unifying influence of Islam B) excellent condition of roads in Africa and Asia C) political unity of Africa and Asia D) widespread use of paper money


19 Malian Emperor Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 can best be understood in the context of which of the following? A) The expansion of Islam throughout Afro-Eurasia B) The development of new transportation technologies C) The diffusion of African culture to the Middle East D) The territorial expansion of West African empires


22 Which of the following best explains why, in the mid fourteenth century, events of the type depicted in the image were more common in urban areas of Afro-Eurasia than in rural or mountainous regions? A) The disease principally spread along trade routes, and most commerce occurred in urban areas. B) People in rural and mountainous regions had greater access to natural medicines that could fight the disease. C) People in rural and mountainous regions were better able to flee to the safety of their lords' castles. D) The disease principally spread among religious missionaries, and most missionaries traveled to cities.


26 Which of the following explains the most common effect that the process illustrated in the image had on relationships between states in Afro-Eurasia in the period 1450-1750 ? A) It led to deepening rivalries and conflicts as states' military capabilities grew. B) It led to the emergence of new religious disputes over theological interpretations. C) It led to the establishment of pan-Eurasian nomadic empires, such as the Mongol Empire. D) It led to the adoption of feudal systems of government, as monarchs could not prevent the rising power of military aristocracies.


29 Which of the following most strongly contributed to the shift of power from nomadic empires to settled states that Darwin identifies in the second paragraph? A) The development and spread of gunpowder weapons across Eurasia B) The development of new shipbuilding and navigational techniques C) The spread of epidemic diseases across Eurasia, such as the Black Death D) The increased recruitment of nomadic soldiers by large agricultural states


23 Which of the following was most responsible for the initial spread of Islam to West Africa? A) Soldiers who fought on behalf of the Abbasid caliphate B) Officials in Sudanese empires C) Merchants on the trans-Saharan trade routes D) Muslims fleeing persecution on the Iberian peninsula


32 The spread of new cultural ideas, such as those illustrated by the religious beliefs of Xu Guangxi and Candida Xu, most strongly encouraged some Asian governments in Eurasia in the period 1450-1750 to A) expand educational opportunities for the lower classes B) limit trade and other contacts with foreigners C) advocate for the peaceful settlement of existing religious conflicts D) develop national joint-stock companies


10 Dara Shikoh's views about the value of the Upanishads, as expressed in the second paragraph, are most likely based on which of the following features of Hinduism? A) The belief in the cycle of rebirth B) The belief in an ultimate universal principle C) The belief in numerous gods and goddesses D) The belief in the potential for the liberation of the soul


11 Which of the following pieces of evidence does the author most directly use to support his argument about the king of Spain following the Inca method of highway construction? A) The Inca rulers constructed roads to help complete conquests. B) The Inca rulers only had to command their officials to construct a highway, and it was completed quickly. C) The Inca rulers clearly marked their kingdom with boundaries. D) The Inca rulers could acquire specialized tools to cut through mountains.


61 Which of the following best supports the view of some world historians that the eighteenth century marked a major turning point in world history? A) The beginning of European colonization of Africa B) The beginning of the Wahhabi movement of Islamic renewal in Arabia C) The beginning of European colonization of Australia and New Zealand D) The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England


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