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Whereas young men are passionate and impetuous, the old are cynical and distrustful. At what age did Aristotle say a man is in his physical prime?

30 to 35.

A statement or assertion that a speaker needs to prove or support to convince an audience is called:

A claim.

Charisma is a term that comes from the Greeks, who believed it was:

A gift from the gods.

According to Ellul, which kind of propaganda did Lenin, Hitler, and communist China under Mao use?

Agitation propaganda

According to Ellul, which kind of propaganda did Lenin, Hitler, and communist China under Mao use?

Agitation propaganda.

An example that is so familiar to the audience that they fill in the details to reach a conclusion is called:

An enthymeme.

When attorneys use emotional arguments or appeals to pity, what Latin term is synonymous with this appeal?

Argumentum ad miseracordium.

Which philosopher said, "A man will like the friends of his friends . . . and will like those who have the same enemies as he has"?


Kenneth Burke's concept of identification is most similar to which of the following?

Aristotle's common ground concept.

Which philosopher said, "A man will like the friends of his friends . . . and will like those who have the same enemies as he has"?


A learned predisposition to respond consistently in a favorable or unfavorable manner to a given object is the definition for which of the following?


A learned predisposition to respond consistently in a favorable or unfavorable manner to a given object is the definition for which of the following?


The Q score is Hollywood's measure of a celebrity or candidate's:

Audience familiarity and favorability.

he Q score is Hollywood's measure of a celebrity or candidate's:

Audience familiarity and favorability.

Which of the following 2008 presidential candidates implemented a technology plan that won the geeks or technologists to his or her side?

Barack Obama.

Which of the following candidates emerged as a rock star of mass media?

Barack Obama.

The Daisy Girl ad was a powerful visual ad in 1964 that torpedoed the presidential campaign of:

Barry Goldwater.

Words have all of the following functions EXCEPT _____

Behavioral. Affective. Commercial. Cognitive.

The author of The Feminine Mystique, which was influential in the women's movement of the 1960s and 1970s, was

Betty Friedan.

During the 1950s communication research began to explore the philosophical questions in the laboratories of Yale University through the efforts of which social scientist?

Carl Hovland.

In which case was Canon 35 overturned with the finding that cameras in the courtroom do not necessarily preclude a fair trial?

Chandler v. Florida.

The 1968 Democratic National Convention was held in which city where billy club-wielding cops confronted masses of antiwar protesters?


Within the United States there are many enclaves where groups maintain their unique cultures alongside the dominant culture. These are best referred to as:


Words have all of the following functions EXCEP


The Roman orator Cicero listed all of the following as knowledge that a speaker must possess to be successful?

Complete knowledge of the subject. Appropriate style or conventions. Extensive knowledge of human emotions.

Vance Packard wrote about the hidden persuaders, which explained underlying needs and desires of consumers. He coined which phrase?

Conspicuous consumption.

Memory organization packages (MOPs) can be used to persuade jurors, Roger Schank said, because they consist of:

Context-dependent parts of memory of common experiences that people have, like going to the emergency room.

Aristotle wrote about artistic proofs and inartistic proofs. Which of the following are not included as inartistic proofs?


Susan Drucker offered four categories to define the parameters of legal communication. Which of the following does not belong in her parameters in the 21st century?

Court television.

Although audiences are impressed with the reputation or credentials (ethos) of a speaker they know, they can change their minds either positively or negatively during the speech. This is called:

Derived ethos idk

According to J. Anthony Blair, a visual that tells a story or makes a point is a:

Didactic narrative.

Regulation of communication includes issues such as freedom of speech and media regulation. What recent case involved a racial mark about private citizens that resulted in a public apology and a firing from a media job?

Don Imus.

There are four paradigms to study cognitive dissonance. The free-choice paradigm deals with

Doubts after a decision

There are four paradigms to study cognitive dissonance. The free-choice paradigm deals with:

Doubts after a decision.

Who wrote a letter from the Birmingham Jail to explain his position on demonstrations during the civil rights movement?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Edwin Black stated that the impact a message has immediately and through time is the:


The process whereby a source creates a message to be sent is:


The Tower of Babel as reported in Genesis involves an explanation for:

Foreign tongues.

Legal communication is the same as which of the following?

Forensic speech

The O. J. Simpson murder trial is an example of what form of communication?


The acronym FOIA stands for:

Freedom of Information Act.

Aristotle wrote of three classic appeals in rhetoric. Which of the following does not belong?


In Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman's book, In Search of Excellence, they found the vital reason for success in the best-run American companies to be

Intensity of communications

Authors Morley Winograd and Michael Hais argued that the Millennials (voters born after 1993) will change the face of politics through:

Interactive media

Comedic images of candidates have become routine in campaigns. Which of the following was presented as a flip-flopper in a wind-surfing ad in 2004?

John Kerry.

Which of the following statements are true of jurors according to Reid Hastie, Steven Penrod, and Nancy Pennington's study?

Jurors had already decided a story model of what happened before beginning deliberation. Jurors' memory of the judge's instructions was less than 30 percent accurate. Jurors' memory on trial facts are only 50 percent accurate.

The content of any communication transaction, whether it is an intimate conversation, a public speech, or a mass media telecast, is called:


George Lakoff has examined speech forms such as "My mind was racing" or "I saw the light." These examples are:


Walter Fisher created which of the following as one means to support an argument or to offer evidence?

Narrative theory.

Words have three axis or components. Which of the following does not belong


Words have three axis or components. Which of the following does not belong?


Fisher's narrative theory established which of the following elements of discourse as superior to argument?

Narratives capture the experience in the world.

Fisher's narrative theory established which of the following elements of discourse as superior to argument?

Narratives capture the experience in the world. Probability and fidelity are acquired through culture and experience. All of these answers are true. Narratives work through suggestion and identification.

Fisher's narrative theory established which of the following elements of discourse as superior to argument?

Narratives capture the experience in the world. Probability and fidelity are acquired through culture and experience. Narratives work through suggestion and identification.

A pejorative term means that the word is:


Interference with either the transmission or the reception of the message is:


When we smell a cologne or perfume that reminds us


Jurgen Habermas wrote of deliberative address, and he placed two groups at the center of the political system. Which one answer identifies these two groups?

Politicians and mass media.

urgen Habermas wrote of deliberative address, and he placed two groups at the center of the political system. Which one answer identifies these two groups?

Politicians and mass media.

Deliberative speech is concerned with which of the following?

Politics and government matters like war and peace, policies, and forms of government.

Windt identified and described three forms of ideological rhetoric.

Presidential rhetoric psycho-rhetorical analysis used their belief systems to unify followers and to instigate action

Milton Rokeach studied beliefs and divided them into four categories. Which one of these did he say was most resistant to change?

Primitive beliefs

Cheris Kamarae claimed that challenging the linguistic system as well as the structures and institutions it produces, such as education, politics, religion, and the economic system, would reveal what

Principles of social relations

The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) demonstrates that when the receiver is unable to critically examine the message through elaboration, he or she is more likely to:

Revert to peripheral cues like "experts are to be trusted."

The Athenians combined the word for politician and orator, which became:


The Watergate break-in at the Democratic Headquarters became a national scandal when two journalists broke the story. They were:

Robert Woodward and Carl Bernstein.

Who defined general semantics as the study of the relationship between language, thought, and behavior?

S. I. Hayakawa

Who defined general semantics as the study of the relationship between language, thought, and behavior?

S. I. Hayakawa defined as follows: "General semantics is the study of the relations between language, thought, and behavior: between how we talk, there- fore how we think, and therefore how we act" the test says this is wrong, but this is straight from the book...

Aristotle said young men have strong desires and lack control. They are governed by which of these?

Sexual desires.

Plato studied under which great teacher?


A teaching style that uses questions to discover truth is called the

Socratic method

One consistent finding in all communication theory and philosophy of communication is that the following is at the foundation of audience behavior:

Source credibility with the audience might be wrong

One consistent finding in all communication theory and philosophy of communication is that the following is at the foundation of audience behavior:

Source credibility with the audience.

When we refer to mass media as "the watchdog of the people," we are referring to which function?


In the book The Interplay of Influence, Jamieson and Campbell identified which mass medium as still the most influential one in politics?


Kenneth Burke wrote of "God" terms, which are best described as:

Terms individuals are willing to embrace and die to uphold.

Ossie Davis in a speech declared that his enemy as an Afro-American was which of the following?

The English language.

Howard Dean, unsuccessful democratic presidential candidate in 2004, was the first to successfully exploit the power of which one of these in his campaign?

The Internet

Which of the following biblical stories concerns the separation of tribes by language?

The Tower of Babel

The primacy-recency effect claims that the most memorable part of any speech is:

The beginning and the end.

The elaboration likelihood model is a theory that identifies how receivers process messages. Which two routes are included in this theory?

The central processing route and the peripheral route

George Gerbner's theory of how media, especially television, affects us is called:

The cultivation theory.

The Baby Boomer generation has had a debilitating effect on politics through:

The culture wars of the 1960s.

The lawyer's ethos is a primary consideration to build his or her credibility in court. The best definition for ethos is:

The ethical character of the speaker.

According to Ogborn, jurors have developed their first impression in a trial in:

The first 4 minutes.

Aristotle included which of the following in legal communication or forensics?

The kind of victims and their situations. The nature and number of motives. The state of mind of the criminals when they commit crimes. all are right

General semantics can be defined as which of the following?

The study of the relations among language, thought, and behavior.

The Pygmalion effect is a behavioral style that attorneys should use in court that means:

They expect to win based upon influence with the jurors.

The primacy-recency theory states that:

Those facts presented first and last are remembered best.

The characteristics of a small group that distinguishes it from a dyad are:

Three to 15 people interacting who have an interdependent goal. might be wrong or none of the above

Metaphors do NOT have which of the following powers according to Lakoff?

To make the world perfectly clear.

Inoculation can best be defined in court as:

To offer a weakened version of the opposing argument to dilute the persuasiveness of the argument or to build resistance to it.

Kenneth Burke divided words into four types and the third was "logology," which deals with what?

Words about words.

Richard Whately, who was the archbishop of Dublin, accomplished all but which of the following?

Wrote Elements of Rhetoric. Moved ministers from the rhetoric of belles lettres and elocution. Encouraged divinity students to focus on content and arguments. All of these answers are correct

Proofs consist of ________ + reasoning

any of these answers is correct data evidence examples

Which of the following are NOT evidential tests that may be applied to supporting materials?

certifiability are: access relevance recency

The medium that carries the message is referred to as the:


Walter Lippmann critiqued Western democracies for their

decay of civility

Walter Lippmann critiqued Western democracies for their ________

decay of civility

The process whereby the receiver interprets the message is:


Edwin Black stated that the impact a message has immediately and through time is the:


Mead's symbolic interaction theory addresses the role of people interacting with each other through symbols to construct our

generalized other

Aristotle wrote of three classic appeals in rhetoric. Which of the following does not belong?


The Latin word for propaganda means to propagate or to sow. Where did the term originate?

in the vatican

Martin Fishbein and Isaac Ajzen's theory of reasoned action addresses

individual's behavioral intention

The relationship between a communicator and audience that wishes to empower the audience through argument and enlighten them so that they have significant choices is one identified as _________ by Brockriede.


A pejorative term means that the word is:


Which famous case resulted in the passage of Judicial Canon 35 that prohibited broadcasts and courtroom cameras, which was later reversed?

radio broadcasting of trials and courtroom cameras

Brockriede's name for persuaders who objectify their audience, manipulate them, and put them down is


Which of the following are evidential tests that may be applied to supporting materials?

reliability, expertise, objectivity, consistency, recency, relevance, access, and accuracy of citation

What discipline involves "the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion"?


Persuaders who win covertly through charm or deceit, are identified by Brockriede as



that branch of theology that deals with end things like death, resurrection, immortality, and judgment day.

"Sodom on the Subway," referring to

the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in biblical times that were destroyed by fire because of the sinfulness of the people living there


the combination and reconciliation of differing beliefs and philosophies that generations have merged.

The primacy-recency theory states that:

the first part of a message is remembered best.

1957 evangelist Billy Graham announced his...

"crusade" in New York City,

J. Anthony Blair analyzed which form of visual persuasion to demonstrate the precarious position of Czechoslovakia (sic) during World War II?

A cartoon.

Which of the following does the social judgment theory continuum NOT address ?

A contrast point.

An argument that is flawed by inadequate evidence, erroneous reasoning, or improper expression is called:

A fallacy.

The Roman orator Cicero listed all EXCEPT which of the following as knowledge that a speaker must possess to be successful?

A good agent to promote the event.

The fallacy that means literally "it does not follow" is which of the following?

A non sequitur.

The mere exposure theory states that repeated exposure to an unfamiliar stimulus has the following effect:

A positive impact.

Walter Lippmann believed that wars encouraged envenomed and impassioned nonsense, but which of the following is the solution?

A public philosophy.

Aristotle defined a public speaker who should have good character and excellent communication skills as:

A rhetor.

A term that prejudges a person and negatively objectifies them as a group member or the "other" represents:

A stereotype

A term that prejudges a person and negatively objectifies them as a group member or the "other" represents:

A stereotype.

The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) demonstrates that when the receiver is unable to critically examine the message through elaboration, he or she is more likely to:

Accept the message of a high-credibility source. Mistrust and reject the message of a low-credibility source. Revert to peripheral cues like "experts are to be trusted." All of these are correct.

Arguments intended to illicit pity are called:

Ad misericordiam.

The ideal relationship between government and mass media is best described as:

Adversarial. idk if this is right

The author of The Feminine Mystique, which was influential in the women's movement of the 1960s and 1970s, was:

Betty Friedan.

Kathleen Hall Jamieson wrote that political ads enabled candidates to do all EXCEPT which of the following?

Build name recognition. Raise funds. Frame central questions. Attack opponent's flaws.

According to Don Jacobs, Rush Limbaugh, the popular talk show host, uses what form of language most frequently to influence his large following

Emotional language

According to Don Jacobs, Rush Limbaugh, the popular talk show host, uses what form of language most frequently to influence his large following?

Emotional language.

The process whereby a source creates a message to be sent is:


Edward Bernays, the "Father of Public Relations," defined public relations as:

Engineering of consent.

The eulogy of Coretta Scott King, the widow of M. L. King Jr., is an example of what form of communication?


A. H. Maslow called the first four levels of needs "instinctoid" needs because they were instinct-like.

Esteem Needs Belonging Needs Safety Needs: Shelter, Order Physiological Needs: Air, Food, Water, Sex

Editors Keith Walters and Michael Brody wrote a book, What's Language Got to Do with It? (2005) and their answer was:


Editors Keith Walters and Michael Brody wrote a book, What's Language Got to Do with It? (2005) and their answer was:


Cognitive dissonance theory addresses the need that individuals have to:

Experience consonance and harmony in life. Develop strategies to deal with disturbing decisions or thoughts. All of these are correct.

Cognitive dissonance theory addresses the need that individuals have to:

Explain contradictions they recognize in behavior and beliefs.Experience consonance and harmony in life. Develop strategies to deal with disturbing decisions or thoughts. alll of the above are correct is the

Mehrabian claimed that 93 percent of a total message's meaning is the result of nonverbal factors. Which of the following does NOT contribute to this meaning?


Nonverbal communication in the courtroom includes which of the following according to Mary E. Ryan?

Gestures. Territoriality. Relaxed body image.

Although credibility is composed of many factors, it can be defined simply as:

How believable the speaker is.

Pete Rose's confession that he gambled on his team in baseball is a form of mortification, which is found in which theory of communication?

Image restoration theory

Pete Rose's confession that he gambled on his team in baseball is a form of mortification, which is found in which theory of communication?

Image restoration theory.

According to Aristotle, forensic rhetoric used "nonartistic" proofs that included which of the following?

Laws and contracts. Witnesses. Tortures and oaths. All of these are correct.

Audience psychographics refers to which of the following

Lifestyles and mind-sets of audiences

Audience psychographics refers to which of the following

Lifestyles and mind-sets of audiences.

The famous phrase "The medium is the message" came from the works of:

Marshall McLuhan

The famous phrase "The medium is the message" came from the works of:

Marshall McLuhan.

George Lakoff has examined speech forms such as "My mind was racing" or "I saw the light." These examples are:


Gerald Miller used which of the following strategies to study attitude change?

Miller looked at the persuasion process in a different light and investigated different techniques in altering attitudes including role-playing and counterattitdinal advocacy.

Adolph Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, which means:

My struggle.

When we smell a cologne or perfume that reminds us of a former lover, we are pushed into this recall by which nonverbal code?


Attitudes are important to persuasion because they are believed to do which one of the following?

Predict behavior.

Hugh Rank created the intensify/downplay schema to teach students to resist which of the following?


The study of how humans use their personal space is called:


According to Aristotle, political communication is a combination of which of the following?

Public speaking and political science.

Which of the following researchers attempted to construct an alphabet of nonverbal signs to analyze messages?

Ray Birdwhistell.

Convention videos of the candidates have become a standard for both parties. Ronald Reagan's film brought tears to the eyes of his opponent's staff. Morreale said it used:

Rebirth rhetoric and myth.

Rhetorical discourse is complicated because it is ___________-centered.


David Crystal wrote The Fight for English: How Language Pundits Ate, Shot, and Left (2007). Which analogy did Crystal use to describe several countries' desire to keep their language pure?

Salad bowl.

A. H. Maslow constructed a "pyramid of needs" that he divided into deficit needs and being needs. Which of the following did he include in the being needs?


The pyramid of needs exposed drives or basic needs that people must satisfy before they can move up to the next level. Persuaders exploit these needs to accomplish which of the following?

Sell products that promise sexual prowess. Get votes using threat appeals. Enlist members to join exclusive clubs. All of these are correct.

Wayne Brockriede used a metaphor to express the speaker-audience relationship. What kind of metaphor did he use to illustrate this point of view?


Hillary Rodham Clinton has been criticized for her rhetorical style primarily because:

She does not feminize her style and uses power like a man.

Jacques Ellul, a sociologist, described persuasion as a result of La Technique, which originated from:

Technological society. not sure if this is right

Clyde Haberman said that language touches the psychology of conflict. Which example did he use to illustrate martyrs and terrorists

The Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

Clyde Haberman said that language touches the psychology of conflict. Which example did he use to illustrate martyrs and terrorists?

The Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

Lenin, Hitler, and Mao used agitation propaganda, which confronts the status quo with opposition.


Source-message-receiver is the simplest communication model.


When we like and trust people who "speak our language," this shared meaning and similarity is an example of identification.


In their role as decision makers for the verdict of guilt or innocence, jurors become:

Unreliable producers of the drama. Underpaid collaborators in the production. The conscience of the community. not sure which one

Art has a rhetorical function in the way specific works affect existing:

Values, attitudes, and beliefs.

The annoying habit that some people have of interjecting such sounds as "uh-uh," "ah," or "OK" frequently in their stream of speech is called:

Verbal fillers.

An advertisement or video that spreads quickly across the Internet is called:


Epideictic speech is concerned with which areas?

Virtue and vice or praise and blame.

The jury selection process is called:

Voir dire.

Forensic communication involves a combination of which two abilities?

Wisdom (Sophia) and speech (logos).

The elaboration likelihood theory can be described as:

a duel-processing theory

Beeson (author of textbook) claims that to allow for competent, educated, and powerful women to speak for our concerns without insecurities will require

a paradigm shift

Beeson (author of textbook) claims that to allow for competent, educated, and powerful women to speak for our concerns without insecurities will require ________________

a paradigm shift

Aristotle define a public speaker who should have good character and excellent communication skills as:

a rhetor

Mass audiences have all the following characteristics,

audiences are reached through the media, which means that there are layers of organization between the speaker or writer and the receiver or audience

Aristotle wrote about artistic proofs and inartistic proofs. Which of the following are not included as inartistic proofs?


resulting sense of anomie,

disorientation, lawlessness, and impending chaos"

God-terms and devil-terms are examples of

emotional words

God-terms and devil-terms are examples of

emotional words none of these answers is correct content words logical words

Edward Benays, the "father of public relation," defines public relation as

engineering of consent

Mead's symbolic interaction theory addresses the role of people interacting with each other through symbols to construct our ______.

generalized other maybe...

Frederick Kreuziger

offered a functional analysis of apocalyptic rhetoric.

A teaching style that uses questions to discover truth is called the:


. Part of the explanation for religion's survival

syncretism is a reason

A syllogism presents a major claim, a minor claim, and then a conclusion.


Informative speech, persuasive speech, and propaganda exist on a continuum, sometimes without clear demarcations


Lenin, Hitler, and Mao used agitation propaganda, which confronts the status quo with opposition


Plato's view of an appropriate ruler for the republic was a philosopher king


Plato's view of an appropriate ruler for the republic was a philosopher king.


Source-message-receiver is the simplest communication model.


The Nazis used propaganda as the "Fifth Column" of their army.


The Nazis used propaganda as the "Fifth Column" of their army. true or false


When we like and trust people who "speak our language," this shared meaning and similarity is an example of identification


When we like and trust people who "speak our language," this shared meaning and similarity is an example of identification.


Religious rhetoric can be divided into two major categories

utopian and apocalyptic

Art has a rhetorical function in the way specific work affect existing:

values, attitudes, and beliefs

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