Arakelian Theology Chapter 9

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lectio divina

"Sacred reading" of Scripture

Blessed Sacrament

"the name given to the Holy Eucharist, especially the consecrated elements reserved in the tabernacle for adoration, or for the sick"


A Greek term meaning: simple, straightforward, trusting, assured, bold yet humble, and with the certainty of being loved


A Greek word that means "to give thanks"


A body of concepts, doctrines, beliefs, or ideas about human life or culture that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class or large group


A constant _________ in Scripture is that God's relationship with his people occurs through prayer


A form of prayer used in liturgies that includes prayers with responses


A mediator between God and his people who interceded on their behalf with God just as Jesus would later do

votive candle

A prayer candle typically placed before a statue of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or a saint and lit for a prayer intention


A religious image "written" by an artist who seeks to be God's channel, allowing God's spirit to guide his or her brush


A shortened version of the Liturgy of the Hours, three times a day: in the morning before work, at the midday lunch break, and as evening work ended


Also known as "Our Lady's Psalter"


Also known as supplication, one asks God to provide what one needs


An Aramaic term for a very familiar form of "Father"


Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are the three sacraments of ___________________

In the first movement, the prayer praises God for the amazing things he did for Mary. The second movement is a request for her prayers because she knows what it means to be human.

Briefly explain the two movements of the Hail Mary.

"Parrhesia" describes the attitude you are to take in praying the Our Father: simple, straightforward, trusting, assured, bold yet humble, and with the certainty of being loved.

Explain the Greek term "parrhesia" in relation to the Our Father.


From the Latin word for "nine," a set of prayers prayed over nine days in order to obtain special graces


He was concerned that God should have a worthy place of worship


Heartfelt sorrow and aversion for sins committed along with the intention of sinning no more


His faith conformed him to the likeness of God in that he was willing to give up his only son when God asked him to

One can recite short prayers, meditate on a Gospel passage, enter into a conversation with the Lord, or simply sit in his presence, adoring him and thanking him for his many gifts.

How does one pray before the Blessed Sacrament?

We should read it carefully, realizing that we can converse with God as we read and listen to him.

How should we read Sacred Scripture differently than we read a history book?

sacred, encounter, union, passage, imagination, engage

Lectio divina is a _____________ reading of Sacred Scriptures when we can __________________ God and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into deeper __________ with him. This method of prayer begins with reading a short Scripture ________________ slowly and attentively allowing the __________________________, emotions, memory, desires, and thoughts ____________ the written text.

-reading -thinking -prayer -contemplation -resolution

List the five steps of Lectio divina.

posture, presence, and persistence

List the three suggestions made in the text for remaining focused and committed to prayer.


Mary is sometimes called the perfect _________, a Latin word to describe someone who is constantly at prayer


Mary uttered the beautiful canticle known as the ____________________

constantly, cooperate, openness, intercession, Jesus, discipleship

Mary was someone who prayed ________________. She shows us how to ___________________ with the graces the Holy Spirit showers upon us in her ________________ to God and to his will. We should not only imitate Mary but pray for her _________________________. Prayer, especially in union with the Blessed Mother, helps you to grow closer to ___________ and to live a life of Christian ________________________.


Name for God in the Old Testament which underscores the mystery of God

Hail Mary

One of the most popular prayers for Catholics, it is also known as the Ave Maria


Prayer form that seeks to "tune in" to God by use of thoughts, emotions, imagination, and desires to consider God's presence in the world and in your life


Prayer form which focuses on inner prayer, rather than prayer based on a text, usually centering directly on Jesus


Prayer form which glorifies God's greatness

dependence, Distractions, concerned, vigilance, practice, gaze, God

Prayer highlights our ____________________ on God. ____________________ are normal and they can sometimes help us recognize what we might be overly ___________________ about. The battle against distractions requires _________________ and sometimes the come from our own lack of faith or _______________. One way to deal with distractions is to ________ at a crucifix, holy picture, icon, or lighted candle as you think about ______.

salvation, Blessed Trinity, and protects, always, loving, eternal salvation, acceptance

Prayer is a key to ___________________ because it strengthens one's relationship with the _______________________ and lessens sin's hold on us, ____________________ us from evil. While God ___________ answers prayer, he does so in different ways, but his response is always _____________, intended to guide each person toward _______________________________, transforming the person praying by providing the grace of ______________________.


Prayer that recognizes how one's entire life is a pure gift from God


Prayer using spoken words


Prayers not for your own interests, but for others, even enemies


Probably the greatest examples of prayer in the Old Testament


Received God's blessing to "be fertile and multiply and fill the earth"

After his Baptism, he prayed in the desert for 40 days in preparation for his ministry. He prayed before selecting the disciples and after he performed miracles. He also prayed about his impending death at the Garden of Gethsemane.

Summarize examples of Jesus at prayer from the Gospels.


TRUE OR FALSE: Examples of prayer in Scripture remind us that while God continually seeks out his people, people see him too, though they are weakened by sin.

false—The answer will not always come immediately.

TRUE OR FALSE: God hears our prayers and God will answer us with immediate results.


TRUE OR FALSE: God will answer prayers in his time and in his way.

false—This happens in contemplative prayer.

TRUE OR FALSE: In meditative prayer we empty our minds of thoughts and images and simply allow God's presence to penetrate our being.


TRUE OR FALSE: It is important to set aside both a place and time for prayer.


TRUE OR FALSE: Jesus learned to pray from both his parents and Jewish tradition.


TRUE OR FALSE: King David composed psalms.

false—It is imitation of the nine days between the Ascension and Pentecost.

TRUE OR FALSE: Novenas are prayed over nine days in imitation of the number of days between Palm Sunday and the Resurrection.


TRUE OR FALSE: Prayer is an important part of our own connection with God and the plan he has for our lives.

false—It would be to share in Jesus' suffering.

TRUE OR FALSE: Spiritual dryness can be a special occasion that God gives us to share in the Resurrection of Jesus.


TRUE OR FALSE: Strengthened by regular conversation with God, we are better able to live according to God's will.

false—It is a form of litany.

TRUE OR FALSE: The Forty Hours' Devotion is closely connected with another traditional Catholic prayer practice: praying before icons.


The "father" of the prophets; prayer on Mount Carmel, "Answer me, Lord! Answer me"


The Liturgy of the _________ is the official daily prayer of the Church; also known as the Divine Office

Matthew's, Sermon on the Mount, praise, present, parables, attitudes

The Lord's Prayer in ________________ Gospel has seven parts and is set as part of Jesus' ______________________________. The first three petitions are petitions of __________ to God while the last four are driven by concerns for the _____________ world. In Luke, after teaching them the prayer, Jesus tells the disciples two _________________ that stress important _________________ you should have when you pray.


The _______________ Sacrament refers to the name given to the Holy Eucharist

preeminent, Our Father/Lord's Prayer, disciples, words, Holy Spirit, liturgy, sacraments

The __________________ prayer among all Christian prayers is the _________________________________________ because it was the prayer that Jesus taught his _______________. He not provided the ________ for this prayer, but also sent the _____________________ to teach his disciples how to pray it. The Lord's Prayer has been used in the ______________ of the Church from the earliest centuries and in all the ______________________.

Liturgy of the Hours, permeates, whole day, official, priests, religious, whole

The ____________________________________ is based on two truths: first, the Paschal Mystery ___________________ and transfigures the various times of each day. Second, praying constantly helps us make the _______________________ holy. The Liturgy of the Hours is part of the _________________ set of daily prayers prescribed by the Church. It is traditionally recited by ____________ and professed members of ________________ orders on behalf of the __________ Church.


The collection of the five books of the Psalms

Hail Mary, Gabriel, Elizabeth, Mother, sinners, Mercy, deaths

The fist words of the _________________ come from the greeting by the angel _______________ at the Annunciation. The next part recalls the words of Mary's cousin _____________________ when Mary came to visit her. The second movement emphasizes Mary's role as the ______________ of the Son of God and also acknowledge that as _______________ we reach out to Mary as the Mother of ____________, desiring her presence at the moment of our ____________.


The greatest model of prayer


The most important benefit of prayer is growing in __________ with the Triune God

Our Father

The prayer Jesus taught his disciples in Luke's Gospel

prayer-poems, sung, synagogues, emotions, complaints, praise, Psalter

The psalms are __________________________ that have appeal for all times. Originally _______ in the Temple, _______________________, and in family and personal settings, they capture human _________________ of joy and awe before God's creation, confidence and trust, ___________________ and sorrows, thanksgiving and ___________. Collectively, they are called the ________________.


They talked to God, listened to him, interceded for the people, and proclaimed God's word


This form of prayer acknowledges that God is God and that he is awesome, not just for what he does, but simply for who he is

body, vocal, meditation, emotions, Mental, listening, faith

We experience God and pray to him through our ________ and senses. In __________ prayer, we use spoken words, but listening to God as well. In ________________________ we "tune in" to God using thoughts, ________________, imagination, and desires. _____________ prayer usually centers on Jesus and involves ________________________ to God while contemplation is silent, wordless prayer, with our _________ fixed on him.

We are battling ourselves, our surroundings, and Satan.

What are we battling against when we pray?

His will on earth for us is to join our will to his Son's will and to contribute to his ongoing work of salvation by loving others, especially those people most in need.

What is God's will on earth for us?

An icon is a holy image you gaze at, putting yourself in the presence of the holy person or mystery it portrays.

What is an icon?

The Jesus Prayer is a short, formulaic prayer to Jesus or about Jesus that is said repeatedly. The Jesus Prayer may have originated with the Desert Fathers in the 5th century.

What is the Jesus Prayer?

While the other books of the Old Testament share God's deeds, the psalms are sung to God: they are actual prayers, rather than accounts of prayer, and were written in the same spirit that inspired God's works.

What is unique about the psalms?

He taught them the Lord's Prayer/Our Father.

What prayer did Jesus teach his disciples when they asked him to teach them how to pray?

-Jesus' Father is the Father of all. -All people are intimately related to one another as brothers and sisters.

What two important truths does Jesus emphasize by inviting us to call God "Father"?

If one does not allow the Spirit to lead them, they will fall back into the slavery of sin. Good works are also essential to the Christian life.

Why is prayer a vital necessity in growing in union with God? What else is essential to the Christian life?


Wordless prayer wherein a person's mind and heart rest in God's goodness and majesty


Your response to God, who seeks you


_________________ in prayer are normal, and interestingly, can sometimes help you recognize what you might be overly concerned about


a holy image you gaze at, putting yourself in the presence of the holy person or mystery it portrays


a name for the book of Psalms or a collection of psalms for liturgical or devotional use

votive candle

a prayer candle typically placed before a statue of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or a saint and lit for a prayer intention

Jesus Prayer

a short, formulaic prayer to Jesus or about Jesus that is said repeatedly; may have originated with the Desert Fathers in the fifth century


a special form of petition when we pray for the interest of others, even enemies


a way of Christian life that stresses communal worship along with private prayer, silence, poverty, chastity, and obedience


acknowledging that God is God not just for what he does, but simply for who he is


asking God to provide what we need either materially or spiritually, also known as supplication


asking God to show his graces upon oneself or others


from the Greek word litaneia, meaning "prayer or supplication," a form of prayer used in liturgies that includes prayers with responses


from the Latin word for "nine," a set of prayers prayed over nine days in order to obtain special graces or to petition for particular intentions


heartfelt sorrow and aversion for sins committed along with the intention of sinning no more; the most important act of the penitent and is necessary for receiving the Sacrament of Penance


humbly acknowledging God as the loving Creator of everything we are in his creation

lectio divina

literally, "sacred reading"; this is a prayerful way to read the Bible or other sacred writings

Liturgy of the Hours

the official daily prayer of the Church; also known as the Divine Office; consists of prayers, Scripture, and reflections at regular intervals throughout the day


the recognition that our lives are a pure gift from God and that he deserves constant thanks, even in difficult circumstances

contemplative prayer

wordless prayer wherein a person's mind and heart rest in God's goodness and majesty

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