Architecture Final Words

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Le Corbusier, VIlla Stein at Garches, Paris, 1927

* 1-2, 1-2 used Paladia and uses strip windows * Paladio desings in classical style and backpack is unruly of space and planes * owned by family of Gethred stein exterior architecture promenade * 5 points of arch present: piltis strip windows roof terrace and one floor plan * open plan - made possible by steel infrastructure * wall flush to show the wall is thin skinned - the garage servants relate to exterior and internal dispersal of rooms - Palladio proportions look to classic proportions * rear facade is unrul and open - planes and void stirp windows with rectinlinarility * linear elemtns on terrace with stack the looks like ship - like ships because they were a machine for living * compared to Palaladio

Le Corbusier, Unite d'Habitation, Marseilles, 1953

* 12 stories above undercroft with 23 apartment types interlocked rooms in 3d puzzle and apartment house has double planed prototype for experimental cities, building lifted off pilots * front facade had extraordinary texture and color * paint interior of porch s customizable * thin slates of beton brut marking out inter streets with shops and hotel * roof like like Gaudi * too practical example of best intentions removing from the community * **housing everything you want --> crisis of housing

Norman Foster, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Hong Kong, 1986

* 1st big commission, architect concerned with environmental issues * 47 story administrative HW most expensive bulking in world at time 500 bill Hong Kong * expensive because he used energy saving measures with open working areas exploited daylight * final assembly took place at sight parts constructed elsewhere * structural frame been pulled out, exoskeletal frame (like others) * steel frame of 8 vertical masts with liked cylindrical girders * ladder of megatrusses woven and are suspended * open facade bevel at top translates to interior atrium * like larkin building and stirling with atrium * emobides machine aesthetic with high technology * technocratic architecture with futurist

Mies van der Rohe, Lake Shore Drive Apartments, Chicago, 1950

* 2 buildings on lake michigan that are the building exact size, face each other at different angles * 3 modules on facade and lift in undercroft at corner of the building there are beams to emphasize steel framing box

Philip Johnson, American Telephone and Telegraph, New York City, 1978

* 200 million to build, 36 stories, pink granite and each slip has architecture of inner structure and secure cladding anchors * 3 part division of Chicago school facade, hull and top resembles coin slot for ATT and chippendale hig- bay * cornice represents high bay element * high less for base * referring to front facade of brunelsci chalet changes architectural type

Louis Kahn, Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth Texas, 1972

* 6 barrel vaults to have museum in garden * * honorific reference to room vaults * broken at front and plan shows same thing as a classical barrel central * peers at end metal on barrel vault and water vaults into concrete gutter and small space between vaults--> servant to serve, AC ducts etc --> museum necessities * * inside has open gardens and see effective panoramic views * Light fixture cuts the artel vault down the middle * * formal elements of light, both natural and electric light * Addition to Kimbell museum, separate building * Tried to make concrete gorgeous and aesthetic - no dyes on a walk * * try to work out skin (interior and exterior) of building

Gropius and Pietro Belluschi, Pan Am, New York City, 1957

* Aim was to diminish bulk of huge frame on Park avenue * cuts four corners to back move prolonged shape to reduce bulk

Frank Lloyd Wright, Barnsdall House, Los Angeles, 1920

* Architectual language changed uses single colors and addition of decorations and there is no eve extension * based on mayan architecture * highlights sense of closure still uses hollyhock geometry

Frank Lloyd Wright, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, 1922

* Building is built around interior courts and there geometric essential forms and taken down in 1968 * designed tap roots to protect from earthquake in areas

Richard Neutra, Lovell House, Beverly Hills, 1927

* Called the ideal example of international style" id character tics from US, Germany, HOlland * corner is buildup from environmental volumes from rise and outward to landscape, steel structure and is expressed in supports and elements of freedom into nature like wright ideas --> machine aesthetic in nature * Assymetrical composition of Lowell's personality - windows are small or large with the interior space * steel supports are echoed in steel mulliary window panes mechanistic and has inner penetration from forms and space

Gropius, Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany, 1926

* Chaotic form and sleek machine aesthetic, building inner penetrate form of cubism, machine aesthetic, chaos swastica form * Fenestration art window and classroom to teach sculpture and art * 3 volumes of art joined by a lot of doing or making but cafeteria and offecies * plan that gropius wanted to maker perimite to people using it * Wall of windows with old fashion radiators that work design that is modern * round corner and see Bauhuaus * **Designed in response unique for art school with major volumes on periphery

Frank Lloyd Wright, Winslow House, River Forest (Near Chicago), 1893

* Client required no frills or excess * relentlessly symmetrical with contrast of colors and care of natural colors that layer off the house * tan bricks, terracotta shingles, bricks are bounded by white molds and door portal extends out and colors are highlighted by molding terra-cotta level gives looks like receding in actuality it is expansive * windows are same size and are basement and slash windows and fenestration has isolated elements with white frames and molding * roof lien projects creating signature outreaching eves * Symmetry centers on heath and moral center for family with unity which is a solidarity * backside is unruly stair tower has gothic elements in it

Le Corbusier, Maison Le Roche/Jeanneret, Paris, 1924

* Comb of two houses: brother and wife/la Roche * interior space divided and living space as well as gallery for La Roceh collection * portion lifted on pilots back volume is curved and corby articulates architectural pre model as you move through become aware of architectural forms -sliding with windows and stairs

International Congress for Modern Architecture, 1933

* Congress of ship of athens discussed state of modern city and planned to enlighten civilization * urban housing with simplistic understanding of architecture * CIAM

Minuro Yamasaki, Pruitt Igoe Housing, St. Louis, 1958

* Destoryed 1972 * example of command living in US and occupants ruined the housing forcing its destruction

Frank Lloyd Wright, Marin County Civic Center, San Rafel, CA 1969

* Domical circular form and center of extensions that go over roadways based on and circular form is lifted form wall and seen like nonorganic form * hovers like a spaceship to drive under extension one is of justice and the other is administrative * atrium consisted wirght * anticipated broad acre city

Le Corbusier,Monastery of la Tourette, Eveux, 1955

* Domincan monastery and emulates older monasteries - embodies solitude idea, stark handling of concrete - more informative and distinction on monster forms * upper concrete forms = cells for monks, form next for alter of church * undercroft of directional pilots slant, response to force with parabolic arches (gaudi) and supports * designing forms that signal function - uses architecture form for message * Compared with Boston City hall which had stern moralism to teach against corruption * restructuring of boston and site plan based off of IM pei * upper level office project light cells of monks --> resurgence of brutalism

Daniel Burnham, Flat Iron Building, New York, 1909

* Effect of regression to design styles of the past * shape is not immature and clothes in classic columns with arched windows * cloaked in classics

William van Alen, Chrysler Buillding, New York, 1930

* Embodiment of capitalist wealth prior to depression, tallest building NY behind empire * has a back, middle, and head with sun burst design with dimesinoal proportions out with trianguular window alley of chrome and steel refelting light * shaft embodiment vertical force with futurist architecture meant to recall coins at corners with dressed stone and classic building * Flank has basket weave and monument - looks like gargoyle but is streamlined eagles * Radiator caps with wings on 40th floor: Chevrons, and has wheels and hubcaps

Frank Lloyd Wright, Solomon G. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1957

* Everythign is subservient to architecture and conceived of sky light an hated new york so he wanted to breakers with spiral forms * constructed of spiral and supported by steel cantilever and top skylight brings in light * not a pure spiral with part of it objecting to building exhibitor art and controlling when spectacle is relevant to art * wall is in cantilever and is curbing -> disconnect with flat canvas: objection * work conflicts with color form etc * (Gwathmey and Siegel, Guggenheim Addition, 1985-92) * needs more space for flat art and looks like toilet

Mies van der Rohe, German State Pavilion, Barcelona World Exhibition, 1929

* Exemplar of IR style - pavilion create by national pavilion with ethos of meaning * meant to be resting place between function of king and queen of guest book and transitional building for upper tool * raised on podium - two pools with cross hatching, involves classical balance and placement of planes and spaces from one plane to another - deep structure of classicism * supported by cross beam (not I-beam) with wall planes * gateway for King of spain and architectural promenade - architects look for user with architecture movements and planes that are interesting * decoration or ornament and grant and onyx facts of support to make steel beams in chrome * chrome is expensive beautiful and glass has aesthetic meaning and pool with surface of glass * recreated and found misinformation of building - hallway conceptualized and space barcelona stools and chairs designed by Mies Van der robe * classical structure with modern classicism marble interior

Paul Rudolph, Art and Architecture Building, Yale University New Haven, 1966

* Expressionism is greater and rougher than Corbu art function and hook art and architectural teamed most provocative of 1960s * coloosal piers, rough stripidated concrete --> brutalism = roadway to post modern * rough striated surface which comprise cornet mix of speed from work expressive primitive and wild has irregular profile - nothing harm or valid and made * user friendly were 37 with intended bridges * wildly wonderful to learn about building design - contrast of light and dark * contrasts of light and dark is a collide not innerpenrtration of forms * central space and atrium

Lionel Feininger, The Village, 1919

* Expressive woodcut with picture of village and smilier to village with bauhus manifesto in early decades * manifesto has gothic socialism * sharp glassy facets with print pulled, use of hand craft * Bauhus place for making

Giuseseppe Terragni, Case del Fascio, Como, 1934

* Fascist architect for fascit buildngs interested in making use of classical proportions makes a framed facade of building * building has bowin up on pedastol - springing up with linear forms * covered in white marble, axis of facist party and the people * Module square form carried not interior - reflection notion go transparency in facist party * glazed in front and undercroft of ceiling is polished - penetrability inter and enter

Mies van der Rohe, Perls House, Berlin, 1912

* First time architect responds to his architectural hero Schinkel (altes) * shallow hipped roof with drop-down cornice and perfect sequence, horizontal emphasis * yello and white shutters with symmetry * Fuch' Addition (1928) perpetuates simplistic detail with a shallow roof, horizontal molding, emphasizing beauty of wall plane and reflects windows

Antonio Sant Elia', Two Drawings of Stepped Apartment Buildings for the CIty Nouva,1914

* Gated apartment have so everyone can see light and elevators * keen similatry to NYC interconnectivity * Vs garner city * Garnier is influence by classics and satnfi wants new material,s and garner is done to human scale and machine scale * garnier has nature Saint Elia city is much more interconnected and compartmentalized * concenred for nature but he does recognize the need for light n the system

Gropius and TAC, JFK Federal Building, Boston, 1966

* General services of federal government is a grid of concrete and glass to connecting towards meet space and bevels off the edge of things * ungainly between town side by each other * towers work from 2 volumes slide by each other - more space for windows

Umberto Boccioni, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913

* Represents process and change, movement and transformation * form is altered by space-> lines of force * logic irrationalism in the future - need past to make future

Mies van der Rohe, Farnsworth House, Plano IL, 1960

* Glassbox contained by steel is good for every function - designer for drive * two slabs of steel on roof and floor with glass raised five feet above ground by eight exterior columns * box enclosed by plate glass skin planing of interior is incoherent * staircases are raised up to elevate in honored important building made with industrial materials with aesethic

Walter Gropius, Gropius House, Lincoln MA, 1938

* Gropius comes to US later and arrived in 1937 after Germany, started GRaduarte school of design and Harvard requested gropius - everything changes in US * Gropius transition to US was difficult for him * GRopius is not his set in US * His own house was the best thing he does in US and is a 1st modern house in New England * Crips white colors, asymmetrical plan, curvilinear stair on the outside for Daughter * inner penetration of form and space * flat room is echoed by strip windows * peculiar creepy with a panel of glass * Uses ameircan materials like brick with wood frame house and uses detailing in strips of wood as patterning like Aesthetic structural decoration * 4 square style house - tribute to US architecture and interplays nature with rectilinear forms and cubist forms * strip windows with ribbons of light and glass porch

Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1952

* Gropius in Cambridge Mies at ITT and has some asymmetrical symmetrical patterns and periphery * Building were designed to resemble factories with steel framed blocks closed in terms of US steel with I-beams * chapel based on module and divided in half with golden satin, proportional, reductionist * cross with steel beams in glass * IIT school of architecture "god is in details" steel framing with vertical planes and endorsement wall and seem to lift it ,floating stairwell, different glazes in windows * proportional * steel framed box of glass with mullion with concrete history rise up * reference to altos museum * reference to show the box

Le Corbusier, Chapel Notre Dame du Haut, Ronchamp, 1954

* Has a massive curving roof out of concrete floating above a curving concrete and stucco wall * eding shoots out to sky, roof lien is bold and old form * using organic language - shapes punched out of wall which allow light into the interior * gap between wall and sanctuary, sources from early work * Uses color door and colored window pan

Antonio Sant Elia', Airplane and Railroad Station, 1914

* Has cable cars and elevators on three street levels * vertical movement and rectangular forms

Raymond Hood, American Radiator Building, New York, 1924

* Hood radiator building black bridge with goldfinger topping * Similar corwn to tribune early example of machine aesthetic, gothic and skyscraper in modern style * radiator caps at top with gold and black, interesting life

Frank Lloyd Wright, Robie House, Chicago, 1908

* Horizontals, extending roof white capping brick layering and occupy plots f land across form bark * most developed expression of pressing house * fluidity of space is postponed on plan and independent differentiated between family and servants * a lot of geometric lines on interior - constricting * hard to gauge when wall is white capping * corner has glass window with imagery and geometry at center with essential form * elongated bricks and small detail has portion of geometry

Mies van der Rohe, Seagram Building, Park Avenue, NY, 1957

* Important building of skyscraper * glass box raised on clumns which elevate it * wonders have modular bay system and designed according to the color of sea gram whiskey, commissioned by philis lamber * simple forms on stilts - park ave is 90 feet from building --> impractical * Mies wanted to set back on street honorifically elevating it from bustle * Glass is wheyey colored bronze glass and bronze mulling or decoration * bronze spandrels all the way up * plan is made according to modle 10th street and 7 going a breadth undercroft * steel reinforced cement corners with bronze i-bemas on exterior * Mies is accomdoatin desing to NYC fton facde is scultpural * **ended history of skyscraper in US, Chicago school -> PSFS -> sea gram -> postmodernism

Luis Barragan, Plaza and Fountain of the Trough, Mexico City, 1961

* Influenced by landscape architect, Bac, and alhambra makes use of areas not developed in lava desert and developed gated community * vista gardens with trouble of color planes with water

Le Corbusier, Maison Citrohan, 1922

* Iteration for dqwellign and house Corbo hope for factor components, machine for living and instrument of fear for use, concrete house on stilts lifting up * piloti - supports lifting house up * large terminal with double living room providing space for movement of cars * back part devoted to bedrooms

Eero Saarinen, TWA Terminal, Idlewild (JFK) Airport, NY, 1962

* Made out of concrete to emphasize function of soaring forms * * 1st airport to have individual airline buidligns terminal became powerful for TWA * 50-60s ambitious time in architectural history designs terminal in shell light of light reimbursement of concrete with four segments * inspiration was squashed grapefruit not bird in flight, expiration of flight * * valuted roofs with curved fenestration --> little transition from fabric to windows * sense of curvilinear nature while working on inside with seamless integration of roofline,windows, and flooring

Eliel and Eeo Saarinen, General Motors Technical Center, Warren Michigan, 1956

* Metal glass and curtain walls with low-slung elevation * * color involved in arrangement and represents optimism * smooth mechanical process are translated to reductive glass and steel structure with orange or red at end of buildings --> color coded * * made of ceramic ally glazed brick * Domical hemisphere with aluminum pattern - holds prototypes of cars * * domes have associations of heavens

Erich Mendelsohn, Einstein Tower, Pottsdam, 1922

* Observatory and lab on theory of relativity design is Medelich expresiosnsi that matter and energy are different condition of same material * forms are not jagged but expressive * plastic and cement over brick infrastructure with axial organization

Le Corbusier, Maison Cook, Boulogne-sur-Seine, 1927

* Part of row of houses that focus on house and front-roof terrace at tops and open spas below building with assyemtircal glazing and stereo * cubic shape * underthrow od building and 5 points of near architecture are articulated: * 1) pilotis - float * 2) roof terrace structure in city * 3) free plan with free interior * 4) free facade * 5) strip windows and couple of horizontal forms

Jose Luis Sert, Peabody Terraces, Cambrdige, 1964

* Response to Unnite d-habitation * (Harvard Married Student Housing) * 3 different buildings for married graduate students * aware of neat to form from one building to the other - terraces * easy access t outside with amenities in interior

Le Corbusier, Parliament Building, Chandigrarh, 1965

* Site plan by olvier mayer - based on classical plan, new government of India without british with seven building types * funnel shape on roof signals assembly hall and devoted to senate * 2 pools on entry with pilots and support curving entablature with elephant tusks * specifics wall of shadow with embracing with light cement color * colonnade of directional piers on front facade -> oneil * funnel and parameter shape and entrance is colored panel with mushroom columns * wanted buildings to espouse antiquity -> new-old government -> unity * walls perforated with geometric shapes

Antonio Sant Elia', Drawing of a Power Station, 1914

* Station generate energy * (Second Station), 1914 * cables and looping forms from power station show interconnectivity of other buildings, true new city, no people or trees

Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929

* Summar paris home and sense of clarity and redcution, cleat fearful forms of architect - forbear expressed interest in way * machine like piano: roof terrace, strip window open planes fcades * strip window goes righ to end * undercroft is glazed glass and archery goe there * Shfit on side glazed windows and terrace on interior * u-shaepd undercroft (back of steamship) has a ramp way forms spy in building with light coming out into undercroft * sculpture is rtasied, separated, sitant, pilots on interior and shipstack * architectural frame onto landscape * proprotion to pattern between pilots is similar to parthenon * both buildings are lifted and raise

Gropius and TAC, Harvard University Graduate Center, Cambridge, 1948

* The Architecture collaborative teaches Johnson, I.M. Pei and other * EVerything is ranged around a quad * block roof with simple windows

Frank Lloyd Wright, Johnson Research Laboratory Tower, Racine, 1950

* Tower was added and fit in complex with elevation of inner strucute and forms have a growing form and winter trees with forms hint of machine aesthetic with brick capped with whitew

Le Corbusier

* Uses painting to create idea for architecture, massp reduces publi city planes, cubist houses, and magic public buildings * recognized his talents early * Corb understood from Garneir that certain building special for functions * LEarned classicism in history of Art in Paris and reach, Villet le dic * learned modern architecture should be idealization of type forms and socially concerned * ideas are like wrights and rejects teacher, travels to classical structure * Embodies machine aesthetic and writes Vers un Architecture, 1923 on art and architerual ideas promotes machine aesthetic and same time cite great prior forms dot be synthesized towards idle of book and juxtaposed with greek temple forms and evolution of moat car

Le Corbusier, Ville Radieuse, 1930

* Version of city plan with skyscraper at head image of human form * has head, heart ,spine * residential buildings with birds eye view apartment building is linked with arrow * city had multi-level trunk and underground roads * running trade to run from residential areas --> interconnectivi

Giuseseppe Terragni, War Monument, Como, Late 1920s

* War monument edge of lake como and like Sant elia * irony of Sant elia is tarragon both killed in world wars * based on futurist ideal for city

Rudolf Schindler, Lowell Beach House, Newport Beach, 1924

* Worked with wright and never considered a serious architect, dressed funny, never published * concern was special relationships not concerned with fine materials * build good buildings at low cost (maybe steel supports) * not concerned with crafts like Bauhaus, built for Doctor Lowell (health nut) who thought the sun was good for you * House has upside down manner to look at ocean * cantilever/terracing with steel frames derived from local piers to be cleared from high tires (practical), separate entrances and interior with interlocking trays design to respond to context and client * BUilt for ideas of beachgoers to store surge and clean yourself off * support is steel reinforced to mirror piers in ocean * Architect's design are response to environmental context

Rob van T'hoff, Villa at Huis ter eide, Netherlands, 1916

* Wright's architecture inspired Dutch Holland/German architecture with cubist themes, fenestration, overarching eve * Van t'hoff misunderstoof Wright's architecture for a machine aesthetic

Louis Kahn, Yale Art Gallery, New Haven, 1953

* admired buildings in architectural history - refreshed in state Kahn wanted with different things of modern architecture * * transform modern style almost close to our eyes * windowed facade says it needs to be protected, brick faced has 4 sides * Architectrual history supported by -=beam encased in concrete * * Plan shows that it is a symmetric plan and horizontally cut * Polyhrdonal ceiling, Koch addresses shape with monolithic form, lower portion is ceiling and top is flat place of concrete * * Kahn uses spaces to service * Side garden is constrained and open and closed forms

Daniel Libeskind, Jewish Museum, Berlin, 1996,2001

* best works come from irrational, irrational = starting point * building is clad in sink over concrete * zig zag plan and broken star of david refers to jews in germany history * conceptualizes network of invisible lines, connecting dots of jewish contributions * zig zag broken star of david * thrust in situation of rejection of jewish people and troublesome experience * slashes in fenestration and irrationality is starting point * grarden consists of 49 thorny trees for the founding of Israel * now windows with small top light * everything has effect and photographer made image thorn space * no heat or AC * coherent in use and point of experience

Le Corbusier, Maison Jauol, Neuilly-sur-Seine, 1952-56

* brick concrete and wood, contrast with Fansworth house (Concrete layers building) * curves throughout concrete and Mies uses weight like steel and uses brutalism

James Stirling and J. Gowan, Engineering Building, Leicester University, England 1963

* brutalist and compete individual way and conflates form with violent fashion and different scale for each building and function, high-tech arch with low cost * towers have office on splayed less, volumes to recognize with auditorium,linked on right to sawtooth glaze factor y floor * relatable to technological building that are forward looking and revolution

George Howe and William Lescaze, Philadelphia Savings Fund Society Building, Philadelphia, 1931

* built by a pair of architects that broke up, Howe was consercviitve and Lescaze was are of international style and modern arch * Hower was social butterfly who brought commission to * Lionized between chic school and metal/glass inspired by Groopius -> asymmetrical * asymmetrically massed, functionally articulated (sant Elia influenced) * wide windows of chicago style but profile is elevators * rounded corner of bank at bottom - machine aesthetic any glass * Frank Lloyd Wright and carson pire scott * uses non reflective glass compared round with block

Frank Lloyd Wright, Herbert Jacobs House, Madison, 1936

* built in 1930s for 5000 called the usonion house (U.S. -onion) * meant to be a part of idealized plan for broad acre city * chracteristic cubist expression and eve extension * sense of dynamic relationship and wood paneling with brick characteristic of floor * opened planned - one sweep of space throughout building, efficient with immediate exterior access (love of nature)

Frank Lloyd Wright, Alice Millar House, Pasadena, 1923

* capping with concrete perforated bricks and there are several pods to building which caused flooding in ravine * inward looking aspects

Frank Lloyd Wright, Larkin Building, Buffalo, 1904

* cathedral to work and practical reasons with inward looking and light provided from above with slung atrium * place of sacred work and plans cannot distinguished 1st and 2nd floor * rectilinear with geomtries and corners contain amenities * refers to egyptian arch with thick walls and strength

Frank Gehry, Best Buy, Boston, 1987 (renovation), [Arthur Bowditch, 1918]

* chicago style warehouse base middle head with gothic arcade and cremation at top * spandrels between peerts have design and gehry retained aesthetic aspect of OG * roofline has grin from top and supported by steel struts (hide cooling tower) * machine aesthetic/hair follicles grow out of skin of building * extended window into architect and keeps design of spandrel * sense of conflict and emerging processes

Philip Johnson and John Burgee, International Place, Fort Hill Square, Boston, 1989

* cited at pentagonal irregular lot see trepedations in parapet to give signal to early use of site/sign (previous site of fortification) * 7 to 7 dominated by cylindrical towers and is city within city * paladian windows - arch with flanking areas * fit meats on the exterior have quarry that michaelangelo used marble for site * cast metal lamps resemble lamps on BPL * how does it react to surroundings, economic rational? advanced elements with contractidiction of awkward and up-pointedness, pastiche, irregular attitude

Charles Moore, Piazza d'italia, New Orleans, 1980

* city park and ethnic identity focus for sicilians in no * fountain to river with pools for adriatic seas and alps has trapiated backdrop * pompeeism colors with stainless steel necks * falling water along columns = fluting for column * spandrel of triumphant has portrait of Moore * polchamratic color scheme * references: trevi fountain, acropolis, gates of paradise

Antonio Sant Elia', Lighthouse Tower, 1913

* clean spring lines, diagonal that goes outward * purpose is to cast energy and light: project light for ships to enter harbor- diagonals

Philip Johnson, Klein Biology Tower or Science Center, New Haven, 1965

* closed off and front facade is like armor with forbidden brick wall * drawing from JFK with 2 volumes sliding past one another * purpleish color, chicago arch with base middle and head * columns squeezed by spanrels --> tootsie roll buildings

Frank Lloyd Wright, Falling Water, Bear Run PA, 1936

* coffman wanted buildings to look out on stream below and wright wanted it on top of ledges rocks * chimney was dressed stone with cantilever forms that form an abstraction of stone and ledges very cubist * forms project human being into nature * sit on rock by fireplace was metaphor for cave to withdraw into nature * hard to find front food and wants user to find monumental structure foyer has contamination of rocky but dressed forms * dress stone continuum of rocky but dressed forms * Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929 * built before wrights house and is separated form nature and wright didn't like house as a compliment of machine

Robert Venturi, Guild House, Philadelphia, 1963

* decorated by supernal amolgation of past styles that confront on facade * porch pitched roof central chimney * long roofline broken by cleft from peak to decorative lentil * superficial reference: nolding a cleft to barrel vaults (Kahn) * gable= roofline- stretching out coming together * use of strip window but not symmetrical fenestration * takes classicism, neoclassicism is making porch to wrap around ruins, hip roof * pastiche superficial rendering/hip roof with glazing * interior space are coherent

J.P. Oud, Housing at the Hook of Holland, 1924

* desgined for working housing with front garden and communal garden * sense of dispersal in city? Design elements had yellow blue red and thing in end rounded forms that has everythign for you with cantilever curve and futurist * curved forms * grandiose revival forsare expressions of styles

Renzo Piano, California Acadmey of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, 2008

* desigend in interactive with committee * building implements teeth to save energy and funny roof with garden and indigenous plants * plants were set on trays out of organic material and would grow * basing it from museum in houston texas and uses extension * wanted to make something connected with trees and neoclassical building * projection of roof and vault sells and sense of trees * flip side with atrium and technology of use to building * piazza has spider web of acoustics with system of concern * spiderweb birds nest and caught up with ideas * insulated by means of recycled blue jeans

Hugo Aalto, Paimio Sanatorium, Turku, Finland, 1932

* designed do sound would travel in slats of wood curvilinear * entrance and exterior of primary volumes cot building house dr. offices and curving forms entrance with larger volume for patients * * enter funnel shape to let you in and footprint has head body and tail for serpent * * image used in architecture * roof terrace with upright steel beams sustained construction

Philip Johnson, Munson Williams Proctor Institute Musuem, Utica, NY, 1960

* literal form comes from Mies with Crown hal * seemed like an attack on Modernist phase of architecture * compare relationship Philip J. to Mies: Gropius and Bauahus * yawnice Hall of interior space

Le Corbusier, Pavillion Suisse, Cite Universitaire, Paris, 1931

* designed for radiant city, a dormitory for swiss students at Paris one forces faces sportesfield and the other faces the street * fenestration is combo of glazes, roof terrace at top * lifted o pilots that are different and constructed of steel * Beton Brut - brutal concrete * Brises soleis - breaks window with sun, star tower curved with different faction of building and forms

Louis Kahn, Esherick House, Philadelphia, 1961

* designed for single woman and language is flat, planes when he respects solidarity and quality of plague * * chimney along side with window and uses light along chimney * Lght is important --> chimney brings in light * consistency from Yale to domestic situation * * respect for all building materials

Rafael Moneo, National Museum of Roman Art, Merida, Spain, 1985

* devoted to recilcs in meridan under ROman rule and wanter contemporary built architecture to understand lost presence of Roman empire in Spain * used Roman building materials and techniques * architecture of heavy morality and od not imitate deisngs of concrete * speaking architecture with statue under arch of museum * evoke sensations of ancient structure * tall interior arches with parallel walls like library stacks * aware of roman tendency to build in pure white marble and how it works with yellowish bricks * clear story windows - (high up) standard for churches and skylights therefore two sources of light * basement has arches close together and are more ungainly thick rough * pattern of placement of peers is placed on axis to roman street plan * reminds of roman cities according to standard form * Red tile roof with clear story stacked windows * roman contribution to structural elements

Aldo Rossi, Town Hall, Borgoricco, Italy, 1988

* distills condenses and conflates type form into one formula to create generalized form * synthesized classical architectural of cubic - vanturi scatters sources and Rossi synthesizes * ex aggregated weird proportions - with color color plays * chimney celebrates symmetry, blocks in relation to one another

Philip Johnson, 500 Boylston Street, Boston, 1989

* draws on crystal place drawing * has 2D characteristics entirely 2 dimensional and drawing taught architects about the past * disrespectful of pots chapel and negative spaces

Mies van der Rohe, Tugentdhast House, Bro Czechoslovakia, 1930

* emphasize this was planned at the same time of German pavilion * strreet facde moves along patio and strip window closes of bedrooms o * designed down a hill and garden was point of design and brought to patio * asymmetrical with contrasting curve and rectilinear * not occupied by people commissioned and looking at garden looks like roof garden and everything is focused on garden * domestic function * plan is logical according to function

Bruno Taut, Glass Pavilion, Cologne, 1914

* expressionism - idealization of modern materials found in Werkbound Exhibtion * financed by glass manufacturers, Taut loved glass architecture book * explored how glass may have used age of social harmony * Russian dome - interior dappled with colored, contrat, lights * hypothetical cathedral to medieval artistic expression * buildings should create sensation through abstract culture * Hancock Plays what is around us

Frank Gehry, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, 1997

* fishtail beyond extended bridge only finished outside to see steel constuvitism * Bilbao was brought to life by museum * city recouped investment and Gehry uses titanium * Titanium moves lightly in breeze responds to light conditions and night * CATIA - software design * Titanium billowing surface with emergent forms from interior * plaza=main entrance to south granite on right and funneled to lower entrance * Gehry influenced by Wrights guggenhiem * curving emerging forms (rosebud) organic that blooms * floorplan has flowers spreading out of rose with fish form * emergent metaphor

James Stirling, Sackler Museum, Cambridge, 1985

* formerly based on Gerbal and left was plot of land to accommodate asian art with faculty staff office and seminar rooms * black and red brick sides incorporates fenestration and play on strip window * keyhole to unlock treasures behind with coins framing doorway * summa of classical tradition and harvard teaching philosophy

Frank Gehry, Gehry House, Santa Monica, 1979

* implemented DEC theories * took dutch colonial house inside out and made it of what it was comprised of * all buildings have some flaw * take house and add additions and let them emerge from within the building * forms within moving outward and original house become trapped other forms * original house becomes trapped and OG house is conflated and emerged * expression of ideas and contemporary of time * process of emergence - kernel of Gehrys work * constructional materials on the interior

Peter Eisenman, Wexner Center for the Arts, the Ohio State University, Columbus, 1989

* incorporates postmodernism and deconstrucvisit architecture * fulfill complicated program for arts center, like columbia street grid with campus and link existing hall with new facilities * tower is cut down the middle to show retention of old armory * Eisenhower makes literal link between old parts and new parts with spine for spaces and functions * links old center with purist elemental form with new memory of old building * within link the army building is part of a garden and designer of vietnam vet memorial * series of installations of art with whole of architecture and syrian arch by cafeteria to form garden to see glass hillocks * connects old and new parts * reference to human spine and renaissance studies of 1 point perspective * orthoganols to vanishing point * speaks to issue of separation cohesion continuity and a breakdown between categories of art and architecture * fabric of architecture coming off spine with ribs connecting to taller space * what is structure and what is sculpture

Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto,Villa Maierea, Noormarkku, Finland, 1938

* lat roof concrete with red woods and sequence of evolution in nature and trees underground, roof, which is flat with dry garden * * Frank Lloyd Wright flatness of roofs * Aalto doesn't make extensions into nature and does have influence * * kidney pool and lifestyle protect * look at exterior with woods and cantileverr form over entry way with cluster of wood struts and nature is in structure, pops out in 3D form * windows are strange-glazing and sunlight into house, shot of corner above and below there is terracing at chairs * * forms and outlines of Villa Savour with whipstock by Curbo * Interior with wood acoustical purposes and has steel beams through middle with wool * * as you go into house there are structural thought resemble samplings with wood struts that catch eye for trees

Mies van der Rohe, Apartment building (Weissenhofseidlung), Stuttgart, 1927

* looking at exhibitor of Wekbound and demonstration of building of contemporary modern architecture and building with dwelling of different architects -> mies had best spot * 63 housing units and nazis hated it * absolute plain walls and strip windows see capacity for proportions and idea that less is more * don't need ornaments only need pure forms * use expensive material in leu of ornamentation * low slung apartment house with aligned apartments for plumbing * had flexible walls for customizable combinations * collaborate with Llian Reach as fabric and fashion designer

Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto, Itaniemi Institute of Technology, Espoo, Finland, 1964

* matter of having site on broken ground, Alto wanted to indicate land is uneven and there are ways to deal with it * * wedge shape was not rigid but rectilinear and flexible * images is curved form of auditorium as you move around complex * concrete brick glass and steel - notice that they extend * Interior has windows and skylight, designs all kinds of light

Philip Johnson, Glass House, New Canaan, CT, 1951

* mies uses cantilever roof creates more privacy and Johnson has glass platform * rounded form on Johnson uses lawn as for exterior rooms * Mies is asymmetrically planned and organize and jOhnson is symmetrical * MIes retains aestheticism and purity of forms whereas Johnson create shape mateirorl house and johnson injects cylinder with bathroom and fireplace with Mies furniture

James Stirling, Neue Staatgalerie (stuttgart museum), 1980

* new brutalims --> post modernist and stirling draws wedge between old and new at stugart architectural styles becomes superficial notations and behind idea is seen change behind museum * commes up with acropolis above roadway and continue street into museum * architectural promenade on landscape- historic and historian * additions were constructed of reinforced concrete, basic plan on Altes Museum * central rotunda out past 19th century, curved element of crystal palace * built on acropolis in playful fashion

Robert Venturi, Vanna Venturi's Chestnut Hill House, Philadelphia, 1963

* ouis kahns star pupil and reacted against glass box construction * not responded to elitism and minimalist of modern art * wanted it to be complex indusive not reductive and wanted to include vernacular structures of mainstream society - hybrid perverse and unconventional * tradiction and complexity - peoples arch like Las Vegas

Michael Graves, Potland Public Services building, Portland, Oregon, 1983

* part of New York South architects concerned with Corbu purist forms and turned away to look for over scaled superficial motifs * box shape refers to modernist boxes, black granite substructure, light columns high style motifs with garland of classical form * graphic image of idealized garden folly of decorated shred * schism between inner core and facade appears like cribbage board * over scaled flat keystone over columns (not visual arch) * playful but irritating (clown like) * barred window up to top arch motif * house statue of portalnd to restore significant figuria lost in 1960s * cuts out windows in cladding

Charles Eames, Eames House, Pacific Palisades, CA, 1949

* rectilinear box broken open with panel and many more reference that Johnson glass house - designed furniture toys and independent curator * House has eukaylptis trees with steel box with Japanese frame and construction * uses prefabricated items to build affordable * sits squarely on ground like Johnson house

Vladimir Tatlin, Design for a Monument to the Third International, 1920

* reflection of Bolshevik revolution classicism of art and architecture since Catevli * compoisiton not consticutivsim with steel and glass called constuctivism * adopted futurist ideas and inner-dynamism, model for large steel form * spirals with glass cube, pyramid, sphere kept in motion motion dynamism force * machine aesthetic and futurism * revolutionary society for egalitarian utopianism - governmental structure

Antonio Sant Elia', Monumental Building with Cupola and Stairway, 1910

* relation to olbrich: cupola top and framing format , Ela went to architectural school in Madrim and met up with furutirst painter * movement seemed to be drawn to fast and repetition, building is moving upward

Gerrit Rietveld, Schroeder House, Utrecht, Netherlands 1924

* replaces materialistbrownstone with formal langauge and precision embodies machien aesthetic because it meant form labor * Built off of red and blue chair * total work of art like frank lloyds wright nature designed furniture as well * designed furniture inside as well * contrast between light and dark with white moves forward while black back * uses lines framing elements that refer to other planes that flour and articulation of planes and fenestration with primary color struts * concepturalize spasce and is tiny purity of black balistrade * lively feeling in house and art with whole open space * broad casement windows

Minoru Yamasaki, World Trade Center, NYC, 1969

* represents american elitism with expensive buildings * brooklyn bridge in foreground with symbol for america

Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto, Baker House, Cambridge, 1951

* shows riverside echoing charles river with wedge shaped dorm rooms --> everyone has views rectilinear and cold forms on campus side with off profile the white hanging lights * * lights cast light through skylight into cafeteria

Mies van der Rohe, National Gallery, Berlin, 1968

* steel grid is weighty form and back of machine * Like altes Museum in Berlin (Schinkel)

Philip Johnson and Henry Russell Hitchcock, The International Style at MoMA, 1932

* strip windows and open space * Used Mied German Pavilion, Les Corbuise Villa, Gropius Bauhaus and Shroeder houseAcrolyte of Mies and student of Gropisu

Aldo Rossi, Teatro del Mondo, Venice, 1979

* structure on a barge - founded neorationalists best known wake * theatre floated on a barge (note site specific) recreation of similar theatre a floated festive theatre -> recreation of arch students of German pavilion * effort to bring back past looks, conical roof with flanking towers

Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano, Pomidou Center, Place Beubourg, Paris, 1976

* two were architects of place and never again worked with each other * hidden meaning brought so it can be read on outside --> exsoskeletal strcutrue * places with whats on the inside on the outside by color coded * red= human access * green= water and plumbing * blue - AC * yellow= electricity * functions and amenities displace on outside * tubing and steel have echo of parson street pattern - only element that echoes urban context hangar of steel with truss space that opens * understood function of individual museum * movable walls on interior

Frank Lloyd Wright, Unity Temple, Oak Park, 1906

* unity temple concrete like temple and support ancillary functions unitaries wanted steppe but wright wanted square temple to study man * made out of concrete and project plane that juts out * looks like addition to BPL and contact to dark and light of indertiminate plans * windows have strange decorations with essence of natural form * interior brings in squares with rectilinear shapes that get reiterated * constructing locks in seat but it confronts to exterior

Frank Lloyd Wright, Ward Willets House, Highlands Park, 1902

* very horizontal grounded and complexly in house, similar color pattern which con taints light and dark * roof protrudes over eve at corner

Le Corbusier, Contemporary CIty for Three Million Inhabitants, and the Immeubles Villas, 1922

* villas with city plan that occupy space around towers: conceiving of dense populate n and wats to decongest the city by fast freeways 3 million in same spot * parkland at periphery and at center are administrative blocks of 24060 story skyscrapers * Glass eliminates differences singled no class distinction and used by fascists

Louis Kahn, Jonas Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla California, 1965

* wanted to invite to lab * central space with flanking volumes on each side * * channel of water runs in the middle to the west * given broad horizontal of pacific * Wanted to project collaborative idea with no hierarchal system * Versailles has tradition of great arms * Diagonals focus on origins and design of laboratory to the ocean * * trees would have interrupted focus * stair towers are less monumental and simple blocks * Kahn uses white oak which works eel

Frank Lloyd Wright, Administration Center Johnson Wax, Racine, Wisconsin, 1939

* white capping over brickyard entering building funnels movement * edges seemed bearded and core to suggest movement * configuration similar to larkin building that is organized like naive of church but this is open space with management supervision above (like Larkin) * different heaviness is due to lilypads and ceiling has watery effect * columns are reminiscent of minos columns and brought in organic metaphor * water drains to basin -> leaks ((Dripping wax aesthetic)) * like a fantasy

Raymond Hood and Howells, Chicago Tribune Tower, Chicago, 1922

* won building with chicago tribune promotion gothic revival, styles * Gothic has asscoiates with marvel probablity and high mindedness * Most beautiful buildings submission * Elliel Srringer - gothic, Bruno Taut - all glass, Adolph Loot - falic column, Gropius - influence by Van dohsberg with Chicago style windows * Hood and Howard - won building with chicago tribune promotion gothic revival, styles * Gothic has asscoiates with marvel probablity and high mindedness

Frank Lloyd Wright, Broadacre City, 1935

* worked for a long time and interest in automobile did not like skyscraper or high rises need a new dispersal system for land and self sufficient farmer * aircraft technology/garnier cite indistrielle is different because it is not dispersed * similar to Sant Elia because of need for sunlight but more nature and Sant Elia was focused on interconnectivity of city and says human being is subservient to architecture * Compared to Corbusier heavy population at city center and attune to idea of glass material surrounded by condominium and great apartment land and worker would come to center opt city * intertwines nature within city and garner his segmented functions of city and vast machine aesethic * orchard within city an wanted everyone to have ace of you

Antonio Sant Elia', Study for a New City, 1914

Cold and upward forms running for new things

Antonio Sant Elia', Airship Hanger and Electric Generating Station, 1913

Diagonals, house airplanes (machines), more speed and vertical structure

Antonio Sant Elia', New Railway Station, Milan 1914

Regression to curvilienar art noucau forms and a proposal for rail station - link to art nouveau and machine aesthetic

Wright principles

Space determines where the wall steps down and flows with other space and place house on pedestal while elevating basement use ribbon windows to create light and ornament is expression of machine which nature idealize,s heating light, and ornament is expression of machines which nature idealizes Architecture resolves cubism (inner penetration of form and space), arts and crafts movement in America, and nature/organic elements which is a result from childhood love of nature

Frank Lloyd Wright, Martin House, Buffalo, 1904

USes brick and white capping and extending eves with a complex but unified plan and cubist elements in plan

Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klnt, Grundvig Church, Copenhagen, Denmark 1940

construction stopped because of war, derived from indigenous country churches and sprayed shafts - expressionist, very beautiful

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