Arkansas History Test 2

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Arkansas Secedes


Battle of Pea Ridge


Capture of Little Rock


Kansas‐Nebraska Act

Created the territories of Kansas & Nebraska by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois. The initial purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to open up many thousands of new farms & make feasible a Midwestern Transcontinental Railroad.

What was Yell's response to the onset of the Mexican‐American War?

He resigned his senate position to go fight in the war. Entered as Private. Then the men chose Yell to be their commanding officer & promoted him to Kernal.

"Yell's Mounted Devils"

Yell did not do a good job in disciplining his troops. Had immense personal courage but not good at training & regulating. They were given the nickname because they were so unruly & undisciplined

CIVIL WAR: Arkansas Gazette's advice after Lincoln's election

Lincoln is elected in the manner prescribed by the law & by the majority prescribed by the constitution. Let him be inaugurated, let not steps be taken against this administration until he has committed an overt act, which cannot be remedied by law.

What were the 4 components of Roane's visionary agenda?

*1. Ammend constitution-* State & county office elected by popular vote instead of appointment *2. Set a bankruptcy clause-* Make it more humane for home owners *3. Improve Arkansas Education* *4. Make improvements in the state infrastructure:* Ex. roads

How did an unnamed Federal officer describe Dockery's hometown of Fayetteville?

"A beautiful little hamlet nestling among the foothills of the Ozark range,... the chief education center of the state, the home of culture, refinement, & that inborn hospitality so characteristic of the South... The public Square... was surrounded by stores of shops, broken an old-fashioned tavern."

Four contestants in 1860 Election

Abraham Lincoln Stephen Douglas John Bell John C. Breckinridge

Which candidate won the vote in Arkansas?

John C. Breckinridge

What consequence did the discovery of gold in California have upon Fort Smith & Van Buren

Promoted as ideal Jumping off points for the journey to the gold fields. The economy of these 2 towns boomed & population doubled.

What was Van Dorn's response after Pea Ridge?

Retreats to Littlerock & then goes to Mississippi. Decided more important to fight in mississippi than AR. Henry rector- hot headed Gov. of AR so mad he threatened to succeed from the confederacy.

Earl Van Dorn

Richmond sensed the hostility btwn the 2 generals. Sent Earl Van Dorn to take over both armies. Making it the military district of the trans mississippi

Who emerged in the late 1840s as the leader of the 2nd generation of the Family?

Robert Ward Johnson

Brooks & Sumner

The 1856 conflict over slavery called "Bleeding Kansas," managed to draw blood in Washington too. As a debate raged in Congress over the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which would grant popular sovereignty to the 2 newly-formed states, Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner blasted the bill's author Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina, whom he accused of embracing slavery as "a mistress." South Carolina Rep. Preston Brooks, who was engrained with a strong sense of state-pride, stomped into Sumner's senate chamber on May 22, 1856 to give him a piece of his mind. He gave him a lot more than that. Brooks beat Sumner with a wooden cane, stopping only when the cane shattered. Sumner, who took many blows to the head, took 2 years to recover before he could return to Congress. The violent attack was surely a sign of things to come as Civil War broke out over the same issues just 5 years later.

Seizure of Fort Smith

Emory discovered that the ammunition stores at Fort Smith were quite low. In addition, for the 4 cavalry companies currently in the region, only two officers remained, as many officers had resigned their positions & given their allegiance to the Confederacy. Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter, South Carolina. After hearing this, Emory telegraphed Washington DC regarding his situation, left Fort Smith for Indian Territory, & gave command of the garrison to Captain Samuel Sturgis, commander of the First U.S. Cavalry stationed there. Sturgis was given the order to remain until Arkansas seceded. In the event of secession, Sturgis was ordered to post his men at the crossing of the Arkansas River on the Texas Road & then proceed into Indian Territory. A few weeks later, reports of an impending attack came to Fort Smith. Governor Henry Rector had given charge of militia units gathering around Fort Smith to Senator Solon Borland. Borland's first mission was to capture the important post of Fort Smith. Armed with weapons from the Little Rock Arsenal, including artillery, these militia units boarded steamboats & headed up river. Although the state had not yet seceded, & despite his prior orders, Capt. Sturgis made quick preparations to leave the fort. He knew that with only two companies of cavalry, there was no way to hold off an onslaught of pro-Confederate militia that greatly outnumbered his own forces. Sturgis wrote that he also faced the problem that "the entire population of the surrounding country...was...ready at a moment's warning to take up arms against us." Sturgis believed that to stay & fight would only end in his men being captured or killed, & all government supplies & arms would fall into Confederate hands.

What tasks did Earl Van Dorn assign his guerrilla highters?

Harass the federal flanks & rear Disrupt supply lines & destroy supplies Defend all crossing points along the Arkansas River to the last extremity Act promptly & energetically in resisting & defeating the invasion of the state.

In what ways did slaves resist?

Worked slowly & ineffectively Faked illness or injury Destroyed farm tools Stole from the master Ran away

How did an unnamed Wisconsin soldier describe the bravery of the Confederates he fought against during the battle of Helena?

"The general opinion here is that the enemy fought desperately & with bravery & determination worthy of a better cause."

Assess Hindman's rhetorical, organization, & political skills.

*1.* Bypassed the Dynasty-Dominated Democratic Party machinery & appeal directly to the voters. *2.* Disassociated the Dynasty from its image as the party of the common man & portrayed it as a group of wealthy aristocrats. *3.* Portrayed, In Rector, a candidate for the Dynasty's opponents who could appeal to many different groups.

Be able to list & describe 3 ways in which the institution of slavery could be justified during the first 1/2 of the 19th century

*It was historical*- no 150 years hindsight *It was Constitutional- 1. 2. 3. Article 4 Section 2* *It was biblical- Colosians 3:32* Don Fehrenbacher- framers were half consiously trying to frame 2 constitutions one for their time & one for future generations

What were the issues of John Selden Roane's administration?

*Oath of office candidate had to swear that he had not engaged in a duel since new years day in 1838.* *Need money & the people are not inclined to have taxes increased. Raised money through*

When preaching to slaves, how did the theme of white preachers differ from that of black preachers?

*White preachers*- Slaves being obedient & docile *Black preachers*- Deliverance from oppression & the equality of all men before the Lord

What factors "mitigated against the overuse of the whip"?

-Antebellum ministers placed great emphasis on the masters duty to treat his slaves fairly & humanely. -Slaves scarred by the whip were worth less at auction

According to historian James Woods, why did most Arkansans fail to support Southern rights in 1850? Give at least 3 reasons.

1. Citizens of W-AR bordered indian territory, wanted protection & economic benefits that the federal troops supplied. 2. Delta residents were beginning to get substantial profits from cotton & will benefit further from the federal swampland reclamation project. 3. Slaveholders & their families made up <20% of AR pop. so most ARs were too preoccupied w/their own survival on this frontier to worry about it

Sutherland mentions several reasons why men became guerrillas in Arkansas during the Civil War. What are those reasons?

1. Fighters not soldiers 2. Preferred the life of an independent soldier 3. Found that style of warfare exhilarating 4. Fight near their homes 5. Subject to conscription & sympathetic to the confederate cause 6. To be bushwhackers defending their homes 7. Revenge

Which religious groups were most active in the early days of Arkansas?

1. Methodists 2. Baptists

What 2 things did he hope to do in order to pay for his proposals?

1. Sell public lands. But the AR general assembly had dispersed the money to the counties instead of state Gov. To buy favor of political county leaders. Roanes says to quit this & get the money to the schools Raise Taxes?

Sutherland argues that "the Federals themselves betrayed the guerrilla impact on their operations in 4 distinct ways." What were those 4 ways?

1. Warnings to confederate partisans 2. Retaliation 3. Organization of anti-guerrilla forces 4. Adopting strategies to combat guerrilla activity

What estimate is given for the number of Arkansans killed during the Civil War?




Establishment of Arkansas Post


By 1860, where did Arkansas rank amongst the states in personal wealth per capita?

16th of 33

David O. Dodd

17 year old boy captured by the Union & had a book with code that told of the strength of the Union troops to the confederacy. Was tried convicted & killed. Union law- Death penalty for those being caught in espionage. Known as Boy Martyr of the Confederacy. Legend that he would be given pardon if he would give up his accomplises. 1 of them being a girl he liked. He would not give anyone up. Another legend when he was hung the ropes were too long & his toes were touching the ground & a soldier climbed up to the top & pulled up the rope. also a myth. At this point people in AR are completely sick of the war especially N of the mississippi river, trying to reenter the union. Both sides burning & destroying things, actions of the guerrillas from both sides, & ruffians & outlaws taking advantage of a lawless situation.

Louisiana Purchase


Arkansas Statehood


Why did Drew resign early during his second term as governor?

2nd term hurt him very much financially drained due to recession & also made poor investments in AR railroad sceems. Expected salary raise in 2nd term & that did not happen.

What were the features of the Arkansas slave code?

A Slave cannot: *1.* Harbor or conceal a Slave *2.* Be off the plantation without a pass (anyone) *3.* Sell, barder, or deliver alcohol to another slave *4.* Have a gun w/o written permission (anyone, keep) *5.* Gather in unlawful assemblies (anyone) *6.* Visit another plantation in a group. Master Cannot have 5 or more that exceeds his own. Master had to pay the informer 1 dollar for every slave over 5. Exceptions: religious (worship). Or laboring on a big job *7.* Free person (white or black) hanging out w/ a slave pay 100 dollars *8.* Steamboat owners who helped a slave- forfeit & pay to the owner of slave $500 *9.* AR Forbid importation of a slave who has committed a crime or noted for bad behavior

Poison Springs Incident

About 3600 Confed. cavalrymen attack about 1000 supply troups. Including about 400 black soldiers in the union troups from the 1st Kansas. Killed black prisoners who were captured or surrendered. 117 of the 1st Kansas were killed & 65 wounded. Confed. retreat to littlerock but as they cross a river on a ferry they have to beat back a union attack. Kansas 2nd retaliate by killing wounded or surrendering confed. soldiers. After this confed. had opportunity to completely isolate union troups to small union garrison towns.

Henry Rector

Acted Rashly "The union states may no longer be regarded as an existing fact" & warned Arkansans to " gird her loins for conflict" he felt certain was to come

Why did Arkansans support the Compromise of 1850?

Arkansas Gazette & Democrat chided Johnson for his "peculiar views" & noted "Our people do not believe that the time has yet come when they are to be called upon to assist in dismembering the confederacy. It is the universal sentiment that the Union must be preserved; & the universal belief is that it cannot be dissolved"

CHAPTER 8 1. Discuss the importance of steamboats to the Arkansas economy during the hirst half of the 19th century.

Arkansas has a lot of rivers. During the industrial growth of AR, the rivers were the highways of commerce & the steamboats were it vehicles.

ARKANSAS IN THE CRISIS YEARS: What was the state of education in antebellum Arkansas?

Arkansas was seen as a backwards place. Was a pretty rugged place so there was some justification. Seen as inaccessible no bridges over rivers. Seen as uneducated place, some justification for that as well. Only 1/2 the kids go to school. Michigan is sister state to Arkansas, enter as a state at about the same time. ---------------------------Michigan------------------Arkansas---- Public Schools--------2,714-----

Why does your textbook argue that, "For Arkansas Confederates, the aftermath of the battle [of Pea Ridge] was even more disastrous than the battle itself"?

Because Gen. Beauregaurd had Van Dorn transferr the remainder of his army across the Mississippi river to Corinth, Mississippi taking the bulk of able-bodied soldiers, animals, equipment, arms, & ammunition. *His actions left AR virtually defenseless, & Union forces soon took advantage*

According to historian Carl Moneyhon, were slave families more likely to enjoy stability on big plantations or on small ones?

Big Plantations

"Bleeding Kansas"

Bloody Kansas or the Border War was a series of violent political confrontations in the United States involving anti-slavery Free-Staters and pro-slavery "Border Ruffian" elements in Kansas between 1854 and 1861.

What was the state of religion in Arkansas at mid century?

By 18teens missionaries began to arrive, most active group were the methodists followed by the baptists. Churches almost tripled

Wilson's Creek

By Springfield Missouri. Price & McCulloch combine armys against Union general Lyons army. Both sides 1200 casualties (# of ppl don't show back up.) Tactical victory for the South because Union troops withdrew from the battlefield, but does not affect anything Strategically. After the victory Price wants to chase after Lyon & McColloch wants to retreat to NW Arkansas. Each man did as they wanted. Several months later Price was chased back to NW Arkansas.

Theophilus Holmes

Conciencious man & tried hard, but he was sickly & worn out. Leans heavily on Hindman Instead of controlling him. Main job was to protect littlerock but he sees opportuninty to attack NW arkansas. Only 1 division of union troops here. Hindamns troops were not trained but holmes allows him to attack NW Arkansas. Before he attacks the 1 division is joined by some federal troops from Springfield. March 110 miles in 3 days in December.

How many Native Americans served in the Confederate army? How many served in the Union army?

Confederate- Over 12 thousand Union- 6 Thousand

Price's Missouri Expedition

Confederates needed was a savy & dynamic leader after poison springs incident. But Price led his army into Missouri (sight seeing). 4000 of sterlings 12000 troups didnt have weapons, 1000 didnt have horses. He is beaten down & makes it back to AR with only 4000 troups left. Due to this pointless expedition the union regains control of AR & keeps it until the end of the war.


Cost the lives of approximates 618,000 soldiers. Much farmlands & supplies & resources. Overall confederate losses were smaller but greater % of population. Historian M'Pherson estimated in the South 1 in 4 white men of military age died in the war. Most of the fighting took place in the South so it suffered most of the devastation a lot of it was intentional by both sides. American South was destroyed. 1860- Contained 30% of the nations wealth. 1870- 12% of the nations wealth. Before war AR was in the middle of per capita wealth & after pretty much at the bottom.

What crop had, as early as the 1820s, become Arkansas's leading staple crop?


What problems did Curtis have as he tried to approach Little Rock in 1862?

Curtis led his troops back to missouri so that he could come back to AR & try to march through little rock & take over a different part of AR. Summer 1862. Points 2 & 3 are connected *Sent some troops to Tenessee* *Long supply lines* *Hilly terrain perfect for guerrillas* *TX (CSA) Cavalrymen. AR got them to stay & fight instead of going to Mississippi.*

Battle of Whitney Lane

Curtis trying to reach little rock, but encountered TX Cavalrymen & some searcy malitia May 18 1862. Most likely a rolling battle Big enough to convince Curtis not to proceed to littlerock instead made his way down & captured Helena-1 of the more important port towns in AR

Dred Scott Decision

Dred Scott was a slave whose owner, an army doctor, had spent time in Illinois, a free state, and Wisconsin, a free territory at the time of Scott's residence. The Supreme Court was stacked in favor of the slave states. 5 of the 9 justices were from the South while another, Robert Grier of Pennsylvania, was staunchly pro-slavery. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney wrote the majority decision, which was issued on March 6, 1857. The court held that Scott was not free based on his residence in either Illinois or Wisconsin becausehe was not considered a person under the U.S. Constitution-in the opinion of the justices, black people were not considered citizens when the Constitution was drafted in 1787. According to Taney, Dred Scott was the property of his owner, & property could not be taken from a person without due process of law.

Seizure of Little Rock Arsenal

During the secession crisis of 1861. The people of Arkansas were contemplating leaving the Union, & armed volunteer companies from around the state took control of the Federal arsenal from soldiers of the U.S. Army. Groups of volunteers from Phillips, Jefferson, Prairie, White, Monroe, Hot Spring, Saline, Montgomery, & St. Francis counties had arrived in Little Rock. The next day, the city council demanded that Rector use his authority to stop any attack on the arsenal. Rector continued to claim that he had no authority over the volunteers. The Little Rock militia, including the Capital Guards, was called out to keep order between the Unionists and secessionists in the city. On February 6, the governor wrote to Totten & explained that, while he was not in command of the volunteers, he did ask for the garrison to surrender to prevent possible bloodshed. Totten, who had not received any instructions from his commanders, agreed to the surrender & turned the entire arsenal over to the Capital Guards. On February 8, the militia unit escorted the Federal troops out of the arsenal and to the Arkansas River, where they boarded a steamer bound for St. Louis, Missouri, on February 12. As they waited, Totten was presented with a sword by the ladies of Little Rock in recognition of his honorable behavior & for preventing bloodshed in their city. The vote for the secession convention was passed by the voters of the state later in February, but Arkansas would not leave the Union until May during a second session of the convention. The weapons held in the arsenal were later distributed to Arkansas & Confederate units.

What had Achribald Yell said about every man & every woman who came to Arkansas?

Every man left his *honesty* & every woman her *chastity* on the other side of the Mississippi River.

Marmaduke‐Walker duel

Failed attack of Helena. Marmaduke accused Walker of not attacking when he's supposed to. September 6th 1863 4 days before little rock was taken & Walker was killed. Marmaduke was instantly remorseful torn up by this for the rest of his life. After battle of helena .... got sick again & price had to take control. Confederacy lost alot of troups by attacking helena & did not gain anything by it

Samuel Curtis

Feb 1862 His Union military drives Price into NW AR & Burnt Fayetteville.

CHAPTER 7 (Read pp.137‐155) 1. How was Arkansas a hard place for women to live?

Few amenities of civilization. Birth rate for AR women was the highest in the nation, 43% higher than national average. Hardships- bearing & raising large #s of children, slaughtering animals, cooking, tending to the house, caring for the sick, assisting her husband in the fields at planting & harvest time, & offer advice on economic matters. Women had no political rights, no educational, & occupational opportunities outside the home, & suffered intense loneliness

Sterling Price

Former Gov. of Missouri. Joined the confederacy & raised a confederate army in missouri. Politician rather not soldier.

Ben McCulloch

Former texas ranger. placed in charge of confederate troops in arkansas & indian territory

Frederick Steele

General of union forces in AR. Marches troups to littlerock & they take full control of AR.

Battle of Helena

Further down the missi. river at vicksburge missi. the Confed. are holding the last Confed. stronghold along the mississippi river. Under attack seiged by US grant. If the Confed can capture helena then that will relieve some of the pressure being put on vicksburg. It is much harder to attack than to defend. Need to outnumber 3 to 1 Holmes only has 3 to 2. Union forces suffered about 600 casualties & the Confed. about 1600. Failure of Communication. General opinion- Opposition occurred during the worst 4 day period of the war for the Confed.- July 4th 1863 Vicksburg Fell. Battle of getisburg july 1-3rd of 1863. Lee lost so many men that he lost the ability to fight offensively has to fight defensively for the next 2 years.

How did he break with the family?

He was reelected & then publicly broke with the family. Hurt him very little but..

Thomas Hindman

Helena Arkansas. He Takes Control of the Arkansas military situation a spark plug, very ambitious, & created a new malitia from scratch. Enforces Marshal law, conscription & a draft of very young men & older men- a big army of men who don't want to fight. Hindman begins a scourched earth policy where they burn things so they do not fall into union hands. Allows Gorillas to raid union supply trains Blurry line between Gorillas & outlaws. He has enraged the people of AR so Richmond sends Holmes.

According to Sutherland, what was the significance of guerrillas in Arkansas during the Civil War?

Helped shape the strategic & tactical patterns of war

How did the gubernatorial campaign of 1860 damage the power & influence of the Family?

High-handed ways in which the Dynasty dominated the state convention deepened the divisions in the state Democratic party.

Over what issue did Thomas Hindman fallout with the Family? What almost happened in Washington, D. C., between Hindman & Robert Ward Johnson?

Hindman wanted Sebastians Senate seat. Dynasty supported Sebastian for re-election, so he fallout with Family & established the newspaper Old Line Democrat. They almost got into A Duel in Washington D.C.

Union occupation of Helena

Horrible & out of Control Richmond sees whats going on So they send another figure to try & reclaim the situation in Arkansas Hindman.

How did Mary Owen Sims feel about living on the Arkansas frontier?

I feel very solicitous. Very lonely. Sunshine of days had past, cut off from all sympathy of kind. Left alone to struggle with cold & selfish world. Bound down by poverty. Living in AR a step down because Her mind was a superior to the simple minds around her. Soul was lost in wonder dumb with astonishment.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Immortalized the image of the cruel overseer is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. The novel "helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War. It Featured the character of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave around whom the stories of other characters revolve. The sentimental novel depicts the reality of slavery while also asserting that Christian love can overcome something as destructive as enslavement of fellow human beings.

In what way were free blacks severely discriminated against during Conway's administration?

In the Arkansas Slave Code

Isaac Murphy

Isaac Murphy was a teacher, attorney, and eighth governor of Arkansas. After years of relative obscurity, he became nationally famous when, at the Arkansas Secession Convention on May 6, 1861, he not only voted against secession but also resolutely refused to change his vote despite enormous crowd pressure. In 1864, he became the first elected governor of Union-controlled Arkansas.

Fort Sumter & Lincoln's Response

Island fortification located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. The site of the first shots of the Civil War. U.S. Major Robert Anderson occupied the unfinished fort in December 1860 following South Carolina's secession from the Union, initiating a standoff with the state's militia forces. When President Abraham Lincoln announced plans to resupply the fort, Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard bombarded Fort Sumter. After a 34-hour exchange of artillery fire, Anderson & 86 soldiers surrendered the fort. Confederate troops then occupied Fort Sumter for nearly four years, resisting several bombardments by Union forces before abandoning the garrison prior to William T. Sherman's capture of Charleston in February 1865.

What was the state of transportation?

It was primitive there were a few good roads. Fallen trees block roads. Rivers are still the best way of getting around.

John Brown & Harper's Ferry

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry (also known as John Brown's raid or The raid on Harpers Ferry; in many books the town is called "Harper's Ferry") was an attempt by the white abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859 by seizing a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

Fort Hindman (at Arkansas Post)

Late 1862 (about same time) Trying to guard the AR river approach to little rock. Manned with 5000 troops. January of 1863 about 33000 union men attack fort hindman supported by gun boats. They overwhelm the confederate forces & capture & destroy Ft. Hindman. Doesn't change the war because they don't use the route to get to littlerock & go by land.

Pea Ridge

McCulloch is killed & other high ranking men. Union wins battle. 1 of the most important battles W of the mississippi. Affectively closes the door to missouri & ends any hope of it being in the Confederate Fold. Van Dorn Decides the confed. retreated too far & ordered them to march back North. Encounters the union troops on march 7th & 8th of 1862. had strategy in mind where he wanted to win & march on to St. Louis & use this to drive the Union out of Tenessee. Notorious footnote- Albert Pike is the leader of the Indians & at the battle some of them scalped the Union soldiers. Confederacy name-Battle of Elkhorn tavern

Mountains Meadow massacre

Mormons, Arkansans on the wagon trail stopped in Mountain meadows & before sunrise the following morning the party was surrounded & attacked by about 300 indians of the Paiute Tribe. The indians initially killed several of the Fancher-Baker party & the rest quickly formed a circle with the wagons & defended themselves. This went from Sunday to Friday. The wagons escaped under truce. At the end of the party were the captured Arkansan men escorted by armed mormon guards. When they reached a narrow passage the Mormons shot the Arkansans. This signaled the Indians & some of their Mormon Allies to swarm out of the brush & butcher the women & other children with hatchets & knives.

What internal improvements occurred during Elias Conway's administration?

PROSPERITY for the growing state as the government dealt with issues such as internal improvements and debt left from failed banks. The mounting tensions that led to the Civil War began to play out during Conway's second term, & the voters ended the Family's political domination in the election of 1860 when they rejected Conway's choice for a successor. During his administration, the office of state geologist was created, major improvements were made to the state's roads and also in the state penitentiary, and large land grants were given to the state's nascent railroad system. His greatest accomplishment was restoring the state's solvency, which he did by creating a court of chancery to settle the affairs of the ill-managed state Real-Estate Bank. Despite a huge remaining bonded indebtedness, the treasury held a cash surplus when Conway left office on November 16, 1860. After leaving office Conway retired from public life. His death in 1892 brought an end to the "family dynasty" of Johnson's, Conway's, and Sevier's that had been a conspicuous feature of pre-Civil War Arkansas politics.

Pike‐Roane duel

Pike said Roane did not fight well in Mexico. Roane responded in print by saying Pike wasn't even there. Pike challenges Roane. Happiest ending to a duel both missed a couple rounds went & enjoyed dinner at Ft. Smith

Dandridge McRae

Searcy native took part in battle of wilsons peak & pea ridge & helena. Gen. holmes criticized mcrae for attacking. & blaming him for the loss of the battle. He was a gen. & this was a disgrace (coward) so He asked for a review of misbehavior of the enemy. Court met Dec. & it exonerated him. McRae returned to searcy after the war with his law practice & was later barried in oak cemetery. Highly respected member of society after the war. His grave says that he's a violent foe of AR reconstruction of gov. (reference to KKK).

CHAPTER 9 What was the Arkansas Peace Society?

Secret organization in North-central AR whose members were opposed to Confed. Gov. & the war. Many members were arrested & given the choice of serving in the Confed. army or being tried for treason. Most chose the former but deserted & fought for the Union

Albert Pike

Spiritual leader of Whig party. Creates alliance w/ native Americans 5 civilized tribes (adopted white culture)- Cherokee, Chawktaw, Chicasaw, Creek, & Seminole.

Steele's Camden Expedition

Spring 1864- Union army major blunder: Steele moves troups SW of little rock to try & capture Shrieveport Lousianna. Doesnt make it circles his way back.

What minority got a special school during Conway's administration?

The Blind

What did the Union army do as it marched toward Helena in 1862?

The army was totally cut off from its base of supply. They plundered barns & private residences, seizing livestock, food, & anything else they needed or wanted. They burned public buildings & privates homes, bringing the horrors of war home to the civilians.

What were the issues of Thomas Stevenson Drews administration?

Thomas Drew 3rd Governor of Arkansas. There were many other scrambles for the family to try & find a representative & it ended up being Drew. *Biggest problem AR ruinous financial condition due to banking scandal.* *He had no money & no credit & supported increases in property tax.*

What was Arkansas reputation concerning violence & immorality?

They were considered the worst

Why did Arkansas Confederate leaders use guerrilla highters?

They were more motivated due to personal territory or personal revenge

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

US gets Texas & Rio Grande River is the settled boarder. In compensation for lost territory (farms) US gives mexico 15 Million Cash

Occupation of Little Rock

Union occupation Very peaceful unlike other areas of Arkansas but here was 1 incident. 1 notorious story David O. Dodd

Where was union sentiment strongest in Arkansas? Where was secessionist sentiment strongest?

Union- North & Central AR (Majority) Secessionist- Southern & East AR

Arkansas Secession Convention of May 1861

Votes to seceed from the union. Arkansas 2nd constitution- limiting the governor from 4 years to 2. Confederacy Strategic importance- needed AR if they hoped to extend into Missouri

What was Yell's fate at Buena Vista?

Was Lanced in the Chest & the Eye

Prairie Grove

West of Fayetteville. Because Blunt is reinforced now he is not whiped out. Was a Draw but strategically it was given to the Union because confederates had to draw back.

What, according to Sutherland, is the "thorniest—& perhaps insolvable—riddle involving Arkansas's guerrilla war"?

Which *bands* were *legitimate* & which were *freebooters*?

Buena Vista

Yells Mounted Devils Joins up with Henry Zackary Taylors troups to fight at Buena Vista. Mexican forces launch brutal attack against Yell & his men. Reports differ but the point is AR is falling back, they are outnumbered. Yell for all of his deficiencies has immense courage tried to rally his groups. 1 story Yell charged by himself into Mexican lines. Other story he lost reigns on his horse & went into the troops Mexican Lancers

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