Army Health Systems

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What are the tasks of integrated medical evacuation (within the medical evacuation function) of HHS?

1) Acquire, locate, treat, stabilize and evac; 2) en route medical care; 3) area support; 4) emergency movement of medical personnel, supplies and equipment; 5) transfer of patients between MTF and mobile aeromedical staging facilities; 6) medical property transfer; 7) medical regulating support

What are the primary tasks of the clinical lab services (within the medical treatment function) of HSS?

1) Analysis of specimens; 2) blood banking services

What are the tasks of medical treatment function of the HSS?

1) First aid; 2) TC3; 3) advanced trauma management; 4) forward resuscitative surgery; 5) routine sick call; 6) patient holding; 7) casualty prevention measures; 8) medical evacuation; 9) physical therapy

What are the functions of HSS?

1) Hospitalization, 2) medical treatment [including: treatment aspects of dental services, BH/neuropsychiatric treatment; clinical labs, and CBRN treatment] 3) medical evacuation; 4) medical logistics; although specific tasks they are interrelated and require close coordination to facilitate effective/efficient AHS support.

What are the tasks of the BH/neuropsychiatric services (within the medical treatment function) of HSS?

1) ID and diagnose behavioral health disease and disorder; 2) stabilize patient

What are the tasks of Combat and Operational Stress Control in FHP?

1) Implement combat and operational stress control plan/program; 2) perform combat and operational stress control unit needs assessment; 3) conduct traumatic event managment; 4) screen and eval soldiers with maladaptive behaviors; 5) conduct combat and operational stress restoration and reconditioning programs; 6) perform command directed eval of BH of soldiers; 7) screen patients with potential behavioral health issues for signs/symptoms of mild TBI

What components are part of the Medical Evacuation function of HSS?

1) Integrated medical evacuation system; 2) medical regulation; 3) strategic medical evacuation/patient movement

What are the primary tasks of medical evacuation?

1) Locate, acquire, treat, stabilize, evac; 2) en route medical care; 3) area support; 4) emergency movement of medical personnel, supplies, and equipment; 5) transfer of patients between MTFs and mobile aeromedical staging facilities; 6) medical property transfer; 7) medical regulating support

What are the primary components of the medical logistics function of HSS?

1) Logistics management; 2) Logistics mission command organizations; 3) logistics support for roles 1 and 2 MTFs; 4) logistics support for role 3 MTFs; 5) lead agent for med material and single integrated med logistics manager

What are the 10 medical functions of the AHS?

1) Medical C2, 2) medical treatment (organic and area), 3) hospitalization, 4) evacuation, 5) dental, 6) preventive, 7) combat/operational stress control, 8) veterinary services, 9) medical logistics (including blood management), 10) lab services

What are the primary purposes of medical command functions?

1) Medical command, 2) communicationand computers, 3) task organization, 4) medical intelligence, 5) technical supervision, 6) regional focus

What functions are part of the HSS casualty care component?

1) Medical treatment (organic and area) [including: dental services treatment; BH/neuropsychiatric treatment; clinical lab services; 2) hospitalization

What are the functions of Force Health Protection (FHP)?

1) Preventive medicine; 2) vet services 3) medical labs; 4) dental services 5) combat and operational stress control

What are the tasks of preventive medicine in FHP?

1) disease prevention and control; 2) field preventive medicine; 3) env health; 4) occ health; 5) health surveillance and epidemiology; 6) soldier/family/community health; 7) preventive medicine toxicology; 8) health risk assessment; 9) health risk communication

What are the tasks of the hospitalization function of the HSS?

1) hospitalization (definitive care); 2) forward resuscitative surgery; 3) clinical lab services; 4) blood bank; 5) radiology services; 6) pharmacy; 7) nutritional care; 8) medical logistics; 9) patient admin; 10) respiratory care; 11) optometry; 12) physical therapy; 13) preventive medicine; 14) hospital augmentation team (head and neck, special care, pathology, renal hemodialysis, infectious disease, minimal care);

What are the tasks of the medical logistics function?

1) material procurement; 2) class 8 management and distro; 3) med equipment repair and maintenance; 4) optical fabrication and repair; 5) blood management (distro); 6) centralized management of patient movement items; 7) medical contracting support; 8) Health facilities planning and management; 9) hazardsous medical waste management and disposal; 10) production and distro of medical gasses

What is the FHP function of preventive medicine?

Anticipation, communication, prevention, education, control of disease/illness/exposure to endemic/occ/env threats. Prevention of nonbattlefield related injury

What is definitive care?

Care that returns soldiers to the full function. Ranges from self aid to prosthesis. Can lead to return to duty or medical discharge.

What does TC3 include?

Care under fire, tactical field care, tactical evac

What is casevac?

Casualty evacuation through planned or opportune vehicles (ground or air) but not staffed with medical personnel

What are the tasks of the protection warfighting function?

Conduct survivability ops, provide FHP, CBRN ops, XO disposal, coordinate air/missile defense, personnel recovery, detention ops, risk management, physical security, antiterrorism measures, police ops, population/resource control, area security, cyberspace security and defense, electromagnetic protection, operations security

What is Force Health Protection (FHP)?

Continuous process from initial entry throughout military career. Establishes a healthy and fit force, nutrition programs, ID health threats in all occ/env health settings, preventive medicine

What is control as it relates to AHS principles?

Control of AHS support operations requires synchronization to ensure the complex interrelationships and interoperability of all medical assets and AHS functions remain in balance to optimize the effective functioning of the entire system; and support operational and strategic plan

What is medical regulating?

Coordination and control of moving patients to MTFs best able to provide required specialty care

What is medevac?

Dedicated medical platforms staffed with medical personnel and equipment to provide en route medical care.

What are the tasks of area medical labs in FHP?

Deploys world wide; 1) analytical, investigative and consultative capabilities; 2) special env control and containment; 3) data and data analysis; 4) deploy modular sections or sectional teams

What kind of care is provided at Role 1?

Emergency medical treatment; immediate application of medical procedures to the wounded, injured or sick by specially trained medical personnel, self-aid, or buddy aid

Why can no role of care be bypassed (except because of urgency, efficiency or expediency)?

Ensures stabilization/survivability of patient through TC3, and far forward resuscitative surgery is accomplished prior to movement between MTFs.

What is the Theater Evacuation Policy?

Establishes maximum period of noneffectiveness (hospitalization and convalescence) that patients may be held within the AO for treatment. Allows for evacuation of SMs not expected to recover in those number of days. These patients are evac'd ASAP and not the number of days allowed.

What are the tasks of the Fires Warfighting function?

Execute fires across 5 domains and information env, (employing: surface to surface, air to surface, surface to air, cyberspace operations and electronic warfare, space operations, multinational, special operations, information operations); integrate Army, multinational and joint fires (through: targeting, operations process, fire support planning, airspace planning and management, electromagnetic spectrum management, multinational integration, rehearsals

Short theater medical evacuation policy:

Fewer hospital beds in theater; greater number of beds required conus; creates large demand for intra-theater air force evac resources; increases requirements for replacements

What is the primary purpose of the AHS treatment function?

First aid, TC3, forward resuscitative surgery, sick call, patient holding, casualty prevention measures, medevac, physical therapy

What are the AHS principles?

Flexibility, control, mobility, conformity, continuity, and proximity

Long theater evac policy:

Greater accumulation of patients and a demand for a larger AHS structure in the theater; increases the requirements for hospitals, engineer support, and all aspects of base development for AHS; greater proportion of patients RTD; may decrease demand on evac assets and system

What do the AHS principles accomplish?

Guide medical planners in developing OPLANs which are effective, efficient, flexible and executable; support the operational commander's scheme of maneuver

What are the measures of FHP?

Health risk communication, education, field sanitation, medical surveillance, pest an vector control, disease risk assessment, env/occ monitoring, health surveillance, preventive medicine, health threat controls for waste (human, hazardous and medical) disposal, food safety inspection, potable water surveillance.

What is a role 4?

Hospitals found in safe havens; provide most definitive care available within AHS

What is the purpose of BH treatment AHS function

ID and diagnose BH/neuropsychiatric disorder/disease, stabilize patient

What does Role 1 accomplish?

Immediate lifesaving measures, disease and nonbattle injury prevention, combat/operational stress prevention, patient location and acquisition, MEDEVAC (from POI, aid stations, CCPs), combat medics maintaining airway, stop bleeding, shock prevention, protecting wounds, immobilizing fractures, other emergency measures as indicated; nonmedical personnel may assist the medic

How is AHS a system of systems?

Interdependent and interrelated functions (10) which requires continual planning, coordination and synchronization to effectively and efficiently clear the battlefield of casualties and provide high standard of care.

What are the Role 2 capabilities?

MTF can provide RBCs, x-ray, labs, dental support, combat/operational stress control, preventive medicine (physical therapy and optometry when augmented); Role 2 MTF provides greater capability to resuscitate trauma patients than role 1; patients who can return to duty within 72 hours are held for treatment; provides MEDEVAC from role 1; nontransportable patients may need FST

What is role 3 medical care?

MTF staffed and equipped to provide care to all categories of patients (resuscitation, wound surgery, damage control surgery, postop treatment); Role 3 includes provisions for: coordination of evac through medical regulating; providing care for all patient categories; support on an area basis to units without organic medical assets; include FHs, CSH, or hospital center

What is mobility as it relates to AHS principles?

Medical assets remain in supporting distances from maneuvering forces; Mobility, survivability and sustainability of AHS units organic to maneuver units must be equal; synchronized medevac ops ensure timely, responsible and effective support; increasing mobility means evacuating all current patients; EAB continually assess and forecast unit movement

What is MEDLOG?

Medical logistics (including blood management); encompasses planning and executing all class 8 supply support operations (procurement and distro, maintenance, blood management, optical fabrication and repair, management of patient movement, hazwaste disposal, production/distro of medical gasses)

Health service support of sustainment warfighting functions are:

Medical treatment (organic and area) [including treatment of dental, BH/neuropsychiatric, clinical labs, and CBRN], hospitalization, medevac (medical regulating), medical logistics

What are the six warfighting functions?

Mission Command, Movement and Maneuver, Intelligence, Fires, Sustainment, Protection

What are the tasks of movement and maneuver?

Move, Maneuver, employ direct fires, occupy an area, conduct mobility and countermobility, conduct recon and surveillance, employ battlefield obscuration

What is continuity as it relates to AHS principles?

Moving the patient through progressive, phased roles of care, extending from POI to Role 4; continuity refers to an attempt to maintain the role of care during movement at least equal to the care provided at the preceding facility; however, each Role should contribute measured, logical increment of care appropriate to its role and location. evac to roles is METT-TC dependent

How does Medical Evacuation System accomplish their purpose at the operational level?

Organic/direct support evac resources locate, acquire, treat, evac Soldiers from point of injury to appropriate MTF. Soldiers are then stabilized, prioritized, and prepared for further evac. En route care should not diminish Role capabilities (may require nurses, PAs or doctors for higher levels of care)

What are nontransportable patients?

Patients who cannot survive further evac and must be treated with forward surgical teams (FST)/forward resuscitative and surgical team(FRST).

What is flexibility as it relates to AHS principles?

Prepared and empowered to shift resources to meet changing requirements; built into the OPLAN; med commander can rapidly transition from one level of violence to another across the range of military operations; manage scarce resources (FST, FRST); reconstitution of combat ineffective medical units (removal of unit, replenish, reestablish chain of command, training for future ops, reestablish unit cohesion); maximize lifesaving capacity and provide high standards of care to the greatest number of patients

What dental services are provided in FHP?

Prevention of disease/illness

What are the functions of FHP?

Preventive medicine, vet services, combat and operational stress control, dental services (preventive), area lab services

What are the tasks of dental services under FHP?

Preventive; 1) conduct periodic exams of teeth, gums, and jaw; 2) classify dental conditions for readiness; 3) provide training to soldiers to mitigate risk/threats

What is mission of Vet services under FHP

Promote food safety and medical care for MWDs and other gov-owned animals; sanitary surveillance for food source/storage, procurement, quality assurance; monitor endemic threats to ansimals; zoonotic disease threats

What are the war fighting functions?

Protection, sustainment, intelligence, movement and maneuver, fires, command and control

What is the purpose of the Medical Evacuation System?

Provides vital link between roles of care necessary to sustain the patient during transport.

What kind of care is provided at role 2?

Rendered at the Role 2 MTF operated by area support squad, medical treatment platoons; general medical condition is evaluated to determine treatment/evac precedence; TC3 is continued with additional emergency measures but not above immediate necessities

What is the Army Health System (AHS)?

Responsible for operational management of the health service support (HHS) and force health protection (FHP) missions requirements for training, predeployment, deployment and post deployment operations;

What is the order of care when discussing roles of care?

Role 1 -> Role 2 -> Role 3 -> Role 4

What are the tenets of AHS?

Simultaneity, depth, synchronization, flexibility

What is conformity as it related to AHS principles?

Support and coordination of Army's strategic roles of shape, prevent, LSCO, and consolidate gains. This includes medical commander's involvement and coordination with combatant commander from planning, rehearsing, and executing.

What is the Health Service Support (HSS) mission?

Support and services to promote, improve, conserve or restore the behavioral and physical well-being of battlefield personnel including treatment, evac, class 8 supplies, equipment and services; HHS encompasses 4 functions: medical treatment, hospitalization, medical evacuation, and MEDLOG.

What else does role one include?

TC3 that does not require medically trained personnel; the combat medic makes the first medical decision; at the BAS the physician or PA provide TC3 to include routine sick call (like elements provide this role at the Brigade and echelons above brigade (EAB)); MEDEVAC treatment by medic or flight medic

What is definitive treatment?

The final role of comprehensive care provided to return the patient to the highest degree of mental and physical health possible. Not provided at a specific location or role because it depends on the NOI/MOI.

What are the principles of AHS?

The foundation of care delivery in a field env; guide operation plans to be effective, efficient, flexible, executable; aid in commander's maneuverability; apply across all medical functions and include: Conformity, proximity, flexibility, mobility, continuity, and control

What is proximity as it relates to AHS principles?

The right care at the right time. Medical assets support maneuver forces at a certain distance without impediment. Allows the rapid location, acquisition, treatment, stabilization and evac.

Combat power

The total means of destructive, constructive, and information capabilities that a military unit or formation can apply at a given time.

What dental services are provided in HSS?


What is Health Service Support (HSS)?

Treatment and evac of patients, and Class VIII supplies, equipment and services necessary to sustain these operations

Who provides treatment at Role 1?

Treatment: Self aid/buddy aid, CLS. Medical treatment: combat medic or flight paramedic, physician, PA, health care specialist in BAS/Role 1 MTF.

What are the tasks of the dental services (within the medical treatment function) of HSS?

Treatment; 1) comprehensive dental care; 2) operational dental care; 3) emergency dental care; 4) oral maxillofacial surgery

Force health protection is part of the protection warfighting function, T/F.


Sustainment warfighting function includes Health Service Support, T/F.


What is the primary purpose of medevac AHS function?

acquire and locate, treat and stabilize; intra-theater medevac; emergency movement of medical personnel, equipment and supplies

AHS includes:

all mission support services arranged by AMEDD to support HHS and FHP mission requirements for the Army and as directed for joint, intergovernmental agencies, and multinational forces, as part of the MHS. It is distributed across four medical roles of care.

What is the purpose of clinical lab services AHS function?

analysis of medical specimens, blood banking services

What is the purpose of area medical lab services AHS function?

analytical, investigation, consultative capabilities; special env control/containment; data analysis; med lab analysis; deploy modular sections or sectional teams

What are the tasks of vet services in FHP?

animal medical care, food protection, vet preventive medicine

What are the preventive aspects of the vet services function of AHS?

animal medical care, food protection, vet public health

What lab services are provided in FHP?

area medical labs

Role 2 AHS are located in:

brigade support medical companies, medical companies (part of an EAB providing direct support to modular division and support EAB units); US does not use NATO Role 2 rules; MTFs include BCMC or MCAS.

What lab care is provided in HSS?

clinical lab services

What is the purpose of the dental treatment function of AHS?

comprehensive dental care, operational dental care, emergency dental care, essential dental care, oral maxillofacial surgery

What is the purpose of preventive dentistry AHS function?

conduct periodic examination of soldiers' teeth, gums and jaw, classify dental conditions and readiness, train soldiers on mitigation of disease

What is the purpose of preventive med AHS function?

disease prevention and control, field preventive medicine, env health, occ health, surveillance and epidemiology, soldier/family/community health promotion, preventive med toxicology, preventive labs, health risk assessment, risk communication

What is the purpose of the hospitalization AHS function?

essential care, triage and emergency care, outpatient services, inpatient care, clinical labs/blood banking, radiology, physical therapy, medical logistics, emergency and essential dental care, general/special surgery, anesthesia service, pharmacy, nutrition, behavioral health, patient admin, consultation

Warfighting function

group of tasks and systems united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives

What is the purpose of the COSC AHS function?

implement plan/program, perform needs assessment, conduct traumatic event management, screen and eval soldiers with maladaptive behaviors, COCS restoration, command directed eval of soldiers, screen soldiers for TBI

What are the four elements of Sustainment warfighting function?

logistics, financial management, personnel services, health service support (HSS)

What is the purpose of medical logistics function of AHS?

medical material procurement, class 8 management and distro, med equipment maintenance and repair, optical fabrication and repair, blood management (distro), centralized management of patient movement items, health facilities planning management, medical contracting support, hazardous medical waste management/disposal, production and distro of medical gases

What is the primary task of medical regulating (within the medical evacuation function) of HSS?

medical regulating is the coordination and control of moving patients to MTFs which are best able to provide the required specialty care.

What is the purpose of vet services treatment AHS function?

preventive care, sick call, combat casualty care, hospitalization, evac

What is the Force Health Protection mission?

promote, improve or conserve the behavioral and physical well-being of soldiers. Enable a healthy/fit force, prevent injury/illness, protect force from health hazards. Include prevention aspects (preventive medicine (med surveillance, occ/env health surveillance, vet services - food inspection, animal care, prevention of zoonotic diseases transmissible to man), COSC, preventive dental services and area lab services (AML support).

What are the tasks of intelligence warfighting function?

provide intel support to force generation, provide support to situational understanding, conduct information collection, provide intelligence support to targeting and information capabilities

Mission command (C2) is:

the related tasks and a system that enable commanders to synchronize and converge all elements of combat power. Tasks: command forces, control operations, drive operations process, establish C2 system

Fires Warfighting Function is:

the related tasks and systems that create and converge effects in all domains against the adversary or enemy to enable operations across the range of military operations

Intelligence Warfighting Function is:

the related tasks and systems that facilitate understanding the enemy, terrain, weather, civil considerations, and other significant aspects of the operations environment.

Movement and Maneuver Warfighting function is:

the related tasks and systems that move and employ forces to achieve a position of relative advantage over the enemy and other threats

The Protection Warfighting Function is:

the related tasks and systems that preserve the force so the commander can apply maximum combat power to accomplish the mission

The Sustainment Warfighting function is:

the related tasks and systems that provide support and services to ensure freedom of action, extended operational reach, and prolong endurance.

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