Art and myth of the classical world study guide

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The aegis of Athena is usually held aloft on her spear.


what form did Zeus take when he came to herakles mother?

her husband

In the relief of Hermes, Orpheus and Eurydice, we see Hermes in his role as


The vase with a woman sacrificing before a statue of Athena illustrates

the connection between ritual and myth

the vase with a woman sacrificing before a statue of Athena illustrates

the connection between ritual and myth

Canova identified the subject of his female head by

the egg shaped cap

Triptolemos between Demeter and Persephone has associations with

the fertility of the earth

how do we know the figure on the far right is Athena?

the figure is named (labeled) on the vase

what is an important aspect of heroic myth this illustrates?

the help of the gods

one device the painter used to indicate important differences between the two figure was

the long unkempt hair and beard

What is an important part of the central figures in the Parthenon frieze?

the presentation of the peplos

The battle of the centaurs and the lapiths is depicted in the pedimental sculpture of which famous building?

the temple of Zeus at Olympia

herakles dies but undergoes an apotheosis and marries Hebe


most Greek myths are believed to have originated during the Classical Period


one characteristics of the Minoan palaces is the abundance of bull imagery


rivers were prominant in Greek myth and were personified as gods


what is the title of this vase painting?

Deeds of the Theseus

Which level of Troy did Schliemann uncover?

Troy II

Blegen confirmed Dörpfeld's theory that the level of the city of Troy thought to be the correct time period for the war is

Troy VII

How is Argos depicted?

eyes on his body

Hera is the goddess of craftsmen and artists.


All Greek vases were originally made to be used in everyday domestic life.


Ancient authors all agreed that Zeus was born on Mount Ida in Crete.


Apollo and Artemis are the twin sons of the mortal Semele


Ares is one of the gods that is most often depicted in ancient Greek art.


Athena's attribute is a long fringed chiton.


By the Roman period the site of the city of Troy had been securely identified.


During the Archaic and Classical periods Greek artists developed a uniform, consistent style that was found in all the city states.


Hera's typical attribute as seen on the Marriage of Zeus and Hera metope from Selinus is a crown.


why does Theseus travel by land to Athens?

he tries to make a name for himself as a hero

who is associated with the olympics games?


what is important about Theseus that can be seen in vase painting by the end of the 6th century?

his association with Athens

What aspect of the hero is the focus in the story?

his brute strength

Which of the following was the most important aspect of Herakles in literary and artistic sources?

his strength

which of the following was the most important aspect of Herakles in literary and artistic sources?

his strength

It was common for portraits of private individuals to be included in mythic representations on architectural sculpture.


Medieval artists and writers followed Homer's stories closely in their accounts and illustrations.


Monumental architecture and sculpture were not lost during the "Dark Ages."


More recent excavations at Troy have uncovered extensive texts and inscriptions.


Most Greek myths are believed to have originated during the Classical Period.


Once Homer and Hesiod wrote their accounts of Greek myth the oral transmission of the stories ceased


Once Homer and Hesiod wrote their accounts of Greek myth the oral transmission of the stories ceased.


Plays or dramas by Greek authors are the oldest literary form of Greek myth.


Poseidon is usually depicted young and beardless to distinguish him from Zeus.


Schliemann trained as a classical scholar before finding Troy


Schliemann trained as a classical scholar before finding Troy.


Scholars do not believe that there is any connection between Greek myths and real historical events and individuals.


The Etruscan bronze Chimaera is an original Hellenistic sculpture


The Greeks were the only ancient people who had myths about gods and heroes.


The Iliad and the Odyssey are the only ancient sources for the Trojan War.


The Romans rarely depicted Greek myth but rather concentrated on their own gods and heroes.


The episode of Achilles hidden by his mother on Skyros is an important part of the Iliad.


The labors of Herakles all took place within the Peloponnesus


The potter's wheel was not in general use until the Hellenistic period.


The title Parthenos indicated Athena's association with war.


There is a universally accepted definition for the term myth.


Zeus is frequently depicted as young and beardless


ancient authors all agreed that Zeus was born on Mount Ida in Crete


artists usually did not depart from the literary sources


during the archaic and classical periods greek artists developed a uniform consistent style that was found in all the city states


iphikles is usually shown helping herakles kill the snakes that Hera sends


monumental architecture and sculpture were not lost during the "Dark Ages"


plays or dramas by Greek authors are the oldest literary form of Greek myth


scholars do not believe that there is any connection between Greek myths and real historical events and individuals


the Farnese Hercules depicts the hero as a youth before his Labors


the Greeks were the only ancient people who had myths about gods and heroes


the breastplate and sword of the Herakles are usually part of his iconography


the cycle cups with the deeds of Theseus were produced as early as 650 BC


the gorgoneion exhibit eastern influences


the greeks admired the Amazon women


the image of the gorgoneion remained essentially unchanged from the Archaic through the Hellenistic periods


the images of the Gorgons were most popular during the Hellenistic period


there is a universally accepted definiition for the term myth


One contribution to our knowledge of Troy from Wilhelm Dörpfeld was

identifying the various levels of habitation

Which is NOT one of the reasons sculptures were made in ancient Greece.

interior furnishings

what is an important point about this vase?

it appears to have been influenced by the Tyrannicides statues

Which is one important thing about the Death of Acteon?

it departs from the literary sources for artistic/visual clarity

What is one reason why the Abduction of Persephone is an important work of art?

it is one of the few surviving Greek wall paintings

The tripod is one of Apollo's attributes because

it was associated with his oracle at Delphi

Schliemann's excavation level suggests wealthy inhabitants due to

jewelry and other gold objects in graves

One source of wealth for the ancient city of Troy may have been in


Where on Temple E at Selinus is the sculpture of the Marriage of Zeus and Hera?


what part of the architectural sculpture is this?


One mythic episode which usually included satyrs and maenads was

the return of Hephaisotos

Connolly's theory about the subject of the Parthenon frieze has to do with

the sacrifice of the daughters of Erechtheus

what was a popular subject in roman wall paintings and mosaics?

theseus and the minotaur

which is true about the statues of the Tyrannicides?

they are roman period copies

Which is NOT a place/occasion where Greek myths were orally recited?

treaties of warring states

which is NOT a place/occasion where Greek myths were orally recited?

treaties of warring states

Almost all marble sculpture both relief and in the round was originally painted in bright colors.


An important contribution of Korfmann's was to establish the fact that the ancient city of Troy was much larger than originally thought.


Athena's connection to her father Zeus is emphasized by her placement among the other gods on the Parthenon frieze.


Coins were sometimes struck with images of Greek gods or heroes.


Flaxman's illustrations of Homer are line drawings not paintings.


Greek artists illustrated historical as well as mythical stories


Greek artists illustrated historical as well as mythical stories.


Greek historians often incorporated myth into their historical account


Greek historians often incorporated myth into their historical accounts.


Hermes is frequently depicted on Attic vases.


It was Frank Calvert who suggested the site of the city of Troy to Schliemann.


One characteristic of the Minoan palaces is the abundance of bull imagery.


One of Poseidon's attributes is him holding a fish.


Rivers were prominent in Greek myth and were personified as gods


Roman paintings included still lifes, portraits and landscapes as well as Greek myth.


Ruben's version of the Judgment of Paris is typical of later artists' interest in female nudes.


Some information on artistic processes is derived from depictions on Greek vases.


The Battle of the Gods and Giants was depicted in sculpture and vase painting.


The Black-figure vase-painting technique was the first to be developed.


The exact location of the city of Troy was not known for years but ancient sources told of the general area in what is now Turkey.


The oldest and most sacred cult statue of Athena was believed to have fallen from heaven.


Though Schliemann was controversial, he was responsible for discovering the Mycenaean civilization.


Troy VII appears to have been destroyed by fire.


We know the names of a few Greek vase painters and potters.


coins were sometimes struck with images of Greek gods and heroes


commodus as Herakles shows the hero holding the apples of the Hesperides


roman wall paintings were often based on Greek originals


the amazonomachy and the centauromachy were thematically linked


the episode of Perseus rescuing Andromeda is a later addition to the myth


though Schliemann was controversial, he was responsible for discovering the Mycenaean civilization


who were the Tyrannicides?

two real men who trued to overthrow the tyrant of Athens in the 6th c. BC

Which art form was used extensively by Greek artists but has not survived?

wall painting

which art form was used extensively by Greek artists but had not survived?

wall painting

What is one of the attributes of Hermes?

winged boots

How is Typhon usually depicted in Greek art?

with a snake like body

the relief amphora (pithos) found in Boeotia shows medusa

with the body of a horse

the relief pithos found in Boeotia shows Medusa

with the body of a horse

Athena was rarely depicted on coins


What was the important 18th century publication by Stewart and Revett?

Antiquities of Athens

Whose later excavations established Troy as more Anatolian than Mycenaean and covering a larger area than previously thought?


The vase with Hermes and the Cattle of Apollo includes the figure of


Where was the statue of Hermes and the Infant Dionysus found?


What is the title of this work?

Perseus receiving gifts from the Nymphs

Which is NOT a bronze Age culture which preceded the Greeks in the Aegean


Which ancient Greek author wrote victory odes or dithyrambs for victorious athletes?


Which other Greek god was honored with Athena on the Acropolis?


Who made the original statue of Hermes and Dionysus?


Which of the following did NOT visit the site of Troy?

Ramses the Great

What attribute is used to identify Poseidon on the hippocamp?

a trident

Which was the prize for a victor at the games of the Panathenea?

an amphora filled with olive oil

What gift in the contest did Athena offer the people of Athens?

an olive tree

One important point about Kauffman's painting of Venus Persuading Helen was

ancient works of art were used as sources by the artist

The kithara is an attribute of


Which god or goddess is associated with the Oracle at Delphi?


which term is appropriate in regard to this image?


Which is the correct order of the following time periods?

archaic, classical, hellenistic

One aspect of the iconography of Zeus depicts him as

as a striding warrior

Which is the correct meaning of autochthonos?

born of the earth

What is one of the attributes of Artemis?

bow and arrows

Which was the favorite medium for Greek sculptors?


The story of Hermes and the Cattle of Apollo suggests what characteristics of Hermes?

cunning and cleverness

What is the title of the relief sclupture that showed a man being killed by dogs?

death of Acteon

Which is NOT an important geographical feature prominent in Greek myth?


which is NOT an important geographical feature prominent in Greek myth?


What city was the terracotta plaque of Apollo and Herakles Struggling over the Tripod originally in?


Which is the most obvious and well known medium for Greek art?


which is the most obvious and well known medium for Greek art?


Which is a very less well-known "place" where Greeks illustrated myths?

shield band relief

which is a very less well known "place" where Greeks illustrated myths?

shield band reliefs

the twelve labors of Herakles are on the metopes of which building?

temple of Zeus at Olympia

Where does David get the idea for the sculptured figures in the background in his painting of Paris and Helen?

the Erechtheum

which of the following is true?

the Mycenaean's grave goods indicate a "war-like" people

what myth was depicted on the Mausoleum of Hallicarnassus?

the amazonomachy

what myth was depicted on the reliefs from the mausoleum of Halicarnassus?

the amazonomachy

What is the subject of the terracotta plaque from the Temple of Apollo on the Palatine Hill in Rome?

the battle of herakles and apollo over the tripod

Why is the Parthenon frieze important?

the citizens of Athens appear on this sculpture

The focus of Canova's attention in the scene of the Trojan Women offering to Athena is

the clothing/material of the offering

this is an example of which of the following?

the compression of time and sequence in narrative art

The sculptural program of the Parthenon was centered on

the glorification of Athens

The Athena Parthenos was

the gold and ivory statue of Athena by Phidias

Which mythic battle was NOT depicted on the Parthenon metopes.

Birth of Athena

Which of the following is NOT one of the sources of our knowledge of Greek sculpture?

Egyptian copies of original Greek sculptures

who is this work associated with?


Which of the following is true?

The Mycenaean's grave goods indicate a "war-like" people

Which statement is true?

Greek art changes over time

What two individuals from the Trojan War were the subjects of pendant paintings by Evelyn de Morgan?

Helen and Cassandra

Who is most often associated with the term hieros gamos?


what is the title of this work?

Herakles and the Cretan Bull

which work of art is a good example of the use of varying colors in vase painting?

Herakles brings cereberus to eurytheus

Which of the following ancient cities that were being excavated and their artifacts published in David's day?


Where was the Abduction of Persephone painting found?

a tomb in Vergina

Which is NOT a Bronze Age culture which preceded the Greeks in the Aegean.


What characteristic of the Greek gods does the Death of Acteon illustrate?

punishment of mortals

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