Art Appreciation quiz 3
Using the images of Las Meninas by the artists Velázquez and Picasso on pages 160 and 162, choose the two statements that are not correct. part 2`
1) Both compositions use linear perspective and overlapping to create the illusion of space receding to the background. 2) The repetition of the color red creates a rhythm across the painting by Velázquez; there are no repeating elements creating a rhythm in the painting by Picasso.
Using the images of Las Meninas by the artists Velázquez and Picasso on pages 160 and 162, choose the two statements that are not correct.
1) Las Meninas by Velázquez is representational; Las Meninas by Picasso is non-objective. 2) Directional line does not lead the viewer's eye through either of these compositions.
Match the artwork with a good description of its style: 1 ( Da Vinci, Mona Lisa ) 2 ( Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon ) 3 ( Mark Rothko's Untitled )
1) Representational 2) Abstract 3) Non- objective
If an artist painted a garden with one red flower in a field of yellow flowers, this would be an example of using color to create contrast. For the viewer, the single red flower would be ________.
A focal point
An artwork can have only one focal point.
This type of scale is common in the relief sculpture of ancient Egypt, where it was used to indicate social importance.
A work that is created in small scale can communicate __________ .
The Swedish-born artist Claes Oldenburg uses this kind of scale in his sculptures to express admiration for the little things in everyday life.
A design repeated as a unit in a pattern is called a ________.
The recurrence of a single element in a work of art is called ________.
This Greek sculptor wrote a treatise on how to create a statue of a human being with perfect proportions.
A work of art is the product of interrelationships between various art elements and __________
The relationships between the sizes of different parts of a work make up its ________.
This principle of design arises from repetition of a pattern.
Which of these elements of art and principles of design can be used to create emphasis?
Rhythm, Color, Contrast All of the above
In Bruegel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, the viewer is directed away from Icarus plunging into the sea through the use of __________ .
The opposite of emphasis is ________.
Artists can organize the elements in a composition and draw our attention to areas of emphasis and focal points.
formal analysis
analyzes the use of formal elements in a work.
biographical analysis
considers the artist's personal experiences
contextual analysis
considers the religious, political, and social environment in which the artwork was made and viewed
feminist analysis
considers the role of women in an artwork\
iconographical analysis
interprets objects and figures in the artwork as symbols
The tools of formal analysis help us to __________
understand how the elements and principles of art are applied.