Art Chpt 2: What is Art

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-Persian art influnced by Chinese art -single stylized flame -light radiating from Muhammad -archangel Gabriel guided Muhammad on his nighttime journey through the heavens -opaque water color, gold, ink on paper -1539-43

"Ascent of the Prophet Muhammad" by who, what , when, technique, medium

-by Pablo Picasso -Cubism -does not try to render objects as they appear to eye -dsitroted and broke apart the objects he pictures -altered viewer's relationship to them -rejected Western techniques -1913 -printed papers -explored art -audience did not view this as good art (not realism) -abstract

"Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper" who,when, audience, technique, medium

-elaine de Kooning -nonrepresentational art -no representation of things -thick bursh strokes of paint -sweeping motions -nothing recognizable -brushstrokes represent movement

"Bullfight" who, when, technique, medium

-edward weston -1931 -gelatin silver print -cool, ditanced attention -light -graceful lead -vision detached from practical concerns (not thinking about food) -looks like wave crashing shore or ball gown in wind -let imagination plat is part of pleasure that philosophers described

"Cabbage Leaf" who, what, technique, when, audience

-polychrome woodcut print -Kitagawa Utamaro -18th century -1898-99 -slightly stylized -elegant, flat, little description detail -robes stylized (curves) -slender black lines -color applied evenly (no light or dark)

"Hairdressing" who, when, what, technique, medium

-13the century Yoruba Kindome of Ife in Nigeria -naturalistic and abstract styles -naturalistic portrait in brass -created to commemorate the kingdom's rulers -dsiplayed on alters -abstract= two heads -inner spirituality, imagination

"Head of a King" when , who, audience, medium

-style -oil on cavas -1993-94 -Susan Rothenburg (American) -20th century -representational and nonrepresentational -no complete figures -fragments of people

"Maggie's Ponytail" who, what, when, medium, technique

-by Antonio Perez de Aguilar -1769 -oil on canvas -bread, baskets, vessels -naturalism (goal of Western and Reaniassance art) -painitng in MExico in 18th century -texture, shae, color, lighting, spaces of subject as they appear -representational art

"Painter's Cupboard" who, when, technique, medium, audience

-by Fransisco de Goya -challenges aesthetics -Spanish painter of 19th century -tumultuous times, acts of cruelty, warfare, stupidity, slaughter -painter of Spanish court -pessimistic view of human nature -nightmarish vision -extraordinary art -wall painting in oil on plaster

"Saturn Devouring One of His Children" who, when, audience, medium

-carved bt unknown artist in Philipine islands -depicts Virgin Mary (Catholic doctrine, free of original sin) -sculpture leans to left, hands clasped curvey elephant tusk -natural curvature makes Mary look humble and submissive -glass eyes, gold paint, silver halo, heavenly -18th century -ivory -artist never met audience who bought it

"The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception" what, when, meduim, artist

-James Hampton -no particular training in art -no audience intended -art becmae famous after his death -worked as ganitor in federal governemtn in DC -labored secretly in garage until his death -vision of Revelation -humble objects and cast off furniture -Second Coming as described in biblical book of Revelation -1950-64 -gold and silver aluminum foil, colored kraft paper, plastic sheets, wood, paperboard, glass -180 pieces -we do not known if Hampton intended to have an audience -outside art -museum collection today

"Throne of Third Heaven of the Nations' Millenium General Assembly" what, medium, when, who, type of art

-large scale installation -accumaltion of ordinary objects -transparent plastic buttons -resemble groups of stalagmites -styrofoam cups -wooden toothpicks -3 foot tall cube Mylar= chosen material of spheres joined to make the scultpure look like it grows -nonrepresentational art

"Untitled" by Tara Donovan, what, technique, medium, when

-Edgar Degas -pastel on paper -1886-88 -19th century -naturalistic style -lifelike and individualized -model poseing -lines, color, wight of body, folds -not all forms are depicted with equal attention -background -cropped servant

"Woman Having Her Hair Combed" by who, what, when, technique, medium

-Kathe Kollwitz -not really beauty -sadness -pieta-- mother with dead child (christian idea) -artist and her dead son -mother's grief over child's death -sad and moving, not very pleasurable -some view it as beauty -triangle shape -mother's head mirrored by smaller head of child -we detacth ourselves from pitiable subject matter

"Woman with Death Child" who, when , what, technique, medium, audience

-abstract -Louise Bourgeois -1949 -broze polychromed -slender vertical column topped by egg shaped elements -fictional character -personag= pairs or grouping of abstract chcaracters, implying a story for them -radically simplified form -inner essence of subject

"Woman with Packages" who, when, what, type of art, technique, medium

-created by Japanese artist Yasumara Morimura -photograph that re-creates well known works of Velzaquez "Las Meninas" -made in 2013 -copies Velazquez composition, colors, lighting, figures, dress -Morimura includes himself in self-portrait -self portait of Morimura in each character -chromogenic print -located in Madrid's Prado Museum where Velzquez' painting is hung -transformed Velazquez' art into own creation -made something new -ready made art

-who created "In Praise of Velazquez" -what does it show -when was it created -techniques in art -type of art -where is this art

-"Las Meninas" created by Diego Velazquez (Spanish court painter) -role of artist to create a work of art with his own hands -Velazquez represents himself in large cavas painting -young princess the infanta -attendants (meninas)- one is a dwarf -dog -made of oil on canvas -10 feet by 9.75 feet -king and queen -unsure who who Velazquez is painting -size, color, lighting

-who created "Las Meninas" -what does Las Meninas show -when was it created - how was it created -who is the artist painting -art techniques


... inspires interpretations that are many and changeable


... is rarely simple and straightfoward


... is what distibguishes art from other kinfs of skilled making, art is about something, "ebodied"

Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci made this portrait in 16th century, very famous

-born in Paris in 1911 -parents were restorers fo antique tapestries -challenging times in Europe -undergrad in philosophy -art history at Ecolor du Louvre -art studio at Ecole des Beaux Arts (France's most prestigious art school) -married Reobert Golwater -moved to NY-- discovered self as artist -first solo show of paintings in 1945 -Women with Packages in 1949 (simple, organic shapes) -deep emotion, abstract -1982 Museum of Modern Art retrospective exhibition (2nd women) -recieved National Medal of arts by Pres Clinton in 1997

Louise Bourgeois bio

attracts millions of viewers a year, bulletproof glass, priceless painting, paint surface has cracked and yellowed with age

Mona Lisa painting in Louvre

stylized (clouds, dragon flying, clouds, flaming pearl, spiral

Pocaelin bowl from china from 1506-21 is an example of what type of art

optically concvicing representations

Renaissance art shows

-today's work of art -attended art school -has studio -exhibits work in galleries and museums -art critics review his shows, evaluate his work for beauty, ideas, concepts, execution

Yasumasa Morimura as an artist:

brach of philosophy that studies art, nature of beauty



appearances of world as starting point but no longer recognizable, simplified and fragmented to make new image, broad range of approaches,


are built because they are encouraged by city governments eager to revitalize neighborhoods and attract tourists


art maintains that... is what distinguishes artists from other skillful makers


art revelaed by light/shadow, how colors respond to light, how textures appear, gravity makes wigt felt

representational art

art that looks real to the thing being portrayed, faithful to visual experience, broad ranges of approaches.

own vision, express ideas, insights, feelings, inner nececisty

artist task is to purse their:

style style style

artists working int he same culture during the same period often have ... fetaures in common, and in this way individual ... contribute to our perception of larger, general...


as we grow more familiar with a particular artists's work, we begin to a a recurring...

museums, galleries, books, exhibitions, catalogs, photographs, posters, calendars, mugs, merchandise

common examples where art is found

when we set aside personal, practical stake we might have in what we are looking at

disinterested contemplation

philosophers grouped painting, sculpture and architecture together with music and poetry as the fine art, not just a skill but also genius and imagination whose results gave pleasure as opposed to being useful

enlightenment in 18th century was when...

-Japanese tea bowl from Shigaraki Japan in 16th-17th century -wabi and sabi -wabi= naturalness, simplicity, understatement, impermanence -sabi= overtones, lonliness, old age, tranquility -wabi and sabi known as zen in Budhism (tea ceremony) -rich network of meanings, associations valued in context

example of ugly or primitive art according to 18th century view of aesthetics


famous architecture to abandoned buildings are examples of

trompe l'oeil

fool the eye, modern master of this is Duane Hanson, ordinary people doing ordinary things (moment where you think the art is real)

to find an object with no aesthetic interest and exhibit it as art and after the exhibition the object was to be returned to life, pure provocation

goal of Duchamp art


groups of spheres


has a place in visible world


have idea of art changed and been tested?


helps us to categorize art by its own appearance, its distinctive/recognizable ensemble of recurring characteristics, series of choices

-through museums or auction sales

how are works of art purchased

nonrepresentational art

how far art could go without severing its ties to the visible world, began in 20th century, nonobjective, does not represent world itself


how tall is "Fountain"


is all art beautiful


is something we ought to do, even if we are not exactly sure why

modern era

is the frame of the Mona Lisa current of modern era or its original


mixing of styles, drawing on many sources

Mona Lisa

most famous work of Western Art

when artist is self taught, no intended audience, attracted interests of collectors and art institutions

outside art is...

heightened color, thinkly applied paint, distinct brushstrokes, distorted and exaggerated forms, flamelike or writhing passages

pattern of Van Gohg works


people are is intended for to view it

line, symettry, geometric shapes, colors

some artists link beauty to formal qualities such as:


something that has great value in many societies

stylized art

somewhere between naturalisma dn abstraction, describes representational art that conforms tpo a preset style or set of conventions

anthropological museums

ugly art was displayed where


was Duchamp art meant to be temporary of permanent

anyone interested in it, museums, galleries, books, magazines, piblic

we assume art is for

developed by Louise Bourgeois, a group of abstract figures (imply story)

what are personages, who developed them

removed fine from fine arts and just focused on art (underscore of prestige)

what did art become in 19th century

considered dangerous beauty, fatal attraction, mysterious sphinx, vampire or other fanciful things

what does Mona Lisa show

-collaboration of Dasavanta, Madhava, Khurd -made for Akbar emporer Hamzanama was an uncle of Prphet Muhammad, founder of Islam -beloved thoughout Islamic world -360 tales, collaboration took 15 artists to complete entire illustration - shows episode of Badi'uzzaman Fights Iraj to a draw" -Prince Badi'uzzaman (orange) is one of Hamza's sons -Iraj (green) is a warrior who fights him just to see if he is brave as his reputation -Landhaur is a friend of Hamza (giant elephant) -Dasavanta created design (lavendar rock, moutain) Madhava Khurd painted Laniar and elephant Shravana did rest of painintg -opaque watercolor on cotton -1567-73

what is "Badi'uzzaman Fights Iraj to a Draw", who made it, whow as the audience, when, what does it show, medium

museum or gallery

what is an "art place"


what is deeply linked to our thinking of art

-Does art have to made by an artist? -is art a form of attention? -can we then bestow a masterpiece on absolutely anything? -how is art object different from any other kind of object? -Does art depend on context as being an "art place"? -Can art be art in one place but not another?

what kinds of questions arise from Duchamp's art

questions artist's role in the creative process -What is originality

what questions does Yasumara Morimura's "In Praise of Velazquez" ask?

ready-made -Duchamp did not make this urinal but only designated it as a work of art -entered the "Fountain" into New York art exhibition under pseudonym, signed R. Mutt in black paint

what type of art is "Fountain" and what does that type of art mean, how was it signed

-one of Verrocchio's best known works -depics David- biblical hero, history of Goliath (determination to stand up to larger powers) -bronze statue and gold details -collaboration work -commissioned by Piero de Medici (head of wealthy Medici Florentine family in Medici palace) -Piero's sons sold "David" to city of Florence and in now in city hall

what was "David, type fo art, who was it made for, who made it, medium, commissioned by

art was used in roughly the same sense as craft, skill in making something (forging a sword, weaving cloth, carving a cabinet), specialized skill

what was the idea of art in Middle Ages in Europe?

-large workshops -16th century -employed artists in Philipines and China -luxury goods and religious images -discretion of European missionaries -buyers in Mexico, Madrd, Rome for exotic sculptures

what were Manila workshops

-18th century -coined by German philosopher Alexander Baugarten -field of knowledge gained by sensory experience combined with feelings, beauty of work -western audience viewed classical art of ancient Greece and rome as beautiful during renaissance period -considered art not from Mediterranean as ugly or primitive

what/when/who is aesthetics

20th century

when did cultural predudice of art change


when did the Mona Lisa was first viewed to the public in

-made in 1503-05 -oil on panel -30.25 by 21"

when was Mona Lisa made, how was it made and how big

1911 was stolen and restored 2 years later

when was Mona Lisa painting stolen and when was it restored to Louvre

-aesthetics was developed in enlightenment in 18th century -What is nature of art? -is there a correct wat to appreciate art? -are there objective criteria for judging art? -can we apply our concept of art to other cultures?

when was aesthetic branch of philosophy created and what questions does it consist of

-in 1500 during Renaissance painting, sculpture and architecture came to be though as more elevated forms of art - by 18th century art became formalized (elightenment)

when was art less formal and then when did art become formalized

18th century-- intelectual pleasure, disinterested contemplation

when was modern concept of art developed

artistic heritage, traditions

where do we get ideas of art

The Louvre Museum in Paris, France

where is Mona Lisa shown

-no museums in Renaissance -art displayed for certain audiences, for public spaces, private residencies, civic buildings, churches, monasteries

where there museums during Renaissance, where was art shown

naturalistic and abstract

which terms categorize art by the way it relates tot he appearances of the visible world

-writers and poets of 19th century -viewers in museum

who became mesmerized by Mona Lisa painting's mystery and mockery of sitter's smile

-15th century artist-foremost artists of early Renaissance -did not create what he wanted, created what is clients wanted him to make (patrons) -he ran a workshop with assistants and apprentices (small business) -produces paintings, sculptures, banners, precious metals, architecture -did not hope his art to be enshrined in museums, no museums -made art for Piero de Medici -products made for Florence -most famous for "David" statue -Verrochio was an aprentice in workshop of a master -apprenitces were only male between 7-15, labor, room, board, salary -master to Leonardo da Vinci (perhaps "David" sculpture depicts Leonardo)

who is Adrea del Verrocchio, when, what, did he work alone, where did he want his work to be

-Lisa del Giocondo is the woman -landscape of rock and water -right hand over left wrist -hint of a smile

who is shown in Mona Lisa, what does portrait show

Marcel Duchamp and was made in 1917/1964

who made "Fountain" and when was it made

Velazquez "Las Meninas"

who used this painting to make a clear statement about the identity of the artist as creative genius

Spanish court (king, queen, royal palace)

who was the audience of Velazquez paintings

royal workshops of Akbar, 16 the century emperor and his court, Akbar ascended to throne at 13 years old

who were Dasavanta, Madhava and Khurd employed to

males 7-15 years old, room and board, salary

who were apprentices in Renaissance

photography -revolutionary change -from Paleolithic art until photography, all art was hand made -liberation of new art, visual fidelity, adventure

why did art change all of a sudden

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