Art FINAL Test 4

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Abstract Expressionism

What art style does this represent

Miminal Art

What art style does this represent

Minimal Art

What art style does this represent


What art style does this represent

Pop Art

What art style does this represent


What art style does this represent

an everyday object presented as a work of art

What do readymade sculptures mean


What does logo translate to, in its original Greek form, "logos."

Are images created to inform as well as to embellish the printed page.

What is Illustration

Artwork made of three dimensional materials, including found objects

What is assemblage

The practice of gathering objects and fabricating them into a work of art

What is assemblage

Surrealist automatism is a method of art-making in which the artist suppresses conscious control over the making process, allowing the unconscious mind to have great sway

What is automatism

Takes the non-representational tendencies that are apparent in minimalism even further, often eliminating the art object altogether.

What is conceptual art

An art movement in the Soviet Union in the 1920s primary concerned to make art of use the working class.

What is constructivism

The distance between indefinable points or plane

What is space

environmental sculptors noted for their controversial outdoor sculptures that often involved monumental displays of fabrics

Who was Christo

an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure in which the line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with while balancing those of the hips and legs.



Creating art without conscious thought, intention, or design.


Early 20th century Italian art style which celebrated the machine age with images of movement.

Land art, variously known as Earth art, environmental art, and Earthworks, is an art movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, largely associated with Great Britain and the United States,

Earth Art

Casting additive means constructing, sculptures add material to make the final artwork.

Examples of Additive sculpting

CMYK: Anything printed RGB: Digital design

Graphic designers use two color systems, CMYK and RGB. What medium is each used for? CMYK: _____________________________________ RGB: _____________________________________

Albrecht Durer

In 1525, this German master printmaker wrote a manual establishing the first set of rules for the construction of letterforms.

is an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that often are site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space.


dripping paint onto a canvas on the floor

Jackson Pollock made paintings by:

so large that it dominates the viewer's field of vision

Jackson Pollock's Number 1A is :

In the round

Known as a freestanding, or sculpture ________________

is, also called cire-perdue, method of metal casting in which a molten metal is poured into a mold that has been created by means of a wax model. Once the mold is made, the wax model is melted and drained away.

Lost wax process

Additive process

Modelling and clay and wax are an examples of what


Over time, exposure to the elements can add surface color called a ________


Sculpture category which works with pliable materials such as clay.

kinetic sculpture

Sculpture that involves actual moving parts.

Minimal Art

Somewhat anonymous art history style, reductive & austere, often uses industrial materials


Surface color on metal such as bronze caused by weather or chemical reaction.


The ________ was a German school of art and design that operated in the early twentieth century. The students at the school were immersed in the idea that "form follows function."


The marks that are added to a letterform that were derived from the chisel marks created for words incised on Roman buildings are called ________.

Jackson Pollock

The most popular of the Abstract Expressionist painters.


The skeletal structure of a sculpture when it can't support its own weight.

borrowed from newspaper printing and comics

The technique used by Roy Lichtenstein to show gradations in color in his Girl in Mirror was:


The technique used to make Andy Warhol's Thirty Are Better than One is :


The visual form of printed letters, words, and text is called ________.


Type (font) which imitates handwriting.


Unlike painting, this art is made to be reproduced and is supportive, secondary, in nature.

found object sculpture

A sculpture which uses manufactured objects just as they are found.


A type of sculpture specifically designed for viewing from one side is called ________

Utilised photographic silkscreen techniques techniques over aluminium paint to create a distinctive style

Andy Warhol

freestanding sculpture

Another term for sculpture-in-the-round.

Pop Art

Art style which celebrates popular art, imagery and forms such as comic books.

guerilla art

"Street art;" art which takes place without announcement and/or anonymously.


A graphic image used to identify a corporation.

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