Art History 140 FINAL EXAM

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*Which countries make up "Mesoamerica"?

Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Belize; and Honduras

*Explain the purpose and symbolic meaning of the Maya lintel 24 at Yaxchilan.

Royal couple shown wearing "regalia'*Slanted head shape indicates cranial shaping. Lady Xoc kneels down his principal wife Maya royal culture = a belief in "divine kingship" and polygamous Scene shows the role that royal Maya women played in bloodletting rituals Lady Xoc runs a thorny rope through her tongue to draw blood as an offering to the deities 2) to celebrate the birth of a son by another wife 3) to celebrate the alignment of the planets Saturn and Jupiter

Why did the Teotihuacanos practice sacrifice?

Sacrifice of a human life was the ultimate offering of blood to the gods and seen as essential to the contunation of life.

*What were the 3 major Olmec sites?

San Lorenzo 1800-1200 BCE La Venta 1200-600 BCE Tres Zapotes 600-200 BCE


Refers to the symbolic spiritual space occupied by the ancestral spirits

What did Cortes think of Aztec religious practices?

Cortes did not like their culture of human sacrafic.

What is the significance of gender roles for women in Oceania?

Contribute through exchange of ritual activities to maintenance and perpetuation of social network which the stability of village life depends. Producers of art such as, barkcloth, weaving and pottery.

Explain the cultural beliefs, cultural practices, and location of the Maya.

-Maya cities were established in: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, and El Salvador. -Maya cosmology - Story of how the universe was created•"The Popol Vuh" - The Tree of Life is at the center of the universe and sits on top of a mountain/pyramid. - The branches connect to the supernatural sky. - The roots connect to the underworld.

Explain the purpose and symbolic meaning of the Men's Ceremonial House

'based on kinship" *Saddle Shape -symbolizes the "protective power of ancestors" The whole structure symbolizes a sacred female mother ancestor *The house has images of sacred female ancestors even though women can't physically enter the structure. *Only men can advance in power and prestige in society/control knowledge illustrate "important historical events and myths related to the clan who built it" •Rooster images "along the base of the façade symbolize the rising sun." •The multiple faces above the roosters symbolize the deity "Blellek."who warns women to stay away from the house to avoid being harmed.

Explain the importance of the "Mesoamerican Ball Game".

(Ball court (view looking north), Maya, Middle Plaza, Copán, Honduras, 738 CE.) -The ball may have represented a celestial body such as the sun, its movment over the court immitating the sun's daily passage through the sky. - Was a metaphor for the cycle of life, deasth, and regeneration that permeated mesoamerican religion.

Explain the purpose and symbolic meaning of the Maya Ball player.

(Ballplayer, Maya, from Jaina Island) In the Popol Vuh (Maya Epic) the evil lord of the underworld force a legendary pair of twins to play ball. The Brothers lose and are sacafied. The sons of one of the twins travels to the underworld, after besting the evil lord in a ball game, kill him. They revive their father buried in the ball court. The young twins rise to heave to become the Son and Moon. Their father becomes the god of maize.

Explain the purpose of the Inka "khipu."

(No Writing system) Used a "Khipu" to record information as a record keeping system. (a Main fiber cord with different colored threads and knots)

*What are the dates of the Pre-Classic, Classic, and Post-classic periods?

(Pre-Classic 1800 BCE - 200 CE) (Classic 200 - 900 CE) (Post-Classic 900 - 1521CE)

Explain the importance of the Olmec ceremonial ax in the form of a Jaguar

*Composite features* human/jaguar*Jaguars as the companions of shamans*Shamans - belief in their power to transform themselves into jaguars

Explain Abelam culture and the purpose and symbolic meaning of the Yam mask.

*Yam - main crop *Farmers who can "grow the largest yams achieve power and prestige" *Developed a yam cult with rituals and activities associated with ancestor worship to promote the growth of yams *Patterns and designs on masks are also used for "body decoration in dances."

*Explain the meaning, importance, and symbolism of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl

-a "broad sunken courtyard surrounded by symmetrical platforms" -located near the royal palace*Temple of Queztalcoatl -Temple of the "Feathered Serpent -6 Level pyramid*Important Design style from Teotihuacan - "Talud/Tablero"*Talud = diagonal slanting wall *Tablero = Vertical platforms stacked on top of each other

Explain the purpose and symbolic meaning of the Canoe prow ornament and the type of art found on the Caroline Islands.

Arts of the Caroline Islands emphasize images to protect travelers at sea for fishing and/or trading. *Prow ornaments "protected canoe paddlers and could be lowered to signify a peaceful voyage." *2 Sandpipers birds shown in profile

Aboriginal culture

Australian Aboriginal culture includes a number of practices and ceremonies centered on a belief in the Dreamtime. Reverence for the land and oral traditions are emphasized.

Bark painting from Arnhem Land, Australia, - Know the purpose and symbolic meaning

Auuenau, (Dreaming)from Western Arnhem Land, Australia, 1913. Ochre on bark, (Bark Painting) Ancestor Worship *connected to all aspects of Aboriginal life

What culture did the Teotihuacanos have a major influence on?

Aztec, Toltec, and Maya

Explain the mythological origins of the Aztecs.

Aztlan - refers to their mythical place of origin, an island surrounded by Lake Texcoco. Chicomoztoc - refers to the 7 caves from which they believe they originatedCuauhxicalli - Heart Vessel

Qualities of Nazca ceramics:-Round shaped bottom-double spouts connected by a bridge-smooth, polychrome surface decoration *Variety of subjects including:plants, animals, and mythologicalcreatures in composite form*This vessel shows 2 crowned and jeweled flying figures, with trophy heads, perhaps a reference to victory in war.*Eagle imagery also shown

Bridge-spouted vessel with flying figures, Nazca, Peru, ca. 50-200 CE.

Where was the Aztec capital?

Capital City of Tenochtitlan

Who are the major Aztecs gods and goddesses that we discussed in class?

Coatlicue- earth, mother goddess Huitzilopochtli - god of war, sun god Coyolxauhqui - moon goddess & sister of Huitzilopochtli Chalchiuhtlicue - goddess of running water Tlaloc- god of rain and lightening Xochipilli - god of flowers, love, summer, dances, and games Tlacamictiliztli - god of heart sacrifice

Explain the significance, and symbolic meaning of Coatlicue.

Coatlicue- earth, mother goddess Mother of 400 sons (the stars)And Coyolxauqui (the moon goddess)And HuitzilopochtliCoatepec - snake mountain"Virgin birth" of Huitzilopochtli1790 - statue discovered near Mexico City's main cathedralOriginal location - probably nearHuitzilopochtli's temple

*Why are so many artworks from Oceania and non-European cultures located in European museums?


Why did the Inka build Macchu Picchu?

Constructed as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti (1438-1472)

Where was their capital?


*What was the geographical area of the Inka Empire?

Ecuador in the north all the way down to central Chile & most of Bolivia

Significance of the French "Explorer" Jules Dumont d'Urville

French Explorer Jules Dumont D'Urville named the pacific islands 1831

ateway probably led to a sacred area/ Tiwanaku = very important ceremonial center! Central image = perhaps a sky and weather god? = re-adaptation of the "Chavin staff god"from Peru (shows syncretism)His hair extends outwards like rays ending in the shape of puma heads (power of Earthly realm/fierce predator)3 rows of winged Condor birds(sacred sky realm)

Gateway of the Sun, Tiwanaku, Bolivia

Explain the purpose of the statue of Kuka'ilimoku. (Hawaii)

Hawaiian war god •statue from a temple (heiau) on the island of Hawaii where Kamehameha I ruled •Stands on a pillar/base with a fierce and threatening expression •Very muscular & bulky body•Wide mouth with teeth showing

*Explain the significance of Andean weaving. (Refer to handout.)

In the Andes weaving contains many layers of meaning and serves ritual as well as utilitarian functions. Peruvian textiles honor Pachamama, Mother Earth. Peruvian weavers express appreciation for the process of growth and generation, concepts of space, time, and relatedness to other species and the natural world.

*Why is the article on "Primitivism and Colonialism" relevant to what we studied about Africa and Oceania?

It let us know that for most of the studies in these types of cultures, they have been taught through the filter of primitivism. These were the first time the public was provided with their existence.

Explain the purpose and symbolic meaning of Canoe prow and splash board.

Kula exchange - an exchange of "white shell arm ornaments for red chama shell necklaces"

Explain the purpose and symbolic meaning of the Maya Temple Kulkulkan. (El Castillo)

Kulkulkan" meaning "feathered serpent"*Supreme creator god associated with the 4 elements Earth, Fire, Water & Air, as well as resurrection/reincarnation*The actual temple sits on top of the pyramid!*Structure has 4 sides with 365 stairs total = reference to a solar calendar year (1 step for each day of the year)*Structure has 9 levels - why?*Notice the "talud - tablero" style influence from Teotihuacan*During the winter and summer equinoxes, the sun cast a shadow on the north side structure in the shape of a slithering serpent.

Explain the meaning, importance, and symbolism at "Teotihuacan."

Locate: "Teotihuacan"MexicoName means "Place or Birthplace of the Gods"*Name given later on by the Aztecs after the city had been abandoned*Height of power/wealth - 600 CE*Teotihuacan was the 6th largest city in the world!

Who makes this bark cloth in Tonga society?


Culturally, what were the Inka famous for?

Machu Picchu. The Inka developed a sophisticated terracing and irrigation techniques for farming in the Andean highlands! *They also created a sophisticated network of roads(more than 14000 miles) and bridges for communication and transporting goods.

Why was maize so important to Mesoamerican peoples?

Maize was vital to the survival of the Mesoamerican people. Its cultural significance is reflected in Mesoamerican origin myths, artwork, and rituals.

Explain the symbolic meaning/purpose and the process of creating the Moai on Rapa Nui.

Mana = spiritual power •Moai = guardian ancestral chiefs •Moai statues reach 40 feet in height! •Moai stand on platforms (ahu) " marking burials or sites for religious ceremonies

Meaning of "Melanesia", "Micronesia", and "Polynesia" and corresponding islands for each territory

Melanesia=black islands Micronesia=small islands Polynesia= multiple islands

umerous sexual acts between a man and a woman appear. They may have been designed as visual aids for sex education, illustrating human reproduction and perhaps birth control as well

Moche Pottery Depicting Sexual Intercourse, Peru, c. 1000-1250.

*Who was the Aztec ruler during the Spanish conquest?

Moctezuma II ruled (1502 - 1520)*1520 - Death of ruler *Conquered by Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes.

Explain Iatmul culture and the purpose and symbolic meaning of the Ceremonial Men's House.

Most important structure in communities 'based on kinship"*Saddle Shape -symbolizes the "protective power of ancestors" The whole structure symbolizes a sacred female mother ancestor *The house has images of sacred female ancestors even though women can't physically enter the structure. *Only men can advance in power and prestige in society/control knowledge

Why is the Olmec culture so important to the history of Mesoamerica?

Mother Culture of ancient of early Mesoamerican. Civilization such as the Aztecs and the Maya.


Mythic stories often referring to the "movement of ancestral spirits through the landscape and sacred places"

Explain the purpose and symbolic meaning of the Maya murals at Bonampak.

Presentation of captives to Lord Chan Muwan, Maya, room 2, structure 1, Bonampak, Mexico, ca. 790 CE. The site, located in southern Chiapas, Mexico, houses one of the most famous painted murals in the entire Maya world. Bonampak literally means "painted wall." Vivid colors and masterful designs tell the story of the last ruling family of Bonampak, headed by King Chan Muwan and his wife Lady Rabbit. Calendar inscriptions date the painted scenes between the years 790 and 792 CE. The city was abandoned shortly after, and the murals were never completed. The paintings depict scenes of kingly accession and celebration, brutal warfare, and acts of self-sacrifice.

X-ray style

Shows both the inside & exterior of the body

*When and why did he conquer the Aztecs?

Spanish Conquest (1519 - 1521) To claim the Aztec Empire for the Spanish crown and gold.

When did the Spanish conquer Peru?

Spanish conquest of Peru 16th Century

When did the Aztecs arrive in the Valley of Mexico?

Starting around 1000 CE, they left the dry desert region in the North and migrated south with the Toltecs to look for more sustainable land The Aztecs arrived in the Valley of Mexico as homeless wanderers about 1325 A.D. They came the region above the Gulf of California.

Explain the "talud-tablero" pyramid style.

Talud/Tablero Talud = diagonal slanting wall *Tablero = Vertical platforms stacked on top of each other

*Explain the significance, symbolic meaning, and architectural style of the Great Temple "El Templo Mayor."

Tenochtitlan was at its center, with the Great Temple represting a scared moutain and formig the passing up to the heavns and down through the Underworld.

Which 2 cultural groups were the Aztecs most influenced by?

Teotehuacans and Toltec

Explain Aztec religious beliefs and practices

The Aztecs saw their world as aflat disk resting on the back of a monstrous earth deity. Each of the four cardinal points had its own god, color and tree adn calendrical symbol. The Sky consisted of 13 layers, whereas the underworld had nine.

Aztec Codices

The Aztecs told their stories sometimes in codices. •Codices are handmade books containing long sheets of bark paper or deerskin, which are illustrated with text and images. •Most of them were written during the Spanish Conquest.

Explain the purpose and symbolic meaning of (Temple of the Giant Jaguar)

The Temple of the Great Jaguar because of a lintel that represents a king sitting upon a jaguar throne. An alternative name is the Temple of Ah Cacao, after the ruler buried in the temple

*Explain the importance of Olmec colossal stone heads.

The heads were each carved from a single basalt boulder. Principal source of this heavy stone was Cerro Cintepec in the Tuxtla Mountains. Possibly they represent Olmec rulers or Ballpayer wearing a helent.

How is this structure an example of conquest? Explain the symbolism and its original appearance.

The royal capital city was mostly destroyed and the Spanish built their churchesbuildings, etc. on top of Inka constructions!

Why is the shape of the pyramids similar to the mountains nearby?

The shape of the pyramids is a symbolic reference to the shape of the"Cerro Gordo" Volcanic Mountain behind it

Explain Asmat culture and the purpose, symbolic meaning, and material of the Bisj poles.

To avenge the deaths of killed relatives due to warfare/ headhunting *Symbolism on poles - Human figures refer to deceased relatives *The entire pole symbolizes the human body as a "Mangrove tree." *Cultural belief - "personal energy and personal power must be forcefully taken from others"

Explain the purpose and symbolic meaning of the Toltec Colossal atlantid statues at Tula. What were the Toltecs known for? What culture did the Toltecs have a major influence on?

Toltecs were "Chichimecs" and learned from the cultures of The Valley of Mexico ( Especially Teotihuacan)•Toltec Capital Tula•Toltecs flourished from 900 - 1200 CE•Military based "warrior culture" influenced the Aztecs

Explain the symbolism and material for the Moche gold and turquoise Ear ornament.

Tombs in the village of Sipan*Tombs discovered in the 1980s *Tombs of Elite Moche class *Sacrificial victims*Gold objects*Ceramic vessels*Ear ornament from the tomb of a man known as the "Lord of Sipan"or the "Warrior Priest"*Shows a Warrior Priest flanked by 2 attendants

Explain the culture of the Trobriand Islanders

Trobriand islanders made long and difficult journeys for economic purposes.

How are the cultures in Polynesian different from the cultures in Melanesia and Micronesia?

[Melanesians] are typically very dark skinned (hence the name) and are a very culturally diverse group with large variations in customs and histories between themselves. There is a lack of consensus surrounding their exact origins and migration patterns but they are distinct from Aboriginal Australians despite the frequent contact. PNG is the most populous Melanesian nation though it is made up of many different groups and languages. [Polynesians] were typified as being lighter skinned than Melanesians but are primarily distinguished by the shared common culture and origin (believed to have migrated from Taiwan about 3000 years ago). Despite the large geographic area Polynesian cultures are all rooted in the same beliefs and the Polynesian languages form a cohesive family. The Māori are the largest individual group but the U.S. has the largest Polynesian population. [Micronesia] is more of a geographic delineation than a cohesive group, but the inhabitants share cultural and ancestral links with both Asia and Melanesia to form a distinct identity. This is the most sparsely populated of the Pacific regions with about 500k people, and was historically very isolated from the rest of the world. The U.S. has the largest population in Micronesia with Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands (as well as Palau, Federated States of Micronesia and Marshall Islands being in free association with the U.S.), though the I-Kiribati (Pronounced Ee Kiribass) are the largest ethnic group.

*Who was Hernan Cortes and where was he from?

a Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire and brought large portions of what is now mainland Mexico under the rule of the King of Castile in the early 16th

Explain the symbolic meaning/purpose and material of the painted barkcloth (ngatu/tapa).

ark cloth or "tapa" "made from the inner bark of the paper mulberry tree" •Ngatu means "decorated bark cloth" •Fabric originally made for clothing & bedding" •The fabric also could be used at "weddings, to wrap the bodies of high ranking political or sacred figures at funerary ceremonies, and at important social ceremonies." •Manulua design means " illusion of 2 birds flying together"•This cloth was" made for the coronation ceremony for King Tupou the Iv who ruled from 1965 - 2006."

Which Spanish conquistador was responsible?

defeat of Inka by Conquistador Francisco Pizarro

*This idealized portrait may depict a "ruler, royal official, or warrior."*Bichrome or 2 color decoration*Flat bottom with stirrup spout and double eagle image*Shape & designs probably influenced from Chavin culture

essel in the shape of a portrait head, Moche, from northern coast of Peru

*What shape did the city have?

geometric rectangular grid/dominance of right angles/ 90 degrees

What did Cortes think of Tenochtitlan when he first arrived in Mexico?

he was impressed with the city's Architecture

Explain the symbolic meaning of Tenochtitlan.

it came to symbolize the triumph of good over evil (with the snake sometimes representative of the serpent in the Garden of Eden).

Explain the significance of the Hummingbird image on the Nasca plain.

marked "pilgrimage routes leading to religious shrines.'

What were common Nasca images for the landscape?

often depict: birds, fish, plants, and geometric forms.

In terms of art, what are the Moche of Peru most famous for?

pottery and textiles

Explain the symbolic meaning/purpose of the Dilukai image.

protect the villagers' health and crops and ward off evil spirits

Explain the purpose of tattooing in Polynesia.

represents culture and identity. Ritual tattooing was one way of strengthening the individual. Extra eyes gave the tattooed person more power, decreased vulnerability. Tattooing is often part of initiation rites.

What is the purpose of the Embroidered funerary mantle from Paracas

rows of shaman figures with heads thrown back, worked solidly with wool

Historically, what were Moche ceramic vessels used for? Explain the meaning/symbolism of the Moche ceramics shown in the powerpoint.

rulers,... "architecture, metallurgy, weaving the brewing of chicha (fermented maize beer) human deformities, illnesses, sexual acts and child birth."*This idealized portrait may depict a "ruler, royal official, or warrior."*Bichrome or 2 color decoration*Flat bottom with stirrup spout and double eagle image*Shape & designs probably influenced from Chavin culture

Explain the purpose, ownership, and material of the feather cloak.

•It was believed to provide protection from the deities. (like an amulet) •Each cloak required thousands of feathers.

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