Art History 2 Neoclassicism (Module 6)

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David's Napoleon at the Saint-Bernard Pass (aka Napoleon Crossing the Alps) is fundamentally a portrait of what?


True or false: According to Valentiner (1929), Neoclassicism inspired the French Revolution.


True or false: Napoleon was so unimpressed by David's Napoleon at the Saint-Bernard Pass that he ordered David to paint four more in an attempt to please him.


True or false: Neoclassicism was a continued celebration of the Baroque and Rococo styles.


Which of the following artists is said to be the creator of Neoclassicism?

Jacques-Louis David

Jacques-Louis David is best described as what kind of artist?


In the image below, who is represented with 1?


Which of the following painters had the most influence on David's Oath of the Horatii?


It was on a trip to which European city that Jacques-Louis David began forming his political beliefs?


In the image below, who is represented with 2?


For Jacques-Louis David, Socrates was a symbol of what?

Strength over passion, Commitment to an abstract ideal (Both of the above)

Jacques-Louis David is most closely associated with which major event?

The French Revolution

True or false: In 1801 Jacques-Louis David was awarded the position of Premier Peintre ("First Painter") to Napoleon.


True or false: Jacques-Louis David is classified as a "history painter."


True or false: Jacques-Louis David was imprisoned for his role in the French Revolution and ensuing Reign of Terror.


True or false: Upon his death, Jacques-Louis David's body was denied burial in France.


Neoclassicism was drawn to the art and culture of which era?

Classical antiquity

Which of the following characterize Neoclassical painting?

Classical subject matter, Harmonious compositions, Precise draughtsmanship (All of the above)

According to Hazlehurst (1960), David's Oath of the Horatii is fundamentally a painting about what?

Dauntless moral fortitude

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