Art History I

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Briefly describe the Shakyamuni Buddha, Sokkuram.

. It is a representation of the Buddha who calls upon the earth to witness his enlightenment. The Korean artist has remained faithful to the Indian prototype as well as echoing the robust Tang Chinese forms. However, this figure is more distinctly broad-shouldered and harmonious; it is completely Korean in representation

Who recognized that the visual world must be observed before it can be analyzed and understood?


The image of ________ never appeared in synagogue paintings throughout the Roman Empire.


Celadon ceramics were developed during which of the following periods?

Goryeo dynasty

The jewel of Cordoba is the ________.

Great Mosque

The ________ used salvaged masonry blocks, columns, and capitals from Roman and Early Christian structures.

Great Mosque, Damascus

The Anastasis from Christ in Chora exhibits which of the following?

Greco-Roman illusionism

Christ as the Good Shepherd can be traced back to ________

Greek Archaic art

Trajan chose ________ as his successor.


Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus built ________ for Justinian.

Hagia Sophia

Which of the following is one suggested interpretation for the Great Serpent Mound?

Halley's Comet

Ceramic models found in tombs provide a good idea of the architecture during this period. Which of the following is that period?


________ was the first great female monarch whose name was recorded.


Statues of the aged and the ugly can be found in the ________ period.


The redefinition of portraiture was one of the great achievements of ________ artists.


In the Middle Byzantine, St. Marks was remodeled after which of the following ?

Holy Apostles, Constantinople

The Great Schism was resolved by _____

Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund

________ was the son of Osiris and hunted down his father's murderer, Seth


The kings of Benin trace their lineage to what culture?


What architectural feature has been found in nearly all Mesoamerican cultures?

a ballcourt

Irish or Celtic stone crosses are identifiable by which of the following?

a circle intersecting the cross arms

Equestrian statues were reminders of Rome's glory. Charlemagne returned Rome after his coronation with an equestrian statue of Theodoric. Which statue served as the ultimate model for such equestrian portraits?

Marcus Aurelius

In the 12 th century the Anasazi relocated to which of the following areas

Mesa Verde, Colorado

The change in the nature of daily life, from hunter and gatherer to farmer and herder, first occurred in


What could account for the similarity in design of the stamp seals of the Indus Valley Civilization and contemporaneous sites in Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamians moved to the Indus Valley

The attribute of St. Mark is,

a lion

A chaitya hall would most likely be found in which of the following?

a sculptured buddhist cave temple

Which of the following led to the end of the Japanese imperial court as a major political force?

a series of civil wars

Which of the following encouraged the growth of towns and cities?

a sharp increase in trade

The plan of St. Sernin is extremely regular and geometrically precise. It is based on a module seen in earlier church architecture. Which of the following churches is the prototype for this refined and rational structural approach?

Monastery Church, St. Gall

The hypostyle mosque most closely reflects the mosque's supposed origin, ________ in Medina.

Muhammad's house

The antecedents of the mausoleum of Constantina or Sta. Costanza can be traced back to which of the following?


Diskobolos (Discus Thrower) was created by ________


________ exhibited an interest in classical forms unlike that found in any works of his predecessors.

Nicola Pisano

Which of the following is the sculptor whose work showed the greatest influence of the forms of classical antiquity

Nicola Pisano.

The Benin kingdom was located in what modern country?


Which of the following groups of peoples produced the earliest sculpture in the round?


Which of the following is considered the mother culture of Mesoamerican Mexico?


The Sutton Hoo purse has two groupings each of a man standing between two lions. This can also be found in what earlier culture


The ________ are credited with developing the first known writing system


The feathered serpent is one guise of which Mesoamerican Mexican deity?


One of the essential truths of Christianity, the Ascension is presented in which of the following?

Rabbula Gospels

What was the primary vehicle used in the Christianization of the British Isles?

Roman manuscripts

________ was considered the rightful capital of the universal church.


What pose developed by the "court" style had a strong influence on Late Gothic sculpture?

S-shaped curve

Justinian's builders began a new walled monastery at Mount Sinai in Egypt now called ________.

Saint Catherine's

The ____ burial epitomizes the early medieval tradition of burying great lords with rich furnishings.

Sutton Hoo

Another Ionic building on the Athenian Acropolis is the ________, designed by Kallikrates.

Temple of Athena Nike

Which of the following was a cosmopolitan center with merchants from the Veracruz and Zapotec peoples?


How does the Arch of Constantine reflect Imperial Rome

The Arch exhibited a regard for the classical past. The medallions came from Early Empire monuments. It reverberates the history of the Empire. It was erected in Rome reflecting victory in the same fashion as the Early Empire Arch of Titus. It echoes power and might.

Venice had long possessed the relics of ________.

Saint Mark

Which of these churches embodies the essential characteristics of English Gothic architecture?

Salisbury Cathedral

Giotto's Enthroned Madonna reflected the new trend toward naturalism and classical modeling of the figures. Which of the following describes this new trend

The Virgin is solid and has mass.

It is said this structure's design is simple and serenely classical. It is a descendant of the Pantheon, the imperial mausoleum, such as Diocletian's, and the Early Christian Sta. Costanza. Which of the following is being described?

San Giovanni Baptistery, Florence

The Dome of the Rock is a domed octagon resembling ________.

San Vitale, Ravenna

The Aryans composed a compilation of religious learning that included hymns for the priests to sing or chant. In which of the following languages were the Vedas written?


Which of the following made export goods exclusively for the European market?


Which of the following brought Buddhism to China?

Silk Road

The most famous Ottoman architect was ________.


Neo-Confucianism was a blend of traditional Chinese thought and selected Buddhist concepts. It flourished during which of the following periods?

Southern Song

Trajan, adopted by Nerva, was born in ________.


Which church was the burial place of the Holy Roman Emperors until the 12 th century?

Speyer Cathedral

Abbot Suger is credited with creating which of the following churches?

St. Denis

Speyer Cathedral was considered the burial church of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. Which of the following churches was the burial church for the kings of France?

St. Denis

________ was the first apostle and founder of the Roman Christian community.

St. Peter

Tall towers are integrated into the west front of which of the following?

St. Étienne, Caen

Shapur I captured the Roman emperor __ near Edessa (in modern Turkey).


Later church architecture adopted heavy square piers alternating with columns, dividing the nave into vertical units and mitigating the tunnel-like horizontality of Early Christian basilicas. This system is known as ____.

alternate support

Teotihuacán was greatly revered and visited by which of the following groups?


Russian icon painting reached a climax in the work of ________.

Andrei Rublyev

When Islam arose, the ________ were peripheral to the Byzantine and Persian empires.


The Florence Cathedral was begun by ________.

Arnolfo di Cambio

________ became the fate of many Roman emperors during the third century CE.


The ________ ruled the northern Mesopotamian Empire during the ninth through seventh centuries BCE


When did Buddhism arrive in Japan?

Asuka Period

The Abbasid caliph al-Mansur (r. 754-775) established a new capital, ________, which he called the City of Peace.


The one important requirement often missing from these church interiors is light. Which of the following did not allow for interior lighting?

Barrel-vaults exerted great outward thrust making a clerestory difficult to construct

The abbey church at Hildesheim has a double-transept plan that creates eastern and western centers of gravity. The lateral entrances on the north and south aisles further disrupt the traditional basilican plan. What model might have been used for this church?

Basilica Ulpia

The modern-day region occupied by the Classic Maya was which of the following?

Belize, southern Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala

The Altar of the Hand and Arm is from which of the following societies?


The Norman defeat of the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 united all of England and most of France under one rule. The battle leading to this momentous occasion was the topic for the Bayeux Tapestry. Who commissioned this work?

Bishop Odo

Which of the following had a significant effect on the art of Italy during the 14 th century?

Black Death

Indian sensuality can be seen in the Yakushiji triad. Which of the following figures shows that sensuality?


What manuscript is commonly considered the greatest achievement in Hiberno-Saxon art?

Book of Kells

In the later Middle Ages religious books were created for the private devotions of the laity. They were based on readers used by the monks. These books contained prayers to be read at specific times during the day, they were popularly known as ____.

Books of Hours

The portrait of ________ appears on the choir wall to the right of the apse of San Vitale, Ravenna.

Empress Theodora

Perpendicular style was popular in which of the following countries


The earliest known name of an author is ________.


________ was interested in showing human anatomy convincingly, but also showing the figure occupying space.


Which of the following was recognized worldwide and highly sought art of the Korean Goryeo of the twelfth century

celadon ware

Regular Christian services took place in private ________.

community houses

Byzantine artists drew their images from which of the following?

conventionalized vision

The earliest instance of a/an ________on the exterior of a Greek building is the Choragic Monument of Lysikrates.

corinthian capital

Which of the following is a metaphor for an auspicious sign of Heaven's blessing on an emperor's rule?


In the Great Zimbabwe tradition a crocodile was thought to represent which of the following?

deceased ruler who is now messenger

The portrait of Ruler 13 can be found on Stele D from Copán. He holds across his chest a symbol representing the sky and his absolute power. Which of the following is that symbol?

double-headed serpent bar

Which of the following occurred in the 12 th century that caused the Anasazi to abandon their open canyon floor dwelling sites?


Elaborately decorated Merovingian fibulae have been excavated from graves. Based on this it can be said these small objects are ____.

emblems of prestige

In the Heian period, phoenixes were associated with which of the following?


The pronounced swelling at the middle of the column shaft is called ________.


One explanation for the sexually explicit images at Khajuraho relates them to which of the following?

fertility and the propagation of life

A yakshi is the personification for which of the following?

fertility and vegetation

The small seal discovered at Mohenjo-daro reveals an interesting iconography. Which of the following depictions from that seal supports the Indian practice of meditation?

figure is in a suggestive yogic posture

The Aryan religion centered on sacrifice and ritual enactment. Which of the following would be part of the ritual practice


The intersection of two barrel vaults creates which of the following?

groin vault

The variety of figure types suggests that in addition to serving as military guards these figures also provided a spiritual barrier between the living and the dead. Which of the following does this describe?


In the Adena culture, which of the following would be a treasured item, buried with the deceased?


The color ________ was associated with the Roman emperor.


The Mausoleum of the Samanids has ________.

shaped bricks

The Mimbres culture occupied which of the following areas?

southwestern New Mexico

The fourteenth-century German sculptures of Ekkehard and Uta at Naumburg are particularly significant because these sculptures used which of the following?

specific individuals

The profusion of sexually amorous couples in Indian art indicates which of the following.

spiritual favor and prosperity

Nok sculpture is made from which of the following?


Florence's economy was further enhanced by its control of the ________.

textile industry

In the early centuries of Islamic history, the Muslim political and cultural center was ________.

the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia

The Carolingian architectural plan that demonstrated the beginnings of the modular system was found in ____.

the Monastery of St. Gall

Many Gothic cathedrals were dedicated to which of the following?

the Virgin Mary (Notre-Dame)

The pillars of Ashoka go deep into the ground, connecting the earth to the sky. It can be said that they form which of the following?

the axis of the universe

Church interiors now became impressive acoustical settings for church services. Which of the following architectural elements allowed for the excellent acoustics?

the continuous barrel-vaulted naves

It has been said that Charlemagne was a man of great energy and learning, a strong patron of the arts, and a sincere admirer of classical culture. Which of the following do later generations owe to Charlemagne's patronage?

the copying of important classical texts

The development of the Rayonnant style is connected with which of the following?

the court of Louis IX

The portal sculptural program for Chartres Cathedral is distinctly different from its Romanesque counterparts. Which of the following accounts for this distinction?

the prominence of Mary in the portal program

An important aspect of Romanesque manuscript illumination was based on which of the following?

the subordination of the figure to the frame

During the Romanesque period the vision of Christ's Second Coming was often depicted on which of the following

the tympanum

A madrasa is a ________.

theological college

The Shah or Royal Mosque in Isfahan is recognized for its ________.

tile work

The most venerated pilgrimage shrine in the West, outside Rome or Jerusalem, was the ____.

tomb of the Apostle James at Santiago de Compostela

Flying buttresses eliminated which of the following?

tribune gallery

The temples of Sumer were placed on high platforms or ________.


Briefly describe the Tale of Genji.

It is a tale about the lives and loves of a prince of the imperial court and his descendants

In 313 CE, Constantine issued the ________, which ended the persecution of the Christians.

Edict of Milan

The Persians sacked the Athenian Acropolis in ________

480 BCE

Approximately when did some of these peoples learn to fish, farm cotton, and domesticate plants?

8000 to 2000 BCE

A group of artists working the same style, place and time is often referred to as

A school.

________ abandoned the worship of most of the Egyptian gods in favor of Aton.


The Ise Shrine is dedicated to which of the following?


The first truly monumental stone statues of the Greeks followed the ________ canon


The Gothic style is said to have first appeared in which of the following areas?


A more complex and efficient type of vaulting was needed that would admit light and at the same time be aesthetically pleasing. Which of the following systems would allow this adoption?

By covering the nave with groin vaults

How did 11 th century Romanesque masons construct monumental groin vaults?

By using ashlar blocks joined by mortar

The Aryans, a mobile herding people, came to India from ____.

Central Asia

Which of the following schools of thought, whose basic tenet is the cultivation of mind and spirit in order to break through the illusions of ordinary reality, gained gradual importance under the Song emperors?

Chan Buddhism

Historians generally agree that the Black Death originated in ________.


The Romans knew of this commodity and greatly admired and treasured it as a precious import. Which of the following is that treasure?

Chinese silk

Which of the following might account for the shift in Roman burial practices in the 2 nd C. CE?


Physical evidence, documentary evidence and stylistic evidence are used to determine


One suggestion for the resurgence of stone sculpture on churches was the changing role of churches. Now due to the pilgrimage routes, the churches served an increasingly large lay public. Which of the following supports this suggestion?

Churches served a largely illiterate audience and needed visual Christian symbols and stories.

The word Renaissance means rebirth. Which of the following was a revived interest during this time?

Classical culture.

________ founded the "New Rome" in the East in 324.


________ was the first major patron of Christian architecture.


The Fourth Crusade (1203) attacked ________.


The Ottoman Turks conquered ________ in 1453.


Early 11 th Century England was briefly part of what empire?


Which of the following does Fan Kuan reflect in Travelers among Mountains and Streams by focusing on the mountains and minimizing the human element?

Daoist sensitivity of individuality

Historians once referred to the Middle Ages roughly 400-1400 as the ____.

Dark Ages

In 454 BCE, the ________ was transferred to Athens ostensibly for security reasons.

Delian Treasury

The town on a promontory overlooking the Euphrates River in Syria is called ________.


On the right face of the trumeau is a prophet, displaying his scroll containing his prophetic vision. He is placed immediately below the depiction of Christ the Judge. This is another instance of the pairing of the Old and New Testament themes. This iconographic tradition was established during which of the following periods?

Early Christian

The caves of Ajanta are famed for which of the following?

Early Indian painting tradition

The acknowledged master of the black-figure technique was ________


What city dominated banking operations?


The Republic of Florence was a dominant city-state during the ________.

Fourteenth century

Which of the following is the monastic order that influenced art through its stress on nature and the primacy of personal experience?


Which group of barbarian invaders became firmly established in regions known today as France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and parts of Germany?


The equestrian statue in Bamberg Cathedral may be a portrait of ________.

Frederick II

The Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, presents in mythological disguise the victory of Attalos I over the ________.


Who of the following coined the term "Gothic"?

Giorgio Vasari

The equestrian fly-whisk handle is an object of prestige from which of the following groups?


Which of the following is considered the cradle of Yoruba?


________ was the royal builder for King Djoser of the Third Dynasty


What area of Western Europe was never colonized by Rome?


St. Sernin at Toulouse has been called a "pilgrimage" type church. Which of the following accounts for this designation?

It had radiating chapels attached to the transept and ambulatory.

What is the Silk Road?

It is a network of caravan tracts across Central Asia linking China with the Mediterranean world. It became known as the "Silk Road" because of the Roman passion for silk, a precious trade item. However, silk was not the only product transported via the Silk Road; many items such as gold, gems, glass, lacquer and others were transported both to and from destination points along the Road. In addition to physical products, ideas were also carried along the route; Buddhism came to China from India

What is the Kei School?

It is a school of sculpture which traced its lineage to Jocho, a famous sculptor of the mid-11 th century. It displays fine Heian carving techniques and a concern for natural volume and detail learned by studying surviving Nara Period works and imports from Song China.

Paris claimed to be the intellectual center of Gothic Europe. Its university faculty and the reputations of its masons supported this claim. Which of the following also provided support for this claim?

It was a center for fine book production

The focus of both the intellectual and religious life changed from monasteries in the countryside and pilgrimage churches to cathedrals in expanding cities. Which of the following would account for this change?

It was a time of great prosperity

Assess the importance of the Dunhuang Grottoes and its legacy to Buddhism

It was the westernmost gateway to China on the Silk Road. It was a wealthy trading center and a Buddhist pilgrimage site. It was the Buddhist home to countless monks and nuns as well as other religions. The Grottoes are caves decorated with Buddhist murals as well as stucco decorations; they became especially important in the 9 th century when the emperor Wuzong destroyed temples and shrines dedicated to Buddhism and forced the return of many monks and nuns to public life. However, Dunhuang was not affected by this persecution as it was under the control of Tibet and remained open and free.

The Ostrogoth, Theodoric, established his kingdom in ____.


Which of the following best describes a characteristic of Gothic architecture?

Its interior is permeated with light.

The Dome of the Rock is located in ________.


________ is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims


Japan's earliest distinct culture is which of the following?


In Early Christian painting, ________ was a popular figure as he was considered a prophetic forerunner of Christ.


The reign of ________ marks the end of the Late Roman Empire and the beginning of the Byzantine Empire


________ proclaimed Christianity the only lawful religion of New Rome


The pyramid of ________ is the oldest and largest


It can be said that China's neighbors owe an immense debt to China; however which country provided the link between China and Japan?


According to tradition, a gilded bronze statue of Buddha was sent to Japan by which of the following?

Korean Paekche

Athanadoros, Hagesandros and Polydoros are thought to be the three Rhodian sculptors who created the ________.


Pantokrator is usually applied to Christ in his role as ________.

Last Judge

Which of the following works describes the Roman school of painting that replaced Byzantine stylized dignity with the careful depiction of light?

Last Judgement.

Fan vaulting was most common in which of the following?

Late Gothic England

The primary sacred text was the Bible, consisting of the Old Testament originally written in Hebrew and the New Testament written in Greek. In what language is the Vulgate version of the Bible written?


________ remained the official language for state documents


The Bayon, a temple in Cambodia with its gigantic faces, is thought to represent which of the following?

Lokeshvara, Lord of the World

What do the doors of St. Michael at Hildesheim illustrate?

Original Sin and Redemption

Constantine XI died at Constantinople in 1453 vainly defending the city against the ________.

Ottoman Turks

The Indus Valley civilization arose in ____.


This artwork represents the ancient Egyptian belief of the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Palette of Narmer

An example of the Middle Byzantine classicizing style in manuscripts is the ________.

Paris Psalter

The person who paid for a work of art is referred to as a


________ was the capital of Macedonia


Kresilas was the sculptor of the portrait bust of ________.


The most important source of knowledge about Persian architecture is the palace at ________.


Plutarch claimed that ________ was in charge of the entire Periclean Acropolis project.


The Benin king established diplomatic relations with which of the following?


How was the Pax Augusta (Augustan Peace) significant?

Powerful armies maintained the Empire's borders, there was no opposition at home, and Augustus brought peace and prosperity that endured for two centuries. It came to be called Pax Romana.

________ was one of the leading sculptors of the fourth century BCE.


Mnesikles was the architect of note for the ________, the monumental entrance to the Acropolis.


The most devastating natural disaster in Europe during the late 1300s was which of the following?

The Black Death

Saint-Savin is a hall church with paintings on the continuous vault of the nave. Which of the following allows for this?

The aisles are approximately the same height as the nave

How are the interior of the Pantheon and the treatment of space significant?

The interior is a unified, self-sufficient whole uninterrupted by supporting solids. Light is used not just for illumination, but also to underscore the interior shape's symbolism. It is a vast enclosure of interior space creating a calm, cool, mystical experience.

What innovation did hall churches incorporate?

They placed new emphasis on preaching and the pulpit.

Which of the following churches was the largest in Europe until the new St. Peter's in Rome was constructed in the 17 th century?

Third Church at Cluny (Cluny III)

Describe the tomb of Emperor Nintoku.

This work recalls the Jomon practice of burying the dead on sacred Mountains. This is the largest tumulus in Japan , approximately 1,600 feet in length and about 90 feet in height. It is surrounded by 3 moats and the pit-shaft burial chamber has numerous objects placed in the chamber to assist in the transition to next life

____ was a possible model for Bernward's column because the narrative reads from top to bottom.

Trajan's Column

T or F: All art historians have a cultural bias


Which of the following was among the innovative ideas of the Upanishads?

belief in endless round of rebirths

What imperishable material symbolized timelessness for Ancient Egypt?

blocks of stone

The journey down the river of life and death was symbolized by ________.


Which of the architectural elements below was used for the exterior supports on Romanesque buildings?


What was the lifestyle of the Stone Age peoples?


As Christianity's appeal grew, the Roman State feared a weakening of its ________.

imperial authority

The Vishnu Temple at Deogarh has guardians and mithuna protecting the doorway. Why is this done?

it is a transition point between the dangerous outside and the sacred interior

Hammurabi is most famous for his ________.

law code

Among the Igbo-Ukwu, facial striping represents which of the following?

marks of titled status

The Stepped Pyramid of Djoser began as a ________.


Laon Cathedral retains many of its Romanesque features. Which of the following is one such feature?

sexpartite rib vaults

In the Christian catacombs, cubicula served as ________.

mortuary chapels

The synagogue at Dura-Europas has an extensive cycle of ________.

mural paintings

Bonampak is famous for which of the following?


A gorget is which of the following?

neck pendant

In accordance with Roman custom, Christians had to be buried ________.

outside the city's walls

To date, what has not been discovered in the Indus Valley?

palace or temple architecture

Which of the following was the unifying characteristic of the regional dynasties of South Asia in the third through first centuries BCE

patronage of Buddhism

Diocletian ordered a fresh round of ________ in 303 to 305 CE because of his concern about the popularity of Christianity.


Paracas textiles are considered masterpieces in Andean art. A recurring motif is flying or floating figures; current scholarship has interpreted these figures as which of the following?

religious practitioners

During the Tang period which of the following was on equal footing with figural composition and landscape?

representing horses

What replaced the Old Kingdom mastabas in the Middle Kingdom?

rock-cut tombs

Which of the following became a standard feature of French Gothic architecture?

rose window

The colossal heads found at San Lorenzo and Tres Zapotes are now thought to represent ________


Ile-Ife figures focused mainly on which of the following?

sacred kingship

The early pyramid found at La Venta represented which of the following?

sacred mountain

Which of the following were found in the four corners in each of the tiers of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán?

sacrificed children

Which of the following describes an export item the Portuguese would have commissioned?


Scars intentionally created to form patterns on the flesh are called:


Giotto's most telling contribution to representational art was ________.

sculptural solidity

In Benin iconography, which of the following is the seat of kingly will and power?

the kings head

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