Art History Test Part 1
What is the date of the Lydenburg heads, as determined by radiocarbon testing?
500 CE
What feature, visible on Laon Cathedral, became standard on French Gothic facades?
A rose window
The presence of Portuguese heads on the Benin waist pendant of the queen mother indicates which of the following?
An active diplomatic trade relationship
Recently, many Nok style works have left Nigeria through which of the following?
An illegal market
What brought an end to the production of terracotta figures that had been ongoing at Djenne in the years between 1100 and 1500?
Arrival of Islam
What objects from an Igbo-Ukwu tomb seem to have been used as a form of currency?
In the Gothic period, what were the primary centers of intellectual and religious life?
Which two animal figures appear on the soapstone monolith of Great Zimbabwe?
Crocodile and bird
Which artwork did a catastrophic fire destroy in 1949?
Decorated interior walls of the Golden Hall, Horyuji
The Great Zimbabwe enclosure is unusual in being made of which material?
Dry stone
Which prestige object was excavated from a tomb in the Igbo-Ukwu area?
Elephant tusk
Which monastic orders are known as the mendicant orders, those committed to vows of poverty and austerity?
Franciscans and Dominicans
Who of the following coined the term Gothic?
Giorgio Vasari
The seated copper figure found at Tada is most stylistically similar to the sculptures of which group?
Where do Yoruba legends place the group's origins?
The earliest African sculpture in the round was produced by which group?
Which of the following is true of the Bayeux Tapestry?
It depicts an actual event shortly after it occurred
What objects did Sapi artists create for export during the 16th century?
Ivory statuettes
Which of the following is a characteristic of the Nok style in ceramic sculpture?
Large eyes and heads
The fly-whisk hilt from Igbo-Ukwu is cast by which of the following means?
Lost wax
Large groups of ceramic sculpture dating between 1100 and 1500 CE have been excavated from an inland delta area in which modern country?
The inland floodplain of the Niger River has been likened to which of the following?
In which group are women the principal creators of ceramics and clay sculpture?
The rock art of Tassili n'Ajjer can be said to depict which of the following?
People and supernatural beings
During the Yayoi period, when villages grew in size and developed fortifications, people continued to live in which structures?
Pit dwellings
Which of the following European peoples established contact with the kingdom of Benin in the 1470s?
The round center image of a rose window is referred to by which term?
Which of the following has been proposed as the identity of the giant Olmec heads?
The Ife figures from the Yoruba kingdom were used mainly in which rituals?
Sacred kingship
Which church possesses the essential characteristics of English Gothic architecture?
Salisbury Cathedral
Which artist was instrumental in creating the International Gothic style?
Simone Martini
The intense color and elegance of the Psalter of Saint Louis is thought to imitate what medium?
Stained glass
Which of the following best describe the composition of the Benin brass plaque?
Symmetrical, hierarchical
Who are considered the regional ancestors of the Shona-speaking people?
The people of Great Zimbabwe
What important finds have been uncovered by recent archaeological work in West Mexico?
Tiered platforms and ball courts
Which of the following possessions would suggest the user holds a position of leadership?
Which of the following is an example of Late Gothic court style?
Virgin of Paris
What were the construction materials used to build the Great Mosque at Djenne?
Wood and adobe
Which class of artworks survives from the densely wooded areas of central Africa?
Zimbabwe monoliths