AS 100 Spring Final Review 2021

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B. policy and violence.

War is a combination of: A. good and evil. B. policy and violence. C. power and authority. D. will and determination.

B. Irregular

This form of warfare focuses on affecting peoples' behaviors, and relationships? A. Traditional B. Irregular

A. Traditional

This form of warfare typically involves force-on-force military operation? A. Traditional B. Irregular

A. He increased funding for the development and delivery system for the "hydrogen bomb."

. In August 1949, the possibility of a nuclear exchange between the US and the Soviet Union became a reality when the Soviets detonated their first atomic weapon. Which of the following BEST captures President Truman's response to this new development? A. He increased funding for the development and delivery system for the "hydrogen bomb." B. He increased ISR "overflight" observation of the Soviet Union. C. He authorized the development of the SR-71 "Blackbird." D. He authorized development of "nuclear submarines."

C. The F-86 outperforms the MiG-15 with a kill ratio better than 10 to 1

. U.S. air superiority in "MiG Alley" during the Korean was significant and led to a real psychological advantage for US pilots. Which of the following BEST describes the aircraft and resultant outcome of this advantage? A. The F-80 outperforms the MiG-15 with a kill ratio near 10 to 1 B. The MiG-15 outperforms the F-80 with a kill ratio near 10 to 1 C. The F-86 outperforms the MiG-15 with a kill ratio better than 10 to 1 D. The MiG - 15 outperforms the F-86 with a kill ratio better than 10 to 1

What was the name of the B-52 strikes, utilizing conventional bomb loads against enemy troop concentrations and supply areas in South Vietnam? A. Arc Light B. Arc Strike C. Shock and Awe D. Precision Strike

A. Arc Light

B. Policy

According to Clausewitz, there are three factors that dominate war. Which of the following is NOT one of Clausewitz' factors? A. Fog B. Policy C. Chance D. Friction

D. The value of stealth technology combined with precision-guided munitions

Airpower coupled with technology has proven evolutionary and resulted in significant contributions through all theaters of modern armed conflict. During the Gulf War, this coupled form of airpower use is BEST exemplified by which of the following? A. The immediate and unconditional surrender from Saddam Hussein B. The moderate losses of Iraqi aircraft and hardened aircraft shelters C. The ultimate defeat of Iraqi military forces and liberation of Kuwait D. The value of stealth technology combined with precision-guided munitions

B. Attacking the heart of the enemy's homeland in an attempt to destroy the enemy's war-making capacity, infrastructure, and willingness to fight.

As airpower use evolved Strategic Bombing became an integral part of its employment. Which of the following BEST defines Strategic Bombing? A. Support of friendly ground troops by attacking nearby enemy targets (tanks, troops, etc.). B. Attacking the heart of the enemy's homeland in an attempt to destroy the enemy's war-making capacity, infrastructure, and willingness to fight. C. Striking enemy resources in the vicinity of the battle area in order to delay, disrupt, divert or destroy enemy military potential before it can be used against friendly forces. D. Shooting down the enemy's aircraft in air-to-air combat, gaining supremacy in the air. This is done primarily to deny enemy observation of ground force movements and serves in a limited capacity as bomber protection.

Which form of warfare favors asymmetric approaches? A. Traditional B. Irregular

B. Irregular

C. Interdiction of supply lines to North Korea and close air support to the Army during North Korean and Chinese invasions.

During the Korean conflict, air superiority was established by allied aircraft. This allowed which of the following missions to be routinely accomplished? A. Strategic bombing of China and its industrial complexes. B. Tactical bombing of China and its industrial complexes. C. Interdiction of supply lines to North Korea and close air support to the Army during North Korean and Chinese invasions. D. Interdiction of supply lines to South Korea and close air support to the Army during South Korean and Chinese invasions.

A. Forced North Vietnam back to the peace negotiations in Paris

During the conflict in Vietnam the results of the bombing campaign known as Linebacker II became clearly evident. Which of the following BEST captures the results of this bombing campaign? A. Forced North Vietnam back to the peace negotiations in Paris B. Allowed for a continued U.S. increase of troop strength in South Vietnam C. The Peace talks in Paris, 1968 effectively set the stage for the end of the war D. Peace Accords signed 27 Jan 73 called for China to stop support to North Vietnam

C. Nuclear deterrence

Following the conflict in Korea, which of the following key components was added to strategic attack planning? A. Theater attack B. Stealth technology C. Nuclear deterrence D. Information superiority

A. a clash of opposing wills.

One of the three enduring truths concerning the fundamental nature of war is that it is: A. a clash of opposing wills. B. to achieve airpower objectives. C. an instrument of military policy. D. normally fought within different mediums such as air, land, sea, and space.

A. an instrument of national policy.

One of the three enduring truths concerning the fundamental nature of war is that it is: A. an instrument of national policy. B. a clash involving a predictable enemy. C. necessary to kill as many enemy soldiers as possible. D. normally fought within different mediums such as air, land, sea, and space.

C. a complex and chaotic human endeavor.

One of the three enduring truths concerning the fundamental nature of war is that it is: A. to achieve airpower objectives. B. an instrument of military policy. C. a complex and chaotic human endeavor. D. normally fought within different mediums such as air, land, sea, and space.

A. Minuteman

Strategic Air Command (SAC) evolved into the command responsible for maintaining retaliatory strike capabilities. Which missile became the mainstay of SAC's missile retaliatory force? A. Minuteman B. Jupiter C. Titan D. Atlas

A. describes the proper employment of specific Air Force assets/weapon systems.

The BEST description of Tactical doctrine is that it: A. describes the proper employment of specific Air Force assets/weapon systems. B. states the most fundamental and enduring beliefs that describe and guide the proper use of air and space forces. C. guides the proper employment of specific Air Force assets.

A. states the most fundamental and enduring beliefs that describe and guide the proper use of air and space forces.

The BEST description of basic doctrine is that it: A. states the most fundamental and enduring beliefs that describe and guide the proper use of air and space forces. B. describes the proper employment of specific weapon systems individually, or in concert with other weapon systems to accomplish detailed objectives. C. guides the proper employment of air and space forces in the context of distinct objectives, force capabilities, broad functional areas, and operational environments.

A. False

The Principles of War may be used as a checklist to guarantee victory. A. False B. True

B. Jet fighter use

The conflict in Korea saw both sides utilizing evolutionary airpower. Which of the following was a "first" for both sides in the skies over Korea? A. Airlift aircraft use B. Jet fighter use C. Close air support D. Air-to-Air combat by pursuit aircraft

C. Command and Control

The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission best defines which Air Force Operation? A. Air Superiority B. Nuclear Operations C. Command and Control D. Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

B. provide global air mobility ... right effects, right place, right time.

The mission of Air Mobility Command is to: A. recruit, train and educate Airmen to deliver airpower for America. B. provide global air mobility ... right effects, right place, right time. C. conduct and support global special operations missions. D. equip the Air Force for World-Dominant Airpower.

C. the action required to place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power.

The principle of war known as "Maneuver" is differentiated from other principles by: A. the concentration of combat power at a decisive time and place. B. the need to act, rather than react and dictate the time, place, purpose, scope, intensity, and pace of operations. C. the action required to place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power. D. attacking the enemy at a time, place, or in a manner for which they are not prepared.

D. Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)

The synchronization and integration of the planning and operation of sensors, assets, and processing, exploitation, and dissemination systems across the globe to conduct current and future operations best defines which Air Force Operation? A. Space B. Special C. Cyberspace D. Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)

D. Guidelines they can use to form and select courses of action and concepts of operation.

The tenets of airpower provide commanders with which of the following? A. A checklist of items for them to follow to achieve victory. B. A prevailing codification of war that always leads to military victory. C. Standards that guide political strategies overriding the military strategies used in war. D. Guidelines they can use to form and select courses of action and concepts of operation.

A. Maintains responsibility for the efficiency and operational readiness for the Air Force.

What is the function of the Air Force Chief of Staff (CSAF)? A. Maintains responsibility for the efficiency and operational readiness for the Air Force. B. Serves as the Air and Space Air Component Commander in times of military conflict C. Furnishes professional assistance to the secretary, undersecretary, and the assistant secretaries. D. Serves as the administrative head of the Air and Space Force, and handles fiscal spending and legal plans and programs.

D. Serves as personal adviser to the Air Force Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Air Force on all issues regarding the enlisted force.

What is the function of the CMSAF? A. Maintains responsibility for the efficiency and operational readiness of the Air and Space Forces B. Serves as the Air Force and Space Force Air Component Commander in times of military conflict C. Furnishes professional assistance to the secretary, undersecretary, and the assistant secretaries D. Serves as personal adviser to the Air Force Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Air Force on all issues regarding the enlisted force.

C. Conduct the administrative affairs of the Air Force and Space Force, to include fiscal spending, production, procurement, and legal plans and programs.

What is the function of the Secretary of the Air Force? A. Manage oversight of the Air Force and Space Force approving these operations in time of war. B. Ensure the efficiency and operational readiness of the Air Force and Space Force, to include war plans and programs. C. Conduct the administrative affairs of the Air Force and Space Force, to include fiscal spending, production, procurement, and legal plans and programs. D. management functions that cannot be delegated or decentralized elsewhere but are needed to set present and future designs and structures of the Air and Space Forces.

B. Air Superiority

Which Air Force Operation involves establishing the degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another, permitting operations by the former and its related land, sea, air, and special operations forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force? • A. Air Parity • B. Air Superiority • C. Air Supremacy • D. Air Interdiction

C. Berlin received support via airlift supported by strategic nuclear deterrence

Which of the following BEST captures the Western Allies response to the Soviet Union's blockade of supplies flowing into Berlin? A. Armor was used to break the blockade B. East German currency was accepted for use in West Germany C. Berlin received support via airlift supported by strategic nuclear deterrence D. Western Allies withdrew from Berlin, turning the entire city over to the Soviets

D. The Principles of War provide general guidance for the application of military forces, the Tenets of Airpower provide more specific considerations for the employment of airpower.

Which of the following BEST describes how the Tenets of Airpower complement the Principles of War? A. They provide the "checklist" for conducting war. B. You first perform the principles of war, then the tenets of airpower. C. The principles of war provide specific guidance for military forces, the tenets provide more general considerations for the employment of airpower. D. The Principles of War provide general guidance for the application of military forces, the Tenets of Airpower provide more specific considerations for the employment of airpower.

D. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)

Which of the following BEST represents the airpower employment skill set that has proven critical in its evolutionary nature and has been critical in synchronizing combat operations at all levels by speeding up the information-attack loop? A. Close air support B. Stealth technology C. Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) capability D. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)

B. Maintenance, Mission Support, Medical, and Operations Groups

Which of the following are the four groups comprising a "typical" Air Force Wing? A. Security, Medical Readiness, Air Field Management, and Family Services Groups B. Maintenance, Mission Support, Medical, and Operations Groups C. Logistics, Transportation, Medical, and Readiness Groups D. Supply, Personnel, Finance, and Medical Groups

C. War is an instrument of policy, War is a complex and chaotic human endeavor, War is a clash of opposing wills

Which of the following contains Clausewitz's three enduring truths describing the fundamental nature of war? A. War is honorable, War is a complex and chaotic human endeavor, War is a clash of opposing wills B. War is an instrument of policy, War is basic to humanity, War results in the collection of territory and treasure C. War is an instrument of policy, War is a complex and chaotic human endeavor, War is a clash of opposing wills D. War is an instrument of policy, War is a complex and chaotic human endeavor, War is a clash of similar beliefs

A. President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Air Force, Chief of Staff Air Force, Major Commands, Numbered Air Forces, Wings, Groups, Squadrons, Flights.

Which of the following correctly lists the USAF organizational structure from the President to Flight level? A. President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Air Force, Chief of Staff Air Force, Major Commands, Numbered Air Forces, Wings, Groups, Squadrons, Flights. B. President, Secretary of the Air Force, Secretary of Defense, Chief of Staff Air Force, Major Commands, Numbered Air Forces, Wings, Groups, Squadrons, Flights. C. President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Air Force, Chief of Staff Air Force, Major Commands, Wings, Groups, Numbered Air Forces, Squadrons, Flights.

B. Friction, Fog and Chance

Which of the following lists the three factors that dominate war Clausewitz? A. Fog, Policy and People B. Friction, Fog and Chance C. Chance, Policy and People D. Policy, Propaganda and Fog

D. Economy of Force

Which of the following principles of war calls for the rational use of force by selecting the best mix of air, space, and cyberspace capabilities? A. Surprise B. Security C. Simplicity D. Economy of Force

A. Objective

Which of the following principles of war in application, refers to unity of effort in purpose, space, and time. In a broad sense, this principle holds that political and military goals should be complementary and clearly articulated? A. Objective B. Maneuver C. Simplicity D. Unity of Command

C. Simplicity

Which of the following principles of war involves the elimination of unnecessary complexity in organizing, preparing, planning, and conducting military operations? A. Objective B. Maneuver C. Simplicity D. Unity of Command

A. Surprise

Which of the following principles of war is considered to be one of airpower's strongest advantages? A. Surprise B. Security C. Simplicity D. Economy of Force

B. Maneuver

Which of the following principles of war is not only a product of its speed and range, but also flows from its flexibility and versatility during the planning and execution of operations? A. Objective B. Maneuver C. Simplicity D. Unity of Command

B. Security

Which of the following principles of war is to never permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage? A. Surprise B. Security C. Simplicity D. Economy of Force

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