Assist Systems - Overview (X0012E-US.TTB)

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What can PRE-SAFE PLUS rear end collision protection do to enhance safety if a rear end collision occurs?

- not all of the above

Active Brake Assist is designed to assist the driver in which of the following situations? Potential rear end collisions All of the above Potential side impacts Potential front end collisions

- not potential rear end collisions

Which system warns drivers with steering-wheel vibrations if the vehicle drifts from its lane?

Active lane keeping assist

What happens when Mercedes-Benz PRE-SAFE® detects an imminent collision? The seats move to their upright positions The vehicle's windows roll up The seat belts tighten to secure the occupants All of the above

All of the above

What is the purpose of the cornering lights assist system? Draw more attention to the turn signal Better illuminate the road around tight corner or sharp turns All the above Proactively adjust the highbeams for oncoming traffic

Better illuminate the road around tight corner or sharp turns

What does pre-safe brake with pedestrian recognition use to detect potential collision hazards?

Both the stereo camera system and short range radar

Active Brake Assist with Cross traffic functions adds the ability to detect vehicles in what direction?

Crossing in front of the vehicles path

What is the term that encompasses all Mercedes Benz assist systems?

Intelligent drive

What do active blind spot assist and active lane keeping assist have in common?

all of the above

What does active distance assist distronic do for the driver?

regulates speed and applies brake autonomously

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