Astro Quiz 4
The currently accepted value for the age of the universe and Hubble's constant is _____ years and _____ km/sec/Mpc, respectively.
13.8 billion, 70
The temperature of the universe as the result of the cosmic microwave background radiation is:
Normal matter represents what percentage of the critical density of the universe?
If an element has an atomic mass of 80 and an atomic number of 35, how many neutrons does it have?
Immediately after the Big Bang, the initial composition of the universe consisted of ____ percent hydrogen and ___ percent helium, respectively
76, 24
The difference between dark energy and dark matter is:
Dark energy is a repulsive force used to explain the increasing inflation of the universe
Photons are packets of energy that are emitted when electrons move from a lower to higher energy state.
Visible light comprises more than one-fourth of the electromagnetic spectrum.
What best describes the shape of the universe.
The "Father" of the Big Bang was
Georges Lemaitre
Which of the four Fundamental Forces have an infinite range but weakens with distance?
Gravitaitonal Electromagnetic
A universe that is characterized by stars scattered randomly through space, infinite in size, static (not changing), and no shape was described by:
Which of the following is/are evidence supporting the Big Bang (check all that apply):
Olber's Paradox/ the Universe is predominatnly made of hydrogen/ the universe is expanding/ cosmic background radiatio
In the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the color associated with the longest wavelengths are:
What is the name of the force that binds neutrons and protons in the nucleus and is about 100 times stronger than then the electric repulsion between them?
Strong Force
During the first 50,000 years after the Big Bang (radiation era), radiation generated more gravity than dark matter.
The Cosmological Principle states that any observer in any galaxy will see the same general properties of the universe as every other observer and that there are no special positions in the universe.
Tiny "lumps" or differences in brightness in the cosmic microwave background are believed to be seeds of large-scale structures and galaxy formation.
The shells in which the electrons travel around the nucleus of the atom are called:
energy levels
What is produced when matter and antimatter collide?
gamma rays
The Grand Unified Theory states that
initally all four forces of nature were one
Hoyle formulated the Steady State Universe and believed that the universe (check all that apply)
is expanding matter is constantly being created
The Cosmological Principle assumes that the Universe is (check all that apply):
isotropic homogeneous
How long after the Big Bang did the first galaxies begin to form?
less than 1 B years
The decay of a neutron and an electron via the Weak Force emits a _____.
What characterized the universe during the first 400,000 years? Check all that apply.
opaque very hot smaller (compared to today) antimatter collided with matter
The nucleus of an atom consists of (choose all that apply):
protons neutorn
Protons and Neutrons are comprised of what elementary particles?
Which parts of the electromagnetic spectrum have the longest wavelengths?
radio waves
The point which is very small, very hot, and has all of its mass concentrated in a very small region of space is called a _____.
During the Inflationary Epoch:
small portion of the universe inflated outwardly in all directions at speeds exceeding the speed of light by a factor of 10^30 times
The fate of the universe will depend upon which of the following? Check all that apply.
the amount of visible mass and energy in the universe. Correct Answer amount of dark matter and dark energy in the universe
Edward Hubble discovered that
the galaxies farthest away are moving the fastest away
The reason the sound of an ambulance gets higher in pitch as it approaches you is because:
the length of the sound waves are becoming more compressed (shorter)