ATI neuro 1

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A nurse is teaching a client who received a prescription for interferon beta 1A for the treatment of multiple sclerosis which of the following information should the nurse include

Administer the drug in your thigh or upper arm interferon beta 1A is administered via the subcutaneous route therefore the nurse should instruct the client how to perform subcutaneous injections for self administration

A nurse is teaching a client who has a prescription for carbamazepine which of the following instruction should the nurse include to help the client avoid adverse affects of this drug

Begin taking the drug at a low dosage visual disturbances vertigo and ataxia can result from taking carbamazepine a drug that treats seizure disorders dosages should be low to minimize or prevent these adverse effects

A nurse is teaching a client who is about to begin sumatriptan therapy to treat migraine headaches the nurse should instruct the client to monitor for which of the following adverse effects

Chest pain sumatriptan a serotonin agonist can cause coronary vasospasm and chest pain client to report any pressure pain or tightness in the jaw chest or back sumatriptan is not an appropriate choice for clients who have a history of coronary artery disease

A nurse is caring for a client who is taking a new prescription for pramipexole to treat Parkinson's disease the nurse should recognize that which of the following laboratory results require monitoring

Creatinine clearance pramipexole a direct acting dopamine receptor agonist should be used with caution for clients who have renal disease therefore the nurse should monitor the client renal function

A nurse is caring for a client has a new prescription for dantrolene to treat skeletal muscle spasms the nurse should instruct the client to report which of the following adverse effects

Diarrhea prolong diarrhea can cause dehydration and other serious effects diarrhea nausea and vomiting or adverse effects of dantrolene the client to report these effects of the nurse can monitor fluid balance and interbeing accordingly

A nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for valproic acid to treat a seizure disorder the nurse should instruct the client to monitor for which of the following adverse effects

Drowsiness clients taking valproic acid should report CNS depressant effects such as sedation or drowsiness because these adverse effects can indicate the need for a reduction in dose Headache valproic acid can cause headache along with other CNS adverse affects such a sleep disturbances Rash is correct skin rash is an adverse effect of valproic acid and other antiepileptic drugs

A nurse is teaching a client who has a new diagnosis of Parkinson's disease about how to take levodopa carbidopa can control symptoms the nurse should identify that the drug has which of the following form a logical effects

It increases the available dopamine in the brain

A nurse is providing teaching for a client who has a new prescription for valproic acid to treat seizure disorder the nurse should instruct the client to monitor for which of the following adverse reactions

Jaundice valproic acid can cause hepatic toxicity characterized by jaundice abdominal pain and nausea clients taking the drug to report these manifestations and the nurse should monitor liver function studies prior to treatment and periodically during therapy

A nurse is caring for a client who has a new prescription for dantrolene to treat skeletal muscle spasms the nurse should identify that which of the following laboratory test require monitoring

Liver function liver toxicity is a serious adverse effect of Dan trolling the nurse should monitor the clients liver function prior to treatment and an at regular intervals and advise the client report jaundice or abdominal pain

A nurse is caring for a client who has been taking Selegiline to treat Parkinson's disease the provider is considering the use of analgesics for the client but should be aware that the drug interaction between Selegiline and meperidine can result in which of the following

Muscle rigidity a drug interaction between Selegiline and opioids especially meperidine can result in rigidity stupor agitation hypertension and fever

A nurse is teaching a client about interferon beta 1A which of the following instruction should the nurse give to help the client avoid the adverse effects of this drug

Premedicate with acetaminophen interferon beta drugs can cause fever chills headaches and muscle aches acetaminophen can help minimize the symptoms

A nurse is preparing to administer sumatriptan to a client for the first time the nurse should instruct the client the sumatriptan is indicated for which of the following conditions

Presence of a migraine headache sumatriptan is used in the treatment of migraine headaches

A nurse is teaching a client who has a prescription for Moda fennel to treat narcolepsy which of the following instructions Should the nurse include

Take the drug in the morning motive fennel is a non-amphetamine stimulant taking it in the morning helps andImprove wakefulness for clients who have narcolepsy clients taking the drug for shiftwork sleepiness should take it one hour before work

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