Atmosphere 2.1 and 2.2

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

What is air pressure?

"Force of air molecules pushing on an area."

How are global winds and local winds different?

"Global winds flow over longer distances and are affected by the Coriolis effect."

How does the polar jet stream influence weather in North America?

"In summers, it pulls up warm air toward north. In winters, it pulls down cold airs toward south."

Describe jet streams.

"Jet streams are fast moving winds that flow in the upper troposphere from west to east."

Explain how an area of low pressure forms.

"Strongly heated surface heats the air, causing them to rise. As warm air rises, an area of low pressure forms."

Why don't global winds flow directly from the poles to the equator?

"The Coriolis effect"

When you blow air into a balloon, its volume increases. Why does the volume increase?

"The air pressure inside increases as you blow air into the balloon."

What happens to a helium balloon as it rises through the atmosphere?

"The balloon will expand."

What would happen to a balloon if the air pressure outside suddenly increases?

"The balloon will shrink."

What factor determines the strength of wind?

"The difference in air pressure between two areas."

How does the number of air molecules relate to air pressure?

"The greater the number of air molecules, the greater the air pressure exert by them."

What causes global winds?

"Uneven heating between the equator and the poles"

What causes wind?

"Uneven heating of Earth's surface causes differences in air pressure."

Explain why we don't feel the air pressure around us.

"We don't feel the air pressure because the air exerts pressure in all directions."

What causes air to move from one location to another?

"Difference in air pressure"

Why does air pressure decrease with altitude?

"Air molecules are more densely packed near the surface. There are fewer and fewer air molecules with increasing altitude."

Why does air exert pressure in all directions?

"Air molecules randomly move in all directions."

How does air pressure change as you move higher in the atmosphere?

"Air pressure decreases with increasing altitude."

What causes air pressure?

"Air pressure is caused by the movement of air molecules."

Wind blows from south toward north. Describe the relative pressure near south and north.

"An area of high pressure exists in the south and an area of low pressure exists in the north."

How are global winds and local winds similar?

"Both winds are caused by the uneven heating of Earth's surface."

Explain how an area of high pressure forms.

"Cooler surface cools the air, causing them to sink. As cool air sinks, an area of high pressure forms."

What is the relationship between air pressure and density of air?

"Denser air exerts greater pressure."

How does the density of air change with altitude?

"Density of air decreases as you move higher in the atmosphere."

What causes Coriolis effect?

"Earth's rotation"

According to a barometer in your bedroom, the pressure inside is lower than the pressure outside the house. Describe the movement of air if you were to open a window.

"When you open the window, the air will rush in from outside to the bedroom."

Describe the movement of wind.

"Wind blows from an area of high pressure toward an area of low pressure."

What is wind?

"Wind is air that moves horizontally, or parallel to the ground."

In what direction does wind move?

"Wind moves from areas of high pressure toward areas of low pressure."

Instrument that measure air pressure is called...


In which direction do winds curve in the Southern Hemisphere?

"to the left"

In which direction do winds curve in the Northern Hemisphere?

"to the right"

Air always move from _______ to ______.

Air moves from areas of high pressure toward areas of low pressure.

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